
Certain California Employers Face Hurdles When Recalling Laid-Off Workers

Michael Lotito and Bruce Sarchet share their thoughts on SB 93, a new California law that requires some employers in the hospitality industry to prioritize recalling workers who were laid off due to COVID-19.

SHRM Online

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Texas Expands Protections for Employees Asserting Sexual-Harassment Claims

Michael Royal and Alyssa Peterson discuss two new laws that will bring changes for employers in Texas by expanding protections for employees who assert claims of sexual harassment under the Texas Labor Code.

SHRM Online

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Employer Hiring Tips As 'Ban The Box' Laws Proliferate

Stephanie Chavez offers advice to employers who are considering hiring individuals who have a criminal record.

Law360 Employment Authority

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When Does Tough Talk Rise to an Ethical Violation or Even Extortion?


Azeem Rafiq racism case a ‘classic example of failure’

Natasha Adom weighs in on racism experienced by former cricket player Azeem Rafiq.

Personnel Today

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U.S. Enacts Law Barring Products Made With Forced Labor in China

On December 23, 2021, President Joe Biden signed into law the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (the “Act”),1 which bars the importation into the United States of products made from forced labor in the Xinjiang region of China.  This Act will significantly impact many multinational employers’ supply chains because raw materials from this region – such as cotton, coal, chemicals, sugar, tomatoes and polysilicon (a component in solar panels) – have found their way into many global supply chains.  Indeed, these materials arrive on U.S.


Navigating New Nevada Laws: What to Know and How to Prepare


Corporate Board Diversity: Next Steps for Employers After Court Strikes Down California Board Diversity Law

On April 1, 2022, a Los Angeles County Superior Court ruled that California Assembly Bill 979—a bill designed to increase diversity and improve the persistently low number of underrepresented groups on corporate boards—violated the Equal Protection Clause of the California Constitution and was therefore unenforceable. In its ruling, the court acknowledged the pitfalls of homogeneity in business and communities, but it cautioned against quotas and specific number requirements.


2022 Nevada Regional Employer Conference - Las Vegas


How to Identify Forced Labor in Supply Chains

Donald Dowling says abusive labor practices are a huge problem around the world, and often the smaller local manufacturers, miners and growers within countries that are committing labor abuses are bigger problems than the multinational firms.

SHRM Online

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New Anti-Money Laundering Whistleblower Improvement Act Expands Coverage and Strengthens Incentives for Whistleblowers

On December 29, 2022, President Biden signed a new whistleblower law that significantly increases the risk and cost of whistleblower claims for domestic and overseas financial services institutions that must be cognizant of anti-money laundering (AML) laws and regulations. This covers 26 categories of institutions, including banks, branches and agencies of foreign banks, broker-dealers, insurance companies, operators of credit card systems, mutual funds, certain casinos, and travel agencies.


2023 Mid-Atlantic Regional Employer Conference


Supreme Court: False Claims Act Liability Depends on Defendant’s Subjective Belief

On June 1, 2023, in United States ex rel.


Canada Imposes New Language and Field of Study Requirements on Its Post-Graduation Work Permit Program

On September 18, 2024, Canada announced that it would impose new language and field of study eligibility requirements on its Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) Program.


Sixth Circuit Clarifies Employer’s Bargaining Obligations During Public Health Emergencies

  • A recent Sixth Circuit decision provides some guidance to employers regarding bargaining obligations during exigent circumstances like the COVID-19 pandemic or other public health emergencies.
  • In general, an employer can make unilateral decisions to address unforeseen circumstances that have a major effect on the economics of its operations, but this right is not without limits.


New Maryland Wage Laws Take Effect

On October 1, 2024, Maryland’s Pay Stub/Pay Statement and Pay Transparency laws went into effect. The laws were passed during the General Assembly’s 2024 legislative session and amended the state’s Wage Payment and Collection Law and Equal Pay for Equal Work law, respectively.

Pay Stub/Pay Statement Law Requirements


Littler Lightbulb: September Appellate Roundup

This Littler Lightbulb highlights some of the more significant employment law developments in federal courts of appeal in the last month.

