
Bankers and Bolsheviks: international finance and the Russian Revolution / Hassan Malik

Dewey Library - HG186.R8 M315 2018


International trade finance: a pragmatic approach / Tarsem Bhogal, Arun Trivedi

Online Resource


Global issues in banking and finance: 4th International Conference on Banking and Finance Perspectives / Nesrin Ozatac, Korhan K. Gokmenoglu, editors

Online Resource


American bonds: how credit markets shaped a nation / Sarah L. Quinn

Dewey Library - HG4936.Q56 2019


Reform of the international monetary system: why and how? / John B. Taylor

Dewey Library - HG3881.T393 2019


Multinational banks and foreign expansion decisions Cansu Eray

Online Resource


Oracles, heroes or villains: economic policymakers, national politicians and the power to shape markets / George Shambaugh, IV

Dewey Library - HG925.S49 2019


Why international cooperation is failing: how the clash of capitalisms undermines the regulation of finance / Thomas Kalinowski

Dewey Library - HG3881.K35 2019


[ASAP] Reactive Oxygen Species and Catalytic Active Sites in Heterogeneous Catalytic Ozonation for Water Purification

Environmental Science & Technology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c00575


[ASAP] Combination of X-ray Diffraction and Specific Rotation to Unequivocally Characterize Carvone Semicarbazone Derivatives

Journal of Chemical Education
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00074


[ASAP] Investigating the Mechanism of Alkyne Hydrogenation through an Open-Ended, Inquiry-Based Undergraduate Research Project Exploring Heterogeneous Catalysis

Journal of Chemical Education
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.9b01152


Late surge glacial conditions on Bakaninbreen, Svalbard, and implications for surge termination

Late surge glacial conditions on Bakaninbreen, Svalbard, and implications for surge termination Smith, A. M.; Murray, Tavi; Davison, B. M.; Clough, A. F.; Woodward, J.; Jiskoot, Hester Bakaninbreen is a polythermal glacier in southern Spitsbergen, Svalbard, that last surged between 1985 and 1995. Seismic reflection data were acquired during early quiescence in spring 1998, just upstream of the surge front. The results were combined with complementary ground-penetrating radar data to investigate the glacial structure and basal conditions. We find no difference between the ice thickness values determined from the seismic and radar methods, suggesting that any layer of basal ice cannot be greater than 5 m thick. Interpretation of the amplitude of the seismic reflections indicates the presence of permafrost close to the glacier base. A thin layer of thawed deforming sediment separates the glacier from this underlying permafrost. In an area just upstream of the surge front the permafrost becomes discontinuous and may even be absent, the ice being underlain by 10–15 m of thawed sediments overlying deeper bedrock. Highpressure water is believed to have been required to maintain the propagation of the surge, and this area of thawed sediment is interpreted as a route for that water to escape from the basal system. When the surge front passed over this thawed bed, the escaping water reduced the pressure in the subglacial hydraulic system, initiating the termination of the surge. Surge termination was therefore primarily controlled by the presurge permafrost distribution beneath the glacier, rather than any feature of the surge itself. This termination mechanism is probably limited to surges in polythermal glaciers, but the techniques used may have wider glaciological applications. Sherpa Romeo green journal. Permission to archive final published version


System, order, and international law

Title: System, order, and international law [electronic resource] : the early history of international legal thought from Machiavelli to Hegel / edited by Stefan Kadelbach, Thomas Kleinlein and David Roth-Isigkeit.
Imprint: Oxford, United Kingdom New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2017.";"©2017
Shelfmark: Oxford Scholarship Online
Subjects: International law -- Philosophy -- History.
Political science -- Philosophy -- History.
International law -- Philosophy. fast (OCoLC)fst00977003
Political science -- Philosophy. fast (OCoLC)fst01069819


LexisNexis® Legal & Professional Wins 32 Awards from <em><strong style="font-size:20px">The National Law Journal</strong>®</em> and <em><strong style="font-size:20px">Corporate Counsel&

NEW YORK – LexisNexis® Legal & Professional, a leading global provider of content and technology solutions, today announced that it has been recognized by The National Law Journal and Corporate Counsel in their annual “Best of” awards for legal technology in 2018. The Corporate Counsel and The National Law Journal Best of awards are chosen by the publications’ readers and by working professionals in the legal industry.


