
Magic of playing in packed stadiums will be missed, says Virat Kohli

The magical atmosphere will be missing if the cricket season currently stalled by the COVID-19 pandemic resumes in empty stadiums, India captain Virat Kohli has said.


New York governor says 5-year old died from rare COVID-related complications

A 5-year old boy has died in New York from a rare inflammatory syndrome believed to be linked to the novel coronavirus, highlighting a potential new risk for children in the pandemic, Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Friday.


Coronavirus inflicts huge U.S. job losses as pandemic breaches White House walls

The U.S. government reported more catastrophic economic fallout from the coronavirus crisis on Friday as the pandemic pierced the very walls of the White House and California gave the green light for its factories to restart after a seven-week lockdown.


Protesters demand closure of LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh after toxic gas leak

Villagers placed the bodies of three victims of a deadly gas leak from an LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh at the gates of the site on Saturday, and demanded the factory be shut down immediately and its top management arrested.


Migrant workers throw stones at police in Gujarat in protest against lockdown

Hundreds of migrant workers in Gujarat have clashed for a second day with authorities, hurling stones at police trying to enforce a lockdown to stem the spread of coronavirus.


More than 1,000 queue for food in rich Geneva amid virus shutdown

More than 1,000 people queued up on Saturday to get free food parcels in Geneva, underscoring the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on the working poor and undocumented immigrants even in wealthy Switzerland.


HONOR MagicWatch 2: स्टाइल और फिटनेस, दोनों में नंबर 1!

युवा दिलों पर राज करने वाली स्मार्ट डिवाइस कंपनी HONOR की नई HONOR MagicWatch 2 का भारतीय प्रशंसकों को इंतज़ार है। अब इंतज़ार की घड़ियां जल्द ही खत्म होने वाली हैं, क्योंकि यह खास स्मार्टवॉच 14 जनवरी को लॉन्च हो गई है और 18 जनवरी से इसकी अमेज़न प्लेटफॉर्म पर सेल होने लगेगी। HONOR MagicWatch 2 इन-हाउस HiSilicon Kirin A1 SoC के साथ पेश की गई है, जिससे यह फास्ट परफॉर्मेन्स और दमदार फीचर्स के मामले में काफी आगे रहने वाली है। HONOR Magic Watch 2 में ऐसे कई अनोखे फीचर्स हैं, जो आपको दूसरी स्मार्टवॉचेज में नहीं मिलेंगे। डालते हैं एक नज़र HONOR MagicWatch 2 के खास फीचर्स पर—

HONOR MagicWatch 2 का डिजाइन
यदि आपको परंपरागत गोल आकार की घड़ी पसंद है तो इसका शानदार डिजाइन आपको जरूर पसंद आने वाला है। यह घड़ी एयरोस्पेस ग्रेड रिफाइंड 361L स्टेनलेस स्टील से बनी है और आपकी कलाई पर बहुत खूबसूरत दिखती है। इस स्मार्ट घड़ी में आप क्लॉक फेस को अपनी मर्जी के अनुसार सैट कर सकते हैं और अपना स्टाइल स्टेटमेंट सभी को दिखा सकते हैं। इस स्मार्टवॉच में आप पर्सनलाइज़्ड पिक्चर्स लगा सकते हैं। यानी आपको अपनी घड़ी पर जो भी तस्वीर हमेशा दिखानी हो आप उसे अपनी मर्ज़ी से चुन सकते हैं। उपभोक्ताओं को यह फीचर काफी पसंद आएगा।

HONOR MagicWatch 2 (46mm) में HD 1.39-in की एमोलेड टच स्क्रीन दी गई है। इसका आकार 45.9X45.9X10.7 mm है। इसका 326 पीपीआई पर 454X454 रिज्यॉल्यूशन है, जो घड़ी के डायल पर सभी बारीकियों को बेहतर तरीके से हाइलाइट करने के लिए पर्याप्त है। इसमें पर्सनलाइज्ड वॉच फेस तैयार करने की भी सुविधा दी गई है। आप अपनी पसंद का वॉच फेस तैयार कर सकते हैं। आपको इस बात की आज़ादी मिलती है कि आप वॉच के फेस पर किस तरह की सूचनाओं को देखना चाहते हैं और किस तरह की सूचनाओं को नहीं। एक और अच्छी बात यह है कि HONOR MagicWatch 2 (46mm) का वजन सिर्फ 41 ग्राम है, जो दिन भर पहने जाने के बावजूद आपकी कलाई को बिल्कुल भी नहीं थकाता।

