
Příběh ostatků Anežky České: Jeptiška s páčidlem, chromá věštkyně a sovětský georadar

„Až bude Anežka svatořečena, bude v Čechách konečně dobře,“ prohlásil 12. listopadu 1989, tedy přesně před 35 lety, Tomáš Halík ve vatikánském chrámu svatého Petra. Starou věštbu tehdy připomněl tisícům českých poutníků, kteří se na obřad sloužený papežem Janem Pavlem II. dostávali složitě přes zadrátované hranice. Pět dnů nato ale začala sametová revoluce a všechno bylo jinak. Proč musela česká světice na svatořečení tak dlouho čekat a jak v příběhu figurovali husité, kněz jménem Papoušek, chromá věštkyně a řádová sestra s páčidlem v ruce?


Tragické osudy horolezkyň: Japonku nechali kolegové umrznout, Američanka zemřela s úsměvem na rtech

Sportem ku zdraví, říká se. A k trvalé invaliditě, dodávají jiní. V případě horolezectví to ale může dopadnout mnohem hůř. Všechny ty světově známé vrcholky mají svůj smutný seznam těch, kteří padli při jejich zdolávání. A pochopitelně mezi nimi nechybí ani ženy. Hannelore Schmatz se měla stát první Němkou, která zdolala Mount Everest. Na vrchol se dostala i se svým manželem Gerhardem, jakožto nejstarším pokořitelem hory. Jenže u Everestu je pořádně zrádná i cesta dolů. Hannelore se nakonec stala osudnou.


Slovenská ministryně kultury chce ve výuce angličtiny zrušit anglická slovíčka a nahradit je slovenskými

Slovenská ministryně kultury Martina Šimkovičová v rámci chystané novely zákona o slovenském jazyce vyrazila do boje proti používání jiných slov, než jsou ta slovenská. Chce tak ochránit slovenský jazyk jako základní prvek nehmotného kulturního dědictví.


Jana Bendová: Donald Trump jr. se vysmál Ukrajině a Václav Klaus vidí ženám do duše, za vším jsou zbraně

O kapesné přijdete za 38 dní. Těmito slovy se vysmál na sociálních sítích ukrajinskému prezidentu Zelenskému Donald Trump junior. Běží dohady, zda tím naznačil příští kroky zvoleného prezidenta, taťky Donalda Trumpa, protože i těch osmatřicet dní je divný termín. Možná, kdyby žila Donaldova matka, zlínská rodačka Ivana, připomněla by mu, co to obnáší žít pod ruskou nadvládou a agresí. Sužovaná Ukrajina má přesto naději, že ji prezident Trump nehodí přes palubu. Jako každý sebestředný vládce touží po čestné a hrdinné pozici v historii. Aby příští generace věděly, že se prezidentu nejmocnější země světa Donaldu Trumpovi nerozklepala kolena před jedním vraždícím diktátorem.


Novosibirsk v 70. letech: Jak vypadal každodenní život v Sovětském svazu?

Na důležitém místě, kde se řeka Ob potkávala s naplánovanou trasou Transsibiřské magistrály, bylo roku 1893 založeno město Novonikolajevsk. Původní vesnice s 685 obyvateli rychle splynula s dynamicky vznikajícím centrem dělníků a přistěhovalců. Tak tomu bylo ale na mnoha místech, kde se Transsibiřská magistrála stavěla. Teprve když bylo v roce 1912 rozhodnuto o tom, že z Novonikolajevska povede odbočka transsibiřské magistrály do Kazachstánu, byla budoucnost města definitivně zajištěna. A zatímco jiná sídla zanikla, Novonikolajevsk přejmenovali na Novosibirsk a dnes je z něj třetí největší město v Rusku. V asijské části Putinovy země jde o město vůbec největší.


Jamaican Jerk Seasoned Chicken Wings

While Buffalo Wings are the standard fare when cooking chicken wings, sometimes we get the feel for the islands. This Jamaican Jerk Seasoned Chicken Wing dinner fulfills that Island desire. Plus there is minimal preparation and it’s baked in the oven so it’s not a time demanding meal. What You Need 4lbs chicken wingettes 1/4 …


Homemade Sloppy Joes Recipe

Sloppy Joes are a go to meal around our home when we are looking for a simple, fast meal. You can take a cheat and use a product like Manwich … But that’s not really saving you all that much work as this is a simple dish. So, here is our recipe for a simple …


Objects: Finished

Finished Objects Daggers


SteelFox Trojan

What kind of malware is SteelFox?

SteelFox is a trojan – specifically, a malware bundle with its primary components including a data stealer and cryptocurrency miner. SteelFox infiltrates systems through a sophisticated infection chain.

This trojan has been around since at least 2023, and it was noted being proliferated under the guise of illegal software activation tools ("cracks"). The SteelFox campaign is active worldwide, with the most infections registered in Brazil, China, Russia, Mexico, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, Vietnam, India, and Sri Lanka.


