tan Using Double Helix Relationships to Understand and Change Informing Systems By Published On :: Full Article
tan Measuring IS System Service Quality with SERVQUAL: Users' Perceptions of Relative Importance of the Five SERVPERF Dimensions By Published On :: Full Article
tan Understanding the Antecedents of Knowledge Sharing: An Organizational Justice Perspective By Published On :: Full Article
tan A Review of Information Privacy and Its Importance to Consumers and Organizations By Published On :: 2016-10-04 The privacy of personal information is an important area of focus in today’s electronic world, where information can so easily be captured, stored, and shared. In recent years it has regularly featured as a topic in news media and has become the target of legislation around the world. Multidisciplinary privacy research has been conducted for decades, yet privacy remains a complex subject that still provides fertile ground for further investigation. This article provides a narrative overview of the nature of information privacy, describing the complexities and challenges that consumers and organizations face when making decisions about it, in order to demonstrate its importance to both groups. Based on this work, we present a transdisciplinary view of information privacy research linking the consumer and organization. It illustrates areas of concern for consumers and organizations together with the factors that influence the decisions they make about information privacy. By providing such a view we hope to encourage further cross-disciplinary research into this highly pertinent area. Full Article
tan Acceptance of ERP Systems: The Uses and Gratifications Theory Perspective By Published On :: 2017-12-27 Aim/Purpose: This study aims to provide a better understanding of individual acceptance of enterprise resource (ERP) systems. Based on the uses and gratifications theory (UGT) and informing science theory, the study developed and empirically tested a research model to explain the effects of ERP characteristics (specifically, informativeness and enjoyment) on ERP acceptance and use. Background: Individual acceptance of ERP systems is crucial for achieving the benefits associated with ERP systems. Unfortunately, little research has focused on acceptance of ERP systems at the individual level. This study attempts to fill this void. Methodology: A survey questionnaire was distributed to ERP users to collect data to empiri-cally test the research model developed in this study. In addition to demographic and background information question, the survey contained instruments to measure the study variables. Contribution: The empirical results show that UGT provides a sound theoretical framework for explaining users’ gratifications, attitudes, and behavioral intentions toward adopting and using an ERP. These results support the view that subsumes information systems and other fields that endeavor to inform their audience. Findings: Individuals’ perceptions of the informativeness and entertainment of ERP systems demonstrated strong direct effects on attitude toward using and satisfaction with ERP systems. In turn, satisfaction with ERP systems showed a direct significant impact on intention to use an ERP system. Recommendations for Practitioners: Maintaining a favorable environment and designing training workshops that highlight the information and enjoyment aspects of an ERP can boost users’ perceptions of ERP informativeness and enjoyment and, eventually, improve their attitude and satisfaction with an ERP. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should test the proposed research model with other types of ERP systems and in different environments to enhance the generalizability of the results to other systems and settings. Impact on Society: The results of is study can be used as a foundation on which to develop plans and design strategies to enhance individual acceptance of ERP systems and realize the benefits associated with these systems. Future Research: Future research should extend the research model by integrating other personal and technology variables to provide further insights into what influences individuals to accept or reject an ERP system. Full Article
tan International Standard of Transdisciplinary Education and Transdisciplinary Competence By Published On :: 2019-12-22 Aim/Purpose: The year 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the first official definition of the term “transdisciplinarity.” This paper focuses on a critical analysis of the development of modern transdisciplinarity since its inception. Background: The article presents two main directions for the development of transdisciplinarity. It also shows its identification features, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as the significant role transdisciplinarity plays in science and education. Methodology: The methodology employed in this article is a content analysis of resolutions of international forums as well as articles on transdisciplinarity published from 1970 to 2019. Contribution: For one reason or the other, several of these authors did not quote the opinions of the original authors of transdisciplinarity. The subsequent use of those articles by other authors thus posed some ambiguities about the place and role of transdisciplinarity in science and education. The advent of e-databases has made it possible to access the original forum articles. This further made it possible to refine the original content of the term “transdisciplinarity” and to trace its development without mixing it with vague opinions. Based on these findings, the perception of transdisciplinarity as a marginal trend in science and education could be eliminated. Findings: This paper shows how modern transdisciplinarity is developing into two main directions: transdisciplinarity in