Fourth Circuit Rejects ADA Claim of Employee Who Tested Positive for Illegal Drugs to Treat Anxiety and Muscle Spasms


NLRB General Counsel Explains What Remedies She Wants for Non-Competes She Considers Illegal and Promises Crack-Down on “Stay-or-Pay” Agreements

  • NLRB General Counsel Memorandum 25-01 urges the Board to seek “make whole” remedies for non-compete agreements that run afoul of the NLRA.
  • The Memorandum also alleges certain “stay-or-pay” arrangements are unlawful unless narrowly tailored.


UK: The Employment Rights Bill – Phase One of Employment Law Reform

  • UK Employment Rights Bill includes 28 individual employment law reforms.
  • The Bill will now make its way through Parliament and may be amended along the way.
  • This Insight summarizes key provisions of the Bill, when they would take effect, and what proposals did not make it into the 158-page document.


Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and Equal Pay: What the Hit Netflix Show Tells UK Employers

The latest binge watch for many of us at GQ|Littler was the Netflix hit, “America’s Sweethearts: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders,” which follows a year in the life of NFL’s Dallas Cowboys cheerleading team.


The Impact of the Presidential Election on Artificial Intelligence Regulations in the Workplace

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform the workplace, lawmakers and agencies are grappling with how to regulate its use in employment settings, from hiring practices to employee monitoring. The next administration’s approach to AI regulation will help shape the balance between innovation and worker protection, with each political party offering distinct views on the role of government oversight. A shift in power could lead to changes in how the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), the U.S.


New Amendments to California Bill Clarify Scope of Prohibition on Junk Fees for Restaurant Industry

On June 29, 2024, Governor Newsom signed into law an amendment to California Code 1770, clarifying the scope of SB 478. Under SB 478 and previously published guidance from the attorney general, California restaurants were effectively prohibited from charging service fees or other surcharges, which many restaurants have implemented to offset rising costs, unless the amount of the service fee was specifically identified as part of the listed prices.


Ontario, Canada Court Orders Independent Medical Examination of Employee Claiming Indefinite Inability to Mitigate Due to Mental Health Condition

Marshall v. Mercantile Exchange Corporation, 2024 CanLII 71128  (ONSC), is an action for wrongful dismissal where the employee claimed he could not mitigate his damages by seeking alternative employment indefinitely because of a mental health condition (i.e., stress and depression) allegedly arising out of his termination. He claimed a 26-month notice period. The employer sought an independent medical examination (IME) of the employee pursuant to s.


Littler COVID-19 Flash Survey Report

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has created a host of challenges for employers while accelerating fundamental shifts already underway in the workplace. As the pandemic’s many lasting implications for the workplace and the way we work begin to emerge, Littler surveyed more than 900 employers, based in North America and with operations around the world, on their concerns and the actions they have taken in response.


The Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine – Planning for the Employer Response

Many employers are hopeful that a vaccine for COVID-19 will be the silver bullet that will enable employers to return to some semblance of a pre-COVID workplace. Assuming a vaccine is developed, can an employer mandate that employees be vaccinated before coming back to work? What happens when an employee cannot or will not take this vaccine, either for religious, medical, or other personal reasons? Can a union or group of workers successfully challenge employer-mandated vaccines?


Inaugural Report of Littler’s Global Workplace Transformation Initiative

The COVID-19 pandemic required nearly every employer around the globe to take stock of its workforce, policies and practices, and adapt to a rapidly changing and unpredictable environment.  COVID-19 will eventually pass, but transformative issues laid bare by the pandemic—which were already in motion—will remain, likely at an accelerated pace.


COVID-19 Vaccination: A Littler Global Guide on Legal & Practical Implications in the Workplace (January 2022 Update)

The Firm’s International Practice Group has once again updated its COVID-19 Vaccination: A Littler Global Guide on Legal & Practical Implications in the Workplace. Two years into the pandemic, experts agree that – in the absence of newly emerging and highly transmissible variants – COVID-19 might lose its pandemic status before the end of 2022 due to the development of various COVID-19 vaccines and increasing global vaccination rates.