SpeedyLook Browser Hijacker

What kind of extension is SpeedyLook?

Our examination of SpeedyLook has revealed that it is an unreliable browser extension designed to hijack a web browser by changing its settings. This extension forces users to visit guardflares.com. Additionally, SpeedyLook enables the "Managed by your organization" setting (in Chrome browsers).


2026 National Jamboree is Coming

Do you or your Scout have an interest in attending the 2026 National Jamboree? ...


Azerbaijan Independence Day 2024

Date: October 18, 2024

Today’s Doodle celebrates Azerbaijan’s Restoration of Independence Day, one of two Independence Days the nation celebrates. On this day in 1991, the Supreme Council adopted the Constitutional Act of State Independence of Azerbaijan, ending over 70 years of Soviet rule.

Azerbaijan’s first Independence Day takes place on May 28, commemorating the day in 1918 when the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan was established. This made the nation the first democratic republic in the Middle East. This independence was interrupted when the Soviets  invaded in 1920, leading to the second Independence Day on October 18th, Restoration of Independence Day.

After work, people attend parades or gather with friends and family to enjoy a delicious meal like plov, which has many regional variations that contain rice, dried fruit, nuts, and meat. It is also common for people to display the nation’s flag, like the one waving in today’s Doodle.

Happy Restoration of Independence Day, Azerbaijan!


Location: Azerbaijan



Japan General Elections 2024

Date: October 27, 2024

Location: Japan





Conjuration V,S,M


gratitude journal


Geekvape and Porsche Absolute Racing Join Forces for the Macau Grand Prix

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Big Tech opposes temporary blocking of H-1B guest worker visas because it wants to give your childrens’ jobs to cheap foreign labor

So Apple isn't fighting for diversity. They're doing exactly what they appear to be doing: they're trying to keep wages down and keep their workers compliant by importing labor from abroad.This isn't about diversity. It's about exploitation. It always is Continue reading

  • Accountants CPA Hartford
  • Articles
  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • Apple's CEO
  • Big Tech
  • Big Tech opposes temporary blocking of H-1B guest worker visas because it wants to give your childrens' jobs to cheap foreign labor
  • blocking guest worker visas
  • cheap foreign labor
  • diversity
  • Donald Trump
  • exploitation
  • Google
  • H-1B guest worker visas
  • http://cpa-connecticut.com/barefootaccountant/big-tech-opposes-temporary-blocking-of-h-1b-guest-worker-visas-because-it-wants-to-give-your-childrens-jobs-to-cheap-foreign-labor/
  • India
  • Silicon Valley
  • STEM
  • Tim Cook
  • Tucker Carlson Tonight July 1 2020


With Joe Biden we get fascism: the collusion of government and corporatism

This ruling class of administrative state, big tech, corporations: all of these people think that they can get rid of Trump and we'll go back to normal. They're wedded to a broken system that has sold out the American people. And now they're going to try to sell out the American people and the middle class especially. They're not going to fix immigration; they're not going to fix trade deals; they're not going to break up big tech; they're not going to do any of these things. Continue reading


36 tweets by Darryl Cooper aka @MartyrMade on July 8 2021 on why Trump supporters believe the 2020 election was fraudulent

Darryl Cooper, AKA @MartyrMade, is a podcaster who had a Twitter thread go viral with 13k retweets and 20k likes of the first Tweet alone. This one is 36-Tweets long. It makes very cogent arguments of not only why millions of Trump supporters believe the 2020 election was stolen, but also why we are justified to believe it. Continue reading


The government is instructing social media companies what shouldn’t be allowed to be on the internet even though these companies are the least competent to judge what is misinformation

The government is instructing social media companies what should and shouldn't be allowed to be on the internet, these are the people least competent to judge what is misinformation. Continue reading


FBI CIA NSA are not only spying on American citizens but also are illegally unmasking their identities to journalists who support our fascist government

FBI CIA NSA are not only spying on American citizens but also are illegally unmasking their identities to journalists who support our fascist government Continue reading


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews Matt Taibbi about censorship and the Twitter files


Вокалист MAJESTICA исполняет хит ZZ TOP

TOMMY JOHANSSON порадовал поклонников новым клипом — на этот раз кавер-версией композиции ZZ TOP "Legs".
#Majestica #PowerMetal #Power_Metal
Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9KEGDpFCEs


JASON BONHAM объяснил, почему покинул тур с SAMMY HAGAR

JASON BONHAM опубликовал следующее сообщение:

«Я хотел бы воспользоваться моментом и объясниться по поводу своего отсутствия в последние несколько недель. Как многие из вас знают, моя мама столкнулась с серьезными проблемами со здоровьем, и это было невероятно сложное время для нашей семьи. Я с благодарностью сообщаю, что она идет на поправку и ее выписали из больницы! Сейчас она дома и восстанавливается, что приносит мне огромное облегчение.

