
ASEAN-OECD Good Regulatory Practice Conference 2015: Connectivity, Competitiveness and Regulatory Coherence

This conference provided a multi-disciplinary forum to discuss issues of regulatory reform involving both government and non-government actors.


Working Paper 2011/7: The Competitiveness of Global Port-Cities:The Case of the Seine Axis

This working paper offers an evaluation of the performance of the ports of the Seine Axis (Le Havre,Rouen, Caen and Paris).


Conference: Innovation in skills development for SMEs competitiveness (Ankara, Turkey)

The conference discussed the results of the project as well as policy recommendations on training and skills development for the creation of an innovative and competitive SME sector in OECD countries.


Netherlands: Make economic, innovation and territorial reforms work together to boost growth and competitiveness, says OECD

The Netherlands is gradually emerging from a double-dip recession with strengthened public finances and reforms on track to improve the labour and housing markets and the health care and pension systems. These reforms are paying off, says the OECD. Growth is expected to reach 1% this year and 1.3% in 2015.


Active policies needed for a competitive and sustainable tourism sector

The tourism industry in OECD countries continues to grow strongly despite economic weakness in advanced economies, and outperformed tourism globally in 2014. However, active, innovative and integrated policies are needed to ensure that tourism remains a competitive and sustainable sector, says OECD.


Competitive formation between 2D and 3D metal-organic frameworks: insights into the selective formation and lamination of a 2D MOF

The structural dimension of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) is of great importance in defining their properties and thus applications. In particular, 2D layered MOFs are of considerable interest because of their useful applications, which are facilitated by unique structural features of 2D materials, such as a large number of open active sites and high surface areas. Herein, this work demonstrates a methodology for the selective synthesis of a 2D layered MOF in the presence of the competitive formation of a 3D MOF. The ratio of the reactants, metal ions and organic building blocks used during the reaction is found to be critical for the selective formation of a 2D MOF, and is associated with its chemical composition. In addition, the well defined and uniform micro-sized 2D MOF particles are successfully synthesized in the presence of an ultrasonic dispersion. Moreover, the laminated 2D MOF layers are directly synthesized via a modified bottom-up lamination method, a combination of chemical and physical stimuli, in the presence of surfactant and ultrasonication.


Modern photovoltaic systems provide competitive energy returns

Most modern societies depend on fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal) as sources of energy for development and growth. Switching to renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic (PV) systems, is necessary for sustainable development in the future. A new study suggests that it is currently much more efficient to use fossil fuels to develop PV power plants than to combust the same amount of fossil fuels in conventional thermal power plants: thus the sooner PV systems are developed, the sooner society will reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.


Keeping the EU eco-competitive

A new EC-commissioned study makes ten key policy recommendations for improving Europe’s competitive position within the eco-industries. As well as harmonising regulation and standards across Europe, the report recommends providing funding and skills development schemes specifically for the sector.


The competitive advantage of green grids

As Greenpeace attacks Apple for the coal clouds firing its data centers, green grids from Iceland to Quebec are attracting some surprising new customers. All ki


Stephen Hawking's son reminisces on his funny, competitive bond with his dad

Tim Hawking says he added swear words to his dad's speech software and used his wheelchair as a go-kart.

  • Arts & Culture


How the Bio Revolution could transform the competitive landscape

The disruption ahead extends well beyond healthcare. Are you prepared?


Competitive table-setting is a thing, and it's serious business

The LA County Fair has held a tablescaping competition since the 1930s, and it's so popular that they have to turn contestants away each year.


Achieving Competitive Advantage through Collaboration with Key Customers and Suppliers

In the past when companies pondered corporate strategy, operations had been peripheral to the discussion. Operations were considered a technical matter with one way of doing things and therefore not, strategic. Strategy is about products, markets, and competitive advantage with divergent possibilities


World Ranked Competitive Shooter Ashley Rheuark Joins Team GLOCK

Rheuark, who is a nationally and world ranked shooter, joins an elite group of shooting professionals to represent the GLOCK brand.


Experimax Ranked a Top New Franchise in Entrepreneur Magazine's Highly Competitive Annual Franchise List

Experimax Named to Top 500 List and Ranked Number 4 on Top New Franchise List


Brand New Company, Apps Reporting, has a Visual Approach for Competitive Analysis

Leveraging Visual Analysis to Drive Executive, Marketing, UX, Design, and Development Teams Action for App Excellence


Restoring American Competitiveness

Gary Pisano, Harvard Business School professor and coauthor of the HBR article "Restoring American Competitiveness."


Vibrant network ecosystems are turning supply chains into competitive weapons

The old paradigm for supply chain networks has run its course, and the future is in multi-enterprise, or multi-party business networks


Quantifying competitive ability of perennial grasses to inhibit Scotch broom.

