
Invasive alien species' impacts on ecosystem services: new tool to assess risks

Researchers have developed a new risk assessment scheme for invasive alien species that not only predicts their direct effects on biodiversity, but also their impacts on ecosystem services. Furthermore, the scheme allows sources of uncertainty in a species??? impact to be identified, and can be applied to a range of different species.


Oyster imports bring alien ‘hitchhikers’ and disease

The future of oyster farming in Europe is threatened by disease. However, a recent study highlights the risk of importing oysters to improve or replace lost stock, as this could accidentally bring further disease and invasive species.


The global spread of alien plants

Driven by trade, the spread of alien species is increasing worldwide. This study combined 60 years of trade data with that on biodiversity and climate to model the spread of plant species across 147 countries. The model predicts significant increases in plant invasions in the next 20 years, especially for emerging economies. The authors say trade legislation must consider biological invasion and focus on regions at high risk.


Golden jackal should not be treated as an alien species in Europe

Expansion of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) across Europe has led to its designation as an alien species in some Member States. In the first continent-wide study of the species, researchers characterise the genetic structure of the European population and attempt to identify its origin. The results suggest the golden jackal was not introduced to European countries by humans and therefore should not be treated as alien.


Invasive alien species in Europe: new framework shows scale and impact is increasing

Invasive alien species pose a threat to biodiversity, human health and the economy. This study describes six alien species indicators for Europe, showing that the scale and impact of biological invasions are increasing across all indicators. The societal response has also increased in recent years. The researchers say their framework could serve as a basis for monitoring the efficacy of recent EU legislation.


New tool can help predict the impact of invasive alien species on native flora and fauna

Researchers have developed a new metric to predict the ecological impacts of invasive alien species. The metric was calculated for a number of known invasive alien species and successfully predicted their impact on native species. The tool could be used to help inform the global management of invasive alien species.


How big a threat do invasive alien species pose to European biodiversity? A ranking of species for urgent risk assessment

Invasive alien species (IAS) pose a threat to native European biodiversity and cost the EU annual damages worth EUR 12 billion as a result of IAS effects on human health, damaged infrastructure, and agricultural losses. IAS are the focus of Target 9 of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) and Target 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy: ‘By 2020, IAS and their pathways are identified and prioritised… pathways are managed to prevent the introduction and establishment of new IAS.’ The EU framework for action against IAS is set out in a Regulation adopted in 2014. This provides for the adoption of a list of IAS of Union concern that will be subject to restrictions across the EU. The first step in order to consider a species for listing is to undertake a risk assessment.


How the Transit of Venus could help find alien planets

Observations of next month's historic Venus transit may eventually help astronomers spot and study alien planets circling faraway stars, one prominent researche


10 places on Earth that resemble alien planets

Consider this an Earth-bound travel guide to the solar system, places on Earth that closely resemble landscapes of other planets.


3 super-Earth planets found that could support alien life

The massive, potentially rocky planets orbit in the "habitable zone" of a star 22 light-years away.


Mercury's water ice bodes well for alien life search

The discovery of huge amounts of water ice and possible organic compounds on the heat-blasted planet Mercury suggests that the raw materials necessary for life


9 features on Mars mistaken for signs of alien life

Long a subject of speculation, our neighbor has yet to yield signs of life. But that hasn't kept people from imaging it's there.


The real search for alien intelligence has begun

A decade-long search for alien life called the Breakthrough LiBillionaire Yuri Milner pledges to fund a decade-long search for intelligent life.


Will pollution help space aliens make contact?

Scientists says pollution on a planet may help aliens spot an advanced civilization.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Feast your eyes on the alien-like geysers of El Tatio

Photographer documents the sublime landscape of a bubbling Andean geyser field.


Alien Weeds: Weed eradication of the artistic variety

Artist Patterson Clark naturally 'harvests' areas plagued by weeds and uses the leaves, roots and stems of much-loathed plants to produce handcrafted art suppli

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Is an oddly dimming star host to alien life?

The search for signs of life in a mysterious star system hypothesized to potentially harbor an "alien megastructure" is now underway.


Flying telescope catches glimpse of alien planet

Astronomers have used instruments on board SOFIA, the world's largest airborne observatory, to examine a planet beyond solar system.


No alien signals around odd, dimming star

What the Flux? No Sign of Aliens Around Strange, Dimming Star


Stunned astronomers watch birth of alien planets

For the first time ever, astronomers have directly observed planets in the process of being born.


Astronomy student discovers 17 alien worlds

The exoplanets discovered by astronomy student Michelle Kunimoto include one potentially habitable, Earth-sized world.


Searching for aliens in the town with no WiFi

Green Bank, West Virginia. is literally one of the quietest places in America, the perfect place for scientists to listen for E.T.

  • Research & Innovations


Bizarre Mariana Trench 'alien call' identified

Metallic noise, captured from the deepest point on Earth's surface, likely belongs to a species of baleen whale, scientists say.


Microbe that eats meteorites might hint at our alien origins

Similar organisms might have seeded the early Earth with life.


Aliens: Where SETI Astronomers Can Find Them

SETI, or Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has been an ongoing endeavor for many decades. In the early days, it was expected to be a quick success, so much so that national governments even helped fund these projects.


Ways in and Out of U.S. Tax Residency. To Be or Not To Be a U.S. Resident Alien!

All U.S. resident aliens are subject to U.S. tax on their worldwide income, regardless of where the income is earned, the type of currency, or the location where the income is deposited.


