
Podatności w oprogramowaniu Kioware for Windows

W oprogramowaniu Kioware for Windows wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (CVE-2024-3459, CVE-2024-3460 oraz CVE-2024-3461).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu CemiPark

W oprogramowaniu CemiPark wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (od CVE-2024-4423 do CVE-2024-4425).


Podatności w oprogramowaniach przychodni medycznych

W oprogramowaniach Eurosoft Przychodnia, drEryk Gabinet i SimpleCare wykryto podatności polegające na stosowaniu tego samego, zakodowanego na stałe, hasła do bazy danych. Podatnościom przypisano identyfikatory CVE-2024-1228, CVE-2024-3699 i CVE-2024-3700.


Krytyczne podatności w oprogramowaniu MegaBIP

W oprogramowaniu MegaBIP wykryto 3 krytyczne podatności różnego typu i nadano im identyfikatory CVE-2024-1576, CVE-2024-1577 oraz CVE-2024-1659.


Podatności we wtyczce AdmirorFrames do platformy Joomla!

We wtyczce AdmirorFrames do platformy Joomla! wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu i nadano im identyfikatory CVE-2024-5735, CVE-2024-5736 i CVE-2024-5737.


Podatności w oprogramowaniu Concept Intermedia S@M CMS

W oprogramowaniu Concept Intermedia S@M CMS wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (CVE-2024-3800, CVE-2024-3801 oraz CVE-2024-3816).


Podatności w urządzeniach Longse Technology

W oprogramowaniu urządzeń firmy Longse Technology wykryto 4 podatności (od CVE-2024-5631 do CVE-2024-5634).


Podatności w otwartoźródłowym projekcie Phoniebox

W ramach badań własnych CERT Polska znalazł 2 podatności (CVE-2024-3798 oraz CVE-2024-3799) w otwartoźródłowym projekcie Phoniebox.


Podatności w oprogramowaniu EZD RP

W oprogramowaniu EZD RP wykryto 3 podatności różnego typu (od CVE-2024-7265 do CVE-2024-7267).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu HyperView Geoportal Toolkit

W oprogramowaniu HyperView Geoportal Toolkit wykryto 2 podatności różnego typu (CVE-2024-6449 oraz CVE-2024-6450).


Podatności w oprogramowaniu MegaBIP

W oprogramowaniu MegaBIP wykryto 2 podatności różnego typu (CVE-2024-6662 oraz CVE-2024-6880).


Outstanding Leaders Exhibit More Than Just Emotional Intelligence--They Have These 7 Traits, According to Neuroscience

The topic of emotional intelligence (EQ) continues to dominate leadership conversations. Rightly so. However, in a Harvard Business Review (HBR) article that highlighted research by Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis (experts on the topic), EQ is only the beginning.

Whereas EQ has an emphasis on individual psychology, there is a more relationship-based version called social intelligence. Social Intelligence, as defined by Goleman and Boyatizis, is a set of interpersonal competencies built on specific neural circuits and responses that inspire others to be effective. In other words, based on neuroscience and biology, there are certain leadership behaviors that elicit positive emotional responses in your team members.

complete article


Ascites: Fluid Retention

Title: Ascites: Fluid Retention
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 7/13/2009 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/28/2022 12:00:00 AM