स्विमिंग के लिए परफेक्ट
HONOR MagicWatch 2 आपको 5 एटीएम के साथ मिलेगी। इसको पहनकर आप स्वीमिंग कर सकते हैं। वॉटर रेजिस्टेंट होने के साथ यह स्मार्टवॉच आपकी फिटनेस ट्रेकिंग भी करती है। यह अलग—अलग स्वीमिंग स्ट्रोक्स, जैसे फ्री स्टाइल, बटरफ्लाइ इत्यादि की आॅटोमेटिकली पहचान करने में सक्षम है और साथ ही आपको SWOLF स्कोर, हार्टरेट और कैलोरीज जैसा डेटा ट्रेक करने में मदद करती है। आप इस घड़ी को पहनकर वॉटर एडवेंचर भी बिना किसी हिचक के कर सकते हैं|

बैटरी लाइफ
जहां ज्यादातर स्मार्टवॉचेज 1—2 दिन की बैटरी लाइफ देती हैं, वहीं HONOR आपको 14 दिन तक की बैटरी बैकअप देता है जो बहुत ही शानदार है| कई स्मार्टवॉचेज में तो फिटनेस ट्रेकिंग से ज्यादा समय चार्जिंग पर ही बिताना पड़ता है। इस बैटरी लाइफ के साथ आप सीमलैस प्रॉडक्ट के बेमिसाल फीचर्स को एक्सपीरियंस कर सकते हैं और 24x7 अपने स्वास्थ्य को बेझिझक होकर ट्रैक कर सकते हैं।

फिटनेस मॉनिटरिंग
HONOR MagicWatch 2 आपको 15 डेडिकेटेड फिटनेस मोड पर सपोर्ट करती है, जिसमें इनडोर—आउटडोर रनिंग, साइक्लिंग, स्वीमिंग, ट्राइएथेलॉन जैसी गतिविधियां शामिल हैं। इसके अलावा यह घड़ी हार्ट रेट, SWOLF स्कोर और कैलोरी बर्न की जानकारी भी आपको देती है। साथ ही इस स्मार्टवॉच में डुअल जीपीएस का इस्तेमाल हुआ है। यह जीपीएस के साथ ही ग्लोनास ट्रेकिंग सिस्टम को भी सपोर्ट करती है। यदि आप घने जंगल में हो या शहर की भीड़भाड़ वाली गलियों में, इसकी लोकेशन सर्विस पूरी तरह से सटीक नतीजे दिखाती है।

हैल्थ मॉनिटरिंग
HONOR MagicWatch 2 आपके लिए हार्ट रेट मॉनिटर, स्लीप मॉनिटर और स्ट्रेस मॉनिटर की सुविधा भी देती है। रिलेक्स्ड लाइफस्टाइल के लिए यह HUAWEI TruRelax से आपके तनाव की स्थिति की जानकारी लेती है। हार्ट रेट मॉनिटर से आप यह जान सकते हैं कि वर्कआउट या रनिंग के दौरान आपका दिल कितना धड़क रहा है या फिर आपका दिल किसी खतरे के निशान को तो पार नहीं कर रहा है। स्लीप मॉनिटर से आप अपनी नींद की क्वालिटी को चैक कर सकते हैं और स्ट्रेस मॉनिटर आपको रिलेक्स्ड लाइफस्टाइल की ओर आगे बढ़ाता है। यह आपको मॉनिटरिंग के साथ हैल्दी लाइफ के लिए सजेशन भी देता है। Honor के ये हैल्थ ट्रैकिंग के फीचर्स इनहाउस बने हैं और काफी सटीक नतीजे देने के लिए जाने जाते हैं।

