
Study on countermeasures of Agriculture against Economic and Trade Frictions between China and USA [in Chinese]


Nutrition and economic development: Exploring Egypt's exceptionalism and the role of food subsidies [in Chinese]


2021 Global food policy report: Transforming food systems after COVID-19: Synopsis [in Chinese]



2022 Global food policy report: Climate change and food systems: Synopsis [in Chinese]



Global food policy report 2023: Rethinking food crisis responses: Synopsis [in Chinese]


Full Book [download]


2022 annual research and policy conference: Agricultural transformation and food security in Sudan [in Arabic]


Bulletin on food price dynamics, inflation and the food security situation in Sudan: November-December 2022 [in Arabic]



Political constraints and opportunities for agricultural investment in Sudan [in Arabic]

قدمة تستعرض هذه المذكرة المشهد السياسي المعاصر في السودان،وكيفية تأثيرهعلى جدوى الاستثماراتفي القطاع الزراعيالتي تشتد الحاجة إليها لتحقيق التحول الزراعي في البلاد. ت ركزالمذكرة بشكل خاص على سلاسل القيمة في قطاعي الثروة الحيوانية والبستنة فيولاية الخرطوم،وإدارة الموارد الطبيعية في ولايتي النيل الأزرق وجنوب كردفان. أهملت الحكومات المتعاقبة إلى حد كبير قطاع الزراعة على الرغم من أنه أكبر قطاع توظيف في السودان ويساهم بنحو 56في المئة من إجمالي الصادرات (بنك السودان المركزي، 2020).


Quarterly bulletin on food price dynamics, inflation, and the food security situation in Sudan: 2021Q1- 2022Q4 [in Arabic]

وجز :


Global food policy report 2023: Rethinking food crisis responses: Synopsis [in Arabic]

لقد واجه العالم الكثير من الازمات خلال عام 2022. واستمرت معاناة النظم الغذائية من تداعيات جائحة كوفيد-19 المطولة، والكوارث الطبيعية الكبرى، والاضطرابات المدنية، وحالة عدم الاستقرار السياسي، والاثار المتزايدة لتغير المناخ، وتفاقمت ازمة الغذاء والأسمدة العالمية نتيجة الحرب الروسية الأوكرانية والتضخم. أدى تزايد عدد الأزمات وتأثيرها المتصاعد، وارتفاع عدد الجياع والنازحين الى الحث على إعادة التفكير في طرق الاستجابة للأزمات الغذائية، مما خلق فرص حقيقية للتغيير.


Monitoring indicators of economic activity in Sudan amidst ongoing conflict using satellite data [in Arabic]

استمرت المواجهة في السودان بين القوات المسلحة السودانية وقوات الدعم السريع لعدة أشهر قبل أن تتصاعد إلى نزاع مسلح في 15 أبريل 2023. بالإضافة ة إلى جانب الكارثة الإنسانية، عطل النزاع العديد من الخدمات العامة مثل الكهرباء والمياه والخدمات الصحية والخدمات المصرفية، بينما تعطل أيضا الوصول إلى الأسواق، مما أدى إلى ندرة كبيرة في السلع والخدمات. وقد دمر الصراع البنية التحتية الرئيسية، وقيد التجارة المحلية والدولية وعطل أنشطة الإنتاج وسلاسل الموردين.


The architecture of the Sudanese agricultural sector and its contribution to the economy between 1990 and 2021 [in Arabic]

بنية القطاع الزراعي السوداني ومساهمته في الاقتصاد بين عامي 1990 و2021


The economy-wide impact of Sudan’s ongoing conflict: Implications on economic activity, agrifood system and poverty [in Arabic]

دخل النزاع المسلح بين القوات المسلحة السودانية وقوات الدعم السريع في السودان شهره السادس منذ اندلاعه في 15 أبريل 2023، دون أي مؤشرات على انتهائه قريبا. تسببت الحرب في كارثة إنسانية حادة، دمرت البنية التحتية الرئيسية، وقيدت أنشطة التجارة والإنتاج. علاوة على ذلك، أدى ذلك إلى تعطيل الوصول إلى المرافق العامة والخدمات المالية والأسواق، مما أدى إلى ندرة كبيرة في السلع والخدمات. في هذه الورقة، نستخدم إطار نمذجة مضاعف مصفوفة المحاسبة الاجتماعية لتقييم الآثار الاقتصادية على مستوى الاقتصاد لهذه الاضطرابات في النشاط الاقتصادي والموارد الإنتاجية وسبل العيش.


