trad China suspends wool trade from South Africa due to foot-and-mouth disease outbreak By Published On :: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 17:50:00 +1100 Australian woolgrowers are set to benefit from the suspension of wool exports from South Africa to China due to an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast southeastnsw westernplains centralwest illawarra riverina newengland westqld southqld northqld adelaide southeastsa eyre northandwest hobart northtas gippsland southwestvic westernvic esperance wheatbelt greatsouthern Business Economics and Finance:Markets:All Rural:Agribusiness:Agricultural Marketing Rural:Agribusiness:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:Wool Rural:All:All Rural:Livestock:All Rural:Livestock:Sheep Production Australia:NSW:Bega 2550 Australia:NSW:Bourke 2840 Australia:NSW:Crookwell 2583 Australia:NSW:Forbes 2871 Australia:NSW:Goulburn 2580 Australia:NSW:Hay 2711 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800 Australia:NSW:Parkes 2870 Australia:NSW:Tamworth 2340 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650 Australia:QLD:Blackall 4472 Australia:QLD:Charleville 4470 Australia:QLD:Cunnamulla 4490 Australia:QLD:Hughenden 4821 Australia:QLD:Longreach 4730 Australia:QLD:Quilpie 4480 Australia:QLD:St George 4487 Australia:QLD:Tambo 4478 Australia:SA:Clare 5453 Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:VIC:Bairnsdale 3875 Australia:VIC:Hamilton 3300 Australia:VIC:Horsham 3400 Australia:WA:Esperance 6450 Australia:WA:Geraldton 6530 Australia:WA:Katanning 6317 China:All:All South Africa:All:All
trad World oil price slump and trade tensions unlikely to deter Great Australian Bight oil drilling By Published On :: Tue, 11 Jun 2019 06:47:00 +1000 The worldwide price of oil has fallen by more than $US10 a barrel in recent weeks, but the cheaper price has not fazed a Norwegian company's plan to drill in the Great Australian Bight. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast sydney adelaide eyre northandwest esperance goldfields Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Oil and Gas Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Business Economics and Finance:International Financial Institutions:All Business Economics and Finance:Trade:All Environment:Mining:All Rural:Fishing Aquaculture:All Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:NSW:University of New South Wales 2052 Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:Ceduna 5690 Australia:SA:Kingscote 5223 Australia:SA:Penong 5690 Australia:SA:Port Augusta 5700 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:SA:Streaky Bay 5680 Australia:WA:Esperance 6450 Australia:WA:Eucla 6443 China:All:All Norway:All:All United States:All:All
trad Maralinga story to be told through eyes of traditional owners affected by Britain's atomic bomb testing By Published On :: Mon, 01 Jul 2019 06:39:00 +1000 Visitors are travelling to outback South Australia for tours of the former atomic testing site, but traditional owners want to see the narrative refocused to tell their story. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast eyre Community and Society:History:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Community and Society:Regional:All Defence and National Security:Defence Forces:All Environment:Nuclear Issues:All Australia:SA:Yalata 5690 United Kingdom:All:All
trad Federal Budget contains drought support, trade assistance and disaster relief for farmers By Published On :: Tue, 02 Apr 2019 21:42:00 +1100 This year's Budget reflects a horrific summer of natural disasters, with increased support for natural disasters and drought relief. Full Article ABC Central Victoria southeastnsw brokenhill coffscoast westernplains northcoast upperhunter newcastle centralwest midnorthcoast newengland illawarra alicesprings katherine widebay farnorth tropic sunshine northwest capricornia goldcoast southqld northqld southeastsa eyre northandwest riverland northtas ballarat centralvic westernvic milduraswanhill gippsland shepparton southwestvic goulburnmurray greatsouthern kimberley southwestwa esperance wheatbelt goldfields northwestwa Business Economics and Finance:Regional Development:All Community and Society:Regional:All Environment:Rivers:Murray-Darling Basin Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Budget:All Rural:Agribusiness:All Australia:All:All Australia:NSW:Bega 2550 Australia:NSW:Broken Hill 2880 Australia:NSW:Coffs Harbour 2450 Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Lismore 2480 Australia:NSW:Muswellbrook 2333 Australia:NSW:Newcastle 2300 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800 Australia:NSW:Port Macquarie 2444 Australia:NSW:Tamworth 2340 Australia:NSW:Wollongong 2500 Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:Katherine 0850 Australia:QLD:Bundaberg 4670 Australia:QLD:Cairns 4870 Australia:QLD:Mackay 4740 Australia:QLD:Maroochydore 4558 Australia:QLD:Mount Isa 4825 Australia:QLD:Rockhampton 4700 Australia:QLD:Southport 4215 Australia:QLD:Toowoomba 4350 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810 Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:SA:Renmark 5341 Australia:TAS:Burnie 7320 Australia:VIC:Ballarat 3350 Australia:VIC:Bendigo 3550 Australia:VIC:Horsham 3400 Australia:VIC:Mildura 3500 Australia:VIC:Sale 3850 Australia:VIC:Shepparton 3630 Australia:VIC:Warrnambool 3280 Australia:VIC:Wodonga 3690 Australia:WA:Albany 6330 Australia:WA:Broome 6725 Australia:WA:Bunbury 6230 Australia:WA:Esperance 6450 Australia:WA:Geraldton 6530 Australia:WA:Kalgoorlie 6430 Australia:WA:Karratha 6714 Australia:WA:Kununurra 6743
