
Age of the AI Divorce: What Artificial Intelligence Can and Can’t Do

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere and being discussed by everyone it seems. But, what is AI? By definition, it is a field of computer science that is focusing on creating intelligence systems; AI is making computers capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence. We have been using computers for decades, but the introduction of AI […]


I Cheated – My Marriage is Over – Now What?

How does cheating affect a divorce? It’s a question we get asked often, as it’s a situation that unfortunately happens quite frequently. We have a lot of literature on this site on this topic already but this article will specifically focus on what happens to the partner who has actually engaged in the extra marital […]


Keeping Assets Separate in Marriage (and Divorce): A Quick Guide

For a variety of reasons, some people have a desire to keep their own assets and funds separate when entering a marriage.  They do not want to co-mingle their separate property and assets. Frequently, folks are interested in keeping gifts and inheritances separate, and with good reason. Some parties might be interested in separately maintaining […]


Transgender and Non-Binary Child Custody – What Parents Need to Know

The issues surrounding minors who are exploring gender transition and relabeling their identity are numerous when it comes to custody. Often these discussions involve political and religious arguments, and there are ever-evolving public policy concerns despite seemingly little thought given to the actual interests of the children in question. The purpose of this article is […]


Frau kollidiert auf Landstraße mit mysteriösem Gegenstand

Dieser Unfall ist mehr als mysteriös: In Lengenbostel ist eine Autofahrerin mit einem Gegenstand kollidiert, den die Polizei bisher nicht identifizieren konnte. Die Beamten bitten nun um Hilfe aus der Bevölkerung.


Ein Mann aus dem linken Spektrum soll 2016 eine Polizistin in der Rigaer Straße angepupst haben. Der Gruppenleiter der Einheit zeigte ihn an. Die heiße Luft wurde nun vor Gericht verhandelt

Viel Wirbel um ein wenig Darmwind. Christopher S. stand am Dienstag vor Gericht. Der offizielle Vorwurf: „Beleidigung und Ehrverletzung einer Beamtin durch Flatulenz“. Was war passiert?


Hanfshops blühen auf: "Der Zeitgeist ist einfach Marihuana"

Das Geschäft mit Hanfstecklingen wächst rasant. Jeder vierte Kunde in Growshops ist älter als 60 Jahre. In Österreich ist der Anbau von Hanfpflanzen gesetzlich verboten, soweit er der Suchtmittelgewinnung dient. Dennoch wächst das Geschäft mit Stecklingen kontinuierlich an. Rund 70 bis 80 Grow- und Headshops verkaufen österreichweit Hanfstecklinge, Cannabisprodukte und Anbauzubehör. Genaue Zahlen liegen der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich nicht vor. Die Geschäfte unterliegen nämlich keiner einzelnen Handelssparte, sondern sind unter anderem als Lebensmittel- und Textilhandel oder Floristen gemeldet.


Die Kulturgeschichte spektakulärer Klos

Das „stille Örtchen“ stillt eines der dringendsten Bedürfnisse der Menschheit. Wie sich Toiletten entwickelt haben, erzählt der Historiker und Autor Arnaud Goumand in einem neuen Buch: von der römischen Gemeinschaftstoilette, in der wohl das Latrinengerücht seinen Ursprung nahm, über den Leibstuhl, auf dem Ludwig XIII. sogar öffentlich thronte, bis zum Hightech-Pissoir, an dem angeblich auch große Geschäfte angebahnt werden.


Hanfplantagen: Haftstrafen für Pensionisten-Trio

Am Salzburger Landesgericht wurden am Montag drei Pensionisten und eine 48-jährige Frau wegen der Herstellung und des Verkaufs von Suchtgift verurteilt. Sie sollen zwei Hanfplantagen betrieben haben. Die zwei Hauptangeklagten bekamen je dreieinhalb Jahre Haft, ein dritter ein Jahr.


Cannabis-Indoor-Plantagen ausgehoben

Eine serbisch-bosnische Tätergruppe soll zwei Cannabis-Indoor-Plantagen in den Bezirken Gänserndorf und Baden mit mehr als 1.400 Cannabispflanzen betrieben haben. Die Polizei konnte zwölf Personen als mutmaßliche Betreiber ausforschen.


