
Columbia University Professor Scott Barrett Compares Global Responses to COVID-19 and Climate Change in Special Edition of "Environmental Insights"

Columbia University Professor Scott Barrett assessed the massive global efforts underway to address COVID-19 and the potential impacts of the pandemic on our lives in the future in a special episode of “Environmental Insights: Discussions on Policy and Practice from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program,” a podcast produced by the Harvard Environmental Economics Program. Listen to the interview here.


Harvard Business School Professor Rebecca Henderson Outlines Ways Organizations are Changing in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic and Climate Change in New Edition of "Environmental Insights"

Rebecca Henderson, the John and Natty McArthur University Professor at Harvard University, shared her perspectives on how large organizations are changing in response to the coronavirus pandemic and climate change in the newest episode of "Environmental Insights: Discussions on Policy and Practice from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program," a podcast produced by the Harvard Environmental Economics Program. Listen to the interview here. Listen to the interview here.


Environmental Insights Interview with Nick Stern

An exclusive interview with Lord Nicholas Stern, one of the world’s foremost experts on climate change.



Harvard Business School Professor Rebecca Henderson Outlines Ways Organizations are Changing in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic and Climate Change in New Edition of "Environmental Insights"

Rebecca Henderson, the John and Natty McArthur University Professor at Harvard University, shared her perspectives on how large organizations are changing in response to the coronavirus pandemic and climate change in the newest episode of "Environmental Insights: Discussions on Policy and Practice from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program," a podcast produced by the Harvard Environmental Economics Program. Listen to the interview here. Listen to the interview here.


Columbia University Professor Scott Barrett Compares Global Responses to COVID-19 and Climate Change in Special Edition of "Environmental Insights"

Columbia University Professor Scott Barrett assessed the massive global efforts underway to address COVID-19 and the potential impacts of the pandemic on our lives in the future in a special episode of “Environmental Insights: Discussions on Policy and Practice from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program,” a podcast produced by the Harvard Environmental Economics Program. Listen to the interview here.


Harvard Business School Professor Rebecca Henderson Outlines Ways Organizations are Changing in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic and Climate Change in New Edition of "Environmental Insights"

Rebecca Henderson, the John and Natty McArthur University Professor at Harvard University, shared her perspectives on how large organizations are changing in response to the coronavirus pandemic and climate change in the newest episode of "Environmental Insights: Discussions on Policy and Practice from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program," a podcast produced by the Harvard Environmental Economics Program. Listen to the interview here. Listen to the interview here.


Weakening environmental reviews for transportation infrastructure is a bridge too far

This January, the Trump administration published a proposed rule to update long-standing government-wide regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)—the law which requires public disclosure and discussion of environmental impacts before undertaking a so-called “federal action.” All types of infrastructure—from roads and bridges to dams to conventional and renewable energy developments on public lands—are…



Coping with the Next Oil Spill: Why U.S.-Cuba Environmental Cooperation is Critical

Introduction:  The sinking of the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform and the resulting discharge of millions of gallons of crude oil into the sea demonstrated graphically the challenge of environmental protection in the ocean waters shared by Cuba and the United States.

While the quest for deepwater drilling of oil and gas may slow as a result of the latest calamity, it is unlikely to stop. It came as little surprise, for example, that Repsol recently announced plans to move forward with exploratory oil drilling in Cuban territorial waters later this year.

As Cuba continues to develop its deepwater oil and natural gas reserves, the consequence to the United States of a similar mishap occurring in Cuban waters moves from the theoretical to the actual. The sobering fact that a Cuban spill could foul hundreds of miles of American coastline and do profound harm to important marine habitats demands cooperative and proactive planning by Washington and Havana to minimize or avoid such a calamity. Also important is the planning necessary to prevent and, if necessary, respond to incidents arising from this country’s oil industry that, through the action of currents and wind, threaten Cuban waters and shorelines.

