
Shopify launches omnichannel POS

Canada-based ecommerce company


Episode 964 Scott Adams: Grab Your Beverage Because it’s Time For…

My new book LOSERTHINK, available now on Amazon Content: Adam Schiff lied for years…but broke no laws We do NOT know if Russia hacked DNC? Law enforcement targeted/framed President Trump to take him out “Cheryl The Server” theory applied to the lockdown If you would like to enjoy this same content plus bonus content […]

The post Episode 964 Scott Adams: Grab Your Beverage Because it’s Time For… appeared first on Scott Adams' Blog.


Huawei to launch Huawei Card

Huawei has announced its own Huawei Card which will...


Google reportedly launches smart debit card

Google has started to develop...


Zwipe, Toppan join forces to bring biometric payment cards to Hong Kong and Macau

Zwipe has revealed it is teaming up with


NatWest launches 'companion card' for vulnerable

UK-based bank NatWest has announced the...


Conferma Pay launches Visa-powered virtual card payments globally via mobile app

Fintech company Conferma Pay has teamed up with


Samsung, SoFi partner to launch Samsung Pay debit card

Samsung has announced plans...


Oil Price and WPX Energy Shares Rebound as President Trump Tweets He Expects Russia and Saudi Arabia to Reach Deal

Shares of WPX Energy traded 25% higher after President Trump tweeted that he expected a deal between Russia and Saudi Arabia to scale back oil production.


Impact of landfill caps on leachate emissions ??? an Austrian case study

Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, which consist of everyday consumer items, are potential long-term sources of emissions that could threaten the environment and human health if they are not managed carefully after closure. New research has presented a methodology to estimate future emission levels for closed MSW landfills and the impact of different aftercare strategies.


Surveyed professionals feel local authorities should have more influence in urban density

Density in the urban environment can encompass a multitude of factors such as population or dwelling density or the density of green areas. A new study surveyed professionals regarding how decisions on urban density are made, and has revealed that many feel that developers make most of these decisions, but that local authority planners should have more influence.


Can 3D printing reduce environmental impacts in the automotive industry?

As 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM), begins to replace conventional manufacturing, the environmental impacts of its implementation must be assessed. This study conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA) to investigate the environmental and resource implications of using AM to manufacture the metal parts of an engine in a light distribution truck. In the LCA, the impacts of both present and possible future states of AM technology were compared with current conventional manufacturing. The results suggest that there are potential environmental and resource benefits1 to AM technologies, but that these benefits rely on the achievement of a clean energy source and further technological development.


Combating ‘cod fraud’ in Europe

Higher public awareness of sustainable fishing practices, led by environmental NGOs, may have helped reduce the incidence of mislabelled fish in the UK, compared to Ireland, according to a recent study which assessed levels of fish fraudulently sold as ‘cod’ in these two countries.


Local food collectives: what role should public authorities take?

Local food systems, such as vegetable box schemes or farmers' markets, can encourage sustainable consumption. However, authorities must take care before becoming too involved in such citizen-led initiatives, because these collectives may be wary of government intervention, a new study suggests.


New tiny species of extinct Australian marsupial lion named after Sir David Attenborough

The fossil remains of a new tiny species of marsupial lion which prowled the lush rainforests of northern Australia about 18 million years ago have been unearthed in the Riversleigh World Heritage Area of remote north-western Queensland.

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  • Paleontology & Archaeology


New species of pterosaur discovered in Patagonia

Scientists today announced the discovery of a new species of pterosaur from the Patagonia region of South America. The cranial remains were in an excellent state of preservation and belonged to a new species of pterosaur from the Early Jurassic. The researchers have named this new species 'Allkauren koi' from the native Tehuelche word 'all' for 'brain', and 'karuen' for 'ancient'.

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  • Paleontology & Archaeology


How To Remove The Default Windows Messenger That Comes With Windows Xp


Set Grub4DOS to boot your chosen Puppy Linux operating system by default


Set Grub to boot your chosen operating system by default


Fatalities, hardship and environmental impacts caused by hazards

The number and impacts of disasters have increased in Europe in the period 1998-2009, a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) concludes. The report assesses the frequency of disasters and their impacts on humans, the economy and ecosystems and calls for better integrated risk management across Europe.


Traffic noise causes loss of over one million healthy life years

A new World Health Organisation (WHO) study has estimated that the health impact of environmental noise in western Europe could be up to 1.6 million healthy life years lost annually through ill health, disability or early death.


Cognitive impairment caused by aircraft noise: school versus home

A recent study suggests that exposure to aircraft noise during the day has a greater impact on cognitive ability in children than sleep-disruption caused by exposure to aircraft noise during the night. Protective policy is therefore likely to be most effective if focused at the school level.


