
We’re thinking about rolling out some IE&D initiatives – is that the same thing as an Affirmative Action Plan?

We’re thinking about rolling out some IE&D initiatives – is that the same thing as an Affirmative Action Plan?

The short answer is no, and there is often confusion between an Affirmative Action Plan, or AAP, and more general and voluntary IE&D initiatives.


2022 EEO-1 Reporting Again Delayed

Last week the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission revealed that the 2022 EEO-1 reporting deadline is again being postponed.  Reporting, which was expected to begin in July, is now “tentatively” scheduled to open in the fall of 2023.  The change was referenced in brief notices on an EEOC webpage and the EEO-1 website.

According to the EEO-1 website:


Conversations with Women: Recruiting and Retaining Women in the Current Legal Landscape

Littler Women's Leadership Initiative co-chair Margaret Parnell Hogan, interviews fellow Littler attorney Dionysia L. Johnson-Massie, about how respecting women in the workplace helps recruit and retain crucial talent, among other IE&D efforts.


Supreme Court’s 2024 Term Could Transform Labor and Employment Law

  • The Supreme Court issued four decisions narrowing agencies’ power to make policy through formal rulemaking and adjudication.
  • In the short term, these decisions could make it harder for agencies to defend major rules on overtime, joint employment, prevailing wages, pregnancy accommodation and noncompete agreements.


Labor Enforcers’ Policy Strategies Will Get Post-Chevron Rewrite

Alexander MacDonald says without Chevron, agency rulemakings will likely stick closer to the statute or take “fewer big swings” when it comes to interpreting the law.

Bloomberg Law

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Littler Lightbulb: June Appellate Roundup

This Littler Lightbulb highlights some of the more significant employment law developments at the U.S. Supreme Court and federal courts of appeal in the last month.

At the Supreme Court


11th Circuit Finds Race and Gender-Based Grant Program Likely Unlawful

On June 3, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting a venture capital fund from awarding grants based on race and gender. In reversal of the district court, the majority found the grant contest “substantially likely to violate” 42 USC Section 1981, a federal statute enacted as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1866 prohibiting private parties from racial discrimination in contracts.


After Chevron: Various Paths For Labor And Employment Law

Alexander MacDonald talks about how the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Chevron will likely impact rulemaking across the federal government.



Regulatory Compliance in a Post-Chevron World: Fasten Your Seatbelts

Alex MacDonald says the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Chevron will likely impact regulatory bodies and the employers they oversee.

Corporate Compliance Insights



Supreme Court's 2024 term could transform labor and employment law

Alexander T. MacDonald and Michael J. Lotito review four decisions in the U.S. Supreme Court's recently completed term and discuss how the rulings may affect employment law.

Westlaw Today

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High Court’s Administrative Law Transformation and Its Impact on Federal Wage-and-Hour Law

Andrea M. Kirshenbaum discusses the 2023-24 SCOTUS opinions that promise to reshape administrative law in the United States for decades to come.

The Legal Intelligencer

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Expert Insights – Minnesota Now Recognizes Claims for Negligent Selection of Independent Contractors

Ben Sandahl discusses a Minnesota case that raises several issues for companies working with independent contractors.

Westlaw Today

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Littler Lightbulb: July Appellate Roundup

This Littler Lightbulb highlights some of the more significant employment law developments in federal courts of appeal in the last month.


Recent Injunction Decisions Muddy Labor Board's Future

Alex MacDonald says the NLRB's judges aren’t necessarily the sort of officers whom the president has the power to remove under Jarkesy and Supreme Court precedents.

Law360 Employment Authority

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Connecticut Adopts Narrow Definition of “Supervisor” for Hostile Work Environment Claims

The Connecticut Supreme Court recently adopted the U.S. Supreme Court's relatively narrow definition of “supervisor” for use in determining when employers are liable under the Connecticut Fair Employment Practices Act (CFEPA) for creating or failing to remedy a hostile work environment. The decision provides employers with clarity as the term is not defined by the CFEPA.


Third Circuit Holds Multiemployer Pension Fund Claim Cannot Be Enforced due to Unreasonable Delay in Providing Notice of Withdrawal Liability Assessment

In July, the Third Circuit upheld a District of New Jersey decision to throw out a withdrawal liability assessment, finding the multiemployer pension fund was barred from pursuing its claim because the fund unreasonably delayed notification of a withdrawal liability assessment for 12 years.

