
Macromolecular structure determination using X-rays, neutrons and electrons: recent developments in Phenix

Diffraction (X-ray, neutron and electron) and electron cryo-microscopy are powerful methods to determine three-dimensional macromolecular structures, which are required to understand biological processes and to develop new therapeutics against diseases. The overall structure-solution workflow is similar for these techniques, but nuances exist because the properties of the reduced experimental data are different. Software tools for structure determination should therefore be tailored for each method. Phenix is a comprehensive software package for macromolecular structure determination that handles data from any of these techniques. Tasks performed with Phenix include data-quality assessment, map improvement, model building, the validation/rebuilding/refinement cycle and deposition. Each tool caters to the type of experimental data. The design of Phenix emphasizes the automation of procedures, where possible, to minimize repetitive and time-consuming manual tasks, while default parameters are chosen to encourage best practice. A graphical user interface provides access to many command-line features of Phenix and streamlines the transition between programs, project tracking and re-running of previous tasks.


Development of SPACE-II for rapid sample exchange at SPring-8 macromolecular crystallography beamlines

Reducing the sample-exchange time is a crucial issue in maximizing the throughput of macromolecular crystallography (MX) beamlines because the diffraction data collection itself is completed within a minute in the era of pixel-array detectors. To this end, an upgraded sample changer, SPACE-II, has been developed on the basis of the previous model, SPACE (SPring-8 Precise Automatic Cryo-sample Exchanger), at the BL41XU beamline at SPring-8. SPACE-II achieves one sample-exchange step within 16 s, of which its action accounts for only 11 s, because of three features: (i) the implementation of twin arms that enable samples to be exchanged in one cycle of mount-arm action, (ii) the implementation of long-stroke mount arms that allow samples to be exchanged without withdrawal of the detector and (iii) the use of a fast-moving translation and rotation stage for the mount arms. By pre-holding the next sample prior to the sample-exchange sequence, the time was further decreased to 11 s in the case of automatic data collection, of which the action of SPACE-II accounted for 8 s. Moreover, the sample capacity was expanded from four to eight Uni-Pucks. The performance of SPACE-II has been demonstrated in over two years of operation at BL41XU; the average number of samples mounted on the diffractometer in one day was increased from 132 to 185, with an error rate of 0.089%, which counted incidents in which users could not continue with an experiment without recovery work by entering the experimental hutch. On the basis of these results, SPACE-II has been installed at three other MX beamlines at SPring-8 as of July 2019. The fast and highly reliable SPACE-II is now one of the most important pieces of infrastructure for the MX beamlines at SPring-8, providing users with the opportunity to fully make use of limited beamtime with brilliant X-rays.


The TELL automatic sample changer for macromolecular crystallography

In this paper, the design and functionalities of the high-throughput TELL sample exchange system for macromolecular crystallography is presented. TELL was developed at the Paul Scherrer Institute with a focus on speed, storage capacity and reliability to serve the three macromolecular crystallography beamlines of the Swiss Light Source, as well as the SwissMX instrument at SwissFEL.


ID30A-3 (MASSIF-3) – a beamline for macromolecular crystallography at the ESRF with a small intense beam

ID30A-3 (or MASSIF-3) is a mini-focus (beam size 18 µm × 14 µm) highly intense (2.0 × 1013 photons s−1), fixed-energy (12.81 keV) beamline for macromolecular crystallography (MX) experiments at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). MASSIF-3 is one of two fixed-energy beamlines sited on the first branch of the canted undulator setup on the ESRF ID30 port and is equipped with a MD2 micro-diffractometer, a Flex HCD sample changer, and an Eiger X 4M fast hybrid photon-counting detector. MASSIF-3 is recommended for collecting diffraction data from single small crystals (≤15 µm in one dimension) or for experiments using serial methods. The end-station has been in full user operation since December 2014, and here its current characteristics and capabilities are described.