science as well as transdisciplinarity in education. These orientations have individual goals and objectives. The transdisciplinarity of scientific research helps to complete the transformation of the potential for interdisciplinary interaction and the integration of disciplines. Whereas, in education, transdisciplinarity (meta-discipline) is about developing an international standard for transdisciplinary education and also describing the content of transdisciplinary competence for students of diverse disciplines at all levels of higher education (bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate studies). Recommendation for Researchers: Transdisciplinary research involves the interaction of people with disciplinary knowledge plus a degree of scientific outlook. Since disciplinary knowledge domains remain in their disciplinary boxes, it is, therefore, advisable to generalize disciplinary knowledge rather than force them to interact. This is the basis for proposing the systems transdisciplinary approach—which provides a methodology for unifying and generalizing disciplinary knowledge. Future Research: As the research shows, the organizers of modern international forums do not take into account the division of transdisciplinarity development trends. To increase the effectiveness and significance of such forums, it is necessary to return to the practice of organizing special international forums on the transdisciplinarity of science and that of education. Full Article
tan Understanding of the Quality of Computer-Mediated Communication Technology in the Context of Business Planning By Published On :: 2021-10-07 Aim/Purpose: This study seeks to uncover the perceived quality factors of computer-mediated communication in business planning in which communication among teammates is crucial for collaboration. Background: Computer-mediated communication has made communicating with teammates easier and more affordable than ever. What motivates people to use a particular CMC technology during business planning is a major concern in this research. Methodology: This study seeks to address the issues by applying the concept of Information Product Quality (IPQ). Based on 21 factors derived from an extensive literature review on Information Product Quality (IPQ), an experimental study was conducted to identify the factors that are perceived as most relevant. Contribution: The findings in this study will help developers find a more customer-oriented approach to developing CMC technology design, specifically useful in collaborative work, such as business planning. Findings: This study extracted the three specific quality factors to use CMC technology in business planning: informational, physical, and service. Future Research: Future research will shed more light on the generality of these findings. Future studies should be extended to other population and contextual situations in the use of CMC. Full Article
tan Informing Academia Through Understanding of the Technology Use, Information Gathering Behaviors, and Social Concerns of Gen Z By Published On :: 2024-11-11 Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine Gen Z students located in a representative region of the United States when it comes to technology use, news and information gathering behaviors, civic engagement, and social concerns and whether differences exist based on institutional type. The purpose is to report this information so that academics can better understand the behaviors, priorities, and interests of current American students. Background: This paper investigates the mindset of Generation Z students living in the United States during a period of heightened civic unrest. Through the lens of the Theory of Generations, Uses and Gratifications Theory, and Intersectional Theory, this study aims to examine the Gen Z group and compare findings across populations. Methodology: An electronic survey was administered to students from 2019 through 2022. The survey included a combination of multiple responses, Likert scaled, dichotomous, open-ended, and ordinal questions. It was developed in the Survey Monkey system and reviewed by content and methodological experts to examine bias, vagueness, or potential semantic problems. The survey was pilot-tested in 2018 before implementation in order to explore the efficacy of the research methodology. It was then modified accordingly before widespread distribution to potential participants. The surveys were administered to students enrolled in classes taught by the authors, all of whom are educators. Participation was voluntary, optional, and anonymous. Contribution: This paper provides insight into the mindset of Generation Z students living in the United States, which is helpful to members of academia who should be informed about the current generation of students in higher education. Studying Generation Z helps us understand the future and can provide insight into the shifting needs and expectations of society. Findings: According to the findings, Gen Z are heavy users of digital technologies who use social media as their primary source for gathering news about current events as well as information for schoolwork. The majority of respondents considered themselves to be social activists. When institutional type was considered, there were notable differences with the students at the Historically Black College or University (HBCU), noting the greatest concern with a number of pressing issues, including racial justice/Black Lives Matter, women’s rights, gun violence, immigration reform, and human trafficking. Less significance across groups was found when LGBTQIA+ rights and climate change were considered. Recommendation for Researchers: As social media continues to proliferate in daily life and become a vital means of news and information gathering, additional studies such as the one presented here are needed. In other countries facing similarly turbulent times, measuring student interest, awareness, and engagement is highly informative. Future Research: Future research will explore the role that influencers have in opinion formation and the information-gathering habits of Gen Z. Full Article