Social and Political Issues and the Workplace – Implications for Employers

Over the past year, employers have had to grapple with seismic social, cultural, and political developments impacting profoundly how they do business.


False Claims Act Retaliation in 2021

A corporate whistleblower can create more financial, organizational, and reputational damage to an employer by using the federal False Claims Act (FCA), 31 U.S.C. § 3729-33, than by using any other “whistleblower” law. While the FCA contains no requirement that the whistleblower be an employee to create the damage, most FCA whistleblowers are employees, and almost all of them bring the problem to their management or human resources department before they suffer an adverse employment action. Management often does not hear the whistle blowing when the damage is still avoidable.


New Federal Labour Law Issued in the UAE

In mid-November, the UAE Cabinet approved a new Labour Law, Federal Law Number 33 of 2021 (the New Labour Law) which will come into force on 2 February 2022 and repeals Law Number 8 of 1980 (the Old Law), replacing it entirely. The New Labour Law consolidates many of the changes which have been introduced by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MHRE) through various regulations over the past five years and also introduces significant new changes, thus amounting to a radical overhaul of labour relations in the UAE.


EU Working Conditions Directive: Local Implementation At-A-Glance Guide

Three years have already passed since the European Union agreed upon Directive 2019/1152 of June 20, 2019, addressing transparent and predictable working conditions in the EU in the area of civil law (Working Conditions Directive).


An Overview of the Employment Law Issues Posed by Generative AI in the Workplace

Generative AI, which is a type of artificial intelligence that can produce or create new content, has already started to impact the workplace in various ways. On the positive side, it can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. For example, it can assist with data entry, customer service, and content creation. Additionally, it can help businesses to analyze and make sense of large amounts of data, leading to better decision-making.


Q&A Guide Available on Portugal’s Decent Work Agenda

The Decent Work Agenda (DWA) 2023 is the most important Portuguese legislative package dedicated to labor and employment law enacted over the last 10 years. The DWA entered into force on May 1, 2023, and has modified more than 70 aspects of the Portuguese Labor Code and other employment-related legislation (e.g., social security, temporary work law, Portuguese Labor Code of Procedure, and the Act for Services of Inspection by the Portuguese Labor Administration).


Littler AI in the Workplace Survey Report 2023

Employers are increasingly looking to reap benefits from both generative and predictive artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, including in human resources (HR) functions. Yet an evolving patchwork of AI regulation and the rampant pace of technological change place many at a crossroads.

How will the growing use of AI impact workforce decisions and expose new vulnerabilities?


Global Non-Compete Reform – At a Glance

The United States is not the only country currently debating reform to the law on non-competes. Notably, the UK Government has announced legislation that would limit the duration of non-competes to a period of three months after the termination of employment.


Global Non-Compete Reform – At a Glance Tracker (Updated March 2024)

The United States is not the only country currently debating a reform to the law on non-competes. Notably, the UK Government has announced legislation that would limit the duration of non-competes to a period of 3 months after termination of employment.


Challenging Harassment in the Workplace: A Key Priority at the EEOC

As part of an employer’s EEO compliance efforts, minimizing the risk of harassment claims should be a top priority. Recent statistics issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) indicate that the number of harassment charges has continued to spike upward over the past several years, including the monetary recovery for such claims.

On May 15, 2024, the EEOC issued its annual statistics on charge activity, which indicated the following:


Wisconsin Supreme Court Eases the Burden for Employers Defending Arrest and Conviction Record Discrimination Claims Under State Law

The Wisconsin Fair Employment Act (WFEA) prohibits employers from discriminating against applicants and employees on the basis of their arrest and conviction records.1  Generally, an employer cannot make decisions on the basis of an arrest or conviction record unless the crimes “substantially relate” to the circumstances of the job at issue.2  For many years, the state agencies responsible for enforcing this law—the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and the Labor and Industry Review Commission (LIRC)—have taken the view that crimes of domestic violen


Two Developments Could Impact California’s Proposed Regulations Governing AI and Automated Decision-making

Two noteworthy developments have occurred since the California Fair Employment & Housing Council released draft revisions to the state’s employment non-discrimination laws on March 15, 2022 that relate to the nascent law surrounding the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other data-driven statistical processes to automate decision-making in the employment context.  