PDB2INS: bridging the gap between small-molecule and macromolecular refinement

The open-source Python program PDB2INS is designed to prepare a .ins file for refinement with SHELXL [Sheldrick (2015). Acta Cryst. C71, 3–8], taking atom coordinates and other information from a Protein Data Bank (PDB)-format file. If PDB2INS is provided with a four-character PDB code, both the PDB file and the accompanying mmCIF-format reflection data file (if available) are accessed via the internet from the PDB public archive [Read et al. (2011). Structure, 19, 1395–1412] or optionally from the PDB_REDO server [Joosten, Long, Murshudov & Perrakis (2014). IUCrJ, 1, 213–220]. The SHELX-format .ins (refinement instructions and atomic coordinates) and .hkl (reflection data) files can then be generated without further user intervention, appropriate restraints etc. being added automatically. PDB2INS was tested on the 23 974 X-ray structures deposited in the PDB between 2008 and 2018 that included reflection data to 1.7 Å or better resolution in a recognizable format. After creating the two input files for SHELXL without user intervention, ten cycles of conjugate-gradient least-squares refinement were performed. For 96% of these structures PDB2INS and SHELXL completed successfully without error messages.


A comparison of gas stream cooling and plunge cooling of macromolecular crystals

Cryocooling for macromolecular crystallography is usually performed via plunging the crystal into a liquid cryogen or placing the crystal in a cold gas stream. These two approaches are compared here for the case of nitro­gen cooling. The results show that gas stream cooling, which typically cools the crystal more slowly, yields lower mosaicity and, in some cases, a stronger anomalous signal relative to rapid plunge cooling. During plunging, moving the crystal slowly through the cold gas layer above the liquid surface can produce mosaicity similar to gas stream cooling. Annealing plunge cooled crystals by warming and recooling in the gas stream allows the mosaicity and anomalous signal to recover. For tetragonal thermolysin, the observed effects are less pronounced when the cryosolvent has smaller thermal contraction, under which conditions the protein structures from plunge cooled and gas stream cooled crystals are very similar. Finally, this work also demonstrates that the resolution dependence of the reflecting range is correlated with the cooling method, suggesting it may be a useful tool for discerning whether crystals are cooled too rapidly. The results support previous studies suggesting that slower cooling methods are less deleterious to crystal order, as long as ice formation is prevented and dehydration is limited.


Simulation of small-angle X-ray scattering data of biological macromolecules in solution

This article presents IMSIM, an application to simulate two-dimensional small-angle X-ray scattering patterns and, further, one-dimensional profiles from biological macromolecules in solution. IMSIM implements a statistical approach yielding two-dimensional images in TIFF, CBF or EDF format, which may be readily processed by existing data-analysis pipelines. Intensities and error estimates of one-dimensional patterns obtained from the radial average of the two-dimensional images exhibit the same statistical properties as observed with actual experimental data. With initial input on an absolute scale, [cm−1]/c[mg ml−1], the simulated data frames may also be scaled to absolute scale such that the forward scattering after subtraction of the background is proportional to the molecular weight of the solute. The effects of changes of concentration, exposure time, flux, wavelength, sample–detector distance, detector dimensions, pixel size, and the mask as well as incident beam position can be considered for the simulation. The simulated data may be used in method development, for educational purposes, and also to determine the most suitable beamline setup for a project prior to the application and use of the actual beamtime. IMSIM is available as part of the ATSAS software package (3.0.0) and is freely available for academic use (


Optimization of crystallization of biological macromolecules using dialysis combined with temperature control

This article describes rational strategies for the optimization of crystal growth using precise in situ control of the temperature and chemical composition of the crystallization solution through dialysis, to generate crystals of the specific sizes required for different downstream structure determination approaches.


Macromolecular X-ray crystallography: soon to be a road less travelled?

The number of new X-ray crystallography-based submissions to the Protein Data Bank appears to be at the beginning of a decline, perhaps signalling an end to the era of the dominance of X-ray crystallography within structural biology. This letter, from the viewpoint of a young structural biologist, applies the Copernican method to the life expectancy of crystallography and asks whether the technique is still the mainstay of structural biology. A study of the rate of Protein Data Bank depositions allows a more nuanced analysis of the fortunes of macromolecular X-ray crystallography and shows that cryo-electron microscopy might now be outcompeting crystallography for new labour and talent, perhaps heralding a change in the landscape of the field.