While Washington is working to prevent future disasters in U.S. waters like the Deepwater Horizon, its current policies foreclose the ability to respond effectively to future oil disasters—whether that disaster is caused by companies at work in Cuban waters, or is the result of companies operating in U.S. waters.



  • Robert Muse
  • Jorge R. Piñon


2014 Brookings Blum Roundtable: Jump-Starting Inclusive Growth in the Most Difficult Environments

Event Information

August 7-9, 2014

Aspen, Colorado

The start of the 21st century has been an auspicious period for global economic development. In the 1990s, a mere 13 emerging economies succeeded in growing at a speed at least twice that of the OECD countries, enabling rapid convergence on Western living standards. By the first decade of the 2000s, this number had mushroomed to 83. Accelerated rates of economic growth lay behind many of the recent success stories in global development, not least the fulfilment of the first Millennium Development Goal to halve the global poverty rate, five years ahead of the 2015 deadline. Yet in a number of places, growth has failed to take off, has undergone periodic reversals, or has benefited a few while leaving the majority short-changed.

On August 7-9, 2014, Brookings Global Economy and Development is hosting the eleventh annual Brookings Blum Roundtable on Global Poverty in Aspen, Colorado. This year’s roundtable theme, “Jump-Starting Inclusive Growth in the Most Difficult Environment,” brings together global leaders, entrepreneurs, practitioners, and public intellectuals to discuss what strategies exist for promoting inclusive economic growth in settings where standard prescriptions are not feasible or sufficient as well as what the comparative advantages are of different actors seeking to improve the prospects for inclusive growth and how can they most effectively collaborate with each other to increase their impact. 

This event is closed, but you can follow along on Twitter using #Blum2014.

Roundtable Agenda

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Welcome - 3:30-4:00 p.m.:

  • Strobe Talbott, Brookings Institution

Opening Remarks:

Session I - 4:00-5:00 p.m.: How Can Multinationals Engage With Governments to Support Economic Development?

Multinational corporations are increasingly recognized as key partners for governments in development planning. Corporations are brought into discussions at various levels: around individual projects and their impact on affected localities; on sector performance, regulation and competition; and on country-level issues such as the business environment, infrastructure, jobs, and skills.

What motivations do multinationals have to participate in government engagement? Do discussions work better under formalized and multilateral structures, such as business councils, or on an ad-hoc bilateral basis? How does engagement differ in poor and weakly governed countries?    


Introductory Remarks:

  • Jane Nelson, Harvard University
  • Tara Nathan, MasterCard Worldwide
  • The Honorable Amara Konneh, Government of Liberia

Aspen Institute Madeleine K. Albright Global Development Dinner & Lecture - 7:00-9:30 p.m.:

The Aspen Institute Madeleine K. Albright Global Development Lecture recognizes an exceptional individual whose vision has provided breakthrough thinking to tackle the challenges of global development.


Friday, August 8, 2014

Session II - 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.: Managing Risks in Conflict Settings

Ending extreme poverty over the next generation will require inclusive and sustained growth across the developing world. This is a particularly onerous challenge in fragile and conflict-affected states, which account for a growing share of the world’s poor. There is growing recognition that fast economic recovery, and the jobs that go with it, can serve to shore up peace agreements and help countries successfully transition beyond the immediate post-conflict phase.

What can be done to support investors and entrepreneurs weighing up the risks and opportunities of starting or expanding business in these settings? What risk-mitigating instruments and strategies work? How can corporations identify, foster and partner with local businesses to support job creation and private sector development?


Introductory Remarks:

Session III - 10:50-12:00 p.m.: Leap-Frogging Technologies

Weak legal and regulatory frameworks, crime and corruption, deficient infrastructure, and lack of access to finance are common constraints to many developing economies. New leap-frogging technologies offer poor countries the potential to overcome some of these challenges without the cost, capacity or good governance required from traditional solutions. Mobile technology, powered by nearly five billion mobile subscriptions worldwide, provides a platform through which to do business and expand financial services. Off-grid power and the internet offer other examples of how weak infrastructure and missing public goods can be circumvented. Special economic zones and charter cities offer the possibility of forging oases where economic conditions are favorable.

