
Watch: McKendry hits winner as Larne edge Coleraine

Second-half goals from Paul O’Neill and Conor McKendry help Larne bounce back from their latest European defeat with a hard-fought Irish Premiership win over Coleraine at Inver Park.


Family to press minister for funeral regulation

Relatives affected by the Legacy funeral directors probe are taking their campaign to Parliament.


Watch as veteran is wrongly accused of shoplifting

Jez Daniels is accused of shoplifting but says staff at the Newport store racially profiled him.


Black veteran wrongly called thief and banned from every Morrisons

Jez Daniels was buying wine and chocolates when store staff approached him.


'First' mobile coverage for parts of Western Isles

Virgin Media O2 has installed a communications mast on South Uist as part of a £1bn UK project.


Irish general election to be held on 29 November

Voters in the Republic of Ireland will go to the polls in just three weeks time on Friday 29 November.


Last day for registering to vote in Irish general election

With the Irish general election coming up, BBC News NI explains how votes will be made and counted.


Sustaining policing operation in Derry 'a challenge'

Extra officers were deployed in the city in the aftermath of two reported public attacks on women.


'Trusted associate' of drug dealing operation is jailed

Stephen Mooney from Londonderry was arrested when police saw him pay a man for drugs.


Taoiseach Simon Harris calls Irish general election

A general election in the Republic of Ireland has officially been called for Friday 29 November.


Comedian Godley to go on 'final tour' before funeral

The comic's hearse will travel through Edinburgh and on to Glasgow before her funeral on 30 November.


Deputy confident in Guernsey-only ferry operator

Good progress is being made in talks with Brittany Ferries, Deputy Neil Inder says.


Vulnerable customers had VW cars taken away

VW Finance showed "a lack of empathy", according to the Financial Conduct Authority.


Health boss quits after 'deliberate' accounts errors

Sue Hill will not receive a settlement after "systemic cultural failings" in her department.


Tennis star inspiring next generation at old school

Justice Hall returns to her old primary school to encourage children of all backgrounds to try the sport.


Meet the therapy dog helping Hartlepool's homeless

Bob goes out on street sweeps with Cornerstone to support the homeless.


Meet Bob the therapy dog who supports the homeless

The black Labrador goes out on street sweeps to help a charity speak with vulnerable people.


Bar operating without permission could face action

Hartlepool Borough Council is told Intro Bar started operating despite no planning permission.


Luke Evans comes to Yeovil Literary Festival

The Welsh Hollywood star has written a memoir called Boy from the Valleys.


Resort's regeneration plans at risk, warns council

Blackpool's £65m regeneration depends upon planning permission being granted, a public inquiry hears.


Incinerator work to start despite permit concerns

The facility was given planning consent by West Berkshire Council in August 2022.


'I want others to access the therapy that helped me'

Patients and staff say they fear for the future of mental health access in Derbyshire.


Southend to begin fly-tipping cameras trial

The pilot scheme begins in December to help identify and charge fly-tippers.


Plans for carbon capture facility at incinerator

The business says it is welcoming public feedback on the proposal.


Remembrance poppy fundraisers bridge generations

Terry Clarkson and his granddaughter, Olivia, have raised thousands for the Royal British Legion.


Teen says charity therapy 'may have saved my life'

A teenager explains how therapeutic groups for children, helped by Children in Need, supported her.


Ambulance study to trial lateral flow stroke test

About 200 patients will be recruited to for the two-year trial which uses lateral flow tests.


EV deliveries rise in October as overall market shrinks

New car market falls by -6.0% in October, as businesses, fleets and private buyers register 9,241 fewer vehicles. Battery electric the only vehicles to see higher uptake as manufacturers subsidise […]

The post EV deliveries rise in October as overall market shrinks appeared first on Tech Digest.


Protect Michigan from federal overreach

Uncle Sam’s got his hand in The Mitten


Innovation under siege: Federal regulations threaten Michigan colleges

Department of Education targets ed tech companies and foreign-owned vendors


General approach to translating Across projects out of Across

If you read my articles regularly, you are already know that I dislike Across. Across is difficult to use, does not offer feature that are readily available in other CAT tools, and rather slows me down during my work instead of … Continue reading


Congratulations Dr. Eran Chintaka!

