
New Study Reveals Novel Approach to Prevent Mold Growth on Space Stations

Living and working in outer space is incredibly difficult, especially given it’s a closed environment, which invites fungi like mold to inhabit the s


New Study Reveals Novel Approach to Prevent Mold Growth on Space Stations

Living and working in outer space is incredibly difficult, especially given it’s a closed environment, which invites fungi like mold to inhabit the s


Impact Analysis Session

Information on an optional session on impact analysis and evaluation of previous Institutional Web Management Workshops is now available. This session will also enable participants to give suggestions on next year's workshop. Bookings can be made at the workshop - and will be limited to 20 delegates per session.


B2: People, Processes and Projects - How the Culture of an Organisation can Impact on Technical System Implementation

Claire Gibbons, Web Officer (Marketing and Communications), University of Bradford and Russell Allen, Project Manager (Portal and CMS), Management Information Services, University of Bradford will help delegates gain an understanding of 'organisational culture' and the effect this can have on change management and/or system implementation.


A1: Athens, Shibboleth, the UK Access Management Federation, OpenID, CardSpace and all that - single sign-on for your Web site

Andrew Cormack, Richard Dunning and Andy Powell, Eduserv will investigate the relationships between institutional single sign-on, Athens, Shibboleth, the UK Access Management Federation and more recent developments like OpenID and CardSpace and will give participants an opportunity to ask questions of a panel of experts from the community.


Business and Human Rights for Small Companies – What is the Impact of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act on the Supplier Side?

  • The new German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act imposes new obligations on larger companies, which must, among other things, check their entire supply chain for violations of human rights and environmental concerns.
  • Companies that are not yet directly covered by the scope of application—i.e., suppliers—are also indirectly affected, as they are subject to comparable obligations.


The CSDDD Effect: Assessing the Impact of the EU’s Impending Corporate Sustainability Mandate on Japanese Companies

Lavanga Wijekoon and Aki Tanaka explore the significant impact of the European Union’s expected Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) on global corporate responsibility, with a specific focus on its implications for Japanese companies.

Institute for Security and Development Policy



Littler Survey Finds Employers Reeling from Regulatory Shifts and New Forces Impacting the Workplace

Seventh annual survey of more than 1,100 employers reveals how companies are responding to rapid social and political changes


Littler and Prime Policy Group Release Joint Report on the Impact of AI and Automation on the American Workforce

Report Explores the Myriad Issues Related to Technology-Induced Displacement of Employees (TIDE)


Littler Survey: Employers Reeling from Regulatory Shifts, New Forces Impacting Workplace

Littler attorneys comment on the results of Littler's Annual Employer Survey and analyze the impact that sweeping regulatory changes and other factors, including the #MeToo movement, have on employers.

General Counsel News

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Digitization of the Workplace: The Impact of AI and Automation on the American Workforce

In this podcast, Aaron Crews, Littler’s Chief Data Analytics Officer, Natalie Pierce, co-chair of Littler’s Robotics, AI and Automation Practice Group and Diversity and Inclusion Council and Garry Mathiason, co-chair of Littler’s Robotics, AI and Automation Practice Group discuss what impact AI and automation will have on employers in the future.


Are Your Compliance Training Efforts Keeping Pace With Industry Standards?

As 2017 winds down, and the window closes to complete any mandatory training, Kevin O’Neill, Senior Director of Littler Learning Group, chats with Dawn McKenney-Maxwell of Littler’s Knowledge Management team about employer training initiatives. Kevin identifies hot topics – social media and bystander training, for example – and reviews employer anti-harassment training duties, particularly in California. Kevin discusses how training approaches continue to evolve and how employers can embrace new trends and technology to make employee training more effective.


SpaceX’s Bid to Upend NLRB Follows Signals From Supreme Court

Alexander MacDonald comments on the implications of SpaceX’s lawsuit against the NLRB, which alleges that the board violates constitutional separation of powers and due process protections by wielding different types of authority in the same case.