Было очень трудно покинуть тур «The Best Of All Worlds», когда осталось всего четыре концерта. Энергия, общение и впечатления были просто невероятными, но я должен был быть рядом с мамой во время ее борьбы за жизнь.

Я рад сообщить, что JBLZE [JASON BONHAM'S LED ZEPPELIN EVENING] снова отправится в турне, которое начнется 19 ноября! Мне не терпится увидеть всех вас и снова разделить это незабываемое странствие.

Спасибо за ваше понимание и любовь. До скорой встречи!

С большой любовью, JB».
#Sammy_Hagar #SammyHagar #HardRock #Hard_Rock #AcousticRock #Acoustic_Rock #Hard 'n' Heavy #_Hard 'n' Heavy


Halloween Projects and Specials

It’s time for our annual reminder that we love Halloween! Our Halloween Project Archives is a great resource for inspiration and ideas. Halloween is one of our favorite holidays, and … we’ve organized dozens of our Halloween projects into categories: costumes, pumpkins, decor and food.


The Japanese Pay the Price

The figures are in for U.S. auto sales in 2010. The biggest winners in percentage growth were Hyundai, at 24%, and Ford at 20%. Toyota lost .4% and Honda grew a mediocre 7%. The Japanese struggled in 2010.

Earlier we wrote a blog about Ford’s ascendency and Toyota’s problems (see Blog HERE). Toyota is paying the price for failing its customers. Honda appears to be getting painted with the “failure” brush, though I doubt its punishment is deserved.

I am actually using the word “fail” to mean something specific here. A company fails its customers when it is unable or unwilling to do something that at least half of its competitors can, or will, do for customers. Toyota’s troubles with accelerators, floor mats, and so forth, received extensive media coverage. This coverage clearly has had a negative impact on Toyota this year.

Toyota’s struggles illustrate the win and fail dynamic. In our terms, a “win” occurs when a company is able to do something that the majority of its competitors either can not or will not do. Wins account for a good deal of market share growth in a fast-growing market, but are less important in more mature markets. In a more mature Stable market and, especially, in all Hostile markets, failure moves a significant amount of market share.

Here is what this means. The decision to change a supplier is really two decisions. The first is the decision to leave a current supplier and the second is the decision on which new supplier to take on in your relationship. In the average Stable and Hostile marketplace, more market share moves on failure than on wins. This means that before an established customer will change suppliers, its current incumbent supplier must “fail” the relationship in some way. This failure, then, opens up the customer’s relationship to competition among other potential suppliers. Whichever supplier gains this customer’s volume really did so only after the incumbent failed. We call this gain a “weak win.” The “weak win” would not have happened on a straight-up comparison of performance and price of the new supplier versus the old. The gain only happened after the incumbent clearly failed the customer and then opened the relationship to someone new.

Toyota’s failure was largely a failure of Reliability. It clearly lost share. The companies that gained this share from Toyota, Ford and Hyundai among them, enjoyed some degree of a “weak win” in the domestic automobile market. They may have “won” market share as well, but my guess is that most of their share gains from Toyota fell to them from Toyota’s “failure.”


The Long and Arduous Journey of the Airline Industry May be Reaching an End

The government deregulated the airline industry in 1978. Since that time, the basic pricing in the industry, as well as airline fortunes, have been more or less continuously on the downward slope. It has been a very long trip down.

The industry may be heading up again, though. In the third quarter of 2010, the average domestic airfare was 11% higher than a year earlier. Profits returned to the industry in 2010 behind higher prices. In some part, these higher prices were the result of the additional fees that most of the domestic carriers charged passengers for checked baggage, better seating, rerouting and so forth. Still, the industry was able to hold its higher prices.

These prices are holding because the major industry players are less enamored of discounted flying. All of the big airlines are finding ways to extract prices from industry customers. Now that airline capacity utilization is high, the industry is more careful about capacity additions. Higher prices are here to stay.

The consumer still is far ahead. Even at these higher prices, ticket prices are a bargain. In fact, ticket prices, adjusted for inflation, are 20% below the levels of 1995. The industry has continuously stripped benefits from the base product in order to save costs. In 2010, the industry added back a few of those benefits (for example, economy plus seating) for an additional charge. We may see more of that over the next few years.


Happy 4th of July!

From Grace!


Just Call Me Super Dog

 This weekend I dressed up and went on a walk with all my friends incognito.

I thought that my outfit would let me enjoy the day quietly and the people would pay attention to my sister, Lulu, and my foster sister, Tallulah.
Thats Lulu on my left and Tallulah on my right.
My plan backfired a little. As we walked the people along the way kept calling me. "Super Dog! Super Dog!" they kept shouting. 

I have to admit it was cool to be Super Dog for a day!



2 more escaped monkeys recaptured and enjoying peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in South Carolina


Astral Projection Q&A part 1

Learn Astral Projection Easily-CLICK HERE!