Bayesian machine learning improves single-wavelength anomalous diffraction phasing

Single-wavelength X-ray anomalous diffraction (SAD) is a frequently employed technique to solve the phase problem in X-ray crystallography. The precision and accuracy of recovered anomalous differences are crucial for determining the correct phases. Continuous rotation (CR) and inverse-beam geometry (IBG) anomalous data collection methods have been performed on tetragonal lysozyme and monoclinic survivin crystals and analysis carried out of how correlated the pairs of Friedel's reflections are after scaling. A multivariate Bayesian model for estimating anomalous differences was tested, which takes into account the correlation between pairs of intensity observations and incorporates the a priori knowledge about the positivity of intensity. The CR and IBG data collection methods resulted in positive correlation between I(+) and I(−) observations, indicating that the anomalous difference dominates between these observations, rather than different levels of radiation damage. An alternative pairing method based on near simultaneously observed Bijvoet's pairs displayed lower correlation and it was unsuccessful for recovering useful anomalous differences when using the multivariate Bayesian model. In contrast, multivariate Bayesian treatment of Friedel's pairs improved the initial phasing of the two tested crystal systems and the two data collection methods.


See what connections your Mac is making via Terminal [script included]


Super tough seed coat keeps Michaux’s sumac on critically endangered list

It is one of the rarest shrubs in the southeastern United States but for scientists trying to save it, the critically endangered Michaux’s sumac (Rhus michauxii) is not cooperating.

The post Super tough seed coat keeps Michaux’s sumac on critically endangered list appeared first on Smithsonian Insider.


Going for the gut: DNA from beetle stomachs reveals complex network

Going for the gut will soon become standard protocol for scientists working to unravel the complex living web of interactions between plants and animals on […]

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Greenhouse “time machine” sheds light on corn domestication

By simulating the environment when corn was first exploited by people and then domesticated, Smithsonian scientists discovered that corn’s ancestor; a wild grass called teosinte, […]

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Of mice and macchiato: Bird Friendly coffee gives a paw-up to small mammals as well

Finding a mouse in your morning coffee might give you an unwelcome jolt, but there’s a strong connection between small mammals, birds and the plantations […]

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Meeting report - Nuclear and cytoplasmic molecular machines at work

Simon L. Bullock
Apr 6, 2020; 133:jcs245134-jcs245134
Meeting Report


When human expertise improves the work of machines

Full Text:

Machine learning algorithms can sometimes do a great job with a little help from human expertise, at least in the field of materials science. In many specialized areas of science, engineering and medicine, researchers are turning to machine learning algorithms to analyze data sets that have grown too large for humans to understand. In materials science, success with this effort could accelerate the design of next-generation advanced functional materials, where development now usually depends on old-fashioned trial and error. By themselves, however, data analytics techniques borrowed from other research areas often fail to provide the insights needed to help materials scientists and engineers choose which of many variables to adjust -- and the techniques can't account for dramatic changes such as the introduction of a new chemical compound into the process. In a new study, researchers explain a technique known as dimensional stacking, which shows that human experience still has a role to play in the age of machine intelligence. The machines gain an edge at solving a challenge when the data to be analyzed are intelligently organized based on human knowledge of what factors are likely to be important and related. "When your machine accepts strings of data, it really does matter how you are putting those strings together," said Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb, the paper's corresponding author and a scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology. "We must be mindful that the organization of data before it goes to the algorithm makes a difference. If you don't plug the information in correctly, you will get a result that isn't necessarily correlated with the reality of the physics and chemistry that govern the materials."

Image credit: Rob Felt/Georgia Tech


Virtual 'UniverseMachine' sheds light on galaxy evolution

Full Text:

How do galaxies such as our Milky Way come into existence? How do they grow and change over time? The science behind galaxy formation has long been a puzzle, but a University of Arizona-led team of scientists is one step closer to finding answers, thanks to supercomputer simulations. Observing real galaxies in space can only provide snapshots in time, so researchers who study how galaxies evolve over billions of years need to use computer simulations. Traditionally, astronomers have used simulations to invent theories of galaxy formation and test them, but they have had to proceed one galaxy at a time. Peter Behroozi of the university's Steward Observatory and colleagues overcame this hurdle by generating millions of different universes on a supercomputer, each according to different physical theories for how galaxies form. The findings challenge fundamental ideas about the role dark matter plays in galaxy formation, the evolution of galaxies over time and the birth of stars. The study is the first to create self-consistent universes that are exact replicas of the real ones -- computer simulations that each represent a sizeable chunk of the actual cosmos, containing 12 million galaxies and spanning the time from 400 million years after the Big Bang to the present day. The results from the "UniverseMachine," as the authors call their approach, have helped resolve the long-standing paradox of why galaxies cease to form new stars even when they retain plenty of hydrogen gas, the raw material from which stars are forged. The research is partially funded by NSF's Division of Physics through grants to UC Santa Barbara's Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Aspen Center for Physics.

