trans Exploring Transatlantic Responses to Far-right Populism in Europe: Simulation Exercise By Published On :: Tue, 01 May 2018 14:51:32 +0000 Exploring Transatlantic Responses to Far-right Populism in Europe: Simulation Exercise Research paper sysadmin 1 May 2018 A new paper summarizes the findings of a recent simulation exercise exploring how governments on both sides of the Atlantic might respond to a descent towards populist authoritarianism in an EU member state. — Young protester, Serbia. Photo: urbazon/Getty Images. Summary To better understand how governments on both sides of the Atlantic might respond to a descent towards populist authoritarianism in an EU member state, Chatham House organized a simulation event involving a group of experts drawn from the public sector, academia and NGOs. Simulation exercises enable the testing and modelling of the responses of different actors when presented with specific situations; participants’ interactions in a given set of circumstances are explored, and patterns of negotiation are captured and analysed. In this simulation, European, US and multilateral representatives were given the task of managing relations with Baltia, a fictional Eastern European state on the verge of electing a far-right nationalist, Eurosceptic government. They were then challenged to manage their relationship with Baltia after it had elected such a government, which was pushing for a ‘leave’ vote in a planned referendum on the country’s continued EU membership. The simulation highlighted a number of issues: Limited instruments are available to liberal democratic governments where there is cause for concern regarding the outcome of an election in an allied country. There are relatively few tools at the disposal of governments to support political allies, or to prevent outcomes that are perceived as threatening democratic norms. The simulation reinforced the view that interventionist moves, either from the European Commission or from individual national governments, would be more likely to come in response to an unfavourable development rather than pre-emptively. The EU, and caucuses of European states, are the main international interlocutors in this type of political crisis involving an EU member state. The US opted to play a limited role in the negotiations; the same was largely true for NATO, aside from its action in sharing intelligence about a potential coup in Baltia. France and Germany formed a natural working partnership, taking meetings together and coordinating policies first before discussing them with a wider European circle, although their positions did not always align. The UK’s capacity to shape the outcome of collective EU discussions appeared more restricted, while Brexit also seemed to shape the response of other EU states to the developing situation in Baltia. Although member states were undoubtedly reluctant to see another country go down this route, they were also resolute in demonstrating a unity of approach and limited flexibility in the face of the new populist government’s attempt to divide them. 2018-05-03-exploring-transatlantic-responses-far-right-populism-europe-parakilas-raines-NEW (PDF) Full Article
trans Tectonic Politics: Global Political Risk in an Age of Transformation By Published On :: Tue, 07 May 2019 15:28:16 +0000 Tectonic Politics: Global Political Risk in an Age of Transformation Book sysadmin 7 May 2019 Political risk now affects more markets and countries than ever before and that risk will continue to rise. But traditional methods of managing political risk are no longer legitimate or effective. In Tectonic Politics, Nigel Gould-Davies explores the complex, shifting landscape of political risk and how to navigate it. He analyses trends in each form of political risk: the power to destroy, seize, regulate, and tax. He shows how each of these forms reflects a deeper transformation of the global political economy that is reordering the relationship between power, wealth, and values. In a world where everything is political, the craft of engagement is as important as the science of production and the art of the deal. The successful company must integrate that craft—the engager’s way of seeing and doing—into strategy and culture. Drawing on a career in academia, business, and diplomacy, Gould-Davies provides corporate leaders, scholars, and engaged citizens with a groundbreaking study of the fastest-rising political risk today. ‘As tectonic plates shape the earth,’ he writes, ‘so tectonic politics forges its governance.’ The book is published as part of the Insights series. Praise for Tectonic Politics All economic activity involves political risks, but few economic actors know how to analyze or address them. Nigel Gould-Davies demonstrates the central importance of politics to national and international business, and provides a guide to analyzing political risk. Business people, journalists, policymakers, and scholars will all learn from reading Tectonic Politics. Jeffry Frieden, Stanfield Professor of International Peace, Harvard University About the author Nigel Gould-Davies was an associate fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House. Purchase UK (via Amazon) Rest of world (via Brookings Institution Press) Students (via Browns Books) Full Article