United Nations Foundation Honors LexisNexis CEO Mike Walsh with Global Leadership Award for Advancing Rule of Law

New York, NY -- LexisNexis Legal & Professional, today announced that Mike Walsh, CEO of LexisNexis Legal & Professional, will receive a Global Leadership Award from the United Nations Foundation in recognition of the company's contributions to advancing the rule of law globally.


Red Cross Society organises blood donation camp


Let’s hear it from the ACS national meeting

More than 16,000 people showed up to the meeting in New Orleans. Here are a few of their stories


Chemists elected to National Academy of Sciences

Membership to NAS is among the most prestigious scientific honors in the U.S.


Call for nominations for Green Chemistry Challenge Awards


Chemists elected to National Academy of Medicine


Tellurium contamination, on the rise, travels to remote areas from industrial sources

As demand for the rare element grows, researchers trace the history of long-range tellurium deposition 


National oil companies plunge deeper into chemicals

Big investments are planned in Abu Dhabi, Qatar, and Algeria to diversify away from oil and gas


Tellurium contamination, on the rise, travels to remote areas from industrial sources

As demand for the rare element grows, researchers trace the history of long-range tellurium deposition


Cobalt coaxes enamides into asymmetric hydrogenation

Chemists use the reaction to develop a greener route to epilepsy drug


Division of Polymer Chemistry seeks nominations for awards


2018 Tess Award to Christopher Bowman; call for 2019 nominations


Sexual harassment pervasive in science, National Academies study says

Cultural change needed to prevent injury to female faculty, students


California wildfires caused unexpected benzene contamination of drinking water

Experts urge water industry to study plastic pipes’ vulnerability


256th ACS National Meeting

Boston, Mass., Aug. 19–23


U.S. team finalized for International Chemistry Olympiad

4 high school students will head to Slovakia and Czech Republic in July for international competition


Nominations sought for 2020 American Chemical Society national awards


India must change how it evaluates researchers, Indian National Science Academy says


U.S. team heads to International Chemistry Olympiad


Women chemists still face discrimination in academia

Survey shows little has changed in the decade since female professors were last asked about their careers


Call for nominations for Akron Section Award


Your guide to the ACS national meeting in Boston


U.S. team wins 4 golds at the International Chemistry Olympiad

Winning streak continues as high school students turn in a top performance for the second year in a row


U.S. team wins 4 golds at the International Chemistry Olympiad

Winning streak continues as high school students turn in a top performance for the second year in a row


International Securities Law Handbook

International Securities Law Handbook answers the need for a user-friendly source of information that addresses securities law in the most significant jurisdictions. This invaluable reference presents key elements of securities law and regulations in 30 jurisdictions.

Countries include Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada (including Quebec), Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, The Netherlands, Norway, The Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States of America.

Country chapters, each written by an expert in the particular country's securities law, appear alphabetically. Readers can also make easy comparisons between treatments of particular issues by different jurisdictions. International Securities Law Handbook is an easily accessible desk reference on multinational and cross-border transactions.

Topics covered:

  • Description of the securities markets
  • Principal laws regulating the securities markets
  • Quasi-securities and derivatives
  • Exemptions available
  • Special cases such as employee share schemes, rights issues, and takeovers

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Business Combinations and Consolidations Under IFRS

Webinar information current as of May 14, 2008

CCH IFRS Webinar Series 2008 - Seminar 2

Business combinations represent a growing number of firms within Canada. They will be treated differently after the convergence with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Canada. Mergers and acquisitions are happening everyday - can you afford to not understand the new consequences?

CCH Canadian presents the second in a series of online seminars on IFRS for Canada. This 90-minute online seminar is presented by Peter D. Chant, FCA, Ph.D., Partner at Deloitte Canada and author of the upcoming book, iGAAP 2008: IFRS for Canada.


Business Combinations: IFRS 3 (Revised) and SFAS 141(R)

FASB 141(R):

A. Business Combinations

  • Key dates
  • Scope
  • Definition of a business
  • Measuring the exchange
  • Elements of the purchase equation
  • The “Measurement Period”
  • Disclosures

B. Consolidation and Non-controlling interests

C. IFRS 3 Differences


Dr. Peter Chant, FCA, is a partner in the National Assurance and Advisory group at Deloitte & Touche LLP. He is a former member and Chair of the Canadian Accounting Standards Board and was co-Chair of the CICA/FASB Task Force that developed the current Canadian and FASB standard on segmented information. He was also a member of the FASB's Task Force on Business Combinations that developed the FASB's current standard on that topic, and a member of the G4+1 Group of standard setters, which included the Chairs of the IASB, FASB and the Canadian Accounting Standards Board. Peter D. Chant has published a textbook on advanced accounting in Canada, and was co-author of a research paper on accounting for joint ventures that was published by the G4+1. He is currently the Chair of Task Force on Non-GAAP Performance Measures of the Canadian Performance Reporting Board of the CICA. He has a Ph.D. in Accounting and Information Systems from Northwestern University.