trad With just one in four Aussies staying with same employer for 10+ years, is traditional long service still relevant? By Published On :: Mon, 08 Jul 2019 08:29:00 +1000 With only one in four Australians staying with the same employer for 10 years or more, there is a call for a national portable long service leave scheme in Australia. Full Article ABC Central Victoria centralvic melbourne Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Work:All Government and Politics:All:All Health:All:All Australia:VIC:Bendigo 3550 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000
trad Fishing Minister Niall Blair on the success of the share trading scheme By Published On :: Mon, 18 Sep 2017 06:50:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Local sydney Business Economics and Finance:Environmentally Sustainable Business:All Rural:Agribusiness:Agricultural Subsidies Rural:Agribusiness:All Rural:Agricultural Policy:All Rural:Fishing Aquaculture:All Rural:Rural Women:All Australia:NSW:All Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000
trad National Farmers Federation lobbying for a greater influence on free trade agreements By Published On :: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 12:32:00 +1100 Full Article ABC Local canberra Rural:Agricultural Policy:All Australia:ACT:Parliament House 2600
trad Basque performers in traditional dress By Published On :: Wed, 31 Jul 2019 06:46:00 +1000 Full Article ABC North Queensland northqld Education:Subjects:History Australia:QLD:Ingham 4850
trad Uluru climb closure 2019: Arrival of final day gives voice to other claims by traditional owners By Published On :: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 09:25:00 +1100 The climb closure at Uluru could motivate other traditional owner groups around the country to limit access to their cultural and sacred sites. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings westernvic Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Tourism Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Sacred Sites Environment:Conservation:All Environment:Conservation:National Parks Lifestyle and Leisure:Travel and Tourism:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:Yulara 0872 Australia:VIC:Halls Gap 3381
trad Climbers wait to ascend Uluru as traditional owners aim to educate By Published On :: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 17:38:00 +1100 Tourists wait to ascend Uluru as high winds temporarily close the climb, while Anangu ranger Thiangu Thomas aims to educate those who don't understand the monolith's cultural significance. Full Article 783 ABC Alice Springs alicesprings Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Sacred Sites Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870
trad Water trading's 'unintended' consequences across Australia's southern Murray-Darling Basin By Published On :: Sat, 13 Jul 2019 06:00:00 +1000 As Australia's competition watchdog prepares to study the Murray-Darling Basin's $2 billion water trade, a trip up the river finds irrigators are worried about the market's "unintended" consequences. Full Article ABC Goulburn Murray canberra goulburnmurray riverina adelaide riverland centralvic melbourne milduraswanhill Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Federal Government:All Rural:Agribusiness:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:Cotton Rural:Agricultural Crops:Fruit Rural:Agricultural Crops:Grain Rural:Agricultural Crops:Rice Rural:Agricultural Policy:All Rural:Livestock:Dairy Production Australia:ACT:Canberra 2600 Australia:ACT:Parliament House 2600 Australia:All:All Australia:NSW:Albury 2640 Australia:NSW:Deniliquin 2710 Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:Renmark 5341 Australia:VIC:Boort 3537 Australia:VIC:Kerang 3579 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000 Australia:VIC:Mildura 3500 Australia:VIC:Wodonga 3690
