engineer Shipping Corporation and Two Engineers Convicted in ‘Magic Pipe’ Case in Norfolk, Va. By Published On :: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 16:44:57 EDT Diana Shipping Services S.A., a Panamanian corporation headquartered in Greece, Ioannis Prokakis and Antonios Boumpoutelos, both citizens of Greece, were convicted today after an 12-day bench trial on charges related to the illegal discharge of waste oil and oil-contaminated waste water from the M/V Thetis, a cargo vessel operated by Diana Shipping Services, announced Robert G. Dreher, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division, Neil H. MacBride, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, Otis E. Harris, Jr., Special Agent in Charge, Coast Guard Investigative Service, Chesapeake Region, and David G. McLeod, Jr., Special Agent in Charge of EPA’s criminal enforcement program for the Middle Atlantic States. Full Article OPA Press Releases
engineer Justice Department Settles Fair Housing Lawsuit with Multi/Tech Engineering Services Inc. By Published On :: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:43:34 EDT The Justice Department announced today that Multi/Tech Engineering Services Inc., an engineering firm based in Salem, Ore., has agreed to pay more than $60,000 to settle a lawsuit alleging that it had violated the Fair Housing Act by designing Gateway Village Apartments with steps and other features that made it inaccessible to people with disabilities. Full Article OPA Press Releases
engineer German Engineering Firm Bilfinger Resolves Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Charges and Agrees to Pay $32 Million Criminal Penalty By Published On :: Wed, 11 Dec 2013 09:44:47 EST Bilfinger SE, an international engineering and services company based in Mannheim, Germany, has agreed to pay a $32 million penalty to resolve charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) by bribing government officials of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to obtain and retain contracts Full Article OPA Press Releases
engineer Former BP Engineer Convicted for Obstruction of Justice in Connection with the Deepwater Horizon Criminal Investigation By Published On :: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 16:04:23 EST A former engineer for BP plc, was convicted today of intentionally destroying evidence requested by federal criminal authorities investigating the April 20, 2010, Deepwater Horizon disaster. Full Article OPA Press Releases
engineer APEC Economies Agree on Principles and Actions to Support Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics By Published On :: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 12:30:00 +0800 APEC member economies launched the APEC Women in STEM Principles and Actions, a set of suggested principles and actions for encouraging women’s participation in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, commonly referred to as STEM. Full Article
engineer Engineering high-energy-density sodium battery anodes for improved cycling with superconcentrated ionic-liquid electrolytes By Published On :: 2020-05-04 Full Article
engineer Various Faculty Position (Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor/Lecturer) at School of Materials Science and Engineering , Southeast University (SEU) By Published On :: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 06:49:08 +0000 About us Southeast University (SEU), located at Nanjing, is a prestigious higher education institution with its origin traced back to 1902. As one of the national key universities under direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China and jointly established with Jiangsu Province, it is selected in various programs, such National “Project 211” , “Program 985” and “Class A first-rate world universities” sponsored by the Central Government to build world-class universities. *M… Full Article
engineer Recruitment for director and research principal investigators of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Tissue Engineering Research, at Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University By Published On :: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 08:18:08 +0000 Position Laboratory director and independent principal investigators Employer Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Location 639 Zhi Zao Ju Rd, Huang Pu District, 200011, Shanghai, China Discipline Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine related disciplines including: Stem Cell, Developmental Biology, Biomaterials, Biomedical Engineering Aim: Shanghai Tissue Engineering Key Laboratory is among the l… Full Article