Armed conflict and business operations in Sudan: Survey evidence from agri-food processing firms [in Arabic]


Political and economic drivers of Sudan's armed conflict: Implications for the agri-food system [in Arabic]


The Gods of Guilt Michael Connelly.

Mickey Haller gets the text, "Call me ASAP - 187," and the California penal code for murder immediately gets his attention. Murder cases have the highest stakes and the biggest paydays, and they always mean Haller has to be at the top of his game. When Mickey learns that the victim was his own former client, a prostitute he thought he had rescued and put on the straight and narrow path, he knows he is on the hook for this one. He soon finds out that she was back in LA and back in the life. Far from saving her, Mickey may have been the one who put her in danger.


Return to Santa Flores A Classic Love Story Iris Johansen.

#1 New York Times bestselling author Iris Johansen offers readers a classic tale of a love that seems impossible-and a hunger that is undeniable. Jenny Cashman longs to escape the refined, rarified air of her exclusive Swiss education. At nineteen, she's desperate for independence-and to once again see the man she loves. So she sells her belongings, leaves Europe, and heads to Las Vegas. The sight of Steve Jason's newest palatial hotel and casino thrills Jenny-but not as much as the sight of the man himself. Steve came to her rescue after her father died, paying for her years of expensive schooling. Now, she must convince him that she's old enough to make her own decisions . . . including about her passion for him. Steve Jason is a powerful mogul, a man who came from nothing and made a name for himself in the industry before he was thirty years old. He takes great care to keep all emotional involvement with others to a bare minimum-with only one exception. Jenny has always been incredibly important to him. But how can he keep her safe when she seems oblivious to her own stunning beauty and the reactions she gets from other men? It will take all of Steve's resolve to protect her-especially from his own desires.


A hiss before dying : a Mrs. Murphy mystery / Rita Mae Brown & Sneaky Pie Brown ; illustrated by Michael Gellatly.

"Rita Mae Brown and her feline co-author Sneaky Pie Brown are back chasing mystery with their unique circle of Southern sleuths. And though the changing colors of fall are a beauty to behold, this year the scattered leaves hide a grim surprise. Autumn is in the air in the Blue Ridge Mountain community of Crozet, Virginia--and all the traditions of the changing seasons are under way. Mary Minor "Harry" Haristeen cleans her cupboards, her husband, Fair, prepares the horses for the shorter days ahead, and the clamorous barking of beagles signals the annual rabbit chase through the central Virginia hills. But the last thing the local beaglers and their hounds expect to flush out is a dead body. Disturbingly, it's the second corpse to turn up, after that of a missing truck driver too disfigured to identify. The deaths seem unrelated--until Harry picks up a trail of clues dating back to the state's post-Revolutionary past. The echoes of the Shot Heard Round the World pale in comparison to the dangerous shootout Harry narrowly escapes unscathed. Next time, it may be the killer who gets lucky. But not if Harry's furry friends Mrs. Murphy, Pewter, and Tucker can help it. Lending their sharp-nosed talents to the hunt, they'll help their mistress keep more lives from being lost--and right an injustice buried since the early days of America's independence. "As feline collaborators go, you couldn't ask for better than Sneaky Pie Brown."--The New York Times Book Review"-- Provided by publisher.


Canadian securities regulators issue warning about fraudulent investment solicitations involving crypto assets

Montréal –The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) warns the public about investment schemes involving fraudulent websites that solicit investments in foreign exchange (often referred to as “forex”), binary options and/or crypto assets.


CSA Investor Alert: Canadian securities regulators warn the public about impersonation scams

Montreal - The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) is warning the public to be vigilant for unsolicited communications that come from scammers posing as CSA staff or staff of CSA members.


Canadian securities regulators warn public about unregistered trading platform Nova Tech Ltd

Toronto – The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) is warning the public that Nova Tech Ltd (NovaTech), which operates the website www.novatechfx.com, is not registered with a securities regulator in any province or territory in Canada.


Investor Alert: Investors are not required to use claims management companies to communicate with the CSA, CIRO or OBSI

TORONTO – The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO), and the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI) remind investors that they all offer investors services related to claims or complaints free of charge.