It gives me great pleasure to congratulate Eran Chinthaka on his completing his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Indiana University on the topic User Inspired Management of Scientific Jobs in Grids and Clouds. His advisor was Prof. Beth Plale.

Eran is of course one of the founding team members of Apache Axis2 in the Lanka Software Foundation. Of the original 6 person core team who created Axis2, he's the 3rd to finish his Ph.D. (joining Srinath (back in WSO2) and Jaliya (in Microsoft Research)) and the other three are getting close to finishing up their PhDs too. Eran worked in WSO2 for a couple of years before leaving for his Ph.D. and I hope that when he finishes his Wall Street stint he'll come back home and join us again :-).

Congratulations Dr. Chinthaka!


Congratulations Dr. Chathura Herath!

It gives me great pleasure to congratulations Chathura Herath on completing his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Indiana University on the topic Programming Abstraction for Resource Aware Stream Processing in Scientific Workflows. Chathura is a student of Prof. Beth Plale.

Chathura was also one of the original members of the Apache Axis2 crew and is now the 4th of the original group of 6 to finish their Ph.D. degrees. He joins Srinath (in WSO2), Jaliya (in Microsoft Research), Eran (heading to Wall Street) to finish off leaving just Ajith (in Wright State) and Deepal (in Georgia Tech) in the pipeline. Chathura is heading towards an academic career. 


Congratulations Dr. Dasarath Weeratunge!

It gives me great pleasure to post extremely belated (he completed in December last year!) congratulations to Dr. Dasarath Weeratunge on his completing his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana (where I got my Ph.D. too). Dasarath's Ph.D. was in compiler optimization (don't have the exact topic) and was co-advised by Suresh Jagannathan and Xiangyu Zhang. Dasarath is now working in Intel Labs.

I advised Dasarath's final year project when he was an undergrad at Univ. of Moratuwa - he worked on what became Apache Kandula, a WS-Atomic Transactions implementation for Apache Axis. Later he also contributed to Apache Axis2 and worked on making Kandula work with Axis2. He joined Purdue in August 2005 IIRC.


¿Te cuesta conciliar en verano?

Si a ti también te cuesta conciliar trabajo y familia en verano, lee esta entrada. Te damos algunas pistas para no morir en el intento. Menudo timo eso de la conciliación. ???? Con pronunciar la palabreja parece que ya está todo resuelto. ¡Pues no! Solo...

La entrada ¿Te cuesta conciliar en verano? aparece primero en Traducción Jurídica.


Ser freelance en la era de la IA

No es fácil ser traductor o intérprete freelance en la era de la IA. Pero tampoco es imposible. Si quieres saber cómo salir adelante y triunfar en estos momentos, sigue leyendo. Si alguien te dijo alguna vez que ser traductor o intérprete freelance es fácil, te engañó....

La entrada Ser freelance en la era de la IA aparece primero en Traducción Jurídica.


Cómo cuidar la salud financiera de tu negocio

¿Cuánto debo ganar en un negocio de traducción o interpretación? Esta es una pregunta esencial que nos tenemos que hacer todos los freelancers. No hay una sola respuesta, pero sí algunas pautas que debemos tener en cuenta. Te lo contamos en esta entrada. Hace poco...

La entrada Cómo cuidar la salud financiera de tu negocio aparece primero en Traducción Jurídica.

  • Cursos de traducción
  • cursos para traductores
  • finanzas
  • formación para traductores


Amor a la literatura o Decálogo del traductor literario

Helena Cortés Gabaudan

Existen unos cuantos códigos deontológicos para traductores, pero muy pocos se refieren a la traducción literaria en particular. De entre ellos, uno de los primeros que se encuentra en Internet ni siquiera llega a reunir más de 7 normas, y las que incluye apenas tienen que ver con lo que realmente garantiza la calidad de una traducción literaria; es un mero listado de requisitos básicos del traductor en general y de aspectos legales (vid. el código deontológico del traductor literario redactado por el Consejo Europeo de Asociaciones de Traductores Literarios, ceatl). Ante esta carencia, hemos redactado, entre bromas y veras, un pequeño código personal para traductores literarios noveles, un decálogo que solo se basa en los cientos de horas solitarias, ingratas, desesperantes, pero siempre felices, pasadas frente a los textos de los grandes autores.