Image credit: NASA/ESA/J. Lotz and the HFF Team/STScI


Stemline Shares Take Off on $677 Million Buyout Offer by Global Pharmaceutical Firm

Source: Streetwise Reports   05/04/2020

Shares of Stemline Therapeutics traded 150% higher after the company reported that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Italy's Menarini Group in a deal valued at up to $677 million.

Stemline Therapeutics Inc. (STML:NASDAQ), which is focused on developing and commercializing novel oncology therapeutics, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by private Italian pharmaceutical and diagnostics company Menarini Group in a transaction valued up to $677 million.

The companies advised that the transaction has already been unanimously approved by both companies' Boards of Directors and that the transaction is expected to close in Q2/20 subject to customary closing conditions, regulatory approvals and a tender of at least 50% of the outstanding Stemline shares by shareholders. Menarini stated that it plans to fund the purchase by using existing cash resources.

The firms outlined that purchase details and advised that "under the terms of the agreement, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Menarini Group will commence a tender offer for all outstanding shares of Stemline, whereby Stemline shareholders will be offered a total potential consideration of $12.50 per share, consisting of an upfront payment of $11.50 in cash and one non-tradeable Contingent Value Right (CVR) that will entitle each holder to an additional $1.00 in cash per share upon completion of the first sale of ELZONRIS in any EU5 country after European Commission approval."

The report explained that ELZONRIS is a novel targeted therapy directed to the interleukin-3 (IL-3) receptor-α (CD123) and was developed by Stemline for treatment of blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) in adult and pediatric patients. The firm stated that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved that drug in the U.S. in December 2018. A marketing authorization application (MAA) has already been submitted and is presently under review by the European Medicines Agency. Post acquisition, Menarini expects to obtain approvals and expand distribution of ELZONRIS to Europe and emerging markets.

Stemline Therapeutics' Chairman, CEO and Founder Ivan Bergstein, M.D., commented, "Joining Menarini represents a unique opportunity for Stemline to advance the commercialization of ELZONRIS across the globe and to accelerate the development of our pipeline of oncology assets. ...We are excited to be combining with a like-minded organization in Menarini, in a transaction that will deliver immediate and significant cash value to our shareholders, while also allowing our shareholders to participate in the future upside of ELZONRIS's European launch."

Elcin Barker Ergun, CEO of Menarini Group, remarked, "Stemline is an excellent fit for Menarini, enabling us to expand our presence in the U.S. with an established biopharmaceutical company focused on developing oncology therapeutics. Through this acquisition, we will continue to strengthen our portfolio and pipeline of oncology assets and deliver novel therapies around the world."

The company described BPDCN, formerly blastic NK-cell lymphoma, as "an aggressive hematologic malignancy, often with cutaneous manifestations, with historically poor outcomes which typically presents in the bone marrow and/or skin and may also involve lymph nodes and viscera."

Stemline Therapeutics is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company headquartered in New York that develops and markets oncology therapeutics. The firm stated that its "ELZONRIS® (tagraxofusp) is a targeted therapy directed to CD123 and is FDA-approved and commercially available in the U.S. for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients, two years and older, with BPDCN." Stemline noted that ELZONRIS is also being currently being evaluated in clinical studies for other indications including chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, myelofibrosis and acute myeloid leukemia.

The Menarini Group is an international pharmaceutical company based in Italy which operates and sells its products in more than 100 countries. The company stated that it has $4.2 billion in sales annually. The company's medicines address many areas of illnesses including cardiovascular, gastroenterology, metabolic, infectious diseases and anti-inflammatory/analgesic therapeutic areas and oncology.

Stemline Therapeutics began the day with a market capitalization of around $249.2 million with approximately 54.27 million shares outstanding and a short interest of about 11.3%. STML shares opened nearly 150% higher today at $11.81 (+$7.06, +148.63%) over Friday's closing price of $4.75. The stock has traded today between $1.81 and $12.35 per share and is currently trading at $12.10 (+$7.35, +154.74%).