tan Colleagues’ Support and Techno-Complexity: The Importance of a Positive Aging Climate By Published On :: 2024-10-20 Aim/Purpose: With a focus on promoting sustainable career paths, this article investigates the intricate relationship between age diversity management and techno-complexity, emphasizing the pivotal role of a supportive work environment. Background: In the modern workplace, the dynamics of age diversity emerge as a crucial element influencing the well-being and productivity of employees, particularly amidst the swiftly evolving digital landscape. This becomes especially pertinent when considering workers’ unique challenges adapting to technological advancements. Methodology: Utilizing a cross-sectional design, data were collected from 160 employees in an Italian multinational company within the metalworking sector. Contribution: This study provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics between the aging climate, colleagues’ support, and techno-complexity. It emphasized the importance of considering the direct effects of organizational factors and their in-direct influences through social dynamics and support structures within the workplace. Findings: The results revealed the mediating role of colleagues’ support in the relationship between the aging climate and techno-complexity. These findings highlight the importance of a supportive work environment in the context of sustainable career development, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of diversity management within the modern digital era. Recommendation for Researchers: Our results open to a series of implications and future directions. First, the unexpected finding regarding the direct relationship between the aging climate and technostress calls for a deeper exploration of the intricacies involved. Future studies could delve into specific organizational contexts, technological demands, and individual differences that may modulate this relationship. Future Research: Future studies could delve into specific organizational contexts, technological demands, and individual differences that may modulate this relationship. Full Article
tan Defense: Taneeya Satyapanich, Modeling and Extracting Information about Cybersecurity Events from Text By ebiquity.umbc.edu Published On :: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 01:55:45 +0000 Ph.D. Dissertation Defense Modeling and Extracting Information about Cybersecurity Events from Text Taneeya Satyapanich 9:30-11:30 Monday, 18 November, 2019, ITE346? People now rely on the Internet to carry out much of their daily activities such as banking, ordering food, and socializing with their family and friends. The technology facilitates our lives, but also comes with […] The post Defense: Taneeya Satyapanich, Modeling and Extracting Information about Cybersecurity Events from Text appeared first on UMBC ebiquity. Full Article cybersecurity defense events NLP research
tan paper: Temporal Understanding of Cybersecurity Threats By ebiquity.umbc.edu Published On :: Thu, 28 May 2020 22:02:00 +0000 This paper how to apply dynamic topic models to a set of cybersecurity documents to understand how the concepts found in them are changing over time. The post paper: Temporal Understanding of Cybersecurity Threats appeared first on UMBC ebiquity. Full Article AI cybersecurity Knowledge Graph KR Machine Learning NLP Paper research
tan The limits and possibilities of history: How a wider, deeper and more engaged understanding of business history can foster innovative thinking By amle.aom.org Published On :: Wed, 25 Mar 2015 14:31:54 +0000 Calls for greater diversity in management research, education and practice have increased in recent years, driven by a sense of fairness and ethical responsibility, but also because research shows that greater diversity of inputs into management processes can lead to greater innovation. But how can greater diversity of thought be encouraged when educating management students, beyond the advocacy of affirmative action and relating the research on the link between multiplicity and creativity? One way is to think again about how we introduce the subject. Introductory textbooks often begin by relaying the history of management. What is presented is a very limited mono-cultural and linear view of how management emerged. This article highlights the limits this view outlines for initiates in contrast to the histories of other comparable fields (medicine and architecture), and discusses how a wider, deeper and more engaged understanding of history can foster thinking differently. Full Article
tan Persona Non Grata? Determinants and Consequences of Social Distancing from Journalists Who Engage in Negative Coverage of Firm Leadership By amj.aom.org Published On :: Thu, 02 Apr 2015 14:40:55 +0000 We consider how social and psychological connections among CEOs explain the propensity for corporate leaders to distance themselves socially from journalists who engage in negative reporting about firm leadership at other companies, and we examine the consequences for the valence of journalists' subsequent coverage. Our theoretical framework suggests that journalists who have engaged in negative coverage of a firm's leadership and strategy are especially likely to experience distancing from other leaders who (i) have friendship ties to the firm's CEO, (ii) are demographically similar to the CEO on salient dimensions, or (iii) are socially identified with the CEO as a fellow member of the corporate elite. Our theory and findings ultimately suggest that, due to the multiple sources of social identification between CEOs, journalists who engage in negative coverage of firm leadership tend to experience social distancing from multiple CEOs, and such distancing has a powerful influence on the valence of journalists' subsequent reporting about firm leadership and strategy across all the firms that they cover. We also extend our theoretical framework to suggest how the effect of social distancing on the valence of journalists' coverage is moderated by the early and late stages of a journalist's career. Full Article