Das grosse Geschäft

Immobilienspekulation als Kunstaktion: Der Künstler "donhofer." versteigerte am Dienstag vor der Wiener Signa-Zentrale 54 Kloschüsseln.Am Dienstag, den 23. Jänner versteigerte "donhofer." Toilettenmuscheln vor der Signa-Zentrale auf der Freyung. Insgesamt 54 "Heisln" standen zur Auswahl, allesamt benannt nach Bauten und Subunternehmen der Signa Holding: vom "Galeria Heisl" übers "Elb Heisl" bis zum "Traum Heisl". "Das große Geschäft" heißt die Aktion, die anhand der im Dialekt auffallenden Begriffsähnlichkeit "Heisl" und "Haus" die Immobilienspekulationen des Konzerns aufs Korn nimmt.


Video: This is Art #MadeInUSA #PaddleCraftsmanship #HandcraftedGear #AmericanMade #Watersport #PaddleStrong

New video by PeteNewport: This is Art #MadeInUSA #PaddleCraftsmanship #HandcraftedGear #AmericanMade #Watersport #PaddleStrong


Build Your Self-Esteem By Conquering Challenges

Do you feel as though you're in a rut? Does nothing feel engaging or entertaining? When you want to make sure you're still in the right direction and you don't want to settle for a mundane life, you'll discover that you need to start challenging yourself. When you take on a challenge head first, you're forcing yourself to grow. When your self-esteem needs a boost, challenging yourself can help you see yourself in a new light.


I Graduated from College 30 Years Ago Today

I dreaded graduating college. After a rough start where I got a 1.0 GPA and landed on academic probation, I straightened things out. It took five years and one summer session (a Spanish class in a room with no A/C in the hot Maryland summer), but I finished what I started on May 20, 1993. […]

The post I Graduated from College 30 Years Ago Today appeared first on Shawn Collins' Blog.


Get Free Music From Amazon

Amazon is now giving away free music downloads on their site. I'm not sure why they are doing this, but they are. As of now they have about 200 songs of all genres on the site to download. They are supposed to update the list every 6 hours, so keep checking back for more music.



Google getting Hacked?!!

It's 5:50 CST and I cant get to google. It says " cannot be found"

Is Google getting hacked, or are they just messing with their servers. We'll see.

Updates to come


Its back online. I wonder why it did that.



Systm Widget

Hi All! I just got through making a widget that counts down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the release of Systm. This is a Konfabulator only widget.

*Note: The image below will not update as it is a screenshot. The real widget updates every second.

What is a widget? Its a small program usualy written in HTML and Javascript that is designed to do a simple task such as display the weather, a calender, to-do lists, clocks, etc. In order to work they need to be run in a program like Konfabulator or Dashboard.

You can now download the widget here. Its set up on the Konfabulator widget gallery.

ou'll need to download Konfabulator to run it. I'm going to make a Dashboard version soon for all you Tiger users out there.

This is my 1st attempt at a widget, so any feedback will be most welcome.


Get Music Recommendations

Do you find it hard to find new music artists to fit your taste? Well, now you can let Pandora do the searching for you. Just type in your favorite band or song and let Pandora tell you other artists that are similar. It uses its Music Genome Project Database of more than 10,000 artists. It even plays full length songs for you, not those little 30 sec clips.

This service is similar to Yahoo's Launchcast, however instead of one big radio station, you make separate playlists based on different generes, or tastes. Also Pandora works in Firefox, Launchcast does not.

Dr_Worm_Md: Lanchcast has met its match...

Happy Listening


India's celebrity top judge: An icon or a pushover?

Justice DY Chandrachud retired as India’s chief justice on Sunday. Many are debating his legacy.


Watch: Moment road worker dodges high-speed truck crash

Footage shows a truck crash and almost hit a highway worker on the side of an Interstate in New York.


Going solo after leaving one of the UK's biggest podcasts

Milena Sanchez quit The Receipts last year, one of the UK's biggest podcasts, after a co-host rift.


Grammy nominations 2025: Who's up for the biggest prizes?

See the list of nominees for the 67th Grammy Awards, which will take place in February 2025.


'A disabled South Park character from 24 years ago is getting me harassed today'

I have felt the shadow of Timmy since childhood - but never imagined the name would be hurled at me by strangers in my 30s.


Frank Auerbach, artist who fled the Nazis as a child, dies aged 93

Auerbach died peacefully at his home in London on Monday morning, his representatives confirmed.


Return of the Jedi rating changed over violence

The film is upgraded from a U to a PG rating by the BBFC because of "the intensity of its violence".