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1) Stephen Hytha compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an independent contractor. He or members of his household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. He or members of his household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None.
2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees.
3) Comments and opinions expressed are those of the specific experts and not of Streetwise Reports or its officers. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security.
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5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases.
6) This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice.

( Companies Mentioned: STML:NASDAQ, )


Alexion's Buyout of Portola Pharmaceuticals Gets Investors' Blood Flowing

Source: Streetwise Reports   05/05/2020

Shares of Portola Pharmaceuticals traded 130% higher after the company reported that it has received an $18 per share buyout offer from Alexion Pharmaceuticals.

Commercial-stage biotechnology company Portola Pharmaceuticals Inc. (PTLA:NASDAQ), which focuses on blood-related disorders, and global biopharmaceuticals firm Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. (ALXN:NASDAQ) announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement for Portola to be acquired by Alexion.

The acquisition is said to provide a key addition to Alexion's diversified commercial portfolio. The report indicated that the merger agreement has already been unanimously approved each of the company's boards of directors.

The report explained that "Portola's commercialized medicine, Andexxa® [coagulation factor Xa (recombinant), inactivated-zhzo], marketed as Ondexxya® in Europe, is the first and only approved Factor Xa inhibitor reversal agent, and has demonstrated transformative clinical value by rapidly reversing the anticoagulant effects of Factor Xa inhibitors rivaroxaban and apixaban in severe and uncontrolled bleeding."

Portola's President and CEO Scott Garland commented, "In developing and launching Andexxa, Portola has established a strong foundation for changing the standard of care for patients receiving Factor Xa inhibitors that experience a major, life-threatening bleed. Andexxa rapidly reverses the pharmacologic effect of rivaroxaban and apixaban within two minutes, reducing anti-Factor Xa activity by 92 percent...Given their enhanced resources, global footprint and proven commercial expertise, we look forward to working with Alexion to maximize the value of Andexxa. With their commitment to commercial excellence, together, we will be able to drive stronger utilization of Andexxa, increase penetration and accelerate adoption in the critical care setting."

Ludwig Hantson, Ph.D., CEO of Alexion, remarked, "The acquisition of Portola represents an important next step in our strategy to diversify beyond C5. Andexxa is a strategic fit with our existing portfolio of transformative medicines and is well-aligned with our demonstrated expertise in hematology, neurology and critical care...We believe Andexxa has the potential to become the global standard of care for patients who experience life-threatening bleeds while taking Factor Xa inhibitors apixaban and rivaroxaban. By leveraging Alexion's strong operational and sales infrastructure and deep relationships in hospital channels, we are well positioned to expand the number of patients helped by Andexxa, while also driving value for shareholders."

The firms advised that "under the terms of the merger agreement, a subsidiary of Alexion will commence a tender offer to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Portola's common stock at a price of $18 per share in cash." Alexion plans to fund the purchase with existing cash on hand and the transaction is expected to close in Q3/20. The purchase is subject to approval by a majority interest of Portola's common stockholders tendering their shares along with ordinary closing conditions and regulatory approvals. The company noted that "following successful completion of the tender offer, Alexion will acquire all remaining shares not tendered in the offer at the same price of $18 per share through a merger."

Alexion is a global biopharmaceutical company based in Boston, Mass., with offices in 50 countries worldwide. The company states that it has been "the global leader in complement biology and inhibition for more than 20 years and that it has developed and commercializes two approved complement inhibitors to treat patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, as well as the first and only approved complement inhibitor to treat anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody-positive generalized myasthenia gravis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder."

Portola is headquartered in South San Francisco, Calif., and is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on treating patients with serious blood-related disorders. Specifically, the company is engaged in developing and commercializing novel therapeutics in order to advance the fields of thrombosis and other hematologic conditions. The firm listed that its first two commercialized products are Andexxa® and Bevyxxa® (betrixaban), and that it is also advancing and developing cerdulatinib, a SYK/JAK inhibitor for use in treatment of hematologic cancers.

Portola Pharmaceuticals started off the day with a market capitalization of around $609.0 million with approximately 78.5 million shares outstanding and a short interest of about 23.0%. PTLA shares opened 130% higher today at $17.85 (+$10.09, +130.03%) over yesterday's $7.85 closing price. The stock has traded today between $17.71 and $17.91 per share and is currently trading at $17.83 (+$10.07, +129.77%).

