nation Tax Legislation 2012: American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012: Law, Explanation and Analysis By Published On :: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 08:19:56 GMT Provides tax professionals with a single integrated reference source covering all aspects of this important legislation. Along with the impacted Internal Revenue Code provisions, CCH editors, together with leading tax practitioners and commentators, have created a complete practical analysis. The law is arranged in Code section sequence. CCH also provides several special tables and lists to facilitate quick and thorough understanding of the law and how it would affect taxpayers. Features include an effective dates table organized by Code section, a listing by Code section of the Act sections affecting it, and a listing by Act section of the Code sections affected. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Private Dispute Resolution in International Business: Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration 2nd Revised Edition By Published On :: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:49:13 GMT Published: August 2009 Private Dispute Resolution in International Business: Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration 2nd Revised Edition consists of two books and an interactive DVD. Volume I follows the progress of a dispute between two companies, in step-by-step detail, through negotiation, mediation, and arbitration in turn. Volume II provides precise, informed solutions to the problems raised in the first volume’s case study. The DVD contains not only all contracts and other written documentation produced during the dispute — including all procedural orders and awards rendered by the arbitral tribunal during the arbitration, the text of legal materials such as arbitration laws and rules and international conventions, and further learning and teaching aids — but also almost 100 videos dramatising the negotiation, mediation, and arbitration proceedings described in the books, conducted by highly experienced practitioners active in the field of international dispute resolution. Subtitles in the videos refer the viewer to paragraphs in the books where each relevant legal problem is analysed. With its concrete and highly practical approach, this innovative teaching and training tool for international dispute resolution will be of immeasurable value to students and teachers of dispute resolution, corporate counsel, international lawyers, and business people. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Practical Guide to U.S. Taxation of International Transactions (9th Edition) By Published On :: Fri, 31 May 2013 14:03:22 GMT Authors: Michael S. Schadewald and Robert J. Misey, Jr. Provides readers with a practical command of the tax issues raised by international transactions and how those issues are resolved by U.S. tax laws. The book emphasizes those areas generally accepted to be essentialto tax practice. PART I: BASIC PRINCIPLES OF U.S. TAXATION OF INTERNATIONAL INCOME Overview of U.S. Taxation of International Transactions Tax Jurisdiction Source of Income Rules PART II: TAXATION OF FOREIGN ACTIVITIES OF U.S. TAXPAYERS Foreign Tax Credit Deemed Paid Foreign Tax Credit Anti-Deferral Provisions Foreign Currency Translation and Transactions Export Benefits Planning for Foreign Operations State Taxation of Foreign Operations PART III: TAXATION OF U.S. ACTIVITIES OF FOREIGN TAXPAYERS Foreign Persons Investing in the United States Foreign Persons Doing Business in the United States Planning for Foreign-Owned U.S. Operations PART IV: TAXATION ISSUES IMPACTING BOTH U.S. AND FOREIGN TAXPAYERS Transfer Pricing Income Tax Treaties Cross-Border Transfers and Reorganizations International Tax Practice and Procedure Appendices provide reproductions of applicable IRS forms and publications, as well as the latest U.S. Model Income Tax Treaty. 688 pages Related Products Schwarz on Tax Treaties, 3rd Edition Foreign Bank Account Reporting – FBAR Compliance Guide, 2015 (U.S.) INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations - Selected Sections (2014-2015 Edition) (U.S.) International Taxation: U.S. Taxation of Foreign Persons and Foreign Income (2014 Supplement) Transfer Pricing: Rules, Compliance and Controversy (4th Edition) International Tax Newsletter If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Power Tools for Negotiating International Business Deals, Second Edition By Published On :: Thu, 14 May 2009 13:47:13 GMT Published: October 2008 This is a nuts and bolts guide for doing international business, and the handbook to read before and during negotiation in order to get the deal done. Power Tools for Negotiating International Business Deals shows how international business works, where to stake high ground, what concessions to make and what mistakes to avoid. Filled with checklists and case examples, this book explains the key issues in an international business deal, be it a product sale, agency/brokerage, consulting agreement, distributorship, license, joint venture or consortium. James M Klotz is one of Canada’s leading international business lawyers. In addition to co-chairing the International Business Transactions group of one of Canada’s largest law firms, he has written several books and treatises on international business law and negotiation. James lives in Toronto and has taught courses in international business law at Osgoode Hall Law School and in international risk assessment at the University of Toronto. Table of contents: Chapter 1: The basics of International Business Deals Chapter 2: Negotiating International Sales of Goods and Services Chapter 3: Negotiating International Agency and Consulting Deals Chapter 4: Negotiating International Distribution Deals Chapter 5: Negotiating International License Deals Chapter 6: International Joint Venture and Consortium Deal Index If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Journal of International Arbitration By Published On :: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 08:06:14 GMT The growing importance of arbitration as a means for international commercial dispute resolution necessitates independent platforms for ideas on the development and application of international arbitration. Since its 1984 launch, the Journal of International Arbitration has established itself as a thought-provoking, ground-breaking journal aimed at the specific requirements of those involved in international arbitration. The journal now appears bimonthly (six times a year) rather than quarterly, giving it even more immediacy as a forum for original thinking, penetrating analysis, and lively discussion of international arbitration issues. As always each issue contains in-depth investigations of the most important current issues in international arbitration, focusing on business, investment, and economic disputes between private corporations, state-controlled entities, and states. The journal's worldwide coverage ensures regular reporting on regional trends which can serve as an example for other regions and countries. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Trade Law, Second Edition By Published On :: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 13:37:53 GMT Published: May 2012 The authors bring an international and methodological perspective to this comprehensive text. Appropriate for a two- to three-hour international trade course, International Trade Law, Second Edition covers all aspects of WTO law, including trade in goods, services, and TRIPS. Using classic and recent cases, stimulating questions and insightful explanatory material, this text provides a balance of positive and normative approaches, mixing legal decisions with analysis of the challenges facing the international trading system. The second edition has been updated to include recent political and economic events, issues and policy debates, and supplements new developments in case law with additional questions and a revised Teacher’s Manual. Hallmark features: Prepared by two leading WTO scholars – providing a balanced international and methodological perspective Up-to-date, discriminating case selection presents both classic cases and recent doctrine Contextualizes international trade issues with insights into key economic factors at work Key WTO cases are edited and presented to illustrate and teach central concepts and doctrine Illuminating