
Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy warns New Zealand to pay attention to Tasmania's experience.

Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy warns New Zealand to pay attention to Tasmania's experience

  • Diseases and Disorders
  • Infectious Diseases (Other)


How COVID-19 has changed the workload of Australian paramedics

As the country stays bunkered down during the pandemic, some ambulance services have seen a reduction in call-outs, especially to road accidents. Others say they're dealing with calls about flu-like symptoms that need to go elsewhere.


Easing of restrictions on the cards, Chief Medical Officer hints

The Chief Medical Officer spent nearly two hours answering questions from senators about Australia's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Here are all the key points you need to know.

  • COVID-19
  • Diseases and Disorders
  • Health
  • Infectious Diseases (Other)
  • Government and Politics


Paramedics' decision to leave woman who refused treatment questioned by coroner

Ambulance paramedics left a woman with a history of mental illness alone in her home without electricity, hot water or lighting before she was found dead months later, in a move a coroner said was "difficult to understand."


Australia's enthusiasm for medicinal emu oil takes flight, as producers push to keep up with demand

Australia's emu farmers are trying to ramp up production as the demand for oil increases.


Blood donations saved Jemma's life. The one medicine doctors can't buy

Jemma Burns survived being run over by a truck thanks to the blood donations of others. Now, as the Red Cross Blood Service marks its 90th anniversary, it is planning to expand into other interesting and unusual areas.


Aiia Maasarwe's family launches Palestinian-Israeli medical fellowship in murdered student's honour

The sister of murdered exchange student Aiia Maasarwe says she does not feel safe in Melbourne, as she returns to the city of her sister's death to help launch a fellowship in her honour.


Victorian man sentenced to five years, nine months in jail for slashing off-duty paramedic

A man responsible for an "atrocious attack" on an off-duty paramedic during a crime spree on the Mornington Peninsula last year is sentenced to five years and nine months in jail.


Pet therapy is good medicine in the Mid West

A team of volunteer dog owners are faithfully visiting aged-care homes with their canine companions, bringing much joy and contentment to many of the residents.


Paramedic bashed on charity bike ride says he doesn't want teenage attackers charged

Daniel Mansbridge was seven kilometres into a 1,000-kilometre charity ride for children's cancer when he was knocked off his bicycle and bashed by a group of teenagers.


Medical student Hannah Clements, Dr Javed Badyari and Rebecca Newtown in their swags in Wollongong Mall on night four of the sleepout


Medical students and doctor sleep out in their scrubs to end 'Indefinite Detention'

They've battled gale-force winds, cold winter nights, and drunks serenading them with Billy Joel classics at three in the morning. But two young medicos are determined to keep sleeping out in their scrubs to draw attention to the detention of asylum seekers.


Medical negligence claim launched against GPs over teenager's suicide

The family of 19-year-old Sabrina Di Lembo allege the GPs and mental health service involved in her treatment were negligent.


Cannabis oil advocate Jenny Hallam spared conviction for supplying medicinal cannabis

A South Australian cannabis oil distributor has been spared a conviction for providing the drug to terminally ill people, with the judge saying her actions helped rather than harmed the recipients.


Irlen syndrome, the condition medical experts say doesn't exist, promoted to school teachers

According to medical experts, a condition that requires coloured glasses does not exist, yet WA and NSW teachers have attended training sessions on it.


Cluster of coronavirus cases discovered at Melbourne abattoir as paramedic tests positive

The number of coronavirus cases in Victoria continues to inch up as a paramedic tests positive to the virus and health authorities investigate a cluster at a meat processing plant.


'You can't function in that much pain': Army veteran finds relief with medicinal cannabis after six-month wait

Doctors label medicinal cannabis prescriptions a "bureaucratic nightmare" requiring "a massive learning curve", as patients say people in pain cannot wait months for relief.


Ambulance Tasmania failing to meet health and safety standards for paramedics, leaked report shows

Consultants investigating Ambulance Tasmania found poor management of fatigue and workplace stress and a lack of workplace health and safety procedures across the organisation, a leaked report reveals.


'Unsafe' conditions prompt paramedics to stop treating patients outside of ambulances at Royal Hobart Hospital

Paramedics will return patients to ambulances for care if they are waiting more than half an hour in the ramping area of the Royal Hobart Hospital.


Hair donations for medical wigs a growing trend, as PE teacher donates long locks honouring his mum

A high school PE teacher cuts his long hair in honour of his mum, as donations of human hair for medical wigs increases.

  • ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast
  • southeastsa
  • eyre
  • riverland
  • Community and Society:All:All
  • Community and Society:Charities and Community Organisations:All
  • Community and Society:Community Organisations:All
  • Health:All:All
  • Health:Diseases and Disorders:All
  • Health:Diseases and Disorders:Breast Cancer
  • Health:Diseases and Disorders:Cancer
  • Health:Hair:All
  • Australia:SA:Mount Gambier 5290
  • Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606
  • Australia:SA:Renmark 5341


Royal Flying Doctor once more providing medical services to Innamincka

John Flynn established a medical facility in Innamincka and now, 68 years later, the RFDS is continuing on-the-ground medical services.


NT police chief admits officers breached privacy of public servant's medical records

The Northern Territory's Police Commissioner and soon-to-be federal police chief admits some of his officers inappropriately accessed the private medical records of a public servant.


Indigenous art depicting bush medicine draws acclaim from critics and collectors

In the remote Northern Territory community of Ampilatwatja, paintings show the prescriptions for thousands of years of traditional healing.