Withdrawal Liability Assessments Under ERISA


Are Non-compete Agreements Dead? A Discussion with Attorney Shawn Matthew Clark

Shawn Matthew Clark discusses the basics of noncompetes and what employers need to consider regarding noncompetes, as well as why the FTC wants to ban them and how recent SCOTUS decisions may affect the FTC’s rule.

New York County Lawyers Association



USERRA Short-term Paid Military Leave Class Action Revived by Federal Appeals Court

On August 22, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued its decision in Synoracki v. Alaska Airlines, Inc., reviving a class action under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).1 The case was brought by pilots who served in the Air Force Reserves who were seeking from their civilian employer sick leave and vacation accruals during periods of military leave.


Littler Lightbulb: August Appellate Roundup

This Littler Lightbulb highlights some of the more significant employment law developments in federal courts of appeal in the last month.

Fifth Circuit Vacates DOL Tip Credit Rule


Alex MacDonald Explains How Unions' Right to "Exclusive Representation" May Be Unconstitutional

Alexander MacDonald discusses the filing of an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court asking the court to clarify a prior 1984 decision which, if successful, could weaken a new form of “exclusive representation” for unions.

Labor Union News (Podcast)



Maryland WARN Act does not Provide a Private Right of Action to Workers Terminated in Violation of the Law

Kerry Notestine, Chad Kaldor, Shawn Matthew Clark and Garrick Josephs discuss a court’s decision that the Maryland WARN Act does not give individuals the right to file suit in their personal capacity to enforce a legal claim under the Act.

Wolters Kluwer

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Questions surround proposed FAMLI rules as program preps for January launch

David Gartenberg said he is worried about the fact that the rule leaves the FAMLI benefits out of alignment with unpaid Family and Medical Leave benefits allowed under federal law. 

The Sum & Substance



Proper Planning and Swift Action Can Help Employers Avoid Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Prosecution

While the Department of Justice (DOJ) has initiated at least two new Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) enforcement actions against U.S. companies, it has also announced several decisions not to prosecute—most recently involving a U.S. biotech firm and its subsidiaries. The November 16, 2023, declination letter is instructive for companies concerned about protecting themselves against the consequences of employees who take it upon themselves to flout internal anti-bribery policies.


Christmas as a Source of Labour Disputes

Javier Molina discusses the challenges of employers giving employees gifts for Christmas.




UK Employment Law: Step into 2024

2023 has undoubtedly been a busy year in the UK employment law space. But, as we bid adieu to this year, it is time to look to what 2024 will bring. In this Christmas pun-filled article (apologies in advance), we explore some of the key anticipated legislation to be implemented next year, grouped into four key categories below.

Spoiler alert – if the government plans continue as expected, then get ready to unwrap a gift of employment law changes in the coming year as the legal landscape gears up for a merry makeover!


Why employers should make sure health care plans are inclusive to transgender employees

The Supreme Court has ruled that transgender people are protected under the Civil Rights Act, and so Joycelyn Stevenson and Sarah Belchic say employers need to ensure that their health care plans are inclusive.

The Tennessean



Hot Topics in Labor Law


D.C.’s Pay Transparency Law Aims to Close Severe Gaps

As Washington, D.C., prepares to join a growing group of state and local jurisdictions requiring pay transparency in job postings and recruiting practices, Joy Rosenquist comments on how the D.C. law is different. 




Sponsoring a Group Health Plan for Employees? What Employers Need to Know About the Consolidated Appropriations Act

  • Employers sponsoring group health plans must understand and comply with new requirements imposed by the Consolidated Appropriations Act.
  • On the plus side, the new compliance requirements can provide sponsors with valuable insights into the operation of their group health plans.
  • To avoid potential liabilities, however, sponsors should act proactively to avoid allegations of imprudent fiduciary processes.   


Salary History Ban Coming to Federal Employers and Contractors

Joy Rosenquist talks about the impact of an executive order banning the use of salary history in hiring by federal agencies and contractors.




These Denver law firms employ the highest percentage of women lawyers

Erin Webber talks about the importance of networks, mentors and benefits for women and working moms in law firms.

Denver Business Journal

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Preliminary Injunction Against Illinois Equivalent Benefits Law for Temporary Workers

In November 2023, soon after Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed amendments to the Illinois Day and Temporary Labor Services Act (the “Act”), several staffing agencies and associations sued for an injunction against enforcement of certain provisions of the Act.  In Staffing Services Association of Illinois v. Flanagan, Case No. 23-CV-16208, these parties claimed that Sections 11, 42, and 67 of the Act were preempted by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and the due process clauses of the U.S.