1. What is Astral Projection?

Astral Projection or Out-of-body experience is a process through which our consciousness leaves our physical body and is free to travel anywhere, unrestricted by  our normal physical boundaries. We all unconsciously travel outside our bodies every night when we are asleep. But with the right guidance and practice, we can train ourselves to achieve this with 100% consciousness and awareness.

2. Is everyone able to do Astral Projection?

As I mentioned, everyone does Astral Traveling at night when they sleep. But since they are asleep, they are doing it unconsciously. And when they wake-up, their astral experiences get distorted and they feel they have just had a dream. But with training and guidance, almost anyone can have a conscious Astral Projection.

3. When one does Astral Traveling, what is it that "projects" out of his body?

We are made up of several bodies. The grossest and the densest body is our physical body. The next one is the etheric body or the astral body. This is much less dense compared to the physical body. So during Astral Traveling, it is the astral body that gets “projected”.   I should also mention that for each these bodies, there is a corresponding “plane”. So there is a physical plane, astral plane and so on. So during Astral Projection, the astral body is projected into the astral plane.

4. Should we be really doing Astral Projection?

When we are born on this physical plane, we all come with a specific purpose. That purpose may be different for different people. But as we grow older, we forget why we are here. So we wander aimlessly and often end up wasting our lives.
Astral Projection is one way to help us know why we are here in the first place. So I sincerely feel we all should learn this amazing art and give a positive direction to our lives.

5. How much does Astral Projection cost?

You would be surprised, but there were actually 4 people who asked me this question!
The answer is - Astral Projection doesn’t cost you anything in terms of money. It is not something that you purchase. It is an art that you learn. The only real cost  involved is your time, effort and dedication.

6. What is the best, easiest, infallible and fastest method that works for  everyone?

Everyone is different, with different personalities and beliefs. So unfortunately, there is no best and easiest method that works for everyone. There are hundreds of Astral Projection techniques available. You need to see which one suits you best.

7. What are the best visualization techniques for reaching the vibration stage quickly?

As I said earlier, there is no best technique that will help everyone to achieve the vibration stage. However, Robert Monroe’s vibration technique is the most popular since many people have reported great success with it.

8. How can I learn to project quickly without having to take herbs such as  Salvia

I never recommend taking herbs or drugs to achieve Astral Projection. It is safest to practice without any external aids. Also, unfortunately, there is no “quick” way to achieve Astral Projection. You will require patience and dedication. But if you follow the right guidance, you can drastically cut down on your learning curve, and often see success in a few weeks instead of years. Also, I would recommend staying away from anyone who claims to teach you “techniques” that can help you  project “instantly”

9. How to get into a trance easily for intentional OBEs

A good way to get into a trance is to comfortably lie down at night, and watch yourself going to sleep. Try to relax your physical body, but at the same time, try not to  go to sleep. For the first few nights, you might end up sleeping. But with practice, you will learn how to control your mind and stay awake during the entire process.

10. Can Astral Projection actually be done?

Yes, Astral Projection is definitely possible, and can actually be done consciously. There are thousands and thousands of people who can do it at will.                  


Astral Projection Q&A part 2

Learn Astral Projection Easily-CLICK HERE!
11. How often should you project?
Once you learn how to Astral Project at will, you can project as often as you want to. But don’t forget that you have a life on the physical plane too. You need to  maintain a balance.
12. What is the real trigger to leave the body? Where it is located?
No one really knows where the real trigger to leave the body is located. But I believe that out of the seven major Energy Chakras in our spiritual body, the trigger lies in
the most active Chakra for that person. Most people report leaving through the Third-eye Charka, the Solar Plexus Chakra or the Heart Chakra
13. What can I do about my belief that I can only perceive through my physical senses?
Since our birth we have perceived everything through our physical senses. So it is very difficult to imagine that we can have other senses as well. The only way to shed that belief is to experience Astral Projection yourself. Once you are out of your body, you will realize that you can actually perceive your surrounding without the physical senses that we are so used to. Moreover, you will realize that your new set
of senses is much more enhanced and powerful.
14. While Astral Projecting are we able to use our senses? See in color, hear, feel cold or heat etc?
As mentioned in the answer to the previous question, in the astral plane, we do not use our physical senses. We can see, hear, and feel using our astral senses. I should also mention that we do not feel cold or hot in our astral body. If we do feel them, it is because our physical body is feeling hot or cold, and that feeling is  transferred to the astral body via the Silver Cord.
15. Can Astral Projection be done without being taught by some one specialized who knows what is going to happen?
Yes, Astral Projection can be done without being taught by someone. It might take you longer or you might do it the wrong way. But it can be done. There are many people who have done it alone consciously or unconsciously. But it always helps to have the right guidance.
16. What is the best time to practice Astral Projection? Day, night, or early in the