Participate right from your desk or office. All you need is an internet connection and a sound card.
CCH IFRS Webinar Series
Business Combinations and Consolidations Under IFRS is the second webinar in the series of six.  Learn more about the CCH IFRS Webinar Series.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations - Selected Sections (2011-2012 Edition)

Available: August 2011

Professors Richard C. Pugh, Charles H. Gustafson, and Robert J. Peroni

Compiled by a team of distinguished law professors, the 2011-2012 edition of INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations-Selected Sections serves both students and practitioners in accessing the laws and regulations for U.S. international tax. For students, the INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations-Selected Sections is a popular companion to an international tax course book for use in undergraduate or graduate courses in law and business schools. For practitioners, the book is an exclusive convenient desk reference. Unlike the full multi-volume Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax Regulations, this single-volume reference travels well between home and office.

Includes CD of entire contents of book.

In this comprehensive and easy-to-use volume, the authors have selected provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax Regulations directly related to the U.S. taxation of foreign entities and the U.S. taxation of domestic entities that have income from sources outside the country.

The 2011-2012 edition of INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations-Selected Sections reflects all legislation and regulations enacted or adopted on or before June 1, 2011.

Related Books:   

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


International Tax Newsletter

How Canadian practitioners stay in the know about international tax issues

As the Canadian economy becomes increasingly global, international tax issues are affecting Canadians as never before. Practitioners ranging from the accounting professional to the international tax specialist count on International Tax to stay current and accurately informed.

This bi-monthly newsletter is packed with insights from international tax experts on all types of international tax issues – all from a Canadian perspective. It includes tax changes and new issues in areas such as:

  • Determination of residency status
  • Outbound/inbound investments
  • Immigration/emigration for individuals
  • Corporate immigration/emigration
  • Impact of tax rules
  • Foreign tax rules
  • FIF rules
  • NRT rules
  • CRA Interpretation Bulletins

Editor-in-chief Sam J. Tyler, of KPMG Law LLP, leads an editorial team of Canadian international tax experts from both professional and academic fields.

Bonus features:
  • Free training and technical support

Wolters Kluwer CCH research subscriptions deliver the most timely, relevant and reliable tax information and commentary to Canada's tax professionals, significantly reducing research time.

Professionals who subscribe to International Tax newsletter also find these publications instrumental to their practice:

Related Products

Schwarz on Tax Treaties, 3rd Edition
Foreign Bank Account Reporting – FBAR Compliance Guide, 2015 (U.S.)
INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations - Selected Sections (2014-2015 Edition) (U.S.)
International Taxation: U.S. Taxation of Foreign Persons and Foreign Income (2014 Supplement)
Full Article


International Financial/Accounting Reporting Standards Guide 2011

Understanding reporting standards issued by the IASB is essential for those who prepare and/or interpret financial statements and are required to comply with the increasingly complex set of international accounting and financial reporting standards. The International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards Guide is your survival handbook in today's global economy. It keeps you up-to-date on the latest general and industry-specific international reporting standards and the proposed changes on your immediate horizon that will most likely alter the way in which you must account for and disclose information. 

The International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards Guide organizes accounting pronouncements into two parts: general standards and industry-specific standards. The Practice Pointers featured throughout this edition point out, in plain English, how to apply the standards just discussed. 

Material in the International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards Guide can be easily located several ways:  the Cross-Reference shows the chapter in which a particular pronouncement is discussed; the Table of Contents directs you to a specific topic area; and the Index provides a quick page reference.

