
Bay Area Couple Donates $3 Million to Humane Society Silicon Valley

Sue and John Diekman have dedicated their gift to bringing in animals from overwhelmed shelters.


Dr. Norman R. Bayne Celebrated for Dedication to the Field of Veterinary Medicine

Norman Bayne lends years of expertise to his work with Bayne Mobile Veterinary Services


Silicon Valley Hair Institute, a Top-rated Hair Transplant Clinic in the Bay Area, Announces Summer Website Updates

Silicon Valley Hair Institute is proud to announce summer content updates. The posts emphasize how summer is a fantastic time to improve one's hair.


Pelican Bay at Cherry Creek Announces Two Summer Concert Series On the Water

Denver's only beachside venue is back with new live music shows all summer long


Collision of Influencer Culture and Pro Boxing: Hype Boxing's Tampa Bay Event Set to Electrify All Audiences!

Celebrity Influencers Like M2THAK Step into the Ring alongside Pro Boxers Like Hasim Rahman Jr. for a Night of Thrilling Entertainment and Unforgettable Showdowns.


Michael J. Agbay has been Inducted into the Prestigious Marquis Who's Who Biographical Registry

Michael J. Agbay is recognized for his expert leadership of MJA Martial Arts, Inc.


Marquis Who's Who Honors Uyanga Bayandalai, PhD, for Expertise in Mental Health and Higher Education

Uyanga Bayandalai, PhD, is a distinguished expert in drug, alcohol, and rehabilitation counseling


Ferrante's Carpet Cleaning Launches Enhanced Air Duct Cleaning Services in Salinas, Monterey Bay Area for Superior Indoor Air Quality

Residents and businesses in the Salinas, Monterey Bay area are encouraged to take advantage of Ferrante's enhanced air duct cleaning services to improve their indoor air quality and protect the health of their families, customers, and employees.


Bay Networks Highlights the Importance of Cybersecurity Awareness in Combating Modern Cyber Threats

Strengthening Business Defenses with Professional Security Teams and Comprehensive Cybersecurity Solutions


Thomas Bayard Kane Recognized by Marquis Who's Who

Thomas Bayard Kane serves as an expert in forestry and natural resource management


Bay-Area LifeLong Medical Care Replaces In-House Medical Scribes With Proven Scribe-X Medical Scribe Program

Customized Scribe-X platform benefits healthcare teams with consistent, high-quality medical scribe support.


Key Housing Announces Featured Bay Area Short Term Housing Listing for September 2024 CitySouth Apartments of San Mateo

Key Housing announces CitySouth Apartments in San Mateo as the featured Bay Area listing for September 2024.


Transform Your Home with Tovar Contracting's Expert Flooring Installation in the Salinas, Monterey Bay Area

Tovar Contracting brings years of experience and a team of skilled professionals to every flooring project.


TW Huang Honored for Leadership in Sports Memorabilia, NIL Monetization, and Technology Leading eBay's Sports Collectibles and Innovating NIL Through Locker Room Access and Dealiyo

TW Huang is driving innovation at the crossroads of sports, technology, and NIL monetization


Silicon Valley Hair Institute Announces New Review Milestones on Google and Yelp for Bay Area Hair Transplantation

Silicon Valley Hair Institute surpasses 38 Google and 72 Yelp reviews, reflecting high patient satisfaction in ARTAS hair transplantation and advanced hair restoration.


Every Child In The World Deserves Kindness Says Jody Sharpe, Bestselling Author Of The Mystic Bay Series That Features Angels Living As Humans

As a former teacher of special needs children, Sharpe has direct experience regarding the effect bullying has on children. Her award-winning, bestselling books help readers find hope, inspiration and gratitude.


Bayuk Pratt Announces New Personal Injury Website

The Atlanta personal injury and civil litigation law firm is excited to launch its updated website


Orchard Home Design Unveils Top Custom Home Design Trends for 2024 in Campbell and South Bay Area

In response to growing environmental concerns, Orchard Home Design emphasizes the importance of sustainable and eco-friendly practices.


Bay Area Couple Donates $2 Million to Humane Society Silicon Valley

Judy and George Marcus' generous gift will support the organization's initiatives to save lives and keep families together


Bayuk Pratt Files Class Action Lawsuit for Bell Collier Village Fire Victims

The civil litigation law firm is representing apartment residents after a fire at Bell Collier Village


PAXIO and Fastmetrics Merger Enhances Bay Area Commercial Service Offerings

PAXIO, a dedicated fiber provider primarily serving business and carrier clients, has acquired Fastmetrics, a business-to-business Internet Service Provider (ISP).


