
The puppies of Chernobyl are looking for homes in the U.S.

A dozen homeless dogs will be the first Chernobyl puppies to seek American homes.


Off-Broadway play uses puppets to tell a powerful environmental story

In "Ajijaak on Turtle Island," a young crane's migration journey brings Native American stories to life.

  • Arts & Culture


London's narrowest residence up for grabs for $750K

Although it may not exactly scream widespread appeal, a 99-inch-wide townhouse in London may have found itself a buyer.


Floating toll path would let London cyclists zip up and down the Thames

With an estimated price tag of nearly a billion dollars, the 7-mile bike highway would help alleviate London's traffic and air pollution woes.


Chef A's cooking up apricot chicken

Chicken in a creamy apricot and ginger sauce makes a satisfying, quick, weeknight meal.


Organic ketchup taste test

Five organic ketchups were put to the kid taste test. Did any of them get a big thumbs-up?


Maple syrup: Why the real stuff makes all the difference

Real maple syrup is worth the extra expense, but why choose maple syrup over other natural sweeteners like honey or sugar? Here's why and what to look for.


12 holiday cookies packing a secret superfood punch

Make the holiday season a little healthier with these sweet cookie recipes.


What is a superfood?

A critical look at what we mean by the term "superfood."


10 recipes for beets that celebrate this colorful superfood

These 10 recipes put the sweet, nutritious vegetable at center stage in beautiful and sophisticated ways.


10 recipes for lentils that move this superfood from drab to delightful

Not only are lentils a powerhouse of nutrition, but they have nearly limitless possibility for delicious dishes from burgers to salads.


11 recipes for beans, the super-est of superfoods

Beans, beans, they're good for your heart! And liver, and skin, and waistline, and blood sugar, and...


9 recipes for blueberries that put this superfood at center stage

We all know blueberries are healthy. But you may be surprised at just how healthy they actually are!


Oats: 12 recipes to get this super grain into your diet

Oats are an essential part of a healthy diet. We go way beyond ordinary oatmeal with these outstanding recipes for breakfasts, snacks and even burgers!


9 recipes for walnuts to add this super-nut into your diet

Walnuts offer so many health benefits, you'll want to add them to every meal. And we can help you with that!


The science behind a great cup of coffee

How a cup of coffee or a shot of espresso is made affects its flavor—and here's the science of why.


4 free, short, at-home yoga videos to keep up your practice

4 free, short yoga videos. These videos, each less than 20 minutes, will keep you moving and toned, even if you have limited time to practice.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Why morning yoga beats a cup of coffee

Forgo the cuppa Joe, and start your morning with yoga moves guaranteed to get you awake and ready for the day.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


3 office setups that don't involve a chair

Sitting is bad for your health, so why not swap your desk seat with one of these solutions?


Environmental groups says stay out of Alberta

Until oil sand situation is dealt with, 'Rethink Alberta' says tourists should travel elsewhere.


Protestors dislike Mark Zuckerberg's support of Keystone XL pipeline

Ads supporting the pipeline are the work of 2 political offshoots of Zuckerberg's social welfare organization.


More families putting up wind turbines

It's ok to take a longer hot shower when your electricity is coming from the family wind turbine.


Watch: A wind turbine goes up in Rhode Island

Strong winds make for a great place to operate a wind turbine but a lousy location to put one up.


Turn up the music to amp up your workday

Music can increase your productivity at the office, especially if you tune into certain frequencies.


Wind and natural gas team up

Wind energy and natural gas could be a formidable solution for America's energy problem.


Tsunami boat washes up in Canada

A small Japanese boat confirmed to have been lost during the 2011 Japan tsunami has washed up on a remote Canadian island.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Tsunami debris washes up in Hawaii

On the Big Island of Hawaii, debris is changing the landscape as thousands of pounds of trash hit Kamilo Beach — much of it from Japan. The refuse is already

  • Wilderness & Resources


Eruption adds to Indonesian island's pain

Volcano erupts on Indonesian island of Sulawesi, which had already been hit by a 7.5 earthquake and a tsunami.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Forest and paper industry group announces new sustainability goals

The American Forest & Paper Association announced today an ambitious set of sustainability goals for its member organizations to aim for by 2020.

