africa South Africa Launches Large Business Center

On October 23, 2019, the Commissioner of the South African Revenue Service launched the re-established Large Business Centre, which aims to bring about higher levels of voluntary tax compliance among large taxpayers.

africa South Africa Consults On Diesel Fuel Tax Refund Overhaul

The South African National Treasury has issued a discussion paper on a new diesel tax refund system, reviewing its administration and addressing anomalies related to its qualifying activities and beneficiaries.

africa European, African States To Review Free Trade Agreement

The European Free Trade Association states (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland), and the South African Customs Union have begun negotiations to review their existing free trade agreement.

africa South African Carbon Tax Introduced On June 1

On May 26, 2019, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa signed into law the Carbon Tax Act No 15 of 2019, which came into effect on June 1, 2019, as announced by the Minister of Finance in the 2019 Budget.

africa South Africa Enacts 2019 Tax Bills

On January 15, 2020, three tax bills were made law to give effect to measures announced in South Africa's 2019 Budget.


Researchers Use GPS, PDAs For Malaria Prevention in Africa, Study Says

CDC researchers have developed new tools using GPS technology and PDAs to help prevent the spread of malaria in Africa, according to a study published

africa South Africa, Belgium, Jersey Extend CbC Reporting Deadlines

South Africa, Jersey, and Belgium are among a handful of territories that have recently announced an extension to the due date for country-by-country reports under the new frameworks being introduced under Action 13 of the OECD's base erosion and profit shifting Action Plan.

africa African States Urged To Consider COVID-19 Tax Responses

The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) has published a new report titled "Suggested COVID-19 Measures for Revenue Authorities."

africa South Africa Details New COVID-19 Tax Measures

On April 23, 2020, the National Treasury of South Africa provided further details of the additional COVID-19 tax support measures first announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa on April 21.


Press Release: Water rights for millions of African farmers threatened by law rooted in colonial times, study finds 

Researchers at Africa Water Week call for efforts to “decolonize” and improve water permit systems, so more farmers are encouraged to invest in much-needed irrigation.


Press Release: IWMI project enables fast access to petabytes of analysis-ready water data in Africa

A new IWMI partnership with Digital Earth Africa (DEA) will leverage state of the art remote-sensing and data management technologies to enhance the ability of African Governments, communities and companies to better manage their water.

africa Op-Ed: Ethiopia has a Nobel Prize and a roaring economy. Can it also gain a food secure future?

If you’re of a certain age, Ethiopia may still invoke images of its devastating mid-1980s famine that gripped people around the world – including celebrities. But the once impoverished country has redefined itself in just over a generation.

  • IWMI in the news


Business Ghana: IWMI project enables fast access to petabytes of analysis-ready water data in Africa

A new International Water Management Institute (IWMI) partnership with Digital Earth Africa (DEA [1]) will leverage state of the art remote-sensing and data management technologies to enhance the ability of African Governments, communities and companies to better manage their water.


Devex: How satellite images could improve water management in Africa

“One of the big challenges of dealing with water resource management is: How are you going to manage something if you can't measure it?” said William Rex, senior adviser at the International Water Management Institute.


News Trust: Fears over handwashing in Africa to stem coronavirus seen as trigger for change

"In the water sector we always say 'Don't waste a good crisis'," said Inga Jacobs-Mata, the South African representative from non-profit research group the International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


SciDev: Tap big data to fight floods and droughts in Africa

And when it comes to adapting to climate change, knowledge is power, which is why a new programme to gather continent-wide information on water could be a game-changer.


TimesLive: Fears over handwashing in Africa to stem coronavirus seen as trigger for change

“In the water sector we always say 'Don't waste a good crisis'," said Inga Jacobs-Mata, the South African representative from non-profit research group the International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


Developing Telecoms: Satcoms to support African water management

A welcome piece of positive news for Africa comes from the Sri Lanka-headquartered International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and a new satellite data initiative.


Thomson Reuters Foundation: In parched southern Africa, coronavirus spurs action on water supply

Across drought-hit southern Africa, COVID-19 has spurred governments to dispatch water tankers, drill boreholes and repair taps - solutions experts and residents of thirsty slums and villages say must last long after the pandemic has passed.


Call for participants: 100 critical research questions for decision-makers in sub-Saharan Africa

Achieving food and nutrition security, reducing inequality, and preserving terrestrial ecosystems.


Thomson Reuters: It’s time to look underground for climate resilience in sub-Saharan Africa

A recent study sheds new light on the climate-groundwater relationship, finding that the 2015-2016 El Niño weather event replenished groundwater very differently in southern Africa and in East Africa just below the equator.


A continental coalition is set in motion to support sustainable groundwater use across Africa

Inclusion of groundwater in continent-wide strategies has potential to help keep Africa’s broader development on a sustainable footing.


Press Release: IWMI project enables fast access to petabytes of analysis-ready water data in Africa

A new IWMI partnership with Digital Earth Africa (DEA) will leverage state of the art remote-sensing and data management technologies to enhance the ability of African Governments, communities and companies to better manage their water.


Business Ghana: IWMI project enables fast access to petabytes of analysis-ready water data in Africa

A new International Water Management Institute (IWMI) partnership with Digital Earth Africa (DEA [1]) will leverage state of the art remote-sensing and data management technologies to enhance the ability of African Governments, communities and companies to better manage their water.