trans Mycobacteria excise DNA damage in 12- or 13-nucleotide-long oligomers by prokaryotic-type dual incisions and performs transcription-coupled repair [Genomics and Proteomics] By Published On :: 2020-12-11T00:06:21-08:00 In nucleotide excision repair, bulky DNA lesions such as UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers are removed from the genome by concerted dual incisions bracketing the lesion, followed by gap filling and ligation. So far, two dual-incision patterns have been discovered: the prokaryotic type, which removes the damage in 11–13-nucleotide-long oligomers, and the eukaryotic type, which removes the damage in 24–32-nucleotide-long oligomers. However, a recent study reported that the UvrC protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis removes damage in a manner analogous to yeast and humans in a 25-mer oligonucleotide arising from incisions at 15 nt from the 3´ end and 9 nt from the 5´ end flanking the damage. To test this model, we used the in vivo excision assay and the excision repair sequencing genome-wide repair mapping method developed in our laboratory to determine the repair pattern and genome-wide repair map of Mycobacterium smegmatis. We find that M. smegmatis, which possesses homologs of the Escherichia coli uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC genes, removes cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers from the genome in a manner identical to the prokaryotic pattern by incising 7 nt 5´ and 3 or 4 nt 3´ to the photoproduct, and performs transcription-coupled repair in a manner similar to E. coli. Full Article
trans Correction: Transcriptional factors Smad1 and Smad9 act redundantly to mediate zebrafish ventral specification downstream of Smad5. [Additions and Corrections] By Published On :: 2020-12-25T00:06:31-08:00 VOLUME 289 (2014) PAGES 6604–6618In Fig. 4G, in the foxi1 panel, the images in Fig. 4G, i and l, corresponding to “smad1 MO” and “smad5 MO + samd1/9 mRNA” samples, respectively, were inadvertently reused during figure preparation. This error has now been corrected using images pertaining to each treatment and sample. This correction does not affect the results or conclusions of the work.jbc;295/52/18650/F4F1F4Figure 4G. Full Article
trans A new transatlantic relationship? By Published On :: Thu, 22 Sep 2022 16:07:13 +0000 A new transatlantic relationship? 4 October 2022 — 6:30PM TO 7:30PM Anonymous (not verified) 22 September 2022 Chatham House and Online US senator Jeanne Shaheen examines the implications of new UK leadership, the war in Ukraine, and NATO expansion for the US–UK relationship. In recent weeks, the UK has ushered in a new prime minister and a new monarch. The US will hold potentially power-shifting mid-term elections in November after nearly two years of the Biden presidency that promised to bring the US ‘back’ as a global leader in international affairs. These leadership changes come at a time when Europe is at war, NATO is expanding and US–China competition is re-ordering long-held alliances. Old assumptions about foreign policy are in flux in the midst of huge international challenges. Democratic senator Shaheen, a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, explores how these changes might influence the US–UK ‘special’ relationship. How will the trajectory of Russia’s war on Ukraine influence the bilateral relationship? What leadership is needed now? What does Russia’s war on Ukraine mean for NATO in responding to other pressing security challenges? What domestic constraints might limit the US’s power to reinsert itself as a global leader? As with all Chatham House member events, questions from the members drive the conversation. Read the transcript. Full Article
trans Africa and Europe: Cooperation on digital transitions and new technologies By Published On :: Thu, 12 May 2022 09:02:13 +0000 Africa and Europe: Cooperation on digital transitions and new technologies 26 May 2022 — 8:00AM TO 12:30PM Anonymous (not verified) 12 May 2022 Online The 11th Africa Day International Conference takes place under the auspices of the president of the Republic of Slovenia, HE Mr Borut Pahor, and within the framework of the Bled Strategic Forum. Slovenia’s annual high-level Africa event seeks to improve policy outcomes for citizens in Europe and Africa as a result of a mutual understanding and strengthened cooperation between the two regions. The event is co-hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, the Chatham House Africa Programme and the European Commission. Expert discussions at this year’s edition will examine collaborative links between Africa and Europe in promoting responsible innovation and governance of emerging technologies, as well as the role of technology in shaping creative and cultural economies. The conference will be broadcast live on this website, on the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website and on the Africa Programme Facebook page. 11th Africa Day International Conference Agenda (PDF) Full Article