1. Humildad (o, lo que otros llaman fidelidad al texto). No trates de ser más brillante que el propio autor; en general, la mayor literalidad posible en fondo y forma es la mejor norma, aunque siempre creando un texto propio y sin caer en la burda copia. Si tienes siempre la tentación de mejorar el original, si te gusta adaptar y añadir cosas de tu cosecha o cortar y simplificar las partes complejas, escribe novelas, pero no traduzcas. Y, en particular, si eres poeta y te encanta traducir poesía, haz un esfuerzo: olvida tu condición por un instante y sé solo traductor. El lector no quiere leer tus versos.

2. Sensatez. Algunos escritores son gente rara, sí, ¡pero no tantos! En general no escriben estupideces ni insensateces. Así pues, si algo te sorprende sobremanera o parece no tener ningún sentido, es casi seguro que te has equivocado. Indaga. Seguro que algo se te está escapando.

3. Sentido estético. Traducir correctamente el contenido de la obra original puede ser relativamente fácil, pero no hay que olvidarse de la forma estética. Analiza a fondo los recursos estilísticos y estéticos empleados por el autor y trata de lograr lo mismo en tu propio idioma. De no ser así, tanto daría hacer un buen resumen del contenido como traducir la obra.

4. Paciencia. Si quieres traducir literatura no puedes tener prisa, es labor interminable de investigación, reescritura, relectura. Una recomendación: cuando hayas acabado de traducir, olvida tu versión en un cajón durante un tiempo suficientemente largo como para borrar de tu mente el original y haz una última lectura sin tener presente más que tu sentido lingüístico y literario: en este momento, y solo en éste, tómate todas las libertades que quieras con el texto hasta que a ti te suene bien, hasta hacerlo completamente tuyo, hasta que deje de ser una traducción y se convierta en tu texto: ganará en fluidez, no sonará a traducción y tendrá un estilo homogéneo.

5. Cultura. Si no tienes cientos de horas de lectura acumulados, si careces de una sólida cultura general y de cierta experiencia vital, si no conoces los clásicos y te aburre cualquier libro que no esté lleno de acción y diálogos, si nunca ganaste un premio de redacción en el colegio ni leías por las noches con una linterna debajo de las sábanas para que no te riñeran, si nunca viajaste a los países cuyas lenguas traduces, en definitiva, si no tienes gusto por la literatura: por favor ¡no te hagas traductor literario! Se gana más con los manuales de autoayuda y los libros de cocina.

6. Naturalidad. Es más importante que la obra suene bien en tu idioma y conseguir un texto natural y fluido, carente de todo artificio, que el que se cuele alguna disculpable metedura de pata. Y el que esté libre de error, que tire la primera piedra.

7. Buena pluma. Si no tienes talento para escribir con gracia y soltura en tu propio idioma no podrás ser nunca un buen traductor literario. Solo el que escribe bien traduce bien.

8. Dominio de tu lengua. Ser bilingüe ayuda mucho, pero no es garantía de buena traducción. Conocer bien la lengua de partida es un requisito técnico tan elemental como saber leer y escribir, pero no aporta nada más. Conocer bien la lengua de llegada, haberse perdido por sus más enrevesados vericuetos, saber jugar con ella, poder burlarse de ella: esa es la condición para ser un buen traductor. Busca a quien domine muy bien la lengua extranjera y tendrás, con suerte, un correcto traductor. Busca quien domine a
fondo su lengua materna y casi seguro que habrás encontrado a un buen traductor.

9. Actualidad. No envejezcas a propósito una traducción para acercarla a la época del autor. Piensa que los lectores contemporáneos del autor pudieron disfrutar de una lectura fluida y natural en el idioma de su tiempo. No castigues a tus lectores con una barrera idiomática artificial que solo provoca distancia. Para que el original siga siendo tan accesible como en su tiempo, cada generación necesita una nueva traducción.

