why Why China's Air Has Been Cleaner During The Coronavirus Outbreak By feeds.scpr.org Published On :: Wed, 04 Mar 2020 14:20:10 -0800 February satellite readings in the troposphere (the lower atmosphere) of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a pollutant primarily from burning fossil fuels, show a dramatic decline compared to early January when power plants were operating at normal levels.; Credit: /NASA Earth Observatory Lauren Sommer | NPRAs China seeks to control the spread of COVID-19, fewer cars are driving, fewer factories are running and — in some places — skies are clearer. Air pollution levels have dropped by roughly a quarter over the last month as coal-fired power plants and industrial facilities have ramped down so employees in high-risk areas can stay home. Levels of nitrogen dioxide, a pollutant primarily from burning fossil fuels, were down as much as 30%, according to NASA. "It is an unprecedentedly dramatic drop in emissions," says Lauri Myllyvirta, lead analyst at the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, who tallied the reductions. "I've definitely spoken to people in Shanghai who said that it's been some of the most pristine blue skies that they remember over the winter." Myllyvirta estimates that China's carbon emissions have dropped by a quarter over the same period. While that's a tiny fraction of its overall annual emissions, it's substantial in a worldwide context, since China is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases. There's potentially a health benefit — although any gains due to a drop in pollution are set against the toll taken by the coronavirus outbreak. Air pollution is estimated to contribute to more than 1 million premature deaths in China each year. Fine particle pollution, also known as PM 2.5, can enter the bloodstream through the lungs and has been linked to asthma attacks, heart attacks and respiratory problems. Even a short-term reduction in air pollution can make a difference. "There is no question about it: When air quality improves, that will be associated with a reduction in health-related problems," says Jim Zhang, professor of global and environmental health at Duke University. Zhang says that was evident during the 2008 summer Olympics in Beijing. To help improve the air, government officials shut factories and dramatically limited car travel before and during the games. Levels of some air pollutants dropped by half. He and colleagues studied a group of young men and women in Beijing and found that during that time period, their lung and cardiovascular health improved. He also followed pregnant women. "What we found is that the kids whose mothers had a third trimester pregnancy during the Olympics when the air quality was better, their birth weight was substantially higher than the kids who were born a year before and a year later," he says. But health specialists sound a cautionary note. "It would be a mischaracterization to say that the coronavirus was beneficial to health because of these air pollution reductions," says Jill Baumgartner, associate professor and epidemiologist at McGill University. "The health impacts from the virus itself, the stress on the health-care system, the stress on people's lives — those health impacts are likely to be much greater than the short-term benefits of air pollution on health," she says. Baumgartner says people with health issues other than COVID-19 may have avoided seeing doctors during the outbreak or potentially couldn't receive treatment they needed in areas with overtaxed health systems. Those isolated at home and avoiding crowds may also have been exposed to more indoor air pollution. "People spent a lot more time indoors and it's possible that they were exposed to higher levels of indoor tobacco smoke," Baumgartner says. "Or in the suburban areas, it's possible that they were using their traditional wood or coal stoves for heating." Not all cities have experienced the recent improvements. In mid-February, Beijing saw a spike in pollution due to local weather patterns trapping air in the region. The drop in air pollution and carbon emissions is also likely to disappear as Chinese industry ramps up again in an attempt to offset its economic losses. "If you think back to the global financial crisis, the immediate impact was for China's emissions to fall," says Myllyvirta. "But then the government response was to roll out the biggest stimulus package in the history of mankind that then drove China's emissions and global emissions up for years." Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
why Our Mission: Why We Are Activists For Truth By feeds.scpr.org Published On :: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 16:43:09 -0800 Megan Garvey A moment in Larry Mantle’s recent conversation with Steve Inskeep has stuck with me. The NPR Morning Edition co-host was in our Pasadena studios to talk about his latest book, Imperfect Union. Asked how he approaches his day job, Inskeep told a story about the time he dispassionately called a heartbreaking loss for his high school football team. That “straight call” earned praise from a veteran broadcaster he admired. It’s a lesson, he said, that stayed with him. “I may have a personal opinion; it doesn’t matter,” Inskeep told Mantle. “My job as a journalist is to get the facts right, that are in front of me, and you can do that even if you have a personal opinion.” Mantle, who has hosted KPCC’s AirTalk for decades, responded: “You can’t do this work if you’re wired like an activist. I sort of see my wiring as more how a teacher would be, wired where you’re amassing information. You’re leading people through