Computer Experts Corporation: Leading Bay Area IT Solutions and 24/7 Support

Delivering Comprehensive Computer Services and Reliable IT Support for Government, Businesses, and Individuals


Product Launch: Transformer UFO LED High Bay – Efficient and Cost-Effective Lighting Solution

We are excited to announce the launch of the Transformer UFO LED High Bay, an advanced lighting solution designed to provide efficient, cost-effective illumination.


Supporting Bayesian modeling workflows with iterative filtering for multiverse analysis

Anna Riha, Nikolas Siccha, Antti Oulasvirta, and Aki Vehtari write: When building statistical models for Bayesian data analysis tasks, required and optional iterative adjustments and different modelling choices can give rise to numerous candidate models. In particular, checks and evaluations … Continue reading


Postdoc opportunity! to work with me here at Columbia! on Bayesian workflow! for contamination models! With some wonderful collaborators!!

Laboratory assays are central to much of biomedical research. My colleagues and I recently received a research grant to do better assays using Bayesian inference. Beyond the usual challenges of fitting nonlinear hierarchical models to real data that can sometimes … Continue reading


Interpreting recent Iowa election poll using a rough Bayesian partition of error

A political science colleague wrote in: We are all abuzz about the Harris +3 in that Iowa Poll with its great track record. When I check the write up of this poll I see a reasonably detailed description of their … Continue reading


2017 Bay Area Legal Update

Michael Sullivan and Associates present this vital update for the Bay Area. Instructors will review skills, legal updates and process techniques to be successful with a claim. The discussion will…


Litigation Methods for Attorneys - with the CA. Bay Area Judges

Discussion will include: Roadmap for Prepping Your Case for Trial, Common Discovery Mistakes and How Not to Make Them, Ex Parte Issues that Can Tank your Case, Don’t Let Psych…


San Francisco Bay Area Holiday Party - Don't Miss the Fun!

Starts: Sun, 08 Dec 2024 18:30:00 -0500
12/08/2024 04:30:00PM
Location: San Mateo, U. S. A.


Firefly. Blue Sun rising. Part 1 / created by Joss Whedon ; written by Greg Pak ; illustrated by Dan McDaid, Lalit Kumar Sharma, Daniel Bayliss ; colored by Marcelo Costa ; lettered by Jim Campbell.

"Sheriff Mal Reynolds has a new partner— a law enforcing robot from the Blue Sun corporation, who doesn't care about motives, about mercy, about anything other than enforcing the law— no matter the cost. The Blue Sun Corporation has helped to run the universe from the shadows for years, but they're ready to step into the light and take over. If Mal wants to keep his job and protect his sector, the smart move would be to play by their rulebook. But for Mal, there's really one choice— reunite the crew of the Serenity for one last impossible job to save the 'verse. Greg Pak and artist Dan McDaid launch Mal & the crew of Serenity into their biggest war yet, officially continuing Joss Whedon's acclaimed series." -- Provided by publisher.


Firefly. Blue Sun rising. Part 2 / created by Joss Whedon ; written by Greg Pak ; illustrated by Dan McDaid, Lalit Kumar Sharma, Daniel Bayliss ; inks by Vincenzo Federici ; colored by Marcelo Costa ; lettered by Jim Campbell.

"The stage is set for the final battle as the first ever Firefly event concludes, with Sheriff Mal Reynolds— yeah, he's still getting used to it too— making a choice that may cost him those he loves most, whether he knows it or not … Shocking losses lead to stunning decisions as Mal and the crew of Serenity must face the consequences of their choices in war against the Blue Sun Corporation. The 'Verse is changing in ways no one ever expected— and a new chapter of Firefly begins here." -- Provided by publisher.


New Series ‘Dishes of the Diaspora’ Spotlights African Food and Culture in the Bay Area

Senegalese akara, South African bunny chow, Nigerian jollof rice — these are just a few of the flavorful dishes African immigrant chefs regularly share with their Bay Area neighbors. Each dish tells a story of ancestry, migration, and memory, and the tastes and aromas keep chefs and diners connected to home, even when they’re far … Continue reading New Series ‘Dishes of the Diaspora’ Spotlights African Food and Culture in the Bay Area


A Bay Area Creamery Gives Kamala Harris Its Highest Honor: An Ice Cream Flavor

The co-founders of Koolfi Creamery say they resonate with Harris’ mixed-Indian heritage and support of gay marriage—including their own.


