
Wainwright Marks Management - Germany Faces Skilled Labor Shortages

Wainwright Marks Management - Companies in Germany and France say shortage of skilled labor is preventing businesses from expanding.


Pentagon leaker sentenced to 15 years in jail

A member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard who leaked classified Pentagon information has been jailed for 15 years.


Watch: Drone footage captures Kentucky explosion damage

An "unknown" explosion at factory in Louisville, Kentucky injured 11 people on Tuesday.


Picnic cottage enjoyed by Queen Victoria restored to former glory

A picnic cottage enjoyed by Queen Victoria during her visits to Balmoral has been restored to its former glory by the National Trust for Scotland.


How the Small Business Staged Its Comeback

One of the most popular case studies used to decry the rise of the corporation is the apparent downfall of local bookstores. With Borders now just a fond memory and Barnes & Noble living on borrowed time, it’s clearer than ever that Americans have spoken and Amazon has won—or has it?

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Google Mobile Friendly Algorithm Gives Small Businesses The Advantage

Despite the warning, a number of extremely well known brands are still scrabbling to minimise the impact of Google’s mobile algorithm update, leaving smaller businesses with the advantage as long as they do not panic according to leading UK and US Search experts.

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Stages of a Small Business

As a small business develops, it moves through five growth stages, each with its own distinctive characteristics. Small businesses vary widely in size, industry focus, management styles and capacity for growth.

While each enterprise is unique in many ways, all experience common problems arising at similar stages in their development. For owners, understanding what can be expected in each stage of development will aid in assessing challenges and smooth the transition for business growth.

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10 Examples of Instagram Ads and the Lessons They Can Teach

Without further ado, then, here are some of my favorite Instagram ads, as well as some that I would have handled differently, and the lessons you can learn from them.

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6 SEO Advantages Small Businesses Have Over Major Firms

When small business owners think about getting involved in SEO, they often become intimidated (or frustrated). They see massive corporations and large businesses dominating the search engine world, and it is no secret why they are able to. They have access to tens of thousands of dollars (or more) to spend on online marketing, a highly talented full-time staff to oversee campaign management, and perhaps most importantly, they have been around for years, so they have had time to cement their authority in their respective niches.

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4 Simple Ways to Grow Your Brand on Instagram

Having a smart mobile marketing strategy is an important part of building your personal brand online. Leveraging your social networks to their fullest potential is also important for visibility.

Instagram is one of the most widely used networks today that can help build a larger audience and following online, making it a must-engage tool for brands. Posting relevant images, ads and videos that your audience will love is just one part of the success formula.

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The Small Business Guide To Instagram Growth

In recent years Instagram has risen to become one of the social media giants, with over 800 million monthly active users, it can be a fantastic tool for businesses and brands. Not only is it a great platform to showcase what you have to offer, it’s also a great place to make connections, get involved in influencer marketing and reach new clients and customers. So how can you use the platform to make money? Here are some Instagram tips for small business owners.

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A Small-Business Guide to Instagram Stories

Instagram is a great source to build your brand’s identity, engage new followers and expand your reach. However, if you’re simply posting images to your business Instagram page, you’re missing out on a major opportunity on the platform: Instagram Stories. With Stories, you can show a behind-the-scenes look at your brand while developing its personality and building authentic relationships with your followers.

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7 tips to make your small business an Instagram star

Get out your pink paint. Or your coral, or yellow or teal. By the time you finish reading this column, you’re going to be painting one wall of your small business a color that will pop on Instagram.

Why? Because Instagram is today’s powerhouse social media site for consumer businesses. And if you give customers an inviting way to post to Instagram, they'll advertise your business for free.

A few years ago, if you wanted to reach retail consumers, the social media site of choice was Facebook. While it may still work for reaching certain demographics, many consumers – especially female Millennials – love Instagram.

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How to Write a Tagline for Your Business

When done correctly, a tagline can become synonymous with a brand. A good tagline should communicate your companys message quickly and effectively, helping your target customers understand how you can help them in a way that’s easy to remember.

Since it is something that will likely appear in all of your companys marketing materials and may stick with you for years, your team should put a lot of care and consideration into crafting your tagline.

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Take Advantage of Excel Templates for Business, See These 15 Areas They Could Help

Spreadsheets have long been an important tool for businesses. You can use them for just about anything. This includes budgeting and planning out important marketing campaigns.

No tool seems more synonymous with spreadsheets than Excel. Microsofts tool allows you to easily fill in spaces and create tables. But it also takes advantage of some more advanced features. However, starting from scratch will not give you a productive business.