a story, and the joy is in people coming to their own conclusions.” “If you’re an activist at all, you’re an activist for the truth,” Inskeep replied. Activists for truth. Finding joy in people reaching their own conclusions. What a compelling description of what our newsroom strives to deliver every day to Southern Californians. These were my thoughts even before my colleague at NPR came under attack for doing her job. If you haven't been following the story, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo angrily objected to being questioned about Ukraine during an interview with All Things Considered co-host Mary Louise Kelly. Pompeo didn't care for Kelly's questions on air and the conversation grew even more contentious behind closed doors. The next day he accused Kelly of lying about the topic of the interview and then reporting a conversation he claimed was off the record. [Including his odd demand she locate Ukraine on unmarked world map.] Kelly has denied both claims and media outlets have reported on emails between her and Pompeo's staff that back up her assertion she told them the interview would go beyond questions about Iran. Then, this week, the State Department denied credentials to NPR's Michele Kelemen, who'd been scheduled to cover Pompeo's trip to Europe. NPR President and CEO John Lansing and Nancy Barnes, who heads news, are rightfully demanding answers. Why does it matter? Because as Lansing notes having access to people in power is fundamental to "the role of journalism in America. Get KPCC in your inbox Breaking news alerts sent to your inbox Subscribe Or, check out all our newsletters > I want to take a few minutes to tell you more about how our newsroom works and why you’ll be hearing more from us about our mission and ambition. Listeners may have noticed a new phrase on our air: “Democracy needs to be heard.” It’s a statement you’ll also start seeing on billboards and bus benches around Los Angeles. It’s part of the first marketing campaign for our station in many years. The goal is to make more people aware of what we do and why we do it. We also want to grow our audience and our supporters, so we can do even more original journalism. Southern California Public Radio — home to 89.3 KPCC, LAist Studios, and LAist.com — turns 20 this year. SCPR was born out of a belief that the region would embrace and support a news-focused NPR station serving Southern California with original programming and reporting. In the two decades since, our members stepped up and helped us build what is now one of the biggest newsrooms in the region. We’ve gone from cramped quarters in the library of Pasadena City College, to a new headquarters in 2010, to today, when we have to scramble for desks for our growing operation. If you’ve ever heard me on-air during a pledge drive, you’ve heard me talk about how remarkable it is that your support has fueled our ambition and growth. We’re the most listened to NPR station in Southern California. The public media model depends on people donating their hard-earned money because they believe in what we are doing. You don’t have to pay a dime to listen to us on your radio, or stream us on your smart speaker or our app. You’ll never hit a paywall when you visit our website. Our relationship with you isn’t transactional — that’s one of the ways nonprofit member-supported newsrooms are different. Instead, we make a case that what we do matters, that it’s valuable to you — so valuable that you voluntarily support us (even though you can still listen and read if you don’t). That’s a powerful relationship. It’s why we take community engagement so seriously. That means listening closely to your concerns, answering your questions, meeting you in person, thinking about how our coverage can be both for and about Southern Californians. In September, we were awarded the first-ever Gather Award for engaged journalism from the Online News Association. In December, we won our second-in-a-row Champion of Curiosity Award for our breaking news coverage of the wildfires. Our approach to engaged journalism has been transformational for coverage, and we’ve emerged as a clear leader in the industry — sharing what we’ve learned with other newsrooms. *** We talk a lot about our public-service mission in this newsroom. It permeates how we approach stories. It’s why our reporters, producers, hosts and editors choose to work here. And we’ve made this promise to you: “You deserve great local news — and we need your help to find those stories. We listen to what you’re curious about, what keeps you up at night, and who you want held accountable. We’re inviting you to be part of the conversation.” We do this work because of you. We do it for you and with you. We’ve spent quite a bit of time thinking about how we’re finding and telling stories, and how we can do an even better job of delivering reporting that you won’t find anywhere else. We want our reporters to spend their energy on original stories (and not get stuck echoing information that everyone else is reporting). To that end, each reporter has their own individual mission statement to reflect their goals in covering communities and crucial issues. The free press is a cornerstone of democracy. That’s why in 1786 Thomas Jefferson wrote: "Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." More than 200 years later, Nelson Mandela said: “A critical, independent and investigative press is the lifeblood of any democracy.” Activists for truth. That means scrutinizing the information we receive from our sources or uncover through our reporting. It means giving you the context you need to consider what is fact and what is spin. It’s truly an exciting time to work in our newsroom. We have ambitious plans for coverage of the upcoming California primary and presidential election. We have so much great work in progress — including three in-depth investigations scheduled to publish in the coming weeks. Those stories took months to report, involving thousands of public documents, hundreds of miles of travel, and data analysis that no one else has done. And it was only possible because of your support. Thank you. Megan Garvey, Executive Editor This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