trad Warning of 'dire consequences' for some Murray-Darling irrigators if water trade restricted By Published On :: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 06:20:00 +1100 As farming groups lobby the Federal Government to take action on soaring water prices, water brokers warn some irrigators will be worse off if the Government intervenes in the trade. Full Article ABC Goulburn Murray goulburnmurray westernplains brokenhill riverina milduraswanhill southqld adelaide riverland shepparton Disasters and Accidents:Drought:All Environment:Environmental Management:All Environment:Rivers:Murray-Darling Basin Environment:Water:All Environment:Water Management:All Environment:Water Supply:All Government and Politics:Federal Government:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:Fruit Rural:Agricultural Crops:Fruits Rural:Irrigation:All Australia:NSW:Albury 2640 Australia:NSW:Bourke 2840 Australia:NSW:Broken Hill 2880 Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Griffith 2680 Australia:NSW:Menindee 2879 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650 Australia:NSW:Wentworth 2648 Australia:NSW:Wilcannia 2836 Australia:QLD:Dirranbandi 4486 Australia:QLD:St George 4487 Australia:QLD:Toowoomba 4350 Australia:SA:Goolwa 5214 Australia:SA:Renmark 5341 Australia:VIC:Mildura 3500 Australia:VIC:Shepparton 3630
trad Traditional owners call for extra protection under proposed Limmen Bight Marine Park plan By Published On :: Tue, 17 Sep 2019 18:21:00 +1000 As the NT Government releases its new management plan for the Limmen Bight Marine Park, traditional owners are pleading for far greater environmental protections and an end to overfishing in the area. Full Article ABC Radio Darwin darwin Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Environment:All:All Environment:Conservation:All Environment:Conservation:Marine Parks Environment:Environmental Impact:All Environment:Environmental Management:All Environment:Environmental Policy:All Government and Politics:Forms of Government:All Australia:NT:All Australia:NT:Darwin 0800
trad Cherabin commercial farming by traditional owners in WA's far north to be an Australian first By Published On :: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 13:01:00 +1100 An Aboriginal corporation in the Kimberley is set to become the first to commercialise the breeding of native freshwater prawns. Full Article ABC Radio Darwin darwin kimberley perth Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Food and Beverage Environment:Rivers:All Lifestyle and Leisure:Food and Cooking:All Rural:Fishing Aquaculture:All Rural:Food Processing:All Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:WA:Broome 6725 Australia:WA:Derby 6728 Australia:WA:Fitzroy Crossing 6765 Australia:WA:Halls Creek 6770 Australia:WA:Kununurra 6743 Australia:WA:Perth 6000
trad After the closure of the Uluru climb, traditional owners reflect on their fight By Published On :: Sun, 27 Oct 2019 10:42:00 +1100 Uluru custodian Sammy Wilson says the closure of the climb has been a long time coming and wants to honour the Anangu who did not live to see it. Full Article ABC Radio Darwin alicesprings darwin Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Language Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Protocols Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Land Rights Environment:Conservation:National Parks Environment:Land Management:All Government and Politics:Indigenous Policy:All Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:All Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:NT:Yulara 0872
trad NT traditional owners urge climate change policy makers to witness mangrove devastation By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2019 07:46:00 +1100 There had been hopes of recovery at the site of Australia's worst recorded mangrove dieback in the Gulf of Carpentaria. But during a recent visit to the area, traditional owner Patsy Evans said she was devastated by the scene. Full Article ABC Radio Darwin darwin Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Land Rights Environment:Climate Change:All Environment:Environmental Impact:All Environment:Environmental Management:All Environment:Environmental Policy:All Environment:Land Management:All Government and Politics:Local Government:All Health:Environmental Health:All Australia:NT:All Australia:NT:Darwin 0800
trad Charles Darwin University course cuts create uncertainty for remote apprentice learning trade By Published On :: Thu, 07 Nov 2019 13:24:00 +1100 Cameron Rowland says he can no longer complete his auto electrician training in Tennant Creek because of course cuts. Full Article ABC Radio Darwin darwin alicesprings Education:All:All Education:University and Further Education:All Australia:NT:All Australia:NT:Charles Darwin University 0909 Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:NT:Tennant Creek 0860
