
Trees and Forests in Nuclear Physics. (arXiv:2002.10290v2 [nucl-th] UPDATED)

We present a simple introduction to the decision tree algorithm using some examples from nuclear physics. We show how to improve the accuracy of the classical liquid drop nuclear mass model by performing Feature Engineering with a decision tree. Finally, we apply the method to the Duflo-Zuker model showing that, despite their simplicity, decision trees are capable of improving the description of nuclear masses using a limited number of free parameters.


Lake Ice Detection from Sentinel-1 SAR with Deep Learning. (arXiv:2002.07040v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Lake ice, as part of the Essential Climate Variable (ECV) lakes, is an important indicator to monitor climate change and global warming. The spatio-temporal extent of lake ice cover, along with the timings of key phenological events such as freeze-up and break-up, provide important cues about the local and global climate. We present a lake ice monitoring system based on the automatic analysis of Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data with a deep neural network. In previous studies that used optical satellite imagery for lake ice monitoring, frequent cloud cover was a main limiting factor, which we overcome thanks to the ability of microwave sensors to penetrate clouds and observe the lakes regardless of the weather and illumination conditions. We cast ice detection as a two class (frozen, non-frozen) semantic segmentation problem and solve it using a state-of-the-art deep convolutional network (CNN). We report results on two winters ( 2016 - 17 and 2017 - 18 ) and three alpine lakes in Switzerland. The proposed model reaches mean Intersection-over-Union (mIoU) scores >90% on average, and >84% even for the most difficult lake. Additionally, we perform cross-validation tests and show that our algorithm generalises well across unseen lakes and winters.


Recursed is not Recursive: A Jarring Result. (arXiv:2002.05131v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Recursed is a 2D puzzle platform video game featuring treasure chests that, when jumped into, instantiate a room that can later be exited (similar to function calls), optionally generating a jar that returns back to that room (similar to continuations). We prove that Recursed is RE-complete and thus undecidable (not recursive) by a reduction from the Post Correspondence Problem. Our reduction is "practical": the reduction from PCP results in fully playable levels that abide by all constraints governing levels (including the 15x20 room size) designed for the main game. Our reduction is also "efficient": a Turing machine can be simulated by a Recursed level whose size is linear in the encoding size of the Turing machine and whose solution length is polynomial in the running time of the Turing machine.


A Real-Time Approach for Chance-Constrained Motion Planning with Dynamic Obstacles. (arXiv:2001.08012v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Uncertain dynamic obstacles, such as pedestrians or vehicles, pose a major challenge for optimal robot navigation with safety guarantees. Previous work on motion planning has followed two main strategies to provide a safe bound on an obstacle's space: a polyhedron, such as a cuboid, or a nonlinear differentiable surface, such as an ellipsoid. The former approach relies on disjunctive programming, which has a relatively high computational cost that grows exponentially with the number of obstacles. The latter approach needs to be linearized locally to find a tractable evaluation of the chance constraints, which dramatically reduces the remaining free space and leads to over-conservative trajectories or even unfeasibility. In this work, we present a hybrid approach that eludes the pitfalls of both strategies while maintaining the original safety guarantees. The key idea consists in obtaining a safe differentiable approximation for the disjunctive chance constraints bounding the obstacles. The resulting nonlinear optimization problem is free of chance constraint linearization and disjunctive programming, and therefore, it can be efficiently solved to meet fast real-time requirements with multiple obstacles. We validate our approach through mathematical proof, simulation and real experiments with an aerial robot using nonlinear model predictive control to avoid pedestrians.


Provenance for the Description Logic ELHr. (arXiv:2001.07541v2 [cs.LO] UPDATED)

We address the problem of handling provenance information in ELHr ontologies. We consider a setting recently introduced for ontology-based data access, based on semirings and extending classical data provenance, in which ontology axioms are annotated with provenance tokens. A consequence inherits the provenance of the axioms involved in deriving it, yielding a provenance polynomial as an annotation. We analyse the semantics for the ELHr case and show that the presence of conjunctions poses various difficulties for handling provenance, some of which are mitigated by assuming multiplicative idempotency of the semiring. Under this assumption, we study three problems: ontology completion with provenance, computing the set of relevant axioms for a consequence, and query answering.


Hardware Implementation of Neural Self-Interference Cancellation. (arXiv:2001.04543v2 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

In-band full-duplex systems can transmit and receive information simultaneously on the same frequency band. However, due to the strong self-interference caused by the transmitter to its own receiver, the use of non-linear digital self-interference cancellation is essential. In this work, we describe a hardware architecture for a neural network-based non-linear self-interference (SI) canceller and we compare it with our own hardware implementation of a conventional polynomial based SI canceller. In particular, we present implementation results for a shallow and a deep neural network SI canceller as well as for a polynomial SI canceller. Our results show that the deep neural network canceller achieves a hardware efficiency of up to $312.8$ Msamples/s/mm$^2$ and an energy efficiency of up to $0.9$ nJ/sample, which is $2.1 imes$ and $2 imes$ better than the polynomial SI canceller, respectively. These results show that NN-based methods applied to communications are not only useful from a performance perspective, but can also be a very effective means to reduce the implementation complexity.


Games Where You Can Play Optimally with Arena-Independent Finite Memory. (arXiv:2001.03894v2 [cs.GT] UPDATED)

For decades, two-player (antagonistic) games on graphs have been a framework of choice for many important problems in theoretical computer science. A notorious one is controller synthesis, which can be rephrased through the game-theoretic metaphor as the quest for a winning strategy of the system in a game against its antagonistic environment. Depending on the specification, optimal strategies might be simple or quite complex, for example having to use (possibly infinite) memory. Hence, research strives to understand which settings allow for simple strategies.

In 2005, Gimbert and Zielonka provided a complete characterization of preference relations (a formal framework to model specifications and game objectives) that admit memoryless optimal strategies for both players. In the last fifteen years however, practical applications have driven the community toward games with complex or multiple objectives, where memory -- finite or infinite -- is almost always required. Despite much effort, the exact frontiers of the class of preference relations that admit finite-memory optimal strategies still elude us.