On what conditions, if any, does successful leap-frogging depend? What type of financing instruments do innovators look for when designing and marketing such technologies? What are the sources of growth in low-income countries and what can they tell us about new growth strategies?


Introductory Remarks:

Session IV - 2:00-3:30 p.m.: Delivering Government Partnerships

With President Obama’s June 2013 announcement of Power Africa, the U.S. government is demonstrating its new vision for development built on public-private partnerships. Historically, such partnerships have a mixed tracked record.

How can we make sure that Power Africa, Feed the Future, and similar partnerships deliver to their full potential? What have we learned about structuring effective government-business-donor cooperation?


  • Dana Hyde, Millennium Challenge Corporation

Introductory Remarks:

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Session V - 9:00-10:30 a.m.: Unlocking Big Deals

Massive infrastructure gaps in the energy, transport, information and communications technology, water, and urban sectors threaten the long-term competitiveness and prospects for sustainable development across many countries. This realization has spurred interest from countries, donors, regional groups and development finance institutions to devise new ways of overcoming constraints to mega-investment deals, particularly agreements that are cross-border in scope. Identified constraints include a shortage of early-stage project development finance; skilled legal, technology and financial experts; and instruments to attract additional capital from external players like institutional investors and international investment banks.

How can constraints to big deals be overcome, and what are the ingredients that allow for enduring partnerships to deliver on these projects? Are dedicated pools of financing needed to unlock these deals?


Introductory Remarks:

Session VI - 10:50-12:20 p.m.: Where Can Enclave Projects Take Us?

Recent discoveries of natural resource wealth in East Africa offer the promise of supercharged growth in one of the world’s poorest regions. A critical challenge is to leverage the capital, skills and knowledge generated from enclave growth to support nascent other industries.

How can corporations, government, and NGOs support structural transformation away from enclave activities? What sorts of industries present the most feasible small steps away from extractive sector activities?


  • Smita Singh, Independent 
Introductory Remarks:

Closing Remarks:

Event Materials



Earth Day: it is about equity as well as the environment

Growing gaps in family structure, educational investments, school readiness, test scores, and college entry and completion all make upward economic mobility a more difficult prospect for children born to poor families. Poor children in poor neighborhoods are at an even greater disadvantage. Growing up in an impoverished community doesn’t only affect your lifetime earnings –…



Going Partisan: Presidential Leadership in a Polarized Political Environment

Brandon Rottinghaus articulates and finds support for an alternative strategy to the “going public” presidential leadership tactic. With the United States currently experiencing a hyper-polarized political environment, he argues that the president’s goal in “going partisan” is to directly mobilize local partisans and leaning partisans and indirectly engender greater party support of the president’s party within Congress. Ultimately there is a tradeoff with this strategy: while big losses are avoided and presidents can maintain a defensive position by keeping a minimum amount of opposition unified around the White House’s agenda, the fact remains that fewer substantial policy innovations or major agenda items are likely to be initiated or maintained.  



Where the Next $30 Trillion Will Be Invested in the Built Environment Between Now and 2025

During his presentation at the University of Michigan/Urban Land Institute Real Estate Forum, Christopher B. Leinberger discusses the impact walkable urbane places has and will have on metropolitan development patterns, the market reasons for this change and how to strategically manage it.