trad Calls for a water trading exchange much like the ASX get louder in hopes to improve Murray-Darling By Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 2019 16:55:00 +1000 While the competition watchdog investigates Australia's water market, those pushing for a central exchange for water trading say it could solve many problems. Full Article ABC Radio Canberra canberra goulburnmurray westernplains brokenhill riverina milduraswanhill southqld adelaide riverland shepparton Business Economics and Finance:All:All Business Economics and Finance:Trade:All Environment:All:All Environment:Rivers:All Environment:Rivers:Murray-Darling Basin Environment:Water:All Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Federal Government:All Rural:Agribusiness:All Rural:Agricultural Policy:All Australia:ACT:Parliament House 2600 Australia:All:All Australia:NSW:Albury 2640 Australia:NSW:Bourke 2840 Australia:NSW:Broken Hill 2880 Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Griffith 2680 Australia:NSW:Menindee 2879 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650 Australia:NSW:Wentworth 2648 Australia:NSW:Wilcannia 2836 Australia:QLD:Dirranbandi 4486 Australia:QLD:St George 4487 Australia:QLD:Toowoomba 4350 Australia:SA:Goolwa 5214 Australia:SA:Renmark 5341 Australia:VIC:Mildura 3500 Australia:VIC:Shepparton 3630
trad Canberra man Robert Glen Sirl, who traded ice for sex with teenage foster child, found guilty By Published On :: Sat, 12 Oct 2019 00:51:00 +1100 Robert Glen Sirl was caught having sex with a 15-year-old girl in foster care when police visited to talk to him about a separate rape. He has now been found guilty of both crimes. WARNING: This story contains graphic content. Full Article ABC Radio Canberra canberra Law Crime and Justice:All:All Law Crime and Justice:Courts and Trials:All Law Crime and Justice:Sexual Offences:All Australia:ACT:All Australia:ACT:Canberra 2600 Australia:All:All
trad Water traders without connection to farming are 'failing the pub test', Minister says By Published On :: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 06:28:00 +1100 Sussan Ley says she believes only people who have a "connection to farming" should be allowed to own water in the Murray-Darling Basin. Full Article ABC Radio Canberra canberra goulburnmurray westernplains brokenhill riverina milduraswanhill southqld adelaide riverland shepparton Environment:All:All Environment:Climate Change:All Environment:Environmental Management:All Environment:Rivers:All Environment:Rivers:Murray-Darling Basin Government and Politics:All:All Government and Politics:Federal Government:All Rural:Agribusiness:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:All Rural:Agricultural Policy:All Rural:Irrigation:All Australia:ACT:Parliament House 2600 Australia:All:All Australia:NSW:Albury 2640 Australia:NSW:Bourke 2840 Australia:NSW:Broken Hill 2880 Australia:NSW:Dubbo 2830 Australia:NSW:Griffith 2680 Australia:NSW:Menindee 2879 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650 Australia:NSW:Wentworth 2648 Australia:NSW:Wilcannia 2836 Australia:QLD:Dirranbandi 4486 Australia:QLD:St George 4487 Australia:QLD:Toowoomba 4350 Australia:SA:Goolwa 5214 Australia:SA:Renmark 5341 Australia:VIC:Mildura 3500 Australia:VIC:Shepparton 3630
trad Smartphone keyboards designed for traditional languages at cutting edge of their survival By Published On :: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 07:30:00 +1100 A software firm develops smartphone keyboards specifically designed to write in traditional languages to help people protect their language. Full Article ABC Gold Coast sydney alicesprings darwin goldcoast northandwest eyre Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal Language Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture Education:Subjects:Languages Information and Communication:Mobile Phones:All Science and Technology:Information Technology:All Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870 Australia:NT:Darwin 0800 Australia:QLD:Southport 4215 Australia:SA:Port Augusta 5700 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:SA:Whyalla 5600 Bangladesh:All:All Lao People's Democratic Republic:All:All Pacific:All:All Papua New Guinea:All:All
trad Tradies still value tools more than health, but attitudes are changing for the better By Published On :: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 08:51:00 +1000 A national survey of more than 800 tradies shows for the second consecutive year that they are more likely to take better care of their tools than their physical or mental health. Full Article ABC Capricornia capricornia Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Building and Construction Health:All:All Health:Men's Health:All Health:Occupational Health and Safety:All Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Rockhampton 4700
trad Queensland tradie Trevor Boswood has been in the building industry for 40 years. By Published On :: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 08:51:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Capricornia capricornia Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Building and Construction Australia:QLD:Rockhampton 4700