In this work, we establish a complete characterization of preference relations that admit optimal strategies using arena-independent finite memory, generalizing the work of Gimbert and Zielonka to the finite-memory case. We also prove an equivalent to their celebrated corollary of great practical interest: if both players have optimal (arena-independent-)finite-memory strategies in all one-player games, then it is also the case in all two-player games. Finally, we pinpoint the boundaries of our results with regard to the literature: our work completely covers the case of arena-independent memory (e.g., multiple parity objectives, lower- and upper-bounded energy objectives), and paves the way to the arena-dependent case (e.g., multiple lower-bounded energy objectives).


SCAttNet: Semantic Segmentation Network with Spatial and Channel Attention Mechanism for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images. (arXiv:1912.09121v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

High-resolution remote sensing images (HRRSIs) contain substantial ground object information, such as texture, shape, and spatial location. Semantic segmentation, which is an important task for element extraction, has been widely used in processing mass HRRSIs. However, HRRSIs often exhibit large intraclass variance and small interclass variance due to the diversity and complexity of ground objects, thereby bringing great challenges to a semantic segmentation task. In this paper, we propose a new end-to-end semantic segmentation network, which integrates lightweight spatial and channel attention modules that can refine features adaptively. We compare our method with several classic methods on the ISPRS Vaihingen and Potsdam datasets. Experimental results show that our method can achieve better semantic segmentation results. The source codes are available at


A predictive path-following controller for multi-steered articulated vehicles. (arXiv:1912.06259v5 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Stabilizing multi-steered articulated vehicles in backward motion is a complex task for any human driver. Unless the vehicle is accurately steered, its structurally unstable joint-angle kinematics during reverse maneuvers can cause the vehicle segments to fold and enter a jack-knife state. In this work, a model predictive path-following controller is proposed enabling automatic low-speed steering control of multi-steered articulated vehicles, comprising a car-like tractor and an arbitrary number of trailers with passive or active steering. The proposed path-following controller is tailored to follow nominal paths that contains full state and control-input information, and is designed to satisfy various physical constraints on the vehicle states as well as saturations and rate limitations on the tractor's curvature and the trailer steering angles. The performance of the proposed model predictive path-following controller is evaluated in a set of simulations for a multi-steered 2-trailer with a car-like tractor where the last trailer has steerable wheels.


Novel Deep Learning Framework for Wideband Spectrum Characterization at Sub-Nyquist Rate. (arXiv:1912.05255v2 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

Introduction of spectrum-sharing in 5G and subsequent generation networks demand base-station(s) with the capability to characterize the wideband spectrum spanned over licensed, shared and unlicensed non-contiguous frequency bands. Spectrum characterization involves the identification of vacant bands along with center frequency and parameters (energy, modulation, etc.) of occupied bands. Such characterization at Nyquist sampling is area and power-hungry due to the need for high-speed digitization. Though sub-Nyquist sampling (SNS) offers an excellent alternative when the spectrum is sparse, it suffers from poor performance at low signal to noise ratio (SNR) and demands careful design and integration of digital reconstruction, tunable channelizer and characterization algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel deep-learning framework via a single unified pipeline to accomplish two tasks: 1)~Reconstruct the signal directly from sub-Nyquist samples, and 2)~Wideband spectrum characterization. The proposed approach eliminates the need for complex signal conditioning between reconstruction and characterization and does not need complex tunable channelizers. We extensively compare the performance of our framework for a wide range of modulation schemes, SNR and channel conditions. We show that the proposed framework outperforms existing SNS based approaches and characterization performance approaches to Nyquist sampling-based framework with an increase in SNR. Easy to design and integrate along with a single unified deep learning framework make the proposed architecture a good candidate for reconfigurable platforms.


Multi-group Multicast Beamforming: Optimal Structure and Efficient Algorithms. (arXiv:1911.08925v2 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

This paper considers the multi-group multicast beamforming optimization problem, for which the optimal solution has been unknown due to the non-convex and NP-hard nature of the problem. By utilizing the successive convex approximation numerical method and Lagrangian duality, we obtain the optimal multicast beamforming solution structure for both the quality-of-service (QoS) problem and the max-min fair (MMF) problem. The optimal structure brings valuable insights into multicast beamforming: We show that the notion of uplink-downlink duality can be generalized to the multicast beamforming problem. The optimal multicast beamformer is a weighted MMSE filter based on a group-channel direction: a generalized version of the optimal downlink multi-user unicast beamformer. We also show that there is an inherent low-dimensional structure in the optimal multicast beamforming solution independent of the number of transmit antennas, leading to efficient numerical algorithm design, especially for systems with large antenna arrays. We propose efficient algorithms to compute the multicast beamformer based on the optimal beamforming structure. Through asymptotic analysis, we characterize the asymptotic behavior of the multicast beamformers as the number of antennas grows, and in turn, provide simple closed-form approximate multicast beamformers for both the QoS and MMF problems. This approximation offers practical multicast beamforming solutions with a near-optimal performance at very low computational complexity for large-scale antenna systems.


Digital Twin: Enabling Technologies, Challenges and Open Research. (arXiv:1911.01276v3 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Digital Twin technology is an emerging concept that has become the centre of attention for industry and, in more recent years, academia. The advancements in industry 4.0 concepts have facilitated its growth, particularly in the manufacturing industry. The Digital Twin is defined extensively but is best described as the effortless integration of data between a physical and virtual machine in either direction. The challenges, applications, and enabling technologies for Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Twins are presented. A review of publications relating to Digital Twins is performed, producing a categorical review of recent papers. The review has categorised them by research areas: manufacturing, healthcare and smart cities, discussing a range of papers that reflect these areas and the current state of research. The paper provides an assessment of the enabling technologies, challenges and open research for Digital Twins.


Biologic and Prognostic Feature Scores from Whole-Slide Histology Images Using Deep Learning. (arXiv:1910.09100v4 [q-bio.QM] UPDATED)

Histopathology is a reflection of the molecular changes and provides prognostic phenotypes representing the disease progression. In this study, we introduced feature scores generated from hematoxylin and eosin histology images based on deep learning (DL) models developed for prostate pathology. We demonstrated that these feature scores were significantly prognostic for time to event endpoints (biochemical recurrence and cancer-specific survival) and had simultaneously molecular biologic associations to relevant genomic alterations and molecular subtypes using already trained DL models that were not previously exposed to the datasets of the current study. Further, we discussed the potential of such feature scores to improve the current tumor grading system and the challenges that are associated with tumor heterogeneity and the development of prognostic models from histology images. Our findings uncover the potential of feature scores from histology images as digital biomarkers in precision medicine and as an expanding utility for digital pathology.