trans NATO must now transform old missions into new strategy By Published On :: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 10:29:06 +0000 NATO must now transform old missions into new strategy Expert comment NCapeling 21 June 2022 As the war in Ukraine becomes prolonged and unpredictable, risks for the transatlantic alliance will increase, as will the global shockwaves of the conflict. As a revitalized NATO alliance deals with a crisis that has major economic and humanitarian as well as military dimensions, the need for it to develop both a European and a global containment strategy grows ever more urgent. Bolstering NATO’s defences so as to provide the capability to repel any form of Russian attack on land, at sea, in the air, or through space and cyberspace is a key aspect of this strategy as, in recent weeks, more combat forces able to defend territory have taken the form of additional troops, ships, and aircraft reinforcing the Baltic states and the Black Sea coastlines of Poland and Romania. Ten allies have so far contributed to this effort, placing 40,000 troops under direct NATO command. Those sceptical about the future of the transatlantic security relationship have been confounded by the major role the US has played in this effort, sending parts of the 82nd Airborne Division and 3rd Armoured Division to Poland, and redeploying US Stryker brigades from Germany and Italy to the Baltic states and Romania. Although many other allies have sent useful assets – such as French and UK aircraft to Romania or German and Netherlands Patriot batteries to Slovakia – the US contribution still surpasses all European efforts put together. The US now has 100,000 troops in Europe, the most it has deployed there since the mid-1990s. Transitioning from temporary to permanent deployment NATO has also mobilized its high-readiness Reaction Force for the first time and aims to establish four new multinational battalions in the Black Sea region – with France offering to lead the one in Romania, Italy in Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic in Slovakia. Most of these deployments are on a temporary basis, but the receiving allies would understandably like them to stay longer and for NATO to commit to permanent stationed forces. The decision of Germany to increase its defence spending to two per cent of GDP and to devote €100 billion to modernizing the Bundeswehr makes it technically possible for NATO to move to a Cold War-style forward, armoured defence Although this would oblige the alliance to break formally from the pledge it made to Moscow in 1997 not to station substantial combat forces or nuclear weapons or build military infrastructure on the territory of its new member states in eastern Europe, this was a political undertaking linked to circumstances prevailing at the time. Given Russia’s behaviour, there is no reason why NATO should not now abandon it. There is also a question over whether NATO could also repeal the NATO-Russia Founding Act and the NATO-Russia Council, or simply leave them in suspension for a future, more cooperative, and less bellicose Russian regime. Beyond showing the flag along its eastern flank, NATO does face longer-term issues which need to be clarified in its new Strategic Concept. First is whether to abandon its current strategy of reinforcement and military mobility across Europe – known as the Enhanced Forward Presence in the NATO jargon – in favour of the deployment of heavy armoured brigades or even divisions in fixed positions close to borders. This will be expensive in the long-run and deprive allies of the flexibility they have enjoyed since the end of the Cold War to use their forces as and where they wish – from deployments in the Sahel or Afghanistan to fighting forest fires or building emergency hospitals for COVID-19 patients at home. The only exception is when they have put forces on rotation into the NATO high readiness forces or the European Union (EU) Battle Groups. Germany’s commitment gives NATO more options The decision of Germany to increase its defence spending to two per cent of GDP and to devote €100 billion to modernizing the Bundeswehr makes it technically possible for NATO to move to a Cold War-style forward, armoured defence. But it is unclear how quickly Berlin could raise its new divisions given its problems with procurement and government/industry relations in the defence sector. It may make more sense for Germany not to launch new acquisition programmes but to buy existing off-the-shelf capabilities – as it has recently done with its decision to buy 35 US F35 aircraft – which other European countries are also acquiring, offering economies of scale and cheaper operating and maintenance costs. But if Germany