
Sudan: Covering Sudan's War, As Told By Journalists

[Dabanga] Nairobi -- More than 18 months into Sudan's war between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the work of Sudanese journalists has grown increasingly perilous. Both sides of the conflict have threatened, detained, or otherwise repressed journalists attempting to report on the war.


Cameroon: Cameroonian Journalist Nsoyuka Guy-Bruno Maimo Detained, Beaten for Covering Protest

[CPJ] Dakar -- The Committee to Protect Journalists calls on Cameroonian authorities to investigate and hold accountable those responsible for detaining and violently abusing Nsoyuka Guy-Bruno Maimo, a reporter with the privately owned Volcanic Times newspaper, while he covered a demonstration on October 24.


El enemigo externo, entre nosotros

Hay quien pone en duda todo el proceso y por ende sus resultados, pero para la mayoría quedó demostrado que la ley se puede aplicar, incluso entre sanguinarios terroristas.

Las medidas draconianas propuestas en Fracia pueden acabar afectando a muchas familias con miembros inocentes y generando un resentimiento contra un país que los juzga sumariamente, y en el que han nacido, en el que viven y en el que aspiran a continuar su desarrollo.

"Las personas que no hacen nada malo no tienen de qué preocuparse", pensarán muchos.
Sin embargo, el concepto de lo que es "Bueno o Malo" va cambiando y lo que hoy es sospechoso, mañana podría justificar una decisión que podría afectar para siempre las vidas de muchas personas que no están involucradas directamente y que incluso rechazaron en su momento las posturas extremas de algunas personas.

No hay solución permanente ante una situación que se ha extendido tanto territorialmente durante tantos años.

Lo que se puede hacer es combatir a los terroristas ahí donde estén: en internet, en los países que los protegen y, obviamente, en casa.

Pero también hay que poder detectar, perseguir y neutralizar a quienes cometan un crimen en nuestro territorio.  Será un trabajo arduo, peligroso e ingrato, pero España ha demostrado que puede hacerlo.

Esperemos que el mundo sea capaz de tener en consideración la experiencia española y pueda pensar con la cabeza fría para dar una respuesta con todas las de la ley a la amenaza yihadista, sin generar nuevos enemigos dentro de sus propias fronteras.


Préstamos online sin papeleos eternos. Prestalo en 24h

El concepto de préstamos personales sin papeleos es relativamente nuevo y ha ido ganando popularidad en los últimos años. La idea principal detrás de este tipo de préstamo es brindar asistencia financiera a aquellos que no pueden contratar los créditos convencionales ofreciéndoles la oportunidad de pedir dinero con poco o ningún papeleo requerido. Tal es el caso de https://prestalo.com/

Casos complicados para pedir un préstamo

Hay muchos casos complicados que pueden conducir a la denegación de un préstamo. Algunas de las razones para una denegación incluyen:

  • Estar presente en el fichero de morosos ASNEF

  • No tener una nómina

  • Una alta relación deuda-ingresos.

  • Un historial laboral inestable.

Los departamentos de riesgos de los bancos tradicionales serán reacios a prestar dinero a personas que se encuentren en alguna de las situaciones arriba indicadas. Incluso si el crédito es viable, es posible que soliciten diferentes documentos que pueden alargar el trámite en el tiempo. Esto suele suceder especialmente cuando hay una urgencia o surge una oportunidad que tiene que ser atendida en el acto.

Razones para pedir un crédito rápido y sin papeles

Algunas razones por las que podría necesitar solicitar un préstamo rápido y sin papeles son:

  • Tiene una situación de emergencia que necesita atención inmediata

  • Necesita fondos para un nuevo proyecto que no está cubierto por su presupuesto actual

  • Quiere comenzar o expandir su negocio pero no tiene el capital necesario y se le presenta una oportunidad única que tiene que ser aprovechada rápidamente.

Estos casos pueden ser solicitados en diferentes bancos, pero también pueden requerir papeleo adicional o no ser viables por diversas razones.

Préstalo, préstamos online sin papeleos y en 24 horas

Muchas personas que buscan un préstamo rápido temen tener que aceptar unas condiciones leoninas con altos intereses y en periodos muy cortos. 