Box Covers and Domain Orderings for Beyond Worst-Case Join Processing. (arXiv:1909.12102v2 [cs.DB] UPDATED)

Recent beyond worst-case optimal join algorithms Minesweeper and its generalization Tetris have brought the theory of indexing and join processing together by developing a geometric framework for joins. These algorithms take as input an index $mathcal{B}$, referred to as a box cover, that stores output gaps that can be inferred from traditional indexes, such as B+ trees or tries, on the input relations. The performances of these algorithms highly depend on the certificate of $mathcal{B}$, which is the smallest subset of gaps in $mathcal{B}$ whose union covers all of the gaps in the output space of a query $Q$. We study how to generate box covers that contain small size certificates to guarantee efficient runtimes for these algorithms. First, given a query $Q$ over a set of relations of size $N$ and a fixed set of domain orderings for the attributes, we give a $ ilde{O}(N)$-time algorithm called GAMB which generates a box cover for $Q$ that is guaranteed to contain the smallest size certificate across any box cover for $Q$. Second, we show that finding a domain ordering to minimize the box cover size and certificate is NP-hard through a reduction from the 2 consecutive block minimization problem on boolean matrices. Our third contribution is a $ ilde{O}(N)$-time approximation algorithm called ADORA to compute domain orderings, under which one can compute a box cover of size $ ilde{O}(K^r)$, where $K$ is the minimum box cover for $Q$ under any domain ordering and $r$ is the maximum arity of any relation. This guarantees certificates of size $ ilde{O}(K^r)$. We combine ADORA and GAMB with Tetris to form a new algorithm we call TetrisReordered, which provides several new beyond worst-case bounds. On infinite families of queries, TetrisReordered's runtimes are unboundedly better than the bounds stated in prior work.


Numerical study on the effect of geometric approximation error in the numerical solution of PDEs using a high-order curvilinear mesh. (arXiv:1908.09917v2 [math.NA] UPDATED)

When time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs) are solved numerically in a domain with curved boundary or on a curved surface, mesh error and geometric approximation error caused by the inaccurate location of vertices and other interior grid points, respectively, could be the main source of the inaccuracy and instability of the numerical solutions of PDEs. The role of these geometric errors in deteriorating the stability and particularly the conservation properties are largely unknown, which seems to necessitate very fine meshes especially to remove geometric approximation error. This paper aims to investigate the effect of geometric approximation error by using a high-order mesh with negligible geometric approximation error, even for high order polynomial of order p. To achieve this goal, the high-order mesh generator from CAD geometry called NekMesh is adapted for surface mesh generation in comparison to traditional meshes with non-negligible geometric approximation error. Two types of numerical tests are considered. Firstly, the accuracy of differential operators is compared for various p on a curved element of the sphere. Secondly, by applying the method of moving frames, four different time-dependent PDEs on the sphere are numerically solved to investigate the impact of geometric approximation error on the accuracy and conservation properties of high-order numerical schemes for PDEs on the sphere.


Establishing the Quantum Supremacy Frontier with a 281 Pflop/s Simulation. (arXiv:1905.00444v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers are entering an era in which they can perform computational tasks beyond the capabilities of the most powerful classical computers, thereby achieving "Quantum Supremacy", a major milestone in quantum computing. NISQ Supremacy requires comparison with a state-of-the-art classical simulator. We report HPC simulations of hard random quantum circuits (RQC), which have been recently used as a benchmark for the first experimental demonstration of Quantum Supremacy, sustaining an average performance of 281 Pflop/s (true single precision) on Summit, currently the fastest supercomputer in the World. These simulations were carried out using qFlex, a tensor-network-based classical high-performance simulator of RQCs. Our results show an advantage of many orders of magnitude in energy consumption of NISQ devices over classical supercomputers. In addition, we propose a standard benchmark for NISQ computers based on qFlex.


Constrained Restless Bandits for Dynamic Scheduling in Cyber-Physical Systems. (arXiv:1904.08962v3 [cs.SY] UPDATED)

Restless multi-armed bandits are a class of discrete-time stochastic control problems which involve sequential decision making with a finite set of actions (set of arms). This paper studies a class of constrained restless multi-armed bandits (CRMAB). The constraints are in the form of time varying set of actions (set of available arms). This variation can be either stochastic or semi-deterministic. Given a set of arms, a fixed number of them can be chosen to be played in each decision interval. The play of each arm yields a state dependent reward. The current states of arms are partially observable through binary feedback signals from arms that are played. The current availability of arms is fully observable. The objective is to maximize long term cumulative reward. The uncertainty about future availability of arms along with partial state information makes this objective challenging. Applications for CRMAB abound in the domain of cyber-physical systems. This optimization problem is analyzed using Whittle's index policy. To this end, a constrained restless single-armed bandit is studied. It is shown to admit a threshold-type optimal policy, and is also indexable. An algorithm to compute Whittle's index is presented. Further, upper bounds on the value function are derived in order to estimate the degree of sub-optimality of various solutions. The simulation study compares the performance of Whittle's index, modified Whittle's index and myopic policies.


Keeping out the Masses: Understanding the Popularity and Implications of Internet Paywalls. (arXiv:1903.01406v4 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Funding the production of quality online content is a pressing problem for content producers. The most common funding method, online advertising, is rife with well-known performance and privacy harms, and an intractable subject-agent conflict: many users do not want to see advertisements, depriving the site of needed funding.

Because of these negative aspects of advertisement-based funding, paywalls are an increasingly popular alternative for websites. This shift to a "pay-for-access" web is one that has potentially huge implications for the web and society. Instead of a system where information (nominally) flows freely, paywalls create a web where high quality information is available to fewer and fewer people, leaving the rest of the web users with less information, that might be also less accurate and of lower quality. Despite the potential significance of a move from an "advertising-but-open" web to a "paywalled" web, we find this issue understudied.