Assessment of total annoyance caused by combined industrial noises

A new study has assessed the annoyance caused by a combination of noises typically found on an industrial site. The results could help improve total noise annoyance prediction models. For example, it was found that ‘broadband’ noises, which consist of a wide range of frequencies, lead to more annoyance if they are combined with a specific additional set of low frequency noises, which can lead to an overall identical noise level.


Aircraft noise at night can result in dysfunction of blood vessels and cause long-term cardiovascular disease

Recent research into the impact of different levels of noise on 75 volunteers reveals that disturbed sleep caused by night-time aircraft noise can damage blood vessels and increase the levels of stress hormones. As these physical changes are potential pathways to high blood pressure, heart and circulatory disease over the long term, reducing night-time aircraft noise is important for preventing cardiovascular disease in people living near airports.


A simple and effective energy-auditing method for SMEs

Researchers have developed a straightforward approach to help small to medium enterprises (SMEs) analyse their energy use and increase efficiency. They tested the methodology on 280 businesses in Europe, which, as a result, invested more than €10m in energy-saving measures. The measures reduced energy use by 6 500 toe (tonnes of oil equivalent) per year and avoided 13 500 tonnes of CO2 emissions.


Carbon footprinting errors caused by differences in power supply

The actual carbon footprint of products and services can differ considerably according to how energy used to manufacture the product was generated – for example, whether it was generated by fossil fuel or renewable sources. A recent US study has therefore recommended that differences in regional power supply should be acknowledged by life cycle assessments of products and services.


Precautionary principle should be applied to shale gas

According to UK researchers, caution must be taken in the use of shale gas until more is known about its environmental impacts. Using US data, they estimated the additional emissions associated with the extraction of gas from shale compared to that of conventional sources and highlighted concerns from the US that extraction could bring significant risks of ground and surface water contamination.


‘Carbon spike’ caused by construction is considerable

The greenhouse gas emissions from the construction of new houses are so high that they exceed the emissions from three decades of use, a Finnish study has found. The research is based on houses complying with recently introduced, energy efficient building regulations. According to the authors, as buildings become more efficient this ‘carbon spike’ associated with construction is more important than has been suggested by previous studies.


Arctic methane ‘leak’ could cause abrupt climate warming

For thousands of years, vast amounts of methane – a potent greenhouse gas – have been stored in frozen deposits on land and under the ocean in the Arctic. A new study has found that rapidly rising temperatures are accelerating the release of methane by thawing subsea ‘permafrost’, releasing nearly 8 million tonnes into the atmosphere each year and potentially increasing global warming.


Climate-friendly meal options positively received by restaurant customers

Restaurants can influence consumer food choices by offering climate-friendly meals on their menus, a recent study concludes. In a trial at Finnish restaurants, customers and staff were receptive to selecting meals based on the carbon footprints of their ingredients. Appearance, taste and healthiness were priority factors in consumers’ choices. The research highlights the importance of planning communication strategies and the need for a carbon footprint food database.


Impact of landfill caps on leachate emissions – an Austrian case study

Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, which consist of everyday consumer items, are potential long-term sources of emissions that could threaten the environment and human health if they are not managed carefully after closure. New research has presented a methodology to estimate future emission levels for closed MSW landfills and the impact of different aftercare strategies.


Rising levels of plastic waste on Arctic seafloor a cause for concern

Recent research reveals that even remote areas of the oceans are affected by increasing levels of plastic waste on the seafloor. The study found that quantities of litter from human activities, mostly plastic, on the seabed of an isolated Arctic site doubled from 2002 to 2011.


Understanding aluminium scrap qualities can contribute to circular economy goals (Austria)

The potential of recycling aluminium scrap in Austria has been modelled in a new study. A surplus of mixed aluminium scrap is expected by 2045 if no advanced sorting technologies are applied. Increased demand for wrought aluminium alloys could mean this surplus occurs sooner. New methods to intensively sort aluminium could prevent this excess and contribute towards REACH1 recycling and climate targets.


Hiring activity dips 62% in April in India:

India saw a 62 per cent decline in job hiring in the month of April, led by hotel/restaurant/travel/airlines industries that saw a massive -90 per cent less hiring activity that the same month last year.


Parle set to reduce dependence on people with automation

As biscuit maker Parle continues operating with half the worker strength, a strong case for automation is emerging that may go beyond just the factory floor.