engineer Various Faculty Position (Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor/Lecturer) at School of Materials Science and Engineering , Southeast University (SEU) By Published On :: Thu, 21 Nov 2019 07:45:01 +0000 About us Southeast University (SEU), located at Nanjing, is a prestigious higher education institution with its origin traced back to 1902. As one of the national key universities under direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China and jointly established with Jiangsu Province, it is selected in various programs, such National “Project 211” , “Program 985” and “Class A first-rate world universities” sponsored by the Central Government to build world-class universities. *M… Full Article
engineer Various Faculty Position (Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor/Lecturer) at School of Materials Science and Engineering , Southeast University (SEU) By Published On :: Wed, 18 Dec 2019 10:32:28 +0000 About us Southeast University (SEU), located at Nanjing, is a prestigious higher education institution with its origin traced back to 1902. As one of the national key universities under direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China and jointly established with Jiangsu Province, it is selected in various programs, such National “Project 211” , “Program 985” and “Class A first-rate world universities” sponsored by the Central Government to build world-class universities. *M… Full Article
engineer Engineering nanomedicines through boosting immunogenic cell death for improved cancer immunotherapy By Published On :: 2020-04-21 Full Article
engineer The Potential Promises and Pitfalls of Solar Geoengineering: An Interview with David Keith By Published On :: Feb 7, 2020 Feb 7, 2020Professor Robert Stavins interviews David Keith, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School, considered one of the world's leading scholars on solar geoengineering. Full Article
engineer Harvard Professor David Keith Discusses Potential Promises and Pitfalls of Solar Geoengineering in New Episode of "Environmental Insights" By Published On :: Feb 7, 2020 Feb 7, 2020David Keith, Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School, discussed his groundbreaking research and policy work in the field of solar geoengineering in the newest episode of “Environmental Insights: Discussions on Policy and Practice from the Harvard Environmental Economics Program.” Listen to the interview here. Full Article
engineer The fair compensation problem of geoengineering By Published On :: Tue, 23 Feb 2016 09:00:00 -0500 The promise of geoengineering is placing average global temperature under human control, and is thus considered a powerful instrument for the international community to deal with global warming. While great energy has been devoted to learning more about the natural systems that it would affect, questions of political nature have received far less consideration. Taking as a given that regional effects will be asymmetric, the nations of the world will only give their consent to deploying this technology if they can be given assurances of a fair compensation mechanism, something like an insurance policy. The question of compensation reveals that the politics of geoengineering are far more difficult than the technical aspects. What is Geoengineering? In June 1991, Mount Pinatubo exploded, throwing a massive amount of volcanic sulfate aerosols into the high skies. The resulting cloud dispersed over weeks throughout the planet and cooled its temperature on average 0.5° Celsius over the next two years. If this kind of natural phenomenon could be replicated and controlled, the possibility of engineering the Earth’s climate is then within reach. Spraying aerosols in the stratosphere is one method of solar radiation management (SRM), a class of climate engineering that focuses on increasing the albedo, i.e. reflectivity, of the planet’s atmosphere. Other SRM methods include brightening clouds by increasing their content of sea salt. A second class of geo-engineering efforts focuses on carbon removal from the atmosphere and includes carbon sequestration (burying it deep underground) and increasing land or marine vegetation. Of all these methods, SRM is appealing for its effectiveness and low costs; a recent study put the cost at about $5 to $8 billion per year.1 Not only is SRM relatively inexpensive, but we already have the technological pieces that assembled properly would inject the skies with particles that reflect sunlight back into space. For instance, a fleet of modified Boeing 747s could deliver the necessary payload. Advocates of geoengineering are not too concerned about developing the technology to effect SRM, but about its likely consequences, not only in terms of slowing global warming but the effects on regional weather. And there lies the difficult question for geoengineering: the effects of SRM are likely to be unequally