There is no best time to practice. But because of our busy lives, most people prefer to practice early in the morning or at night, before going to sleep. But if you have time, you can very well practice during the day.
17. Should I practice lying down or sitting cross-legged?
Astral Projection can be done in any position you are comfortable with. But I recommend the lying down posture, because this is the way we sleep, and it is very
natural. This position also distributes our weight throughout the body, and makes it easier for us to relax. But as I said, you can choose any position you want to. As long as you are comfortable                                   
18. I have heard of people who can Astral Project at will, like a normal daily activity. Can I do the same, whenever I command? If yes, when will I succeed?
Yes, there are many who can Astral Project at will. You can do it too. But to get to that stage, you have to project several times, get rid of your fears, get used to the astral environment, and you should have also learnt to control your thoughts.
19. Do I need to meditate first, enter a supportive state of mind to successfully Astral Project? If yes, for how long should I meditate?
For a proper, conscious out of body experience, you should be in a meditative state where your physical body is completely relaxed and your mind is completely clear of unwanted chattering. This will give you good control over your thoughts, and help you focus on Astral Projection.
20. What triggers Astral Projection? And when does it actually happen?
Your goal is to reach a stage where your physical body is completely  relaxed and your mind is completely awake. And then deepen that stage using visualization exercises. This is the magic moment where the separation of the Astral body from the physical body takes place.
21. How can I avoid being anchored to my body when I go into trance?
If you go into a deep trance, where your body is asleep and mind awake, your astral body WILL separate – either partially or fully. If it is a partial separation, you need to exercise a strong will power and visualization exercises so that you can achieve a full  separation.                                   


XGODY Gimbal 3 portable projector review

REVIEW – There seems to be a number of different form factors popping up with projectors recently. Very slim projectors, portable cubes, and today’s variation which looks more like a spotlight than a projector at first glance. The XGODY Gimbal 3 projector looked like a fun projector to try out and looked very portable. Read […]


The James Brand Palmer Clear utility knife review

REVIEW – I previously reviewed The James Brand Carter XL which has been a dependable knife but I also have a penchant for utility knives so when The James Brand sent me their new Palmer Clear utility knife that retails for only $39 I couldn’t wait to try it out. What is it? The James […]


What Jenni Said About The Art of The Gathering: Fantastic

Priya Parker's book The Art of The Gathering (TAoG) was recommended to me by a friend from church who knows how much I enjoy putting together events for others.
As I began reading TAoF, I was quite inspired by the rich meaning Parker ascribes to gathering, and the significant possibilities of making a concrete difference in the world through our gatherings. Yes, I nodded to myself, the events I put together do matter. Nice ego stroke. But as she laid out a step by step methodology for ensuring those gatherings have purpose and are effective, my kneejerk reaction was that her approach felt overly controlling and I worried my guests would resent the kind of manipulative engineering she describes. What happened to organic gatherings that are completely open and free from any sort of direction? Isn't that where happiness and change can take root? Turns out, not so much. She makes a very good case for why proper planning and execution of gatherings under thoughtful leadership make for the best gatherings. I recalled the best events I've ever been to, and had to admit Parker was right - those that were carefully planned with purpose and direction, where the guests and activities were curated, turned out to be the most impactful.
So I've made it a goal to put the principles she's laid out in TAoG into practice, and it's going well so far. I set an intentional purpose for each gathering. I curate the invite list based on that purpose. I choose a setting that aids the purpose (the right density; the right locale). I actively manage the event - not heavy handed mind you, but not laissez faire - to protect/equalize/connect my guests. I aim to always create a temporary escape from the world during my events. I work hard before each event and prime my guests for the event. During the events, I include activities that encourage people to open up with each other. And I close the events with a recollection of our purpose, summarize the event, and try to leave my guests with something memorable.
If you are responsible (or enjoy and would like to be responsible) for organizing and hosting events (for work, for pleasure, as a volunteer, etc) I highly recommend this book. Life is too short to just go through the motions of meetings and events; they should be infused with purpose and Parker can teach you how to make it so. I especially encourage this as a read for those in the Christian community who have been given the gift of hospitality and want to refine and improve their event hosting, understanding that showing God's love to others through event planning and hosting is important work in the kingdom.


What Jenni Said About “The Body”: Glorious Detail

With "The Body", Bryson has done for our flesh houses within which we reside what he previously did for our brick and mortar ones in his book "At Home".  We have been treated to a full walk-through of the entire human body and all its functionality, in glorious detail. Bryson's language is beautiful and at times also mystical in its descriptiveness:

"You have a meter of it [DNA] packed into every cell, and so many cells that if you formed all the DNA in your body into a single strand, it would stretch ten billion miles, to beyond Pluto. Think of it: there is enough of you to leave the solar system. You are in the most literal sense cosmic."

Perhaps what I love most about "The Body" is the detailed narrative Bryson provides on so many key people in the history of medicine, infectious diseases, anatomy, etc. Many of these people I'd never heard of before and it was enlightening to read their fascinating (and often sad) stories. It seems there is a lot of drama and intrigue in the world of medicine.