why Sandi Gibbons on journalism, working for the DA, and why she's retiring By feeds.scpr.org Published On :: Mon, 08 Apr 2013 12:30:11 -0700 Robert F. Kennedy's speech at the Ambassador Hotel. Sandi Gibbons the woman in the white dress on the bottom right. Patt MorrisonShe’s spent her life on both sides of the microphone. For half of her career she was a reporter, finding herself in places like the Ambassador Hotel ballroom on the night Robert F. Kennedy was shot, and in the courthouse covering Charles Manson. For the other half of her professional life, she spent a lot more time in L.A.’s courthouses as the spokeswoman for the L.A. County District Attorney’s office. She served three DAs, and now she’s hanging it up. Her retirement lunch was attended by three past and present DAs, with a fond message from a fourth, and as many of her reporter and DA friends could fit in the restaurant. RELATED: Veteran reporter, DA spokesperson Sandi Gibbons is retiring Sandi Gibbons has tales to tell, and here she recounts a few funny, moving and plain old perplexing ones from her life in court. And I can tell you from knowing her, she is one great dame. Correction: Original headline spelled Sandi Gibbons' name "Sandy" This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
why Why unions lead the $15 minimum wage fight, though few members will benefit By feeds.scpr.org Published On :: Thu, 29 Jan 2015 05:30:46 -0800 “Union members and non-union members have a strong interest in seeing our economy grow," said Rusty Hicks, the new head of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, which represents over 300 unions.; Credit: Ben Bergman/KPCC Ben BergmanLabor unions have led the fight to raise the minimum wage in several American cities, including Los Angeles, where the City Council is considering two proposals right now that would give raises to hundreds of thousands of workers (to $13.25 an hour by 2017 and $15.25 an hour by 2019). But few of the unions' members have benefited directly from the initiatives. So why do unions care about a $15 wage for non-union workers? It’s part of a long-term strategy to protect the interests of their members, labor leaders say. They also see an opportunity to raise the profile of unions after years of falling membership. "We can’t be the movement that’s just about us," said David Rolf, an international vice-president of SEIU, who led the first successful $15 minimum wage campaign in SeaTac, the town in Washington that is home to the region's similarly named airport. “We have to be the movement that’s about justice for all," Rolf added. "The labor movement that people flocked to by the tens of millions in the 1930s wasn’t known for fighting for 500-page contracts. They were known for fighting for the eight-hour day, fighting to end child labor.” The idea that workers should earn $15 dollars an hour first came to the public’s attention during a series of fast food strikes that started in New York City in late 2012. Those workers didn’t just walk off the job by themselves. They were part of a campaign organized by unions, led by SEIU, which is made up mostly of public sector and health care workers. $10 million fast-food strikes The Service Employees International Union spent $10 million dollars on the fast food strikes, according to The New York Times. But none of those restaurants have unionized, and because it’s been so hard to form private sector union these days, they probably never will, said labor historian Nelson Lichtenstein. “In effect what you have now is the SEIU – its hospital membership or its members working at the Department of Motor Vehicles – helping to raise the wages of fast food workers, but not their own wages,” Lichtenstein said. That's because unionized workers earn far more than the current or proposed new minimum wages, in L.A. an average of more than $27 an hour, according to UCLA's Center for Research on Employment and Labor. The spread of the $15 minimum wage from SeaTac to Seattle to San Francisco — and now possibly Los Angeles — is a huge victory for labor unions, but it’s unlikely most of the people getting raises will ever be part of organized labor. Still, the rank and file seem to support their unions' efforts. “I personally support using our organization as a way to advocate for those who don’t have a voice," said Rafael Sanchez III, a teacher's assistant at Bell High School who's a member of SEIU Local 99. A challenging time for the labor movement In the 1950’s, about one in three American workers belonged to a union. Last year, just 11 percent did – or 6 percent of private sector workers – the lowest numbers in nearly a century. Rolf says the minimum wage campaigns mark a change in tactics for organized labor; Rather than the shop floor, the focus is on the ballot box and city hall. “Since at least the 1980s, winning unions in the private sector has been a Herculean task," Rolf said. "The political process provides an alternative vehicle.” And an increasingly successful one. It was voters who approved the first $15 wage, in Washington state in 2013, and another