The Bio-Chemical Matrix - The Myths of Matrix Science

by Jon Rappoport The medical system kills 225,000 people a year. (Starfield, JAMA, July 26, 2000, "Is US health really the best in the world?") "In principle, gene therapy is a medical miracle waiting to happen ... after 17 years of trying, scientists are still struggling to make gene therapy work. Complications include rejection of DNA carriers ... [and] new genes end up where they shouldn't, or behave unpredictably." ("Gene Therapy: Is Death and Acceptable Risk?", Wired, Brandon Keim, August 30, 2007) MARCH 28, 2012 - In discussing Matrix Science, I'm reminded of Philip Dick's sensational novel, Lies, Inc. It proposes an invention that can teleport humans light-years to a planet where a better way of life exists. The author then spends the rest of the book deconstructing this utopian legend and revealing the truth and the titanic power-grab that sit behind it. Then there is HG Well's 1933 classic novel, The Shape of Things to Come, in which a world exhausted by war and economic collapse turns to a Global State as the only possible solution, after all other solutions have historically failed. This new ruling authority is based on Science. All religions are crushed. Education is designed to teach every child how to become a genius/global citizen. Eventually, the State withers away and is of course replaced by a spontaneous Utopia. Science/technology: the final all-encompassing answer. A significant aspect of Matrix propaganda revolves around myths about how human behavior can be transformed. Transformed through advances in biology and chemistry. Populations are being trained to expect these momentous changes. A major selling point: no effort is required. Just ingest this tablet. Accept this new gene. All will be done for you by experts. Technocrats will design the future so you will fit into it happily. The technocratic wing of Globalism has clout. It promises management of the planet through science, and who can argue with science? Central Planning will ensure proper benefits for all. My late friend and colleague, hypnotherapist Jack True, once told me in an interview:...


Revival Now Pt8: A New Disciple-Making Movement

Along with preceding prayer, the next most common external feature of historic revivals is probably the preaching of the gospel. Renewal in the church may not necessarily feature many souls being saved but revival certainly does. In Part 8 of his 'Revival Now' series, David Legge emphasises the need for the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom in Holy Spirit power. We need to get back to preaching the good news of Jesus with passion and urgency. However, public preaching is only a part of what it means to spread the gospel; David also exhorts that we must be making disciples. He shares how simple disciple-making movements are spreading the flame of revival in some of the most persecuted countries on the planet and how this might well be a divine blueprint for us in the West to follow. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


LXer: Linux Candy: PyBonsai � generates procedural ASCII art trees

Published at LXer: PyBonsai is a Python script that generates procedural ASCII art trees in the comfort of your terminal. This is free and open source software. Read More......

  • Syndicated Linux News


Scientific Evidence and Intelligent Design

Media coverage of Intelligent Design debate and accepting 'authority as absolute'.


Nieruchomości ROTUNDA Bielsko-Biała

Serwis Internetowy Nieruchomości ROTUNDA.


fMRI data trove yields new insights into consciousness and abstract thought

Using 20 years of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from tens of thousands of brain imaging experiments, neuroscientists at the University of Massachusetts have created a geometry-based method for massive data analysis to reach a new understanding of how thought arises from brain structure...


Master in "Diritto amministrativo e scienze dell'amministrazione" (Roma, gennaio - ...

La Facoltà di giurisprudenza dell'Università degli studi "Roma Tre" organizza un Master in diritto amministrativo e scienze dell'amministrazione. Il Master si rivolge a giovani laureati, dirigenti e funzionari delle P.A. dei diversi livelli istituzionali, con l'obiettivo di fornire loro competenze applicate sui temi della governance pubblica. Il Master si realizza tra in un anno, tra gennaio e dicembre 2007.


The Fascinating Relationship between Fitness and Dental Health

How exercise and staying in shape can affect and benefit your dental health.


The Chinese Podcast Industry is Not really podcasting as Americans think of it, but it is fascinating

Johanna Zorn is leaving the Third Coast Festival. The executive director and co-founder of the Chicago-based audio documentary conference will be departing in the fall, and the search for her replacement will kick off later this week. The move was announced Wednesday through a letter published on the Third Coast website.

Obviously, this is a major development for the beloved conference, which has become one of the most, if not the most important gatherings for radio and podcast producers since its founding almost two decades ago. Third Coast grew particularly quickly over the past few years — tracking the growth spurt in the audio world around it — the biggest expression of which was the decision to shift the festival towards an annualized schedule in 2016. (It was previously held every two years.)

complete article


A Podcast for Every Discipline? The Rise of Educational Audio

It is well-known that podcasting is huge these days. But you might not realize how many educational podcasts are out there.

By educational, we mean shows that focus on some super-focused topic, like a specific period of history or an academic discipline. For instance, there are at least 15 or 20 active podcasts about linguistics, and there are several podcasts out there about conversational Latin (and we were pretty sure that was a dead language that was no longer spoken).

