
Japanese researchers want to give granny a robotic monkey tail

Japanese researchers at Keio University have unveiled a robotic tail that has been designed to be worn by elderly people who struggle to maintain their balance.


This Tesla owner wanted to control her Model 3. So she implanted a valet key in her arm.

A Texas woman wanted to control her Tesla Model 3. So she implanted part of the vehicle's valet key in her arm.


Wanted: ‘Friendly’ human face for global army of humanoid robots. Apply within.

A British firm claims it has been hired by a mysterious robotics company to find the perfect face for a new fleet of humanoid robots.


NBC’s latest gamble depends on the idea that you’ll want to shop while you watch TV

NBC has rolled out a new feature that allows people to shop while they watch television, but a question remains: will anybody use it?


Kamala Harris wants Trump to watch Ava DuVernay’s Central Park Five documentary

The Democratic presidential candidate criticized the president for saying there were “people on both sides” of the exoneration of the men wrongly accused of raping a jogger.


She’s running? Cardi B: ‘I think I want to be a politician.’

Cardi B pondered political life in a series of tweets Sunday.


She moved to Texas for safety. Now the state wants to keep out refugees like her.

Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision plays into some unfortunate stereotypes.


Trump says he hates corruption. But he wants to make bribery easier worldwide.

“It’s just so unfair that American companies aren’t allowed to pay bribes to get business overseas.”


This ‘dreamer’ is saving lives during this pandemic. She wants a chance at normal life.

Young medical students and health-care workers simply want to keep contributing in the only home they know.


Trump has almost nothing to lose. That’s why he wants to reopen the economy.

Reopening the country may be bad from a public health standpoint, but the president is pushing for it anyway.


Fin24.com | Icasa wants companies to lower data cost during coronavirus outbreak

The communications regulator is asking telecom companies to consider lowering the cost of data in a bid to ensure productivity during the period the coronavirus outbreak.


German rights holders want to sue Kino.to viewers

Have you ever watched a TV show episode or Hollywood blockbuster on a website that didn’t have the proper licenses? Then you could be in trouble, at least if the example of Kino.to catches on. Rights holders are threatening to sue users of the now-defunct site. Continue reading on NewTeeVee.


News24.com | Betrayed by my country, but I don't want to jump ship

Make no mistake, the ratings agencies are scratching their heads on whether to downgrade us to junk status or to skip directly to leaking styrofoam cup status.


News24.com | Want to submit an article or letter? Here's how


For Now, America Just Doesn’t Want to Think That Hard

Andrew Yang has dropped out, which means the presidential campaign just got a lot less fun (you must watch this appreciation from The Recount, embedded above). The race also lost a credible and important voice on issues related to the impact of technology on our society.  The fact that Yang’s campaign didn’t make it past … Continue reading "For Now, America Just Doesn’t Want to Think That Hard"


So You Want To Save Humanity? Manage Nature Like A Business

In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, any economic stimulus measures must safeguard nature or governments risk exposing humanity to further pandemics.


Cool Forex Logo Wanted [$25]


CBD News: While 87% of consumers surveyed worldwide want companies to adopt sourcing policies that respect biodiversity, only 27% of the top 100 beauty and personal care companies actually mention biodiversity on their websites or in their corporate socia


CBD News: On World Wildlife Day, as we seek to work to combat illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products, let us look at ways to combine enforcement with empowerment, and therefore protect the "Future we Want," a future of life in harmony w


CBD News: I want to welcome you to the Subregional Workshop for Arabic Speaking Countries on the Clearing-House Mechanism.


CBD News: A report launched today shows that Asian consumers have an increasing awareness of the planet's biodiversity and want to see companies protecting it.


The NBN satellite Malcolm Turnbull never wanted prepares for liftoff

In 34 days and counting down, Australia is set to blast a satellite weighing as much as an elephant one-tenth of the way to the moon.


Minter wants to be Braves' high-leverage option

As Braves manager Brian Snitker evaluates who might serve as his closer, A.J. Minter has made it clear he wants to be the guy who is consistently called upon to handle high-leverage threats that develop in late innings.


"What's the point in living, in a body I don't want" - how the NHS treats trans people

James Barrett, president of the British Association of Gender Identity Specialists, and Nina, a trans woman, join us to discuss how difficult it can be for trans people to access gender clinics, and what barriers are faced by the community after their transition has been completed. Read James Barrett's personal...


Margaret McCartney wants to fix the NHS

Glasgow GP, writer, broadcaster, and The BMJ's weekly columnist Margaret McCartney joins us to talk about her new book "The State of Medicine: Keeping the Promise of the NHS". Read all of Margaret's columns: goo.gl/iKmmie


HIV - everything you wanted to know about PeP and PreP

We have had two articles published recently on bmj.com, looking at drug prevention of HIV; PeP - Post-exposure Prophylaxis and PreP - Pre-exposure Prophylaxis, neither prevent the virus from entering the body, but they do prevent the infection from taking hold. There are lots of questions that doctors have about these - what are the risk...