tan It's Personal: An Exploration of Students' (Non)Acceptance of Management Research By amle.aom.org Published On :: Thu, 07 May 2015 18:37:47 +0000 Management educators often assume that research-based arguments ought to be convincing to students. However, college students do not always accept even well-documented research findings. Among the reasons this might happen, we focus on the potential role of psychological mechanisms triggered by scholarly arguments that affect students' self-concepts, leading them to engage in self-enhancing or self-protective responses. We investigated such processes by examining students' reactions to a research argument emphasizing the importance of intelligence to job performance, in comparison to their reactions to research arguments emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence and/or fit. Consistent with our predictions, students were less likely to accept the argument for the importance of intelligence compared to the alternative, less threatening, arguments (i.e., the importance of emotional intelligence or fit). Further, acceptance of the argument about the importance of intelligence was affected by students' grade point average (GPA) and moderated by their emotional stability. Specifically, consistent with self-enhancement theory, students with lower GPAs were more likely to reject the argument for intelligence and give self-protective reasons for their responses, whereas students with higher GPAs were more likely to accept the argument and give self-enhancing reasons. Implications for future research and for management teaching are discussed. Full Article
tan WHEN IN ROME, LOOK LIKE CAESAR? INVESTIGATING THE LINK BETWEEN DEMAND-SIDE CULTURAL POWER DISTANCE AND CEO POWER By amj.aom.org Published On :: Mon, 06 Jul 2015 19:21:20 +0000 Agency theory-grounded research on boards of directors and firm legitimacy has historically viewed CEO power as de-legitimating, often taking this fact for granted in theorizing about external assessors' evaluations of a firm. With few exceptions, this literature has focused exclusively on capital market participants (e.g., investors, securities analysts) as the arbiters of a firm's legitimacy and has accordingly assumed that legitimate governance arrangements are those derived from the shareholder-oriented prescriptions of agency theory. We extend this line of research in new ways by arguing that customers also externally assess firm legitimacy, and that firms potentially adjust their governance characteristics to meet customers' norms and expectations. We argue that the cultural-cognitive institutions prevalent in customers' home countries influence their judgments regarding a firm's legitimacy, such that firms competing heavily in high-power distance cultures are more likely to have powerful CEOs, with CEO power a source of legitimacy—rather than illegitimacy—among customers. We also argue that the more dependent a firm is on its customers and the more salient cultural power distance is as a demand-side institutional norm, the greater this relationship will be. Data from 151 U.S. semiconductor and pharmaceutical firms over a 10-year period generally support our predictions. Full Article
tan Understanding the Direction, Magnitude, and Joint Effects of Reputation When Multiple Actors' Reputations Collide By amj.aom.org Published On :: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 17:24:28 +0000 Despite the extensive research into the effects of reputation, virtually all of this research has examined the effect of one type of reputation on one or more specific outcomes. In this study we ask the question: How do the reputations of analysts, CEOs, and firms individually and jointly affect firm outcomes? To answer this question we focus on a context where reputations are particularly relevant - changes in analyst recommendations and the effect of those changes on stock market reactions. Our study makes contributions to the growing reputation literature by being one of the first studies to recognize and measure how the market accounts for multiple reputations. Further, we argue and find that the reputations of different actors interact with each other when determining particular firm outcomes. We find that different actor's reputations influence the reactions of observers. Full Article
tan KNOWLEDGE INHERITANCE, VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND ENTRANT SURVIVAL IN THE EARLY U.S. AUTO INDUSTRY By amj.aom.org Published On :: Fri, 10 Jul 2015 15:21:24 +0000 A key finding in the literature on industry evolution and strategy is that knowledge "inherited" from the founder's previous employer can be an important source of a new firm's capabilities. We analyze the conditions under which knowledge that is useful for carrying out a key value chain activity is inherited, and explore the mechanism through which such an inheritance shapes an entrant's strategies and, in the process, influences its performance. Evidence from the early U.S. auto industry indicates that employee spinoffs generated from incumbents that had integrated a key value chain activity were also more likely to integrate that activity than other entrants, which, we suggest, reflects the application of knowledge inheritance relative to that activity. Moreover, we find that the integration of this key activity, stimulated by knowledge inheritance, contributed to the establishment of defensible strategic positioning, thereby enhancing the survival duration of inheriting spinoffs. We thus link together the phenomena of knowledge inheritance, vertical integration, and strategic positioning to explain entrant performance. These three phenomena tend to be treated disparately in the literature, rather than in combination. Full Article
