
9 superstar athletes who don't eat meat

These athletes got to the top of their sports without meat.


Man doing charity bike ride across Canada has bike stolen in Winnipeg (but he's not giving up!)

Anas Cheema, a 22-year-old economics student at the University of Victoria, decided to dedicate his summer.

  • Arts & Culture


EPA stands up against mountaintop mining

Finally! The EPA declares that 79 mountaintop coal mining permits may violate the Clean Water Act.

  • Research & Innovations


How to plan an eco-friendly Super Bowl party

Video: Join Danielle V as she plans an eco-friendly and socially conscious Super Bowl party.


Friday food news roundup 1/30/2009

Food news from around the web for your weekend reading


Super green bowls 2010

Serving chili, jambalaya or chips n' dip at your Superbowl 44 shindig? Make sure your cupboards are stocked with bowls made from eco-materials.


How to reduce waste during a Super Bowl party

You may feel overwhelmed with planning lots of food and buying decorations. We have simple tips to help minimize your waste at the end of the big game.


The solution to plastic pollution isn't beach clean-ups, it's companies taking responsibility

Why are regular citizens doing the work that should be done by the companies that make the disposables?


This coyote almost died because humans can't pick up after themselves

A community rallied to find a coyote trapped in plastic in the middle of a snowstorm.


Green book roundup: Sustainability and innovation in business and the economy

From sustainability as a means of innovation to envisioning a prosperous, peaceful future free of oil, coal and nuclear energy, these five books are taking care

  • Arts & Culture


5 ways to support clean energy if you can't go solar

Not all of us can put solar panels on our houses, but we can still support renewable energy. Here's how.


A British supermarket that's powered by its own garbage

Through a pioneering waste-to-energy scheme, the spoiled stock at a Sainsbury's superstore will be used to keep the lights on.


Super-futuristic Hong Kong skyscraper is topped with rice paddy

Uncle Ben meets 'Blade Runner' in this wild vertical farming concept that also incorporates aquaculture, wind energy and 'algae facades.'

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Super-efficient solar power system sets record

A new world record is making the future of solar energy look pretty bright.


'One Big Home' profiles America's obsession with supersized dwellings

In the documentary "One Big Home," carpenter Thomas Bena goes behind the scenes to explores the trophy homes and "starter castles" of Martha's Vineyard.

  • Remodeling & Design


5 super-cool energy projects being backed by the U.S. government

It's worth keeping tabs on some of the super-cool clean tech projects being backed by ARPA-E. Here are some of our favorites.


IKEA blows into Texas, snatches up second U.S. wind farm

What better place for the Swedish furniture emporium to acquire its biggest global clean energy investment than the Lone Star State?


10 habits you should pick up from your grandmother

Looking to simplify your life, save some money, boost your health and help the planet? Then these grandma-tested customs are for you.


The Apis-ville Horror: Canadian couple share home with thousands of bees

Things were hunky-dory for Ontario homeowners Loretta and Kevin Yates until their ceilings started to crack and ooze honey. Time to call an exorcist? Or an apia


Couple aims to grow 1 million wildflowers for bees

Chris Burley and Ei Ei Khin have an ambitious goal: Grow 1 million wildflowers to help threatened honeybee populations.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Super slow-motion video casts honeybees in new light

A photographer has caught fascinating slow-motion footage of honeybees flying, working and even stinging.


Antonio Banderas to star as Chilean miner, 'Super Mario'

Chilean mine accident survivor, Mario Sepulveda, is said to be thrilled with the casting decision.

  • Arts & Culture


How do you clean up a contaminated river?

How do you clean up a river? The answer is twofold: treatment and dilution.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Students transform leaky bungalow into super-efficient off-campus roost

Who said old houses can't learn new energy-saving tricks?

  • Remodeling & Design


Getting nowhere fast: How having more stuff is eating up all the gains from being more efficient

Our houses are way more efficient than they used to be, but we're using more energy per capita than we ever have.

  • Remodeling & Design


This startup wants to pay you for saving electricity

With California-based OhmConnect, it's easy being green when you're also earning green.


The upside-down world of the Gulf's dead zone

Farming runoff turns the sea floor into a wet desert and forces species onward or upward.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Super-absorbent Sponge Park to soak up pollutants along Brooklyn canal

In a place where the streets flood with sewage after it rains, salvation may come in the form of a park.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


3 super-Earth planets found that could support alien life

The massive, potentially rocky planets orbit in the "habitable zone" of a star 22 light-years away.


How 2 private spaceships stack up: Dragon vs. Cygnus

Here's a handy cheat sheet to help you keep the spacecraft straight.


Beyonce's use of Challenger disaster audio clip upsets astronauts' families

Beyoncé ended the year on a sour note with members of the NASA community.


How to watch the SpaceX launch of Dragon supply ship to space station today

Weather permitting, the cargo run will lift off from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 3:25 p.m. EDT.


More than 55 percent of Earth's ocean surface is occupied by industrial fishing vessels

Using satellite data and machine learning, researchers have mapped the movements of over 70,000 industrial fishing vessels.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Jindal's fundraiser tied to BP oil spill cleanup

Raising campaign funds is a difficult balancing act for the Louisiana governor.


Green book roundup: A half-wild planet, sloppy new environmentalism and more

Five rousing books that sound a rallying cry to think about and work toward environmental solutions in fresh, new ways.

  • Arts & Culture


Magnetic soap: New tool for oil spill cleanup?

Researchers have developed a soap made of iron rich salts which could one day safely clean tainted water.

  • Research & Innovations


Costner wins oil cleanup case against Baldwin

Stephen Baldwin and a business partner were suing Kevin Costner and his Ocean Therapy Solutions for more than $17 million in damages.

  • Arts & Culture


In wake of Gulf oil spill, bacteria sucked up 200,000 tons of oil

Naturally occurring bacteria gobbled up at least 200,000 tons of oil and natural gas that spewed into the Gulf following the BP Deepwater Horizon spill, a new s

  • Wilderness & Resources


BP ends Deepwater Horizon oil spill cleanup in Florida, Alabama and Mississippi

But environmental groups say oil is still coming ashore and more work needs to be done.


Baby spiders are born with big eyes, just like puppies are born with big feet

With huge eyes in tiny bodies, baby jumping spiders have high-quality vision.


White rhinos team up to save northern relatives from extinction

Researchers hope these rhinos could serve as surrogate mothers, saving the northern white rhino subspecies.


Mother's Day roundup

Mother's Day. There's not much time left to honor your mother, but MNN has earth-friendly solutions and a few videos to inspire.


These shelter pup moms are all dressed up, waiting for that special visitor

Mother's Day may be the perfect time for Duchess and Buttercup to find a family.


Appalachian groups target Obama

Massive twitter campaign invites @barackobama to visit Appalachia and see mountaintop removal first hand.

  • Research & Innovations


Judge allows environmental groups to sue over coal ash

Ruling is latest twist in a long debate over how to regulate and enforce coal ash disposal.


When dogs and cats interrupt yoga

Dogs and cats can't help themselves when you unroll the yoga mat. They either participate or just get in the way.


Crank up your workout with walking poles

Adding walking poles to your daily jaunt is an excellent way to boost your calorie burn, and they may even help prevent chronic pain with aging.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Short workouts add up to good health

New study finds several short bursts of exercise are just as effective as one long one.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Green up your office space for more focus, less stress

Bringing nature into the workplace can give you a bit more energy and reduce stress.


World Cup barbecuing prompts Chilean officials to declare smog emergency

Chilean soccer fans are urged do the unthinkable and kindly step away from their grills due to worsening air quality levels in Santiago.