Crescent Bay

Crescent Bay by Kerry Hallam is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to pcs


Crescent Bay Canvas

Crescent Bay Canvas by Kerry Hallam is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to pcs


Episode 109: eBay’s Architecture Principles with Randy Shoup

In this episode we discuss with Randy Shoup, Distinguished Architect at eBay, about architectural pinciples and patterns used for building the highly scalable eBay infrastructure. The discussion is structured into four main ideas: partition everything, use asynchrony everywhere, automate everything, and design the system keeping in mind that everything fails at some point in a large distributed system.


Episode 525: Randy Shoup on Evolving Architecture and Organization at eBay

Randy Shoup of eBay discusses the evolution of eBay's tech stack. SE Radio host Jeremy Jung speaks with Shoup about eBay's origins as a single C++ class with an Oracle database, a five-year migration to multiple Java services, sharing a database...


TerraMaster TD2 Thunderbolt 3 2-bay DAS Review

TerraMaster�s TD2 Thunderbolt 3 is a 2-bay DAS (Direct-Attached Storage) drive aimed at professional users and, as the name suggests comes with a pair of Thunderbolt 3 interfaces. TerraMaster�s TD2 Thunderbolt 3 looks just like a 2-bay NAS with the obvious exception that the TD2 comes with a very useful carrying handle. The enclosure is built from ... [PCSTATS]


How to: Isolation, maintenance, and restoration of a 132kV GIS Transformer Bay and Line Bay

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the isolation, maintenance, and restoration of a 132kV GIS Transformer Bay and Line Bay. It will delve into detailed safety checks, specific steps to be... Read more

The post How to: Isolation, maintenance, and restoration of a 132kV GIS Transformer Bay and Line Bay appeared first on EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal.


Bayer and Liveo Launch PET Blister Packaging for Aleve Capsules

This innovative solution reduces the carbon footprint of the packaging by 38% and marks a stride in environmental stewardship by eliminating the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in their portfolio.


Letter from Alexander Hamilton to James Bayard (January 16, 1801)

In this letter, dated January 16, 1801, Alexander Hamilton writes to James Bayard, a Federalist member of the U. S. House of Representatives from Delaware. Hamilton conveys his satisfaction that Bayard has decided to support Burr in the Election of 1800. He goes on to offer his criticisms of both Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson and his worst fears were either man to become president.
Fri, 30 Oct 2020 16:09:37 EST


Jesse Kobayashi to Detail Cloud-Based Collaboration at 2023 NAB Show

Washington, D.C. -- Jesse Kobayashi, VFX producer on "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power," will take the NAB Show Main Stage on April 16 to discuss how Blackmagic Design, Company 3 and AWS collaborated to create an entirely cloud-based infrastructure for conform, color-grading and delivery on one of the largest television shows in history.


LA NIEBLA ES UN ESPEJO VACIO, de Eliseo Bayo (Diana)