The 2011 International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards Guide includes the following topics:

  • Part I: Overview (a recap of the International Accounting Standards Board and the formation of IFRAC)
  • Part II: General Standards
    • Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates, and Errors
    • Borrowing Costs
    • Business Combinations
    • Cash Flow Statement
    • Changing Prices and Hyperinflationary Economies
    • Consolidated Financial Statements
    • Construction Contracts
    • Earnings Per Share
    • Employee Benefits
    • The Equity Method
    • Events After the Balance Sheet Date
    • Financial Instruments
    • Foreign Currency Translation
    • Government Grants and Government Assistance
    • Impairment of Assets
    • Income Taxes
    • Intangible Assets
    • Interim Financial Reporting
    • Inventories
    • Investment Property
    • Leases
    • Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
    • Property, Plant, and Equipment
    • Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets
    • Related-Party Disclosures
    • Revenue
    • Segment Reporting
    • Share-Based Payment
  • Part

    If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


2011 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS 2011 is the only official printed edition of the consolidated text of the IASB's authoritative pronouncements as issued on January 1st  2011.

This edition includes the latest version of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), International Accounting Standards (IASs), IFRIC and SIC Interpretations and the supporting documents—illustrative examples, implementation guidance, bases for conclusions and dissenting opinions - as issued by the IASB on  January 1st  2011.

For convenience, this RED book edition is presented in two parts:

  • Part A (the Conceptual Framework and requirements) contains the latest version of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), International Accounting Standards (IASs), and IFRIC and SIC Interpretations.
  • Part B contains the accompanying documents, such as illustrative examples, implementation guidance, bases for conclusions and dissenting opinions.

This edition also includes the IFRS Foundation Constitution, the IASB Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, the Preface to International Financial Reporting Standards, the Due Process Handbooks for the IASB and IFRIC, an updated Glossary of Terms, and a comprehensive Index.

This edition does not contain documents that are being replaced or superseded but remain applicable if the reporting entity chooses not to adopt the newer versions early.

Part A is 1344 pages (one book) containing the standards/interpretations
Part B is 1984 pages (one book) containing the accompanying documents, bases for conclusions etc.

Published:  March 2011

Related Titles


If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


Practical Guide to U.S. Taxation of International Transactions (Eighth Edition)

Available: August 2011

Authors: Michael S. Schadewald, Ph.D., CPA and Robert J.Misey, Jr., J.D., MBA and LL.M.

Provides readers with a practical command of the tax issues raised by international transactions and how those issues are resolved by U.S. tax laws. The book emphasizes those areas generally accepted to be essential to tax practice.

The book is written primarily as a desk reference for tax practitioners and is organized into four parts.

Part I provides an overview of the U.S. system for taxing international transactions, and also discusses the U.S. jurisdictional rules and source-of-income rules.

Part II explains how the United States taxes the foreign activities of U.S. persons, and includes chapters on the foreign tax credit, deemed paid foreign tax credit, anti-deferral provisions, foreign currency translation and transactions, export tax benefits, planning for foreign operations, and state taxation of foreign operations.

Part III describes how the United States taxes the U.S. activities of foreign persons, including the taxation of U.S.-source investment-type income and U.S. trade or business activities, as well as planning for foreign-owned U.S. operations.

Finally, Part IV covers issues common to both outbound and inbound activities, including intercompany transfer pricing, tax treaties, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and international tax practice and procedure.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards Guide (2012)

Available: November 2011

This book organizes accounting pronouncements into two parts: general standards and industry-specific standards. The Practice Pointers featured throughout this edition point out, in plain English, how to apply the standards just discussed.

The 2012 International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards Guide includes the following topics:

Part I: Overview (a recap of the International Accounting Standards Board and the formation of IFRAC)

Part II: General Standards

  • Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates, and Errors
  • Borrowing Costs
  • Business Combinations
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Changing Prices and Hyperinflationary Economies
  • Consolidated Financial Statements
  • Construction Contracts
  • Earnings Per Share
  • Employee Benefits
  • The Equity Method
  • Events After the Balance Sheet Date
  • Financial Instruments
  • Foreign Currency Translation
  • Government Grants and Government Assistance
  • Impairment of Assets
  • Income Taxes
  • Intangible Assets
  • Interim Financial Reporting
  • Inventories
  • Investment Property
  • Leases
  • Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
  • Property, Plant, and Equipment
  • Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets
  • Related-Party Disclosures
  • Revenue
  • Segment Reporting
  • Share-Based Payment

Part III: Industry-Specific Standards

  • Agriculture
  • Insurance Contracts
  • Mineral Resources: Exploration and Evaluation  

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations--Selected Sections (2010-2011 Edition

Compiled by a team of distinguished law professors, the 2010-2011 edition of INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations--Selected Sections serves both students and practitioners in accessing the laws and regulations for  U.S. international tax. For students, the INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations--Selected Sections is a popular companion to an international tax coursebook for use in undergraduate or graduate courses in law and business schools. For practitioners, the book is an exclusive convenient desk reference.  Unlike the full multi-volume Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax Regulations, this single-volume reference travels well between home and office -- and between classroom and dorm. The book features a reader-friendly large 7-1/4" x 10" format with new larger type fonts for enhanced readability.