This video is no longer available

Publication: University of Michigan/Urban Land Institute Real Estate Forum


Africa in the news: New environmental policies on the continent, Zimbabwe’s IMF stabilization program, and Sudan update

Tanzania, Kenya, and UNECA enact environment-positive policies and programs On Saturday, June 1, Tanzania’s ban on plastic bags went into effect. According to The Citizen, the new law targets the “import, export, manufacturing, sale, storage, supply, and use of plastic carrier bags regardless of their thickness” on the Tanzanian mainland. The law also bans the…



Taking Development Activities to Scale in Fragile and Low Capacity Environments


Fragile states present one of the greatest challenges to global development and poverty reduction. Despite much new learning that has emerged from within the development community in recent years, understanding of how to address fragility remains modest. There is growing recognition that donor engagement in fragile states must look beyond the confines of the traditional aid effectiveness agenda if it is to achieve its intended objectives, which include statebuilding, meeting the needs of citizens, and managing risk more effectively. Current approaches are constrained by relying heavily on small-scale interventions, are weakened by poor coordination and volatility, and struggle to promote an appropriate role for the recipient state.

Scaling up (i.e., the expansion, replication, adaption and sustaining of successful policies and programs in space and over time to reach a greater number of people) is highly relevant to fragile settings, both as an objective and as a strategic approach to development. As an objective, it reinforces the logic that the scale of the challenges in fragile states demands interventions that are commensurate in purpose and equal to the task. As a strategy, it encourages donors to identify and leverage successes, and to integrate institutional development more explicitly into projects and programs. In addition, scaling up can assist donors in addressing the priority areas of improved project design and implementation, sustainability and effective risk management.

Successful scaling up in fragile states almost certainly occurs less often than is possible and does not always involve a systematic approach. Donors should therefore look to more systematically pursue scaling up in fragile states and evaluate their performance with specific reference to this objective. This can be done by incorporating relevant elements of a scaling up framework into operational policies, from strategy development through to program design and monitoring.

Contrary to expectations, there are compelling examples of successful scaling up in fragile states. While the conditions prevailing in fragile states create serious obstacles in terms of “drivers” (the forces that push the scaling up process forward) and “spaces” (the opportunities that need to be created, or potential obstacles that need to be removed for interventions to grow), and in terms of the operational modalities of donors, these can be overcome through the careful design and delivery of programs with a clear focus on creating scaling up pathways, and through close partnership and sustained engagement of governments, communities and foreign partners.

Case study evidence suggests that the pathways taken to reach scale in fragile states demand different approaches by donors. Donors need to adopt greater selectivity in determining which areas or sectors for scaling up are justified—a strategy that has also assisted some donors in managing risk. More investment and time are required in upfront analysis and building the evidence for successful scaling up pathways. In some cases, donors require longer time horizons to achieve scale, although demand from government or beneficiaries has sometimes forced donors to move immediately to scale, allowing little or no time for piloting. Regardless of the pace of scaling up, donors that were most successful were engaged early and then remained engaged, often far beyond the replication phase of scaling up, to increase the likelihood of interventions being sustained. Other common characteristics of successful scaling up were simple project design and a focus on the institutional aspects of the scaling up pathway.

Case studies also point to the crucial role of drivers in moving the scaling up process forward in fragile states. Proven ideas and practical models have often been picked up in fragile states, contrary to the expectation that actors may be less responsive to recognizing and acting on the utility of promising results. Leaders undoubtedly have a role to play in supporting scaling up, although there are clear dangers that must be avoided, including avoiding the perception that donors are picking (political) winners by nominating leaders, and tying the survival of projects too closely to the fortunes of a leader’s political career. Incentives were found to be one of the most important drivers in fragile states, and there is a good case to be made for donors introducing new inducements, greater transparency or similar reforms to strengthen the role incentives play. Finally, and in contrast to the standard scaling up framework, community demand was found to be an important driver in many fragile states, both in demanding the expansion of small-scale projects and by facilitating the community’s own resources to support the scaling up process.

The greatest challenge to scaling up in fragile states is the limited spaces these environments provide. This is especially the case in respect to those spaces which concern aspects of governance: political, institutional and policy spaces. When working in fragile states, donors must recognize that spaces for scaling up are almost always more constrained, but look for ways to expand upon them. Some of the most successful examples of scaling up used creative approaches to build space quickly or used existing capacity to the fullest possible extent. Also relevant are the lessons of robust analysis, greater realism and cost control. The case studies confirm the importance of two additional spaces in fragile states. For example, security space often imposed horizontal obstacles to scaling up which could not realistically be overcome while ownership space served as a good indication of the perceived legitimacy of the scaling up process and the likelihood that interventions would be sustained longer term.

