
Should kids with lice stay in school?

Many school districts are reexamining ''no nit' policies that keep healthy kids out of the classroom.

  • Protection & Safety


A child born with severe spina bifida has new mobility and new possibilities

Today, Brody Moreland is a blur of motion as he chases toys. But for the first 6 months of his life, he barely moved. He was born with severe spina bifida.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Sex with an ex common among young adults, according to study

Having sex with an ex seems to be a fairly typical part of the breakup process for young adults, a new study shows.

  • Arts & Culture


Morning-after pill to be made available to teens without a prescription

A federal judge has ordered the Food and Drug Administration to make the morning-after pill available to teens without a prescription.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Woman is allergic to sex with husband

But rolling in the hay resumes as doctors treat her allergy to semen.


Women love a man with a beard, but only when a beard is hard to find

The popularity of weird beards and mustaches among young men living in Brooklyn, N.Y., may be more than just a hipster fad.

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion


70 percent of Americans infected with HPV

More than two-thirds of healthy Americans have a human papillomavirus (HPV) infection on some part of their body

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Science says: Men with big bellies are better lovers

Though the study's assumption of what "better" sex means is pretty specific.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Sex with robots expected to surpass human sex by 2050

Rise of the robosexuals: What will it mean for our human relationships?

  • Gadgets & Electronics


With new budget, New Zealand puts its money where its heart is

New Zealand's budget will make well-being and equality priorities over the economy.


BP redirects the flow of information with Google AdWords

BP is coming under criticism for buying 'gulf oil spill' search advertising on Google. Will the company's attempt to redirect online traffic backfire?


Rally with 'FUEL' from L.A. to Louisiana

The makers of eco-docu 'FUEL' wants you to attend two big events to help end America's addiction to fossil fuels.


Can you survive a Weekend Without Oil?

Environmentalists are pledging to go oil free August 21 and 22. Are you up to the challenge?


Sign up for the Weekend Without Oil challenge

Don't miss your chance to make a difference during the Weekend Without Oil.


My weekend without oil: The road trip edition

MNN family blogger's attempt to live without oil while embarking on a family vacation.


Imagine a world without oil: Infographic

Thanks to our oil addiction, such a world would include rolling blackouts, minimal transportation, dwindling food supplies and possibly war.


Naked continent? See Antarctica without ice

NASA's new map combined radar, sound waves and electromagnetic instruments to peer beneath Antarctica's ice.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Emily Deschanel pregnant with first child

Vegan actress and celebrated animal activist says she's expecting later this year.

  • Arts & Culture


Raising children with books may up their IQs later

Raising a child in a mentally stimulating environment has been linked to developing a smaller brain cortex, which in turn is linked to higher IQ.

  • Babies & Pregnancy


Kate Middleton in hospital, pregnant with first child

Buckingham Palace finally puts the pregnancy rumors to rest by officially announcing that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting.

  • Arts & Culture


Make life with a new baby easier with babywearing

MNN's family blogger takes a trip down memory lane, recalling life with a new baby before and after babywearing.

  • Babies & Pregnancy


Journalist gets up close and personal with a seal

While traveling through Antarctica, journalist Charlie Bird had an up-close encounter with some adorable seals that left him giggling.


U.N. supports World Environment Day with new anthem

The United Nations shares "ONE Life," a new song and music video highlighting the severity of climate change.

  • Arts & Culture


With its formula change, Nutella is not bringing 'more happiness to the world'

Did Nutella, the tasty chocolate hazelnut spread, really need more sugar?


Food pyramids change with time and place, but the goal is the same: Eat well

Colorful diagrams help us understand how much of which foods we should be eating.


Snuggling with baby penguins and other perks of being a wildlife photographer

Sue Flood's new book on emperor penguins, 'Emperor: The Perfect Penguin,' is the culmination of 9 years of work.