abandons ambitious defence projects with France – which prefers a ‘buy European’ approach – such as the Future European Air Combat System, the relationship with France will become strained and French plans for EU self-reliance in the military field put at risk. As a country averse to war fighting and narrow military approaches to security, it is uncertain how much of the conventional defence burden in NATO Germany would be willing to take on, so this could be the opportunity to create more integrated European units with France, the Benelux, Poland, and Italy, even with the post-Brexit UK. In reinforcing the alliance’s eastern flank, allies have sent forces to wherever they like and largely under national command, but this would not work in a real war The UK has doubled the size of its forces in Estonia and sent 1,000 troops to Poland, as well as devoting a substantial portion of its army, navy, and airforce to regular NATO exercises in the Baltic region. London was also the first ally to grant Sweden and Finland a temporary security guarantee pending full integration into the alliance. NATO will likely settle on a compromise, increasing the size of its battalions on its eastern flank – turning them into battle groups – but giving each one a larger reserve force which will remain in Germany or other European allied countries. A NATO strategic plan is now needed The other issue for NATO is to develop a single theatre-wide strategic plan managed by the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR) and the NATO command structure. In reinforcing the alliance’s eastern flank, allies have sent forces to wherever they like and largely under national command, but this would not work in a real war. One thing NATO has done well in this crisis is its political messaging. As Russia has become more threatening and reckless, it has been essential for NATO to be consistent and predictable NATO must revise its exercises to prepare and train for the new threat level, ensuring its forward deployed forces are fully integrated with local forces and the police and border guards to anticipate and respond to any Russian hybrid war tactics. It also needs to step up its joint planning and interoperability with Sweden and Finland and bring their territories into its standing defence plans. One thing NATO has done well in this crisis is its political messaging. As Russia has become more threatening and reckless, it has been essential for NATO to be consistent and predictable. Re-affirming its core defensive purpose, calmly rejecting Putin’s nuclear posturing, and refusing to put NATO forces in Ukraine may be frustrating for some but it is vital not to play into Putin’s playbook regarding an ‘aggressive NATO’ or give him the sense he is being pushed into a corner. However, NATO strategic ambiguity can be useful when considering how to respond to a Russian escalation in Ukraine itself, such as using chemical weapons. The key questions for NATO are: What should be the balance between permanently deployed and rotational forces in NATO’s new posture? What should be the balance of US/Canadian and European forces in this posture? How can the capability development programmes under EU Strategic Autonomy (such as PESCO and the European Defence Fund) be geared to support the European role and responsibility in the alliance? Air and missile defence would seem to be priorities given Russia’s reliance on long range strikes. How can the EU’s Strategic Compass, NATO’s next Strategic Concept and the third NATO-EU Joint Declaration be harmonized to bring the two institutions more closely together in responding to Russian hybrid operations and influence campaigns, and in assisting both Ukraine and others such as Georgia and Moldova? What should be the balance between forces for collective defence with heavy armour and directed artillery fire, and those for expeditionary missions beyond Europe such as counterterrorism, stabilization and peacekeeping? NATO is revived and refocused Although the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a catastrophe for Ukraine and Europe more generally, the multilateral system has discovered a new energy and sense of purpose as NATO has been revived and refocused on its core mission. The EU and the US have pulled together with daily coordination of their policies and actions, and the EU is also facing up to its geo-political role, as recognizing the EU aspirations of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia as well as the countries of the western Balkans shows its responsibility for the security and economic integration of the whole of Europe. Full Article
trans SS United States to be towed from Phila., launching transition into artificial reef By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 05:00:06 -0500 The historic ocean liner SS United States, whose fate had been in limbo for years, will begin its transition into the world's largest sunken artificial reef beginning this week in Philadelphia, its owner says. Full Article
