
OECD study signals the importance of collective efforts by international organisations to improve global standard setting

The role of international organisations (IOs) is critical in the development of rules and standards that can help advance the well-being of citizens in an increasingly globalised world.


Colombia and Mexico sign international tax, human rights and clean business standards

Colombia and Mexico are a step closer to beneffiting from cross border tax co-operation and information sharing. Colombia has signed, and Mexico has deposited its instrument of ratification for the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.


What the D in OECD stands for, by Barbara Ischinger, Director for Education and Skills

Did you know that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development helped to lay the groundwork for the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals? Even though Development is part of our name, there are many people who don’t realise just how much of our resources are devoted to developing economies and not only to the development of the OECD’s 34 member countries.


Advanced vocational training in Germany provides sought-after skills but needs compulsory standards in teaching and examination

The transition from school to work in Germany is remarkably smooth. An excellent vocational education and training (VET) system ensures that young people are well-prepared when they enter the labour market and can find jobs that match their qualifications.


OECD: Postsecondary education key to maintaining global standing of U.S. workforce

The United States should improve postsecondary career and technical training provisions to help students transition smoothly into education programs and the labor market, according to a new OECD report published today.


OECD: Postsecondary education key to maintaining global standing of U.S. workforce

09/07/2013 - The United States should improve postsecondary career and technical training provisions to help students transition smoothly into education programs and the labor market, according to a new OECD report published today.


Understanding the battle against extremism

Whoever has a hammer sees every problem as a nail. Those in the security business tend to see the answer to radicalism and terrorism in military might, and those in the financial business in cutting flows of money.


How to return to the “gold standard” for education (OECD Education Today Blog)

Sweden has one asset that few other countries in the Western world offer: a firm belief in the power of education to transform lives and promote social inclusion.


Does the world need people who understand problems, or who can solve them? (OECD Education Today Blog)

A recently published OECD publication, The Nature of Problem Solving: Using Research to Inspire 21st Century Learning, explores the concept of problem solving in great depth.


Many teenagers struggle to understand money matters

Around one in four students in the 15 countries and economies* that took part in the latest OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test of financial literacy are unable to make even simple decisions on everyday spending, while only one in ten can understand complex issues, such as income tax.


Busting the myth about standardised testing (OECD Education Today Blog)

Standardised testing has received a bad rap in recent years. Parents and educators argue that too much testing can make students anxious without improving their learning.


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the OECD Clearing House on New Chemicals Parallel Process

This document provides detailed guidance for both new chemical notifiers and jurisdictions who wish to participate in a “parallel process” which enables a company to declare to all affected countries at the time of first notification that it wants them to cooperate and share information. The hazard assessment is developed by the ‘lead’ jurisdiction and then utilized by other participating jurisdictions.


The Global Harmonised Submission Transport Standard (GHSTS) has been published

The first version of the Globally Harmonised Submission and Transport Standard was published May 2014. The GHSTS is a standardised set of technical specifications used to assemble electronic files for any pesticide package in a predefined manner. Once the files are assembled according to the specifications, they can be transferred from a business entity to a regulatory authority and can be extracted for use in a regulatory process.


Revised Guidance Document 150 on Standardised Test Guidelines for Evaluating Chemicals for Endocrine Disruption

This guidance document was originally published in 2012 and updated in 2018 to reflect new and updated OECD test guidelines, as well as reflect on scientific advances in the use of test methods and assessment of the endocrine activity of chemicals. The document is intended to provide guidance for evaluating chemical using standardised test guidelines.


Release of the Global Harmonised Submission Transport Standard (GHSTS) version 2.0

GHSTS is a standardised set of technical specifications for assembling electronic files for pesticide registration in a predefined manner. Once assembled according to the GHSTS, the dossier files can be transferred from a business to a regulatory authority and can be used in a regulatory process. Version 2.0 includes improved lifecycle management of documents over a series of submissions for one pesticide (or other) regulatory action.