  • Wilderness & Resources


What does 'sustainable supply chain' mean for the planet?

As commerce becomes increasingly global, American corporations are taking steps to develop sustainable supply chains that span the country and the planet.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


Standing up for Pluto

Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson of the Hayden Planetarium in New York City talks with Rachel Maddow about his new PBS documentary about Pluto and its status as a planet

  • Research & Innovations


Playing catch up: June 2012, A.C.

As much of the country sizzles during the first week of summer, air conditioners — in all of their global warming-causing, envy-inducing, but probably not dea


Playing catch up: Micro madness

Not a big shocker: In the wake of Michael Bloomberg announcing a push towards innovative pint-sized housing options in NYC, micro apartment-related news dominat


Blu Homes beefs up iconic green prefab with Sidebreeze

From prefab powerhouse Blu Homes comes the company's eighth and largest design: A spacious, two-story take on Michelle Kaufmann's pioneering prefab, the Breezeh

  • Remodeling & Design


Stack 'em up: A prefab apartment tower rises in Manhattan

Check out this video of NYC's first prefab residential building coming to life over a 4-week span in Manhattan's Inwood section.

  • Remodeling & Design


Airbnb invades L.A. with celebrity-curated prefab pop-up listings

Airbnb celebrates its presence in L.A. with a city-wide 'hospitality experience' revolving around prefab studios with celebrity-designed interiors.


ViVood: A pared-down pop-up vacation shack that's perfect for semi-roughing it

This teeny-tiny wooden cabin from Spain can be built in several hours (provided you can wrangle several friends to help you).

  • Remodeling & Design


Dutch prefabs pretty-up vacants lots while providing housing for priced-out Gen Y'ers

Sleek, slender and topped with solar panels, Heijmans ONE is a rental unit that addresses the dearth of affordable housing options for young professionals.

  • Remodeling & Design


Barcelona's 'Penthouse Flats' limit urban sprawl by building up, not out

In a marriage of modular building and adaptive reuse, one Spanish developer has taken to the rooftops.


Spring rains threaten canned pumpkin supply

Manufacturer Libby is confident there will be enough pumpkin for the holidays, but you still may want to stock up early.


Frozen remains of missing couple emerge from Swiss glacier

Frozen remains found in Swiss glacier of couple who disappeared 75 years ago while hiking in the Alps.

  • Arts & Culture


How did dinosaurs end up with beaks instead of teeth?

Scientists have uncovered the mystery of beak evolution.


NASA's new mission will spot killer asteroids before they sneak up on us

The space agency's $650 million Neo Surveillance Mission is designed to spot killer asteroids.


Study: Ocean acidification disrupts food web

As acidic seawater forces shellfish to grow thinner shells, scientists warn of a ripple effect that could alter marine ecosystems around the planet.

  • Wilderness & Resources


This 90-second video sums up our CO2 problem

Just in time for a new U.S. report on climate change, a stunning animation shows how much we've already altered Earth's air.

  • Climate & Weather


Greenland may soon live up to its name

A new study explores the implications of a Greenland that's actually green.

  • Climate & Weather


19 super kids who will save the world from adults

Feeling a little full of yourself? Check out these 19 boys and girls who actually did something about the world's ills before they even got to their 20s.


Recipe: Asian Mushroom Soup

Asian Mushroom Soup is a good vegetarian soup to add to your weekday repertoire. It includes kaffir lime leaves and birds-eye chili.


Cream of Dandelion Soup: A weed has its moment in the sun

By foraging in your backyard, you can turn a crop of cheerful but maligned dandelions into a tasty, traditional French soup.


Graffiti artists upcycle thousands of spray cans into botanical art

CANLOVE, a collective of graffiti artists, is on a mission to collect and upcycle as many spray cans as possible into art.