es Vulnerability of social institutions: lessons from the recent crisis and historical episodes By Published On :: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 18:30:00 GMT The recent economic crisis has provided a stress test for the vulnerability of social institutions. This paper assesses the vulnerability of social institutions in light of the current crisis, and surveys past episodes, when social institutions faced similar challenges. Full Article
es Overcoming skills shortages in Canada By Published On :: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 10:12:00 GMT Skills shortages have developed in certain fields and regions in recent years. Earnings premiums for people in some professions, notably health, engineering and skilled trades have increased. Full Article
es Gross earning inequalities in OECD countries and major non-member economies: determinants and future scenarios By Published On :: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 11:29:00 GMT Income and earning inequality has been on the rise in most of the OECD and in many emerging economies since the 1980s. This paper estimates a model of earnings inequality across OECD countries that incorporates determinants of relative demand and supply of more and less-skilled labour. Full Article
es International migration: the relationship with economic and policy factors in the home and destination country By Published On :: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:23:00 GMT Unfavourable demographic trends in many OECD countries threaten the sustainability of potential labour resources, GDP growth and fiscal positions. One factor that is expected to mitigate these trends is continued inflows of migrant workers from low income economies. Full Article
es Workplace stress in the United States: issues and policies By Published On :: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 09:00:00 GMT Despite relative affluence, workplace stress is a prominent feature of the US labour market. To the extent that job stress causes poor health outcomes – either directly through increased blood ressure, fatigue, muscle pain, etc. or indirectly through increased rates of cigarette smoking – policy to lessen job stress may be appropriate. Full Article
es Improving well-being in the United States By Published On :: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 09:00:00 GMT Life is quite good in the United States compared to other OECD countries, thanks to strong economic growth and technological progress having lifted average income to high levels. Nonetheless, there is evidence that the benefits from growth have not been sufficiently broad based. Full Article
es US long term interest rates and capital flows to emerging economies By Published On :: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:42:00 GMT This paper studies the association between US long term interest rates and cycles of capital flows to emerging market economies (EMEs). It finds that, indeed, cycles in capital flows to EMEs are linked to global conditions, including global risk aversion and long term interest rates in the United States. Full Article
es An exploration of the determinants of the subjective well-being of Americans during the Great Recession By Published On :: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 09:00:00 GMT This paper uses data from the American Life Panel to understand the determinants of well-being in the United States during the Great Recession. It investigates how various dimensions of subjective well-being reflected in the OECD Better Life Framework impact subjective well-being. Full Article
es Making the banking sector more resilient and reducing household debt in the Netherlands By Published On :: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 09:00:00 GMT Dutch banks were put under heavy strains early in the global downturn and have comparatively weak financial buffers to cope with new shocks. Falling house prices have increased the share of households with negative home equity to nearly 35% for home-owning households and 40% for mortgage holders. Full Article
es Boosting the development of efficient SMEs in the Netherlands By Published On :: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 09:00:00 GMT Entrepreneurship is an important driver of economic growth, job creation and competitiveness. However, the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) sector has been severely affected by the crisis, with access to bank finance being particularly difficult. Full Article
es Spain is on the road to recovery, but challenges remain to ensure sustainable, inclusive growth, says OECD By Published On :: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:16:00 GMT Spain is emerging from a protracted recession, marked by a return to moderate growth and rising international competitiveness. Decisive banking and fiscal reforms, coupled with supportive monetary policy from the European Central Bank, have reduced financial tensions and improved public finance. Full Article
es Managerial capital and business R&D as enablers of productivity convergence By Published On :: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 09:00:00 GMT This paper explores the role of managerial capital and business research and development (R&D) in fostering multifactor productivity (MFP) convergence in a panel of 42 countries. Full Article
es Promoting the financing of SMEs and start-ups in Korea By Published On :: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 09:00:00 GMT The Korean government has made fostering a “creative economy” a top priority. The goal is to shift Korea's economic paradigm to one based on innovation in which new start-ups and venture businesses play a key role. Full Article