tan COMING FULL CIRCLE WITH REACTIONS: UNDERSTANDING THE STRUCTURE AND CORRELATES OF TRAINEE REACTIONS THROUGH THE AFFECT CIRCUMPLEX By amle.aom.org Published On :: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 16:51:24 +0000 Research suggests that the structure of trainee reactions is captured with as few as one or as many as eleven dimensions. It is commonly understood that reactions contain both affective and cognitive components. To date, however, training research focuses largely on affective reactions that range from pleasant to unpleasant (i.e., valence). Here, we expand and further refine the construct of affective trainee reactions by including reactions that are more and less activating versions of pleasantness (e.g., excitement and calm, respectively) and unpleasantness (e.g., stress and boredom, respectively). We develop and validate a new measure based on this model and argue that the structure of affective reactions has implications for better understanding learning and course reputation outcomes. Results from a short online training indicate that reactions were best explained by four factors: pleasant activation (e.g., excitement), pleasant deactivation (e.g., calm), unpleasant activation (e.g., stress), and unpleasant deactivation (e.g., boredom). The relationships between these reactions and training outcomes suggest what is most beneficial for course reputation outcomes (i.e., pleasant activating reactions) may not benefit learning; what is most beneficial for learning (i.e., pleasant deactivating reactions) may benefit course reputation outcomes but slightly less so. Full Article
tan Prison officer to The Voice star: 'I felt like Hannah Montana' By www.bbc.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 09:02:23 GMT Hollie Peabody returns to work in the prisons service after getting to the semi-finals of The Voice. Full Article
tan COVID-19 appropriate disinfectants use educational leaflet By www.pss.org.sg Published On :: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 15:57:28 +0000 Find out more on how to maintain good personal hygiene and keeping our environment clean! Full Article
tan SK magic unveils new tankless water purifier By thesun.my Published On :: Wed, 05 May 2021 02:22:08 GMT IN the spirit of sharing and spreading happiness this Raya, SK magic, South Korea’s leading home appliances brand recently launched the JIKSOO Ria, its latest tankless water purifier that is affordable to all.True to its commitment to inspire all Malaysians to live a quality and healthy lifestyle, the JIKSOO Ria is affordably priced to encourage Malaysians to start caring about their water intake and stop drinking from stagnant water sources, a known bacteria and algae breeding pool, commonly found in tanked purifiers.Priced at RM3,800, this latest addition to SK magic’s range of advanced JIKSOO technology water purifiers comes with innovative nanotechnology filtration system and water tab UV sterilisation system that filters viruses, bacteria, microplastics and heavy metals, while allowing essential minerals to pass through. As the pioneer in tankless technology, SK magic advocates that clean and fresh drinking water is not a luxury and should be accessible to all Malaysians, because everyone deserves the best. Full Article
tan Memory of acquaintance from Ghana By thesun.my Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 07:06:16 GMT DURING my visit in 1985, I had met the management staff at the plantation in Ghana. The one I remember most was Al Doku.He was the chief accountant, about 45 years old, working for the managing director, Bill Morrison. At the meeting in Morrison’s office, he could remember the figures well, and I was impressed. It was just that he was quiet for most of the time, and I could see that his eyes were sad.At that time, there were many reasons to feel that way. The cedi was devaluing every week, and to go for dinner in town was a major decision for it would involve bringing your money in big wads to pay for it.This is despite the income from gold that Ghana was blessed with as well as cocoa, which has a flavour that commands a premium. The country also produces shea nut, the fruit of massive trees that grow in the north. The oil is like cocoa butter.However, that year the food shortage was bad, even potatoes were hard to find. They had to be imported. Morrison had helped with giving breakfast to the workers, and they would line up for the palm oil, tapioca and fish cooked in large pots in front of them before they started work for the day.Due to the shortage of hard currency, the plantation too had to make do without many things, and building of workers’ houses was one of them as no imported material was used.At the housing project for workers, I had no time to ask about Al Doku.I watched Bill giving instructions to the building supervisor. He was using earth to make a thick wall to build a house, and when it was dry after a few days, he added another level, until the building had a coat of cement and more walls for the rooms. I had not seen a building made in that way before. Bill was thorough.