अन्य स्मार्ट फीचर
HONOR MagicWatch 2 ब्लूटूथ कॉल्स को सपोर्ट करती है। साथ ही 500 गाने स्टोर कर उन्हें प्ले कर सकती है। इसके अलावा यह स्मार्टवॉच ऐसे कई दूसरे काम भी कर सकती है जैसे म्यूजिक कंट्रोल जिसकी मदद से आप प्लेलिस्ट तैयार कर सकते हैं और उसे शफल भी कर सकते हैं। इसके अलावा यह स्मार्टवॉच ब्लूटूथ कॉल्स और रिमाइंडर्स को भी पूरी तरह से सपोर्ट करती है। पुश नोटिफिकेशंस, वैदर डिटेल्स, अलार्म, रिमाइंडर्स, टाइमर, फाइंड योर फोन जैसे फीचर्स भी आपको इस स्मार्टवॉच में मिलते हैं। यह घड़ी आपको 2 रंगों में मिलेगी - चारकोल ब्लैक और फ्लैक्स ब्राउन। दोनों ही रंग ऐसे हैं कि देखते ही आपका मन मोह लेंगे।

आकर्षक है कीमत
HONOR MagicWatch 2 (46 मिमी) चारकोल ब्लैक वेरिएंट 12,999 रुपए में अमेज़न पर उपलब्ध होगा और फ्लैक्स ब्राउन वेरिएंट आपको 14,999 रुपए में मिलेगा। अमेज़न पर इसकी सेल 18 जनवरी, दोपहर 12 बजे से अमेज़न प्राइम मेंबर्स के लिए और 19 जनवरी से सभी उपभोक्ताओं के लिए शुरू होगी।

शानदार ऑफर्स
HONOR MagicWatch 2 की हर खरीद पर उपभोक्ताओं को मुफ्त HONOR AM61 ब्लूटूथ इयरफ़ोन के साथ ही सभी क्रेडिट और डेबिट काड्र्स पर 6 महीने की नो कॉस्ट ईएमआई का विकल्प भी मिलेगा। यदि आप एसबीआई क्रेडिट कार्ड का उपयोग कर भुगतान करेंगे तो आपको HONOR MagicWatch 2 की खरीद पर 10% का इंस्टेंट डिस्काउंट भी मिलेगा।

HONOR MagicWatch 2 आप इस लिंक पर क्लिक कर खरीद सकते हैं— https://amzn.to/2uI028H

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HONOR MagicWatch 2: Number 1 in both style and fitness!


Russian hackers accessed emails from Merkel's constituency office - Der Spiegel

Russia's GRU military intelligence service appears to have got hold of many emails from Chancellor Angela Merkel's constituency office in a 2015 hack attack on Germany's parliament, Der Spiegel magazine reported on Friday, without citing its sources.


Microsoft to invest $1.5 billion in Italian cloud business

Microsoft Corp. said on Friday it would create its first datacentre region in Italy under a $1.5 billion investment plan as the U.S. company expands its cloud computing services to more locations across the world.


California county says Tesla may not reopen vehicle factory, stifling Musk's plans

Tesla Inc "must not reopen" its vehicle factory in the San Francisco Bay area as local lockdown measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus remain in effect, the local county health department said on Friday.


As pandemic rages, anything goes for bitcoin's third 'halving'

Bitcoin is about to undergo a scheduled technical adjustment as the number of new coins awarded to the computer wizards who "mine" the cryptocurrency will be cut in half, but forecasting which way its price will move afterward is more complicated now.


Police file homicide complaint against LG Chem after deadly leak

Indian police have filed a culpable homicide complaint against an LG Chem subsidiary over a toxic gas leak at its chemical plant in the south of the country that killed 11 people and forced 800 into hospital for treatment from poisoning.


Police clash with crowds in Ahmedabad after stricter lockdown

Some residents frustrated over a strict coronavirus lockdown in Ahmedabad, the largest city in Gujarat, hurled stones and were met with teargas in clashes with paramilitary forces on Friday.


Cricket: India ready for quarantine in Australia to help tour proceed - official

India captain Virat Kohli and his team mates would be ready to spend two weeks in quarantine in Australia if that helped the tour go ahead as planned later this year, a top official of the Indian board has said.