Eighth Circuit Holds Article III Standing Was Lacking for an Alleged Violation of the FCRA’s “Pre-Adverse Action” Notice Provision

On April 4, 2022, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit joined the Ninth Circuit in holding that a plaintiff lacked Article III standing to prosecute her statutory claims under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in federal court. The Eighth Circuit’s opinion in Schumacher v. SC Data Center, Inc. deepens the split between the circuit courts on standing and increases the chances that the U.S. Supreme Court eventually will have to weigh in on the issue again.

Background: Spokeo and Ramirez


New Opinion Allowing Plaintiff to Present His Class Action Willful FCRA Claims to a Jury Reinforces Need to Remain Vigilant About FCRA Compliance

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law that governs employment-related background checks.  Most lawsuits asserting federal claims proceed in federal court.1  The FCRA is atypical in that FCRA claims can proceed in either federal or state court.  A new opinion from a California court of appeal in Hebert v.


July is the New January – New State Laws Do Not Take the Summer Off

It used to be that employers had the luxury of waiting until January 1 to be vigilant for new employment laws and compliance challenges.  For the past several years, we have reported on employment and labor laws taking effect mid-year.  The trend is increasing, with states and cities passing a multitude of new workplace regulations throughout the calendar year. 


No Rest for California Employers in 2022! Here are the Latest Employment Laws in the Golden State

California state and local governmental bodies—our state legislature, and counties and cities—were active again this year in their efforts to regulate the workplace. Littler Workplace Policy Institute has been tracking these bills as they worked their way through the legislature. Some were signed into law by Governor Newsom earlier this year and have already gone into effect.


Governor’s Veto Will Likely Result in Continued Delayed or Non-Performable Background Checks in California

A May 2021 court decision in California, All of Us or None v.


Governor’s Veto Will Likely Result in Continued Delayed or Non-Performable Background Checks in California

Rod Fliegel, William Simmons and Wendy Buckingham discuss the current limitations on the use of background checks for employment in California.

SHRM Online

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Atlanta Amends Anti-Discrimination Ordinance to Include Protections for Gender Expression and Criminal Histories

The City Council of Atlanta, Georgia recently passed an ordinance that amends its existing anti-discrimination law to include protection on the basis of “criminal history status” as well as “gender expression.”  The ordinance is effective immediately.

With regard to gender expression, the law simply amends existing law to include “gender expression” as an additional protected characteristic.


Atlanta Amends Anti-Discrimination Ordinance to Include Protections for Gender Expression and Criminal Histories

Rachel P. Kaercher, Wendy Buckingham and William J. Simmons examine a new ordinance passed by the Atlanta City Council that amends its existing anti-discrimination law to include protections on the basis of criminal history status and gender expression.

SHRM Online

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Implementation of Connecticut’s Clean Slate Law Set to Begin January 1, 2023

Earlier this month, Governor Ned Lamont announced the long-awaited implementation of the state’s so-called “Clean Slate Act” – sort of.  According to a recent press release, January 1, 2023 will see the full or partial erasure in some 44,000 cases involving convictions for cannabis possession.  Individuals with eligible convictions for other crimes, including most misdemeanors and certain lesser felonies, will have to wait until the second half of 2023 as a result of implementation delays.

The Clean Slate Law & How it Works


Upcoming Changes in California’s Law Regarding Criminal Background Checks

Updated July 31, 2023: The Council’s Modifications to Employment Regulations Regarding Criminal History discussed in this Insight have just been approved by the Office of Administrative Law, and the modified regulations will go into effect on October 1, 2023. Key changes from the initial proposal include:


Reports About the Wholesale Demise of Claims Against Employers Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) are Premature

  • Lawsuits against employers under the FCRA show no signs of abating in 2023, including nationwide class actions.
  • Employers can fortify efforts to comply with the FCRA by, among other things, reviewing their policies and procedures and providing FCRA compliance training.