
Why we should fix what we've got instead of starting from scratch

Do we need hyperloops? No, we need trains that work.


Climate Change Activists Are Terrorists! At Least That's What the Maryland State Police Thought

I'm going to let Josh Tulkin speak mostly for himself on this one, but here's the thumbnail sketch of the situation: Tulkin received a latter from the Maryland State Police informing him that from March 2005 to May 2006 Tulkin was under


8 Green Music Festivals That Rock

Image Credit: Getty ImagesFestivals are not a modern day invention. The roots of the celebratory gathering go as far back as the Egyptians, who used to toast the annual overflow of the Nile, which irrigated crops. Whether it be religion (the most common


Foster to build Toronto tower with what looks like the largest living wall in North America

"Less is more" is so over; These days the mantra is "too much is never enough."


What happens when plant-based 'meat' is cheaper than the real thing?

Pioneers are already making inroads into the market. But once economies of scale kick in...


What's wrong with modern buildings? Everything, including Upfront Carbon Emissions

Finally, people are beginning to take this issue seriously.


Breadfruit Trees are 'Trees That Feed' and Create Jobs in Jamaica

Breadfruit trees planted by Trees That Feed Foundation are creating food systems and jobs in Jamaica.


Want to save the world? Here's what you should eat

Scientists say this is the only way to feed 10 billion people without causing catastrophic damage to the planet.


What does '12 years to save the planet' really mean?

It's a number that's been thrown around a lot recently. There's a danger it will be misunderstood.


The Electric Bicycle World Tour and What The World Looks Like from an E-Bike (video)

Guim Valls Teruel is travelling 5 continents on an electric bicycle to promote the use of cleaner energy and the non-reliance on fossil fuel worldwide. Currently in New Zealand, the Electric Bicycle World Tour has already clogged quite a lot of mileage


What is Passive House?

We have never actually explained this in one post on TreeHugger. I am going to try.


What is "the conventional wisdom about environmentally friendly construction"?

It's a moving target and, like TreeHugger hero Chris Magwood, we are all learning on the job.


That's no stack of rocks, it's an osmosis between man and nature

Quebec architects propose a 48-storey tower in a forest, "a new relationship between humans and their natural habitat."


The VentureOne Hybrid and EV: 100 MPH, 100 MPG, and that Crazy Tilty Action

At TreeHugger, we like to keep things realistic, raise a skeptical eyebrow to potential vaporware, and to keep in check our giddy inner children that get sweaty palms when we see something like the VentureOne. After all, a bright idea, some capital, and


Just what we needed dept: a BMW with paint so black, it's almost invisible

No "do the bright thing" for cars; instead, the BMW X6 designed to "look particularly menacing."


XPrize is giving away $20 million for a new technology that makes something good out of CO2

The competition is looking for new ideas for capturing the emissions from fossil fuels and turning them into something useful instead of harmful.


What's the environmental impact of a loaf of bread?

Researchers were shocked to discover what part of the bread-making process generates most emissions.


Reproductive Rights Scrubbed From Rio+20 Text - Why That's Bad News for the Planet

Opposition from the G77 Nations and the Vatican led to the removal of the words 'reproductive rights' from the Rio+20 text, leaving in 'acceptable modern methods of family planning'.


Hans Rosling: Debunking the myth that helping the poor is causing overpopulation (video)

The incomparable Swedish medical doctor and statistician Hans Rosling tackles a very perverse and tenacious myth about overpopulation.


Scientists created mutant bacteria that collect solar power on cloudy days

Move over, regular solar panels.


Here's what energy drinks do to the heart

Researchers conducted the largest controlled study yet of the effects of energy drinks on the heart and blood pressure in healthy adults.


Lord Foster On Building The Dymaxion Car, And Don't Ask What It Cost

After seeing the stunning Dymaxion car built by architect Norman Foster in Abitare and the Guardian, I wrote "I want one." Not that an eleven-seater is particularly useful, but it is just so gorgeous. Over at Metropolis,


What are the lessons from Bucky Fuller's Dymaxion House?

The biggest one is that no matter how clever the design, it is the land that matters, not the house, and that nothing has changed in 70 years.


That chocolate bar will cost you 42 minutes of running

A new kind of food label hopes to fight obesity by stating how much exercise is required to burn it off.


What happens when insect fat replaces butter in Belgian waffles?

A taste-test between the two kinds of fat had a surprising outcome.


Social media is influencing what you eat

You're more likely to eat certain foods if your friends post pictures of them.


Teenager invents way to videochat with your pet, give it treats

The device uses a tablet or smartphone to connect you with your pet during the day, give it treats and make sure it's not tearing up the furniture.


Dogs know if you’re happy or mad, and that makes them special

New research reveals the first solid evidence that an animal (other than humans) can distinguish emotional expressions in another species.


What's your bikeshed?

If you're in the Netherlands, your bikeshed must be huge, but what qualifies as a bikeshed in your city?


9 energy boosting drinks that aren't coffee

You may love the energy kick from coffee, but too much can be a bad thing. Try some of these greener, cleaner-burning 'fuels' that will wake you up, nourish your body, and keep you going longer.


Crisis? What crisis? More coal being burned and more CO2 being released

We are going backward, not forward.


Study shows that climate change is really bad for your health

Along with climate-killing CO2, there are a lot of people-killing pollutants. Perhaps we should change our message.


Wine has barely changed since Roman times, and that's a problem

Lack of diversity makes grapes vulnerable to climate change.


What does a polar bear smell like?

In which we tackle one of life's more pressing queries.


The "Stopping EPA Overreach Act" redefines what a pollutant is and stops regulation of greenhouse gases

This is beyond climate denial, it's science denial


Worried about the planet? Avoid that extra kid

Forget light bulbs and cloth bags. The actions that will mitigate climate change most effectively are the ones nobody's talking about.


3 climate change policies that no one's talking about

The U.N. just came up with some climate change solutions, and none of them are "expect techy solutions to pull us out."


What flat-earthers have got right

A lot of people believe the Earth is flat. It's silly ... or is it?


What is the impact of meat on climate?

A comprehensive look at why it is a problem, and who is fighting change.


The Rush-Bagot Treaty that demilitarized the Great Lakes is 200 years old today

It led to a series of other agreements that protected and cleaned up the Great Lakes environment


Oh no! What's ailing the Emperor penguin?

Climate change is affecting sea ice, which will have a direct impact on survival for many colonies of Emperors.


6 mega-trends that marked the past decade

These are the ones that also had a green slant to them, making them special to TreeHugger's heart.


Super-yacht is powered by liquid hydrogen. How "eco" is that?

In two words: It's not.


Plastic waste is a problem, but wasting what the plastic is wrapping is many times worse

Judith Thornton questions the conventional wisdom about plastic packaging. She has a controversial point.


The invasive species that nobody is talking about

Non-native species like zebra mussels make national news, but the dangerous plant variable milfoil is rarely discussed outside of lake communities.


Guess what's causing Americans the most stress?

This year's Stress in America survey by the American Psychological Association might make you feel not so all alone.


Study shows that people who walk and bike to main streets spend 40 percent more than people who drive

Doing street improvements for pedestrians and cyclists increases sales by 30 percent. So why aren't cities doing it?


The pollution is getting so bad in London that people are moving out

Schools are also fundraising to supply face masks for children.


6 different kitchen floors that are healthy and green

Are you buying for looks or for function? It can be a tough call.


Five kitchen trends that should die in 2020

After another site makes a list, we add our own suggestions.