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1) Stephen Hytha compiled this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an independent contractor. He or members of his household own securities of the following companies mentioned in the article: None. He or members of his household are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None.
2) The following companies mentioned in this article are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees.
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5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases.
6) This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice.


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Supreme Court To Government: Pay Obamacare Insurers

The U.S. Supreme Court, in an 8-1 ruling, said the federal government must pay health insurers $12 billion under a provision of the Affordable Care Act.; Credit: Patrick Semansky/AP

Nina Totenberg | NPR

The U.S. Supreme Court has told the federal government that it has to pay $12 billion to insurance companies, money that was promised in the Affordable Care Act as part of the start-up costs of Obamacare in the first three years of its existence.

The law, as enacted, promised to limit profits and losses for insurance companies in the first three years of the Obamacare program. Some companies made more money than allowed by the formula, and had to pay some back to the government, and other companies lost money and were owed money by the government under the formula.

But in 2014, the first year that the ACA's plan was in place, the Republican-controlled Congress reneged on the promise to appropriate money for the companies that had lost money. It did the same for the next two years as well, adding to appropriation bills a rider that barred the government from fulfilling the promise in the statute. After President Trump was elected, his administration supported the GOP-led refusal to pay.

The insurance companies sued, and on Monday the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government has to pay up.

The vote was 8-to-1, with Justice Sonia Sotomayor writing for the majority that the decision reflects a principle "as old as the nation itself. The government should honor its obligations."

She noted that the language of the ACA was "rare" in that it permitted lawsuits to enforce the provisions at issue here, provisions that declare the government"shall pay" the losses suffered by insurance companies that participated over the first three years.

The lone dissenter was Justice Samuel Alito, who called the decision "a massive bailout" for the insurance industry, which "took a calculated risk and lost."

Monday's decision was the third involving Obamacare at the Supreme Court. Conservative groups, and now the Trump administration, have consistently sought to invalidate or undermine the law — so far, with limited or no success. But next year, the Supreme Court is scheduled to consider once again whether the law is unconstitutional.

Despite repeated efforts by Republicans in Congress and the Trump administration to either undermine or entirely do away with the program, Obamacare has remained popular, likely because it has enabled millions of Americans, including those with pre-existing conditions, to obtain medical insurance and medical coverage for the first time.

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Malwarebytes for Mac

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When human expertise improves the work of machines

Full Text:

Machine learning algorithms can sometimes do a great job with a little help from human expertise, at least in the field of materials science. In many specialized areas of science, engineering and medicine, researchers are turning to machine learning algorithms to analyze data sets that have grown too large for humans to understand. In materials science, success with this effort could accelerate the design of next-generation advanced functional materials, where development now usually depends on old-fashioned trial and error. By themselves, however, data analytics techniques borrowed from other research areas often fail to provide the insights needed to help materials scientists and engineers choose which of many variables to adjust -- and the techniques can't account for dramatic changes such as the introduction of a new chemical compound into the process. In a new study, researchers explain a technique known as dimensional stacking, which shows that human experience still has a role to play in the age of machine intelligence. The machines gain an edge at solving a challenge when the data to be analyzed are intelligently organized based on human knowledge of what factors are likely to be important and related. "When your machine accepts strings of data, it really does matter how you are putting those strings together," said Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb, the paper's corresponding author and a scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology. "We must be mindful that the organization of data before it goes to the algorithm makes a difference. If you don't plug the information in correctly, you will get a result that isn't necessarily correlated with the reality of the physics and chemistry that govern the materials."

Image credit: Rob Felt/Georgia Tech


Virtual 'UniverseMachine' sheds light on galaxy evolution

Full Text:

How do galaxies such as our Milky Way come into existence? How do they grow and change over time? The science behind galaxy formation has long been a puzzle, but a University of Arizona-led team of scientists is one step closer to finding answers, thanks to supercomputer simulations. Observing real galaxies in space can only provide snapshots in time, so researchers who study how galaxies evolve over billions of years need to use computer simulations. Traditionally, astronomers have used simulations to invent theories of galaxy formation and test them, but they have had to proceed one galaxy at a time. Peter Behroozi of the university's Steward Observatory and colleagues overcame this hurdle by generating millions of different universes on a supercomputer, each according to different physical theories for how galaxies form. The findings challenge fundamental ideas about the role dark matter plays in galaxy formation, the evolution of galaxies over time and the birth of stars. The study is the first to create self-consistent universes that are exact replicas of the real ones -- computer simulations that each represent a sizeable chunk of the actual cosmos, containing 12 million galaxies and spanning the time from 400 million years after the Big Bang to the present day. The results from the "UniverseMachine," as the authors call their approach, have helped resolve the long-standing paradox of why galaxies cease to form new stars even when they retain plenty of hydrogen gas, the raw material from which stars are forged. The research is partially funded by NSF's Division of Physics through grants to UC Santa Barbara's Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Aspen Center for Physics.