introductory and explanatory material throughout Helpful summaries of key teaching points are included in each chapter Well-crafted questions stimulate class discussion on policy issues Manageable length for two- and three-credit courses Adaptable to graduate-level courses in international trade Comprehensive Teachers Manual with answers to questions as well as teaching suggestions, tips, and supplementary material appropriate for class discussion Complemented by a thorough and up-to-date documents supplement If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Taxation: U.S. Taxation of Foreign Persons and Foreign Income (2014 Supplement) By Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:58:12 GMT This 2014 Supplement updates the four volume, International Taxation: U.S. Taxation of Foreign Persons and Foreign Income. The parent volume offers an all-inclusive, easy-to-follow discussion of the United States tax regime as applied to foreign transactions. It shows the practitioner how to: Structure international corporate transactions for maximum benefit. Minimize liability under applicable treaties, U.S. law, and applicable foreign law. Practice effectively within the often inconsistent web of legal authority. Covering both inbound and outbound transactions, author Joseph Isenbergh unfailingly reduces even the most complicated issues to clear, understandable strategies, and then provides unparalleled, incisive analysis. Related Products Schwarz on Tax Treaties, 3rd Edition Foreign Bank Account Reporting – FBAR Compliance Guide, 2015 (U.S.) INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations - Selected Sections (2014-2015 Edition) (U.S.) Transfer Pricing: Rules, Compliance and Controversy (4th Edition) International Tax Newsletter Practical Guide to U.S. Taxation of International Transactions (9th Edition) If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Sales Agreements: An Annotated Drafting and Negotiating Guide, Second Edition By Published On :: Thu, 14 May 2009 13:43:50 GMT Published: October 2008 It would be hard to find a more useful guide to international sales agreements. Compared to domestic transactions, the risks associated are greatly multiplied and it is a rare international sales agreement that can rely on minor variations of standard terms, as is so often the case in domestic agreements. Foreign laws, export/import and currency exchange controls, treaties, transit issues, inspection of goods, insurance, tariffs - all these and more must be taken into account in contract negotiations. For lawyers charged with drafting an international sales contract, this expanded and updated second edition is invaluable. Clause by clause, it clearly details the drafting process, commenting expertly on every issue likely to arise as it goes. Designed to cover every contingency, including definitions, Incoterms, price adjustments, documentation, labeling, delivery dates, limitation of liability, confidentiality, arbitration and antitrust issues, this book also covers relevant national circumstances in the commentary to each clause. Table of Contents: Contents of Sample Clauses Introduction Chapter 1: Preliminary Matters Chapter 2: Drafting the Agreement Chapter 3: The Goods Being Sold Chapter 4: Trade Terms Chapter 5: Price Chapter 6: Permits, Licenses and Certificates Chapter 7: Payment Chapter 8: Delivery Chapter 9: Transfer of Title and Risk Chapter 10: Bills of Lading and Other Documents for Carriage of Goods Chapter 11: Insurance Chapter 12: Inspection Chapter 13: Warranties Chapter 14: Force Majeure and Hardship Chapter 15: Termination and Penalty Clauses Chapter 16: Intellectual Property Chapter 17: Other Obligations of the Parties Chapter 18: Dispute Resolution Chapter 19: Governing Law Chapter 20: Language Chapter 21: Miscellaneous Provisions Appendix 1: The CISG Appendix 2: UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts Appendix 3: The Principles of European Contract Law If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations - Selected Sections (2014-2015 Edition) (U.S.) By Published On :: Fri, 30 May 2014 11:04:05 GMT Robert J. Peroni, Coordinating Editor; Richard C. Pugh, Contributing Editor; Charles H. Gustafson, Contributing Editor; Compiled by a team of distinguished law professors, this book serves both students and practitioners in accessing the laws and regulations for U.S. international tax. For students, it is a popular companion to an international tax course book for use in undergraduate or graduate courses in law and business schools. For practitioners, the book is an exclusive convenient desk reference. Unlike the full multi-volume Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax Regulations, this single-volume reference travels well between home and office - and between classroom and dorm. The book features a reader-friendly large 7-1/4" x 10" format with new larger type fonts for enhanced readability. Reflects all legislation and regulations enacted or adopted on or before June 1, 2014. Includes CD of entire contents of book. 7-1/2" x 10" 2,448 pages Related Products U.S. Master Tax Guide (2015) INTERNAL REVENUE CODE: Income, Estate, Gift, Employment and Excise Taxes (Winter 2015 Edition) Income Tax Regulations (Winter 2015 Edition), December 2014 (U.S.) State Tax Handbook (2015) U.S. Master Depreciation Guide (2015) Affordable Care Act – Law, Regulatory Explanation and Analysis (2015) (U.S.) Practical Guide to U.S. Taxation of International Transactions (9th Edition) If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations - Selected Sections (2013-2014 Edition) (U.S.) By Published On :: Fri, 31 May 2013 12:56:53 GMT Authors: Robert J. Peroni, Richard C. Pugh, Charles H. Gustafson The authors have selected provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax Regulations directly related to the U.S. taxation of foreign entities and the U.S. taxation of domestic entities that have income from sources outside the country. Code and Regulations sections included are those deemed to be essential to International Tax teachers, students and practitioners. Reflects all legislation and regulations enacted or adopted on or before June 1, 2013. Includes CD of entire contents of book. 2,448 pages Related Products Practical Guide to U.S. Taxation of International Transactions (9th Edition) 2013 U.S. Master Tax Guide + the Legislative Update Combo INTERNAL REVENUE CODE: Income, Estate, Gift, Employment and Excise Taxes, (Summer 2013 Edition) Income Tax Regulations, Summer 2013 Edition (U.S.) If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations - Selected Sections (2012-2013 Edition) By Published On :: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 15:23:14 GMT Authors: Robert J. Peroni, Richard C. Pugh, Charles H. Gustafson In this comprehensive and easy-to-use volume, authors have selected provisions of the IRC and Income Tax Regulations directly related to the U.S. taxation of foreign entities and the U.S. taxation of domestic entities that have income from sources outside the country. Code and Regulations sections included are those deemed to be essential to International Tax teachers, students and practitioners. The 2012-2013 edition of INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations - Selected Sections reflects all legislation and regulations enacted or adopted on or before June 1, 2012. The book includes a CD of entire contents of book. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Private International Law By Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2009 10:28:16 GMT This is the first and only publication to provide comprehensive coverage of national laws on conflict of laws, now more commonly referred to as private international law. It presents country-by-country monographs dealing with the statutes, regulations and case law each country applies to cases involving transnational issues. It offers much-needed access to the conflict rules of other countries, presented clearly and concisely by local experts. The looseleaf format allows the monographs to be kept regularly up to date. Beginning with a general introduction to the private international law of the country concerned, each monograph goes on to discuss choice of law technique, sources of private international law, intangible property rights, marriage, registered partnerships, property, succession and much more. Each national monograph concludes with an overview of the country's relevant civil procedure, examining lex fori, enforcement of foreign judgments and international arbitration. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Medical Law By Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2009 15:01:04 GMT Relating to the practice of medicine in the large sense, this subset of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws covers national and international medical law. Each national monograph contains a description of the law related to the medical profession, such as access to the medical profession, illegal practice of medicine and control over the practice of medicine. The physician-patient relationship and specific issues such as abortion and euthanasia are covered, as is the national law dealing with the physician in relation to his colleagues, to other health care providers and the health care system. An international monograph covers the World Health Organization in both its international and regional aspects and a Codex of International Medical Law and Ethics is also included. Forthcoming international monographs will cover international declarations on medical ethics such as the Declaration of Helsinki on Medical Experiments and the European Code of Medical Ethics. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Intergovernmental Organizations By Published On :: Wed, 20 May 2009 08:40:08 GMT The world is getting smaller and increasingly interdependent every day. As a result, national and regional developments are, as a matter of necessity, seen in a global framework. States want to preserve their independence but they are confronted with a growing list of problems which they can only solve in co-operation with others. The sheer scale of the issues at stake calls for an institutional framework to give that co-operation a more permanent structure. It is therefore appropriate in the framework of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws to make accessible comprehensive, substantial and readily available information on the most important intergovernmental organizations, given their importance for the development of international law and intergovernmental co-operation in general. The fundamental changes taking place nowadays at an incredible pace within IGOs render it all the more necessary to put this information within easy reach. Some 55 leading organizations will be described in separate monographs of approximately 150 pages each. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Intellectual Property By Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2009 10:26:06 GMT This comprehensive book provides an overview of all the pertinent information on intellectual property needed to gain a clear comprehension of the legislation and policy on the subject in different countries. Legal practitioners, academics, students, government officials and business people will find here all the information and insight they need to confidently resolve issues related to law and policy in any branch of intellectual property. Forthcoming supplements will include monographs on each of the international conventions on intellectual property rights, as well as distinct coverage of important issues in intellectual property law within the European Union. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Insurance Law By Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2009 14:25:01 GMT This resource is an in-depth updated reference source concerning all aspects of insurance law in the industrialized countries of the world. Using the same comprehensive format as the other International Encyclopaedia of Laws publications, this set on insurance law includes general background information and specific country law in each national monograph. In addition to national monographs, the book contains a Codex with the basic legislation, which the European Union, the European Economic Area and the Swiss Confederation have adopted with regard to private insurance. Forthcoming international monographs will examine European Community Insurance as well as the roles of prominent associations such as AIDA, BIPAR and CEA. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Family and Succession Law By Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2009 10:16:22 GMT Family and succession law are tightly bound together. Succession law is usually based on kindred relationships as established by family law. The trends established in the marital property laws and succession laws are often a result of developments in family law. Equality of spouses and of all children, regardless of their descent, is not without consequences for marital property laws and succession law. Therefore, this comprehensive comparative looseleaf set covers family law together with marital property law and succession law. In addition to the national monographs this subset of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws currently includes a monograph for the European Union. This set is primarily intended for judges, notaries, lawyers and registrars of civil status who find themselves having to apply foreign laws as a result of applicable international private law. However, it is also of great value to academics and researchers, for whom it stimulates comparative studies by providing the necessary basic materials of family and succession law. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Environmental Law By Published On :: Wed, 20 May 2009 09:45:53 GMT This set in the International Encyclopaedia of Laws covers national and international environmental law. National monographs contain a description of the country's environmental legislation, an overview of the basic principles of environmental law, the historical background, the role of governmental institutions and the sources of environmental law. Other subjects covered for each country include pollution control legislation, nature and conservation management, zoning and land-use planning, liability questions and judicial remedies. In addition, international monographs cover international legislation and treaties and the environmental legislation of the European Economic Community. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Energy Law By Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2009 14:30:09 GMT The complex law surrounding energy production and the exploitation of natural resources has reached the legal foreground both nationally and internationally. Numerous countries have enacted new legislation in recent years concerning nuclear power generation, the use of non-renewable resources, transportation of hazardous materials and other issues raised by energy production processes. Other branches of law have inevitably become bound up with energy law, making it difficult for the legal practitioner to gain a clear appreciation of the entire field, especially in a transnational context. Each national monograph in this book contains a general introduction, a description of the country's energy legislation, an overview of the basic principles of energy law, the historical background, the role of governmental institutions and the sources of energy law in that country's legal system. Each country's regulatory framework concerning electricity, gas, petrol and coal is fully set forth. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Cyber Law By Published On :: Wed, 20 May 2009 08:37:21 GMT The introduction of new digital information and communications technologies has given birth to a new legal domain, commonly called Information and Communication Technology Law or, more fashionably, Cyber Law. Practically every country in the world has issued specific legislation or developed case law in this area. The domain has acquired sufficient stability to fit into a common structure and a logical consequence of this evolution is the publication of an International Encyclopaedia of Cyber Law. The initial volume contains information about cyber laws in Australia, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Japan, UK, Portugal, South Africa and Spain. Other countries will be incorporated as the work matures. As well as national monographs, it includes monographs on supranational and international cyber law issues. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Criminal Law By Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2009 14:28:43 GMT The national monographs in this subset of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws provide a general insight into criminal law and procedure in different countries. For each country, an introduction presents the requisite background knowledge for understanding the principles of criminal justice and then proceeds to a detailed examination of substantive criminal law: its general principles, the principles of criminal responsibility or liability and the grounds for the justification of criminal offences. A third part is focused upon criminal procedure in each country: the general characteristics of the procedure, the organization of investigation, pre-trial proceedings, trial stage and appeals. A final part covers the execution and extinction of the sanctions. Forthcoming international monographs will relate to the European Convention on Human Rights, the jurisprudence of the European Court and the European Commission of Human Rights, the mutual assistance treaties in criminal matters and the criminal law aspects of the European Union. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Corporations and Partnerships By Published On :: Wed, 20 May 2009 09:45:11 GMT The increase in European Community memberships and the steady evolution of the harmonization process means that international business opportunities are also on the rise. This convenient resource provides quick and easy guidance on a variety of corporate and partnership considerations that arise in international business, such as mergers, rights and duties of interested parties, stock exchange directives, labor laws and takeovers. Corporations and Partnerships puts the information necessary for corporations to compete effectively in the shifting global market at the user's fingertips. Through updated supplements, this resource is able to address additional areas of concern as they arise, making it an important and practical tool for business executives and their legal counsel interested in engaging in an international partnership or embarking on corporate expansion into established or newly emerging markets. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Contract Law By Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2009 14:27:10 GMT Contracts seal the fate of international transactions. Whether they stand on firm legal ground may hinge upon a minute detail. This subset of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws sheds light on the fine print in the world of contracts, helping ensure the viability (or probe the non-viability) of these detail-oriented instruments. This resource encompass the national monographs of a wide variety of countries written by local experts. Each national monograph is divided into two parts: the first addresses the general principles at issue and the second covers the specific types of contracts. The work also addresses international aspects of contract law. The succinct yet scholarly quality of this resource and the practicality of the information provided make it a valuable time-saving tool for business and legal professionals. The updated supplements ensure a library that its resources will remain current on changes to legislation and policy in jurisdictions worldwide. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Constitutional Law By Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2009 15:30:57 GMT This set of volumes in the International Encyclopaedia of Laws presents a country-by-country survey of constitutional law throughout the world. It is also unique in that it publishes full English translations of 27 of the constitutions of the world in one source. Each national monograph includes detailed information of the country's political system, historical background, sources of constitutional law, form of government, state form and subdivisions of the state, component states and decentralized authorities and citizenship. It details specific problems such as foreign relations taxing and spending power, emergency laws, the power of the military and the constitutional relation between church and state. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Commercial and Economic Law By Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2009 14:34:48 GMT In the pursuit or contemplation of international commercial activities, numerous questions of law arise. These volumes in the International Encyclopaedia of Laws answer these questions in a single resource. Commercial law covers merchants' status and obligations (such as bookkeeping), their bankruptcy and their instruments for business. Economic law, a relatively new legal branch, deals with state intervention in economic activities and includes law of establishment, law of competition and state regulation of conditions of commercial transactions. Specific topics covered in this work include broker/client relations, contracts affecting competition and government taxation incentives for economic activities. This concise book provides a regularly updated source of key information, written by experts in the field, at both the national and international levels. It is therefore an invaluable resource for both academics and practitioners. For detailed information on all volumes of the Encyclopaedia, please visit: If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Commercial Law: Source Materials By Published On :: Mon, 01 Jun 2009 16:08:13 GMT Published: January 2008 The practice of international commercial law has become so complex since the onset of globalization that it has become virtually impossible for interested parties to collect their own copies of the various source materials. After six years, the editor has thoroughly updated this collection, which in its first edition quickly became a cornerstone resource for business lawyers, making it far and away the most complete collection of applicable treaties, institutional rules, regulations, model laws and codes there is. The Second Edition includes increased attention to influential areas like the extraterritorial effects of certain national laws and the growing use of non-statutory models such as the UNIDROIT principles. This one-volume source provides invaluable support for in-house counsel and corporate lawyers and offers the scholar and student a peerless reference work. Table of Contents: Preface Chapter 1: Arbitration and Mediation Chapter 2: Contract Law Chapter 3: Electronic Commerce Chapter 4: Financial Law Chapter 5: Intellectual Property Chapter 6: Contractual Arrangements on Transport Chapter 7: Trusts Chapter 8: Insolvency Chapter 9: Taxation Chapter 10: Corporate Governance, Transparency, Bribery and Codes of Conduct If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Commercial Arbitration 3 Volume Set, Second Edition By Published On :: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 08:44:29 GMT Published April 2014 Watch an Exclusive Interview with Gary B. Born on the book Practitioners, academics, clients, institutions and other users of international commercial arbitration will find clear and authoritative guidance in this work. The first edition of International Commercial Arbitration is widely acknowledged as the preeminent commentary in the field. It was awarded the 2011 Certificate of Merit by the American Society of International Law and was voted the “International Dispute Resolution Book of the Year” by the Oil, Gas, Mining and Infrastructure Dispute Management list serve in 2010. The first edition has been extensively cited in national court decisions and arbitral awards around the world. The treatise comprehensively examines the law and practice of contemporary international commercial arbitration, thoroughly explicating all relevant international conventions, national arbitration statutes and institutional arbitration rules. It focuses on both international instruments (particularly the New York Convention) and national law provisions in all leading jurisdictions (including the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration). Please click here to read an introduction to this treatise. The second edition of International Commercial Arbitration has been extensively revised, expanded and updated, to include all legislative, judicial and arbitral authorities material in the field of international arbitration prior to January 2014. It also includes expanded treatment of annulment, recognition of awards, counsel ethics, arbitrator independence and impartiality and applicable law.The revised 4,000 page text contains references to more than 20,000 cases, awards and other