
The Three Joys of Generosity


The Paradox of Generosity


The Purposeful Discipline of Generosity


God's Generosity


Paradox of Generosity


The Paradox of Generosity


The Purposeful Discipline of Generosity


Our Generous God


Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy

Bobby Maddex interviews Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick, the author of the newly revised and expanded edition of his very popular book Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy: Finding the Way to Christ in a Complicated Religious Landscape.


Childhood Heroes

Dr. John Mark Reynolds speaks on remembering those heroes that our culture is not really able to elevate visually the same way you would visualize a super hero flying through the sky.


In Fairness to Herod

Fr. Lawrence Farley argues that Herod had more insight into the significance of Jesus than do most moderns.


Fr. Jerome Sanderson

Bobby Maddex Interviews carver and iconographer Fr. Jerome Sanderson about his participation in both the Ancient Christianity and African-American Conference and an upcoming Liturgical Arts Festival in California.


The Hermit, The Icon, and the Emperor

John interviews Dr. Chrissi Hart, author who wrote of the story of the miraculous events surrounding how the very first icon of the Mother of God, painted by the Evangelist Luke himself, moved from the emperor's palace in Constantinople to a new home on the island of Cyprus. A wonderful book for children published by Conciliar Press. And as a special treat, at the end of the interview, Chrissi reads her book for us! Make sure your children are listening every week to Readings from Under the Grapevine with Chrissi Hart.


Rebuilding St. Nicholas at Ground Zero

On Friday, October 14, The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America announced an agreement with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey regarding the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which was destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. John Maddex talks with Fr. Mark Arey about that agreement and where we go from here.


Orthodox Generosity

Bobby Maddex interviews Alexei Krindatch, the Research Coordinator of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, about his new study on Orthodox generosity and giving to the Church.


Saint Veronica: An Eastern Orthodox Historical Overview and Liturgical Service

Bobby Maddex interviews Veronica Hughes about her new book Saint Veronica: An Eastern Orthodox Historical Overview and Liturgical Service.


The Call to a Generous Heart

Fr. Pat discusses the parable of the servant and the debt he owed to the king.


Generosity, Freedom, and a Problem

There is no easy way to eternal life. We are made to know God, to love God, to serve God, and that is hard. Fr. Pat offers reflections on this via three theses.


Tech Life: The dangerous job of online moderating

We hear from a former moderator in Kenya who was left traumatised by his previous job.


Dangerous stuff


Superorganizers Interview with Josh Kaufman

I loved this Superorganizers interview with my friend, Josh Kaufman that dives into how Josh does research, reading, writing, and uses Ulysses. And how he has a separate computer that is only for doing focused work. ★


Manassero hits nine-under-par third round to lead at PGA Championship

Watch the best shots from Matteo Manassero's nine-under-par third round as he takes a three-shot lead into the final round of the PGA Championship at Wentworth.


Corbisiero makes Aberystwyth return

Cymru Premier strugglers Aberystwyth Town appoint former Swansea City midfielder Antonio Corbisiero as their new manager.


Cup hero Ranger signs new Kettering contract

Former Premier League striker Nile Ranger signs a contract with Kettering Town to run until next summer, with an option for a further 12 months.


D-Day hero who inspired a Call of Duty character

Call of Duty: Vanguard character Lt Arthur Kingsley was based on World War Two paratrooper Sidney Cornell.


Kerosene leak continues, sparking pollution fears

Councillor Ruth Houghton says the kerosene in the drains is "still flowing" after 10 days.


'We're remembering the soldiers - my heroes'

A six-year-old Cumbrian "soldier" who has taken TikTok by storm prepares for Remembrance Day.


¿Por qué hubo y no hubieron?

Por Carlos R. Ibacache I.
Miembro de la Academia Chilena de la Lengua
De todas las formas gramaticales, el verbo es el de más difícil uso para quien no habla español. Para quien lo habla, el error es de gramática elemental, que lo cometen personas de educación completa, profesionales de áreas diversas, pero en quienes más se nota, es cuando lo usan profesores, periodistas, parlamentarios y sobre todo entre los diplomáticos extranjeros. Es fácil percatarse de eso, cuando diplomáticos que hablan otros idiomas, son entrevistados.

Para explicar porqué "hubo" y "no hubieron", hay que comprometerse con la gramática. Veamos los siguientes ejemplos. Un espectador de fútbol dice: "hubieron faltas que el árbitro no cobró" o "hubieron muchas tarjetas amarillas". Se olvida o se ignora, que en los casos citados el verbo "haber" significando existir, es unipersonal y no debe concordarse con el sustantivo que lo acompaña. Las dos oraciones del ejemplo no tienen sujeto y lo que parece serlo, son en realidad complementos directos, "faltas", en el primer caso, "varias tarjetas amarillas", en el segundo. En tales situaciones, sólo se conjuga el verbo "haber" en la tercera persona del singular. Lo correcto, en consecuencia, es decir: "no hubo faltas" y "hubo varias tarjetas amarillas". Por analogía o por extensión, esto alcanza a otras formas donde el verbo "haber", está presente. Por ejemplo, se debe decir "había habitaciones" y no "habían habitaciones"; "ha habido muchos casos" y no "han habido muchos casos" o "habrá invitados" y no "habrán invitados". Siempre la tercera persona del singular.