School Shootings, Lockdowns, Body Shaming, Bullying: Award Winning Selfie Filmmaker, Positive Psychologist, Podcaster Barbara Becker Holstein Helps Teen Girls Overcome Anxiety, Alienation

Dr. Holstein is a Positive Psychologist/filmmaker and originator of a unique Selfie Film concept. She is accepting Selfie Films submissions from the public for the "Selfie Showcase".


#676 - Frank Caliendo

Frank Caliendo, stand up comedian seen on Mad TV and ESPN, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio.

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Chris McQueer: How I spent a day with my dug and an alien

I’VE been thinking a lot, as ever, about aliens.


MeFi: Maybe there's astronauts, maybe there's aliens

My [six-year-old] kid wrote a song called, "I Wonder What's Inside your Butthole" Quite honestly, it slaps. Twitter | Threadreader (Be sure to check out the remixes)


Als es um Italien geht, verpasst die EZB-Chefin eine Chance

Christine Lagarde hat vor leeren Rängen neue Hilfen in der Corona-Krise vorgestellt. Und die sind umfangreich: Banken werden künftig fürstlich dafür bezahlt, dass sie Kredite ausgeben. An den Finanzmärkten reagieren die Investoren dennoch wenig begeistert.


Deep diving with 'monsters, amazing alien animals' what's it like 100m below the ocean's surface?

Scuba divers can reach depths of 40 metres, but there's a small group of hardcore divers who venture more than twice as deep. You just need a sense of adventure and the right gear.


Racist language can disengage and alienate voters, advocates warn

Hateful language in parliament filters to the street, advocates say, and it can lead to disaffection so deep in some Australians that they choose not to vote at all.


Review of Aliens Versus Predator (Windows)

A review by Medio DeCritici (165). A 2020 Review - Aliens Versus Predator (PC, 1999)


Review of Aliens vs Predator (Windows)

A review by Medio DeCritici (165). A 2020 Review - Aliens vs. Predator (PC, 2010)


20aliens: Home of Architect Colin St. John Wilson, Cambridge,...


Home of Architect Colin St. John Wilson, Cambridge, England 1972. 


Cats, PJs, alien eyes unwelcome as work video calling boom prompts new etiquette

(This March 17 story corrects stock symbol of Zoom to ZM.O, not ZOOM.PK in the last paragraph)


(DEAD) Alien Isolation - PC - $2.00 ($1.59 with Humble Monthly sub)


Thought this discount was notable enough to warrant its own thread.


Thanks MysterD for the following post



GameBillet has Alien: Isolation Collection [Steam key] for $9.29.


Side note:

On GameBillet, all the Alien Isolation's DLC's, Season Passes, etc. are on sale on GameBillet too:


Alien Isolation sale on GameBillet:

Alien Isolation: Collection (Base Game & All 7 DLC's) = $9.29.

Alien Isolation: Season Pass (The 5 Challenge Maps DLC Pack) = $4.10

Alien Isolation: Crew Expendable DLC (Story DLC #1) = 79 cents


Alien Isolarion: Last Survivor DLC (Story DLC #2) = 79 cents.


Could life thrive on hydrogen-rich alien worlds?

Life can thrive in a 100% hydrogen atmosphere, according to a new study. The finding could completely change our understanding of how (and where) life might exist in the universe.


Corona-Lockerungen in Italien nach dem Lockdown: "Rom erlebt die Stunde Null"

Sie hatten den europaweit härtesten Corona-Lockdown. Wie sich die erste Woche der "Phase 2" in Italien anfühlt, beschreibt unser SPIEGEL-Korrespondent vor Ort.


Adam Gase impression steals the show in Frank Caliendo’s parody video of NFL coaches getting their 2020 schedules

Adam Gase eyeing Gang Green’s 2020 schedule is the highlight of comedian Frank Caliendo’s latest parody video featuring one of his favorite topics ... the NFL.


Adam Gase impression steals the show in Frank Caliendo’s parody video of NFL coaches getting their 2020 schedules

Adam Gase eyeing Gang Green’s 2020 schedule is the highlight of comedian Frank Caliendo’s latest parody video featuring one of his favorite topics ... the NFL.


UFOs: Were aliens spotted on the Moon in NASA's Apollo 9 mission images?

ALIEN hunters believe they have spotted a fleet of UFOs zooming past the Moon in images from the 1969 Apollo 9 mission.


UFO sighting: Shape-shifting alien seen over Columbia - shock claim

A 'SHAPE-SHIFTING' UFO has been spotted over Columbia, according to conspiracy theorists who claim it was a living being.


NASA Perseverance rover: Alien-hunting Mars 2020 mission presses on for summer launch

NASA'S Perseverance rover is taking shape at the Kennedy Space Center as its summer launch date creeps closer.


Forests 'can take cover to resist alien invaders'

Native woodlands can resist the spread of invasive species if they block light reaching the ground.


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of the Eighth Meeting of the Bern Convention Group of Experts on Invasive Alien Species, 5-7 May 2009, Brijuni, Croatia.


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Braulio F. de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, to the Subregional Capacity-Building Workshop to Address Invasive Alien Species and to Achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target 9 in the Arab Region, 11 - 14 February 2013, Dubai, Unit


CBD News: The guidance addresses a major pathway for introduction and spread of invasive alien species, as a significant percentage of global invasive introductions result from pets, aquarium and terrarium species that escape from confined conditions and


CBD News: Seminar-Workshop on Harmonizing Methods in Risk Assessment and Management of Forest Invasive Alien Plant Species in South East Asia, 2-5 December 2014, Bogor, Indonesia