As with all books on science and medicine, some portions of the text are outdated. For example, Bryson writes that we have no idea what the full mechanism causing labor to begin for a pregnant woman involves. Only, the thing is,  now we do. Per some of the medical research of late, it seems to be induced by chemicals the fetus releases after their lungs are fully developed. So, as you read, should you come across one of his statements that science still hasn't figured out X yet, go ahead and google it because it's entirely possible that science has actually figured it out by the time you've sat down to read the book. 

This is probably my favorite book by Bryson, outside of Notes from a Small Island. I recommend it highly as an addition to your library. A good read for young adults as well.

Buy This Book


TIFF Day 9: A Gorgeous Adoption Drama from Japan & Deadpan Hebridean Bleakness

Wildfire [UK/Ireland, Cathy Brady, 3.5] After going missing for a year, a bipolar woman (Nika McGuigan) drops in on her sister (Nora-Jane Noone), opening the wounds of shared tragedy. Raw, unsubtle family drama against the backdrop of Northern Irish politics as Brexit threatens a fragile peace.

The film is dedicated to the memory of lead actor McGuigan, who died of cancer last year.

40 Years a Prisoner [US, Tommy Oliver, 4] Documentary recounts the 1978 standoff between members of radical Black back-to-nature organization MOVE and Philadelphia police through the efforts of the son of two of the group members to secure their parole. A strong emotional hook greatly assists in telling a tenaciously complicated story.

I would like to have seen more on the genesis of the group and the first stages of their conflict with the mayor and police. So much needs to be unwound in the 1978 standoff that the even more astonishing story of a 1985 confrontation, which resulted in Philadelphia authorities dropping a satchel bomb from a helicopter, killing 11 and burning down 65 houses, goes unmentioned here. Another doc I haven’t seen, Let the Fire Burn, focuses on that part of the story.

True Mothers [Japan, Naomi Kawase, 4.5] Parents of a kindergartner react with dismay when a woman contacts them claiming to be his birth mother. Luminous, delicate drama of shifting perspectives.

Limbo [UK, Ben Sharrock, 4] Syrian oud player grapples with guilt over family left behind as he cools his heels with other refugee claimants at a center in the bleak and isolated Outer Hebrides. Moments of deadpan humor and stark landscapes layer this exploration of displacement.

Capsule review boilerplate: Ratings are out of 5. I’ll be collecting these reviews in order of preference in a master post the Monday after the fest. Films shown on the festival circuit will appear in theaters, disc and/or streaming over the next year plus.

  • toronto international film festival


Maps of the News - January Edition

January has been a big month for global news. From the devastating earthquake in Haiti to the damaging storms throughout the US which brought mudslides to California and snow to Florida.

On a more positive side, the Winter Olympics in Vancouver start in just 16 days, with opening ceremonies taking place on February 12th.

To illustrate these stories and more - here are this month's suggested National Geographic Maps:

West Indies Two-Sided Wall Map:: Has a political map of the Caribbean, including Haiti. For a historical perspective on the region, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC published three different supplement maps in 1913, 1922, and 1947 which specifically detailed the Caribbean region. These maps are available via our NG Map Collection Website - simply search for "caribbean".

US Weather::
National Geographic has a wide variety of US wall maps. Our most popular two titles are our US Clasic and US Executive editions. Both maps come in a variety of sizes and formats including enlarged and laminated. Additionally we started publishing a new series of State specific wall maps last year, and have released 8 States so far, including California.

Winter Olympics::
For those lucky enough to be heading to Vancouver to attend the 2010 Winter Olympics, be sure to carry along our Destination Vancouver city travel map. Updated in 2009, the Vancouver city map contains a detailed and easy to read street map with the locations of points of interest, hotels, public transportation and more.

Check back in a few weeks for our February installment of "Maps of the News". Additionally, we love your questions and comments. If you have a place or news story that you're looking for a map of, feel free to post a comment below, or connect with us on twitter @NatGeoMaps.


Pre-Adventure Planning 101 :: with guest blogger Justin Lichter

Hi everybody! I was honored when I was asked to write a blog entry for National Geographic Maps so hopefully this is informative and entertaining.

For the first blog entry we thought it would be a good intro for me to talk about the planning stages, training, and of course map work that takes place prior to an expedition or adventure. If you want to find out more on my personal adventures you can check out my website at http://www.justinlichter.com/. A quick recap of a few of the main adventures would entail hiking unsupported 1800 miles through Africa, hiking across Iceland, hiking south to north across the South Island of New Zealand, swimming unsupported around Lake Tahoe, and hiking over 10,000 miles in one year.