The Veronicas claim they STILL don't understand why they were pulled off a Qantas flight

The Veronicas have once again spoken on their feud with Qantas and claim they are still confused at why the experience took place.


Qantas workers launch legal action after they were refused sick leave in airline's stand-down period

The Transport Workers Union took the airline to the Federal Court on behalf of workers on sick leave who can no longer access the entitlement after Qantas stood down two thirds of its workforce.


Presentation Of 1St And 2Nd Reports Of The Standing Committee On ... on 6 December, 2019

SHRIMATI ANUPRIYA PATEL (MIRZAPUR): I beg to present the following Reports (Hindi and English versions) of the Standing Committee on Energy (2019-20) :-

(i)                 1st Report on Demands for Grants relating to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy for the year 2019-20.

(ii)               2nd Report on Demands for Grants relating to the Ministry of Power for the year 2019-20.



Jessica Ennis-Hill coach blasts Nike link in decision to stand by Alberto Salazar

Jessica Ennis-Hill's coach hit out at UK Athletics, suggesting they may have been compromised by a lucrative sponsorship deal with Nike in their decision to stand by Mo Farah’s coach Alberto Salazar.


The follies that could make your home stand out 

The appeal of follies is nothing new. They were created by British aristocrats who had time and money to splash out on mock castles, towers and monuments.


Theme parks could axe queues to meet Covid-19 safety standards

Technology firm Accesso - whose clients include Thorpe Park and Alton Towers - is working on the roll-out of a system that will let customers book timeslots on rides via their mobile phones.


Tory PR girl who loves partying with MPs and pictured bathing in MILK is standing in ex-mining area

Clare Ambrosino will try to win the Easington seat in County Durham on December 12 - a mining community that has always returned a Labour MP since the constituency was formed in 1950.


George Osborne joins Evening Standard colleague Laura Weir to pay tribute to Sir Rod Stewart

The former Chancellor was pictured with colleague Laura Weir, editor-in-chief of the Evening Standard's weekly magazine at a charity dinner for Rod Stewart at the Rosewood Hotel.


Marcus Rashford says he would NOT ban racist online accounts but it's important to stand up to them

The Manchester United striker, 22, was subject to a barrage of abuse after missing a penalty in a 2-1 defeat to Crystal Palace last year.


The many Lokpals before the standing committee

There are four ideas for a Lokpal and a 'Sense of the House' resolution of Parliament itself before the standing committee whic begins work shortly. The battle for Lokpal is far from over, writes Mathew Prasad Idiculla.


Mini chariot on standby at Koraput’s Sabar Srikhetra


4 Standardized KYC Processes Can Now Ease Your Investment Process

Given the fact that digital KYC or know your customer has been in place for long but no institutions followed similar standards, the government as well as the SEBI have come forth amid the pandemic-led lockdown and instructed to move to


Telegraphy for beginners: the standard method: an authoritative book of instruction in the methods and forms most approved, with lessons, including the Morse and continental codes / by Willis H. Jones

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5264.J76 1913


Die Mehrfach-Telegraphie auf einem Drahte: mit besonderer Rücksicht auf den Stand der Gegenwart / von A.E. Granfeld

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5538.G7 1885


Scientists get a better understanding of melanoma


ICICI Bank's Q4FY20 standalone net profit up 26pc


Clarify stand on AP’s plan to divert Krishna water: CPI

Chada Venkat Reddy wants Telangana government to announce its water policy


Wind, rain damage standing crops in Punjab, Haryana


Coronavirus cases in Punjab stands at 170


Punjab's COVID-19 count stands at 1,526


Understanding the mechanical limitations of the performance of soft X-ray monochromators at MAX IV laboratory