  • 783 ABC Alice Springs
  • alicesprings
  • Arts and Entertainment:All:All
  • Arts and Entertainment:Visual Art:All
  • Arts and Entertainment:Visual Art:Painting
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Aboriginal
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):All
  • Community and Society:Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander):Indigenous Culture
  • Human Interest:All:All
  • Human Interest:Awards and Prizes:All
  • Human Interest:People:All
  • Australia:NT:Alice Springs 0870
  • Australia:NT:All
  • Australia:NT:Tennant Creek 0860


Boy who survived pencil lodged in skull meets paramedics who saved him

A Gold Coast mother relives the horror of finding her young son with a pencil lodged in the roof of his mouth as she is reunited with the paramedics who helped save his life.


Gulf Frontier Days Festival providing music, dance and medicine for heart and soul

This year's Gulf Frontier Days Festival attracted Indigenous and non-Indigenous people from all over the world.


Online pharmacy investment in Beaverswood Labelling just the medicine for improvements

Investment in new warehouse storage and handling systems has helped an online pharmacy secure an estimated 30% improvement in productivity.


COVID-19 EU border closures and Brexit impacts movement of medical supplies, says GlobalData

Free goods movement restrictions, imposed by the majority of EU countries at their borders to control the spread COVID-19, are disrupting supply chains, including crucial drug and medical equipment supplies.


Immunologist accused of abusing patients says internal examinations were medical not sexual

A Newcastle immunologist on trial for abusing dozens of women has argued vaginal and anal examinations he performed on patients were for medical, not sexual reasons.


Desperate patients turn to black market for medicinal cannabis despite spike in legal prescriptions

A father says the day he watched his infant daughter suffer a violent two-and-a-half-hour seizure was when he decided breaking the law was a small price to pay for her life.


Tristar Medical Group chain under 'significant financial stress', keeps rural doctors waiting for pay

The Tristar Medical Group's chain of 50 clinics across regional Australia has been under "significant financial stress for 18 months" resulting in doctors often not being paid for weeks or months.


Sober in the Country: Rural health advocate Shanna Whan fights to save farmers from self-medicating with alcohol

The founder of an online discussion supporting hundreds trying to go dry believes drought, financial hardship, uncertainty, and isolation are causing more rural people to self-medicate with alcohol.


How Kushner’s Volunteer Force Led a Fumbling Hunt for Medical Supplies - The New York Times

via Health News - The New York Times


Shenouda v. Veterinary Medical Board

(California Court of Appeal) - Upheld a Veterinary Medical Board decision to take disciplinary action against a veterinarian for improperly treating four animal patients. Affirmed the denial of the veterinarian's petition for a writ of administrative mandate.


Applied Medical Corporation v. Thomas

(California Court of Appeal) - In a corporate governance action, arising from plaintiff corporation's suit over the exercise of its right to repurchase shares of its stock, given to defendant under a stock incentive plan for outside directors on its board, the trial court's grant of summary judgment to defendant is: 1) reversed because plaintiff's conversion claim could be based on either ownership or the right to possession at the time of conversion; and 2) affirmed because plaintiff's fraud claims were not timely under either the discovery rule or relation back doctrine, and thus barred by the statute of limitations.


Randall Joyner, et al., respondents, v. Middletown Medical, P.C., et al., appellants.

(NY Supreme Court) - 2017–07383 (Index  12949/10) 12949/10


Nautilus Insurance Company v. Access Medical, LLC

(United States Ninth Circuit) - Certified Question. The panel certified the question of state law to the Nevada Supreme Court asking whether an insurer is entitled reimbursement of costs already expended in defense of its insured where a determination has been made that the insurer owed no duty to defend and there was an agreement requiring reimbursement, but with no reservation of rights.


Medical Board of California v. The Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco

(California Court of Appeal) - Granting a writ petition in the case of a doctor who contested the introduction of arrest records relating to his conviction for possession of cocaine in professional misconduct proceedings and the tension between the Penal Code section stating that successful completion of a diversion program should not be used in a way that could result in the loss of a license and the Business and Professions Code section stating that the successful completion of diversion does not prohibit the agency from taking disciplinary action, holding that the latter statute was controlling.


Applied Medical Corporation v. Thomas

(California Court of Appeal) - In a corporate governance action, arising from plaintiff corporation's suit over the exercise of its right to repurchase shares of its stock, given to defendant under a stock incentive plan for outside directors on its board, the trial court's grant of summary judgment to defendant is: 1) reversed because plaintiff's conversion claim could be based on either ownership or the right to possession at the time of conversion; and 2) affirmed because plaintiff's fraud claims were not timely under either the discovery rule or relation back doctrine, and thus barred by the statute of limitations.


Stone Basket Innovations, LLC v. Cook Medical, LLC

(United States Federal Circuit) - Affirming a district court order denying a motion for attorney fees following the dismissal of a patent infringement suit with prejudice because attorney fees are only available in exceptional circumstances and the court decision was not an abuse of discretion.


Sanchez v. Kern Emergency Medical Trans.

(California Court of Appeal) - In an action arising out of injuries plaintiff sustained during a high school football game, alleging ambulance crew was grossly negligent in not properly assessing plaintiff's condition and immediately transporting him to the hospital in the standby ambulance, the trial court's grant of summary judgment to ambulance service provider defendant is affirmed where the court did not err in finding that there was no triable issue of material fact regarding causation.


Ingham Regional Medical Ctr. V. US

(United States Federal Circuit) - In a government contracts action claiming underpayment for outpatient medical services provided for current and former military service members, the Federal Claims Court's dismissal for failure to state a claim is reversed where plaintiffs are not barred by bringing a breach of contract claim by a release included in the contract the government is accused of breaching.