La pregunta del millón. ¿Qué pasa con "hubieron"? ¿No existe? Sí, existe. Y si existe ¿cuándo se usa? Pues, cuando el verbo "haber" no está usado como unipersonal, sino en construcción conjunta con otro verbo. Por ejemplo, "ellos hubieron de correr cuando les llegó la hora". En este ejemplo, "haber no es unipersonal, hecho que se demuestra con la presencia del pronombre personal "ellos". Sería absurdo decir "ellos hubo de correr cuando les llegó la hora". No es difícil hablar o escribir con propiedad, si nos proponemos hacerlo, sobre todo cuando es verbo, "la palabra" por excelencia.

Fuente: Las Noticias


La partida de Miguel Llorens, el traductor financiero

Cuando comencé este blog por el año 2008, me propuse encontrar y compartir información valiosa para nosotros, los traductores junior, y por eso siempre tomé como referencia a muchos profesionales con más experiencia en esta profesión.

Uno de ellos es Miguel Llorens, el traductor financiero, que con su inteligencia y sarcasmo me resonaba un poco al Dr. House de la traducción.

Miguel es, tiempo presente, porque las personas que dejan huellas profundas, en algunos o no tanto en otros, no se van. Su energía deambula en los pensamientos de aquellos que mascullando sobre algún tema traductoril percibe el roce ligero de su impresión.

Por eso nos encontraremos a la vuelta de la esquina o de algún término enrevesado.


Lego Horizon Adventures is a delightful, kid-friendly twist on Horizon Zero Dawn - Polygon

  1. Lego Horizon Adventures is a delightful, kid-friendly twist on Horizon Zero Dawn  Polygon
  2. Lego Horizon Adventures Review  IGN
  3. How LEGO Horizon Adventures was built with real LEGO bricks, out Nov 14  PlayStation
  4. Lego Horizon Adventures: The Kotaku Review  Yahoo Entertainment
  5. Lego Horizon Adventures Sylens voice actor revealed following Lance Reddick’s passing  Video Games Chronicle


La Ville de Charleroi se déclare "ville antifasciste"

(Belga) Le conseil communal de la Ville de Charleroi a adopté lundi une motion faisant de Charleroi "une ville antifasciste" et consacrant l'existence d'une "coalition antifasciste" composée des partis politiques carolos, des syndicats, d'associations et de membres de la société civile.

Cette "coalition antifasciste" est le fruit de discussions entamées dans un contexte de montée générale des idées d'extrême droite et à la suite des incidents qui sont survenus le 25 janvier 2020 à Charleroi à l'occasion d'une mobilisation d'un front antifasciste contre la tenue dans la métropole d'une réunion d'un nouveau parti d'extrême droite. Ce jour-là, selon les manifestants antifascistes, la police avait fait usage contre eux de sprays, d'autopompes et de coups de matraques même pour les disperser. Ce qui avait provoqué un certain émoi, y compris au sein de la classe politique carolo. La motion donne à la coalition antifasciste quelques objectifs généraux, comme celui "d'empêcher par tous les moyens légaux la diffusion de propos incitant à la haine, au racisme, à l'antisémitisme, au sexisme, à la discrimination relative à l'orientation sexuelle, ouvertement fasciste et xénophobe, sur le territoire de Charleroi" ou celui de relayer l'information "lorsqu'elle concerne un événement susceptible d'inciter à la haine, au racisme, à l'antisémitisme, au sexisme, ouvertement fasciste et xénophobe". (Belga)


Combination of Lv-3DCNN algorithm in random noise environment and its application in aerobic gymnastics action recognition

Action recognition plays a vital role in analysing human body behaviour and has significant implications for research and education. However, traditional recognition methods often suffer from issues such as inaccurate time and spatial feature vectors. Therefore, this study addresses the problem of inaccurate recognition of aerobic gymnastics action image data and proposes a visualised three-dimensional convolutional neural network algorithm-based action recognition model. This model incorporates unsupervised visualisation methods into the traditional network and enhances data recognition capabilities through the introduction of a random noise perturbation enhancement algorithm. The research results indicate that the data augmented with noise perturbation achieves the lowest mean square error, reducing the error value from 0.3352 to 0.3095. The use of unsupervised visualisation analysis enables clearer recognition of human actions, and the algorithm model is capable of accurately recognising aerobic movements. Compared to traditional algorithms, the new algorithm exhibits higher recognition accuracy and superior performance.