trad Tradie Dave Boswood feels the aches and pains from 20 years on the job By Published On :: Fri, 02 Aug 2019 08:51:00 +1000 Full Article ABC Capricornia capricornia Business Economics and Finance:Trade:All Health:Exercise and Fitness:All Health:Mental Health:All Australia:QLD:Rockhampton 4700
trad Cotton crops return to northern Australia amid dire drought in traditional growing zones By Published On :: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 13:21:00 +1000 A slumping sugar price and demand for reliable irrigation areas for cotton is spurring new interest in growing it in the tropics. Full Article ABC Capricornia farnorth northqld capricornia southqld Disasters and Accidents:Drought:All Rural:Agribusiness:Agricultural Prices Rural:Agricultural Crops:Cotton Rural:Agricultural Policy:All Rural:Crop Harvesting:All Weather:Rainfall:All Australia:QLD:Atherton 4883 Australia:QLD:Ayr 4807 Australia:QLD:Croydon 4871 Australia:QLD:Emerald 4720 Australia:QLD:Home Hill 4806 Australia:QLD:St George 4487 Australia:QLD:Townsville 4810
trad First Nations couple wed in cultural union ceremony, hope to revive lost tradition By Published On :: Tue, 01 Oct 2019 15:23:00 +1000 It has been more than a century since anyone was married in a cultural union ceremony on the land of the Port Curtis Coral Coast people, but now a Queensland couple hopes their action will revive the tradition. Full Article ABC Capricornia widebay capricornia Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Family and Children:Marriage Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture Human Interest:All:All Human Interest:People:All Australia:QLD:Agnes Water 4677 Australia:QLD:All Australia:QLD:Central Queensland Mc 4702 Australia:QLD:Seventeen Seventy 4677
trad Traditional owner 'Aunty Mel' is passionate about sharing her culture with the Murri School students By Published On :: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 07:22:00 +1100 Full Article ABC Capricornia capricornia Community and Society:All:All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture Australia:QLD:Central Queensland Mc 4702
trad Traditional custodian aunty Mel ensures spaces are safe for students to enter By Published On :: Mon, 14 Oct 2019 07:22:00 +1100 Full Article ABC Capricornia capricornia Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Protocols Australia:QLD:Central Queensland Mc 4702
trad Sewing students turn to the tradition of their grandparents in battle with throwaway fast fashion By Published On :: Mon, 21 Oct 2019 06:23:00 +1100 A group of primary students are turning to a traditional skill that they hope will help them, and their families, rely less on throwaway fashion. Full Article ABC Capricornia capricornia Arts and Entertainment:Design:Craft Education:Schools:Primary Schools Education:Subjects:Environment Education:Teachers:All Environment:Recycling and Waste Management:All Australia:QLD:Rockhampton 4700 Australia:QLD:Tanby 4703 Australia:QLD:Yeppoon 4703
trad UK food and drink sector bucks trend as pandemic sees international trade fall in Q1 By Published On :: Food and drink businesses defied an overall drop in UK exports during the first quarter of 2020 as supply chain disruption and international efforts to combat coronavirus hit overseas sales of goods and services, according to the Lloyds Bank International Trade Index. Full Article
trad Donald Trump's trade war with China is causing Australian wool prices to drop By Published On :: Mon, 01 Jul 2019 16:25:00 +1000 It's not just stockbrokers who are watching the China and US trade war Australia's wool market has fallen to its lowest level in a year-and-a-half due to uncertainty surrounding tariffs. Full Article ABC Central West NSW southeastnsw westernplains centralwest illawarra riverina newengland westqld southqld northqld adelaide southeastsa eyre northandwest hobart northtas gippsland southwestvic westernvic esperance wheatbelt greatsouthern Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Retail Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Textiles Business Economics and Finance:Trade:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:All Rural:Agricultural Crops:Wool Rural:Livestock:All Rural:Livestock:Sheep Production Australia:NSW:Bega 2550 Australia:NSW:Bourke 2840 Australia:NSW:Crookwell 2583 Australia:NSW:Forbes 2871 Australia:NSW:Goulburn 2580 Australia:NSW:Hay 2711 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800 Australia:NSW:Parkes 2870 Australia:NSW:Tamworth 2340 Australia:NSW:Wagga Wagga 2650 Australia:QLD:Blackall 4472 Australia:QLD:Charleville 4470 Australia:QLD:Cunnamulla 4490 Australia:QLD:Hughenden 4821 Australia:QLD:Longreach 4730 Australia:QLD:Quilpie 4480 Australia:QLD:St George 4487 Australia:QLD:Tambo 4478 Australia:SA:Clare 5453 Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:TAS:Hobart 7000 Australia:TAS:Launceston 7250 Australia:VIC:Bairnsdale 3875 Australia:VIC:Hamilton 3300 Australia:VIC:Horsham 3400 Australia:WA:Esperance 6450 Australia:WA:Geraldton 6530 Australia:WA:Katanning 6317 China:All:All United States:All:All