NASA's THEMIS sees Auroras move to the rhythm of Earth's magnetic field

The majestic auroras have captivated humans for thousands of years, but their nature -- the fact that the lights are electromagnetic and respond to solar activity -- was only realized in the last 150 years. Thanks to coordinated multi-satellite observations and a worldwide network of magnetic sensors and cameras, close study of auroras has become possible over recent decades. Yet, auroras continue to mystify, dancing far above the ground to some, thus far, undetected rhythm.

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  • Astronomy & Space


Study links autism severity to genetics, ultrasound

For children with autism and a class of genetic disorders, exposure to diagnostic ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy is linked to increased autism severity, according to a study by researchers at UW Medicine, UW Bothell and Seattle Children's Research Institute.

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  • Psychology & Sociology


Personnel selection, training could mitigate effects of cognitive lock-up in automation operators

Automation failures have been the cause of such widely reported disasters as the crash of Air France Flight 447 in 2009, with most of the focus placed on deficiencies in the automated system. Although automation does help in avoiding human error in completing tasks, people are still needed to monitor how well the automated system is operating.

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  • Psychology & Sociology


Dimension Data launches managed mobility services for Apple products

Dimension Data to help organisations on the enterprise mobility front through a dedicated Apple practice and managed mobility services for iOS


IFFCO Tokio General Insurance launches 30 minutes Claim Settlement Service

Quick Claim Settlement will enable the company to settle claims of up to Rs. 20,000/- and release the settlement amount within 30 minutes in customer’s bank account.


Micromax releases AI powered mobile launcher, Steroid

Micromax forays in the race of in-house mobile launcher driven by Machine Learning and AI to enhance the user experience.


Autonomous drive going beyond cars

In the country, autonomous mobility will probably mean robotic tractors rather than robotic cars, and if tractor maker Escorts has its way, they could get here sooner than thought.


Better audio meetings from BT MeetMe with Dolby Voice

Make your audio meetings are more inclusive, easier to participate in and easier to manage. With HD quality voice, noise suppression and voice separation, our new BT MeetMe with Dolby Voice service takes audio conferencing to a different level. And because this is an IP call, it complements your Unified Communications strategy. Integrating with Cisco WebEx and Microsoft Lync, so that you can use it with what you have already invested in and save money on access costs.


Video : Let my customers self-serve with Auto Contact

Auto Contact, our range of self-service solutions, can help free up agents to handle more complex and revenue-generating calls –and at the same time improve the overall customer experience whilst reducing costs.


A new approach: Assessing the vulnerability of critical raw materials in the automotive industry

In the automobile industry, the development and manufacture of increasingly complex technological components — catalytic converters, LEDs, electric motors, batteries — requires increasingly complex and diverse raw materials with specific qualities. The technological and economic importance of these materials, combined with their vulnerability to supply shortages and likelihood of supply interruptions, indicates their ‘criticality’. This study uses a new methodology to explore the criticality of 27 key metals used in the automotive industry and other sectors, and highlights six that are especially vulnerable: rhodium, dysprosium, neodymium, terbium, europium and praseodymium. The researchers found there was limited recycling and substitution of these metals and a high possibility of restrictions to their supply.


Gems and gem materials, by Edward Henry Kraus and Chester Baker Slawson

Kraus, Edward Henry, 1875-1973


Balancing fire risk precautions and income in forest management

Reducing forest fire risk within a tight budget can be successfully achieved, according to researchers. The study simulated the economic and fire risk effects of five management plans and found that a combination of removing low level trees and selective positioning of woodland produced the most economic and least destructive results


Increased fire frequency may cause long-term changes to soil carbon and nitrogen

Fire frequency is changing globally, yet it is unclear how such changes affect soil carbon and nitrogen storage, and, in turn, impact on ecosystem productivity. A study was conducted to evaluate how increased fire frequency drives changes in soil carbon and nitrogen over multiple decades. Data from 48 sites that have experienced altered fire frequency were analysed, spanning up to 65 years. The meta-analysis found that frequently burned sites experienced a significant decline in surface soil carbon and nitrogen over time — on average having 36% less carbon and 38% less nitrogen, after 64 years, than sites that were protected from fire. The researchers also observed comparable changes in an independent field dataset and in dynamic model simulations of global vegetation. The results indicate that future changes in fire frequency may lead to long-term changes in the amount of carbon and nitrogen stored in soils, especially in savanna grasslands and broadleaf forests. This has implications for the global carbon cycle and for ecosystem productivity and should, therefore, be considered in the design and implementation of relevant policy instruments.


How my organization fell prey to transnational cyber fraud

Last year my organization fell victim to a trans- national export invoice fraud. Since 99 percent of our sales come from exports, the cyber fraud dealt a big blow to our organization. We have a customer in South East Asia and my organization had business dealings with this customer for over five years.


Need to wipe a Chromebook From Daughters School..