one in San Francisco last year. In Los Angeles, the issue is before the city council. Mayor Eric Garcetti opened the bidding, proposing a raise of $13.25 on Labor Day before six council members countered with $15.25. The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor – lead by Rusty Hicks — is pushing for the higher option. “Union members and non-union members have an interest in seeing our economy grow," said Hicks. "You can’t continue to have a strong, vibrant economy if in fact folks don’t have money in their pockets.” Other benefits for unions: A safety net and a higher floor Some union members see a higher minimum wage as a safety net. Robert Matsuda is a studio violinist represented by the American Federation of Musicians, part of the AFL-CIO. Even though he’s not working for the minimum wage now, he worries that may not last: He’s getting fewer and fewer gigs as more film and TV scoring is outsourced overseas. “I might have to take a minimum wage job in the near future, so it might directly affect me,” said Matsuda. There’s also a more tangible benefit for unions, says Nelson Lichtenstein, the labor historian: A higher minimum wage means a higher wage floor to negotiate with in future contracts. “It’s one labor market, and if you can raise the wages in those sectors that have been pulling down the general wage level – i.e: fast food and retail – then it makes it easier for unions to create a higher standard and go on and get more stuff,” said Lichtenstein. On Friday morning, union members will rally in front of Los Angeles City Hall, calling on the council to enact a $15.25 an hour minimum wage as soon as possible. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
why Why animals eat what they eat By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: 2019-08-27T07:00:00Z Full Text:What an animal eats is a fundamental aspect of its biology, but surprisingly, the evolution of diet had not been studied across the animal kingdom until now. Scientists at the University of Arizona report several unexpected findings from taking a deep dive into the evolutionary history of more than one million animal species and going back 800 million years, when the first animals appeared on our planet. The study revealed several surprising key insights: Many species living today that are carnivorous, meaning they eat other animals, can trace this diet back to a common ancestor more than 800 million years ago; A plant-based, or herbivorous, diet is not the evolutionary driver for new species that it was believed to be; Closely related animals tend to share the same dietary category -- plant-eating, meat-eating, or both. This finding implies that switching between dietary lifestyles is not something that happens easily and often over the course of evolution.Image credit: Daniel Stolte/UANews Full Article
why Ever needed a Zoom password? Probably not. But why not? By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Thu, 09 Apr 2020 20:15:30 +0000 With Zoom – and Zoom-bombing – being all the rage, here’s why the app’s default password settings may be leaving the backdoor wide open The post Ever needed a Zoom password? Probably not. But why not? appeared first on WeLiveSecurity Full Article COVID-19
why Why These 2 Investment Professionals Say This Telemedicine Company Is One of Their Top Picks By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 00:00:00 PST Source: Streetwise Reports 04/28/2020 As the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the move to telemedicine, two investment professionals are following CloudMD, a small cap rapidly expanding in Canada.News Flash: On May 7, CloudMD announced that it is partnering with IDYA4 Corp. for it to resell the health technology firm's Livecare technology in the U.S.. Read more here. News Flash: On May 4, CloudMD announced that it is partnering with Save-On-Foods grocery stores and Pure Integrative Pharmacy to pilot on demand, integrated virtual patient care through telemedicine kiosks placed in pharmacies' existing consult rooms. Read more here. As people are avoiding going to doctor's offices and hospitals during the coronavirus pandemic, telemedicine has taken off. Two investment professionals, Bruce Campbell and Keith Schaefer, have called CloudMD Software & Services Inc. (DOC:CSE; DOCRF:OTCQB; 6PH:FSE), a small-cap Canadian telemedicine firm, a top pick. Bruce Campbell, founder and portfolio manager of Stonecastle Investment Management, spoke about CloudMD on April 27 on BNN: "The first top pick is CloudMD Software, a technological medical play. We've tried to look at opportunities that are really going to be able to take advantage of Covid and this is one of the ones that we think is; what they do is telemedicine. "The jumping off point for TeleHealth is here and I think CloudMD is the best pure-play TeleHealth stock right now." - Keith Schaefer If you look back at a year ago, where everyone had to go to the doctor, and now all of the different provinces have opened up billing codes, so that now we don't have to go into a doctor's office. We can do a virtual doctor's visit and the doctor gets paid just like they do with an in-house appointment. Obviously with everything that has happened with this crisis, people really don't want to go into a doctor's office and they need a prescription renewal or something like that. If you look at CloudMD's peers in the U.S., there is a company called Teladoc, which is a big U.S. company that does the same thing. Obviously, the size of the market is different, but the multiple it trades at is multiple times higher than where CloudMD is. CloudMD is just starting to gain adoption. They started off