You may want to take advantage of all that Excel has to offer. But maybe you don’t know exactly how to get started. So templates become a great option. Check out some sources for Excel business templates that can help you in 15 different areas of business operations.

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Small Business 401(k)s: How to Take Advantage of the New DOL Rule

If you own or are employed by a small business—and are among the approximately 38 million people in the U.S. with no access to a retirement plan at work—you may be interested in a new U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) rule set to take effect Sept. 30, 2019.

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How These Female Founders Are Using Instagram to Mentor the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs

High-profile entrepreneurs like Stitch Fixs Katrina Lake and The Riveter's Amy Stern Nelson are using Stories to answer questions about everything from managing cash flow to storing breast milk during business trips.

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Small Businesses Must Take Advantage of the Democratization of Data

Learn how the easy availability of big data can help SMBs compete with big businesses.

- Data is now easier to collect and cheaper to host, making it accessible to nearly every business.
- The availability of data helps small businesses compete against big corporations, but they may still struggle to use that data in practical ways.
- Three ways small businesses can use big data to grow include checking on credit data about your business, monitoring supply chain data, and keeping an eye on artificial intelligence and automation innovations.

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5 Deductions Small Business Owners Do Not Take Advantage Of

A lot of small businesses appear to be doing just that though. In fact, the National Federation of Independent Businesses found that tax compliance costs are 67 percent higher for small businesses than larger ones.  They add up to $18-$19 billion per year across the U.S small business environment.

With the complexity of filing taxes quickly each year, many small business owners miss deductions that can help lower their tax burden.

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8 Ways Business Owners Can Take Advantage of the Federal Stimulus Package

There is a strategy to maximizing all the benefits of Congress recent $2 trillion stimulus package in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not just applying for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or tapping into your 401k. In fact, there are actually eight key pieces to the legislation that can assist business owners in one form or another.

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That lovely Instagram shoutout could save a small business from shuttering this yearX

Kudos matter now more than ever. On average, social media endorsements of small businesses generate 23% of revenues, according to data from Amex.

Few things put more smiles on the faces of small-business owners than social media recommendations about their products or services, but now, new research proves that those online shoutouts also put cash in their bank accounts.

On average, social media endorsements of small businesses generate 23% of revenues—or approximately $197 billion—new data from American Express finds.


What Are the 3 Stages of Psychosis?

Title: What Are the 3 Stages of Psychosis?
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 1/4/2022 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 1/4/2022 12:00:00 AM


Heritage Auction wrap up

I'm starting to hear that the money that came in from the Heritage Auction is going out to people and doing what I hoped it would do, which is make life easier for artists and writers.

So this is a reminder to those of us who may have bought comic art long ago, often directly from the artists, when it was cheap, that now it's worth hundreds of times what was paid for it, the artists never see any of that. 

Tracking down the artist and sending them a share will be a welcome gesture.

Or donating to The Hero Initiative, who are helping many elderly and infim comics creators, or to the Authors League Fund, or (if you are in another country) seeing if there is a charity that helps artists and/or authors that you could donate to would be a good thing to do. 

(And for those who don't know what this is about, it's about this: http://journal.neilgaiman.com/2024/03/in-which-i-can-now-worry-significantly.html)


Einladung an die Medien: Landtag im Kino


Anette Röttger: Den Reformationstag als Mutmacher-Tag feiern


Schleswig-Holsteinischer Landtag stärkt die nordische Zusammenarbeit - Jahrestreffen des Nordischen Rates auf Island


BSPC - Ständiger Ausschuss tagt unter neuer Leitung in Tallinn


Korrektur: BSPC - Ständiger Ausschuss tagt unter neuer Leitung in Tallinn


Kitagesetz: Unzufriedenheit zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch den Reformprozess


Schleswig-Holsteinischer Bürgerpreis 2024: Neun Projekte in den Kategorien "Alltagshelden" und "U27" nominiert!


Einladung an die Medien: Zentrale Gedenkstunde des Landes Schleswig-Holstein zum Volkstrauertag 2024 im Landtag


Landtagspräsidentin Kristina Herbst liest am diesjährigen Bundesweiten Vorlesetag in der Grundschule Dänischenhagen vor


Reihenfolge der Beratung der 27. Tagung


Wave Arts - Tube Sat Vintage 1.0.2

Freeware for PC : Plug-ins & effects / Tube emulation


Un haut responsable du PCC appelle � la promotion d'une communaut� Chine-Vietnam d'avenir partag�

Le haut responsable chinois, Li Xi, a rencontr� Phan Dinh Trac, membre du Bureau politique, secr�taire du secr�tariat et pr�sident de la Commission des affaires int�rieures du Comit� central du Parti communiste vietnamien (PCV), mardi � Beijing. ...