trad Wool market slump prompts call from industry leader to halt trading By Published On :: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 17:13:00 +1000 The wool market has plummeted a massive 163 cents a kilogram this week, or more than 10 per cent, prompting an industry leader to call for a halt to trading. Full Article ABC Central West NSW centralwest sydney melbourne perth Business Economics and Finance:Trade:All Rural:Agribusiness:Agricultural Marketing Rural:Agricultural Crops:Wool Rural:All:All Australia:NSW:Grenfell 2810 Australia:NSW:Sydney 2000 Australia:NSW:Yennora 2161 Australia:VIC:Melbourne 3000 Australia:WA:Fremantle 6160 China:All:All United States:All:All
trad More women in trades could be the solution to the skills shortage, study finds By Published On :: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 07:25:00 +1000 Women face a number of hurdles when it comes to working in manual trades, but overcoming the barriers as some have done could be the answer to the skills shortage. Full Article ABC Central West NSW centralwest Business Economics and Finance:Industry:All Business Economics and Finance:Industry:Building and Construction Business Economics and Finance:Regional Development:All Community and Society:Women:All Community and Society:Work:All Education:Apprenticeships:All Education:Vocational:All Australia:NSW:Bathurst 2795 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800
trad Tradie Justin Lampe turns his hand to metal art sculptures By Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2019 15:31:00 +1100 After Justin Lampe's fencing business folded due to drought, he turned his hand to metal art sculptures and looked to his late father for inspiration. Full Article ABC Central West NSW centralwest Arts and Entertainment:Visual Art:Sculpture Business Economics and Finance:Small Business:All Community and Society:Family and Children:Family Community and Society:Regional:All Disasters and Accidents:Drought:All Human Interest:All:All Human Interest:People:All Australia:NSW:All Australia:NSW:Molong 2866 Australia:NSW:Orange 2800
trad 34 days until golf: Inaugural event at Augusta begins annual tradition By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 16:19:21 +0000 Full Article
trad Bobby, a trade, and crazed fans: Q&A with Bruins legend Johnny Bucyk By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 11:47:26 +0000 Full Article
trad Lucic: 'Hilarious' that conditions in Neal trade in limbo yet so close By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 15:08:33 +0000 Full Article
trad Rooney: MLS owners use trade system to take advantage of players By Published On :: Sun, 19 Apr 2020 13:52:44 +0000 Full Article
trad Russians mark May 9 in private family traditions By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 12:30:07 -0400 Like every May 9, Gennadiy Matveyev observed a tradition this Friday at his little dacha near Moscow: he and his wife Galina raised the Russian flag to remember the victory over Nazi Germany in 1945. Matveyev's personal flag-raising tradition started two decades ago on his patch of land in the countryside, where the couple grows tulips and hyacinths. It continued year after year, the banner soaring six metres in the air only on May 9th, though he changed the red Soviet flag to the Russian tricolour fifteen years ago. Full Article
trad Trader Joe's Co. v. Hallatt By Published On :: 2016-08-26T08:00:00+00:00 (United States Ninth Circuit) - In a trademark infringement action, arising after defendant purchased Trader Joe's goods in the United States and resold them at a mimic store in Canada, the district court's dismissal of plaintiff's Lanham Act claims is reversed where: 1) the extraterritorial application of the Lanham Act is a question as to the merits of a trademark claim instead of federal courts' subject-matter jurisdiction; and 2) Trader Joe's alleges a nexus between defendant's conduct and American commerce sufficient to warrant extraterritorial application of the Lanham Act. Full Article Intellectual Property Trademark International Law
trad lana del rey - summertime sadness (sxade synthwave remix) | 80s [legendado/tradução] - YouTube By Published On :: 2020-05-09T11:10:19+00:00 Full Article
trad Nobel Biocare Services AG v. Instradent USA, Inc. By Published On :: 2018-09-13T08:00:00+00:00 (United States Federal Circuit) - A company appealed from the determination in an inter partes review that certain claims of its patent directed to dental implants were unpatentable. Affirming, the Federal Circuit concluded that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board did not err in its anticipation finding. Full Article Intellectual Property Patent