“Saves a lot of money,” he said, as we had breakfast back in his bungalow. I had fried eggs and a lot of tapioca done very well that they looked like baked potatoes.I knew that in London Leslie Davidson had advocated using raw materials for buildings, and even for expatriates, he said they could save by eating what is available in the local market and eat like what the locals do, but as usual Bill did not do anything by halves.“We should be leaving soon to see the country, first to the slave castle at Cape Coast.”It was in the car that he talked about Al Doku.“He is going to London on a course that I had arranged for him. But the other reason is it gives him a chance to take his daughter there for treatment. She is losing her eyesight and probably it could be saved by the doctors there.”“Let him know that I will be in London. I will take him to my house and have lunch with him. He impresses me.”At the slave castle in Cape Coast, Bill had paid a guide to take us through the full tour. I saw the high white walls and the dark cellars made for the incarceration of human captives. The guide said they were standing in human waste until the time the ship arrived, and they were whipped and pushed through a small exit that all would call the “door of no return”.We climbed into bright sunlight again to the chapel and the quarters of the commandant. The castle had been fought over by the Swedes, the Norwegians, the Danes and the Dutch before it fell to the English. They traded the slaves in the New World, coming home with cotton and sugar, and out again with cloth and guns to the Gold Coast, and the cycle went on for years.I was tired after the tour. Bill said to me: “Now I will take you to Elmina castle.”I did not expect that. It was more or less the same, tiring, as I walked on the hot open yard with rusted cannons lined over the thick stone walls facing the Atlantic below. Coconut trees leaned by the shore where lazy waves lapped away at the sand.But where our car was parked, we were stopped by many hawkers, who made a brisk business selling handicraft, and what interested me most was the colourful cloth weaved in bright red, yellow and green that I knew was the work of skilled people. The pattern attracted me.“Fine kente cloth, but tourist prices,” Bill said.“Can you ask Al Doku if he can bring back a piece and I will pay him in London.”That was how Al Doku met me again and on a weekend. I invited him for lunch with my family in Surrey and he brought the piece of cloth. It must have cost him a lot of money, and I did not mind paying him a premium for his effort, and it was very beautiful, and probably fit for a minor chief to wear in Ghana.His daughter was getting medical treatment at a hospital.I did not hear of Al Doku for many years after I left Unilever, but I still thought of his visit and the lunch like it was yesterday. I had always wondered how he got on after all these years. I remembered him warmly.By chance, I met him again when he was attending an oil palm conference in Kuala Lumpur. It was just before the conference dinner. I was delighted to see him again and hugged him. I felt a glow of old friendship.“But I don’t remember you,” he said.I drew back and explained that he was my guest for lunch in England, and I had bought the kente cloth. I asked him how his daughter was.But he still could not remember me. Long years had passed but surely he could not have forgotten.I was told by then he was the managing director of the plantation business. I was upset through the courses of the dinner.It was at the dessert stage that Al Doku walked up to my table and said with a smile.“I am so sorry I could not remember you. I think I can remember you now.”He tried to smile again.“That’s all right,” I said returning to my dessert.He tried to be nice to me but the glow of friendship was gone. The writer has extensive experience in the management of oil palm plantations. Comments: letters@thesundaily.com Full Article Mahbob Abdullah
tan Sarawak police seize drugs worth more than RM300,000 in Matang By thesun.my Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:52:43 GMT KUCHING: Sarawak police seized 10.4 kilograms (kg) of syabu estimated to be worth RM332,800 in a raid conducted at an apartment in Matang on Monday.Sarawak Police Commissioner Datuk Mancha Ata said during the raid, a 57-year-old local man who tested positive for methamphetamine and amphetamine was also arrested.“The total amount of drugs seized could be used by 52,000 addicts and a Kawasaki Z900 motorcycle estimated to be worth RM50,000 was also seized.“Initial investigations by the police also found that the suspect had a record of past offences under Section 12(2) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952,“ he said in a statement here today.Mancha said the suspect would be remanded for seven days from today until Nov 19 to assist in investigations under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952. Full Article BERNAMA
tan Ecoscience secures RM2m EPC contract for black pellet plant in Kuantan By thesun.my Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 14:48:33 GMT KUALA LUMPUR: Integrated palm oil milling services provider Ecoscience International Bhd (EIB), via its wholly-owned subsidiary Ecoscience Manufacturing & Engineering Sdn Bhd, has accepted a letter of award (LoA) for a RM200 million engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contract from renewable energy company, Wilhelmina Energy Malaysia Sdn Bhd (WEMSB).Under the LOA, EIB will provide comprehensive EPC services for the TG2 black pellet plant in Kuantan, Pahang. These services will include design and engineering, sourcing and quality assurance of equipment and materials, plant infrastructure construction, and testing and start-up activities to support commissioning and ensure operational standards are met. The specific terms and conditions of the EPC works will be outlined in a binding EPC agreement, which is expected by November 30, 2024.The LoA was built upon the collaboration