here in BC, they have moved to Ontario, and they are going to be rolling out really across the country, so tons of opportunity for a company like this. They will probably change the way that we view our doctor and our healthcare visits going forward." Keith Schaefer, editor and publisher of Oil & Gas Investments Bulletin, is also following CloudMD, and wrote: "An entirely newand highly profitableindustry is being borne out in 2020TeleHealth. CloudMD Software & Services Inc. (DOC:CSE; DOCRF:OTCQB; 6PH:FSE) is my favorite way to play TeleHealth. It's growing quickly with over 100,000 patients registered on its app and over 3000 doctors in 8 provinces in its Electronic Medical RecordsEMRsystem. It has MULTIPLE revenue streams and it just moved into Canada's largest marketOntariosetting up an even faster growth rate. The recent spread of coronavirus is only accelerating this. Covid-19 has forever changed how we all will think about visiting a hospital or seeing our doctor. We really don't want to do that at all, if possible. It will have a very positive and long lasting impact on TeleHealth. TeleHealth companies in Canada are getting paid more money for services than bricks-and-mortar clinics, and have a fraction of the costs. Doctors want more of it, patients want more of it, government wants more of itand the Market REALLY wants more of it. Everybody wins here; there is no downside. The rapid scale-up and profitability is key for investors. CloudMD is established, growing quickly and trading at a fraction of its peers. The average multiple of competitors in the sector trade at 5-7x revenue, and CloudMD is trading way below that at 2.5x per revenue. But realize that the Canadian use of telemedicine is still just a fraction of where it is in the U.Sso the quick, early upside is even bigger. The market desperately wants to own TeleHealth right now. I see CloudMD as the best way to do that in the junior sector (where the leverage is!). For this stock to have a major run all that needs to happen is for institutional investors to wake-up to the fact that the company exists. That's happening now with the company entering the province of Ontariowhich has 14.5 million peopleover one-third of Canada's population. CloudMD is a fully integrated health care companykind of like a hospital-in-the-sky. They do have five bricks-and-mortar clinics, but they also own their own EMRElectronic Medical Recordssystem that operates in eight provinces and is used by over 3,000 doctors and is supported by an in-house 25 person development team. They have their own CloudMD appwhich has over 100,000 registered patients already. The EMR gives CloudMD a recurring monthly revenue stream, which The Street loves. The app gives them high-margin fees from doctors, specialists and groups like massage therapists & counselors. These people are revenue, not costs. As I said, full hospital-in-the-sky. Multiple revenue sources with lower costs. To schedule a virtual doctor's appointment all that a patient has to do is download the free CloudMD app and then arrange an appointment with one of the doctors. There is zero charge for the patient and they can see a doctor very quickly. CloudMD can scale up the number of patients VERY quicklyand they are. Every aspect of healthcare that's very fractured and disjointed will now be in the one CloudMD ecosystem. Everyone wins with this system. Patients, doctors, the medical system, society, even investors. Everyone. Doctors who have signed up with CloudMD work remotely from home or wherever they are (like their winter home down south). The rapid scale-up potential excites me. CloudMD can add in unlimited number of doctors and patientsso it has a virtually unlimited ability to scale quickly with little incremental cost. Profit margins are wide and there is no cap on the number of customers that can be handled. After a patient has an appointment, CloudMD bills the government directly just like every bricks-and-mortar clinic in Canada does. CloudMD records 100% of the revenue and gets to keep 30% of the billing for every patient that is seen through telemedicine, which is actually 10% more than what a bricks-and-mortar clinic receives. That is because the governments are trying to push TeleHealth. The doctor gets the other 70% and doesn't have to deal with any headaches of commuting or running a business. Without the overhead of a bricks-and-mortar clinic, AND more revenue, CloudMD will be much more profitable than traditional healthcare stocks. Faster scale, more cash flow. And they just entered Canada's largest market. This is the right stock in the right market at the right time. That's the great thing about this business model. It's very scalable, very easy, and it grows very quickly. CloudMD has been growing its recurring SAAS (Software-as-a-Service) revenue by 30% YoY with its EMR system. But this year the company is expecting that doctor growth to be much much higherwith a new full time sales team and the coronavirus pandemic. SaaS revenue is highly lucrative! The jumping off point for TeleHealth is here and I think CloudMD is the best pure-play TeleHealth stock right now." Read Keith Schaefer's entire article here. Watch Bruce Campbell of StoneCastle Investments share his top picks: CloudMD, Lightspeed and Viemed. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-news Disclosure: 1) Keith Schaefer: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: CloudMD. I personally am, or members of my immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: CloudMD. My company has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this article: None. Additional disclosures are listed below. 