Préstalo brinda su avanzada tecnología para comparar diversos productos financieros para dar con la mejor opción y con las mejors condiciones para cada cliente.

Hay casos que parecen imposibles para obtener un crédito personal, pero con Préstalo lo consiguen rápidamente sin aval, sin preguntas, sin papeleos, sin propiedades, incluso estando en el fichero de morosos ASNEF. 

Préstalo también ofrece sus servicios de búsqueda de créditos online a emprendedores, autónomos y empresas que pueden requerir un prétamo desde 250 hasta más de 20.000 euros. Incluso se puede utilizar para la reunificación de deudas, todo esto de manera online y sin cambiar de banco.

Para aprovechar la potente tecnología de Préstalo tan solo hay que seguir un sencillo proceso:

  • Se indican los objetivos del crédito en el simulaor de Préstalo

  • Se envía la información para su revisión

  • Préstalo busca el mejor producto financiero y da una respuesta en un periodo máximo de 24 horas

La búsqueda del préstamo online no implica ninguna obligación posterior de contratación, con lo que puedes encontrar las mejores ofertas de créditos de manera totalmente gratuita.  

De esta forma, puedes tomar la mejor decisión contanto con la mayor información y en el menor tiempo posible.  Todo esto con la ayuda de Préstalo. Confía en su tecnología para obtener tu crédito online con las mejores condiciones y en el menor tiempo posible.


Two New Internet Scams to Look Out For – An ACCESS Fraud Alert

January 5, 2006 – Two new scams have hit the internet, with one common goal; making you part with your personal financial information. From all accounts, it looks like the scam artists are having a pretty good week. But with a little knowledge, you stand a fighting chance of keeping both your credit and your identity in tact.


IRS to Outsource Some Tax Collection – Raises Privacy Concerns

January 16, 2006 - In 2004, Congress passed the American Jobs Creation Act. As innocuous as the title sounds, it contained a provision allowing the IRS to outsource collection efforts to private contractors. But both the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) are questioning the wisdom of this; saying that the move may jeopardize personal privacy and lead to cases of fraud and identity theft.


Google Defies Government on Privacy Issues

January 20, 2006 – Google, the 800 pound gorilla of search engines, is defying a subpoena by the justice department. The government is demanding that the company turn over one full week of user search data. But Google has said that it will fight the subpoena “vigorously” because the company fears the ramifications to privacy for twelve million people who use the company’s website every single day.


February 14, 2006 – ACCESS has been concerned for months that the State Department’s plan to include RFID chips in passports has not been well thought out. The original plan would have placed an RFID chip in every passport which would have contained unenc

February 14, 2006 – ACCESS has been concerned for months that the State Department’s plan to include RFID chips in passports has not been well thought out. The original plan would have placed an RFID chip in every passport which would have contained unencrypted data about the passport holder. After a storm of protest, the State Department revised the standard to include some encryption. Now, a Dutch television news program has along and broken that encryption in less than two hours. The ramifications of this to passport holders are anything but positive.


Privacy Concerns with Google Desktop Search

February 17, 2006 – Google has just released the latest version of its desktop search software, and it some new features. One of them is the ability to share documents across multiple computers. While some may find this feature convenient, it may users to privacy intrusions or even worse.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl fait parler les armes un peu mollement

Hier, GSC Game World a partagé une petite vidéo de gameplay de S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl pour nous parler des armes. Ils nous rappellent que la zone est dangereuse, et qu’il faudra trouver des armes pour se défendre. Il y aura plusieurs types de munitions, et on aura aussi la possibilité d’ajouter des accessoires, […]


Feedburner introduces SmartCast

I'm using Feedburner for months now and haven't noticed a single glitch. That's a good omen for their latest innovation: SmartCast. By introducing SmartCast, Feedburner again stays ahead of the curve. It enables any feed publisher (RSS 1.0 and Atom included!) to create Podcasts: "If a publisher isn't able to create a feed that has the enclosure element, they can use our service and we'll turn it


CA6492 TURNER, Tina - Proud Mary (Live)

Catégorie - FEMMES » Genre - Rock


Brainy bike helmet packs lights, turn indicators and crash detection

When we last heard from Lumos, the bike helmet company had announced a model which was simply equipped with a "smart" tail light. The firm is getting fancy again, however, with its turn-indicating, 360-degree-illuminating, crash-detecting Nyxel.