(Senior) Mediengestalter (m/w/d) Handelswerbung

media:personal DE ist als Unternehmen auf die TV, Medien- und Kommunikationsbranche fokussiert. Hierbei arbeiten wir mit national und international tätigen Unternehmen, Agenturen, TV/Radio-Sendern, Verlagen sowie Produktionsunternehmen zusammen. Unser Kunde ist ein erfolgreiches Medienunternehmen (mit eigener Produktion) mit dem Schwerpunkt Handelswerbung im Bereich LEH (Prospekte Supermärkte). Das Unternehmen bietet bei dieser Position auch ein attraktives Home-Office Modell an. >>> Profil &… | media:personal DE // Personalmanagement Andreas Burg – Essen


Filmgeschäftsführung / Finanzbuchhaltung (m/w/d)

Coproduction Office/Essential Filmproduktion GmbH ist ein internationale Firma (Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Dänemark), die mutige und preisgekrönte Filme produziert und vertreibt. Produzent und Gründer Philippe Bober hat bis heute zweiunddreißig Filme von innovativen Regisseuren wie Roy Andersson, Jessica Hausner, Ruben Östlund, Carlos Reygadas uvm. produziert. Zu den zahlreichen gewonnen Preisen gehören u.a. die Goldene Palme 2022 für Ruben Östlunds TRIANGLE OF SADNESS oder der Goldene Löwe… | Coproduction Office – Berlin


Junior / Trainee Marketing & Artist Management (m/w/d)

Nach deinem Studium möchtest du hochmotiviert in den Berufsalltag starten und deine Leidenschaft für klassische sowie digitale Medien in einem aufstrebenden, modernen Umfeld einbringen? Mit einem Gespür für aktuelle Trends und deiner Hands-on-Mentalität unterstützt du uns als Junior / Trainee im Marketing & Artist Management (m/w/d) in unserer Agentur im Herzen Düsseldorfs. Arbeitszeit: Vollzeit Vertragsdauer: 12 Monate mit anschließender Übernahme (unbefristet) Ort: Düsseldorf Start: nach Vereinbarung… | 25ᵗʰ Management – Düsseldorf


Mediengestalter (m/w/d)

Du hast ein Auge für’s Detail? Du liebst die Magie des Drucks, deine Ideen zu verwirklichen und im Team kreative Prozesse weiter zu entwickeln? Dann passt du perfekt zu uns! ARTEBENE ist eine international erfolgreiche Marke für feinste Papeterie und Lifestyle-Produkte. Angefangen mit hochwertigen Geschenkverpackungen wie Kartonagen und Präsenttaschen in Premiumqualität entwickelte sich die Marke zu einer Lifestyle-Brand mit einzigartiger Design-Handschrift. Herzstück von ARTEBENE ist das eigene Design… | Artebene design – Lüdinghausen


Mediengestalter, Webdesigner, Grafikdesigner (Teilzeit)

Wir suchen Dich als Verstärkung für unser Team vor Ort in Bielefeld! Zu sofort und gerne in Teilzeit (unbefristet)! Selbstverständlich kannst Du nach entsprechender Einarbeitung auch ein bis zwei Tage in der Woche im Homeoffice arbeiten. Was wir von Dir als Mediendesigner*in / Webdesigner*in (m/w/d) erwarten: - Studium oder eine vergleichbare Ausbildung zum/zur Mediendesigner*in / Webdesigner*in / Grafiker*in (m/w/d) - Versierter Umgang mit der Adobe Creative Suite - Umfangreiche Erfahrung und sicherer… | screen concept – runge – Bielefeld


Starmer pledges help to get boy back to Belfast from Lebanon

Catherine Flanagan is trying to get her son David back after he was taken by his father and family.


GT Medical Technologies Announces Data Demonstrating Positive Local Control and Safety Outcomes with GammaTile Therapy for Large Brain Metastases


Prevention and Management of Dermatologic Adverse Events Associated With Tumor Treating Fields in Patients With Glioblastoma


Glioblastoma Utilizes Fatty Acids and Ketone Bodies for Growth Allowing Progression during Ketogenic Diet Therapy


Medexus gets Health Canada nod to market tumor imaging material Gleolan for neurosurgery


2nd Annual Brain Tumor TOGETHER and ACTION Day


Images & Image Links

Let's start w/a basic image tag: <IMG SRC="image.gif" ALT="text" WIDTH="specified in pixels" HEIGHT="ditto">.

Now, let's break down these attributes, one by one.

SRC-This is the source/url of your image file.

ALT-This is text that will be seen when you mouse over the image. Also, if some of your viewers have a TEXT ONLY Browser, they'll be able to see the text you wrote. So, it's probably a good idea to be somewhat descriptive.