trad Nobel Biocare Services AG v. Instradent USA, Inc. By Published On :: 2018-09-13T08:00:00+00:00 (United States Federal Circuit) - A company appealed from the determination in an inter partes review that certain claims of its patent directed to dental implants were unpatentable. Affirming, the Federal Circuit concluded that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board did not err in its anticipation finding. Full Article Intellectual Property Patent
trad Stampeders trade Arbuckle to Redblacks By Published On :: Fri, 24 Jan 2020 23:05:42 +0000 Full Article
trad Lions trade up, take ECU's Williams with No. 1 pick in CFL draft By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 00:46:08 +0000 Full Article
trad Ajaxo Inc. v. E*Trade Fin. Corp. By Published On :: 2010-08-30T08:00:00+00:00 (California Court of Appeal) - In plaintiff's suit against E*Trade Financial Corporation (E*Trade) for misappropriation of trade secrets under the California Uniform Trade Secret Act, trial court's denial of plaintiff's request for award of reasonable royalties is reversed and remanded where: 1) given the jury's finding that E*Trade did not profit from its misappropriation of trade secrets, unjust enrichment is not "provable" within the meaning of section 3426.3; 2) since E*Trade had consistently and successfully taken the position that plaintiff's actual losses are not provable, E*Trade is estopped from arguing otherwise now; and 3) because neither actual loss nor unjust enrichment is provable, the trial court had discretion pursuant to section 3426.3(b) to order payment of a reasonable royalty. Full Article Contracts Cyberspace Law Government Law Injury & Tort Law Intellectual Property Trade Secrets Remedies
trad Organik Kimya v. Int'l Trade Comm'n By Published On :: 2017-02-14T08:00:00+00:00 (United States Federal Circuit) - In a case involves trade secrets relating to opaque polymers, which are hollow spheres used as paint additives for interior and exterior paints to increase the paint's opacity, the International Trade Commission's (ITC) decision, imposing default judgment sanctions for spoliation of evidence and entering a limited exclusion order against plaintiff, is affirmed where the Commission did not abuse its discretion in entering default judgment as a sanction for plaintiff's spoliation of evidence and further did not abuse its discretion in entering the limited exclusion order. Full Article Intellectual Property Trade Secrets International Trade
trad Seaview Trading, LLC v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue By Published On :: 2017-06-07T08:00:00+00:00 (United States Ninth Circuit) - In a petition challenging a notice of Final Partnership Administrative Adjustment, the Tax Court’s dismissal, for lack of jurisdiction, is affirmed where: 1) because plaintiff contended that his business entity was a small partnership not subject to the audit procedures under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA), entities that are disregarded for federal tax purposes may nevertheless constitute pass-thru partners under 26 U.S.C. section 6231(a)(9), such that the small-partnership exception under section 6231 does not apply and the partnership is therefore subject to the TEFRA audit procedures; 2) resolution of this question iss inextricably intertwined with the contention that plaintiff had standing to file a petition for readjustment of partnership items on behalf of his purported small partnership; and 3) as to standing, because a party other than plaintiff's entity's tax matters partner filed a petition for readjustment of partnership items after the partnership had timely done the same, the Tax Court lacked jurisdiction under 26 U.S.C. section 6226. Full Article Tax Law Corporation & Enterprise Law
trad Rivera v. Int'l Trade Commission By Published On :: 2017-05-23T08:00:00+00:00 (United States Federal Circuit) - In an appeal from a divided decision by the International Trade Commission, finding no violation of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, 19 U.S.C. section 1337, based on the Commission's holding of invalidity of certain asserted claims of appellant's patent that describes single-brew coffee machines, the Commission's decision is affirmed where substantial evidence supports the Commission's holding that all asserted claims are invalid for lack of written description. Full Article Intellectual Property Patent International Trade
trad Cisco Systems, Inc. v. Int'l Trade Comm. By Published On :: 2017-10-18T08:00:00+00:00 (United States Federal Circuit) - In a patent action, the International Trade Commission's limited exclusion order for the import of certain network devices by Artista Networks, Inc., for infringing 3 patents belonging to Cisco Systems while finding no infringement on 2 other patents, is affirmed where the Commission's findings were supported by substantial evidence. Full Article Intellectual Property Patent International Trade International Law