Irrigation schemes in Ethiopia’s Awash River Basin: An examination of physical, knowledge, and governance infrastructures

Using a representative sample of irrigation schemes, the study documents the physical, knowledge, and governance infrastructures of irrigation schemes in Ethiopia’s most intensively used river basin, the Awash. The findings show that about 20 percent of the equipped area of irrigation schemes in the basin is not being irrigated, while the number of actual beneficiaries […] Source: IFPRI Ethiopia: Ethiopia Strategy Support Program


Do safety net programs reduce conflict risk? Evidence from a large-scale public works program in Ethiopia

Summary of the findings • We find that the PSNP did not significantly alter the risk of violent events. • However, it had a negative impact on demonstrations (protests and riots) as well as fatalities. • These effects are most pronounced during the period of 2014-18, coinciding with widespread protests in Amhara and Oromia, the […] Source: IFPRI Ethiopia: Ethiopia Strategy Support Program


Do social protection programs reduce conflict risk? Evidence from a large-scale safety net program in rural Ethiopia

PSNP is largest public works program in Africa • Started in 2005 in four main highland regions • Approximately 8 million participants • We examine the effect of PSNP on both high-intensity and low-intensity conflict • Using Govt. of Ethiopia administrative PSNP records and geocoded data on conflict events (Armed Conflict Location & Event Data […] Source: IFPRI Ethiopia: Ethiopia Strategy Support Program


Unleashing the potential of Generation Z for food system transformation in Africa

Africa’s population is the youngest of any region, with more than 400 million young people aged 15 to 35 out of a total of 1.5 billion. But even though rising numbers of this cohort—a “youth bulge”—enter the labor market every year, African economies a... Source: IFPRI Malawi: Malawi Strategy Support Program


Malnutrition, Hunger, and the Egyptian Public Nutritional Health

Date: Tuesday December 3 Time: 09:00 AM-01:00 PM Location: Steigenberger Tahrir, Diamond Hall This event is organized in collaboration between Sawiris Foundation for Social Development (SFSD), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), a... Source: IFPRI Egypt Country Office


Hybrid Research and Policy Conference on “Livestock, Gender, and Agency Amid Conflict in Ethiopia”

The CGIAR Initiative on National Policies and Strategies (NPS) presents: 'Livestock, Gender, and Agency Amid Conflict in Ethiopia' 📅 Dec 11, 2024, ILRI Info Center, Addis Ababa. Join us as we discuss CGIAR NPS’s latest findings to guide policies that strengthen Ethiopia’s livestock sector. CGIAR International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Policy Studies Institute […] Source: IFPRI Ethiopia: Ethiopia Strategy Support Program


Agricultura, seguridad alimentaria, desarrollo y proteccion ambiental: Un futuro para Honduraas basado en la ciencia, tecnologia e innovacion


Estudio sobre el COVID-19 en el área rural de Guatemala: Efectos de largo plazo sobre la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de los hogares en el Altiplano Occidental

Desde el inicio de la pandemia del COVID-19, los productores agrícolas de Guatemala han afrontado múltiples restricciones de movimiento tanto locales como nacionales, así como también disrupciones en las cadenas de valor agrícolas. Asimismo, los productores han estado expuestos a varios choques externos como las tormentas tropicales de ETA e IOTA hacia finales de 2020 y el reciente conflicto bélico en Europa del Este y crisis de precios.


Mapeo de intervenciones en seguridad alimentaria y nutrición en Guatemala: Análisis a nivel municipal

La desnutrición y la deficiencia de micronutrientes es un problema grave en Guatemala. Los resultados de la IV Encuesta Nacional de Salud Materno-Infantil 2014-15 (MSPAS, INE, ICF, 2017) indican que el 46.5% de los niños menores de cinco años padecen de desnutrición crónica. Según el portal de datos del Banco Mundial, Guatemala es el país con mayor prevalencia de desnutrición crónica de América Latina y el Caribe y sexto en el mundo.


Dominican Republic: Agricultural R&D indicators factsheet [in Spanish]


Nicaragua: Agricultural R&D indicators factsheet [in Spanish]

The IDB-funded PFPAS program has provided an important financial injection into Nicaragua’s agricultural research system during 2013–2018. The program has made important strides in rehabilitating some of INTA’s run-down research infrastructure, in offering degree and short-term training to research staff, and in strengthening linkages between agricultural research and producers.