distributed across nations. Here is one example of these asymmetries: Julia Pongratz and colleagues at the department of Global Ecology of the Carnegie Institution for Science estimated a net increase in yields of wheat, corn, and rice from SRM modified weather. However, the study also found a redistributive effect with equatorial countries experiencing lower yields.2 We can then expect that equatorial countries will demand fair compensation to sign on the deployment of SRM, which leads to two problems: how to calculate compensation, and how to agree on a compensation mechanism. The calculus of compensation What should be the basis for fair compensation? One view of fairness could be that, every year, all economic gains derived from SRM are pooled together and distributed evenly among the regions or countries that experience economic losses. If the system pools gains from SRM and distributes them in proportion to losses, questions about the balance will only be asked in years in which gains and losses are about the same. But if losses are far greater than the gains; then this would be a form of insurance that cannot underwrite some of the incidents it intends to cover. People will not buy such an insurance policy; which is to say, some countries will not authorize SRM deployment. In the reverse, if the pool has a large balance left after paying out compensations, then winners of SRM will demand lower compensation taxes. Further complicating the problem is the question of how to separate gains or losses that can be attributed to SRM from regional weather fluctuations. Separating the SRM effect could easily become an intractable problem because regional weather patterns are themselves affected by SRM. For instance, any year that El Niño is particularly strong, the uncertainty about the net effect of SRM will increase exponentially because it could affect the severity of the oceanic oscillation itself. Science can reduce uncertainty but only to a certain degree, because the better we understand nature, the more we understand the contingency of natural systems. We can expect better explanations of natural phenomena from science, but it would be unfair to ask science to reduce greater understanding to a hard figure that we can plug into our compensation equation. Still, greater complexity arises when separating SRM effects from policy effects at the local and regional level. Some countries will surely organize better than others to manage this change, and preparation will be a factor in determining the magnitude of gains or losses. Inherent to the problem of estimating gains and losses from SRM is the inescapable subjective element of assessing preparation. The politics of compensation Advocates of geoengineering tell us that their advocacy is not about deploying SRM; rather, it is about better understanding the scientific facts before we even consider deployment. It’s tempting to believe that the accumulating science on SRM effects would be helpful. But when we consider the factors I just described above, it is quite possible that more science will also crystalize the uncertainty about exact amounts of compensation. The calculus of gain or loss, or the difference between the reality and a counterfactual of what regions and countries will experience requires certainty, but science only yields irreducible uncertainty about nature. The epistemic problems with estimating compensation are only to be compounded by the political contestation of those numbers. Even within the scientific community, different climate models will yield different results, and since economic compensation is derived from those models’ output, we can expect a serious contestation of the objectivity of the science of SRM impact estimation. Who should formulate the equation? Who should feed the numbers into it? A sure way to alienate scientists from the peoples of the world is to ask them to assert their cognitive authority over this calculus. What’s more, other parts of the compensation equation related to regional efforts to deal with SRM effect are inherently subjective. We should not forget the politics of asserting compensation commensurate to preparation effort; countries that experience low losses may also want compensation for their efforts preparing and coping with natural disasters. Not only would a compensation equation be a sham, it would be unmanageable. Its legitimacy would always be in question. The calculus of compensation may seem a way to circumvent the impasses of politics and define fairness mathematically. Ironically, it is shot through with subjectivity; is truly a political exercise. Can we do without compensation? Technological innovations are similar to legislative acts, observed Langdon Winner.3 Technical choices of the earliest stage in technical