La niebla es un espejo vacío
Autor: Eliseo Bayo (1939-)
Editor: Editorial Diana (México)
Edición: 1ª ed.
Fecha de edición: 1994-05
Descripción física: 290 p.; 14x21 cm.
Serie: Diana literaria
ISBN: 978-968-13-2660-9 (968-13-2660-1)
Estructura: aclaración del autor, 30 capítulos
Información sobre impresión:
Esta edición de 3 000 ejemplares se terminó de imprimir el 20 de mayo de 1994 en los talleres Impresiones y Encuadernaciones Tauro
San Antonio Abad No. 39 Col. Obrera
06800, México, D.F.
Información de contracubierta:
La niebla es un espejo vacío reivindica la ambición literaria de las novelas de espías con su desfile de personajes dramáticos en los escenarios más distintos en los que se entrecruzan y se enmarañan los hilos de la trama: la alta sociedad europea, los pueblos donde no pasó nada en milenios, la sordidez de las cárceles, la “nomenklatura” rusa, los servicios secretos judíos, Etiopía, los intelectuales, los psicoanalistas, los policías. En un lenguaje duro, lleno de matices y de sugerencias y también poético, desde las primeras páginas se advierte que se trata del relato de un moribundo o de un náufrago en la inmensa soledad de su conciencia.
El autor, experto conocedor de las redes ocultas del poder que manejan secretamente a los gobiernos, nos acompaña en un recorrido por las tripas del sistema, por los recovecos de la política que no sale nunca a la luz y por el universo de la conspiración y el espionaje, para trazar un cuadro alucinante en el que el amor se esfuerza por sobrevivir en un mundo donde sólo cabe la deslealtad, la traición, la violencia, el doble juego y la manipulación de las ideas.
Información de página preliminar:
Acerca del autor
Periodista de profesión y escritor por vocación, Eliseo Bayo ha publicado centenares de reportajes y miles de artículos, en los principales diarios y revistas de información general de España. Es autor de más de 25 libros publicados de diversa temática, entre ellos la traducción del latín de las Confesiones de San Agustín. La crítica literaria destacó en su día que Eliseo Bayo fue innovador del género periodístico llamado reportaje social o antropológico. Al verse privado de pasaporte para viajar al extranjero por sus actividades políticas, se dedicó a recorrer todas las provincias españolas. Ocultando su identidad la mayoría de las veces logró infiltrarse en los más diversos ambientes. Fruto de aquellas experiencias fueron sus primeros libros: El miedo, la levadura y los muertos secuestrado por la censura franquista, Editorial Nova Terra, Barcelona, 1968; En la pendiente, Ediciones Destino, 1969 y Los trabajos duros de la mujer, traducido al ruso, Plaza y Janés, 1970. Oración de Campesinos, El manifiesto de la tierra y De qué viven y por qué no mueren los españoles, alcanzaron igualmente varias ediciones.
Profundo conocedor de las redes internacionales del poder, de los grupos oligárquicos y de las conspiraciones financieras, asiduo conferenciante sobre estos temas en la radio y en la televisión, publicó en 1985, por la editorial Plaza y Janés, su libro Descubro y acuso, sobre las corrientes desindustrializadoras y neomalthusianas, que mereció varias ediciones. En 1986, y por la misma editorial, se publicó Diez Ideas para levantar España, un informe en el que se anunciaba el fracaso de las economías socialistas.
Durante su etapa de periodista, que inició a los 19 años, en 1959, y culminó en 1983, a los 43, Eliseo Bayo dirigió varias publicaciones, formó parte del equipo fundador del Grupo Z, de cuya empresa fue coordinador general durante 5 años, y recorrió 68 países como enviado especial para cubrir los más diversos acontecimientos.
A pesar de haber sido un conocido luchador antifranquista en las duras etapas de la represión, por lo que fue condenado en Consejo de Guerra y en tribunales de excepción a largas condenas, se desinteresó de la vida política una vez muerto el Dictador. Poco después de este suceso, que tanto cambió la vida de España, Eliseo Bayo dejó el periodismo activo y se dedicó por completo a la literatura y al estudio de la Antigüedad. Recorrió durante meses las selvas amazónicas y escribió su novela El hijo del cazador. En 1976 la editorial Lumen publicó su novela Sueños, discurso y destrucción de los Inocentes. En 1978, Plaza y Janés presentó su novela Orquesta para la Libertad. En 1982, Bruguera lanzó en su Club Cinco Estrellas la novela El día de los Jueces.
En la actualidad, Eliseo Bayo reside en México dedicado al estudio de la Historia y a la traducción de lenguas antiguas.


South Africa: Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism Staggers Under Crime Onslaught - Calls for Beachfront Police Unit

[Daily Maverick] Once a popular tourism destination along Nelson Mandela Bay's beachfront, the 'Golden Mile', a hub of luxury hotels and guesthouses, has become a crime hotspot. The community is calling for decisive action, but the metro is still crafting its plan.


Murata’s RFID technology helps Bayer to improve the transparency of its pharmaceutical supply chain

Murata ID Solutions reports that it has helped life science giant Bayer’s Italian division, Bayer S.p.A., leverage radio frequency identification (RFID) tracking in the first large-scale application of the technology in the pharmaceutical supply chain.


Bayer shares fall as pharma giant’s results fail to cheer investors

Bayer shares fall as pharma giant’s results fail to cheer investors


Jamālīyāt al-jasad bayna al-adāʼ wa- al-istijābah

Location: Main Library- B105.B64M37 2014


Siyāsat-i jināyī-i Afghānistān dar qibāl-i zanān-i bazahʹyīdah dar partaw-i asnād-i bayn al-milal = Criminal policy of Afghanistan on the women victims in accordance with the international documents

Location: Main Library- HV6250.4.W65N78 2011