A Podcast for Every Discipline? The Rise of Educational Audio


The 10 Biggest Breakthroughs in the Science in Learning

When it comes to human organs, none is quite so mysterious as the brain. For centuries, humans have had numerous misconceptions and misunderstandings about how the organ works, grows, and shapes our ability to learn and develop. While we still have a long way to go before we truly unravel all the mysteries the brain has to offer, scientists have been making some major breakthroughs that have gone a long way in explaining both how the brain functions and how we use it to organize, recall, and acquire new information. Here, we list just a few of the biggest and most impactful of these breakthroughs that have contributed to our understanding of the science of learning.

  1. More information doesn’t mean more learning.

    The brain is equipped to tackle a pretty hefty load of information and sensory input, but there is a point at which the brain becomes overwhelmed, an effect scientists call cognitive overload. While our brains do appreciate new and novel information, as we’ll discuss later, when there is too much of it we become overwhelmed as our minds simply can’t divide our attention between all the different elements vying for it. This term has become a major talking point in criticisms of multi-tasking and in the modern information-saturated online sphere, but the discovery of this cognitive phenomenon also has major implications for education. In order to reduce mental noise, teachers have had to take new approaches to presenting material, using techniques like chunking, focusing on past experiences, and eliminating non-essential elements to help students remember a large body of information.
  2. The brain is a highly dynamic organ.

    Until the past few decades, people believed that the connections between the neurons in your brain were fixed by the time you were a teenager, and perhaps even earlier. One of the biggest breakthroughs in understanding the science of learning happened when scientists began to realize that this just wasn’t the case. In fact, the brain’s wiring can change at any age and it can grow new neurons and adapt to new situations, though the rate at which this happens does slow with age. This phenomenon is called neuroplasticity, and it has had major ramifications in our understanding of how the brain works and how we can use that understanding to improve learning outcomes.
  3. Emotion influences the ability to learn.

    The ability to learn, retain, and use information isn’t just based on our raw IQs. Over the past few decades it has become increasingly clear that how we feel and our overall emotional state can have a major impact on how well we can learn new things. Educational situations where students feel stressed, shamed, or just uncomfortable can actually make it more difficult for them to learn, increasing negative emotions and sparking a vicious cycle that may leave some children reluctant to attend class. Research is revealing why, as the emotional part of the brain, the limbic system has the ability to open up or shut off access to learning and memory. When under stress or anxiety, the brain blocks access to higher processing and stops forming new connections, making it difficult or impossible to learn. It may seem like common sense that classrooms should be welcoming, non-stressful environments, but different students have different triggers for negative emotional states, making it key for educators to watch for signs that indicate this in students.
  4. Mistakes are an essential part of learning.

    Failure is a dirty word in most aspects of modern American society, but when it comes to the science of learning, research shows that they’re essential. A recent study found that students performed better in school and felt more confident when they were told that failure was a normal part of learning, bolstering a growing body of research that suggests much of the same. Much like it takes multiple tries to get the hang of riding a bike or completing an acrobatic feat, it can also take multiple tries to master an academic task. Neuroscience research suggests that the best way to learn something new isn’t to focus on mistakes but instead to concentrate on how to do a task correctly. Focusing on the error only reinforces the existing incorrect neural pathway, and will increase the chance that the mistake will be made again. A new pathway has to be built, which means abandoning the old one and letting go of that mistake. This idea has formed the basis for a growing debate about education in American schools, which many believe doesn’t allow children to embrace creativity and problem solving as they are too focused on memorization and test scores.
  5. The brain needs novelty.

    Turns out boredom really can kill you, or at least your will to pay attention and learn. Repetition may have its place in learning, but what the brain really craves is novelty. Researchers have found that novelty causes the dopamine system in the brain to become activated, sending the chemical throughout the brain. While we often regard dopamine as the “feel good” chemical, scientists have shown that it actually plays a much bigger role, encouraging feelings of motivation and prompting the brain to learn about these new and novel stimuli. This breakthrough has led to some major changes in how we think about learning, and has motivated many schools to embrace learning methods that cater to our brains’ need for new and different experiences.
  6. There are no learning styles.