trans Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille fired by transitional council By Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 02:55:50 -0500 Haiti's ruling transitional council has fired Prime Minister Garry Conille, six months after the doctor and former UNICEF Latin America head was appointed to lead the troubled nation. Full Article
trans National Toy Hall of Fame inducts My Little Pony, Transformers, Phase 10 By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 13:09:46 -0500 The National Toy Hall of Fame in Rochester, N.Y., announced this year's inductees: My Little Pony, Transformers and Phase 10. Full Article
trans Transforming Industrial and Automotive Manufacturing By Published On :: Thu, 25 Jan 2024 10:55:48 +0000 Divergent Technologies developed a digital production system that can revolutionize automotive and industrial scale manufacturing. Divergent uses new manufacturing solutions and their Divergent Adaptive Production System (DAPS™) software to make […] The post Transforming Industrial and Automotive Manufacturing appeared first on HPCwire. Full Article
trans Jenni 'JWOWW' Farley: Directing horror film 'a good transition in my life' By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 07:03:27 -0500 Jenni Farley discusses her directorial debut "Devon," streaming and on video-on-demand Tuesday, and how she applied her love of horror movies to making one. Full Article
trans On This Day, Nov. 13: Supreme Court rules against segregation on public transport By Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 03:00:06 -0500 On Nov. 13, 1956, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the federal district court's ruling in Browder v. Gayle (1956) that segregation on interstate buses was unconstitutional. Full Article
trans How Innovations in Dental Services Transform Patient Care and Improve Mental Health By Published On :: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 18:44:18 +0000 Health experts agree that there is a clear connection between an individual’s dental health and mental health. But although this fact is supported by a number of clinical studies, it is rarely explored or discussed among health professionals. A person with poor oral health may experience bad breath, tooth loss, compromised speech and other symptoms […] The post How Innovations in Dental Services Transform Patient Care and Improve Mental Health first appeared on What is Psychology?. Full Article Abnormal Psychology Definitions Psychology News dental health mental health dental innovations mental health newsnow oral health mental health
trans Federal Appeals Court Upholds Oregon District's Pro-Transgender 'Safety Plan' By Published On :: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 00:00:00 +0000 A federal appeals court rejected a multi-pronged challenge to a school district plan allowing transgender students to use restrooms and other facilities that match their gender identity. Full Article Oregon
trans Key role for Black policy leaders on Biden's transition team By Published On :: 2020-11-12T23:36:53-05:00 Full Article Education
trans OCR Letter Says Connecticut's Policy on Transgender Athletes Violates Title IX By Published On :: Thu, 28 May 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The U.S. Department of Education's office for civil rights says that Connecticut's interscholastic sports governing body violates Title IX with its transgender participation policy. Full Article Connecticut
trans Connecticut Provides Resources to Ease Transition to Kindergarten By Published On :: Mon, 04 Jun 2018 00:00:00 +0000 These tools encourage school administrators to gather as much information as possible about the students who will be entering kindergarten and the early-learning offerings in their communities. Full Article Connecticut
trans Education Dept.: High Court Ruling Does Not Support Transgender Athletes By Published On :: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The Trump administration argues that the U.S. Supreme Court's decision that federal law protects transgender employees does not apply to transgender athletes in school. Full Article Connecticut
trans Two Black Democrats Beat Republican Incumbents to Transform a Suburban School Board By Published On :: Wed, 04 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The school board in Gwinnett County, Ga., will shift from a 4-1 white Republican majority to a 3-2 Black Democratic majority, mirroring demographic changes in the county. Full Article Georgia
trans U.S. Backs Idaho Law Limiting Sports Participation by Transgender Females By Published On :: Mon, 22 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0000 In a case involving a transgender track athlete, the Trump administration says female transgender athletes are seeking "special treatment" to compete in girls' or women's sports. Full Article Idaho