authorities. Overview of volumes: Volume I, covering International Arbitration Agreements, provides a comprehensive discussion of international commercial arbitration agreements. It includes chapters dealing with the legal framework for enforcing international arbitration agreements; the separability presumption; choice of law; formation and validity; nonarbitrability; competence-competence and the allocation of jurisdictional competence; the effects of arbitration agreements; interpretation and non-signatory issues. Volume II, covering International Arbitration Procedures, provides a detailed discussion of international arbitral procedures. It includes chapters dealing with the legal framework for international arbitral proceedings; the selection, challenge and replacement of arbitrators; the rights and duties of international arbitrators; selection of the arbitral seat; arbitration procedures; disclosure and discovery; provisional If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Commercial Arbitration By Published On :: Tue, 19 May 2009 16:19:16 GMT Published: March 2010 International Commercial Arbitration is an authoritative treatise providing the most complete available commentary and analysis on all aspects of the international commercial arbitration process. This completely revised and expanded edition of Gary Born's authoritative work is divided into three main parts, dealing with the International Arbitration Agreement, International Arbitral Procedures and International Arbitral Awards. The book provides a systematic framework for both current analysis and future developments as well as exhaustive citations from all leading legal systems. p> Table of Contents: International Arbitration Agreement Chapter 1: Legal Framework for International Arbitration Agreements Chapter 2: International Arbitration Agreements and the Separability Presumption Chapter 3: Choice-of-Law Governing International Arbitration Agreements Chapter 4: Formation, Validity and Legality of International Arbitration Agreements Chapter 5: International Arbitration Agreements and Competence-Competence Chapter 6: Effects and Enforcement of International Arbitration Agreements Chapter 7: Interpretation of International Arbitration Agreements Chapter 8: Parties to International Arbitration Agreement International Arbitral Procedures and Proceedings Chapter 9: Legal Framework for International Arbitral Proceedings Chapter 10: Selection, Challenge and Replacement of Arbitrators in International Arbitration Chapter 11: Rights and Duties of International Arbitrators Chapter 12: Selection of Arbitral Seat in International Arbitration Chapter 13: Procedures in International Arbitration Chapter 14: Disclosure and Discovery in International Arbitration Chapter 15: Provisional Measures in International Arbitration Chapter 16: Consolidation, Joinder and Intervention in International Arbitration Chapter 17: Choice of Substantive Law in International Arbitration Chapter 18: Confidentiality in International Arbitration Chapter 19: Legal Representation and Professional Conduct in International Arbitration International Arbitral Awards Chapter 20: Legal Framework for International Arbitral Awards Chapter 21: Form and Content of International Arbitral Awards Chapter 22: Correction, Interpretation and Supplementation of International Arbitral Awards Chapter 23: Annulment of International Arbitral Awards Chapter 24: Recognition and EIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Arbitration: Law and Practice By Published On :: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 14:20:12 GMT Published: November 2012 International Arbitration: Law and Practice provides a concise overview of the legal principles and practice of international arbitration. It offers an accessible, straightforward introduction to the legal framework for international commercial arbitration, including discussions of international arbitration agreements, international arbitral procedures and international arbitral awards. This book also provides an introduction to international investment arbitration, including a discussion of the ICSID Convention and issues arising under bilateral investment treaties, and state-to-state arbitration. It also includes descriptions of the contemporary practice and tactics of international arbitration. Among other things, this title addresses the drafting of arbitration clauses, selection and challenge of arbitrators, structure of arbitral proceedings, process of disclosure or discovery, witness preparation and testimony, conduct of evidentiary hearings and other key procedural steps in international arbitrations. It contains an Introduction and three principal parts: Part I: International Arbitration Agreements, including the separability presumption, choice of law issues, competence-competence doctrine, recognition and enforcement of arbitration agreements, formation and validity, formal validity and writing requirements, interpretative issues, non-signatory doctrines and multi-party/multi-contract issues. Part II: International Arbitral Proceedings, including importance and choice of arbitral seat, selection and challenge of arbitrators, parties’ procedural autonomy, arbitrators’ procedural discretion, conduct of arbitral proceedings, disclosure and discovery, provisional measures, choice of substantive law, confidentiality, consolidation and intervention. Part III: International Arbitral Awards, including form and content of awards, relief, costs, forums for annulment of awards, grounds for annulment or set-aside of awards, recognition and enforcement of awards, preclusion and precedent, and recognition of annulled awards. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Arbitration and Mediation: A Practical Guide By Published On :: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:34:50 GMT Published: February 2010 Optimising the outcome of disputes connected with international business forms the subject matter of International Arbitration and Mediation: A Practical Guide. Rather than adopt an idealised approach of pursuing victories at any cost, the authors help parties predict the realistic consequences (and costs) of their decisions and provide a step-by-step guide to opportunities to influence the course of a dispute as it unfolds in its various stages. They discuss techniques for productively resolving disputes through negotiation, mediation, and arbitration, frequently illustrating critical steps through real-world examples drawn from past experiences. The book is intended as an easily accessible desktop resource for lawyers who regularly counsel businesses when negotiating international deals, and for those who represent the same clients in achieving a successful resolution when disputes emerge. The practical guidance includes: How to determine which dispute resolution clauses work best for different international contracts, and how to negotiate those clauses What preliminary steps parties should consider to preserve their rights when a dispute arises Whether and how to appoint counsel When and how to perform an early case assessment (ECA) How to organise and conduct international mediations and arbitration proceedings How to enforce (or set aside) arbitral awards Securing the benefit of additional protections available through investment treaties The text is divided into chapters that follow the life cycle of an international commercial dispute as seen through the eyes of the parties, from when they agree how to resolve disputes in their contracts to the endgame of enforcement. Additionally, the appendices include a number of model submissions for further reference. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements: Drafting and Enforcing, 4th Edition By Published On :: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 11:03:57 GMT Published: May 2013 International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements: Drafting and Enforcing, 4th Edition is a concise, practical primer on the fundamentals of drafting and enforcing arbitration agreements and other dispute resolution clauses. It offers model arbitration and forum selection clauses for international contracts and explains the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches. Table of contents: Chapter 1 – Planning For International Dispute Resolution Chapter 2 – Drafting International Forum Selection Clauses Chapter 3 – Drafting International Arbitration Agreements Chapter 4 – Enforcing International Forum Selection Agreements Chapter 5 – Enforcing International Arbitration Agreements Chapter 6 – Enforcing Foreign Judgments Chapter 7 – Enforcing International Arbitral Awards Chapter 8 – Drafting And Enforcing Choice-Of-Law Clauses Appendices The book is an essential resource for any international practitioner or corporate counsel engaged in international matters. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards Guide (2015) By Published On :: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 15:01:49 GMT Authors: David Alexander, Professor of Accounting & Finance and Simon Archer Organizes accounting pronouncements into two parts: general standards and industry-specific standards. The Practice Pointers featured throughout this edition point out, in plain English, how to apply the standards just discussed. Part I: Overview (a recap of the International Accounting Standards Board and the formation of IFRAC) Part II: General Standards Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates, and Errors Borrowing Costs Business Combinations Cash Flow Statement Changing Prices and Hyperinflationary Economies Consolidated Financial Statements Construction Contracts Earnings Per Share Employee Benefits The Equity Method Events After the Balance Sheet Date Financial Instruments Foreign Currency Translation Government Grants and Government Assistance Impairment of Assets Income Taxes Intangible Assets Interim Financial Reporting Inventories Investment Property Leases Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations Property, Plant, and Equipment Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets Related-Party Disclosures Revenue Segment Reporting Share-Based Payment Part III: Industry-Specific Standards Agriculture Insurance Contracts Mineral Resources: Exploration and Evaluation 9780808039242 6" x 9" 696 pages Related Products GAAP Guide (2015) Book or CD (U.S.) U.S. Master GAAP Guide (2015) Accounting Research Manager - ARM CCH Accounting for Income Taxes, 2015 Edition (U.S.) Auditor's Risk Management Guide: Integrating Auditing and ERM (2013) (U.S.) GAAP Financial Statement Disclosures Manual, (w/CD-ROM), 2014-2015 (U.S.) GAAP Handbook of Policies and Procedures (w/CD-ROM) (2015) (U.S.) GAAS Guide, 2015 (with CD-ROM) (U.S.) Full Article
nation International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards Guide (2014) By Published On :: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:48:55 GMT Organizes accounting pronouncements into two parts: general standards and industry-specific standards. The Practice Pointers featured throughout this edition point out, in plain English, how to apply the standards just discussed. Part I: Overview (a recap of the International Accounting Standards Board and the formation of IFRAC) Part II: General Standards - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates, and Errors - Borrowing Costs - Business Combinations - Cash Flow Statement - Changing Prices and Hyperinflationary Economies - Consolidated Financial Statements - Construction Contracts - Earnings Per Share - Employee Benefits - The Equity Method - Events After the Balance Sheet Date - Financial Instruments - Foreign Currency Translation - Government Grants and Government Assistance - Impairment of Assets - Income Taxes - Intangible Assets - Interim Financial Reporting - Inventories - Investment Property - Leases - Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations - Property, Plant, and Equipment - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets -Full Article
nation International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards Guide (2013) By Published On :: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 14:48:17 GMT Organizes accounting pronouncements into two parts: general standards and industry-specific standards. The Practice Pointers featured throughout this edition point out, in plain English, how to apply the standards just discussed. Part I: Overview (a recap of the International Accounting Standards Board and the formation of IFRAC) Part II: General Standards - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates, and Errors - Borrowing Costs - Business Combinations - Cash Flow Statement - Changing Prices and Hyperinflationary Economies - Consolidated Financial Statements - Construction Contracts - Earnings Per Share - Employee Benefits - The Equity Method - Events After the Balance Sheet Date - Financial Instruments - Foreign Currency Translation - Government Grants and Government Assistance - Impairment of Assets - Income Taxes - Intangible Assets - Interim Financial Reporting - Inventories - Investment Property - Leases - Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations - Property, Plant, and Equipment - Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets - Related-Party Disclosures - Revenue - Segment Reporting - Share-Based Payment Part III: Industry-Specific Standards - Agriculture - Insurance Contracts - Mineral Resources: Exploration and Evaluation Related Products of Interest - Revenue Recognition Guide (2013) (U.S.) - GAAP Guide, 2013 (U.S.) - GAAP Handbook of Policies and Procedures - w/CD-ROM (2013) (U.S.) - Governmental GAAP Guide, 2013 (U.S.) - Governmental GAAP Practice Manual (2013) (U.S.) - Financial Instruments: A Comprehensive Guide to Accounting & Reporting (2012) (U.S.) - Knowledge-Based Audits, Compilations and Reviews of Common Interest Realty Associations w/CD (2012 - 2013) - Knowledge-Based Compilations & Reviews, 2013 - Financial Accounting and Reporting, 2012 - GAAP Financial Statement DisclosuIf you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Examples and Explanation Series: Securities Regulation, Sixth Edition By Published On :: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 13:01:18 GMT Published: April 2014 Informal and student-friendly, this study guide gives an overview of federal securities regulation and illustrates the topic with practical applications. Examples and Explanation Series: Securities Regulation, Sixth Edition combines clear introductions with examples and explanations that test students’ understanding of concepts and give them practice applying the law to fact patterns—many drawn from current events. Features: Updates on recent Supreme Court rulings: Amgen Inc. (proof of materiality); Suisse Securities (statute of limitations); Janus Capital (making of false statements); Halliburton (proof of loss causation); Matrixx Initiatives (materiality); Morrison (extraterritorial securities fraud) The new JOBS Act: new definitions of "public company"; disclosure and internal-control exemptions for "emerging growth companies"; broader marketing of private placements; new mini-public offering registration process; and new registration exemptions and liability scheme for "crowdfunding" Actual use (with charts) of the various registration exemptions exemptions under the Securities Act of 1933, including intrastate, Reg D, Reg A and statutory 4(2) offerings. The status of recent high-profile securities litigation, including fraud in the marketing of subprime mortgages, largest-ever insider trading convictions New, updated examples and explanations based on recent developments: class action litigation under Rule 10b-5, fraud in selling mortgage-backed securities, liability for inaccurate credit ratings, exemptions under JOBS Act Table of Contents: Summary of Contents Contents Preface Acknowledgments Special Notice Chapter 1 Introduction to Securities Markets and Regulation Chapter 2 Definition of Security Chapter 3 Materiality Chapter 4 Registration of Securities Offerings Chapter 5 Exemptions from Securities Act Registration Chapter 6 Securities Act Liability Chapter 7 Secondary and Other Postoffering Distributions Chapter 8 Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Chapter 9 Rule 10b-5 Chapter 10 Insider Trading Chapter 11 Regulation of Securities Industry Chapter 12 Public Enforcement Chapter 13 U.S. Regulation of Cross-Border Securities Transactions Table of Cases Index If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Examples & Explanations: Wills, Trusts, and Estates, Fifth Edition By Published On :: Fri, 02 May 2014 13:18:03 GMT Published: June 2012 Comprehensive coverage is the hallmark of Examples & Explanations: Wills, Trusts, and Estates, Fifth Edition. It combines textual material with well-written examples, explanations, and questions to test students’ comprehension and provide them with practice in applying information to fact patterns. It includes comprehensive questions which present a variety of issues in one fact situation. Topics covered: Transfer of death deeds Self-settled spendthrift trusts The Rule Against Perpetuities reform Federal Gift, Estate, and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Uniform Trust Code The rights of same-sex partners Medicaid planning Physician-assisted suicide Intestacy Wills and trusts, including non-probate assets Disability and death planning Malpractice and professional responsibility If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Law, Explanation and Analysis By Published On :: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 09:45:52 GMT Published: July 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Law, Explanation and Analysis provides comprehensive analysis of this sweeping new banking and securities legislation. These historic reforms will transform the way banks, hedge funds, credit rating agencies, broker-dealers, investment advisers, accountants, public companies and other financial institutions – and the attorneys who advise these entities – operate. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of these changes will be vital to all participants in the U.S. financial system. This definitive publication provides immediate insight into the impact of the new law. Written by the CCH editorial staff of banking and securities attorneys, the 1,600-plus page book explains every provision of this complex legislation, providing over 600 pages of the analysis you need to understand the impact of this historic legislation. Commentary includes discussion of the relevant legislative history, including committee reports and floor remarks, detailed citations to new and amended law sections, and editorial comments and caution notes. This publication also features the full text of the legislation and committee reports, tables of effective dates and statutes amended, and a topical index. The law includes these elements: Establishes a Financial Stability Oversight Council Establishes an orderly liquidation authority Creates a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Creates an Office of Financial Research Creates a Federal Insurance Office Eliminates the Office of Thrift Supervision National minimum underwriting standards for home mortgages Stricter oversight of credit rating agencies New capital standards for banks based on size and risk Requires affiliate structure for derivatives trading operations deemed risky Limits proprietary trading at the largest financial firms (the Volcker Rule) Regulates derivatives on exchanges or through clearing organizations Requires SEC registration of hedge funds and private equity funds Imposes retention requirements on securitized loans Promotes use of stricter state-level consumer protection laws Requires independent compensation committees Gives shareholders a non-binding “say-on-pay” Investor protection for seniors and underserved investors If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Corporate Partnering: Structuring and Negotiating Domestic and International Strategic Alliances By Published On :: Thu, 21 May 2009 14:13:31 GMT This handbook and bonus CD-ROM provides an up-to-date guide to structuring and negotiating profitable corporate alliances, covering both the strategic benefits and potential risks involved. In straightforward language, this practical resource explains the proprietary rights issues involved and then walks the reader through the chronology of a deal, from the definition of objectives to the decision to seek an alliance, identification of potential partners, negotiations and closing. Corporate Partnering is packed full of the latest forms covering all aspects of strategic alliances and annotated with crisp, clear commentary explaining the real-world issues addressed by each provision and showing how alternative solutions can be used to accomplish different aims. These carefully crafted agreements cover the broad range of areas from supply and distribution, product and technology, research and development to investment and investment-related arrangements. Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the latest developments, the Fourth Edition includes new sections on spin-out transactions, virtual companies and off-shoring arrangements, plus updated transaction forms, intellectual property summary and partnering transactions checklists. Table of contents: Chapter 1 Corporate Partnering/Strategic Alliances Chapter 2 Preliminary Agreements Chapter 3 The Alliance Agreements Chapter 4 Equity Investments by One Partner in the Other Chapter 5 Partnering with Universities and Non-Profit Research Institutes Chapter 6 Spin-Out Transactions Chapter 7 Life Sciences Transactions Chapter 8 Software, Semi-Conductor and New Media Development and Licensing Arrangements Chapter 9 Virtual Company/Outsourcing/Off-Shoring Agreements Chapter 10 Teaming Agreement If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration By Published On :: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 10:35:23 GMT Published: June 2011 Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration deciphers the current degree of confidentiality in international commercial arbitration as reflected by the most important arbitration rules, national laws, other arbitration-related enactments, and practices of arbitral tribunals and domestic courts globally. Drawing on this data and analysis, the author then sets forth criteria to assess the breach of confidentiality in international arbitration and the proper rules for protecting or sanctioning such breaches. What do we understand by confidentiality in arbitration? What are its limitations? Who is bound to observe it? How can we quantify its breach? In addressing these questions, the book engages such issues as the following: Reasons for disclosure – e.g., for the establishment of a defence, for the enforcement of rights, in the public interest or in the interests of justice Disclosure by consent, express or implied Circumstances triggering statutory obligation of disclosure Recent trends towards greater transparency in investor-State arbitration Court measures in support of arbitral confidentiality such as award of damages for breach of confidentiality Categories of persons bound by confidentiality, including third parties such as witnesses and experts Structured along the main stages of the arbitral process, the analysis covers the duty of confidentiality from the initiation of arbitral proceedings through their unfolding to the issuance of the award and after. The scope of confidentiality is reviewed in the practice of arbitral tribunals and domestic courts, and from the perspective of international arbitration institutions, with detailed attention to various arbitration rules and numerous significant cases. In its elucidation of the amount of confidentiality that ‘veils’ each phase of the arbitral process, and its ground-breaking identification of ‘patterns of disclosure’, this book is sure to raise awareness about the various facets and problems posed by confidentiality in arbitration. Although its scholarly contribution to the law of international commercial arbitration cannot be gainsaid, corporate counsel worldwide will quickly prize its more practical value. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation BLUE BOOK 2013: Joint Committee on Taxation's General Explanation of Tax Legislation Enacted in the 112th Congress By Published On :: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 08:48:09 GMT Authors: Lois Ruffner Plank, Donald Morris, Bryan R. Plank and Christie Plank Ciraulo Provides a detailed explanation of the tax-related provisions contained in over 40 pieces of legislation enacted in the 112th Congress during 2011 and 2012. The Blue Book provides the legislative history for each Act, a provision-by-provision description of the prior law and new law, the reasons for the law change if the provision was reported out of committee before enactment, and the effective date of each law change. Descriptions prepared by the Joint Committee on Taxation were included in the absence of other committee reports or when the Joint Committee issued a contemporaneous technical explanation of the bill. An Appendix shows the estimated budget effects of the tax legislation enacted in the 112th Congress for fiscal years 2010 – 2012. The Blue Book's explanations serve as a useful guide in understanding the intent and meaning of the new tax laws and, along with committee and conference reports, is considered substantial authority for the tax treatment of an item for purposes of avoiding the Code Sec. 6662 accuracy-related penalty on substantial understatements of income tax (Reg. §1.6662-4(d)(3)(iii)). If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Arbitration International By Published On :: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 07:58:36 GMT Launched in 1985, Arbitration International provides quarterly coverage for national and international developments in the world of arbitration. It aims to maintain balance between academic debate and practical contributions to the field, providing both topical material on current developments and analytic scholarship of permanent interest. Arbitrators, counsel, judges, scholars and government officials will find the journal enhances their understanding of a broad range of topics in private dispute resolution. Features include: Articles covering all major arbitration rules and national jurisdictions written by respected international practitioners and scholars Cutting edge notes covering recent developments and ongoing debates in the field Book reviews of the latest publications in the world of arbitration Over 100 pages of authoritative information per issue, maintaining an appropriate balance between controversial subjects for debate and topics geared toward practical use The journal meets the needs of lawyers and others engaged in the development and application of international arbitration as a means of international commercial dispute resolution. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Arbitrability: International and Comparative Perspectives By Published On :: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:27:59 GMT Published: March 2009 It often seems today that no dispute is barred from resolution by arbitration. Even the fundamental question of whether a dispute falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of a judicial body may itself be arbitrable. Arbitrability is thus an elusive concept; yet a systematic study of it, as this book shows, yields innumerable guidelines and insights that are of substantial value to arbitral practice. Although Arbitrability: International and Comparative Perspectives takes the form of a collection of essays, it is designed as a comprehensive commentary on practical issues that emerge from the idea of arbitrability. Fifteen leading academics and practitioners from Europe and the United States each explore different facets of arbitrability always with a perspective open to international developments and comparative evaluation of standards. The presentation falls into two parts: in the first the focus is on the general features of arbitrability, its rationale and the laws applicable to it. In the second, arbitrability is specifically examined in the context of administrative, criminal, corporate, IP, financial, commercial, and criminal law. This book has its origins in an International Conference on Arbitrability held at Athens in September 2005. Seven papers presented there are here reviewed and updated, and nine others are added. The subject of the book – arbitrability – is one that is much talked about, but seldom if ever given the in-depth treatment presented here. Arbitrators and other practitioners in the field will welcome the way the analysis moves logically from theory to practice regarding every issue, and academics will recognize a definitive treatment of arbitrability as understood and applied in the settlement of disputes today. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Affordable Care Act – Law, Regulatory Explanation and Analysis (2015) (U.S.) By Published On :: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 08:35:52 GMT With the publication of this book, CCH is providing practitioners with a single integrated law and explanation of the tax provisions of the landmark health reform legislation and guidance. This resource includes IRS regulations and other regulatory decrees executing the many aspects of health care reform. This edition contains complete coverage of the final employer mandate regulations, the simplified options for employer reporting, the small employer health credit regulations, the premium assistance tax credit reporting and much more. The law is arranged in code section sequence with italicized type used for all new language that amends previous code sections. CHAPTER 1. HEALTH CARE REFORM Timeline and Implementation CHAPTER 2. INDIVIDUALS Individual Health Insurance Mandate Health Insurance Premium Assistance Refundable Credit Itemized Deduction for Medical Expenses Medical Benefits for Children Under Age 27 CHAPTER 3. BUSINESSES Employer Mandate to Provide Health Insurance Small Employer Health Insurance Credit Exchange-Participating Qualified Health Plans Offered Through Cafeteria Plans Health Flexible Spending Accounts Offered in Cafeteria Plans Simple Cafeteria Plans Elimination of Deduction for Federal Subsidies for Certain Retiree Prescription Drug Plans Limitation on Excessive Employee Remuneration Excise Tax on High Cost Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage Excise Tax on Sales of Medical Devices Fee on Manufacturers and Importers of Prescription Drugs Additional Requirements for Charitable Hospitals CHAPTER 4. INFORMATION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Inclusion of Cost of Employer-Sponsored Health Coverage on W-2 Health Care Coverage Reporting Reporting of Employer Health Insurance Coverage CHAPTER 5. HEALTH CARE EXCHANGES AND OTHER PROVISIONS GOVERNING HEALTH CARE PLANS Establishment of Health Insurance Exchanges Exchange Requirements—American Health Benefit Exchanges Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP Exchange) Procedures for Determining Eligibility for Exchange Participation, Tax Credits, and Cost-Sharing Reductions Cost-Sharing Reductions Advance Determinations and Payments Contents of Essential Health Benefits Package Grandfathered Plans in the Individual and Group Health Markets If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation 2012-2013 US and International Research Catalogue By Published On :: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 09:27:10 GMT Get an overview of CCH US and International Tax Products from the simplest to the most complete research solution. It contains description of CCH content for products dealing with Federal and State taxes, Estate and Gift taxes, Treatises, Accounting and Audit, international taxes, forms, journals and training. You can order your free printed copy or you can download it here. To help you chose the most relevant products, you can also use the tool called diagnosis card. If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here. Full Article
nation Professionalism in the built heritage sector: edited contributions to the International Conference on Professionalism in the Built Heritage Sector, Arenberg Castle, Leuven, Belgium, February 5-8, 2018 / editors, Koen van Balen & Aziliz Vandesande By Published On :: Sun, 19 Jan 2020 06:00:02 EST Rotch Library - NA105.I5747 2018 Full Article
nation Congreso internacional eficiencia engergética y edificación histórica: actas = International conference energy efficiency in historic buildings: proceedings / edited by Fundación de Casas Históricas y Singulares, Fundación Ar By Published On :: Sun, 2 Feb 2020 06:00:01 EST Online Resource Full Article
nation Archgroup: turning imagination into reality. By Published On :: Sun, 23 Feb 2020 06:00:02 EST Rotch Library - NA1473.3.A73 A4 2019 Full Article
nation Hagia Sophia in context: an archaeological re-examination of the Cathedral of Byzantine Constantinople / Ken Dark and Jan Kostenec By Published On :: Sun, 23 Feb 2020 06:00:02 EST Rotch Library - NA5870.A9 D37 2019 Full Article
nation Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019). edited by Zhaojun Wang, Yingxin Zhu, Fang Wang, Peng Wang, Chao Shen, Jing Liu By Published On :: Sun, 26 Apr 2020 06:00:01 EDT Online Resource Full Article
nation Wood and fire safety: proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wood and Fire Safety 2020 / Linda Makovicka Osvaldova, Frank Markert, Samuel L. Zelinka, editors By Published On :: Sun, 26 Apr 2020 06:00:01 EDT Online Resource Full Article