This work addresses this gap in our understanding by measuring how widely paywalls have been adopted, what kinds of sites use paywalls, and the distribution of policies enforced by paywalls. A partial list of our findings include that (i) paywall use is accelerating (2x more paywalls every 6 months), (ii) paywall adoption differs by country (e.g. 18.75% in US, 12.69% in Australia), (iii) paywalls change how users interact with sites (e.g. higher bounce rates, less incoming links), (iv) the median cost of an annual paywall access is $108 per site, and (v) paywalls are in general trivial to circumvent.

Finally, we present the design of a novel, automated system for detecting whether a site uses a paywall, through the combination of runtime browser instrumentation and repeated programmatic interactions with the site. We intend this classifier to augment future, longitudinal measurements of paywall use and behavior.


Asymptotic expansions of eigenvalues by both the Crouzeix-Raviart and enriched Crouzeix-Raviart elements. (arXiv:1902.09524v2 [math.NA] UPDATED)

Asymptotic expansions are derived for eigenvalues produced by both the Crouzeix-Raviart element and the enriched Crouzeix--Raviart element. The expansions are optimal in the sense that extrapolation eigenvalues based on them admit a fourth order convergence provided that exact eigenfunctions are smooth enough. The major challenge in establishing the expansions comes from the fact that the canonical interpolation of both nonconforming elements lacks a crucial superclose property, and the nonconformity of both elements. The main idea is to employ the relation between the lowest-order mixed Raviart--Thomas element and the two nonconforming elements, and consequently make use of the superclose property of the canonical interpolation of the lowest-order mixed Raviart--Thomas element. To overcome the difficulty caused by the nonconformity, the commuting property of the canonical interpolation operators of both nonconforming elements is further used, which turns the consistency error problem into an interpolation error problem. Then, a series of new results are obtained to show the final expansions.


Machine learning topological phases in real space. (arXiv:1901.01963v4 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED)

We develop a supervised machine learning algorithm that is able to learn topological phases for finite condensed matter systems from bulk data in real lattice space. The algorithm employs diagonalization in real space together with any supervised learning algorithm to learn topological phases through an eigenvector ensembling procedure. We combine our algorithm with decision trees and random forests to successfully recover topological phase diagrams of Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) models from bulk lattice data in real space and show how the Shannon information entropy of ensembles of lattice eigenvectors can be used to retrieve a signal detailing how topological information is distributed in the bulk. The discovery of Shannon information entropy signals associated with topological phase transitions from the analysis of data from several thousand SSH systems illustrates how model explainability in machine learning can advance the research of exotic quantum materials with properties that may power future technological applications such as qubit engineering for quantum computing.


Weighted Moore-Penrose inverses of arbitrary-order tensors. (arXiv:1812.03052v3 [math.NA] UPDATED)

Within the field of multilinear algebra, inverses and generalized inverses of tensors based on the Einstein product have been investigated over the past few years. In this paper, we explore the singular value decomposition and full-rank decomposition of arbitrary-order tensors using {it reshape} operation. Applying range and null space of tensors along with the reshape operation; we further study the Moore-Penrose inverse of tensors and their cancellation properties via the Einstein product. Then we discuss weighted Moore-Penrose inverses of arbitrary-order tensors using such product. Following a specific algebraic approach, a few characterizations and representations of these inverses are explored. In addition to this, we obtain a few necessary and sufficient conditions for the reverse-order law to hold for weighted Moore-Penrose inverses of arbitrary-order tensors.


Performance of the smallest-variance-first rule in appointment sequencing. (arXiv:1812.01467v4 [math.PR] UPDATED)

A classical problem in appointment scheduling, with applications in health care, concerns the determination of the patients' arrival times that minimize a cost function that is a weighted sum of mean waiting times and mean idle times. One aspect of this problem is the sequencing problem, which focuses on ordering the patients. We assess the performance of the smallest-variance-first (SVF) rule, which sequences patients in order of increasing variance of their service durations. While it was known that SVF is not always optimal, it has been widely observed that it performs well in practice and simulation. We provide a theoretical justification for this observation by proving, in various settings, quantitative worst-case bounds on the ratio between the cost incurred by the SVF rule and the minimum attainable cost. We also show that, in great generality, SVF is asymptotically optimal, i.e., the ratio approaches 1 as the number of patients grows large. While evaluating policies by considering an approximation ratio is a standard approach in many algorithmic settings, our results appear to be the first of this type in the appointment scheduling literature.


An improved exact algorithm and an NP-completeness proof for sparse matrix bipartitioning. (arXiv:1811.02043v2 [cs.DS] UPDATED)

We investigate sparse matrix bipartitioning -- a problem where we minimize the communication volume in parallel sparse matrix-vector multiplication. We prove, by reduction from graph bisection, that this problem is $mathcal{NP}$-complete in the case where each side of the bipartitioning must contain a linear fraction of the nonzeros.

We present an improved exact branch-and-bound algorithm which finds the minimum communication volume for a given matrix and maximum allowed imbalance. The algorithm is based on a maximum-flow bound and a packing bound, which extend previous matching and packing bounds.

We implemented the algorithm in a new program called MP (Matrix Partitioner), which solved 839 matrices from the SuiteSparse collection to optimality, each within 24 hours of CPU-time. Furthermore, MP solved the difficult problem of the matrix cage6 in about 3 days. The new program is on average more than ten times faster than the previous program MondriaanOpt.

Benchmark results using the set of 839 optimally solved matrices show that combining the medium-grain/iterative refinement methods of the Mondriaan package with the hypergraph bipartitioner of the PaToH package produces sparse matrix bipartitionings on average within 10% of the optimal solution.


SilhoNet: An RGB Method for 6D Object Pose Estimation. (arXiv:1809.06893v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Autonomous robot manipulation involves estimating the translation and orientation of the object to be manipulated as a 6-degree-of-freedom (6D) pose. Methods using RGB-D data have shown great success in solving this problem. However, there are situations where cost constraints or the working environment may limit the use of RGB-D sensors. When limited to monocular camera data only, the problem of object pose estimation is very challenging. In this work, we introduce a novel method called SilhoNet that predicts 6D object pose from monocular images. We use a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) pipeline that takes in Region of Interest (ROI) proposals to simultaneously predict an intermediate silhouette representation for objects with an associated occlusion mask and a 3D translation vector. The 3D orientation is then regressed from the predicted silhouettes. We show that our method achieves better overall performance on the YCB-Video dataset than two state-of-the art networks for 6D pose estimation from monocular image input.