    What kind of learner are you? Chances are good that at some point during your educational career someone labeled you as a particular type of learner, either visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. This idea that there are distinct types of learners who learn best with certain assortment of stimuli has been showing up in education and brain science for decades, but recent studies have shown that this idea really doesn’t hold much water. Students may have preferences for how they learn, but when put to the test, students were found to have equivalent levels of learning regardless of how information is presented. Attention to the individual talents, preferences, and abilities of students, which helps to cater to the emotional and social needs of students and improves their ability to learn, is more important than styles (of which there have been 71 different models over the past few decades).
  7. Brains operate on the “use it or lose it” principle.

    There’s a reason that you forget how to speak a language or work out a trigonometry problem if you don’t use those skills on a regular basis. Information in the brain that isn’t used is often lost, as neural pathways are weakened over time. Research has found that the brain generates more cells than it needs, with those that receive both chemical and electrical stimuli surviving and the rest dying off. The brain has to receive regular stimulation through a given pathway in the brain to sustain those cells, which is why lifelong learning is so important to brain health. These findings also have implications for vacations in K-12 education as well, as students who don’t get intellectual stimulation over the summer are much more likely to forget important skills in reading and math when they return to class.
  8. Learning is social.

    While some select individuals may learn well cloistered in a library with a stack of books, the majority of people need a social environment to maximize their learning. Research has found that from infancy on, people learn better through social cues, much more easily recalling and emulating the actions or words of another human. Aside from social cues, socialization has been shown to have other learning benefits. Peer collaboration offers students access to a diverse array of experiences and requires the use of nearly all the body’s senses, which in turn creates greater activation throughout the brain and enhances long-term memory. Group work, especially when it capitalizes on the strengths of its members, may be more beneficial than many realize, both for teachers and their students.
  9. Learning is best when innate abilities are capitalized on.

    All of us, from the time we are born, possess innate abilities to see and hear patterns, something that psychologists doubted was true for decades but that we now know to be the case. Research suggests that reinforcing those innate capabilities by teaching patterns early on may actually help kids learn more and sharpen their brains. Aside from being able to see and hear patterns, the human mind has a number of innate abilities (the ability to learn a language, for instance) that when capitalized on in the right way, can help make learning any concept, even one that is abstract, much easier. Combining these innate abilities with structured practice, repetition, and training can help make new ideas and concepts “stick” and make more sense.
  10. Learning can change brain structure.

    Brain structure and function are intertwined, and you can’t improve one without taking the other into consideration. Yet, in years past, most ideas about learning ignored ways that the brain’s structure itself could be modified, instead focusing on brain function or the brain’s output. The reality is that brain function can only be changed through changing brain structure, which is actually less complicated than it sounds. For example, brain cells fired up during both perception and action overlap in people, and lessons that engage both allow students to more easily identify with their teachers and to learn concepts more quickly, as their brain cells are getting twice the attention and workout. In fact, any new information, if used enough, can modify the structure of the brain, something educators and neuroscientists are just starting to fully explore. 

Guest Blog Contributor By-line:
Hazel Taylor wrote and published this article on  She invited me to share this very interesting article with my blog readers - Thank you, Hazel!  Hazel can be reached at


Easy Science Fair Projects

This book contains over 100 science experiments that are geared for grades K to 12. Yes the classic egg in the bottle and the erupting volcano are here, but you'll find many, many more fun and educational projects that are easy to do with ordinary household items.

  • Home & Family -- Students & School


24 Hour Science Projects

Five COMPLETE Science Fair Project Guides with immediate online access. Easy projects use materials found in the home. Your search for a project is over!

  • Home & Family -- Kids


CF6465 BLEU JEANS BLEU - Swing Dans Piscine

Catégorie - GROUPES » Genre - Rock


Beer science: This popular glass keeps your brew coldest, says physics

How do you keep a glass of beer cold the longest? By using science, of course. At least that's what one researcher has turned to, finding the optimal shape of vessel that will keep a poured beer chilled for as long as possible while you drink it.

