tia Czech Delegation to Visit S. Korea for Final Contract Negotiations for Nuclear Deal By world.kbs.co.kr Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 11:27:29 +0900 [Economy] : A large delegation representing Czech power authorities will make a two-week visit to South Korea for working-level negotiations ahead of the conclusion of a final contract for the Czech nuclear power plant project. Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power(KHNP), which was selected in July as the preferred bidder ...[more...] Full Article Economy
tia Funding awarded for study on hydrogen storage potential in the East Midlands - British Geological Survey By news.google.com Published On :: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 07:00:00 GMT Funding awarded for study on hydrogen storage potential in the East Midlands British Geological Survey Full Article
tia BGS joins new initiative supporting technical career paths - British Geological Survey By news.google.com Published On :: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 09:08:49 GMT BGS joins new initiative supporting technical career paths British Geological Survey Full Article
tia Synthesis and structural study of the partially disordered complex hexagonal phase δ1-MnZn9.7 By journals.iucr.org Published On :: A detailed structural characterization of the δ1-MnZn9.7 phase is presented. Full Article text
tia Synthesis and structural study of the partially disordered complex hexagonal phase δ1-MnZn9.7 By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-10-02 A detailed structural analysis of the Zn-rich δ1-MnZn9.7 phase using single-crystal X-ray diffraction is presented. The δ1 phase has been synthesized by the high-temperature synthetic route. The structure crystallizes in space group P63/mmc (Pearson symbol hP556) with unit-cell parameters: a = b = 12.9051 (2) Å and c = 57.640 (1) Å. The 556 atoms are distributed over 52 Wyckoff positions in the hexagonal unit cell: seven ordered Mn sites, 37 ordered Zn sites and eight positionally disordered Zn sites. The structure predominantly consists of Frank–Kasper polyhedra (endohedral icosahedra Zn12 and icosioctahedron Zn16) and four distinct types of glue Zn atoms. The structure comprises a 127-atom supercluster (Mn13Zn114), a 38-atom extended Pearce cluster (Mn3Zn35), a 46-atom L-tetrahedron (Mn4Zn42), a Friauf polyhedron (Zn17), a disordered icosahedral cluster (MnZn12) and four glue Zn atoms. Positionally disordered Zn sites around an Mn site can be visualized as the superimposition of three differently oriented Zn12 icosahedra. Full Article text
tia X-ray crystallographic structure of a novel enantiopure chiral isothiourea with potential applications in enantioselective synthesis By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-01-01 The synthesis of a chiral isothiourea, namely, (4aR,8aR)-3-phenyl-4a,5,6,7,8,8a-hexahydrobenzo[4,5]imidazo[2,1-b]thiazol-9-ium bromide, C15H17N2S+·Br−, with potential organocatalytic and anti-inflammatory activity is reported. The preparation of the heterocycle of interest was carried out in two high-yielding steps. The hydrobromide salt of the isothiourea of interest provided suitable crystals for X-ray diffraction analysis, the results of which are reported. Salient observations from this analysis are the near perpendicular arrangement of the phenyl ring and the mean plane of the heterocycle. This conformational characteristic may be relevant with regard the stereoselectivity induced by the chiral isothiourea in asymmetric reactions. Furthermore, evidence was found for the existence of an S...Br− halogen bond. Full Article text
tia Integrating machine learning interatomic potentials with hybrid reverse Monte Carlo structure refinements in RMCProfile By journals.iucr.org Published On :: New software capabilities in RMCProfile allow researchers to study the structure of materials by combining machine learning interatomic potentials and reverse Monte Carlo. Full Article text
tia Integrating machine learning interatomic potentials with hybrid reverse Monte Carlo structure refinements in RMCProfile By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-10-29 Structure refinement with reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) is a powerful tool for interpreting experimental diffraction data. To ensure that the under-constrained RMC algorithm yields reasonable results, the hybrid RMC approach applies interatomic potentials to obtain solutions that are both physically sensible and in agreement with experiment. To expand the range of materials that can be studied with hybrid RMC, we have implemented a new interatomic potential constraint in RMCProfile that grants flexibility to apply potentials supported by the Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) molecular dynamics code. This includes machine learning interatomic potentials, which provide a pathway to applying hybrid RMC to materials without currently available interatomic potentials. To this end, we present a methodology to use RMC to train machine learning interatomic potentials for hybrid RMC applications. Full Article text
tia A differentiable simulation package for performing inference of synchrotron-radiation-based diagnostics By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-02-16 The direction of particle accelerator development is ever-increasing beam quality, currents and repetition rates. This poses a challenge to traditional diagnostics that directly intercept the beam due to the mutual destruction of both the beam and the diagnostic. An alternative approach is to infer beam parameters non-invasively from the synchrotron radiation emitted in bending magnets. However, inferring the beam distribution from a measured radiation pattern is a complex and computationally expensive task. To address this challenge we present SYRIPY (SYnchrotron Radiation In PYthon), a software package intended as a tool for performing inference of synchrotron-radiation-based diagnostics. SYRIPY has been developed using PyTorch, which makes it both differentiable and able to leverage the high performance of GPUs, two vital characteristics for performing statistical inference. The package consists of three modules: a particle tracker, Lienard–Wiechert solver and Fourier optics propagator, allowing start-to-end simulation of synchrotron radiation detection to be carried out. SYRIPY has been benchmarked against SRW, the prevalent numerical package in the field, showing good agreement and up to a 50× speed improvement. Finally, we have demonstrated how SYRIPY can be used to perform Bayesian inference of beam parameters using stochastic variational inference. Full Article text