New Oregon Law (Mostly) Aligns OFLA and Paid Leave Oregon to Prevent Employees from Stacking Leave Benefits

  • SB 1515, which the governor is expected to sign, provides some relief to employers under the state’s various leave laws by amending Paid Leave Oregon and the Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) to better align.
  • Bill amends Oregon leave laws to mitigate employee leave stacking by eliminating some state leave law concurrency.
  • Bill amends OFLA bereavement leave to a maximum of four weeks in a leave year.


Ones to Watch: Legislation Landscape for 2024

  • State legislatures have introduced a host of new employment-related bills during the first quarter of 2024.
  • Trends include regulation of child labor, restrictions on non-compete agreements, creation of bereavement leave, bans on mandatory employer-sponsored meetings, and regulation of AI in the workplace, among others.


Illinois Federal Court Holds that a Pension Rehabilitation Plan Fund Used an Improper High-Contribution Rate in Withdrawal Liability Calculations

  • In a matter of first impression for federal courts, the Northern District of Illinois found that a pension fund cannot use post-2014 contribution rate increases made pursuant to a rehabilitation plan to calculate an employer’s withdrawal liability payment amount.
  • This decision represents a major victory for employers faced with inflated withdrawal liability demands.


What’s New on the Employment Law Front for In-House Leaders


Why Employers Should Care About Women’s Health And Its Impact On Workplace Policies

Mikayla Almeida, Kimberly Doud and Anne Sanchez LaWer explain to employers about how implementing benefits related to women’s health and fertility could reduce turnover and retain talent.

ACC Central Florida



Insight: Puerto Rico Labor secretary clarifies application of Act 27-2024

Verónica M. Torres-Torres explains new guidance on exemptions for remote workers and airline staff in Puerto Rico.

News is My Business



Navigating the New Jersey Department of Labor: Ensuring Wage, Hour and Benefit Compliance


The Playbook for Law Firm Leadership Has Been Rewritten During the Crisis

Erin Webber explains how a remote environment requires more leadership responsibility, skills and choices.

The American Lawyer

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Protection for Criminal Antitrust Whistleblowers Signed into Law

Largely overshadowed by the rise in COVID-19 deaths and the January 6, 2021, siege on the Capitol, the Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act of 2019 (“the Act”) became law on December 23, 2020. See 15 U.S.C. § 7a-3. The Act, which Senator Chuck Grassley sponsored, prohibits employers from retaliating against individuals who report criminal antitrust violations to their employer or the federal government, or who participate in a federal governmental criminal antitrust investigation or proceeding.  



Employment Law Implications of the New Anti-Money Laundering Act

When Congress overrode President Trump’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act on January 1, 2021, it enacted the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA), which was part of the defense authorization bill.  In doing so, Congress implemented the most sweeping anti-money-laundering statute since the USA PATRIOT Act.  In addition to a number of regulatory reforms and new disclosure requirements, the AMLA has put into place new whistleblower protections, adding to the range of statutes that have effectively created anti-retaliation provisions for virtually every activity regulated by federal


Oregon Employment Law Update: Legislators Debate Big New Changes


The Department of Labor Establishes New Whistleblower Protocols

On February 19, 2021, the U.S.


Avoiding Whistleblower Claims In The COVID-19 Era

Jeanine Conley Daves and Alexa Laborda Nelson explain how employers can take steps to ensure they are in compliance with the recent COVID-19 relief plans and avoid potential whistleblower litigation.

Chief Executive

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New Whistleblowing Law Applies to Internal Complaints

Philip Berkowitz weighs in on the Anti-Money Laundering Act’s whistleblower protections that took effect this year.

SHRM Online

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The Anti-Money Laundering Act Expands Whistleblower Protections

The recently enacted Anti-Money Laundering Act significantly increases the potential value of awards for whistleblowers under the Bank Secrecy Act. The challenge for a financial services employer is to establish that discipline against an employee in a compliance role is supported by evidence that the decision was based on the employee's incompetence or other inappropriate behavior, and that any whistleblowing activity he or she engaged in was not a consideration. Philip M. Berkowitz explores the issues in this edition of his Employment Issues column.



Arizona Employers Should Note Expanded State and Local Anti-Bias Laws

Steve Biddle examines the recently expanded Arizona Civil Rights Act (ACRA) as well as new ordinances passed by Arizona cities that expand protected categories and coverage.

SHRM Online

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FCA diversity plans: 'My client said, don't let them know you’re gay’

Natasha Adom discusses measures FCA, PRA and BoE regulators are considering to improve diversity and inclusion in the financial services sector. 

Investment Week