design quickly “become strongly fixed in material equipment, economic investment, and social habit, [and] the original flexibility vanishes for all practical purposes once the initial commitments are made.” For that reason, he insisted, "the same careful attention one would give to the rules, roles, and relationships of politics must also be given to such things as the building of highways, the creation of television networks, and the tailoring of seeming insignificant features on new machines." If technological change can be thought of as legislative change, we must consider how such a momentous technology as SRM can be deployed in a manner consonant with our democratic values. Engineering the planet’s weather is nothing short of passing an amendment to Planet Earth’s Constitution. One pesky clause in that constitutional amendment is a fair compensation scheme. It seems so small a clause in comparison to the extent of the intervention, the governance of deployment and consequences, and the international commitments to be made as a condition for deployment (such as emissions mitigation and adaptation to climate change). But in the short consideration afforded here, we get a glimpse of the intractable political problem of setting up a compensation scheme. And yet, if the clause were not approved by a majority of nations, a fair compensation scheme has little hope to be consonant with democratic aspirations. 1McClellan, Justin, David W Keith, Jay Apt. 2012. Cost analysis of stratospheric albedo modification delivery systems. Environmental Research Letters 7(3): 1-8. 2Pongratz, Julia, D. B. Lobell, L. Cao, K. Caldeira. 2012. Nature Climate Change 2, 101–105. 3Winner, Langdon. 1980. Do artifacts have politics? Daedalus (109) 1: 121-136. Authors Walter D. Valdivia Image Source: © Antara Photo Agency / Reuters Full Article
engineer First-Ever Geoengineering Research Ban Considered by Convention on Biological Diversity By Published On :: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 12:05:00 -0400 While preservation of the planet's dwindling biodiversity itself has rightly grabbed the headlines at the ongoing Convention on Biological Diversity in Japan, Science Insider points out an important geoengineering Full Article Science
engineer Why The UN Moratorium On Geoengineering Is A Good Thing, Maybe By Published On :: Mon, 01 Nov 2010 12:49:00 -0400 Late last week at the Convention on Biodiversity a resolution was adopted which places a moratorium on geoengineering unless it can be proven that the method in question can be shown to not have an adverse effect on Full Article Business
engineer Geoengineering Virus Infecting Gates Foundation? By Published On :: Mon, 06 Feb 2012 22:20:00 -0500 Wealthy individuals funding geoengineering feasibility studies because no one else will. Full Article Business
engineer Geoengineering is a Technical Fix for a Political Problem By Published On :: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 12:23:00 -0500 "The stakes are very high and scientists are not the best people to deal with the social, ethical or political issues that geoengineering raises." Full Article Business
engineer Geoengineering by Increasing Aerosols Could Make Blue Skies a Thing of the Past By Published On :: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 14:40:00 -0400 Some new research looks at the unintended consequences of injecting aerosols into the atmosphere to block solar radiation and cool the planet, finding that doing so could turn skies everywhere into a brighter, whiter, hazier, ugly mess. Full Article Science
engineer Geoengineering 'Round the World (Map) By Published On :: Wed, 18 Jul 2012 06:59:42 -0400 The quest to find a last-ditch techno-fix for climate change is more intense and globe-spanning than you possibly could have imagined. See for yourself. Full Article Science
engineer A Tale of Two Geoengineering Experiments: Ocean Iron Fertilization & Injecting the Atmosphere By Published On :: Wed, 18 Jul 2012 17:30:00 -0400 The first field test of injecting sulfate particles into the atmosphere is proposed for New Mexico; ocean iron fertilization experiment shows more promise than previous ones. Full Article Science
engineer Ocean Geoengineering Experiment Likely Broke International Law By Published On :: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 14:50:00 -0400 It may have also been done under falsely obtained consent... Full Article Business
engineer Ocean Geoengineering Experiment May Not Have Broken Laws After All By Published On :: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 11:35:00 -0400 Because the iron dumped in the ocean off British Columbia wasn't dumped as waste, it didn't violate international law. Full Article Business
