
LIC MF ULIS (10 Yrs. Regular Premium Uniform Cover Half-Yearly)-Direct Plan-Dividend Reinvestment

Category Equity Scheme - ELSS
NAV 16.6333
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


M.R. Asks 3 Questions: Tim McCormick, CEO, SaaSOptics

SaasOptics CEO, Tim McCormick has seen his share of businesses go from start-up to acquisition. Having helped businesses like ISS grow from $5M to over $400M and helped their IBM acquisition for $1.9B, he's the right person to detail how SaaS businesses can either misstep or experience rapid growth.

Keep on reading: M.R. Asks 3 Questions: Tim McCormick, CEO, SaaSOptics


FMP 1169D February 2017 (1) Series 37 - Regular - Normal Dividend

Category Income
NAV 10
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 16-Apr-2020


FMP 1169D February 2017 (1) Series 37 - Direct - Normal Dividend

Category Income
NAV 10
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 16-Apr-2020


HDFC FMP 1112D June 2015 (1)-Regular Option-Normal Dividend Option

Category Income
NAV 10.0000
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 17-Jul-2018


HDFC FMP 1112D June 2015 (1)-Direct Option-Normal Dividend Option

Category Income
NAV 10.0000
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 17-Jul-2018


HDFC Arbitrage Fund Wholesale Plan Normal Dividend Option

Category Hybrid Scheme - Arbitrage Fund
NAV 10.348
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund - Regular Option - Normal Dividend Option

Category Debt Scheme - Credit Risk Fund
NAV 15.0822
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


HDFC Credit Risk Debt Fund - Direct Option - Normal Dividend Option

Category Debt Scheme - Credit Risk Fund
NAV 15.053
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


HDFC Corporate Bond Fund - Regular Option - Normal Dividend Option

Category Debt Scheme - Corporate Bond Fund
NAV 15.7751
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


HDFC Corporate Bond Fund - Direct Option - Normal Dividend Option

Category Debt Scheme - Corporate Bond Fund
NAV 16.0399
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


HDFC Dynamic Debt Fund - Normal Dividend Option

Category Debt Scheme - Dynamic Bond
NAV 13.7799
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


HDFC Dynamic Debt Fund - Normal Dividend - Direct Plan

Category Debt Scheme - Dynamic Bond
NAV 14.3063
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


HDFC Income Fund - Regular Plan - Normal Dividend Option

Category Debt Scheme - Medium to Long Duration Fund
NAV 14.052
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


HDFC Income Fund - Direct Plan - Normal Dividend Option

Category Debt Scheme - Medium to Long Duration Fund
NAV 14.8615
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


HDFC Short Term Debt Fund - Normal Dividend Option

Category Debt Scheme - Short Duration Fund
NAV 15.3264
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


HDFC Short Term Debt Fund - Normal Dividend - Direct Plan

Category Debt Scheme - Short Duration Fund
NAV 15.4078
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


Kotak Bond Short Term Plan - Direct Plan - Normal Dividend

Category Debt Scheme - Short Duration Fund
NAV 12.0783
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


Kotak Low Duration Fund - Regular Plan - Normal Dividend

Category Debt Scheme - Low Duration Fund
NAV 1070.089
Repurchase Price 1070.089
Sale Price 1070.089
Date 15-Sep-2017


Kotak Infrastructure & Economic Reform Fund- Direct Plan- Growth Option

Category Equity Scheme - Sectoral/ Thematic
NAV 15.786
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


Kotak Infrastructure & Economic Reform Fund- Direct Plan- Dividend Option

Category Equity Scheme - Sectoral/ Thematic
NAV 15.606
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


Kotak Infrastructure & Economic Reform Fund - Standard Plan-Growth

Category Equity Scheme - Sectoral/ Thematic
NAV 14.359
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


Kotak Infrastructure & Economic Reform Fund - Standard Plan-Dividend

Category Equity Scheme - Sectoral/ Thematic
NAV 11.484
Repurchase Price
Sale Price
Date 08-May-2020


GSTR9 Annual Return form illustration and solution FY2018-19

Please find attached herewith.


Deerhoof mention The Smiths as a formative influence


in fact it's the normal amount


Coronavirus in Africa: Calm before the storm?

So far, the coronavirus outbreak in Africa has been much more limited than elsewhere. While concerns remain that fragile healthcare systems make the continent particularly vulnerable, Africa is still far behind Europe and North America when it comes to the intensity of the crisis. The World Health Organization has held a media briefing on the pandemic and how it's impacting the African continent. In this show, we speak to Dr. Michel Yao, Program Manager for Emergency Response in Africa at the WHO. He was a participant at the event. 

  • Eye on Africa


To Mrs. Villagrande, on the Information Superhighway

BFM recounts the caseworker who finally proved to him that there are nice people in this world, and the changes that appear sudden to us now are anything but.


S. Korea returns largely to normal as Covid-19 cases slow to a trickle

South Korea returned largely to normal Wednesday as workers went back to offices, and museums and libraries reopened under eased social distancing rules after new coronavirus cases dropped to a trickle.


a form of speech

Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: a form of speech

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Guess She'll Go Eat Worms


Clawing back normality: Bangkok cat cafe reopens after virus shutdown

As Thailand's capital cautiously reopens many restaurants shuttered over coronavirus fears, the feline "employees" of the Caturday Cafe are back at work.


Beautiful Free-Form LED Clock Recreates 20-Year-Old Weekend Project

Here at Hackaday, we love a good clock project. And if it’s an artistically executed freeform sculpture, even better. But tell us that it’s also a new spin on a classic project from two decades ago, and we’re over the moon for it. Case in point: [Paul Gallagher’s] beautiful recreation …read more


Touken Ranbu's 8th Stage Play Casts Former Takarazuka Actress as 1st Female Cast Member

Ryō Tsukamoto, Yuzuki Hoshimoto also join cast


The Legend of Super Normal City Kashiwa Project Gets TV Anime, 4th Season

3rd season of shorts promoting city in Chiba prefecture airs on July 6


Former Viz Media Exec Rob Pereyda Moves to Netflix

Pereyda works as new head of anime, editorial, publishing in Tokyo


Dragon Goes House-Hunting Anime Reveals Staff, Visual, TV Format

Signal.MD produces fantasy anime


Woman Finds Worm In Salad, Surprising Customer Service Story Ensues

Just the idea of finding a worm in a salad is enough to send some shivers running up the spine. Fortunately, in this case, after the worm was discovered, a surprising, but welcomed customer service story developed. Basically, Sainsbury's pulled through in the clutch to address the situation with some serious grace. 


Happy 20th Anniversary to Storm Front!

Last week’s Dresden Drop looked to the future, revealing the long-awaited trailer for Peace Talks and the bombshell announcement that there will be TWO Dresden novels this year. This week, we’ll look to the past, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the publication of Storm Front on April 1st, 2000. Paranoid? Probably. But just because you’re [...]


The sun is too quiet, which may mean dangerous solar storms in future

Stars that are similar to the sun in every way we can measure are mostly more active than the sun, which hints that the sun’s activity may ramp up someday, risking solar eruptions


The moon is emitting carbon, raising questions about how it was formed

The leading hypothesis for how the moon formed involves a collision between a Mars-sized object and Earth that would have boiled away elements like carbon, making its discovery on the moon a mystery