Includes CD of entire contents of book.

In this comprehensive and easy-to-use volume, Professors Richard C. Pugh, Charles H. Gustafson, and Robert J. Peroni have selected provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and Income Tax Regulations directly related to the U.S. taxation of foreign entities and the U.S. taxation of domestic entities that have income from sources outside the country.  Code and Regulations sections included are those deemed to be essential to International Tax teachers, students and practitioners.

The 2010-2011 edition of INTERNATIONAL INCOME TAXATION: Code and Regulations--Selected Sections reflects all legislation and regulations enacted or adopted on or before June 1, 2010.

You may also be interested in:
INTERNAL REVENUE CODE: Income, Estate, Gift, Employment and Excise Taxes, (Summer 2010 Edition)

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


US Tax Legislation 2012: Sunset of the 2001 & 2003 Tax Relief Acts: Law, Explanation & Analysis

CCH Provides the critical explanation and analysis to help you make sense of federal tax provisions enacted in 2001 and 2003 that are scheduled to expire December 31, 2012, so you can plan, respond and advise with confidence.

This book provides you with timely and practical guidance on the impending sunset of the tax cuts and benefits originally enacted as part of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA). Additionally, enhanced capital gains and dividends tax rates in the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA) and subsequent legislation will also sunset after December 31, 2012. CCH editors, together with leading tax practionners and commentators, have created a complete practical analysis, guidance, examples and planning tips.

THE IRC provisions impacted by the sunset provisions of EGTRRA and JGTRRA are arranged in Code section sequence with caution language. CCH also provides several special tables and lists to facilitate quick and thorough understanding of how the sunset works, impacts the IRC and how it affects taxpayers.

Complimentary Special report:

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


US Tax Legislation 2012: Sunset of the 2001 & 2003 Tax Relief Acts: Law, Explanation & Analysis

CCH Provides the critical explanation and analysis to help you make sense of federal tax provisions enacted in 2001 and 2003 that are scheduled to expire December 31, 2012, so you can plan, respond and advise with confidence.
This book provides you with timely and practical guidance on the impending sunset of the tax cuts and benefits originally enacted as part of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA). Additionally, enhanced capital gains and dividends tax rates in the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (JGTRRA) and subsequent legislation will also sunset after December 31, 2012. CCH editors, together with leading tax practionners and commentators, have created a complete practical analysis, guidance, examples and planning tips.
THE IRC provisions impacted by the sunset provisions of EGTRRA and JGTRRA are arranged in Code section sequence with caution language. CCH also provides several special tables and lists to facilitate quick and thorough understanding of how the sunset works, impacts the IRC and how it affects taxpayers.

Complimentary Special report:

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.


The Osler Guide to Commercial Arbitration in Canada: A Practical Introduction to Domestic and International Commercial Arbitration

Published: February 2006

Osler is internationally known as one of Canada's leading corporate/commercial law firms. In this incomparable guide for practitioners, three experienced Osler lawyers - one each in Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta - provide an easy-to-use practical overview of the law of domestic and international arbitrations.

With lucid clarification of applicable legislation, both federal and provincial, and analysis of relevant case law, The Osler Guide to Commercial Arbitration in Canada offers great assistance in the preparation, negotiation, process, and conclusion of arbitration agreements in Canada.

Topcs covered:

  • Important issues and key cases in all Canadian provinces and territories and under federal legislation
  • Practical reasons to use arbitration and what to consider in preparing arbitration agreements
  • Drafting arbitration clauses to manage risk
  • Protection of confidential information
  • Staying court proceedings in favour of arbitration
  • Appealing and enforcing awards

Emphasizing the major jurisdictions of Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, and British Columbia, it offers immeasurable value to in-house and external corporate counsel, litigation lawyers, international lawyers, and business people, as well as to students of dispute resolution.

If you would like more details about this product, or would like to order a copy online, please click here.