All of these trips start with a dream and a desire to see these landscapes. I feel that you see and get to know the terrain, scenery, and culture on a personal level when you undertake a trip under your own power with no support and no aid from motorized equipment. Many of these trips followed my own route that I devised and made up trying to connect existing hiking trails, little used dirt roads and jeep roads, and cross country travel in order to stay off of paved roads and highly traveled roads as much as possible. Initially I research what areas I would like to see and what hiking trails are in the area. Then I try to get an overview atlas map or road map and a slightly more in depth overview map (like something in the range of 1:250,000 to 1:500,000). The overview maps help me locate potential places to connect and areas with few roads that I would want to go through. After I have a good idea of the route on those maps, I then put a number of potential routes down onto smaller scale maps (1:24000 to 1:100,000). I then tweak it from there, but in a few places I usually keep a number of route choices on the map in case I think certain areas need alternates in case of high water fords, technical spots, potential cliff areas, or anything else tricky the landscape may throw my way.

I’ll then go through the maps and figure out what roads I cross and towns that I come near. I’ll figure out distances between these points and use these towns to resupply from and get more food.

During these planning stages I am also training for the hike so that when I set out I am ready to do 25-30 miles per day from the start. Usually for training I end up doing a lot of cross training since it is usually the winter when I am training to set out on a hike starting in the spring. As a result I normally do a lot of skate skiing, classic skiing, backcountry touring, telemark skiing, snowshoeing, and some short walks on the road. After so many hikes I think that my body is pretty used to that type of work so if I can maintain my fitness level then that helps in the break in period on the hike. However, I usually try to carry a loaded backpack a little bit so that my shoulders and hips get used to the weight on them prior to the hike.

I think that is a little recap of the initial stages of the pre-adventure planning. Hope that helps and was interesting. I’ll be blogging more on the site about some adventures, tricks and tips, and many other things, so come back and check it out!

Blogger Bio
Meet our guest blogger, Justin Lichter

I grew up about an hour north of NewYork City and have since lived in Santa Barbara, CA, southern VT, Dillon, CO, and I am currently living in Truckee, CA. When not hiking, I am a ski patroller and enjoy backcountry skiing, nordic skiing, snowshoeing, mountain biking, and pretty much anything else relaxing. Since 2002, I have hiked over 20,000 miles. In 2002 doing a cross-country map and compass trip through the canyon country of southern utah, in 2003 hiking from Georgia to Cap Gaspe, Quebec following the Appalachian Trail and International AT, 2004 hiking the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada and then the Pacific Northwest Trail to the Washington coast, 2005 the Continental Divide Trail from Mexico to Canada then continuing on the Great Divide Trail from the Canadian border up into northern Alberta, 11/1/05 to 10/23/06 completing the Eastern Continental Trail (cap gaspe, qc to key west, florida, incorporating the AT), Pacific Crest Trail, and Continental Divide Trail in under a year, a total of over 10,000 miles, and in 2007 a traverse of the Southern Alps and the south island of New Zealand. As well as amazing trips each year after. You can check out my website at http://www.justinlichter.com/ for more info.


Adventure Planning :: with globe trekker, Justin Lichter

With summer starting to wind down, the mosquitoes and black flies are fading. Winter will come soon. It is a great time of year to get outside and also start dreaming of trips that you want to do for next summer. I mentioned in a previous blog post how I go about looking into the routes that I am going to embark on, so naturally I want to transition to how you all can set out on a long hike.

Here would be a few pointers that I would recommend.

1. Plan, Plan, Plan.
You haven’t planned enough if you haven’t thought about a lot of things for your trip. The route is one thing and the most obvious. However you should also be looking into how frequent and reliable the water sources are, how often you might be able to get more food or purchase food at a store, the weather for the area during that time of year, and fine tuning your gear. No doubt you will have some nerves at the start of a trip, but if you plan well and are comfortable with your gear going into the trip then that should ease the nerves a little.

2. Train
As your trip begins top take shape you will ideally start to train for the experience beforehand. This will help make your trip as enjoyable as possible as well as getting you used to your equipment. This will help your feet get ready, and if need be callused, for you shoes and to break in your shoes and help your hips and shoulders get used to wearing a backpack. If you prepare beforehand then you’ll be ready to hit the trail when the time comes and the mileage that you planned for the trip won’t be daunting. The training will also help in your planning because it will let you know what distances and terrain are obtainable for the trip in the time that you have.

3. Gear Up, But Not Too Much
Research the gear that you would like to use on the trip. Do as much research as possible looking online and asking questions of shop employees, but definitely do NOT just ask shop employees. Some store employees are great, but each has their own personal opinion and they might not even have done the activity or been to the terrain you are looking at doing. My typical gear list has many recurring pieces of gear, but there are also many things that change depending on location and time of year. This helps to keep your pack light by taking only what you will need. For example, there is no reason to carry a 3lb. -20 degree sleeping bag if you are heading out to the High Sierras in the summer. Chances are you can probably get away with a sub 2lb. 30 degree sleeping bag, especially if you plan on sleeping in a tent because that will add about 10 degrees to your sleep system. Get your system streamlined and dialed beforehand and then only take what you think you’ll need. If you don’t use it every day then generally you don’t need it. Also, try to make things have multiple uses. For example I use a half length sleeping pad and then use my backpack for the lower half of my sleeping pad. This saves about 8oz on my sleeping pad and makes it more packable since my backpack won’t be needed for anything else while I am sleeping.