es Fostering inclusive growth in Turkey by promoting structural change in the business sector By Published On :: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 09:02:00 GMT Turkey’s business sector dynamism has underpinned broad-based and inclusive growth in the 2000s. However, the business sector is highly segmented, with a relatively small core of modern high-productivity corporations, and myriad small, less formal and low-productivity entities. Full Article
es Addressing high household debt in Korea By Published On :: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 09:55:00 GMT Rising household debt has become a major policy concern in Korea. By the end of 2012, it had risen to 164% of disposable income, well above the OECD average of 133%. Full Article
es OECD and National Bureau of Economic Research Conference on Productivity Growth and Innovation in the Long Run. 25-26 September, Paris. By Published On :: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:13:00 GMT Increasing productivity is critical to achieving strong, sustainable and inclusive growth and well-being. Technological change and innovation are the key drivers of increased productivity, along with better skills and organisational change. Full Article
es Determinants of households’ investment in energy efficiency and renewables – evidence from the OECD Survey on Household Environmental Behaviour and Attitudes By Published On :: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 09:00:00 GMT Many studies on household energy efficiency investments suggest that a wide range of seemingly profitable investments are not taken up. This paper provides novel evidence on the main factors behind consumer choices using the OECD Survey on Household Environmental Behaviour and Attitudes. Full Article
es How Was Life? shows long-term progress in key areas of well-being By Published On :: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 11:00:00 GMT People’s well-being has generally progressed since the early 20th century across a large part of the world, according to new research published by a consortium of economic historians (CLIO-INFRA) and produced in collaboration with the OECD and OECD Development Centre. Full Article
es Investment gaps after the crisis By Published On :: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 09:00:00 GMT The downturn in fixed investment among advanced economies from the onset of the global crisis was unusually severe, widespread and long-lasting relative to comparable episodes in the past. As a result, investment gaps are large in many countries, not only in relation to past norms but also relative to projected future steady-state levels, with a gap of 2 percentage points of GDP or more in several countries. Full Article
es The OECD encourages the French government to pursue the ongoing structural reforms to boost growth By Published On :: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 19:06:00 GMT Full implementation of the structural reforms adopted and announced in France would boost potential annual economic growth by one third, or 0.4 percentage points per year over ten years, according to the OECD. Full Article
es Mr. François Hollande, President of the French Republic, met with the Heads of international economic organisations at the OECD By Published On :: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 19:35:00 GMT The President of the French Republic, Mr. François Hollande, met the Heads of five international economic organisations at the OECD on Friday 17th October to discuss the challenges facing the global economy. Full Article
es Understanding National Accounts – latest edition now out By Published On :: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 11:00:00 GMT The OECD has updated its key textbook explaining how economic activity is monitored and measured. Full Article
es A revival of the private rental sector of the housing market? Lessons from Germany, Finland, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands By Published On :: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 09:29:00 GMT This Working Paper studies ways to stimulate the private rental sector (PRS) of the housing market – and compares experiences with policies and reforms in Germany, the Netherlands, Finland and the Czech Republic. Full Article
es Comprehensive action needed to shift the global economy into higher gear, says OECD in latest Economic Outlook By Published On :: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 11:00:00 GMT The global economy remains stuck in low gear, but is expected to accelerate gradually if countries implement growth-supportive policies. Widening differences across countries and regions are adding to the major risks on the horizon, according to the advanced G20 release of the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook. Full Article
es Strengthening Global Growth: The G20 Brisbane Summit’s Challenges and Contributions By Published On :: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 09:41:00 GMT The G20 needs to go structural, social, and green! With fiscal and monetary policy room nearly exhausted, structural reforms are the best choices, sometimes the only choice. The OECD battle cry in this regard has been unchanged since 2008: “go structural!”. Full Article