2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. As of the date of this article, an affiliate of Streetwise Reports has a consulting relationship with CloudMD. Please click here for more information. An affiliate of Streetwise Reports is conducting a digital media marketing campaign for this article on behalf of CloudMD. Please click here for more information. 3) Statements and opinions expressed are the opinions of the author and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The author is wholly responsible for the validity of the statements. The author was not paid by Streetwise Reports for this article. Streetwise Reports was not paid by the author to publish or syndicate this article. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports requires contributing authors to disclose any shareholdings in, or economic relationships with, companies that they write about. Streetwise Reports relies upon the authors to accurately provide this information and Streetwise Reports has no means of verifying its accuracy. 4) This article does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of CloudMD, a company mentioned in this article. Additional Disclosures Keith Schaefer Disclosures: CloudMD has reviewed and sponsored this article. The information in this newsletter does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities of a corporation or entity, including U.S. Traded Securities or U.S. Quoted Securities, in the United States or to U.S. Persons. Securities may not be offered or sold in the United States except in compliance with the registration requirements of the Securities Act and applicable U.S. state securities laws or pursuant to an exemption therefrom. Any public offering of securities in the United States may only be made by means of a prospectus containing detailed information about the corporation or entity and its management as well as financial statements. No securities regulatory authority in the United States has either approved or disapproved of the contents of any newsletter. Keith Schaefer is not registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"): as a "broker-dealer" under the Exchange Act, as an "investment adviser" under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, or in any other capacity. He is also not registered with any state securities commission or authority as a broker-dealer or investment advisor or in any other capacity. Bruce Campbell, Stonecastle Investment Management: A guest firm/affiliate holds a position in CloudMD. There is no guest position held, members of his household do not hold positions and CloudMD is not an investment banking client. ( Companies Mentioned: DOC:CSE; DOCRF:OTCQB; 6PH:FSE, ) Full Article
why Commitment encourages green behaviour, but we need more insight into why By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 7 Mar 2013 13:00:34 +0100 A new study indicates that ‘commitment’ interventions are effective in encouraging environmentally-friendly behaviour, both in the short- and long-term. However, to increase the effectiveness of such interventions, whereby people promise or pledge to perform certain behaviours, more research is needed on the psychological processes behind their effects. Full Article
why Commitment encourages green behaviour, but we need more insight into why By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 7 Mar 2013 12:59:46 GMT A new study indicates that ‘commitment’ interventions are effective in encouraging environmentally-friendly behaviour, both in the short- and long-term. However, to increase the effectiveness of such interventions, whereby people promise or pledge to perform certain behaviours, more research is needed on the psychological processes behind their effects. Full Article
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why Covid-19 Heroes Beyond Borders: Covid-19 is a boon for UAE's Mashreq Bank. Here's Why By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-30T08:40:24+05:30 Mashreq bank's preparation for digitization has only helped the bank improve its profits during Coronavirus pandemic while most of its competitors continue to struggle Full Article
why Covid-19 Heroes: Why Max Life Insurance sees Covid-19 as an opportunity By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-05-04T08:46:20+05:30 The insurance company is planning to make more investments in digital selling and workforce management, thus eyeing the covid-19 situation as an opportunity to strengthen the digital posture than a business challenge. Full Article
why Explaining why the universe can be transparent By esciencenews.com Published On :: Tue, 13 Sep 2016 10:16:51 +0000 Two papers published by an assistant professor at the University of California, Riverside and several collaborators explain why the universe has enough energy to become transparent. read more Full Article Astronomy & Space
why Understanding the ‘why’ is key to effective energy-saving behaviour By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 16 July 2015 9:23:19 GMT To increase energy efficiency, many countries are encouraging their citizens to make individual energy-saving changes, such as changing the type of light bulbs they use. This study investigated the relationship between understanding of environmental issues and effective energy-saving behaviour and shows that informed citizens are key to successful policy. Full Article