Evolution of academic research in French business schools (2008-2018): isomorphism and heterogeneity

In the perspective of institutional theory, business education is an institutional field, in which two major institutional forces are accreditations and rankings. In this context, French business schools (BS) have adopted an isomorphic response by starting to engage in research and publishing in academic journals. Studies have discussed their research as a new institutional trajectory. However, what remains unknown is how they differ from each other in such research dynamics. To bring new insights to the discussion, this quantitative study examines, over the period of 2008-2018, the evolution of research of French BS by systematically comparing the 'best' schools with other schools in all analyses. The results indicate a strong isomorphism in terms of publication quantity and productivity, scale of research collaboration and the internationalisation of research. However, these schools are heterogeneous in terms research quality and scale of international research collaboration, reflecting the diversity in their research strategy.


Workflows without Engines: Modeling for Today’s Heterogeneous Information Systems  


A Research Study for the Development of a SOA Middleware Prototype that used Web Services to Bridge the LMS to LOR Data Movement Interoperability Gap for Education


Interoperability and Learning Objects: An Overview of E-Learning Standardization


A Chaperone: Using Twitter for Professional Guidance, Social Support and Personal Empowerment of Novice Teachers in Online Workshops


The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Interorganizational Coordination: Guidelines from Theory


Overcoming the Challenge of Cooperating with Competitors: Critical Success Factors of Interorganizational Systems Implementation


My life has changed: Feroze Khan is in marital bliss after tying the knot again

Actor was previously married to former model Aliza Sultan until 2022


Feroze Khan keen to work with Bollywood stars Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif

In a viral interview clip, Khan mentions Bollywood actors he’d like to work with in the future.

  • Life & Style


Alhamra honours military heroes through art, anthem

Exhibition features over 25 art pieces of different artists


Dangerous chemicals found in hundreds of cosmetic products: EU agency

A representational image of a clutter of cosmetics on a table. — Unsplash/file

HELSINKI: The European Chemicals Agency said Wednesday that it had found hazardous and banned chemicals in hundreds of cosmetic products sold across Europe.

The Helsinki-based agency has inspected...


Video: Best of #easteronlinebmxjam 2023

Yes, freedombmx has finished the video for #easteronlinebmxjam 2023 and we have to say that the riding level was higher than ever this time. We would like to thank everyone who took part in our small online BMX Jam and we are already looking forward to the X-Mas version of this event.

In this context, we also recommend that you take a look at Instagram under the hashtags #easteronlinebmxjam and #easteronlinebmxjam23, because that's where all the entries can be found.


Zero-based budgeting with Quicken

For years my wife and I had to make due with trying to make Quicken work using a zero-based budget. While Quicken simply isn’t made for zero-based budgeting, we did find a cool hack that lets us keep track of our money in a way very similar to a zero-based budget. It’s kind of like […]

The post Zero-based budgeting with Quicken first appeared on Getting Finances Done.


Elliott takes more than $5B stake in Honeywell, advises separating automation, aerospace units

Activist investor Elliott Investment Management has taken a more than $5 billion stake in Honeywell International and is calling for the conglomerate to split into two separate companies.


Article Alert: Towards global interoperability for supporting biodiversity research on essential biodiversity variables (EBVs)

One of our recent associated partners, the EU project GLOBIS-B has published its first paper: "Towards global interoperability for supporting biodiversity research on essential biodiversity variables (EBVs)". You can find the article here.



Essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) have been proposed by the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) to identify a minimum set of essential measurements that are required for studying, monitoring and reporting biodiversity and ecosystem change. Despite the initial conceptualisation, however, the practical implementation of EBVs remains challenging. There is much discussion about the concept and implementation of EBVs: which variables are meaningful; which data are needed and available; at which spatial, temporal and topical scales can EBVs be calculated; and how sensitive are EBVs to variations in underlying data? To advance scientific progress in implementing EBVs we propose that both scientists and research infrastructure operators need to cooperate globally to serve and process the essential large datasets for calculating EBVs. We introduce GLOBIS-B (GLOBal Infrastructures for Supporting Biodiversity research), a global cooperation funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation framework programme of the European Commission. The main aim of GLOBIS-B is to bring together biodiversity scientists, global research infrastructure operators and legal interoperability experts to identify the research needs and infrastructure services underpinning the concept of EBVs. The project will facilitate the multi-lateral cooperation of biodiversity research infrastructures worldwide and identify the required primary data, analysis tools, methodologies and legal and technical bottlenecks to develop an agenda for research and infrastructure development to compute EBVs. This requires development of standards, protocols and workflows that are ‘self-documenting’ and openly shared to allow the discovery and analysis of data across large spatial extents and different temporal resolutions. The interoperability of existing biodiversity research infrastructures will be crucial for integrating the necessary biodiversity data to calculate EBVs, and to advance our ability to assess progress towards the Aichi targets for 2020 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Original Source:

W. Daniel Kissling et. al. (2015) Towards global interoperability for supporting biodiversity research on essential biodiversity variables (EBVs). Biodiversity. DOI: 10.1080/14888386.2015.1068709