Magic of playing in packed stadiums will be missed, says Virat Kohli

The magical atmosphere will be missing if the cricket season currently stalled by the COVID-19 pandemic resumes in empty stadiums, India captain Virat Kohli has said.


New York governor says 5-year old died from rare COVID-related complications

A 5-year old boy has died in New York from a rare inflammatory syndrome believed to be linked to the novel coronavirus, highlighting a potential new risk for children in the pandemic, Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Friday.


Coronavirus inflicts huge U.S. job losses as pandemic breaches White House walls

The U.S. government reported more catastrophic economic fallout from the coronavirus crisis on Friday as the pandemic pierced the very walls of the White House and California gave the green light for its factories to restart after a seven-week lockdown.


Protesters demand closure of LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh after toxic gas leak

Villagers placed the bodies of three victims of a deadly gas leak from an LG Polymers plant in Andhra Pradesh at the gates of the site on Saturday, and demanded the factory be shut down immediately and its top management arrested.


Migrant workers throw stones at police in Gujarat in protest against lockdown

Hundreds of migrant workers in Gujarat have clashed for a second day with authorities, hurling stones at police trying to enforce a lockdown to stem the spread of coronavirus.


More than 1,000 queue for food in rich Geneva amid virus shutdown

More than 1,000 people queued up on Saturday to get free food parcels in Geneva, underscoring the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on the working poor and undocumented immigrants even in wealthy Switzerland.


China reports one new coronavirus case, 15 asymptomatic cases

China reported one new coronavirus case for Friday, unchanged from the day before, data from the national health authority showed on Saturday.


New York governor says 5-year old died from rare COVID-related complications

A 5-year old boy has died in New York from a rare inflammatory syndrome believed to be linked to the novel coronavirus, highlighting a potential new risk for children in the pandemic, Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Friday.


Portugal's low-income households struggle to survive pandemic

One in four Portuguese with a monthly household income of 650 euros ($705) or less have lost all their income because of the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak, a study by the National School of Public Health showed on Saturday.


South Korea's K-League kicks off with fans watching from afar

The 2020 K-League season started on Friday with a match between Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors and Suwon Samsung Bluewings played without spectators after a delay of more than two months caused by the coronavirus outbreak.


Cricket: India ready for quarantine in Australia to help tour proceed - official

India captain Virat Kohli and his team mates would be ready to spend two weeks in quarantine in Australia if that helped the tour go ahead as planned later this year, a top official of the Indian board has said.


Despite pause in games, Real Madrid's Jovic injures foot

Real Madrid forward Luka Jovic has not conducted full training or played any matches for over two months due to the coronavirus pandemic, but he somehow still managed to break his foot and is expected to be out of action for around seven weeks.


NBA: Raptors to resume training under strict guidelines due to COVID-19

The reigning NBA champions Toronto Raptors said on Friday they will allow players access to the team's training facilities from next week under strict guidelines amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


Athletics: Coe says children will need more sport in post-pandemic world

Children will need more access to sport in the post-pandemic world and there is a pressing need to press authorities to stop school sports "withering on the vine", World Athletics president Sebastian Coe said on Friday.


Magic of playing in packed stadiums will be missed, says Virat Kohli

The magical atmosphere will be missing if the cricket season currently stalled by the COVID-19 pandemic resumes in empty stadiums, India captain Virat Kohli has said.


Factbox: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on sports events around the world

Major sports events around the world that are in the process of re-starting or have been rescheduled due to the COVID-19 pandemic:


None more unbeatable than Djokovic at his best, says Martin

There is no one more unbeatable in men's tennis than Novak Djokovic when the Serb is at his best, former world number four American Todd Martin has said.


On this day: Born May 10, 1995: Missy Franklin, American swimmer

A "star in the making" were the prophetic words of an announcer who had just witnessed 16-year-old Missy Franklin slice up the competition at swimming's 2011 world championships.


CORRECTED-Golf-Tokyo Olympic qualifying extended into June next year

Qualifying for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic golf tournament will be extended to June 2021 to accommodate the year-long delay caused by the coronavirus outbreak, the International Golf Federation (IGF) said on Wednesday.