tia Increased spatial coherence length from an asymmetric crystal reflection at grazing exit By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-03-26 Coherent X-ray imaging is an active field at synchrotron sources. The images rely on the available coherent flux over a limited field of view. At many synchrotron beamlines a double-crystal monochromator (DCM) is employed in a standard nondispersive arrangement. For coherent diffraction imaging it is advantageous to increase the available field of view by increasing the spatial coherence length (SCL) of a beam exiting such a DCM. Here, Talbot interferometry data together with ray-tracing simulations for a (+ − − +) four-reflection experimental arrangement are presented, wherein the first two reflections are in the DCM and the final fourth reflection is asymmetric at grazing exit. Analyses of the interferometry data combined with the simulations show that compared with the beam exiting the DCM a gain of 76% in the SCL was achieved, albeit with a factor of 20 reduction in flux density, which may not be a severe penalty at a synchrotron beamline. Previous efforts reported in the literature to increase the SCL that employed asymmetric crystal diffraction at grazing incidence are also discussed. A much reduced SCL is found presently in simulations wherein the same asymmetric crystal is set for grazing incidence instead of grazing exit. In addition, the present study is compared and contrasted with two other means of increasing the SCL. These are (i) focusing the beam onto an aperture to act as a secondary source, and (ii) allowing the beam to propagate in vacuum an additional distance along the beamline. Full Article text
tia A new experimental setup for combined fast differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-04-24 Synchrotron-radiation-based techniques are a powerful tool for the investigation of materials. In particular, the availability of highly brilliant sources has opened the possibility to develop techniques sensitive to dynamics at the atomic scale such as X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS). XPCS is particularly relevant in the study of glasses, which have been often investigated at the macroscopic scale by, for example, differential scanning calorimetry. Here, we show how to adapt a Flash calorimeter to combine XPCS and calorimetric scans. This setup paves the way to novel experiments requiring dynamical and thermodynamic information, ranging from the study of the crystallization kinetics to the study of the glass transition in systems that can be vitrified thanks to the high cooling rates reachable with an ultrafast calorimeter. Full Article text
tia Signal-to-noise and spatial resolution in in-line imaging. 1. Basic theory, numerical simulations and planar experimental images By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-06-06 Signal-to-noise ratio and spatial resolution are quantitatively analysed in the context of in-line (propagation based) X-ray phase-contrast imaging. It is known that free-space propagation of a coherent X-ray beam from the imaged object to the detector plane, followed by phase retrieval in accordance with Paganin's method, can increase the signal-to-noise in the resultant images without deteriorating the spatial resolution. This results in violation of the noise-resolution uncertainty principle and demonstrates `unreasonable' effectiveness of the method. On the other hand, when the process of free-space propagation is performed in software, using the detected intensity distribution in the object plane, it cannot reproduce the same effectiveness, due to the amplification of photon shot noise. Here, it is shown that the performance of Paganin's method is determined by just two dimensionless parameters: the Fresnel number and the ratio of the real decrement to the imaginary part of the refractive index of the imaged object. The relevant theoretical analysis is performed first, followed by computer simulations and then by a brief test using experimental images collected at a synchrotron beamline. More extensive experimental tests will be presented in the second part of this paper. Full Article text
tia VUV absorption spectra of water and nitrous oxide by a double-duty differentially pumped gas filter By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-07-23 The differentially pumped rare-gas filter at the end of the VUV beamline of the Swiss Light Source has been adapted to house a windowless absorption cell for gases. Absorption spectra can be recorded from 7 eV to up to 21 eV photon energies routinely, as shown by a new water and nitrous oxide absorption spectrum. By and large, the spectra agree with previously published ones both in terms of resonance energies and absorption cross sections, but that of N2O exhibits a small shift in the { ilde{f D}} band and tentative fine structures that have not yet been fully described. This setup will facilitate the measurement of absorption spectra in the VUV above the absorption edge of LiF and MgF2 windows. It will also allow us to carry out condensed-phase measurements on thin liquid sheets and solid films. Further development options are discussed, including the recording of temperature-dependent absorption spectra, a stationary gas cell for calibration measurements, and the improvement of the photon energy resolution. Full Article text