ErdH{o}s-P'osa property of chordless cycles and its applications. (arXiv:1711.00667v3 [math.CO] UPDATED)

A chordless cycle, or equivalently a hole, in a graph $G$ is an induced subgraph of $G$ which is a cycle of length at least $4$. We prove that the ErdH{o}s-P'osa property holds for chordless cycles, which resolves the major open question concerning the ErdH{o}s-P'osa property. Our proof for chordless cycles is constructive: in polynomial time, one can find either $k+1$ vertex-disjoint chordless cycles, or $c_1k^2 log k+c_2$ vertices hitting every chordless cycle for some constants $c_1$ and $c_2$. It immediately implies an approximation algorithm of factor $mathcal{O}(sf{opt}log {sf opt})$ for Chordal Vertex Deletion. We complement our main result by showing that chordless cycles of length at least $ell$ for any fixed $ellge 5$ do not have the ErdH{o}s-P'osa property.


Using hierarchical matrices in the solution of the time-fractional heat equation by multigrid waveform relaxation. (arXiv:1706.07632v3 [math.NA] UPDATED)

This work deals with the efficient numerical solution of the time-fractional heat equation discretized on non-uniform temporal meshes. Non-uniform grids are essential to capture the singularities of "typical" solutions of time-fractional problems. We propose an efficient space-time multigrid method based on the waveform relaxation technique, which accounts for the nonlocal character of the fractional differential operator. To maintain an optimal complexity, which can be obtained for the case of uniform grids, we approximate the coefficient matrix corresponding to the temporal discretization by its hierarchical matrix (${cal H}$-matrix) representation. In particular, the proposed method has a computational cost of ${cal O}(k N M log(M))$, where $M$ is the number of time steps, $N$ is the number of spatial grid points, and $k$ is a parameter which controls the accuracy of the ${cal H}$-matrix approximation. The efficiency and the good convergence of the algorithm, which can be theoretically justified by a semi-algebraic mode analysis, are demonstrated through numerical experiments in both one- and two-dimensional spaces.


Compression, inversion, and approximate PCA of dense kernel matrices at near-linear computational complexity. (arXiv:1706.02205v4 [math.NA] UPDATED)

Dense kernel matrices $Theta in mathbb{R}^{N imes N}$ obtained from point evaluations of a covariance function $G$ at locations ${ x_{i} }_{1 leq i leq N} subset mathbb{R}^{d}$ arise in statistics, machine learning, and numerical analysis. For covariance functions that are Green's functions of elliptic boundary value problems and homogeneously-distributed sampling points, we show how to identify a subset $S subset { 1 , dots , N }^2$, with $# S = O ( N log (N) log^{d} ( N /epsilon ) )$, such that the zero fill-in incomplete Cholesky factorisation of the sparse matrix $Theta_{ij} 1_{( i, j ) in S}$ is an $epsilon$-approximation of $Theta$. This factorisation can provably be obtained in complexity $O ( N log( N ) log^{d}( N /epsilon) )$ in space and $O ( N log^{2}( N ) log^{2d}( N /epsilon) )$ in time, improving upon the state of the art for general elliptic operators; we further present numerical evidence that $d$ can be taken to be the intrinsic dimension of the data set rather than that of the ambient space. The algorithm only needs to know the spatial configuration of the $x_{i}$ and does not require an analytic representation of $G$. Furthermore, this factorization straightforwardly provides an approximate sparse PCA with optimal rate of convergence in the operator norm. Hence, by using only subsampling and the incomplete Cholesky factorization, we obtain, at nearly linear complexity, the compression, inversion and approximate PCA of a large class of covariance matrices. By inverting the order of the Cholesky factorization we also obtain a solver for elliptic PDE with complexity $O ( N log^{d}( N /epsilon) )$ in space and $O ( N log^{2d}( N /epsilon) )$ in time, improving upon the state of the art for general elliptic operators.


Where is Linked Data in Question Answering over Linked Data?. (arXiv:2005.03640v1 [cs.CL])

We argue that "Question Answering with Knowledge Base" and "Question Answering over Linked Data" are currently two instances of the same problem, despite one explicitly declares to deal with Linked Data. We point out the lack of existing methods to evaluate question answering on datasets which exploit external links to the rest of the cloud or share common schema. To this end, we propose the creation of new evaluation settings to leverage the advantages of the Semantic Web to achieve AI-complete question answering.


Mutli-task Learning with Alignment Loss for Far-field Small-Footprint Keyword Spotting. (arXiv:2005.03633v1 [eess.AS])

In this paper, we focus on the task of small-footprint keyword spotting under the far-field scenario. Far-field environments are commonly encountered in real-life speech applications, and it causes serve degradation of performance due to room reverberation and various kinds of noises. Our baseline system is built on the convolutional neural network trained with pooled data of both far-field and close-talking speech. To cope with the distortions, we adopt the multi-task learning scheme with alignment loss to reduce the mismatch between the embedding features learned from different domains of data. Experimental results show that our proposed method maintains the performance on close-talking speech and achieves significant improvement on the far-field test set.


The Zhou Ordinal of Labelled Markov Processes over Separable Spaces. (arXiv:2005.03630v1 [cs.LO])

There exist two notions of equivalence of behavior between states of a Labelled Markov Process (LMP): state bisimilarity and event bisimilarity. The first one can be considered as an appropriate generalization to continuous spaces of Larsen and Skou's probabilistic bisimilarity, while the second one is characterized by a natural logic. C. Zhou expressed state bisimilarity as the greatest fixed point of an operator $mathcal{O}$, and thus introduced an ordinal measure of the discrepancy between it and event bisimilarity. We call this ordinal the "Zhou ordinal" of $mathbb{S}$, $mathfrak{Z}(mathbb{S})$. When $mathfrak{Z}(mathbb{S})=0$, $mathbb{S}$ satisfies the Hennessy-Milner property. The second author proved the existence of an LMP $mathbb{S}$ with $mathfrak{Z}(mathbb{S}) geq 1$ and Zhou showed that there are LMPs having an infinite Zhou ordinal. In this paper we show that there are LMPs $mathbb{S}$ over separable metrizable spaces having arbitrary large countable $mathfrak{Z}(mathbb{S})$ and that it is consistent with the axioms of $mathit{ZFC}$ that there is such a process with an uncountable Zhou ordinal.