Bloomberg Law

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The Artificial Intelligence Angle: Loper Bright’s Impact on Federal and State AI Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance

  • The Supreme Court’s decision in Loper Bright may serve to limit federal agencies’ guidance on an employer’s use of AI in the workplace.
  • State and local laws and regulations governing AI, on the other hand, may proliferate.
  • Whether federal agencies will rely on more formal rulemaking processes or on less-formal guidance documents as they respond to Loper Bright remains uncertain.


Five Key Questions to Formulate a Top-Down Strategy for APAC Layoffs

Isha Malhotra, Trent Sutton and Nancy Zhang offer guidelines for in-house counsel when advising a business on a restructure in APAC.

ACC Docket



Restructuring Your Workforce in APAC: War Stories from the Trenches


2024 APAC Regional Employer Conference


2024 Pacific Northwest Regional Employer Conference


Conversations with Women: Impacts of the Pandemic on Women in the Workforce

Erin Webber and Zoe Argento discuss the effect the pandemic has had on working mothers and the impact on women in the workforce generally.


IMS Insights Podcast: Episode 24 - Helene Wasserman on The Impact of Mentors

Helene Wasserman shares her view on how mentorships can positively impact career paths.

The National Law Review

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Sharing Space: A Conversation About Intersectionality

In celebration of Pride Month, Whitney Williams (L.A. – Century City) and Michael Hui (San Francisco) discuss their personal experiences growing up gay in the Black and Asian American communities, what their similar upbringings have taught them about being an attorney, and how the Littler Pride affinity group is an important part of their lives at the firm.


The Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling Will Have Other Impacts

Alyesha Dotson says the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on affirmative action may result in a less-diverse talent pool for employers in the coming decades. 




High Court's SEC Decision Has Limited NLRB Impact, For Now

Alexander MacDonald says Jarkesy's biggest effect on the NLRB might come not from what the court ruled, but from what it decided not to rule on.

Law360 Employment Authority

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High Court’s Administrative Law Transformation and Its Impact on Federal Wage-and-Hour Law

Andrea M. Kirshenbaum discusses the 2023-24 SCOTUS opinions that promise to reshape administrative law in the United States for decades to come.

The Legal Intelligencer

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What, If Any, Impact Does SEC v. Jarkesy Have on Immigration Compliance and Adjudication?

  • The Supreme Court’s recent decision in SEC v. Jarkesy held that certain Securities and Exchange Commission adjudications must take place in court because defendants are entitled to a jury trial.
  • It will be interesting to see whether the principles of Jarkesy will apply such that complaints initiated by other federal agencies, including those handling immigration compliance, will entitle employers to a trial in federal district court.


Why Employers Should Care About Women’s Health And Its Impact On Workplace Policies

Mikayla Almeida, Kimberly Doud and Anne Sanchez LaWer explain to employers about how implementing benefits related to women’s health and fertility could reduce turnover and retain talent.

ACC Central Florida



Election Impact: Upcoming Policies to Consider


Bracing for Impact if California Voters Approve Statewide Minimum Wage Increase

At the November 5, 2024 election, California voters will determine the fate of Proposition 32, which proposes to increase the state minimum wage and provide for automatic future adjustments tied to inflation.


Ontario, Canada Court Reinforces Waksdale’s Impact on Enforceability of Termination Provisions and Provides Guidance on Proving Failure to Mitigate

  • Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice held that because a termination for cause provision in an employment contract defined “cause” more broadly than does the Employment Standards Act, 2000 it was unenforceable.
  • Court also held the employer failed to prove the employee did not mitigate her damages.


The Impact of the Presidential Election on Artificial Intelligence Regulations in the Workplace

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform the workplace, lawmakers and agencies are grappling with how to regulate its use in employment settings, from hiring practices to employee monitoring. The next administration’s approach to AI regulation will help shape the balance between innovation and worker protection, with each political party offering distinct views on the role of government oversight. A shift in power could lead to changes in how the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), the U.S.