engineer Artist Creates Cloud Making Machine to Test Geoengineering "Limits of Knowledge" By Published On :: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 07:15:00 -0500 Inspired by geoengineering techniques, an artist creates a personal cloud-forming machine to make a point. Full Article Design
engineer Should we geoengineer the climate? We already are. By Published On :: Wed, 15 May 2013 12:14:36 -0400 Geoengineering can be more than doing stuff to the environment. We could try leaving it alone. Full Article Science
engineer British engineer builds a house with (almost) no heating By Published On :: Mon, 17 Jun 2019 12:27:14 -0400 Max Fordham's house is "simple and practical" and mostly all natural. Full Article Design
engineer Paper engineer's 3D pop-up art leaps off the page magically (Video) By Published On :: Thu, 09 Nov 2017 14:43:39 -0500 The versatile, two-dimensional medium of paper is reconstructed into art that pops off the page. Full Article Living
engineer What we can learn from the first genetically engineered food By Published On :: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 18:10:31 -0400 Retro Report revisits the Flavr Savr, the first genetically engineered food to hit American grocery stores. Full Article Living
engineer Glow-in-the-dark chickens are genetically engineered to fight bird flu By Published On :: Tue, 08 Sep 2015 14:10:29 -0400 Researchers in the UK are using genetic engineering to fight the bird flu epidemic. Full Article Science
engineer Artist & engineer team up to create paints made out of environmental toxins (Video) By Published On :: Wed, 05 Jul 2017 15:47:53 -0400 Toxins leached out of old coal mines in the American Rust Belt are converted into custom paints. Full Article Living
engineer The debate over nuclear power: An engineer looks at the issues By Published On :: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:52:12 -0400 Nuclear power is so controversial; an engineer working on the Bruce Nuclear plant gives his point of view. Full Article Energy
engineer The Apple Engineer Who Quit His Job to Propagate Plants (Interview) By Published On :: Mon, 10 Dec 2012 05:00:00 -0500 Why would an engineer at Apple quit his job to design a product to help gardeners propagate plants? Full Article Living
engineer Jargon watch - "cocktail geoengineering" takes fixing the earth to the next level By Published On :: Tue, 25 Jul 2017 08:55:00 -0400 If one geoengineering plan doesn't work, maybe two or three combined will Full Article Science
engineer German Engineers Join Hybrid Game By Published On :: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 00:20:59 -0400 Anticipation hangs palpably ahead of the Frankfurt International Motor Show: what will German engineers bring to the green table? After bucking the trend for several years in favor of the already well-established "clean diesel" technology, German car Full Article Transportation
engineer U.S. Asian Carp Czar Says Poison, Genetic Engineering Among Solutions By Published On :: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 16:28:06 -0400 The Obama administration loves its czars almost as much as the media loves using the title. So here goes: The U.S. Asian Carp Czar, also known as John Goss, says he has a multi-pronged strategy to help keep Asian carp from Full Article Science
engineer Arctic foxes are 'ecosystem engineers' who grow beautiful gardens By Published On :: Tue, 19 Dec 2017 14:33:54 -0500 Researchers discover how Arctic foxes modify their dens to make the surrounding land more fertile. Full Article Science
engineer 'Paper engineer' folds experimental works merging science & art By Published On :: Fri, 25 Jan 2019 11:00:33 -0500 These fascinating works explore how folding might push the frontiers of flexible photovoltaics, self-assembling materials and nano-forms. Full Article Living
engineer All over the world, engineers declare climate and biodiversity emergency By Published On :: Thu, 24 Oct 2019 12:54:59 -0400 This is turning into a really big bandwagon. Full Article Business
engineer Solar powered scooter engineer needs a hundred monkeys By Published On :: Tue, 07 Mar 2017 08:00:00 -0500 If you dream of testing the limits of solar powered mobility, but don't have the DIY gene, here is someone who can help Full Article Technology
engineer European engineers' recommendation: Stop recirculating air in buildings By Published On :: Wed, 22 Apr 2020 18:14:27 -0400 Almost every American office building and home has this. Full Article Design
engineer Engineers develop strong, light "metallic wood" By Published On :: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 09:40:00 -0500 This nickel structure as strong as titanium but four to five times lighter could do double duty as a battery Full Article Science