trans Judge Blocks Idaho Law Limiting Sports Participation by Transgender Females By Published On :: Mon, 17 Aug 2020 00:00:00 +0000 The judge said the law likely discriminates on the basis of transgender status in violation of the equal-protection clause of the U.S. Constitution. Full Article Idaho
trans Transforming Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning By Published On :: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 00:00:00 +0000 Although public and educators' concerns are growing about testing, performance assessment done well can strengthen instruction and enhance learning, says Linda Darling-Hammond. Full Article New_Hampshire
trans Transition Update: Washington By Published On :: Tue, 07 Mar 2017 00:00:00 +0000 DeVos slammed for remarks on HBCU's, a new Senate measure could overturn Obama-era ESSA rules on accountability, and more. Full Article Washington
trans Intraneuronal beta-Amyloid Aggregates, Neurodegeneration, and Neuron Loss in Transgenic Mice with Five Familial Alzheimer's Disease Mutations: Potential Factors in Amyloid Plaque Formation By Published On :: 2006-10-04 Holly OakleyOct 4, 2006; 26:10129-10140Neurobiology of Disease Full Article
trans Right Temporoparietal Junction Underlies Avoidance of Moral Transgression in Autism Spectrum Disorder By Published On :: 2021-02-24 Yang HuFeb 24, 2021; 41:1699-1715BehavioralSystemsCognitive Full Article
trans Loss of Dopamine Transporters in Methamphetamine Abusers Recovers with Protracted Abstinence By Published On :: 2001-12-01 Nora D. VolkowDec 1, 2001; 21:9414-9418Behavioral Full Article
trans Intraneuronal beta-Amyloid Aggregates, Neurodegeneration, and Neuron Loss in Transgenic Mice with Five Familial Alzheimer's Disease Mutations: Potential Factors in Amyloid Plaque Formation By Published On :: 2006-10-04 Holly OakleyOct 4, 2006; 26:10129-10140Neurobiology of Disease Full Article
trans Investigation of Metaplasticity Associated with Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation in Humans By Published On :: 2024-10-30T09:30:22-07:00 Low-intensity transcranial focused ultrasound stimulation (TUS) is a novel technique for noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS). TUS delivered in a theta (5 Hz) burst pattern (tbTUS) induces plasticity in the human primary motor cortex (M1) for 30–60 min, showing promise for therapeutic development. Metaplasticity refers to activity-dependent changes in neural functions governing synaptic plasticity; depotentiation is the reversal of long-term potentiation (LTP) by a subsequent protocol with no effect alone. Metaplasticity can enhance plasticity induction and clinical efficacy of NIBS protocols. In our study, we compared four NIBS protocol combinations to investigate metaplasticity on tbTUS in humans of either sex. We delivered four interventions: (1) sham continuous theta burst stimulation with 150 pulses (cTBS150) followed by real tbTUS (tbTUS only), (2) real cTBS150 followed by sham tbTUS (cTBS only), (3) real cTBS150 followed by real tbTUS (metaplasticity), and (4) real tbTUS followed by real cTBS150 (depotentiation). We measured motor-evoked potential amplitude, short-interval intracortical inhibition, long-interval intracortical inhibition, intracortical facilitation (ICF), and short-interval intracortical facilitation before and up to 90 min after plasticity intervention. Plasticity effects lasted at least 60 min longer when tbTUS was primed with cTBS150 compared with tbTUS alone. Plasticity was abolished when cTBS150 was delivered after tbTUS. cTBS150 alone had no significant effect. No changes in M1 intracortical circuits were observed. Plasticity induction by tbTUS can be modified in manners consistent with homeostatic metaplasticity and depotentiation. This substantiates evidence that tbTUS induces LTP-like processes and suggests that metaplasticity can be harnessed in the therapeutic development of TUS. Full Article
trans Transcriptomic Correlates of State Modulation in GABAergic Interneurons: A Cross-Species Analysis By Published On :: 2024-10-30T09:30:22-07:00 GABAergic inhibitory interneurons comprise many subtypes that differ in their molecular, anatomical, and functional properties. In mouse visual cortex, they also differ in their modulation with an animal’s behavioral state, and this state modulation can be predicted from the first principal component (PC) of the gene expression matrix. Here, we ask whether this link between transcriptome and state-dependent processing generalizes across species. To this end, we analysed seven single-cell and single-nucleus RNA sequencing datasets from mouse, human, songbird, and turtle forebrains. Despite homology at the level of cell types, we found clear differences between transcriptomic PCs, with greater dissimilarities between evolutionarily distant species. These dissimilarities arise from two factors: divergence in gene expression within homologous cell types and divergence in cell-type abundance. We also compare the expression of cholinergic receptors, which are thought to causally link transcriptome and state modulation. Several cholinergic receptors predictive of state modulation in mouse interneurons are differentially expressed between species. Circuit modelling and mathematical analyses suggest conditions under which these expression differences could translate into functional differences. Full Article