Informe de políticas alimentarias mundiales 2023: Repensar las respuestas a las crisis alimentarias: Sinopsis

En 2022, el mundo se enfrentó a múltiples crisis. Continuaron las perturbaciones de los sistemas alimentarios debidas a la prolongada pandemia de COVID-19, las grandes catástrofes naturales, los disturbios civiles y la inestabilidad política, así como los crecientes efectos del cambio climático, mientras la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania y la inflación agravaban una crisis mundial de alimentos y fertilizantes.


Empoderamiento de la mujer rural en Guatemala, necesidades y oportunidades de medición: Posibles aplicaciones de una Métrica de Empoderamiento de las Mujeres para los Sistemas Estadísticos Nacionales (WEMNS)

La igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de las mujeres y niñas se ve reflejado en distintas prioridades de políticas a nivel global y local. El Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 5 busca lograr la igualdad de género y empoderar a todas las mujeres y niñas.


La seguridad alimentaria y el comercio agroalimentario en América Latina y el Caribe

América Latina y el Caribe es un importante protagonista en la producción y el comercio de productos agroalimentarios, ya que es el principal exportador neto de estos productos. La región cuenta con los recursos naturales (tierra, agua y energía renovable) y la capacidad necesaria para producir alimentos de manera sostenible y para satisfacer sus necesidades y abastecer al mundo. Sin embargo, durante 2021, la inseguridad alimentaria moderada o grave afectó al 40,6% de la población en la región (267,7 millones de personas), cifra considerablemente superior al promedio mundial (29,3%).


SpotOn London 2014: Public Involvement, engagement and participation in research


Avatar : the last airbender. Smoke and shadow. Part 1 / script, Gene Luen Yang ; art and cover, Gurihiru ; lettering, Michael Heisler.

When the Fire Nation begins to believe that the country will perish if Zuko stays in power, Avatar Aang and his friends must protect the ruler.


Avatar, the last airbender. Smoke and shadow. Part 3 / script, Gene Luen Yang ; art and cover, Gurihiru ; lettering, Michael Heisler.

"Children are disappearing in the Fire Nation capitol! Avatar Aang and his friends are doing everything in their power to save them--but will it be enough?! What's worse, when Azula--the mad sister of Fire Lord Zuko--appears on the scene, Zuko locks down the capitol to catch her, igniting fear and riots in the streets! Will Zuko follow in his evil father's footsteps in order to save those he holds dear?!"--Amazon.com.


Five nights at Freddy's. [2], The twisted ones : the graphic novel / by Scott Cawthon and Kira Breed-Wrisley ; adapted by Christopher Hastings ; illustrated by Claudia Aguirre ; colors by Laurie Smith and Eva de la Cruz.

"It's been a year since the horrific events at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, and Charlie is just trying to move on. Even with the excitement of a new school and a fresh start, she's still haunted by nightmares of a masked murderer and four gruesome animatronic puppets. Charlie thinks her ordeal is over, but when a series of bodies are discovered near her school bearing wounds that are disturbingly familiar she finds herself drawn back into the world of her father's frightening creations. Something twisted is hunting Charlie, and this time if it finds her, it's not letting her go." -- Publisher's description.


Batman, the Dark Knight detective. Volume 5 / Alan Grant, Archie Goodwin, writers ; pencilers, Norm Breyfogle, Dan Jurgens ; Steve Mitchell, Dick Giordano, inkers ; Adrienne Roy, colorist ; Todd Klein, letterer.

"Bruce Wayne's latest ward, Tim Drake, has all the makings of becoming the greatest Robin yet. He's intelligent, athletic, and levelheaded, and his detective skills rival those of his mentor. However, every Boy Wonder who has come before has endured tragedy, and Tim may be no exception when his parents are marked for death by the sinister Obeah Man. Will the Dark Knight stop the Obeah Man in time, or must Tim face a deadly rite of passage in order to be worthy of inheriting the mantle of Robin?"--Provided by publisher.


Catwoman. Soulstealer : the graphic novel / based on the novel written by Sarah J. Maas ; adapted by Louise Simonson ; illustrated by Samantha Dodge with Carl Potts and Brett Ryans ; colors by Shari Chankhamma ; letters by Saida Temofonte.

Selina Kyle returns to Gotham City as new socialite Holly Vanderhees, but she needs to outsmart rival Batwing to rise to the top of the city's criminal underbelly.


Batman, the adventures continue. Season 1 / Alan Burnett and Paul Dini, writers ; Ty Templeton, artist ; Monica Kubina, colorist ; Josh Kubina, letterer ; Dave Johnson, collection cover artist.