engineer Buildings by superstar engineer Ove Arup in a new exhibition By Published On :: Mon, 27 Jun 2016 05:00:00 -0400 You've heard of starchitects, well here's a super-star engineer: welcome to Ove Arup's world. Full Article Design
engineer Boston Scientific Receives FDA Approval For SYNERGY Bioabsorbable Polymer Drug-Eluting Stent System - A Technology Development Story: meet the SYNERGY™ Stent System engineers By Published On :: 05 Oct 2015 11:10:00 EDT A Technology Development Story: meet the SYNERGY™ Stent System engineers Full Article Healthcare Hospitals Medical Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Broadcast Feed Announcements FDA Approval MultiVu Video
engineer Y’all Engineers Can’t Pimp My Meme Swag By Published On :: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:00:00 GMT My meme swagger is unstoppable. The ladies want my penis, and the engineers can't handle my drip. Full Article
engineer Maha deputy engineer gets 16 months jail sentence for accepting bribe By Published On :: 08 Mar 2019 05:47:42 GMT A Maharashtra government official was Thursday sentenced to 16 months rigorous imprisonment by a court in the neighbouring Raigad district for accepting a bribe. Raigad Additional District Judge BC Kamble convicted Ashik Bharti, a deputy engineer with the Kharbhoomi Sarvekshan and Anveshan Department of Pen, under the Prevention of Corruption Act and fined him Rs 5,000, said a senior Anti-Corruption Bureau official. Deputy Commissioner of Police (ACB) Mahesh Patil said Bharti had demanded Rs 5 lakh from a contractor to get his bills cleared. The contractor approached the ACB following which a trap was laid on November 6, 2015, and Bharti was nabbed while accepting Rs 1 lakh, Patil said. Catch up on all the latest Crime, National, International and Hatke news here. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates This story has been sourced from a third party syndicated feed, agencies. Mid-day accepts no responsibility or liability for its dependability, trustworthiness, reliability and data of the text. Mid-day management/ reserves the sole right to alter, delete or remove (without notice) the content in its absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever Full Article
engineer COVID-19 impact: Water supply to Dadar-Mahim areas disrupted after engineer tests positive By Published On :: 1 May 2020 01:31:39 GMT After an engineer in the G north ward tested positive for COVID-19, water supply to residents of Dadar-Mahim is likely to be disrupted for a while. The entire team in charge of repairing the water pipeline has been quarantined. The engineers and workers of G north ward offices were on essential duty of ensuring water supply, but one of them tested positive for COVID-19 late Tuesday night. "He was on duty of repairing the water pipeline in Dharavi. In all likelihood, that is how he contracted the virus," one of the employees said. Soon after the engineer tested positive, the BMC health department quarantined the entire team on April 29, Wednesday, to avoid further transmission. The repair work will restart only after the team gets the all-clear, which will take a while. Catch up on all the latest Mumbai news, crime news, current affairs, and a complete guide from food to things to do and events across Mumbai. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates. Mid-Day is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@middayinfomedialtd) and stay updated with the latest news Full Article
engineer Future of Bioengineered Tooth Replacement In New Therapies By Published On :: The field of bioengineered tooth has received a great deal of attention in the past few years as it has shown potential to regenerate.Bone marrow cells promote stimulation of bioengineered teeth. Full Article
engineer Mercedes Benz To Hire 1,000 Engineers For R&D In India By Published On :: Luxury automotive major Mercedes Benz today said it will hire 1,000 engineers in the country next year for its research and development (R&D) initiatives in India. Full Article
engineer Export Engineer By Published On :: 2019-12-09 14:42:21 Company: Paradise Placement ConsultancyExperience: 1 to 3location: IndiaRef: 24377618Summary: Job Description : Job Description: Hiring for Heavy Machinery Manufacturing Industry in Aurangabad Position: Export Engineer 02 Department: Import Export Education - DME / BE Experience: Min 1 Years of Experience in.... Full Article
engineer Sales Manager - Design engineering services - Bangalore - (Job Id:3582) By Published On :: 2020-05-08 19:23:30 Company: JSD Search House Private LimitedQualification: Bachelor Of Technology (B.Tech/B.E)Experience: 4 to 10Salary: 4.00 to 10.00location: Bengaluru / BangaloreRef: 24827820Summary: Business acquisition of design engineering services/reverse engineering from overseas markets Cold calling,.... Full Article