trans Anterior Olfactory Cortices Differentially Transform Bottom-Up Odor Signals to Produce Inverse Top-Down Outputs By Published On :: 2024-10-30T09:30:22-07:00 Odor information arrives first in the main olfactory bulb and is then broadcasted to the olfactory cortices and striatum. Downstream regions have unique cellular and connectivity architectures that may generate different coding patterns to the same odors. To reveal region-specific response features, tuning and decoding of single-unit populations, we recorded responses to the same odors under the same conditions across regions, namely, the main olfactory bulb (MOB), the anterior olfactory nucleus (AON), the anterior piriform cortex (aPC), and the olfactory tubercle of the ventral striatum (OT), of awake male mice. We focused on chemically closely related aldehydes that still create distinct percepts. The MOB had the highest decoding accuracy for aldehydes and was the only region encoding chemical similarity. The MOB had the highest fraction of inhibited responses and narrowly tuned odor-excited responses in terms of timing and odor selectivity. Downstream, the interconnected AON and aPC differed in their response patterns to the same stimuli. While odor-excited responses dominated the AON, the aPC had a comparably high fraction of odor-inhibited responses. Both cortices share a main output target that is the MOB. This prompted us to test if the two regions convey also different net outputs. Aldehydes activated AON terminals in the MOB as a bulk signal but inhibited those from the aPC. The differential cortical projection responses generalized to complex odors. In summary, olfactory regions reveal specialized features in their encoding with AON and aPC differing in their local computations, thereby generating inverse net centrifugal and intercortical outputs. Full Article
trans Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Agriculture welcomes FAO transformational changes By Published On :: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 00:00:00 GMT Rome, 2 December 2014 – The Ministers of Agriculture of the European Union and of other Mediterranean countries welcomed FAO’s transformational changes implemented in the last two years, and underlined [...] Full Article
trans Launch of The State of Food and Agriculture 2017 – Leveraging food systems for inclusive rural transformation By Published On :: Fri, 06 Oct 2017 00:00:00 GMT Since the 1990s, rural transformations have helped millions of people exit poverty while remaining in rural areas. This underscores an important fact: revitalising rural economies helps create jobs for rural [...] Full Article
trans Transforming agrifood systems: from strategy to action By Published On :: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 00:00:00 GMT The Committee on Agriculture (COAG) is one of FAO’s Governing Bodies providing overall policy and regulatory guidance on issues relating to agriculture, livestock, food safety, nutrition, rural development and [...] Full Article
trans FAO in Review: Leveraging partner strengths to transform agrifood systems By Published On :: Wed, 07 Dec 2022 00:00:00 GMT Read the series on how FAO increased efficiency, effectiveness and transparency to better support its Members in the transformation of agrifood systems. Full Article
trans FAO in Review: Transforming agrifood systems in the face of the climate crisis By Published On :: Mon, 12 Dec 2022 00:00:00 GMT Read the series on how FAO increased efficiency, effectiveness and transparency to better support its Members in the transformation of agrifood systems. Full Article
trans FAO in review: Greater visibility and increased transparency By Published On :: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 00:00:00 GMT Read the series on how FAO increased efficiency, effectiveness and transparency to better support its Members in the transformation of agrifood systems. Full Article
trans A transformative partnership By Published On :: Sun, 17 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT See how, together, the European Union and FAO are leveraging innovative approaches that benefit the global community Full Article
trans Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions: Investing in food and agriculture to achieve the SDGs By Published On :: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT Social protection and decent jobs are cornerstones of agrifood systems transformation, but they require strong political commitment Full Article
trans The Hirshhorn Transforms for After Hours By Published On :: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0000 Art and music lovers who attended the museum's premier event were treated to Andy Warhol's "Shadows" and live music Full Article