22-year-old defies the odds with his wildlife photography

Photographer Oliver Hellowell believes anyone can accomplish their dreams — even if they have Down syndrome.


This man's love affair with icebergs will warm you on the inside

No one gets more excited about iceberg season than camera-toting Canadian Mark Gray.


Good vibrations: Treating brain disease with ultrasound waves

Columbia researcher examines how ultrasound could become part of a comprehensive treatment for various degenerative brain diseases.

  • Research & Innovations


Building Rome in a day with virtual reality maps

Team at Seattle university is creating largest 3-D reconstruction that anyone has ever attempted, rebuilding the world one pixel at a time.


What does your virtual self have to do with the real world?

Your avatar may be just a virtual identity, but it can also affect how you are in the real world.

  • Gadgets & Electronics


Working with robotic arms

Brian Zenowich will sometimes spend his workdays doing a little arm-in-arm dancing. His dance partners manage to stay in step, duplicating his every move almost

  • Research & Innovations


Babies prefer to interact with pro-social individuals

Babies are oriented towards pro-social individuals. They prefer interacting with a pro-social individual over an anti-social individual.

  • Babies & Pregnancy


Mind-reading computer system may help people with locked-in syndrome

Locked-in syndrome, often the result of injury or illness (such as Lou Gehrig's), causes complete paralysis. With advanced technology, these people get closer t

  • Research & Innovations


5 ancient burials that affirm our bond with animals

Many animals have been found buried with the same level of care as humans, suggesting a deep bond between humans and animals.


Hmong shaman work with traditional doctors to heal patients at California hospital

The new policy at Dignity Health Mercy Medical Center in Merced builds trust and community, and the patients are seeing the results.

  • Fitness & Well-Being


Nun shows off soccer skills with police officer

This nun in Ireland shows off her soccer skills in a game of keepie uppie with a police officer.

  • Arts & Culture


Belgian abbey revives its brewery with rediscovered medieval beer recipes

Grimbergen Abbey will use centuries-old books as inspiration to start brewing beer again after more than 200 years.


How to survive pollen season (without locking yourself inside the house)

How to pollen-proof your life with these 20 tips for seasonal allergy sufferers.


Nissan Leaf launches new ad campaign with Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong joins a new media campaign to market the innovative 2011 Nissan Leaf.


Exclusive: Obama pulls plug on $32,000 meeting with electric car advocate

Paul Scott sells Nissan Leafs for a living. He put up his retirement savings for a few minutes with the president to talk about EVs and climate change.


Women go for men with green cars, survey finds

New survey shows women like men who drive green cars — and that they find supercar drivers "arrogant."


eFarmony: Connecting landowners with farmers

Innovative program seeks to match landowners with people who will lease their land for organic farming.

  • Sustainable Business Practices


Cargotecture commingles with carrots at organic farm in Shanghai

Shanghai's largest organic farm branches out into the hospitality industry. The first step? Constructing a visitors center from over 70 shipping containers.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Growing green: Interview with organic farmer Daniel Mays

After graduating from college, Daniel Mays followed his heart back to the land and has been working to build his own small organic farm up here in Maine.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Astronauts to grow lettuce in space with NASA 'Veggie' farm

The mini-farm isn't just for tasty food — the Veg-01 experiment will test how well lettuce and other large plants grow in orbit.


Whack your way out of winter with a handcrafted camp axe

With campfire season just around the corner, the Explorers Axe collection will help you chop — and look — smart.

  • Remodeling & Design


How to farm without a field

These pioneers are sprouting produce indoors, no soil or sunlight required.

  • Organic Farming & Gardening


Japan to encircle Fukushima with frozen earth

Japan is pledging $500 million to build a wall of frozen earth around the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which has been leaking radioactive water.

  • Wilderness & Resources


Snail hunts faster fish by drugging them with insulin

The venom of some cone snails contains insulin, a new study finds, helping the sluggish mollusks snag speedier prey.