
Mary Ann Esposito’s Yellow Squash Salad with Grana Padano

The chef of PBS’ long running “Ciao Italia” taught me to make this flavorful, seasonal salad that would be a perfect side dish for Thanksgiving.


How to fry a turkey without burning down the house

Here's a big hint: If you must do this, move away from the house.

  • Protection & Safety


PBS busts the Thanksgiving myth with 'Pilgrims'

The true story behind the modern holiday isn't all togetherness and turkey.

  • Arts & Culture


Try the 30 days of gratitude quiz with your teen

Head into the holiday season with a series of daily questions that help all of us think about what we're thankful for.


How did dinosaurs end up with beaks instead of teeth?

Scientists have uncovered the mystery of beak evolution.


Rare mammal that's still alive today once walked with dinosaurs

New genetic evidence shows that Solenodons survived the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs.


Scientists discover fossilized turtle with no shell

Turtles use their shells as shields today, but these devices evolved for a completely different reason, paleontologists learn.


Bloomberg attempts to beat summer heat with home AC window unit ... in his SUV

Trying to stay cool while obeying his own stringent vehicle idling restrictions, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg enlists security detail to install a full


IKEA to curb climate change with veggie Swedish meatballs

The Swedish home furnishings giant plans to offer 'lower carbon alternatives' to the signature pork and beef meatballs sold at its in-store cafes.


Conquer the clutter with 'Throw Out 50 Things'

Organize your home and office with help from Gail Blanke's book about clearing the clutter.


Taj Mahal threatened with demolition

The Indian Supreme Court delivers a serious ultimatum to the government: clean up or tear down the ailing global architectural landmark.


A recyclable phone with eco-awareness alerts

MBA students in a CSR course at Boston College were tasked to create a green business idea for Verizon and a recyclable phone project came out on top.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


Pee power: Charge your phone with urine

Gross or practical? Soon you may be able to charge your phone by plugging it into the urinal.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


An eco-home with one serious staircase

A passive solar home in Japan boasts various energy-saving features and a sloping, stair-clad roof that doubles as hangout area/lounge for (hopefully well-behav

  • Remodeling & Design


Michael Pollan: The problem with monocultures

Michael Pollan explains that if farmers are only growing one or two crops, that means people are only eating one or two crops, which does not make for a healthy

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Pollan talks food rules with Stewart

Michael Pollan discusses the high cost of cheap food with Jon Stewart.


Why would a company with an organic food brand oppose Proposition 37?

If organic foods can’t contain genetically modified ingredients, you’d think organic food companies wouldn’t have a problem with labeling foods that conta


Go greener with your holiday spirits

We've got lots of choices for eco-friendly wine, beer and spirits this holiday season.


Go local and durable with your Oscar party

Forget the gold paper plates and the disposable red carpet for your Oscar party. Bring out the china, the crystal and the good food.


How to start a fire with a bag of water

Who knew a sandwich bag and some water could make a biconvex lens and start a fire?

  • Wilderness & Resources


Hikers film tense standoff with mountain lion

'What are we supposed to do?' one hiker whispered as a puma stared them down in Sequoia National Park.


10 small towns with big personalities

Here are some quirky towns with their own distinct vibe that are worth a visit ... and might be a place you'd like to settle down.


First-aid tips for hiking with your dog

With these first-aid tips and proper planning, you and your dog should be ready for anything.


With these maps, you can track migratory birds in near real time

BirdCast shows the volume and direction of birds in the U.S.


It wouldn't be winter in Finland without a dip in a frozen lake

Markku Lahdesmaki's photo series 'Avanto' illuminates the Finnish hobby of ice swimming.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Lubanzi, a wine label with a social conscience

Some of the proceeds from Lubanzi wines, which are imported South Africa, goes to help the vineyard workers and their families.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


Students aim to pair veterans with service dogs

Gilbert High School seniors in South Carolina are raising money to get service dogs to veterans with PTSD.


Yes, we're in an abusive relationship with Facebook — but we'll never leave

We've given far too much of our lives to Facebook to give up on the relationship now.


Dog with the saddest face wouldn't let anyone near him at the shelter

Not every dog goes straight from the shelter to a happy ending, but Baloo's story is the most unlikely of all.


What is a community fridge? Think Little Free Pantry with electricity

Community fridges are like Little Free Pantries, but with electricity. They are one more solution to hunger and food waste.


Our love affair with single-use plastics is over

Many countries, states and municipalities are getting serious about reducing the use of plastic bags, utensils and containers.

  • Wilderness & Resources


A fight with congressional Republicans may just be what Lisa Jackson wants

Republicans are licking their chops about questioning the EPA administrator, but recent history shows that may be exactly what she wants.


Republicans duke it out with Lisa Jackson and the EPA

The GOP is treating the EPA chief like a human punching bag — but she can strike back.


From fork to furnace: New York City to heat homes with table scraps

NYC announces a scheme in which organic food waste will help to boost production of methane-rich biogas at the city's largest wastewater treatment plant.


Turkish eco-city wants to heat homes with pistachio shells

From one of the world's top pistachio-producing regions, comes a not-too-entirely nutty idea: Burning waste shells to heat buildings.


Super-futuristic Hong Kong skyscraper is topped with rice paddy

Uncle Ben meets 'Blade Runner' in this wild vertical farming concept that also incorporates aquaculture, wind energy and 'algae facades.'

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Transparent solar windows generate energy without obstructing the view

Researchers have developed solar concentrators that can be placed on windows or cellphone screens.

  • Research & Innovations


A parade of fictional bears, starting with Teddy

Whether they were based on the real thing or imagined, we welcomed these bears into our homes with abandon.


Teens serenade John Williams with 'Star Wars'

John Williams even comes out to greet the two teenagers after their finish their recital.

  • Arts & Culture


Sale of 19th-century village in Quebec comes with a plot twist

Used often in film productions, the lovingly preserved Canadiana Village is mostly for show.


'One Big Home' profiles America's obsession with supersized dwellings

In the documentary "One Big Home," carpenter Thomas Bena goes behind the scenes to explores the trophy homes and "starter castles" of Martha's Vineyard.

  • Remodeling & Design


Mom? … Anybody? Adorable bear cub needs a hand with clingy scallop

This grizzly bear cub thought he was just enjoying a day at the river's edge before a scallop shell ruined it.


'Silent Killers' highlights fishing net pollution with beautiful imagery

Christine Ren's "Silent Killers" uses stunning visuals to draw attention to a net-buyback program to keep our seas cleaner for wildlife.

  • Wilderness & Resources


'Migrating with the Sandhill Cranes': Follow the journey

Bryan Nelson's short film, "Migrating with the Sandhill Cranes," profiles one couple's epic journey to migrate with sandhill cranes from New Mexico to Alaska.


An office with a view: Kicking back on a wind turbine hundreds of feet in the air

Redditor Demo_of_demo shared this beautiful photo taken from high atop his wind-turbine "office."


A blimp with a mission: Helium-filled wind turbine to take float in Alaska [Video]

Fairbanks will be the demo deployment site for BAT (Buoyant Altitude Turbine), an inflatable wind turbine floating 1,000 feet above the earth.


Eiffel Tower outfitted with twin wind turbines

The turbines will help to keep the lights on and the cash registers ringing on the Paris landmark's newly revamped first floor.


Portugal shows off in March, flirting with 100% renewable energy goal

Portugal predicts that renewables will satisfy its mainland electricity needs by 2040.


20 household things you can clean with salt

Add this kitchen mainstay to your arsenal of natural cleaners.


How to clean a bathroom without going crazy

You might be surprised at the one thing that can make the task much more bearable.