
Parents receive body of 15-year-old girl amidst suspicion over death


Saint Laurent (2014) / written and directed by Bertrand Bonello [DVD].

[France] : EuropaCorp Home Entertainment, [2015]


L'ennemi intime (2007) / written and directed by Florent-Emilio Siri [DVD].

[France] : M6VideoDVD [2008]


A systematic review of green and sustainable chemistry training research with pedagogical content knowledge framework: current trends and future directions

Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2025, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4RP00166D, Review Article
Sevgi Aydin Gunbatar, Betul Ekiz Kiran, Yezdan Boz, Elif Selcan Oztay
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Ovonic threshold switching-based artificial afferent neurons for thermal in-sensor computing

Mater. Horiz., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4MH00053F, Communication
Kai Li, Jiaping Yao, Peng Zhao, Yunhao Luo, Xiang Ge, Rui Yang, Xiaomin Cheng, Xiangshui Miao
This research demonstrates an OTS-based temperature-sensing afferent neuron that features low power consumption and a compact circuit structure.
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Differential-targeting core-shell microneedle patch with coordinated and prolonged releases of mangiferin and MSC-derived exosomes for scarless skin regeneration

Mater. Horiz., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D3MH01910A, Communication
Shang LYU, Qi Liu, Ho-Yin Yuen, Huizhi Xie, Yuhe Yang, Kelvin Yeung, Chak-Yin Tang, Shuqi Wang, Yaxiong Liu, Bin Li, Yong He, Xin Zhao
Microneedles for skin regeneration are conventionally restricted by uncontrollable multi-drug release, limited types of drugs, and poor wound adhesion. Here, a novel core-shell microneedle patch is developed for scarless skin...
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Strength-ductility materials by engineering coherent interface at incoherent precipitates

Mater. Horiz., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4MH00139G, Communication
Dongxin Mao, Yuming Xie, Xiangchen Meng, Xiaotian Ma, Zeyu Zhang, Xiuwen Sun, Long Wan, Korzhyk Volodymyr, Yongxian Huang
In the quest for excellent light-structural materials that can withstand mechanical extremes for advanced applications, design and control of microstructures beyond current material design strategy become paramount. Here, we design...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Art exhibition in Chennai features different interpretations on the Tree of Life motif

‘Tree of Life’ exhibition at Gallery Veda showcases works of 12 artists, as part of the gallery’s 10th-year anniversary celebrations 


Who Benefits From Productivity Growth? Direct and Indirect Effects of Local TFP Growth on Wages, Rents, and Inequality [electronic journal].

National Bureau of Economic Research


Three different tribes: how the relationship between economics and economic history has evolved in the 21st century [electronic journal].


A Theory of Falling Growth and Rising Rents [electronic journal].

National Bureau of Economic Research


Supply Shocks in the Market for Apprenticeships: Evidence from a German High School Reform [electronic journal].


Simultaneous Search for Differentiated Products: The Impact of Search Costs and Firm Prominence [electronic journal].


Short-term rentals and the housing market: Quasi-experimental evidence from Airbnb in Los Angeles [electronic journal].


The Role of Parenthood on the Gender Gap among Top Earners [electronic journal].


Rent Sharing and Inclusive Growth [electronic journal].


Rent or Buy? The Role of Lifetime Experiences on Homeownership within and across Countries [electronic journal].


Preferential Trade Agreements and Global Sourcing [electronic journal].


On the Relationship Between Domestic Saving and the Current Account: Evidence and Theory for Developing Countries [electronic journal].


The Murder-Suicide of the Rentier: Population Aging and the Risk Premium [electronic journal].

National Bureau of Economic Research


Mothers' care: reversing early childhood health shocks through parental investments [electronic journal].


Money Creation in Different Architectures [electronic journal].


Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Policy: Different and Separate? [electronic journal].


Mergers with Differentiated Products: Where do we Stand? [electronic journal].


Life-cycle inequality: Blacks and whites differentials in life expectancy, savings, income, and consumption [electronic journal].


It Takes a Village : The Economics of Parenting with Neighborhood and Peer Effects [electronic journal].

National Bureau of Economic Research


Innovate to Lead or Innovate to Prevail: When do Monopolistic Rents Induce Growth? [electronic journal].

International Monetary Fund,


Incentives for Information Provision: Energy Efficiency in the Spanish Rental Market [electronic journal].


Financial and Fiscal Interaction in the Euro Area Crisis: This Time was Different [electronic journal].


Expansionary Yet Different: Credit Supply and Real Effects of Negative Interest Rate Policy [electronic journal].


Equilibrium Indeterminacy with Parental Altruism [electronic journal].


The Economics of Parenting [electronic journal].

National Bureau of Economic Research


Does combining different types of collaboration always benefit firms? Collaboration, complementarity and product innovation in Norway [electronic journal].


Do Dutch dentists extract monopoly rents? [electronic journal].


Do doctors improve the health care of their parents? Evidence from admission lotteries [electronic journal].


Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: A Robust Coase Conjecture [electronic journal].


Differential Performance in High vs. Low Stakes Tests: Evidence from the GRE Test [electronic journal].


Different no more: Country spreads in advanced and emerging economies [electronic journal].


Current account adjustment and retained earnings [electronic journal].


Credit mechanics - a precursor to the current money supply debate [electronic journal].


Choosing Differently? College Application Behavior and the Persistence of Educational Advantage [electronic journal].


C62.42.4-2020 - IEEE Guide for the Application of Surge-Protective Components in Surge Protective Devices and Equipment Ports--Part 4: Thermally Activated Current Limiters [electronic journal].

IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated


C37.012a-2020 - IEEE Guide for the Application of Capacitance Current Switching for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Above 1000 V Amendment 1 [electronic journal].

IEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated


Apprenticeship and Youth Unemployment [electronic journal].


New Ultraviolet Transparent Rare-Earth Borates with Enhanced Birefringence Induced by Cation Chemical Substitution

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2024, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D4QI00840E, Research Article
Guanglian Sun, xiaofang Qi, Hongping Wu, Zhanggui Hu, Jiyang Wang, Yicheng Wu
Birefringence determined by optical anisotropy is one of the most pivotal and fundamental performance of optical materials. However, optimizing the birefringence remains a significant challenge. Herein, a simple and effective...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


India’s oilmeal exports down by 8.5% in H1 of current fiscal

Shipments hit on lower rapeseed meal, castormeal consignments leaving the country


Why drugmakers are dialing C for current good manufacturing practices

For the industry under scrutiny over quality concerns, cGMP requires immediate attention


Truck rentals ease in October after seasonal surge

Commercial tractor sales grew by 39% month-on-month, while agricultural trailer sales rose by 67%


On a different wavelength

Jayateerth Mevundi and M. Narmada tried to establish a voice-violin connect.


Dynamic satellite–parent liposome networks for quantitative microreactions

Chem. Sci., 2024, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D4SC04925J, Edge Article
Open Access
Jia-Qi Tian, Nan-Nan Deng
A dynamic satellite–parent liposome network was developed to explore molecular transfer and quantitative microreactions through environmental stimuli, offering a platform to mimic multicellular systems in vitro.
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