Devex: How satellite images could improve water management in Africa

“One of the big challenges of dealing with water resource management is: How are you going to manage something if you can't measure it?” said William Rex, senior adviser at the International Water Management Institute.


News Trust: Fears over handwashing in Africa to stem coronavirus seen as trigger for change

"In the water sector we always say 'Don't waste a good crisis'," said Inga Jacobs-Mata, the South African representative from non-profit research group the International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


SciDev: Tap big data to fight floods and droughts in Africa

And when it comes to adapting to climate change, knowledge is power, which is why a new programme to gather continent-wide information on water could be a game-changer.


TimesLive: Fears over handwashing in Africa to stem coronavirus seen as trigger for change

“In the water sector we always say 'Don't waste a good crisis'," said Inga Jacobs-Mata, the South African representative from non-profit research group the International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


Developing Telecoms: Satcoms to support African water management

A welcome piece of positive news for Africa comes from the Sri Lanka-headquartered International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and a new satellite data initiative.


Thomson Reuters Foundation: In parched southern Africa, coronavirus spurs action on water supply

Across drought-hit southern Africa, COVID-19 has spurred governments to dispatch water tankers, drill boreholes and repair taps - solutions experts and residents of thirsty slums and villages say must last long after the pandemic has passed.


Small Reservoirs in Africa: A Review and Synthesis to Strengthen Future Investment

Small reservoirs are a critical coping mechanism in water-stressed rural areas in Africa, providing immense livelihood benefits that include improved food and water security, entrepreneurial activities and climate resilience. Challenges associated with the implementation of investments in small reservoirs include appropriate site selection, weak institutions, insufficient maintenance and sedimentation. The findings from this study suggest […]


Revolutionizing Smallholder Irrigation in Africa

Intensifying small-scale irrigation is an especially urgent imperative for sub-Saharan Africa, where scarce or variable rainfall severely handicaps agriculture, curbing productivity and resilience. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and its partners have taken bold steps to tackle this challenge, developing business models for irrigation technologies and exerting a positive influence on government policies and […]


Too Much Stress May Up High Blood Pressure in African-Americans

Chronic stress increases the risk of developing high blood pressure (hypertension) in African-Americans, reports a new study. The findings of the study


Depression Puts South African Girls at Greater Risk of Contracting HIV

Teen girls in South Africa face an extraordinary threat of HIV. Experiencing depression can put these girls at even higher risk of HIV infection, reports a new study.


Simple Method may Prevent HIV in South Africa (and) Uganda

Mobile vans dispensing antiretroviral treatment (ART) and other treatment in parts of Africa significantly increased viral suppression, reports a new study.


NE States Try to Fight African Swine Fever

Coronavirus infections in northeast India are comparatively under control so far, the eight northeastern states are now affected by African Swine Flu (ASF).


Cholera Outbreak Kills 6 People in Cameroon, Central Africa

Cholera outbreak kills six people in Cameroon, Yaounde capital, Central Africa. Cases of this outbreak have been documented since May 2018 in four districts


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - South Africa Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Closing the Gender Gap - country note: South Africa

Gains in female education attainment have contributed to a worldwide increase in women’s participation in the labour force, but considerable gaps remain in working hours, conditions of employment and earnings.  More specific data for South Africa are available in this country note.


Secretary-General’s official visit to South Africa (Pretoria, 4th March 2013)

The Secretary-General of the OECD will be in South Africa on 4th March 2013 on an Official Visit. On this occasion, he will present the 2013 OECD Economic Survey of South Africa together with Mr. Pravin Jamnadas Gordhan, Minister of Finance.


South Africa: Progress made but step up economic reforms to achieve full potential

South Africa must step up efforts to foster strong, inclusive economic growth that creates jobs, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Survey of South Africa. Priorities include a growth-enhancing macroeconomic policy-mix, and better implementation of structural reforms, notably to improve education.


After the final - Interview on South Africa’s soccer World Cup with Nhlanhla Musa Nene, Deputy Minister of Finance

In 2010 South Africa became the first African country to host the FIFA soccer World Cup, which is one of the biggest global sporting events on earth. Was it a triumph and what lessons could be drawn?


South Africa shows good progress on environment, must keep up pace

In the two decades since apartheid ended, South Africa has made impressive strides to catch up with – and in some cases surpass -- the developed world’s environmental standards.


Lack of enforcement jeopardises South Africa’s fight against foreign bribery; OECD concerned that political and economic considerations may be an influence

South Africa must take urgent steps to proactively investigate and prosecute foreign bribery. No foreign bribery cases have been prosecuted since South Africa joined the Convention in 2007. The 4 on-going investigations – out of only 10 allegations that have surfaced to date – are also far from reaching the prosecution stage, according to a new report by the OECD Working Group on Bribery.


African countries need to tap global markets more effectively to strengthen their economies, says new African Economic Outlook

By participating more effectively in the global production of goods and services, Africa can transform its economy and achieve a development breakthrough, according to the latest African Economic Outlook, released at the African Development Bank Group’s Annual Meetings.


Self-assessment of South Africa's investment regime in relation to the OECD Codes of Liberalisation and the principle of National Treatment

This self-assessment report looks at South Africa's investment regime in the light of the OECD Codes of Liberalisation and the principle of National Treatment.


OECD Employment Outlook 2014 - Key findings for South Africa

The South African labour market continues to perform poorly compared to OECD and other G20 countries, and the global financial crisis appears to have worsened the situation.