10. Amor. O lo correcto no es igual a lo bueno. Cuántas traducciones hubo más o menos correctas que son perfectamente olvidables, por grises, planas, carentes de toda vida. Tal vez con un excelente adiestramiento se pueda conseguir un número aceptable de correctas traducciones. Pero siempre hubo, hay y habrá muy pocas buenas traducciones. En traducción literaria, traducción correcta no equivale a buena traducción. Porque también hacen falta grandes dosis de empatía. Si a pesar de haber renegado del texto más de mil veces, en el fondo has acabado sintiendo pasión por él y su autor, es señal de que eres un traductor. Si en caso de existir la máquina del tiempo lo que más te gustaría sería tener una entrevista con el clásico al que estás traduciendo, es señal de que eres un traductor. Si lo que más te gusta al llegar a casa es sentarte ante tu libro, y nunca te vas a la cama sin haber traducido al menos unas cuantas líneas —porque ése es el momento que más disfrutas del día— es señal de que eres un traductor. Y es que, además de profesión, hace falta un poco de vocación.

Estos diez mandamientos se encierran en dos: amarás a la literatura sobre todas las cosas y a los textos que traduces como a ti mismo.


Hacer traducciones literarias es lo más parecido a tener hijos: es una gestación larga y complicada, cuanto más se acerca el inexorable plazo de entrega más insoportable y más pesado se vuelve el asunto, hay momentos en que detestas al que te embarcó en aquel lío y te preguntas cómo pudiste aceptar; y llega siempre ese momento de extremo dolor, cuando tienes que sacar fuera como sea la cabeza del infante, en que te juras a ti mismo que nunca volverás a caer en semejante empresa… pero, en general, una vez que el niño ya está fuera y lo miras, solo queda amor incondicional por tan trabajoso producto, pese a los muchos fallos que pueda tener. Y es que ¿hay alguna madre que piense que sus hijos son feos? En resumen, la traducción literaria no es una profesión, no da de comer ni se aprende en la academia: es una vocación y un talento. Si no disfrutas con ella, no la ejerzas.

Fuente: La Linterna del Traductor


Thibault de Montaigu, lauréat du prix Interallié pour « Cœur »

Un arriere-grand-pere heroique, un pere fantasque... Avec << Coeur >>, l'ecrivain raconte le destin flamboyant de ses aieux dans un livre aussi intime que romanesque et recompense par le jury de l'Interallie.


Teresa Ribera fait tanguer la Commission von der Leyen

<< Incompetence >>, << radicalisme environnemental >>... L'Espagnole, proposee au poste de vice-presidente de la Commission en charge de la Transition ecologique, est bousculee par les deputes europeens.


¿Por dónde empiezo? Escribir un libro sin haber estudiado literatura

Publico este artículo para contestar a un comentario que he recibido y que me ha hecho reflexionar. El comentario de esta persona toca varios puntos […]



Choice of Classifiers in Hierarchical Recognition of Online Handwritten Kannada and Tamil Aksharas

In this paper, we propose a novel dexterous technique for fast and accurate recognition of online handwritten Kannada and Tamil characters. Based on the primary classifier output and prior knowledge, the best classifier is chosen from set of three classifiers for second stage classification. Prior knowledge is obtained through analysis of the confusion matrix of primary classifier which helped in identifying the multiple sets of confused characters. Further, studies were carried out to check the performance of secondary classifiers in disambiguating among the confusion sets. Using this technique we have achieved an average accuracy of 92.6% for Kannada characters on the MILE lab dataset and 90.2% for Tamil characters on the HP Labs dataset.


Managing Mechanisms for Collaborative New-Product Development in the Ceramic Tile Design Chain

This paper focuses on improving the management of New-Product Development (NPD) processes within the particular context of a cluster of enterprises that cooperate through a network of intra- and inter-firm relations. Ceramic tile design chains have certain singularities that condition the NPD process, such as the lack of a strong hierarchy, fashion pressure or the existence of different origins for NPD projects. We have studied these particular circumstances in order to tailor Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) tools and some other management mechanisms to fit suitable sectoral reference models. Special emphasis will be placed on PLM templates for structuring and standardizing projects, and also on the roles involved in the process.