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Watch: Ambitious robot learns to clean bathroom sink by watching

From washing urinals to tidying up the beach, we can already see a future where our robot servants help keep our world a little cleaner. Now, a robotic arm has mastered the surprisingly complex task of sink washing, showing off its ability to learn.

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Category: Robotics, Technology

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VW's most impressive California camper van launches at tempting price

Sure, maybe it's blasphemy to say that any new Volkswagen California camper van is better than the icons that came before it. But Volkswagen has worked quite hard to optimize the freshly launched California eHybrid 4Motion for smart, affordable, carefree road trips. Not only does the new camper bus pack standard all-wheel drive to master the slick conditions inevitable in van life, it boasts a virtually silent, zero-emissions electric range over 80 km (50 miles) per charge. And given it adds only a 6.5% premium over the 2.0-liter turbo-diesel California, why wouldn't a buyer go for the 4Motion PHEV?

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RNA therapy an effective alternative to lifelong, painful eye injections

An RNA-editing gene therapy has been developed that switches off the key driver of common eye conditions affecting diabetics and the elderly. The researchers behind the innovative treatment say that it’s an alternative to the current treatment: regular injections of medication directly into the eye.

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Alzheimer’s drug trial raises concerns for accelerating cognitive decline

While growing evidence suggests that there’s a link between blood iron levels and the development of Alzheimer’s disease, new research investigating the effects of an available iron-reducing drug has raised concerns about its use as a treatment for the condition.

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Category: Alzheimer's & Dementia, Brain Health, Body & Mind

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$35 lens turns any smartphone into a powerful microscope

Six years on from the first iMicro smartphone microscope, the team has unveiled its latest: the iMicro Q3p, a fingertip-sized, lightweight device that makes microscopy inexpensive, portable and accessible to anyone with a camera on their phone. What's more, this new model features polarization, allowing you to see (and photograph) incredible detail in the structures of materials such as crystals and minerals – all for less than 1% of the cost of the equipment normally required to view these structures.

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Smooth-riding commuter ebike sports mid-mount internal gearbox

South Korean startup Kosmos has made its Indiegogo debut with a tech-packed ebike named the Nova7. The PAS commuter features a mid-mount internal gearbox, rear-hub motor with responsive torque sensing, and a low-maintenance belt drive.

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Category: Bicycles, Transport

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OfficeDesigns - Get Free Shipping w/ Lilo Ergonomic Standing Mat by National Office Furniture


♦ Determination to Learn

About a year ago, Daniel, a 19-year-old New Zealander, gave me a call, and asked if he could just come by our office and hang out and learn things quietly on his own. He wasn’t sure what to do for university, or if he even wanted to study at all. He was aware we had … Continue reading Determination to Learn


Swisscom: Weiterer Schritt zur Vodafone-Italia-Übernahme

Wenn ein europäisches Telekommunikationsunternehmen ein anderes kaufen will, ist das nicht so einfach. Swisscom hat weitere Genehmigungen für den Kauf von Vodafone Italia erhalten.


This Trendy Appliance Is a More Economical Alternative to an Oven for Cooking Your Meals

Beyond the benefits of quick, oil free cooking, this device has another big advantage: it uses less electricity than a traditional oven.


Here's How To Activate This Hidden Wi-Fi Feature for Faster Internet

Did you know that smartphones and tablets come with hidden settings to boost Wi-Fi speed?


Why Do We Wake Up Every Night at 3 or 4 in the Morning?

Do you find yourself waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning for no apparent reason? Don't worry, you're not alone! There's a simple explanation for this phenomenon.


Here's Why You Should Burn Bay Leaves in Your Home

While bay leaves are often used in cooking to flavor dishes, they also have surprising aromatic qualities. Burning them in your home can bring numerous benefits.


Microsoft Warns: Opening Too Many Emails in Outlook May Cause Crashes

Microsoft has warned Outlook users about a potential crash when opening a high number of emails simultaneously in the application.