WIDTH/HEIGHT (specified in pixels)-By specifying the width & height of your image, the browser makes it load faster, which makes, happy visitors! If you don't know the pixel width & height of your image, you can find out by using an Image Editor/Maker. For the sake of explanation, I'll use Photoshop. Click on the Image menu, then click Image Size. When the Image Size dialog box comes up, DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING! Just take note of the height & width, write them down if you need to.

Now, let's make Image Links

To begin, we need a basic link. If you dont know how to make a link, please refer to the links tutorial. Now here's our link: <A HREF="page.html"></A>.

Instead of putting text between the <A></A> tags like we would normally do, we put an image tag. If you'd like, you can refer back to that tutorial.

Here's how it'll look:
<A HREF="page.html"><IMG SRC="image.gif" WIDTH="specifiedinpixels" HEIGHT="ditto" ALT="description" BORDER="0"></A>

That's It, I hope this has been helpful!


No Blogger Button

One of my pet peaves about "new blogger" is the
lack of an updated, compatible blogger button. Well,
I think I've found a solution that works for me.

Did you know that when you click "New Post" & go
to the "New Post" page that the url of this page is
static, instead of dynamic? In other words, it never

Included in this "New Post" url is your unique blog id #.
For Example, my blog id # is 8755143929966545114. The
url is with a blog
id # appended to it.

For Example, mine would look like this:
This link with your own blog id will always work.
If you're not already signed in, it'll have you sign in,
but afterwards it'll still take you directly to your blog's
"New Post" page. Nifty, Huh!


Mal Unplugged

My Sister's Video on Flickr
Her comments: "This is me playing my red strat.
I am playing the song called "I Dreamed There
Was No War" written by the Eagles.

This isn't great or what I would consider good...
I was just trying to figure out how to do a video
on my Mac.

Unfortunately, this only will play 90 seconds worth.
Oh well.

Let me know what you think..."


DAQ Software offers 4 triggers for data logging.

Windmill v6 modular data acquisition and control software suite collects data from sensors and equipment such as thermocouples, pressure transducers, flow meters, USB and Modbus devices. It runs under Windows 98 and later, and all programs are ready-to-run with no programming required. Software provides 4 choices of how to trigger data logging: when equipment sends new data, when readings cross alarm threshold, on pressing space bar on keyboard, or upon pressing software Start button.


More than 17,000 copies of DAQ package have been given away

More than 25,000 individuals are now receiving Monitor, the free e-mail newsletter for PC-based data acquisition and control published by Manchester-based Windmill Software Ltd. Engineers and anyone else interested in reading Monitor can subscribe for free at


Explanation of a Flash chip’s storage management routine

Hats off to Louis Gerbarg on his excellent write-up of how a Flash chip manages reads, writes, and most interestingly – deletes.  I have a relatively comprehensive understanding of how file systems work from classes back at CMU.  But back when I was taking those classes, Flash storage was basically non-existent in a file system [...]


Momentum builds in Australia for Armenian, Assyrian, Greek genocide motion

A multitude of Victorian community organisations and local constituents have expressed support for a proposed Motion to recognise the Genocide of Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks which is expected to be tabled in the Victorian Parliament later this month, Greek Herald reports.


Elections Don't Change Everything

Pope Francis meets Mar Awa III, Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, on Nov. 9, 2024. ( Vatican Media)Elections, such as the recent contest between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in the United States, often promote a strongly absolutist psychology about the consequences of selecting one leader over another: In one direction, to h


History Students Create Assyrian Exhibit for Cultural Heritage Museum in Iraq

Two University of Dayton students created a digital exhibit about notable 20th century Assyrian women this summer for the Syriac Heritage Museum in Iraq.


<strong>NEW BUDGET</strong>

The new budget has been overshadowed by the scandals with the two politicians who had to resign. I wonder what the former prime minister is thinking...

UPDATE 10/17/06:

It looks like the media is on a hunt for digging up more dirt, a.k.a "stories"...

I think it is a bit ironic that the new "head of the public service company revealed at a debate last night that she pays a nanny under the table."


Network Control Recognized in Gartner 2020 Market Guide for Telecom Expense Management Services

Once again Network Control is recognized as a key telecom expense management provider by Analyst firm Gartner in their 2020 Market Guide for Telecom Expense Management Services.


Network Control Announces Another Year of Record Telecom Expense Management Growth for 2021

Company achieves 20% growth with its most diverse new customer additions to date. The positive results are due to complex work and business climate, the need for proactive management of communication costs.


Network Control Recognized in 2021 Gartner® Market Guide for Telecom Expense Management Services

Telecom Expense Management company Network Control has been selected for the latest Gartner Market Guide for Telecom Expense Management Services.