Case studies also affirm the importance of emphasizing robust project design and implementation, and the close linkages between the scaling up agenda and the role of risk management and sustainability in fragile states. While sustainability presented a significant problem for many of the projects and programs reviewed, a more focused approach around scaling up may assist donors in addressing sustainability concerns. This would entail adopting a longer-term perspective beyond the immediate confines of any individual project, looking for available drivers and supportive spaces, and focusing on effective implementation and consistent monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Any intervention introduced on a small scale that scores well in sustainability serves as a possible candidate for scaling up.

Similarly, many of the methods used by donors for managing risk—an emphasis on analysis, scenario planning, realism and making use of specialized aid instruments—are equally relevant for supporting scaling up in fragile countries. A persuasive argument can be made that the adoption of a more explicit scaling up approach by donors can form part of a risk management strategy in fragile states. Scaling up can enable donors to more ambitiously tackle development risks without allowing institutional and project risks to grow unchecked. Ultimately, a donor approach that combines good risk management and scaling up requires strong leadership and well-aligned incentives.


Image Source: © Beawiharta Beawiharta / Reuters


Global economic and environmental outcomes of the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement, adopted by the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2015, has now been signed by 197 countries. It entered into force in 2016. The agreement established a process for moving the world toward stabilizing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations at a level that would avoid dangerous climate…



Global economic and environmental outcomes of the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement, adopted by the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2015, has now been signed by 197 countries. It entered into force in 2016. The agreement established a process for moving the world toward stabilizing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations at a level that would avoid dangerous climate…



The Washington war on science and the environment is getting totally insane

Just read the headlines and weep


UNEP & TreeHugger Launch Blogging Contest for World Environment Day

Once again, we're proud to partner with the United Nations Environment Programme to help fight food waste and bring attention to World Environment Day.


Vote now for World Environment Day Blogging Contest!

Did you know that 50% of food produced is wasted? It is true, but thankfully, the United Nations Environment Program and TreeHugger are helping shine a light on this problem with our fourth annual World Environment Day Blogging Competition.


Winner announced in World Environment Day blogging contest

Charles Immanuel Akhimien, a Nigerian doctor and writer, will report from WED host country Mongolia.


U.S. Food Waste Challenge honors World Environment Day

In keeping with this year's theme, the USDA and EPA are launching a challenge to reduce food waste at each step from farm to fork.


Fighting food waste around the globe in honor of World Environment Day

A round-up of stories addressing the global problem of food waste.


Mongolia hosts World Environment Day to highlight sustainable future

I was fortunate enough to attend the official start of World Environment Day in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Here's why their vision for a sustainable future is so important.


United Nations Environment Programme announces the 2014 theme of World Environment Day

Vote today for your favorite slogan!


Video showdown: Vote for the best in the United Nations Environment Programme’s competition

Send one of these video bloggers to cover World Environment Day.


Gisele Bündchen and Don Cheadle have an environmental challenge for you

Celebrity ambassadors call for support for the UN’s World Environment Day.


21-year-old activist wins World Environment Day video competition

The United Nations Environment Programme and goodwill ambassador Don Cheadle have selected a winner. See the video here.


Ian Somerhalder named Goodwill Ambassador for World Environment Day 2014

The actor known for The Vampire Diaries and Lost joined today's World Environment Day celebrations in Barbados.


World Environment Day highlights Barbados’ sustainability programs

The host country of the United Nations World Environment day is working to protect its natural resources and adapt to climate change.


World Environment Day 2015 to promote sustainable lifestyles

The UN Environment Program takes aim at unsustainable consumption in 2015.


World Environment Day launches logo design competition

Design a logo for this year’s World Environment Day and win a trip to Milan, Italy.