PNP wants Gov’t to issue quarantine order for St Mary

The People’s National Party (PNP) has asserted that the absence of a quarantine order for three St Mary communities is adding to the state of confusion. The 14-day measure began on Thursday in Dover, Enfield and Annotto Bay at 6 a.m. “The lack of...


What If You Don't Want to Go Back to the Office?


For Jeff Anderson, working from home during the pandemic has offered a break from office politics. But as the push to reopen the country's economy intensifies, so do feelings of dread at the idea of returning to the office, said Anderson, a self-described introvert and anthropology professor. And Anderson isn't alone. A Gallup poll found that most U.S. adults working from home would prefer to keep doing so "as much as possible" after the...


[ Marriage & Divorce ] Open Question : 5 year old doesn’t want to go to her dads?

My step daughter is 5 and her dad lives states away. He calls her maybe once a month (not even on holidays) he hasn’t had her since she was one (when they lived in the same state) he had told my wife if our daughter wanted to see him we could bring her to him but he wasn’t coming to our state. My wife asked him beginning of this year if he’d sign his rights over. He doesn’t talk to her and he was behind on child support. He said no and that we was going to finally pick her up. He is getting married and didn’t include the little one we told him if he is going to get her he needs to tell her that it’s not just him living there and he is getting married. Our daughter was hurt by it that he hid this from her (they’ve been engaged for 4 years). She’s been crying she doesn’t want to go and he isn’t willing to come stay the week here to visit. He said he is taking her back to his state for a month. Yes it’s in their agreement but is there anything we can do? She really doesn’t want to go to a “strangers” house is what my daughter says. 


Georgia Wants In on the ESSA Innovative Assessment Pilot

Georgia wants to allow districts to use a series of "formative assessments" instead of one big test at the end of the year.


NFL wants college football to proceed (but if not would likely move games to Saturdays)

The NFL is indeed discussing the possibility of playing games on Saturdays in the event that college football doesn't proceed with a season from September through December. As one source with direct knowledge of the discussions tells PFT, however, the league's strong preference is for college football to happen, as scheduled. No college football season [more]


White privilege : the myth of a post-racial society / Kalwant Bhopal ; [foreword by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown].

Whites -- Race identity.


Teachers Wanted: S.C. Company Hires Cash-Strapped Educators for Warehouse Jobs

Nephron Pharmaceuticals, a drug manufacturing company in West Columbia, S.C., recently hired 650 current and retired teachers through a new program designed to provide educators with additional income.


Indiana Wants Teachers to Do Externships. So Some Are Headed to the Brewery

Teachers across the state are outraged over a new rule that requires 15 hours of workforce-related professional development.


Elements of physiology, for the use of students, and with particular reference to the wants of practitioners / by Rudolph Wagner ; translated from the German, with additions, by Robert Willis.

London : Sherwood, Gilbert, & Piper, 1844.


Florida teachers union wants schools closed for the semester


A nymph seated on a rock and holding a lyre, surrounded by water and fish; representing a Rhinemaiden (Die Lorelei, nymph of the Rhine). Stipple engraving by J.H. Baker after F.R. Roffe after L.M. von Schwanthaler.

London : Published for the proprietors, [between 1800 and 1899]


Breast exams : (for when you're getting them cut off) : (because you want to)

[London] : [publisher not identified], [2019]


The Library wants your self-isolation images

The State Library launched a new collecting drive on Instagram today called #NSWathome to ensure your self-isolation images become part of the historic record.


What Districts Want From Assessments, as They Grapple With the Coronavirus

EdWeek Market Brief asked district officials in a nationwide survey about their most urgent assessment needs, as they cope with COVID-19 and tentatively plan for reopening schools.

The post What Districts Want From Assessments, as They Grapple With the Coronavirus appeared first on Market Brief.


As Trump returns to the road, some Democrats want to bust Biden out of his basement

While President Donald Trump traveled to the battleground state of Arizona this week, his Democratic opponent for the White House, Joe Biden, campaigned from his basement as he has done throughout the coronavirus pandemic. The freeze on in-person campaigning during the outbreak has had an upside for Biden, giving the former vice president more time to court donors and shielding him from on-the-trail gaffes. "I personally would like to see him out more because he's in his element when he's meeting people," said Tom Sacks-Wilner, a fundraiser for Biden who is on the campaign's finance committee.


want to do good know how to shoot a semiautomatic handgun v


If You Want to See Thousands of Fireflies Light Up at Once, Head to the Great Smoky Mountains

A firefly mating ritual turns into a synchronized light show


09.06.11: I want to go to the beach now.


Dolphin Boy Bands Sing 'Pop' Songs in Sync—and the Ladies Want It That Way

Female dolphins, it seems, aren’t immune to the allure of a harmonizing boy band


This Art Campaign Wants You to Participate in the 2020 Census

Due to COVID-19, Art + Action's "Come to Your Census" project has pivoted from posters and events to social media and online outreach


What Does Your Sourdough Starter Smell Like? Science Wants to Know

A citizen science project aims to chart the microbial diversity present in starters all over the world


Illusionist Frog Attracts Mates Without Unwanted Attention From Predators

The simultaneous mating calls of the male pug-nosed tree frog confuses bats but not female frogs