why Why do they treat me like that? Taking the mask off of envy By esciencenews.com Published On :: Sat, 20 Aug 2016 10:15:09 +0000 You just received the promotion you have worked so hard for, but you overhear a co-worker say that you got it because the boss only gives the easy projects to you while the hard ones are dumped on everyone else. Some of your envious co-workers come to congratulate you with the aim of being seen with you for reputational benefits, but some others may be less kind in their response. read more Full Article Psychology & Sociology
why Why prisons continue to grow, even when crime declines By esciencenews.com Published On :: Mon, 22 Aug 2016 15:14:03 +0000 The U.S. prison population continued to rise even after the crime rate began declining in the mid-1990s because judges were faced with more repeat offenders, a new study suggests. read more Full Article Psychology & Sociology
why Covid-19 Heroes Beyond Borders: Covid-19 is a boon for UAE's Mashreq Bank. Here's Why By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-30T08:40:24+05:30 Mashreq bank's preparation for digitization has only helped the bank improve its profits during Coronavirus pandemic while most of its competitors continue to struggle Full Article
why Why waste a crisis? Re-imagining India’s electronics industry By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-05-01T14:30:00+05:30 As electronics manufacturers are set to resume operations in India, it is apparent that in the short term there is no alternative to sourcing from China, as urgent replenishment of inventories clearly implies continued dependence on it. Full Article
why Covid-19 Heroes: Why Max Life Insurance sees Covid-19 as an opportunity By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-05-04T08:46:20+05:30 The insurance company is planning to make more investments in digital selling and workforce management, thus eyeing the covid-19 situation as an opportunity to strengthen the digital posture than a business challenge. Full Article
why Why Hardware Must Speak Software By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-05-06T08:42:27+05:30 And what it looks like in the open-source world. Full Article
why Why protect nature? Relational values: the missing link in policies for the natural environment By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Wed, 04 May 2016 12:34:56 GMT The concepts of instrumental value (protecting nature for humans’ sake) and intrinsic value (protecting nature for nature’s sake) are fundamental to environmental policy. This paper — based on a literature review and critical analysis — argues that using these concepts alone overlooks important concerns for the environment. The authors recommend also considering relational values, which derive from the relationships between people and nature. Full Article
why Urban agriculture: why ‘one size fits all’ approaches don't work By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 09:12:34 GMT Global interest in urban agriculture is growing. However, the importance of local context is not reflected in current governance approaches, argues a new study which evaluated urban agriculture in Belgium and Poland. The authors say that considering city-specific factors can help urban agriculture achieve its full potential, and recommend a broader policymaking strategy that considers the benefits beyond food production. Full Article
why Why this is India's big data election By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2019-04-17T10:46:55+05:30 The ongoing Lok Sabha polls may or may not be an election for a new India, but they certainly are an election that’s about Big Data and its consorts. Full Article
why Why cloud tech is vital for firms in enabling WFH By cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com Published On :: 2020-04-10T13:50:00+05:30 Going forward, cloud will play a major role in transformation at every firm. Full Article
why Sparrowhawk study suggests why PBDE contaminant levels vary By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 4 Jul 2013 12:18:03 +0100 Sparrowhawks and their eggs are used to assess environmental concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), chemicals that were used until relatively recently as flame retardants. Recent research may help explain why different studies report different PBDE levels in sparrowhawks for the same countries and time periods. It appears nutrition may play an important role in determining PBDE concentrations in birds. Full Article
why Protest votes: why will some people not tell how much they are willing to pay for clean air? By ec.europa.eu Published On :: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 9:23:19 GMT What is the value of clean air? Answering such a question may be achieved by asking citizens how much they are willing to pay. However, some individuals give 'protest vote' responses to such questions. Recent research in EU countries found that the main reasons for this were because they felt that the polluters themselves or the government should be responsible for such costs. Full Article
why Why you could be fined up to £5,000 for picking wildflowers on a daily walk By www.watfordobserver.co.uk Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 07:00:00 +0100 Those taking their government-approved daily walk have been warned not to pick wildflowers - or risk facing an eye-watering £5,000 fine. Full Article
why Why the Alban Arena's panto is the highlight of the festive season By www.watfordobserver.co.uk Published On :: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 10:30:00 +0000 A NIGHT out at the Alban Arena’s Christmas panto in St Albans has become a tradition each year for many families and groups, as it has, I’m glad to say, for ours too. Full Article
why Rise of the side hustle - why are side jobs so popular? By www.watfordobserver.co.uk Published On :: Tue, 24 Dec 2019 10:52:22 +0000 Money can be particularly tight at this time of year, but one trend helping to combat this is taking on a sideline job - aka a 'side hustle'. Full Article