Technical Report of "Deductive Joint Support for Rational Unrestricted Rebuttal". (arXiv:2005.03620v1 [cs.AI])

In ASPIC-style structured argumentation an argument can rebut another argument by attacking its conclusion. Two ways of formalizing rebuttal have been proposed: In restricted rebuttal, the attacked conclusion must have been arrived at with a defeasible rule, whereas in unrestricted rebuttal, it may have been arrived at with a strict rule, as long as at least one of the antecedents of this strict rule was already defeasible. One systematic way of choosing between various possible definitions of a framework for structured argumentation is to study what rationality postulates are satisfied by which definition, for example whether the closure postulate holds, i.e. whether the accepted conclusions are closed under strict rules. While having some benefits, the proposal to use unrestricted rebuttal faces the problem that the closure postulate only holds for the grounded semantics but fails when other argumentation semantics are applied, whereas with restricted rebuttal the closure postulate always holds. In this paper we propose that ASPIC-style argumentation can benefit from keeping track not only of the attack relation between arguments, but also the relation of deductive joint support that holds between a set of arguments and an argument that was constructed from that set using a strict rule. By taking this deductive joint support relation into account while determining the extensions, the closure postulate holds with unrestricted rebuttal under all admissibility-based semantics. We define the semantics of deductive joint support through the flattening method.


COVID-19 Contact-tracing Apps: A Survey on the Global Deployment and Challenges. (arXiv:2005.03599v1 [cs.CR])

In response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, there is an ever-increasing number of national governments that are rolling out contact-tracing Apps to aid the containment of the virus. The first hugely contentious issue facing the Apps is the deployment framework, i.e. centralised or decentralised. Based on this, the debate branches out to the corresponding technologies that underpin these architectures, i.e. GPS, QR codes, and Bluetooth. This work conducts a pioneering review of the above scenarios and contributes a geolocation mapping of the current deployment. The vulnerabilities and the directions of research are identified, with a special focus on the Bluetooth-based decentralised scheme.


A Tale of Two Perplexities: Sensitivity of Neural Language Models to Lexical Retrieval Deficits in Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type. (arXiv:2005.03593v1 [cs.CL])

In recent years there has been a burgeoning interest in the use of computational methods to distinguish between elicited speech samples produced by patients with dementia, and those from healthy controls. The difference between perplexity estimates from two neural language models (LMs) - one trained on transcripts of speech produced by healthy participants and the other trained on transcripts from patients with dementia - as a single feature for diagnostic classification of unseen transcripts has been shown to produce state-of-the-art performance. However, little is known about why this approach is effective, and on account of the lack of case/control matching in the most widely-used evaluation set of transcripts (DementiaBank), it is unclear if these approaches are truly diagnostic, or are sensitive to other variables. In this paper, we interrogate neural LMs trained on participants with and without dementia using synthetic narratives previously developed to simulate progressive semantic dementia by manipulating lexical frequency. We find that perplexity of neural LMs is strongly and differentially associated with lexical frequency, and that a mixture model resulting from interpolating control and dementia LMs improves upon the current state-of-the-art for models trained on transcript text exclusively.


NH-HAZE: An Image Dehazing Benchmark with Non-Homogeneous Hazy and Haze-Free Images. (arXiv:2005.03560v1 [cs.CV])

Image dehazing is an ill-posed problem that has been extensively studied in the recent years. The objective performance evaluation of the dehazing methods is one of the major obstacles due to the lacking of a reference dataset. While the synthetic datasets have shown important limitations, the few realistic datasets introduced recently assume homogeneous haze over the entire scene. Since in many real cases haze is not uniformly distributed we introduce NH-HAZE, a non-homogeneous realistic dataset with pairs of real hazy and corresponding haze-free images. This is the first non-homogeneous image dehazing dataset and contains 55 outdoor scenes. The non-homogeneous haze has been introduced in the scene using a professional haze generator that imitates the real conditions of hazy scenes. Additionally, this work presents an objective assessment of several state-of-the-art single image dehazing methods that were evaluated using NH-HAZE dataset.


Checking Qualitative Liveness Properties of Replicated Systems with Stochastic Scheduling. (arXiv:2005.03555v1 [cs.LO])

We present a sound and complete method for the verification of qualitative liveness properties of replicated systems under stochastic scheduling. These are systems consisting of a finite-state program, executed by an unknown number of indistinguishable agents, where the next agent to make a move is determined by the result of a random experiment. We show that if a property of such a system holds, then there is always a witness in the shape of a Presburger stage graph: a finite graph whose nodes are Presburger-definable sets of configurations. Due to the high complexity of the verification problem (non-elementary), we introduce an incomplete procedure for the construction of Presburger stage graphs, and implement it on top of an SMT solver. The procedure makes extensive use of the theory of well-quasi-orders, and of the structural theory of Petri nets and vector addition systems. We apply our results to a set of benchmarks, in particular to a large collection of population protocols, a model of distributed computation extensively studied by the distributed computing community.


Online Algorithms to Schedule a Proportionate Flexible Flow Shop of Batching Machines. (arXiv:2005.03552v1 [cs.DS])

This paper is the first to consider online algorithms to schedule a proportionate flexible flow shop of batching machines (PFFB). The scheduling model is motivated by manufacturing processes of individualized medicaments, which are used in modern medicine to treat some serious illnesses. We provide two different online algorithms, proving also lower bounds for the offline problem to compute their competitive ratios. The first algorithm is an easy-to-implement, general local scheduling heuristic. It is 2-competitive for PFFBs with an arbitrary number of stages and for several natural scheduling objectives. We also show that for total/average flow time, no deterministic algorithm with better competitive ratio exists. For the special case with two stages and the makespan or total completion time objective, we describe an improved algorithm that achieves the best possible competitive ratio $varphi=frac{1+sqrt{5}}{2}$, the golden ratio. All our results also hold for proportionate (non-flexible) flow shops of batching machines (PFB) for which this is also the first paper to study online algorithms.