Image credit: NASA/ESA/J. Lotz and the HFF Team/STScI


Stemline Shares Take Off on $677 Million Buyout Offer by Global Pharmaceutical Firm

Source: Streetwise Reports   05/04/2020

Shares of Stemline Therapeutics traded 150% higher after the company reported that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Italy's Menarini Group in a deal valued at up to $677 million.

Stemline Therapeutics Inc. (STML:NASDAQ), which is focused on developing and commercializing novel oncology therapeutics, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by private Italian pharmaceutical and diagnostics company Menarini Group in a transaction valued up to $677 million.

The companies advised that the transaction has already been unanimously approved by both companies' Boards of Directors and that the transaction is expected to close in Q2/20 subject to customary closing conditions, regulatory approvals and a tender of at least 50% of the outstanding Stemline shares by shareholders. Menarini stated that it plans to fund the purchase by using existing cash resources.

The firms outlined that purchase details and advised that "under the terms of the agreement, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Menarini Group will commence a tender offer for all outstanding shares of Stemline, whereby Stemline shareholders will be offered a total potential consideration of $12.50 per share, consisting of an upfront payment of $11.50 in cash and one non-tradeable Contingent Value Right (CVR) that will entitle each holder to an additional $1.00 in cash per share upon completion of the first sale of ELZONRIS in any EU5 country after European Commission approval."

The report explained that ELZONRIS is a novel targeted therapy directed to the interleukin-3 (IL-3) receptor-α (CD123) and was developed by Stemline for treatment of blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) in adult and pediatric patients. The firm stated that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved that drug in the U.S. in December 2018. A marketing authorization application (MAA) has already been submitted and is presently under review by the European Medicines Agency. Post acquisition, Menarini expects to obtain approvals and expand distribution of ELZONRIS to Europe and emerging markets.

Stemline Therapeutics' Chairman, CEO and Founder Ivan Bergstein, M.D., commented, "Joining Menarini represents a unique opportunity for Stemline to advance the commercialization of ELZONRIS across the globe and to accelerate the development of our pipeline of oncology assets. ...We are excited to be combining with a like-minded organization in Menarini, in a transaction that will deliver immediate and significant cash value to our shareholders, while also allowing our shareholders to participate in the future upside of ELZONRIS's European launch."

Elcin Barker Ergun, CEO of Menarini Group, remarked, "Stemline is an excellent fit for Menarini, enabling us to expand our presence in the U.S. with an established biopharmaceutical company focused on developing oncology therapeutics. Through this acquisition, we will continue to strengthen our portfolio and pipeline of oncology assets and deliver novel therapies around the world."

The company described BPDCN, formerly blastic NK-cell lymphoma, as "an aggressive hematologic malignancy, often with cutaneous manifestations, with historically poor outcomes which typically presents in the bone marrow and/or skin and may also involve lymph nodes and viscera."

Stemline Therapeutics is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company headquartered in New York that develops and markets oncology therapeutics. The firm stated that its "ELZONRIS® (tagraxofusp) is a targeted therapy directed to CD123 and is FDA-approved and commercially available in the U.S. for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients, two years and older, with BPDCN." Stemline noted that ELZONRIS is also being currently being evaluated in clinical studies for other indications including chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, myelofibrosis and acute myeloid leukemia.

The Menarini Group is an international pharmaceutical company based in Italy which operates and sells its products in more than 100 countries. The company stated that it has $4.2 billion in sales annually. The company's medicines address many areas of illnesses including cardiovascular, gastroenterology, metabolic, infectious diseases and anti-inflammatory/analgesic therapeutic areas and oncology.