why Why the Internet is so addictive By www.mnn.com Published On :: Fri, 24 May 2013 14:00:01 +0000 Facebook, Twitter, cat videos... Few people can resist the Internet, and here's why. Full Article Computers
why 7 reasons why I cook on Valentine's Day By www.mnn.com Published On :: Tue, 14 Feb 2012 16:34:49 +0000 Why stay home and cook for your sweetheart, your family, or your friends on Valentine’s Day? Let me show you. Full Article Recipes
why Why are so many baby sea lions stranded in California? By www.mnn.com Published On :: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 16:34:11 +0000 Researchers think unusually warm waters might be the reason for stranded and starving pups. Full Article Animals
why Why we should pave roads with cigarette butts By www.mnn.com Published On :: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 21:05:35 +0000 Scientists at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, want to put errant butts to an intriguing new use. Full Article Healthy Spaces
why Why we need more pedestrian scrambles By www.mnn.com Published On :: Tue, 08 May 2018 15:38:50 +0000 Pedestrian scrambles, an idea championed by Henry Barnes in Denver, stop the flow of traffic and allow pedestrians to cross the street in all directions. Full Article Transportation
why Why Route 66 is on the list of America's most endangered places By www.mnn.com Published On :: Wed, 04 Jul 2018 13:15:13 +0000 The fabled highway's inclusion on the National Trust for Historic Preservation's annual most endangered list might come as a surprise . Full Article Arts & Culture
why Why we still need paper maps By www.mnn.com Published On :: Mon, 28 Jan 2019 15:33:22 +0000 Dependence on GPS hampers your brain's ability to navigate and can even lead you astray. Don't leave home without a trusty paper map. Full Article Travel
why Why kids shouldn't play football until they're 18 By www.mnn.com Published On :: Tue, 27 Nov 2018 16:15:38 +0000 The doctor who discovered the dangers of concussions says kids should avoid high-impact sports until they are 18. Full Article Protection & Safety
why Why meditation is better than detention By www.mnn.com Published On :: Tue, 05 Feb 2019 15:29:54 +0000 Some schools are trying meditation instead of detention for their students ... and it's working. Full Article Fitness & Well-Being
why Why monogamy evolved in mammals By www.mnn.com Published On :: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 14:40:46 +0000 Male primates may have become monogamous to protect their offspring from being killed by rival males. Full Article Animals
why Why the Y chromosome (and men) aren't going away By www.mnn.com Published On :: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 13:28:10 +0000 Men have lost most of the genes originally included on the Y chromosome during evolution, but those genes essential for survival have persevered. Full Article Research & Innovations
why Why was the Deepwater Horizon alert system disabled? By www.mnn.com Published On :: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 19:23:14 +0000 The answer, it turns out, is simple: BP didn't want workers to be disturbed by "false alarms." Full Article Gadgets & Electronics
why Why I hate muscle cars By www.mnn.com Published On :: Fri, 08 Jul 2011 21:07:35 +0000 No matter how much nostalgia they generate, they're out of step with $4 a gallon gas and concern about foreign oil dependence. Full Article Transportation
why Why meat consumption isn't sustainable By www.mnn.com Published On :: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 19:57:59 +0000 It's just not possible to feed meat to the 7 billion (and growing) people on planet Earth. Full Article Healthy Eating
why Why using food stamps online makes sense By www.mnn.com Published On :: Wed, 06 Jul 2016 16:12:42 +0000 A petition to to the USDA to allow food stamps to be used online could make affordable, healthy foods easily available to people in food deserts. Full Article Healthy Eating
why Why Georgia should prepare for a hurricane By www.mnn.com Published On :: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 20:05:24 +0000 Georgia’s coast is currently protected from hurricanes by a series of barrier islands, but their value is decreasing as sea levels rise. Full Article Guest Columnist
why Why Antarctica is rising, and quickly By www.mnn.com Published On :: Mon, 19 May 2014 14:12:57 +0000 As ice melts, Antarctica's ground is rebounding at a surprising rate. Scientists think it's because the Earth's mantle is flowing faster there. Full Article Wilderness & Resources
why Antarctic ice loss has tripled in the last 5 years, and here's why that matters By www.mnn.com Published On :: Thu, 14 Jun 2018 17:50:32 +0000 Antarctica ice loss was only contributing 0.2 millimeters per year to sea level rise, but that number has jumped to 0.6 millimeters since 2012. Full Article Wilderness & Resources
why Why sea level rise threatens more than just land By www.fws.gov Published On :: Sun, 30 Sep 2018 15:11:09 +0000 We know sea levels will rise, and by just looking at the Southeast region, it's easier to see how sea level rise will affect wildlife and culture. Full Article Climate & Weather
why Why women who give birth after 45 live longer By www.mnn.com Published On :: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 22:28:33 +0000 A new study found that the mortality rate for women with no children is 4.9 per 1,000, yet notably dips to 1.6 among women who give birth after 45. Full Article Babies & Pregnancy