Greenhouse pot studies were conducted to quantify the competitive abilities of three native perennial grass species to inhibit development of Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link ) seedlings: spike bentgrass (Agrostis exarata Trin. ), blue wildrye (Elymus glaucus Buckley), and western fescue (Festuca occidentalis Hook. ). In single-species stands (1) soil water content decreased with increasing grass density, (2) soil water depletion per plant differed among species as ratios of 2.4:1.3:1 for bentgrass, fescue, and wildrye, respectively, and (3) average percentage of ground cover per plant was ranked by species as bentgrass (14 percent), wildrye (8 percent), broom (8 percent), and fescue (5 percent). Regression models predicted 90, 85, and 72 percent reductions in average biomass per plant of broom when grown with approximately 250 plants/m2 of bentgrass, wildrye, and fescue, respectively. Bentgrass and wildrye were more competitive than fescue because of their early-season depletion of soil water and rapid development of cover.


With a thriving collector's market and a rise in competitive leagues, pinball is cool again

Every serious pinball player remembers their first machine.…

  • Culture/Arts & Culture


Week In Sports: Competitive Cornhole To Air On ESPN, NASCAR Slated To Return

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit


Kickended, the competitive aesthetics of failure

Kickended by Silvio Lorusso is online database artwork archiving the Kickstarted campaigns that got not even a single penny. This competitive aesthetics of failure has been able to attract the attention of major national newspapers (from the British “The Guardian”


Week In Sports: Competitive Cornhole To Air On ESPN, NASCAR Slated To Return

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit


Week In Sports: Competitive Cornhole To Air On ESPN, NASCAR Slated To Return

Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit


Week In Sports: Competitive Cornhole To Air On ESPN, NASCAR Slated To Return

Cornhole is making a comeback on ESPN. And NASCAR is slated to return to TV, but questions still remain about football, baseball, basketball and football.


Balloon football brings out the competitive side in players with disabilities vying for the grand final

For players of the Balloon Football League, or BFL, the passion and competitiveness is just as intense as AFL the only difference being the players are disabled.


Australia's competitive rabbit hoppers aim for new heights in international competition

The niche sport, which puts leads on rabbits to guide them through horse-jumping-style events, is growing in popularity and it is hoped may soon reach an elite level.


Center for Competitive Politics v. Harris

(United States Ninth Circuit) - In an action brought under 45 U.S.C. section 1983, seeking to enjoin the California Attorney General from requiring plaintiff to disclose the names and contributions of the it's "significant donors" on Internal Revenue Form 990 Schedule B, which plaintiff must file with the state in order to maintain its registered status with the Registry of Charitable Trusts, the district court's denial of a preliminary injunction is affirmed where: 1) the disclosure requirement did not injure plaintiff's exercise of the First Amendment rights to freedom of association; and 2) the disclosure requirement is not preempted by Congress for privacy purposes under 26 U.S.C. section 6104, part of the Pension Protection Act of 2006.


Coalition for Competitive Electricity v. Zibelman

(United States Second Circuit) - Held that a group of electrical power generators and related trade groups could not proceed with their lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the New York Public Service Commission's Zero Emissions Credit program, which subsidizes qualifying nuclear power plants by creating state‐issued clean-energy credits. Affirmed a dismissal of the lawsuit for failure to state a claim.


Technical Appendix to Air Demand in a Dynamic Competitive Context with the Automobile

This technical appendix from the TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program, ACRP Web-Only Document 38: Technical Appendix to Air Demand in a Dynamic Competitive Context with the Automobile , supplements ACRP Research Report 204: Air Demand in a Dynamic Competitive Context with the Automobile with more detailed documentation of the research effort, including greater technical detail on the analytical models created for the research and their application.



IBM sets new record for magnetic tape storage; makes tape competitive for cloud storage

IBM Research scientists have achieved a new world record in tape storage – their fifth since 2006. The new record of 201 Gb/in2 (gigabits per square inch) in areal density was achieved on a prototype sputtered magnetic tape developed by Sony Storage Media Solutions. The scientists presented the achievement today at the 28th Magnetic Recording Conference (TMRC 2017) here.


Inside the ultra-competitive world of Kobe Bryant merchandise after his death

Hours after Kobe Bryant's death, speculators were registering domain names connected to the tragedy. Merchandise tied to the Lakers legend is in heavy demand.


Management of Competitive Athletes With Diabetes

W. Guyton Hornsby
Apr 1, 2005; 18:102-107


Europe’s Energy Union: Foreign Policy Implications for Energy Security, Climate and Competitiveness

31 March 2016

By addressing structural divisions between member states, the Energy Union could have a beneficial effect on the EU’s capacity to conduct a unified and effective foreign policy, write Thomas Raines and Shane Tomlinson.