4. GO!!!! And Have Fun!
Set off on the trip and have a blast. Remember that if you are setting out on a longer trip and you think you might need a piece of gear, want to swap out a piece of gear, or find out shortly into the hike that you aren’t using something that you are carrying then you can always mail something that you are carrying back home when you get to a town to resupply. On the other hand you could also mail something to yourself by General Delivery to the post office in a town. If you mail it priority and decide you don’t need the gear, then don’t open it and you can usually forward it elsewhere for no charge! This is also a great trick so that you only need to carry the maps that you need for each section and not add weight by carrying maps for the entire trip. Use these tools to keep your pack light.

For more info about Justin Lichter, follow him @ http://www.justinlichter.com/.


San Juan College :: 'Leave No Trace' Training

Last weekend my class and I headed to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park for a Leave No Trace Trainer Course. The training was a part of a Wilderness Ethics class being offered by San Juan College. We were all super pumped to be headed to a beautiful place like the Black Canyon for a “class”.

If you have ever been on a Leave No Trace Trainer Course, then you will know that the first topic talked about is Plan Ahead and Prepare. Our instructor mentioned that it might be the most important principle as it will set you up for success for your next outdoor adventure. Included in the discussion were the hiking/backpacking 10 Essentials, in which a map is one of those ten. As a self-proclaimed “map geek”, I was pretty excited to see our instructor pull out the Trails Illustrated Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park and Curecanti NRA Map.

The map was a vital resource for planning our hikes for the weekend. By studying the contour lines and trail distances on the map we were able to determine which trails were the most suited to our group’s physical abilities and the class’ educational purposes. The map provided basic details like restroom locations, but was also detailed enough to show us what areas of the park required a backcountry permit. The map made several appearances during our hikes and quite a few more back at camp while students planned a return trip later this fall.

David Whitford – Student, San Juan College


Map Resources for Earthquake in Japan

As a result of the devastating earthquake in Japan early this morning, National Geographic has received requests for maps that show the impacted region. Below is a complete list of titles that are currently available:

1. Japan and Korea Wall Map

2. World Ocean Floor Wall Map

3. Hawaii State Wall Map

4. Alaska State Wall Map

4. World Classic Pacific Centered

5. Oregon State Wall Map

6. California State Wall Map

7. Washington State Wall Map

As this event further unfolds, we shall update the map resources list accordingly.


Cuba on My Mind - Part II : Hitting the Geographic Jackpot

I have been assigned the task of researching and compiling our forthcoming map of Cuba. During the early stages of my research, I hit the cartographic jackpot—the possibility of two new provinces forming in 2011. Not only were we going to be publishing a map of Cuba for the first time since 1906, we were also going to be among the first to showcase its new administrative structure. This is considered an exciting event for cartographers here at the National Geographic. Why? Because before any element is mapped, we need to assure that it portrays the most up-to-date information.

My first stop was Cuba’s official government website. Unfortunately, it was a bit difficult to navigate, especially since the English version of the site was “under construction.” My next stop was the Cuban Embassy—well, not exactly since Cuba and the U.S. have not had formal diplomatic relations since 1961. But there is the Cuban Interests Section embedded within the Embassy of Switzerland here in Washington. It was there that I was able to obtain the official document (Gaceta Oficial de la Republica de Cuba, No. 023) spelling out the upcoming changes to Cuba’s new administrative divisions—Artemisa and Mayabeque provinces.

As Cuba is organized administratively by province and municipality, we were able to delineate the new provincial boundaries pretty easily by using a map of municipalities contained in the most recent Nuevo Atlas Nacional de Cuba. In the latter stages of my research I was able to reconfirm the delineation of these boundaries with the Cuban statistics office, La Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas, as they were now providing statistics for these two new provinces.

Now I have to keep abreast of the deepwater oil exploration off the northern coast of Cuba. If possible, we would like our map to also showcase the location of such prospective oil fields.

—Julie A. Ibinson
Map Researcher & Editor
National Geographic Maps


Beijing and Washington stops provide clues for Indonesia's direction under Prabowo Subianto - ABC News

  1. Beijing and Washington stops provide clues for Indonesia's direction under Prabowo Subianto  ABC News
  2. Prabowo pledges co-operation with Trump  The Australian Financial Review
  3. Indonesian president meets Biden and speaks with Trump  The Canberra Times
  4. At White House, Indonesia's new leader straddles US-China rivalry  VOA Asia
  5. Will Prabowo Subianto cosy up to Donald Trump or to China?  The Economist