COVID-19: APAC Lockdown Restrictions (July Update)

We have created a high-level guide that gives an “at a glance” snapshot of the severity of lockdown restrictions in 15 countries across Asia Pacific (APAC).  The guide covers the following topics: 


Two Developments Could Impact California’s Proposed Regulations Governing AI and Automated Decision-making

Two noteworthy developments have occurred since the California Fair Employment & Housing Council released draft revisions to the state’s employment non-discrimination laws on March 15, 2022 that relate to the nascent law surrounding the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other data-driven statistical processes to automate decision-making in the employment context.  


The Key Laws That Will Impact Kentucky Businesses and Workplaces in 2023

LaToi Mayo, Kellan Coffey and Amanda Combs discuss the new Kentucky laws that focus on measures to attract businesses, increase workforce participation and increase economic growth.

The Lane Report



The artificial intelligence angle: Loper Bright's impact on federal and state AI legislation, regulations, and guidance

Bradford J. Kelley and Maria Malaver-Reyes discuss how Loper Bright will impact federal and state administration of AI statutes, regulations and guidance.

Westlaw Today

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July Is the New January: The Pace of New State Laws Heats Up

Traditionally, January 1 has been the key date for which employers must prepare to implement new labor and employment compliance obligations for new laws passed within the previous year.  For the past several years, we have reported on employment and labor laws taking effect mid-year. Increasingly, new compliance challenges are not taking a summer vacation.


Rebuilding America: The Potential Impact of President Biden’s Infrastructure Plan on South Carolina’s Businesses and Workforce

William H. Foster and Katie E. Towery examine the impact President Biden’s “America’s Jobs Plan” might have on South Carolina’s growing businesses and workforce. 

Association of Corporate Counsel South Carolina



The New Jersey Wage Hub Unpacked: A 60-day Review of the New Jersey Wage Hub and What Comes Next


New Colorado privacy laws to impact “broad swath” of companies

Zoe Argento says more companies are using tools like artificial intelligence that incorporate biometric identifiers, and so new privacy laws are likely to apply to a larger swath of employers than might think they must comply with them. 

The Sum & Substance



ETSI releases White Paper on the role of standards for ICT to mitigate the impact of a pandemic

ETSI releases White Paper on the role of standards for ICT to mitigate the impact of a pandemic

Sophia Antipolis, 28 May 2020

Today, ETSI unveils a new white paper, written by the officials of the ETSI EP eHealth group, highlighting the role of standards developing organizations (SDOs) in developing standards for ICT to mitigate the impact of a pandemic. COVID-19 is not a mild pandemic, it is a serious, often lethal, health condition, the impact of which is seriously detrimental to social and economic life across the world. The ETSI paper acts to identify a "call to arms" to standards bodies and their constituent members to ensure that when the next pandemic arrives, we can rely on greater harmonization of the supply chain.



ETSI publishes new work programme, keeping up the pace of ongoing activities

ETSI publishes new work programme, keeping up the pace of ongoing activities

Sophia Antipolis, 22 June 2020

ETSI is pleased to release its 2020-2021 work programme.

In ETSI we are constantly exploring new ways to make the development of standards faster and more efficient. Our FORGE platform, for example, gives developers free access to open-source code produced by our members. And as we have already seen this year, the need for effective virtual collaboration between individuals and teams has never been keener.



ETSI virtual conference on boosting the impact of research & innovation through standardization

ETSI virtual conference on boosting the impact of research & innovation through standardization

Sophia Antipolis, 6 November 2020

Standardized commercial products and services substantially contribute to the overall global economy and quality of life of citizens around the world.

Join ETSI and TelecomTV for a two-day virtual conference focused on the Research Innovation Standards Ecosystem and Research Opportunities in Standards.

The virtual event will take place on 24 and 25 November, and each of the two days will comprise multiple sessions, including presentations and panel discussions followed by LIVE Q&A sessions where you'll be able to interact and ask your questions to the experts.