es The internet economy – regulatory challenges and practices By Published On :: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 09:00:00 GMT Designing policies that protect society while allowing for Internet’s great economic potential to be fulfilled, is a difficult task. This paper investigates this challenge and takes stock of existing regulations in OECD and selected non-OECD countries in specific areas related to the digital economy. Full Article
es Moving towards a more dynamic business sector in Spain By Published On :: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 09:00:00 GMT Policy efforts to revitalise entrepreneurship and investment in Spain are key to generating growth and new jobs. The government has a substantial reform program to make it easier to do business in Spain, which should in some cases be deepened. Boosting economic growth requires a new generation of high-growth companies and that resources flow towards the most productive firms. Full Article
es Angel Gurría congratulates new Indonesian President for cutting fuel subsidies By Published On :: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 12:00:00 GMT Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD congratulated the newly elected President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, for taking a bold first step in his economic reform agenda by substantially cutting fuel subsidies. Full Article
es Better harnessing talent and knowledge to boost sustainable medium-term growth in Spain By Published On :: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:00:00 GMT Structural transformation towards a more knowledge-based economy will strengthen Spain’s medium-term growth prospects. To deal with long standing impediments to higher growth the government has a substantial structural reform programme touching on education, the labour market and the business environment. Full Article
es Stronger policy response needed to avoid risks to growth, especially in the euro area, says OECD in latest Economic Outlook By Published On :: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 11:30:00 GMT Modest global economic forecasts, continuing high unemployment, and downshifts in potential output,should spur governments with a greater sense of urgency to fully employ monetary, fiscal and structural policy levers to support growth, notably in Europe, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook. Full Article
es Policy Brief: Green growth - Environmental policies and productivity can work together By Published On :: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 09:00:00 GMT As environmental pressures continue to rise, governments throughout the OECD area have not been sitting back. If anything, the stringency of their policy measures has been increasing on the whole, not least to combat pollution and climate change. And as the evidence shows, stringent environmental policies can be introduced without hurting overall productivity. Full Article
es Can pro-growth policies lift all boats? An analysis based on household disposable income By Published On :: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:00:00 GMT In a majority of OECD countries, GDP growth over the past three decades has been associated with growing income disparities. To shed some lights on the potential sources of trade-offs between growth and equity, this paper investigates the long-run impact of structural reforms on GDP per capita and household income distribution. Full Article
es Norway has some good measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, but significant weaknesses undermine overall effectiveness, says FATF By Published On :: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 13:25:00 GMT Norway has taken some good initiatives to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, but needs to establish overarching policies and strategies, and address significant weaknesses in a number of key areas, according to a new report by the Financial Action Task Force. Full Article
es Improving health outcomes and health care in India By Published On :: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 09:00:00 GMT With India’s low life expectancy largely reflecting deaths from preventable diseases, the most significant gains in health would come from population-wide preventive measures. Full Article
es Challenges and opportunities of India’s manufacturing sector By Published On :: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 09:00:00 GMT Stronger manufacturing would increase productivity and make growth more inclusive, while contributing to improved current account balance. In particular, India should aim for more formal jobs, as these tend to be the most secure and of highest productivity. Full Article
es Colombia needs a comprehensive tax reform to boost investment and diversify the economy, OECD says By Published On :: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 17:18:00 GMT The Colombian economy has done remarkably well over the last decade, consistently ranking among the fastest-growing countries in Latin America, but a comprehensive tax reform that promotes investment and diversifies the economy is now needed to put the country on a path toward stronger, sustainable and inclusive growth, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Colombia. Full Article
es Escaping the Stagnation Trap: Policy Options for the Euro Area and Japan By Published On :: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 16:00:00 GMT The global economy continues to run at low speed and many countries, particularly in Europe, seem unable to overcome the legacies of the crisis. With high unemployment, high inequality and low trust still weighing heavily, it is imperative to swiftly implement reforms that boost demand and employment and raise potential growth. Full Article