Thomas Raines

Director, Europe Programme

Shane Tomlinson

Former Senior Research Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources, Chatham House


True colour satellite image of Europe at night. Photo via Getty Images.


  • Plans for an EU-wide Energy Union are taking shape, following the European Commission’s adoption in February 2015 of a ‘Framework Strategy for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy’. The strategy underlines the EU’s ambition to attain ‘secure, sustainable, competitive, affordable energy for every European’.
  • The initiative seeks to transform energy markets and energy/climate policy across the EU. Its goals include cross-border coordination and integration in energy security, supply, market operations, regulation, energy efficiency, low-carbon development, and research and innovation.
  • There is an important foreign policy aspect to the Energy Union, given the imperative of managing security and supply risks in Europe’s neighbourhood and further afield. By addressing structural divisions between member states, the Energy Union could have a marked beneficial effect on the EU’s capacity to conduct a unified and effective foreign policy.
  • Development of the Energy Union presents abundant challenges, however. Policy and legislative changes will need to be coordinated across 28 countries. Variations in EU member states’ attitudes to security and energy policy may lead to differences in, or clashes between, priorities. The wider context is also complicated. Interrelated challenges rooted in broader policy issues include the partial transition to low-carbon energy, and concerns over competitiveness relative to other major economies.
  • The current EU approach to energy security and infrastructure focuses on natural gas. This ‘gas first’ approach risks crowding out other responses to the energy security challenge. It could result in the creation of ‘stranded assets’, if the future gas demand on which investments are predicated does not match projections. A narrow focus on new gas infrastructure could also impede development of other dimensions of the Energy Union.
  • The markets for coal, oil, gas and renewables are changing significantly. The shale oil and gas ‘revolution’ in the United States has altered the economics of hydrocarbon fuels, and the plunge in oil prices since mid-2014 is causing energy businesses in the EU to reassess investment plans.
  • The EU is rapidly expanding the use of renewable energy. Dramatically falling prices for renewables will challenge traditional energy utility business models. How the Energy Union enables market access for new business models will be key to determining future energy trajectories.


ESEA and the Competitive Grant Question

I think any substantial push on competitive grants is a dead letter. And I think that's probably a good thing.


Weight Status Among Adolescents in States That Govern Competitive Food Nutrition Content

Policies that govern nutrition standards of foods and beverages sold outside of federal meal programs ("competitive foods") have been associated with adolescent weight status in a small number of cross-sectional studies and pre-post analyses in individual states.

This longitudinal analysis of 6300 students in 40 states provides evidence that state competitive food laws are associated with lower within-student BMI change if laws contain strong language with specific standards and are consistent across grade levels. (Read the full article)


Can Scotland be more competitive internationally?

Holyrood’s Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee is to have an inquiry into the role of Scottish Development International (SDI) in developing a Scotland that competes on the international stage.


Americorps Request for Competitive and Formula Applications 2020 - 2021

Agency: HSS Closing Date: 5/18/2020


F1: Change of rulers to spending limits would make the sport more competitive

Change of rules to spending limits would make the sport more competitive


Riots Valorant leaves plenty of room for CSGO in the competitive tactical shooter scene


POWER-GEN International Explores the Competitive Advantages of Power Generation Technologies

When California voted to get 100 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2045, it sent a signal to the market about which types of power generation technologies will remain competitive into the future. And according to Mike Ferguson, Director, North America Energy Infrastructure and Sustainable Finance with S&P Global Ratings, what California does, other states may soon follow.


Bosnia and Herzegovina Power Market Outlook to 2030 - Market Trends, Regulation and Competitive Landscape

The Report Bosnia and Herzegovina Power Market Outlook to 2030 - Market Trends, Regulation and Competitive Landscape provides information on pricing, market analysis, shares, forecast, and company profiles for key industry participants. -


Utilities Threatened by Competitive Renewable Energy Growth

Technology is catching up with Thomas Edison’s electricity industry, eating away at the utility business model that hasn’t changed much in a century.


EWC Board Member Appointed to Lead Korean Presidential Transition Competitiveness Council

EWC Board Member Appointed to Lead Korean Presidential Transition Competitiveness Council

Media Contact:
Derek Ferrar
Media Relations Specialist
East-West Center
Phone: (808) 944-7204


European Commission publishes final report on Sustainable Competitiveness of the Construction Sector and issues public consultation

The European Commission has recently commenced a consultation exercise regarding future sustainability and competitiveness within the EU construction sector. This consultation was initiated following the publication of the Commission report on the S...


Procurement Briefing Issue 3 2006 - Competitive dialogue - A brave new world



China’s Ministry of Commerce announces intention to investigate 80 industries regarding possible anti-competitive conduct

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) recently announced the intention of the Chinese competition authorities to step up the number of their investigations into possible anti-competitive and abusive market conduct.  Chinese co...