Golf-McIlroy, Johnson to take part in televised, charity event amid COVID-19 pandemic

Rory McIlroy will team up with Dustin Johnson to take on American duo Rickie Fowler and Matthew Wolff in a $3 million charity skins match on May 17 as televised golf returns amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the PGA Tour said https://www.pgatour.com/news/2020/05/04/rory-mcilroy-dustin-johnson-rickie-fowler-matthew-wolff-taylormade-driving-relief-live-golf-covid-19-coronavirus-relief-efforts.html on Monday.


Golf-Harrington accidentally unveils Luke Donald as Ryder Cup vice-captain

Europe captain Padraig Harrington let slip that former world number one Luke Donald is one of his vice-captains at this year's Ryder Cup during a live broadcast on Tuesday.


Golf-2020 World Amateur Team Championships cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic

This year's World Amateur Team Championships (WATC), scheduled for October, have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the International Golf Federation (IGF) said on Tuesday.


Golf-Pandemic leads R&A to break with tradition over captaincy

The COVID-19 pandemic has led the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews to break with tradition and nominate, for only the second time in 266 years, its captain to serve for two successive terms.


Golf-Woods, Mickelson, Manning and Brady showdown set for May 24

The coronavirus relief golf match featuring Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and Super Bowl-winning quarterbacks Tom Brady and Peyton Manning will be on May 24 at Medalist Golf Club in Hobe Sound, Florida, WarnerMedia's Turner Sports said on Thursday.


Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on sports events around the world

Major sports events around the world that are in the process of re-starting or have been rescheduled due to the COVID-19 pandemic:


Cricket-England's 'stir-crazy' Roy happy to play behind closed doors

England's Jason Roy is ready to play in empty stadiums if the post-coronavirus situation demands so, said the opener who got a taste of it in his last outing.


Cricket-Australia's Khawaja vows to bounce back after contract snub

Usman Khawaja believes he is still among Australia's top six batsmen and can force his way back into the squad after being dropped a few days ago from the list of contracted players.


Esports-Albon denies penalised Leclerc a virtual F1 hat-trick

Alexander Albon won a virtual Formula One thriller, against a field that included England cricketers Ben Stokes and Stuart Broad, around Brazil's Interlagos circuit on Sunday to deny Charles Leclerc an esports hat-trick.


Cricket-Hundred delay will rob women's game of momentum, fears Edwards

Women's cricket risks losing momentum after the launch of The Hundred competition was postponed until next year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, former England captain Charlotte Edwards said.


Cricket-Du Plessis commits to play all three formats for South Africa

Former South Africa captain Faf du Plessis has committed to playing for his country in all three formats of the game in the 2020/21 season, a boost for a test side that lacks experience and depth in the batting lineup.


Cricket-Australia's Labuschagne wants to flourish across formats

Australia's Marnus Labuschagne wants to enhance his power-hitting ability in one-day internationals as he seeks to establish himself as an all-format player, the 25-year-old said on Monday.


Cricket-England must 'make do' with limited T20 chances ahead of World Cup: Morgan

England's players would have to "make do" with limited chances to prepare for the Twenty20 World Cup scheduled for later this year in Australia due to the COVID-19 pandemic, limited-overs skipper Eoin Morgan said.


Cricket-Warne suggests weighted ball to solve shining dilemma

Australian spin great Shane Warne has suggested using weighted balls to help pace bowlers generate swing without risking health when cricket resumes after the coronavirus shutdown.


Cricket chief warns of 380 mln pound hole if no matches played

English cricket is braced for losses of up to 380 million pounds if no matches are played this summer due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to Tom Harrison, CEO of The England and Wales Cricket Board.


Cricket-Playing without fans won't diminish competitive edge - Stokes

England all-rounder Ben Stokes says playing in closed stadiums would not dampen the competitive side of matches and that players "would do anything" to get cricket back on television screens for fans to watch during the COVID-19 crisis.


Cricket-England's Morgan goes to bat for T10 format at Olympics

England's World Cup winning captain Eoin Morgan says cricket's 10-overs format would be ideal for a global multi-sport event such as the Olympics as the entire tournament could be squeezed into 10 days.