MISA: Modality-Invariant and -Specific Representations for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. (arXiv:2005.03545v1 [cs.CL])

Multimodal Sentiment Analysis is an active area of research that leverages multimodal signals for affective understanding of user-generated videos. The predominant approach, addressing this task, has been to develop sophisticated fusion techniques. However, the heterogeneous nature of the signals creates distributional modality gaps that pose significant challenges. In this paper, we aim to learn effective modality representations to aid the process of fusion. We propose a novel framework, MISA, which projects each modality to two distinct subspaces. The first subspace is modality invariant, where the representations across modalities learn their commonalities and reduce the modality gap. The second subspace is modality-specific, which is private to each modality and captures their characteristic features. These representations provide a holistic view of the multimodal data, which is used for fusion that leads to task predictions. Our experiments on popular sentiment analysis benchmarks, MOSI and MOSEI, demonstrate significant gains over state-of-the-art models. We also consider the task of Multimodal Humor Detection and experiment on the recently proposed UR_FUNNY dataset. Here too, our model fares better than strong baselines, establishing MISA as a useful multimodal framework.


CounQER: A System for Discovering and Linking Count Information in Knowledge Bases. (arXiv:2005.03529v1 [cs.IR])

Predicate constraints of general-purpose knowledge bases (KBs) like Wikidata, DBpedia and Freebase are often limited to subproperty, domain and range constraints. In this demo we showcase CounQER, a system that illustrates the alignment of counting predicates, like staffSize, and enumerating predicates, like workInstitution^{-1} . In the demonstration session, attendees can inspect these alignments, and will learn about the importance of these alignments for KB question answering and curation. CounQER is available at


Practical Perspectives on Quality Estimation for Machine Translation. (arXiv:2005.03519v1 [cs.CL])

Sentence level quality estimation (QE) for machine translation (MT) attempts to predict the translation edit rate (TER) cost of post-editing work required to correct MT output. We describe our view on sentence-level QE as dictated by several practical setups encountered in the industry. We find consumers of MT output---whether human or algorithmic ones---to be primarily interested in a binary quality metric: is the translated sentence adequate as-is or does it need post-editing? Motivated by this we propose a quality classification (QC) view on sentence-level QE whereby we focus on maximizing recall at precision above a given threshold. We demonstrate that, while classical QE regression models fare poorly on this task, they can be re-purposed by replacing the output regression layer with a binary classification one, achieving 50-60\% recall at 90\% precision. For a high-quality MT system producing 75-80\% correct translations, this promises a significant reduction in post-editing work indeed.


An asynchronous distributed and scalable generalized Nash equilibrium seeking algorithm for strongly monotone games. (arXiv:2005.03507v1 [cs.GT])

In this paper, we present three distributed algorithms to solve a class of generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE) seeking problems in strongly monotone games. The first one (SD-GENO) is based on synchronous updates of the agents, while the second and the third (AD-GEED and AD-GENO) represent asynchronous solutions that are robust to communication delays. AD-GENO can be seen as a refinement of AD-GEED, since it only requires node auxiliary variables, enhancing the scalability of the algorithm. Our main contribution is to prove converge to a variational GNE of the game via an operator-theoretic approach. Finally, we apply the algorithms to network Cournot games and show how different activation sequences and delays affect convergence. We also compare the proposed algorithms to the only other in the literature (ADAGNES), and observe that AD-GENO outperforms the alternative.


Sunny Pointer: Designing a mouse pointer for people with peripheral vision loss. (arXiv:2005.03504v1 [cs.HC])

We present a new mouse cursor designed to facilitate the use of the mouse by people with peripheral vision loss. The pointer consists of a collection of converging straight lines covering the whole screen and following the position of the mouse cursor. We measured its positive effects with a group of participants with peripheral vision loss of different kinds and we found that it can reduce by a factor of 7 the time required to complete a targeting task using the mouse. Using eye tracking, we show that this system makes it possible to initiate the movement towards the target without having to precisely locate the mouse pointer. Using Fitts' Law, we compare these performances with those of full visual field users in order to understand the relation between the accuracy of the estimated mouse cursor position and the index of performance obtained with our tool.


Subtle Sensing: Detecting Differences in the Flexibility of Virtually Simulated Molecular Objects. (arXiv:2005.03503v1 [cs.HC])

During VR demos we have performed over last few years, many participants (in the absence of any haptic feedback) have commented on their perceived ability to 'feel' differences between simulated molecular objects. The mechanisms for such 'feeling' are not entirely clear: observing from outside VR, one can see that there is nothing physical for participants to 'feel'. Here we outline exploratory user studies designed to evaluate the extent to which participants can distinguish quantitative differences in the flexibility of VR-simulated molecular objects. The results suggest that an individual's capacity to detect differences in molecular flexibility is enhanced when they can interact with and manipulate the molecules, as opposed to merely observing the same interaction. Building on these results, we intend to carry out further studies investigating humans' ability to sense quantitative properties of VR simulations without haptic technology.


Subquadratic-Time Algorithms for Normal Bases. (arXiv:2005.03497v1 [cs.SC])

For any finite Galois field extension $mathsf{K}/mathsf{F}$, with Galois group $G = mathrm{Gal}(mathsf{K}/mathsf{F})$, there exists an element $alpha in mathsf{K}$ whose orbit $Gcdotalpha$ forms an $mathsf{F}$-basis of $mathsf{K}$. Such an $alpha$ is called a normal element and $Gcdotalpha$ is a normal basis. We introduce a probabilistic algorithm for testing whether a given $alpha in mathsf{K}$ is normal, when $G$ is either a finite abelian or a metacyclic group. The algorithm is based on the fact that deciding whether $alpha$ is normal can be reduced to deciding whether $sum_{g in G} g(alpha)g in mathsf{K}[G]$ is invertible; it requires a slightly subquadratic number of operations. Once we know that $alpha$ is normal, we show how to perform conversions between the working basis of $mathsf{K}/mathsf{F}$ and the normal basis with the same asymptotic cost.