10 Facts about Britain’s P.T. Barnum Including His Disturbing Death

“Lord” George Sanger was about as close to an A-list celebrity as one could be in Victorian Britain. He traveled the country bringing his beloved circus from town to town, astounding everyone from lowly laborers to royalty. Clever, cheeky, and possessing a natural talent for showmanship, Sanger has often drawn comparisons to P.T. Barnum. However, […]

The post 10 Facts about Britain’s P.T. Barnum Including His Disturbing Death appeared first on Listverse.


Japanese operators turn to Nvidia for AI cloud solutions

(Telecompaper) Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said SoftBank, GMO Internet Group, Highreso, KDDI, Rutilea and Sakura Internet are building AI infrastructure with Nvidia...


Waarom de komst van de UEFA-toernooien voor VodafoneZiggo zo belangrijk is

Het belang van het UEFA-voetbal voor VodafoneZiggo kan nauwelijks onderschat worden. Het verlies van Formula 1 en HBO, cord cutting, de gestegen rente en de concurrentie van glasvezel hebben de vrije kasstroom al sterk gereduceerd. Nu komen de programmakosten van UEFA er nog bij...


Is Delta overnamekandidaat voor VodafoneZiggo, dat UEFA countert met kostenbesparingen?

Onlangs schreven wij over de impact van de UEFA-uitzendingen op VodafoneZiggo. Extra omzet uit Ziggo Sport Totaal en het vasthouden van bestaande en het winnen van nieuwe klanten zijn de positieve kanten. Daar staan hogere programmakosten tegenover, die wij op jaarbasis met grofweg EUR 200 miljoen zien toenemen...


Open Dutch Fiber: vol inzetten op concurrentie met KPN Wholesale, met mogelijk een grote overname

De kans op een overname van ODF door KPN lijkt steeds kleiner te worden naarmate netwerkverdubbeling toeneemt. Dat maakt het waarschijnlijk dat ODF vol inzet op autonome groei, mogelijk aangevuld met een grote overname.


Skyworks forecasts return to annual revenue growth in December quarter

(Telecompaper) Skyworks Solutions reported revenues for its fiscal fourth quarter to September of USD 1.025 billion, better than in the previous quarter but still down around 16 percent from a year earlier...


T-Mobile US adds more data to 5G back up internet plans

(Telecompaper) T-Mobile US said it is adding more data to its Home Internet Backup and Small Business Internet Backup 5G plans, so that users with cable or fibre...


Videotron adds 28 more destinations to Canada-International wireless plan

(Telecompaper) Videotron has added 28 more international destinations to its Canada-International wireless plan...


Italy now cheapest for mobile postpaid plans in Western Europe after launch of Iliad

(Telecompaper) Italy has become the cheapest country for postpaid mobile services in Western Europe, following the launch of Iliad there as the fourth operator, according to the latest research by Telecompaper. The market researcher's annual comparison of mobile prices across 16 European countries also shows that...


Softbank partners Nvidia to turn base stations into AI revenue generators

(Telecompaper) SoftBank announced a series of collaborations with Nvidia to deploy what they claim is a new kind of telecommunications network that can run AI and...


UAE national internet domain '.ae' marks 347,000 registrations

(Telecompaper) The UAE national domain, .ae, has achieved 347,000 registrations, says the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority, which manages the domain...


Ericsson urges African governments to support school internet access

(Telecompaper) Ericsson has urged governments to play a key role in developing strategies that support internet access and online education...


ICANN and Smart Africa tie up to boost internet governance

(Telecompaper) The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Smart Africa to enhance internet governance capacity development across Africa...


Best Internet Providers in Gulfport, Mississippi

There are plenty of options for internet service providers in Gulfport. Here are CNET’s top picks.


Frontier Fiber Internet Review: Plans, Pricing, Speed and Availability

This fiber provider faces coming changes, so enjoy Frontier's fast speeds, low pricing and simple service terms while you can.


Best Internet Providers in Fayetteville, Arkansas

Fayetteville residents can enjoy speedy internet plans offered by a bunch of different providers. These are the top options you should consider.


WOW Internet Review: Plans, Pricing, Speed and Availability

While this cable provider isn’t as well known as others, it still deserves some hype for its solid home broadband offerings. CNET has all the details.


Follow These Steps to Find Your iPhone Even if It's Turned Off

Use Apple's Find My app to keep tabs on your device whether it's powered on.