La visite au Br�sil de Xi Jinping renforcera davantage les liens culturels et les �changes entre les peuples

Les personnes de tous horizons engag�es en faveur de l'amiti� sino-br�silienne au Br�sil se r�jouissent de la visite du pr�sident Xi Jinping dans le pays et restent pr�tes � contribuer davantage � l'approfondissement de l'amiti� entre le Br�sil et...


La Chine est pr�te � cr�er davantage d'opportunit�s pour les partenaires de l'Asie-Pacifique gr�ce au d�veloppement et � l'ouverture

La Chine est pr�te � profiter de la 31e r�union des dirigeants �conomiques de l'APEC pour cr�er davantage d'opportunit�s pour les partenaires de l'Asie-Pacifique avec un d�veloppement de haute qualit� et une ouverture de haut niveau, a d�clar�...


Entscheidung über Schweigegeld-Urteil gegen Trump vertagt

Im New Yorker Schweigegeld-Prozess wurde Ex-Präsident Trump im Mai in allen Punkten schuldig gesprochen. Doch das Strafmaß steht noch aus. Nun wurde der Prozess vertagt - es geht um eine Entscheidung über Trumps Immunität.


Pentagon-Leaks: US-Nationalgardist zu 15 Jahren Haft verurteilt

Ein junger IT-Spezialist des US-Militärs hatte wiederholt geheime Dokumente im Internet veröffentlicht. Unter anderem ging es um Erkenntnisse zum Ukraine-Krieg. 2023 wurde er festgenommen. Jetzt ist er zu 15 Jahren Haft verurteilt worden.


Scholz gibt Regierungserklärung ab - Söder mit Premiere im Bundestag

Scholz' Regierungserklärung am Mittag dürfte den Wahlkampf eröffnen. Dabei kommt es nicht nur zum Rededuell mit CDU-Chef Merz. Auch Bayerns Regierungschef Söder will sich bei seiner Premiere im Bundestag den Kanzler "vorknöpfen". Von S. Henkel.


Bundestag soll über AfD-Verbotsantrag abstimmen

Eine Gruppe von Bundestagsabgeordneten hat Bundestagspräsidentin Bas einen Antrag auf ein Verbotsverfahren gegen die AfD übergeben. Angesichts der vorgezogenen Wahl unterstreicht Mitinitiator Wanderwitz die Dringlichkeit eines Verbots.


tagesschau | ARD-aktuell


Martial Arts Therapy Postage Pal

This Postage Pal will help you show your passion and dedication to your martial arts discipline and that it truly is better than therapy - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's martial arts. Who needs therapy; when the martial arts are your outlet? There can be several reasons of why you do not need therapy when you use martial arts as therapy. In martial arts, whether it is taekwondo, karate, kung fu or jujutsu, there is a physical and mental level of discipline that is achieved that overflows into every area of your life, helping you to be able to have respect for others, maintain focus to achieve other goals and also to help overcome problems and situations. Then there is the physical release that martial arts bring whether it is working on your forms, during sparing or breaking boards. Another way that martial arts helps bring tension release and peace top the mind and body is the mental preparation and focus bring a single mind to the task at hand creating self-control, self-restraint and a mental readiness to handle potentially stressful situations and diffuse them easily.


TNP - Stage of Alzheimer's

Provides information on symptoms and warning signs for the various stages of Alzheimer's disease.


LXer: Linux kernel 6.11 lands with vintage TV support

Published at LXer: Released remotely from Vienna, Linux kernel 6.11 is here, with improved monochrome TV support. Yes, in 2024. Emperor penguin Linus Torvalds was attending the Open Source Summit...

  • Syndicated Linux News


Radio Heritage News feed Archive

Archive of Radio Heritage News - From David's Desk RSS feed


July 11 2ZA Radio Golden Years Reinvented on Stage

2ZA 'The Voice of the Manawatu' began broadcasting from Palmerston North in 1938. An ambitious social history exhibition was mounted by the regional museum Te Manawa to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the local radio station that had such an impact on community life...


July 16 2009 New Heritage Friends WVUV-FM and KKHJ-FM

Welcome to South Seas Broadcasting, Inc stations V103 and 93KHJ in American Samoa, latest Heritage Friends of the Radio Heritage Foundation.


July 19 2009 Radio Heritage Foundation - Book Review

Never A Dull Moment by Keith Richardson. Keith Richardson is known to Kiwi babyboomers for his top rating radio shows on 1XN Whangarei, 2ZC Napier, 2ZB Wellington...