Summary of Comments to CSA/CIRO Staff Notice 23-331 Request for Feedback on December 2022 SEC Market Structure Proposals and Potential Impact on Canadian Capital Markets

This document is only available in PDF format.


SpotOn London 2012 Storify: BrainSpace, a global interest graph for scientists

Here is a Storify summary of the SpotOn London session: BrainSpace, a global interest graph for


Assessing social media impact – a workshop at ScienceOnline #scioimpact

Assessing social media impact was one of the workshop sessions at November’s SpotOn London conference,


The impacts of COVID-19 on global food security and the coping strategy [in Chinese]

Article PDF (download)


The economy-wide impact of Sudan’s ongoing conflict: Implications on economic activity, agrifood system and poverty [in Arabic]

دخل النزاع المسلح بين القوات المسلحة السودانية وقوات الدعم السريع في السودان شهره السادس منذ اندلاعه في 15 أبريل 2023، دون أي مؤشرات على انتهائه قريبا. تسببت الحرب في كارثة إنسانية حادة، دمرت البنية التحتية الرئيسية، وقيدت أنشطة التجارة والإنتاج. علاوة على ذلك، أدى ذلك إلى تعطيل الوصول إلى المرافق العامة والخدمات المالية والأسواق، مما أدى إلى ندرة كبيرة في السلع والخدمات. في هذه الورقة، نستخدم إطار نمذجة مضاعف مصفوفة المحاسبة الاجتماعية لتقييم الآثار الاقتصادية على مستوى الاقتصاد لهذه الاضطرابات في النشاط الاقتصادي والموارد الإنتاجية وسبل العيش.


Spider-Woman. Vol. 2, King in black / writer, Karla Pacheco ; artist, Pere Pérez ; color artist, Frank D'Armata ; letterer, VC's Travis Lanham.

"Collects Spider-Woman (2020) #6-10. Road trip— to space! After learning some startling secrets about her family, Jessica Drew goes on a mission to find the one person who might know more: the High Evolutionary! But she's going to need her BFF by her side— and that means it's Captain Marvel team-up time! Before long though, those closest to Spider-Woman will abandon her. Only one person will come to her aid: Octavia Vermis! Octavia has a cure for Jessica, and the prescription is crime! Is Jess willing to resort to theft to gather all the tools needed to fix what's wrong? In the shadow of Knull's invasion, Spider-Woman must put everything on the line— and then cross it! Even if Jess can find the cure for what ails her, will she still have a life worth saving?" -- Page [4] of cover.


How can African agriculture adapt to climate change: The impact of climate change and adaptation on food production in low-income countries: Evidence from the Nile Basin, Ethiopia [in Amharic]

Growing consensus in the scientific community indicates that higher temperatures and changing precipitation levels resulting from climate change will depress crop yields in many countries over the coming decades. This is particularly true in low-income countries, where adaptive capacity is low. Many African countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change because their economies largely depend on climate-sensitive agricultural production.


How can African agriculture adapt to climate change: Impacts of considering climate variability on investment decisions in Ethiopia [in Amharic]

Numerous studies indicate that agricultural production is sensitive to climate variability, and lack of infrastructure in developing countries increases vulnerability to extreme climate events. In Ethiopia, the historical climate record indicates frequent droughts and floods, which can devastate agricultural production and existing infrastructure. Too much precipitation can flood crops, rot or suffocate roots, and wash out roads, creating similar economic conditions to those resulting from drought.


Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 in Myanmar: Mechanization service providers - June 2020 survey round

Mechanization service providers in Myanmar were originally interviewed by telephone in early May 2020 in order to determine how their businesses were being affected by COVID-19 related restrictions. The results of that survey were published in Myanmar Strategy Support Program Policy Note 07. To trace the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their economic activities, a second phone survey of mechanization service providers was done in mid-June 2020. This Policy Note reports on the results of this second survey.