"Starting off with an attack on S.T.A.R. Labs in Gotham City by a giant robot that steals an entire room of the laboratory— Batman is going to have to stop it before it can cause more harm … and with Lex Luthor freshly back in Gotham— he knows where to start his search. Will Batman be able to topple the billionaire before he leaves Gotham?" -- Provided by publisher.


Future state. The next Batman / writers, John Ridley, Vita Ayala, Andrew Constant [and 4 others] ; pencillers, Laura Braga, Aneke, Nick Derington [and 5 others] ; inkers, Laura Braga, Aneke, Nick Derington [and 6 others] ; colorists, Arif Prianto, Jordie

"Giant, sprawling future Gotham City is under martial law, protected and regulated by a private security force led by the infamous Peacekeepers. Their mandate is to maintain the safety of the citizens of Gotham, regardless of any Constitutional rights, and to hunt down, incarcerate, or kill all masked vigilantes, villains, and criminals in the city limits. It's a dangerous and violent look at a possible future Gotham City and the heroes and villains who live there!" -- Provided by publisher.


Orange. 6, Future / story and art by Ichigo Takano ; translation, Amber Tamosaitis ; adaptation, Shannon Fay ; lettering, Lys Blakeslee.

"The long-awaited sequel to the Eisner-nominated Orange! Experience the world of Orange from a whole new perspective, as the fate of the present and future timelines unfolds from the point of view of the ever-cheerful third wheel, Suwa Hiroto. Reuniting years later in college, Suwa and Naho's lives have been forever scarred by their experiences in high school. They say time heals all wounds, but sometimes, time is not enough." -- Provided by publisher.


Miles Morales. Ultimate end / Brian Michael Bendis, writer ; artist, David Marquez, artist ; Justin Ponsor with Jason Keith, color artists ; VC's Cory Petit, letterer.

"Miles Morales, the Ultimate Universe's newest Spider-Man, is back in action with a new status quo and a new outlook on life! But now Miles must face with the worst nightmare of the Spider-Man legacy: Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin— the man who killed Peter Parker! Or did he … ? Even as new villains start coming out of the woodwork, Miles finds himself with— a girlfriend! Her name is Katie Bishop, but she has a secret … and it's bad news for Spider-Man! As Miles makes a life-changing decision, he discovers a mind-blowing truth about his family! But what does it have to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.? Doctor Doom steps from the shadows and Spider-Man gathers the mighty Ultimates— but no matter what happens next, this might be the end of the world for Miles Morales!" -- Description provided by publisher.


My little pony. 14, Shadowplay / story by Josh Haber ; adaptation by Justin Eisinger ; lettering and design by Nathan Widick.

"When Sunburst discovers the lost journal of Star Swirl the Bearded, he shares it with Twilight Sparkle. Together, they find out how the sorcerer and several other of Equestria's heroes, known as the Pillars of Old Equestria, sacrificed themselves to defeat the evil Pony of Shadows. After researching more about the heroes' disappearance, Twilight believes that the Pillars are still alive and trapped in limbo and becomes obsessed with trying to free them, but it might not be such a good idea!" -- Provided by publisher


Yo-kai watch. 17 / story and art by Noriyuki Konishi ; original concept and supervised by Level-5 Inc. ; translation, Tetsuichiro Miyaki ; English adaptation, Aubrey Sitterson ; lettering, John Hunt.

"Nate Adams is just an average kid until the mysterious Whisper gives him the Yo-kai Watch. Now he can see what others cannot: Yo-kai of all shapes and forms! … A mysterious door opens, causing Nate to run into weird and wacky Yo-kai from the past, present and future. Watch as they participate in a battle royale to decide which Yo-kai is the strongest!" -- Provided by publisher.


Pokémon. Sun & Moon. Volume 10 / story, Hidenori Kusaka ; art, Satoshi Yamamoto ; translation, Tetsuichiro Miyaki ; English adaptation, Bryant Turnage ; touch-up & lettering, Susan Daigle-Leach.

"Sun dreams of money. Moon dreams of scientific discoveries. When their paths cross with Team Skull, both their plans go awry … Lost in an alternate dimension, Sun and Moon battle to help their new friends defend the eternally dark city of Ultra Megalopolis. But then a betrayal deprives them of their transportation home! Meanwhile, what surprising news does Lillie receive?" -- Provided by publisher