Brain-like approaches to unsupervised learning of hidden representations -- a comparative study. (arXiv:2005.03476v1 [cs.NE])

Unsupervised learning of hidden representations has been one of the most vibrant research directions in machine learning in recent years. In this work we study the brain-like Bayesian Confidence Propagating Neural Network (BCPNN) model, recently extended to extract sparse distributed high-dimensional representations. The saliency and separability of the hidden representations when trained on MNIST dataset is studied using an external classifier, and compared with other unsupervised learning methods that include restricted Boltzmann machines and autoencoders.


Ensuring Fairness under Prior Probability Shifts. (arXiv:2005.03474v1 [cs.LG])

In this paper, we study the problem of fair classification in the presence of prior probability shifts, where the training set distribution differs from the test set. This phenomenon can be observed in the yearly records of several real-world datasets, such as recidivism records and medical expenditure surveys. If unaccounted for, such shifts can cause the predictions of a classifier to become unfair towards specific population subgroups. While the fairness notion called Proportional Equality (PE) accounts for such shifts, a procedure to ensure PE-fairness was unknown.

In this work, we propose a method, called CAPE, which provides a comprehensive solution to the aforementioned problem. CAPE makes novel use of prevalence estimation techniques, sampling and an ensemble of classifiers to ensure fair predictions under prior probability shifts. We introduce a metric, called prevalence difference (PD), which CAPE attempts to minimize in order to ensure PE-fairness. We theoretically establish that this metric exhibits several desirable properties.

We evaluate the efficacy of CAPE via a thorough empirical evaluation on synthetic datasets. We also compare the performance of CAPE with several popular fair classifiers on real-world datasets like COMPAS (criminal risk assessment) and MEPS (medical expenditure panel survey). The results indicate that CAPE ensures PE-fair predictions, while performing well on other performance metrics.


Indexing Metric Spaces for Exact Similarity Search. (arXiv:2005.03468v1 [cs.DB])

With the continued digitalization of societal processes, we are seeing an explosion in available data. This is referred to as big data. In a research setting, three aspects of the data are often viewed as the main sources of challenges when attempting to enable value creation from big data: volume, velocity and variety. Many studies address volume or velocity, while much fewer studies concern the variety. Metric space is ideal for addressing variety because it can accommodate any type of data as long as its associated distance notion satisfies the triangle inequality. To accelerate search in metric space, a collection of indexing techniques for metric data have been proposed. However, existing surveys each offers only a narrow coverage, and no comprehensive empirical study of those techniques exists. We offer a survey of all the existing metric indexes that can support exact similarity search, by i) summarizing all the existing partitioning, pruning and validation techniques used for metric indexes, ii) providing the time and storage complexity analysis on the index construction, and iii) report on a comprehensive empirical comparison of their similarity query processing performance. Here, empirical comparisons are used to evaluate the index performance during search as it is hard to see the complexity analysis differences on the similarity query processing and the query performance depends on the pruning and validation abilities related to the data distribution. This article aims at revealing different strengths and weaknesses of different indexing techniques in order to offer guidance on selecting an appropriate indexing technique for a given setting, and directing the future research for metric indexes.


High Performance Interference Suppression in Multi-User Massive MIMO Detector. (arXiv:2005.03466v1 [cs.OH])

In this paper, we propose a new nonlinear detector with improved interference suppression in Multi-User Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MU-MIMO) system. The proposed detector is a combination of the following parts: QR decomposition (QRD), low complexity users sorting before QRD, sorting-reduced (SR) K-best method and minimum mean square error (MMSE) pre-processing. Our method outperforms a linear interference rejection combining (IRC, i.e. MMSE naturally) method significantly in both strong interference and additive white noise scenarios with both ideal and real channel estimations. This result has wide application importance for scenarios with strong interference, i.e. when co-located users utilize the internet in stadium, highway, shopping center, etc. Simulation results are presented for the non-line of sight 3D-UMa model of 5G QuaDRiGa 2.0 channel for 16 highly correlated single-antenna users with QAM16 modulation in 64 antennas of Massive MIMO system. The performance was compared with MMSE and other detection approaches.


How Can CNNs Use Image Position for Segmentation?. (arXiv:2005.03463v1 [eess.IV])

Convolution is an equivariant operation, and image position does not affect its result. A recent study shows that the zero-padding employed in convolutional layers of CNNs provides position information to the CNNs. The study further claims that the position information enables accurate inference for several tasks, such as object recognition, segmentation, etc. However, there is a technical issue with the design of the experiments of the study, and thus the correctness of the claim is yet to be verified. Moreover, the absolute image position may not be essential for the segmentation of natural images, in which target objects will appear at any image position. In this study, we investigate how positional information is and can be utilized for segmentation tasks. Toward this end, we consider {em positional encoding} (PE) that adds channels embedding image position to the input images and compare PE with several padding methods. Considering the above nature of natural images, we choose medical image segmentation tasks, in which the absolute position appears to be relatively important, as the same organs (of different patients) are captured in similar sizes and positions. We draw a mixed conclusion from the experimental results; the positional encoding certainly works in some cases, but the absolute image position may not be so important for segmentation tasks as we think.


Successfully Applying the Stabilized Lottery Ticket Hypothesis to the Transformer Architecture. (arXiv:2005.03454v1 [cs.LG])

Sparse models require less memory for storage and enable a faster inference by reducing the necessary number of FLOPs. This is relevant both for time-critical and on-device computations using neural networks. The stabilized lottery ticket hypothesis states that networks can be pruned after none or few training iterations, using a mask computed based on the unpruned converged model. On the transformer architecture and the WMT 2014 English-to-German and English-to-French tasks, we show that stabilized lottery ticket pruning performs similar to magnitude pruning for sparsity levels of up to 85%, and propose a new combination of pruning techniques that outperforms all other techniques for even higher levels of sparsity. Furthermore, we confirm that the parameter's initial sign and not its specific value is the primary factor for successful training, and show that magnitude pruning cannot be used to find winning lottery tickets.


A combination of 'pooling' with a prediction model can reduce by 73% the number of COVID-19 (Corona-virus) tests. (arXiv:2005.03453v1 [cs.LG])

We show that combining a prediction model (based on neural networks), with a new method of test pooling (better than the original Dorfman method, and better than double-pooling) called 'Grid', we can reduce the number of Covid-19 tests by 73%.