agreement (CA) with WEMSB in March 2024, aimed at transforming agricultural waste into sustainable energy, thereby reducing coal consumption and carbon emissions. EIB managing director Wong Choi Ong expressed confidence in delivering a robust waste-to-energy solution that aligns with WEMSB’s vision for sustainable energy transformation. “This project is a strategic fit for our expansion into environmental and energy efficiency sectors, building on our core strengths in constructing palm oil mills, supporting facilities, and equipment fabrication. “As the largest project to be undertaken in our corporate history, we see this as a valuable opportunity to broaden our customer base, enhance our project portfolio, and strengthen our market position. “The LoA will significantly boost our order book, providing our group with healthy earnings visibility over the next two years,“ he said.The TG2 black pellet plant will convert oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) waste into TG2 black pellets – a drop-in coal replacement fuel. TG2 black pellets are an advanced type of biofuel pellet, providing benefits over traditional biomass pellets, including enhanced grindability, water resistance, and higher energy density. As a drop-in fuel, it is renewable and can be used in existing pulverised coal power plants without requiring significant infrastructure modifications.EIB will continue supporting WEMSB as it expands TG2 black pellet plants across the region.“Beyond the EPC scope for the TG2 black pellet plant, the CA signed in March 2024 also outlined the possibility of WEMSB outsourcing the plant’s operation and maintenance (O&M) to EIB. “We are currently exploring this opportunity, and both parties will decide in due course. “This potential arrangement, if materialise, would create a new, recurring revenue stream for us, complementing our current project-based work,“ Wong added. WEMSB is a subsidiary of the Netherlands-based renewable energy company Maatschappij Wilhelmina NV, specialising in converting agricultural waste streams into sustainable energy using TG2 black pellets.The EPC works are expected to commence by December 2024, with an expected project completion timeline of 24 months from the commencement date. Full Article SunBiz
tan Hyundai Rotem Unveils Hydrogen-Powered K3 Battle Tank for South Korea’s Next-Generation Military By thesun.my Published On :: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 11:40:42 GMT Hyundai Rotem, a subsidiary of South Korea’s Hyundai Group, has announced a pioneering development for the Republic of Korea (ROK) Army: a hydrogen-powered K3 main battle tank. Set to be among the most advanced military vehicles in the world, the K3 aims to redefine future warfare by leveraging eco-friendly fuel cells, autonomous technologies, and advanced firepower.Hyundai Rotem’s K3 project is a collaborative effort with South Korea’s Agency for Defence Development and other national research institutions, with production tentatively scheduled to begin by 2040. The shift to hydrogen marks a historic step in South Korea’s commitment to reduce reliance on traditional combustion engines in defence equipment. The K3’s hydrogen fuel cell will eventually replace the diesel engines of the ROK’s K-series tanks, beginning with hybrid prototypes that combine hydrogen and diesel power.In an online statement, Hyundai Rotem described the K3 as “a next-generation main battle tank that surpasses all capabilities of today’s MBTs (main battle tanks), optimised for evolving battlefield demands.” Key enhancements to the K3 include autonomous driving, AI-based fire control, and a 130-mm smoothbore main gun for increased preemptive strike capabilities. Additionally, the tank will feature improved stealth capabilities, a reduced heat signature, and the deployment of slave drones to enhance reconnaissance and support combat operations.Fuel cell technology offers multiple advantages, including quieter operation, faster acceleration, superior fuel efficiency, and reduced maintenance due to fewer moving parts. With minimal heat output and sound, the tank achieves heightened stealth, making it less detectable in combat scenarios. Mobility is also improved, allowing the K3 to maneuver through steep and rugged terrains more effectively.Designed to operate with a streamlined crew of three—a driver, commander, and gunner—the crew will be secured within a reinforced armoured capsule at the front of the tank. This layout ensures enhanced protection and operational efficiency.The hydrogen-powered K3 demonstrates South Korea’s commitment to integrating sustainable, high-performance technologies into its military arsenal, setting a benchmark for modern warfare with cleaner and more capable military assets. Full Article
tan Quezon, Batangas collide in do-or-die Game 3 for MPBL South title By www.philstar.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:09:00 +0800 Given a life extension, the Quezon Huskers hope to complete their recovery when they tackle the Batangas City Tanduay Rum Masters in a Game 3 decider for the South Division crown at 7 p.m. Thursday Full Article
tan CCleaner Standard 6.30.11385 By www.majorgeeks.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 06:58:34 -0500 CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy, and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. Install, uninstall, and toolbar included. [License: Ad-Supported | Requires: 11|10|8|7|macOS | Size: 75 MB ] Full Article
tan Do You Need to Defragment an SSD? Understanding TRIM and SSD, NVME Optimization By www.majorgeeks.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 08:54:32 -0500 ... Full Article
tan Norton 360 Standard (2 Device) w/ LifeLock Identity Advisor – Includes Antivirus, VPN, and Identity Theft Restoration Support - $29.99 By www.majorgeeks.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:30:19 -0500 ... Full Article