Stemline Therapeutics began the day with a market capitalization of around $249.2 million with approximately 54.27 million shares outstanding and a short interest of about 11.3%. STML shares opened nearly 150% higher today at $11.81 (+$7.06, +148.63%) over Friday's closing price of $4.75. The stock has traded today between $1.81 and $12.35 per share and is currently trading at $12.10 (+$7.35, +154.74%).

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( Companies Mentioned: STML:NASDAQ, )


Alexion's Buyout of Portola Pharmaceuticals Gets Investors' Blood Flowing

Source: Streetwise Reports   05/05/2020

Shares of Portola Pharmaceuticals traded 130% higher after the company reported that it has received an $18 per share buyout offer from Alexion Pharmaceuticals.

Commercial-stage biotechnology company Portola Pharmaceuticals Inc. (PTLA:NASDAQ), which focuses on blood-related disorders, and global biopharmaceuticals firm Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. (ALXN:NASDAQ) announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement for Portola to be acquired by Alexion.

The acquisition is said to provide a key addition to Alexion's diversified commercial portfolio. The report indicated that the merger agreement has already been unanimously approved each of the company's boards of directors.

The report explained that "Portola's commercialized medicine, Andexxa® [coagulation factor Xa (recombinant), inactivated-zhzo], marketed as Ondexxya® in Europe, is the first and only approved Factor Xa inhibitor reversal agent, and has demonstrated transformative clinical value by rapidly reversing the anticoagulant effects of Factor Xa inhibitors rivaroxaban and apixaban in severe and uncontrolled bleeding."

Portola's President and CEO Scott Garland commented, "In developing and launching Andexxa, Portola has established a strong foundation for changing the standard of care for patients receiving Factor Xa inhibitors that experience a major, life-threatening bleed. Andexxa rapidly reverses the pharmacologic effect of rivaroxaban and apixaban within two minutes, reducing anti-Factor Xa activity by 92 percent...Given their enhanced resources, global footprint and proven commercial expertise, we look forward to working with Alexion to maximize the value of Andexxa. With their commitment to commercial excellence, together, we will be able to drive stronger utilization of Andexxa, increase penetration and accelerate adoption in the critical care setting."

Ludwig Hantson, Ph.D., CEO of Alexion, remarked, "The acquisition of Portola represents an important next step in our strategy to diversify beyond C5. Andexxa is a strategic fit with our existing portfolio of transformative medicines and is well-aligned with our demonstrated expertise in hematology, neurology and critical care...We believe Andexxa has the potential to become the global standard of care for patients who experience life-threatening bleeds while taking Factor Xa inhibitors apixaban and rivaroxaban. By leveraging Alexion's strong operational and sales infrastructure and deep relationships in hospital channels, we are well positioned to expand the number of patients helped by Andexxa, while also driving value for shareholders."

The firms advised that "under the terms of the merger agreement, a subsidiary of Alexion will commence a tender offer to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Portola's common stock at a price of $18 per share in cash." Alexion plans to fund the purchase with existing cash on hand and the transaction is expected to close in Q3/20. The purchase is subject to approval by a majority interest of Portola's common stockholders tendering their shares along with ordinary closing conditions and regulatory approvals. The company noted that "following successful completion of the tender offer, Alexion will acquire all remaining shares not tendered in the offer at the same price of $18 per share through a merger."

Alexion is a global biopharmaceutical company based in Boston, Mass., with offices in 50 countries worldwide. The company states that it has been "the global leader in complement biology and inhibition for more than 20 years and that it has developed and commercializes two approved complement inhibitors to treat patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, as well as the first and only approved complement inhibitor to treat anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody-positive generalized myasthenia gravis and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder."

Portola is headquartered in South San Francisco, Calif., and is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on treating patients with serious blood-related disorders. Specifically, the company is engaged in developing and commercializing novel therapeutics in order to advance the fields of thrombosis and other hematologic conditions. The firm listed that its first two commercialized products are Andexxa® and Bevyxxa® (betrixaban), and that it is also advancing and developing cerdulatinib, a SYK/JAK inhibitor for use in treatment of hematologic cancers.

Portola Pharmaceuticals started off the day with a market capitalization of around $609.0 million with approximately 78.5 million shares outstanding and a short interest of about 23.0%. PTLA shares opened 130% higher today at $17.85 (+$10.09, +130.03%) over yesterday's $7.85 closing price. The stock has traded today between $17.71 and $17.91 per share and is currently trading at $17.83 (+$10.07, +129.77%).

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