Enter the World Environment Day blogging competition and win a trip to Milan

In anticipation of World Environment Day on June 5, the United Nations Environment Programme is hosting a blogging competition to raise awareness about this year’s theme of sustainable consumption.


Football star Yaya Touré joins the World Environment Day celebrations as goodwill ambassador

The soccer star arrived in an electric retro-fit Fiat Panda and attended a cooking demonstration.


Are environmental laws to blame for California's wildfires?

A certain Commander in Chief says that wildfires are being made 'so much worse by the bad environmental laws.' Here's what's really happening.


Why don't more people (especially environmentalists) drink bag-in-box wine?

Perhaps our perceptions are predicated on the packaging.


Are "Green" energy and water savings programs in hotels really about the environment?

Are they good for everyone or just about making money and getting rid of workers?


Trulia study finds Americans say they care about the environment but aren't willing to pay for it

The extremely dated "It ain't easy being green" title of this Trulia survey actually misinterprets the data; judging by the questions they asked, it is perfectly easy being green; it just ain't cheap.


Existing Ozone Controls Aren't Protecting Human Health or the Environment, Report Says

Image from NASA updated: As many noted, I (idiotically) cited the Montreal Protocol's success here, which has nothing to do with reducing tropospheric ozone -- rather, it has to do with fixing the ozone layer. Thank you commenters, and my apologies for


Injecting Aerosols Into Atmosphere to Slow Global Warming Environmentally & Economically Risky

Another report on another geoengineering method that is likely too risky to try and utterly not cost-effective: Injecting aerosols into the atmosphere to slow warming (which would do absolutely nothing about ocean acidification, by the way).


First ever United Nations Environment Assembly to shape Sustainable Development Goals

Delegates from United Nations member states meet to discuss a global environmental agenda.


Italy hosts the official World Environment Day celebrations at Expo Milano

The UN Environment Programme kicks off its official celebration of World Environment Day in Milan.


Share your idea for how big data can help the environment and score a trip to the Eye on Earth Summit in Abu Dhabi

The Eye on Earth Summit aims to harness the power of data and new data gathering technologies to help the environment and support sustainable development.


Pragmatic Environmentalism Hosts Carnival of the Green

This week marks Carnival of the Green #205, and it's being hosted by Pragmatic Environmentalism, a blog that explores urban sustainability. Thanks so much to Brenda Pike, who runs the site, for a last minute Carnival round-up. Through her blog, Brenda


World First: Environmental Law Appeal To Be Argued Over Twitter

A "moot court" will be held over Twitter for the first time ever, and students from 5 major Canadian law schools will argue an environmental law.


Green Tax Shift & Other Environmental Issues Cartoon-Style by Stuart McMillen

Here is someone who gets the message across, in a funny and beautiful way. Australian Stuart McMillen takes topics around environmental sustainability and turns them into catchy cartoons.


Ask Pablo: What is the Best Environmental Choice for Yoga Mats?

Each year thousands of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) yoga mats are sold


Quote of the Day: Michael Schade on PVC and Environmental Justice

Sam Suds and the Case of PVC The entire life cycle of PVC is an issue of environmental justice and racism. Many PVC plants are located near poor and communities of color. These facilities have poisoned workers and fence-line neighbors, polluted the


How Not To Present Vinyl as an Environmentally Sound Choice

Over at the Sietch Blog, an environmental site that I respect a lot, a roofer named Leo defends PVC roofing as one of the greenest roofs. He isn't wrong; it comes in white, and white roofs are all the rage, it lasts a long time and is a


Who was the greenest president? 12 environmental groups are polled and the results might surprise you

Corporate Knights Magazine asks the question and gets a different result than we did.


Dicaprio's 11th Hour Features Real Environmental Superstars

Two weeks ago, fellow Treehugger George Spyros and I had the opportunity to catch a sneak preview of Leonardo Dicaprio's The 11th Hour. Organized by Project Greenhouse, the screening was appropriately held outdoors and under the stars at Marders, an