tan JustAnswer Review: 5 Things To Know Before You Sign Up By clark.com Published On :: Thu, 09 Jan 2020 15:00:24 +0000 If you’ve ever looked for a quick, simple answer from a professional, maybe you’ve stumbled across JustAnswer. I first used the website after my cat had surgery and I wanted to ask a few follow-up questions after the veterinarian’s office had already closed. Recently, I signed up again just to see what new users can […] The post JustAnswer Review: 5 Things To Know Before You Sign Up appeared first on Clark Howard. Full Article Education Uncategorized partner_rss_exclude
tan Bodies of mother and two daughters recovered from water tank in Karachi By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 24 09:04:22 +0500 Mother reportedly pushed her daughters into a water tank before jumping in herself. Full Article Pakistan
tan Pakistan Army rescues ailing Polish climber from K2 By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Mon, 04 Jan 21 16:11:02 +0500 Kowalewski’s ascent to K2 was cut short after he complained about a hernia that developed during a load-carrying trip Full Article Pakistan Gilgit-Baltistan
tan Bulgarian climber dies during expedition on Pakistan's K2 By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Fri, 05 Feb 21 14:30:44 +0500 Atanas Skatov’s body flown by a Pakistani military helicopter to the nearby city of Skardu Full Article Pakistan
tan Renowned Pakistani mountaineer Sadpara missing during K2 climb, rescue launched By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Sat, 06 Feb 21 10:06:22 +0500 Rescue helicopter asked to fly as high as possible to maximise chances of locating missing climbers Full Article Pakistan
tan World's fastest speedboat arrives in Pakistan By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Sun, 13 Feb 22 10:58:03 +0500 The boat will run between Shashkat and Hussaini Bridge in Upper Hunza Full Article Pakistan
tan Why Baltistan is the safest place in Pakistan By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Sat, 05 Nov 22 10:46:30 +0500 A psychological lens examines the low crime rate in Baltistan Full Article TMagazine
tan Pakistan Army rescues Russian and Pakistani climbers from Gilgit-Baltistan peak By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Sat, 24 Aug 24 10:35:01 +0500 Group of Russian climbers were trapped after an Avalanch hit the Gasherbrum IV mountain in Gilgit-Baltistan region. Full Article Pakistan
tan August Playlist: Why 'Dil Dil Pakistan' is the greatest anthem ever By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Wed, 14 Aug 24 06:52:11 +0500 Just how brilliant is the most iconic Pakistani hit of all time? Full Article Music
tan Concert review: A Pakistani at Taylor Swift’s ‘The Eras Tour’ in London By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Fri, 23 Aug 24 07:04:54 +0500 Singer takes you on a three-and-a-half hour journey spanning over 18 years of music Full Article Music
tan Afghanistan to begin work on TAPI gas pipeline By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Wed, 11 Sep 24 22:41:42 +0500 .Progress on the TAPI pipeline has been repeatedly delayed because of security issues in conflict-ravaged Afghanistan Full Article World
tan 'Pakistan faces $30b loss after floods' By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Mon, 09 Sep 24 22:21:40 +0500 Iqbal urges speedy implementation of 4RF projects, fulfilment of global pledges Full Article Business
tan Visa targets ten-fold increase in digital payment acceptance across Pakistan By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Wed, 11 Sep 24 20:03:44 +0500 Visa investing in building digital payment infrastructure in the country to make process less costly, more manageable Full Article Business
tan Visa eyes 10-fold rise in Pakistani acceptance By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Wed, 11 Sep 24 21:32:41 +0500 Partners with 1Link to streamline remittances, encourage digital transactions. Full Article Business
tan State Bank of Pakistan slashes policy rate by 200 BPS By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 24 11:16:52 +0500 The SBP cut its policy rate to 17.5% following a recent sharp decline in inflation Full Article Pakistan
tan IMF board to review Pakistan’s $7b loan on September 25 after key conditions met By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 24 15:33:45 +0500 IMF spokesperson says successful implementation of 9-month standby arrangement had stabilised Pakistan’s economy Full Article Business
tan Balochistan gifts jet to Azad Kashmir By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Wed, 27 Apr 22 21:19:01 +0500 Balochistan government has extended full support and expressed solidarity with the people of Kashmir Full Article Balochistan
tan Four abducted footballers recovered in Balochistan By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Sat, 30 Sep 23 20:39:13 +0500 Six of them were kidnapped on September 9 Full Article Balochistan
tan Balochistan unrest: Taken for dead, truck driver found alive in hospital By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Tue, 27 Aug 24 18:00:50 +0500 Hospital staff receiving bodies realised he was alive despite being shot five times Full Article Pakistan
tan Key railway bridge in Balochistan hangs over dry river bed after deadly attack By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Tue, 27 Aug 24 18:46:59 +0500 Fallen tracks and rubble from the bridge blocking the road below being cleared by authorities Full Article Pakistan
tan Balochistan - the bleeding wound of Pakistan By tribune.com.pk Published On :: Wed, 28 Aug 24 22:55:45 +0500 Agencies might be constrained by limited resources, hindering their ability to monitor and track the BLA's activities. Full Article Opinion