trans Transitions: Photographs by Robert Creamer By Published On :: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0000 Transitions: Photographs by Robert Creamer Full Article
trans American History Museum Transformed By Published On :: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0000 A step-by-step tour of the renovation of the National Museum of American History (Narration by Beth Py-Lieberman / Edited by Ryan Reed and Brian Wolly) Full Article
trans Transporting a Live Elephant Is Exactly as Difficult as You Would Imagine By Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0000 The team at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy needs to transport Kinani, a blind male elephant, to a 4,000-acre compound where he'll be able to roam freely without disturbing other wildlife. Weighing in at nearly eight tons, it'll take careful maneuvering and custom equipment to bring the animal to his new sanctuary. Full Article
trans The Last Transit of Venus Until 2117 By Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0000 The Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this epic footage of Venus crossing the face of the sun on June 5, 2012 Full Article
trans Director David Lynch Wants Schools to Teach Transcendental Meditation to Reduce Stress By Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 -0000 David Lynch | Smithsonian Magazine’s 2016 American Ingenuity Award Winner for Education As a filmmaker, Lynch has a reputation for creating dark, surreal movies such as Eraserhead, Blue Velvet and Wild at Heart as well as the TV show “Twin Peaks.” In the education world, he's becoming known for something very different: promoting inner peace. Over the past decade, the David Lynch Foundation has sponsored Transcendental Meditation classes for half a million children in places as far-flung as the Bronx, Detroit, Los Angeles, Congo and the West Bank. The program, called Quiet Time, is now at the center of one of the largest-ever studies of meditation for children—a 6,800-pupil research project conducted by the Crime Lab at the University of Chicago and designed to learn if meditation can help kids in highly stressful environments fare better at home and in school. Read more about Lynch’s work: | #IngenuityAwards And more about the American Ingenuity Awards: Full Article
trans Voyager 1 Breaks Its Silence With NASA via a Radio Transmitter Not Used Since 1981 By Published On :: Wed, 06 Nov 2024 17:55:20 +0000 The farthest spacecraft in the universe went momentarily rogue, but scientists breathed a sigh of relief when it reconnected at an unexpected radio frequency Full Article
trans Last Surviving Animals of Mosul Zoo Transported to Safety By Published On :: Fri, 14 Apr 2017 17:01:09 +0000 Lula the bear and Simba the lion have been evacuated to a wildlife shelter in Jordan Full Article
trans Rail transit advocate says more highways not the solution to Halifax's traffic woes By Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 20:34:41 EST Building highways isn't the only solution to the growing problem of traffic congestion in and around the Halifax Regional Municipality, says the head of an organization that advocates for rail-based public transit. Full Article News/Canada/Nova Scotia
trans Mosquito Larvae and Pupae Transport from the Field By Published On :: 2024-08-01T08:10:27-07:00 Laboratory study of field-collected mosquitoes can allow researchers to better understand the ways variation within and among mosquito populations shapes burdens of mosquito-borne disease. The Anopheles gambiae complex comprises the most important vectors of malaria, but it can be challenging to keep in the laboratory. For some species of mosquitoes, especially An. gambiae, it is very difficult to bring viable eggs into the laboratory. Instead, it is preferable to collect larvae or pupae and then transport them as carefully as possible back to the laboratory. This simple protocol allows a researcher to start new laboratory colonies from larvae or pupae collected from natural breeding sites or proceed directly to their planned experiments. The use of natural breeding sites provides additional reassurance that the resulting colonies are representative of natural populations. Full Article
trans Generating and Validating Transgenic Mosquitoes with Transposon-Mediated Transgenesis By Published On :: 2024-10-01T07:08:54-07:00 Transposon-mediated transgenesis has revolutionized both basic and applied studies of mosquito vectors of disease. Currently, techniques such as enhancer traps and transposon tagging, which rely on remobilizable insertional mutagenesis, are only possible with transposon-based vector systems. Here, we provide general descriptions of methods and applications of transposon-based mosquito transgenesis. The exact procedures must be adapted to each mosquito species and comparisons of some differences among different mosquito species are outlined. A number of excellent publications showing detailed and specific protocols and methods are featured and referenced. Full Article