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Category: Science

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The fascinating brain talk that triggers a wet dog to 'shake it off'

Ever been caught in the crossfire of a wet dog firing droplets of water away from their fur with a mad shake? Well, they can't help it. Scientists have discovered the underlying mechanism that drives dogs – and many other hairy mammals – to vigorously shake water out of their fur, in a fascinating look at the genetics that trigger this involuntary behavior.

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Category: Biology, Science

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The Simple Science of Getting What You Want

This program has such merit that I have replaced my other planning tools for this one. For that's what this is - a great planning tool for getting what you want in life. Because Simpleology performs so well for me, I recommend it to you and all my private clients.


Why Does Time Seem to Fly as We Get Older? Science Has an Answer

Why does time seem to move faster as we age? Psychologists and neuroscientists have explored this fascinating phenomenon—and the results are surprising.


Why We Forget Our Dreams Upon Waking Up, Science Has the Answer

Not everyone experiences sleep and dreams the same way. Why do most of us forget our dreams, while others remember them in vivid detail?


Climate-conscious architecture of Old Madras

The city’s buildings addressed a dual predicament: how to stay cool during the unforgiving heat, while coping with heavy seasonal rains


#deinfluencing: Descifrando la nueva tendencia de las redes sociales

¿En qué momento la influencia se convierte en una falta de influencia?


Engaged Disciples

Bill and Fr. Barnabas talk about why the topic of Engaged Disciples is one of the most critical dimensions of our churches and why in its absence, or ineffectiveness, our churches struggle in many aspects of their existence and operations. They also explore 7 specific critical Engaged Disciple practices that parishes need to implement.


Following Christ's Instructions - Making Disciples

How willing are we to fully follow Christ’s clear instructions? That’s a tough question we all have to ask ourselves. Our Lord’s final direction was clear, concise and unequivocal: “Go and make disciples of ALL nations.” Period. Full stop. End of discussion! Bill's special guest is the dynamic and very experienced Orthodox Missions and Evangelism professional, Thomaida Hudanish, the Director of Missions and Evangelism for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco.


The Science of Music

There's a good chance you have never heard of the type of music expression Frederica discusses today around the kitchen table with her son Steve Mathewes and daughter-in-law Jocelyn. Steve is a musicologist and has just come from a "High Zero" music show.


Science and the Orthodox Church

Frederica interviews Daniel Buxhoeveden, an Orthodox scientist who just recently received a Templeton grant to establish an Institute for Science and the Orthodox Church. Please note that Frederica experienced technical difficulties while recording this episode. We apologize in advance for its poor audio quality.


Scientists are Human

Frederica shares the findings of some recent articles on scientific objectivity, including one which indicates that scientific test results don't always replicate consistently.


Come Lord, Go Demons (and Disciples)

Fr. Joseph preaches on the comings and goings of Jesus, the disciples, and demons at St Joseph/Houston.


Becoming a Disciple

Fr. John shares his homily on Luke 5:1-11.



Fr. John shares from Romans 2:12-16.


The Disciplines of Discipleship

Fr. John talks about the necessity and importance of developing regular disciplines in our lives as we follow Christ.


The Cost of Discipleship

Fr. John Whiteford reflects on Luke, Chapter 14, and what it means to follow Christ.


Scientists Uncover New Metabolic Compound That Controls Appetite and Weight


Scientists Calculate How Dark Energy Shapes the Odds of Life in Our Universe

  • Life & Non-humans
  • Space


God and Science

Michael discusses flaws in the debate of “God or Science” and shows why “God and science” is a more appropriate, and how science can serve as a sacramental means to deepen our faith.


Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamum (92), Disciple of St John the Theologian


Hieromartyr Athenogenes, Bishop of Sebaste and His Ten Disciples


Hieromartyr Athenogenes, Bishop of Sebaste, and His Ten Disciples