MAX IV is a fourth-generation, or diffraction-limited, synchrotron light source with a number of state-of-the-art beamlines. The performance of a beamline is, to a high degree, set by the energy resolution it can achieve, which in turn is governed to a large extent by the monochromator. During the design phase of a monochromator, the mechanical requirements must be fully understood and met with margin. During commissioning, the performance must be verified and optimized. In this paper, six soft X-ray monochromators at MAX IV beamlines (Bloch, Veritas, HIPPIE, SPECIES, FinEstBeAMS and SoftiMAX) are examined with a focus on their resolving power, energy range and the time required to change measurement range, as those parameters are dependent on each other. The monochromators have a modern commercial design, planned and developed in close collaboration with the vendors. This paper aims to present the current status of the commissioning at MAX IV with emphasis on elucidating the mechanical limitations on the performance of the monochromators. It contains analysis of the outcome and our approach to achieve fast and high-resolution monochromators.


py_convrot: rotation conventions, to understand and to apply

Rotation is a core crystallographic operation. Two sets of Cartesian coordinates of each point of a rotated object, those before and after rotation, are linearly related, and the coefficients of these linear combinations can be represented in matrix form. This 3 × 3 matrix is unique for all points and thus describes unambiguously a particular rotation. However, its nine elements are mutually dependent and are not interpretable in a straightforward way. To describe rotations by independent and comprehensible parameters, crystallographic software usually refers to Euler or to polar angles. In crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, there exists a large choice of conventions, making direct comparison of rotation parameters difficult and sometimes confusing. The program py_convrot, written in Python, is a converter of parameters describing rotations. In particular, it deals with all possible choices of polar angles and with all kinds of Euler angles, including all choices of rotation axes and rotation directions. Using a menu, a user can build their own rotation parameterization; its action can be viewed with an interactive graphical tool, Demo. The tables in this article and the extended help pages of the program describe details of these parameterizations and the decomposition of rotation matrices into all types of parameters. The program allows orthogonalization conventions and symmetry operations to be taken into account. This makes the program and its supporting materials both an illustrative teaching material, especially for non-specialists in mathematics and computing, and a tool for practical use.


py_convrot: rotation conventions, to understand and to apply

The Python-based program py_convrot is a universal converter of rigid-body rotation parameters. The program interactively illustrates the action of various rotation parameters and can be used both for teaching goals and for practical applications.


Drugged spiders’ web spinning may hold keys to understanding animal behavior

“Spinning under the influence” is one way to describe recent activities in the Costa Rican laboratory of Smithsonian scientist William Eberhard. An entomologist at the Smithsonian’s Tropical Research Institute, Eberhard recently carried out a series of experiments in which he observed the web-building behavior of dozens of spiders under the influence of drugs—specifically, a chemical injected into their bodies by parasitic wasps.

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President Barack Obama recognizes outstanding scientists at the Smithsonian

Two scientists at the Smithsonian Institution have been honored with the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers for their innovative research and scientific leadership. It is the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers.

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3-D imaging adds remarkable new understanding of North America’s mysterious Clovis people

The only explanation for such symmetry across these vast distances, explains Smithsonian anthropologist Dennis Stanford, is that the method of creating the points was handed down from person to person.

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First detailed sex video of deep-sea squid resolves long-standing mysteries as to how these animals mate

Clearly visible connecting the dark-purple cephalopods was the white “terminal organ” or penis of the male, extending out through the male’s funnel.

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Discovery in Smithsonian collection broadens understanding of rare North American leech

Thanks to a recent reassessment of specimens preserved in jars of alcohol at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, New Hampshire is now on […]

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Simultaneous hermaphrodites: Understanding Speciation in fish called “hamlets”

New species don’t just spring out of thin air. Speciation, the evolutionary process by which new and distinct species arise, usually takes millions of years. […]

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Video: Protecting songbirds by Better Understanding their Migratory connectivity

Identifying and understanding the migratory connectivity of birds throughout an entire annual cycle (not just the times of year they are in your back yard), […]

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Standalone physical firewall vs software based one


iMac Stand Removal


Understanding of magnetic ordering in Gd-rich compounds


Ripple joins ISO 20022 standards body

Cross-border payments network Ripple has become part of the ISO...