A Petri Nets based Approach to Specify Individual and Collaborative Interaction in 3D Virtual Environments

This work describes a methodology that supports the design and implementation of software modules, which represent the individual and collaborative three-dimensional interaction process phases. The presented methodology integrates three modeling approaches: Petri Nets, a collaborative manipulation model based on the combination of single user interaction techniques taxonomy, and object-oriented programming concepts. The combination of these elements allows for the description of interaction tasks, the sequence of interaction processes being controlled by Petri Nets with the codes generated automatically. By the integration of these approaches, the present work addresses not only the entire development cycle of both individual and collaborative three-dimensional interaction, but also the reuse of developed interaction blocks in new virtual environment projects.


The Architectural Design of a System for Interpreting Multilingual Web Documents in E-speranto

E-speranto is a formal language for generating multilingual texts on the World Wide Web. It is currently still under development. The vocabulary and grammar rules of E-speranto are based on Esperanto; the syntax of E-speranto, however, is based on XML (eXtensible Markup Language). The latter enables the integration of documents generated in E-speranto into web pages. When a user accesses a web page generated in E-speranto, the interpreter interprets the document into a chosen natural language, which enables the user to read the document in any arbitrary language supported by the interpreter.

The basic parts of the E-speranto interpreting system are the interpreters and information resources, which complies with the principle of separating the interpretation process from the data itself. The architecture of the E-speranto interpreter takes advantage of the resemblance between the languages belonging to the same linguistic group, which consequently results in a lower production cost of the interpreters for the same linguistic group.

We designed a proof-of-concept implementation for interpreting E-speranto in three Slavic languages: Slovenian, Serbian and Russian. These languages share many common features in addition to having a similar syntax and vocabulary. The content of the information resources (vocabulary, lexicon) was limited to the extent that was needed to interpret the test documents. The testing confirmed the applicability of our concept and also indicated the guidelines for future development of both the interpreters and E-speranto itself.


Leveraging Web 2.0 in New Product Development: Lessons Learned from a Cross-company Study

The paper explores the application of Web 2.0 technologies to support product development efforts in a global, virtual and cross-functional setting. It analyses the dichotomy between the prevailing hierarchical structure of CAD/PLM/PDM systems and the principles of the Social Web under the light of the emerging product development trends. Further it introduces the concept of Engineering 2.0, intended as a more bottom up and lightweight knowledge sharing approach to support early stage design decisions within virtual and cross-functional product development teams. The lessons learned collected from a cross-company study highlight how to further developblogs, wikis, forums and tags for the benefit of new product development teams, highlighting opportunities, challenges and no-go areas.


Markup upon Video - towards Dynamic and Interactive Video Annotations

Interactive video is increasingly becoming a more and more dominant feature of our media platforms. Especially due to the popular YouTube annotations framework, integrating graphical annotations in a video has become very fashionable these days. However, the current options are limited to a few graphical shapes for which the user can define as good as no dynamic behaviour. Despite the enormous demand for easy-creatable, interactive video there are no such advanced tools available.

In this article we describe an innovative approach, to realize dynamics and interactivity of video annotations. First we explain basic concepts of video-markup like the generic element model and visual descriptors. After that we introduce the event-tree model, which can be used to define event-handling in an interactive video formally as well as visually. By combining these basic concepts, we can give an effective tool to the video community for realizing interactive and dynamic video in a simple, intuitive and focused way.


Hierarchical Graph-Grammar Model for Secure and Efficient Handwritten Signatures Classification

One important subject associated with personal authentication capabilities is the analysis of handwritten signatures. Among the many known techniques, algorithms based on linguistic formalisms are also possible. However, such techniques require a number of algorithms for intelligent image analysis to be applied, allowing the development of new solutions in the field of personal authentication and building modern security systems based on the advanced recognition of such patterns. The article presents the approach based on the usage of syntactic methods for the static analysis of handwritten signatures. The graph linguistic formalisms applied, such as the IE graph and ETPL(k) grammar, are characterised by considerable descriptive strength and a polynomial membership problem of the syntactic analysis. For the purposes of representing the analysed handwritten signatures, new hierarchical (two-layer) HIE graph structures based on IE graphs have been defined. The two-layer graph description makes it possible to take into consideration both local and global features of the signature. The usage of attributed graphs enables the storage of additional semantic information describing the properties of individual signature strokes. The verification and recognition of a signature consists in analysing the affiliation of its graph description to the language describing the specimen database. Initial assessments display a precision of the method at a average level of under 75%.