es Mr. Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General, on Official visit in Estonia, 28 January 2015 By Published On :: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 08:00:00 GMT The Secretary-General of the OECD was in Tallinn on 28 January to launch the Economic Survey of Estonia 2015. Full Article
es Reforms needed to boost productivity and accelerate convergence in Estonia, OECD says By Published On :: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 14:15:00 GMT The underlying strengths of the Estonian economy have helped it bounce back from the crisis, but some challenges remain to finding a steeper, more inclusive and more sustainable growth path, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Estonia. Full Article
es G20: Remarks for Session 2 - Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth By Published On :: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 09:49:00 GMT We therefore need a “copernician” change in our approach to the growth – inequality nexus: let’s not think growth first, and inequality thereafter but let’s consider both of them, together, in their circularity. In other words, let’s think “Inclusive Growth”, right from the start, and let’s make it another touchstone of our efforts and complement the Pittsburgh tryptic of strong, sustainable and balanced growth! Full Article
es Italia: Le riforme assicurano nuove prospettive per rilanciare la crescita e l’occupazione – OCSE By Published On :: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 11:31:00 GMT Cambiare il quadro politico-istituzionale in Italia è fondamentale per garantire che le ambiziose riforme in corso rilancino la crescita e aumentino la qualità della vita, secondo un nuovo rapporto dell’OCSE. Full Article
es Youth employment and regional development must rank as top priorities in Tunisia to secure stability and prosperity By Published On :: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 10:00:00 GMT Tunisia has made great strides since 2011 towards greater inclusivity and fairness in its political system, based on the rule of law, transparency and good governance. Full Article
es OECD Interim Economic Assessment launches Wednesday 18 March at 11:00 a.m. By Published On :: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 14:13:00 GMT Chief Economist Catherine L. Mann will present the near-term prospects for the global economy on Wednesday 18 March at 11:00 a.m. (CET). Full Article
es Low oil prices and monetary easing triggering modest acceleration of global recovery By Published On :: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 11:00:00 GMT Low oil prices and monetary easing are boosting growth in the world’s major economies, but the near-term pace of expansion remains modest, withabnormally low inflation and interest rates pointing to risks of financial instability, according to the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Assessment. Full Article
es Indonesia should accelerate reforms and invest in human capital to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth By Published On :: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 04:00:00 GMT The Indonesian economy has enjoyed strong and stable growth over the past decade and a half, leading to impressive reductions in poverty and major improvements in living standards. But challenges remain to continue to converge towards higher-income countries, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Indonesia. Full Article
es Luxembourg must diversify its economy and maintain a strong and resilient financial sector By Published On :: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 14:00:00 GMT Luxembourg weathered the global economic crisis well, but must take additional steps to foster the diversification of the economy while ensuring the continuing health of its financial sector, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Luxembourg. Full Article
es Swedish economy resilient but needs to focus on productivity and human capital to keep its edge By Published On :: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 11:51:00 GMT The Swedish economy has been among the most resilient in Europe, despite the slow global recovery and high uncertainty, but challenges remain if it is to maintain high growth and well-being and extend prosperity to all, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of Sweden. Full Article
es Action is needed to secure future livelihoods in developed and emerging economies, says the OECD Development Centre By Published On :: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:28:00 GMT New global trend such as jobless growth, a rising youth population and resource scarcity threaten to undo much of the progress of recent decades in securing people’s ability to make a living, according to a new report by the OECD Development Centre launched in Paris today at the OECD Global Forum on Development. Full Article
es France must continue its reform process to boost growth and jobs By Published On :: Thu, 02 Apr 2015 16:00:00 GMT France has begun implementing a series of important pro-growth structural policy measures, but boosting medium-term growth will require more ambitious action to reform the labour market, curb high levels of public spending and taxation and create jobs, according to the latest OECD Economic Survey of France. Full Article
es Why implicit bank debt guarantees matter: Some empirical evidence By Published On :: Tue, 07 Apr 2015 00:37:00 GMT What are the economic effects of implicit bank debt guarantees and who ultimately benefits? This report sheds light on these questions Full Article