tia Synthesis, crystal structure and in-silico evaluation of arylsulfonamide Schiff bases for potential activity against colon cancer By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-03-28 This report presents a comprehensive investigation into the synthesis and characterization of Schiff base compounds derived from benzenesulfonamide. The synthesis process, involved the reaction between N-cycloamino-2-sulfanilamide and various substituted o-salicylaldehydes, resulted in a set of compounds that were subjected to rigorous characterization using advanced spectral techniques, including 1H NMR, 13C NMR and FT–IR spectroscopy, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, an in-depth assessment of the synthesized compounds was conducted through Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion and Toxicity (ADMET) analysis, in conjunction with docking studies, to elucidate their pharmacokinetic profiles and potential. Impressively, the ADMET analysis showcased encouraging drug-likeness properties of the newly synthesized Schiff bases. These computational findings were substantiated by molecular properties derived from density functional theory (DFT) calculations using the B3LYP/6-31G* method within the Jaguar Module of Schrödinger 2023-2 from Maestro (Schrodinger LLC, New York, USA). The exploration of frontier molecular orbitals (HOMO and LUMO) enabled the computation of global reactivity descriptors (GRDs), encompassing charge separation (Egap) and global softness (S). Notably, within this analysis, one Schiff base, namely, 4-bromo-2-{N-[2-(pyrrolidine-1-sulfonyl)phenyl]carboximidoyl}phenol, 20, emerged with the smallest charge separation (ΔEgap = 3.5780 eV), signifying heightened potential for biological properties. Conversely, 4-bromo-2-{N-[2-(piperidine-1-sulfonyl)phenyl]carboximidoyl}phenol, 17, exhibited the largest charge separation (ΔEgap = 4.9242 eV), implying a relatively lower propensity for biological activity. Moreover, the synthesized Schiff bases displayed remarkeable inhibition of tankyrase poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase enzymes, integral in colon cancer, surpassing the efficacy of a standard drug used for the same purpose. Additionally, their bioavailability scores aligned closely with established medications such as trifluridine and 5-fluorouracil. The exploration of molecular electrostatic potential through colour mapping delved into the electronic behaviour and reactivity tendencies intrinsic to this diverse range of molecules. Full Article text
tia Crystallographic fragment-binding studies of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis trifunctional enzyme suggest binding pockets for the tails of the acyl-CoA substrates at its active sites and a potential substrate-channeling path between them By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-07-16 The Mycobacterium tuberculosis trifunctional enzyme (MtTFE) is an α2β2 tetrameric enzyme in which the α-chain harbors the 2E-enoyl-CoA hydratase (ECH) and 3S-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HAD) active sites, and the β-chain provides the 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (KAT) active site. Linear, medium-chain and long-chain 2E-enoyl-CoA molecules are the preferred substrates of MtTFE. Previous crystallographic binding and modeling studies identified binding sites for the acyl-CoA substrates at the three active sites, as well as the NAD binding pocket at the HAD active site. These studies also identified three additional CoA binding sites on the surface of MtTFE that are different from the active sites. It has been proposed that one of these additional sites could be of functional relevance for the substrate channeling (by surface crawling) of reaction intermediates between the three active sites. Here, 226 fragments were screened in a crystallographic fragment-binding study of MtTFE crystals, resulting in the structures of 16 MtTFE–fragment complexes. Analysis of the 121 fragment-binding events shows that the ECH active site is the `binding hotspot' for the tested fragments, with 41 binding events. The mode of binding of the fragments bound at the active sites provides additional insight into how the long-chain acyl moiety of the substrates can be accommodated at their proposed binding pockets. In addition, the 20 fragment-binding events between the active sites identify potential transient binding sites of reaction intermediates relevant to the possible channeling of substrates between these active sites. These results provide a basis for further studies to understand the functional relevance of the latter binding sites and to identify substrates for which channeling is crucial. Full Article text
tia Structure determination using high-order spatial correlations in single-particle X-ray scattering By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-01-01 Single-particle imaging using X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) is a promising technique for observing nanoscale biological samples under near-physiological conditions. However, as the sample's orientation in each diffraction pattern is unknown, advanced algorithms are required to reconstruct the 3D diffraction intensity volume and subsequently the sample's density model. While most approaches perform 3D reconstruction via determining the orientation of each diffraction pattern, a correlation-based approach utilizes the averaged spatial correlations of diffraction intensities over all patterns, making it well suited for processing experimental data with a poor signal-to-noise ratio of individual patterns. Here, a method is proposed to determine the 3D structure of a sample by analyzing the double, triple and quadruple spatial correlations in diffraction patterns. This ab initio method can reconstruct the basic shape of an irregular unsymmetric 3D sample without requiring any prior knowledge of the sample. The impact of background and noise on correlations is investigated and corrected to ensure the success of reconstruction under simulated experimental conditions. Additionally, the feasibility of using the correlation-based approach to process incomplete partial diffraction patterns is demonstrated. The proposed method is a variable addition to existing algorithms for 3D reconstruction and will further promote the development and adoption of XFEL single-particle imaging techniques. Full Article text
tia Toward a quantitative description of solvation structure: a framework for differential solution scattering measurements By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-05-01 Appreciating that the role of the solute–solvent and other outer-sphere interactions is essential for understanding chemistry and chemical dynamics in solution, experimental approaches are needed to address the structural consequences of these interactions, complementing condensed-matter simulations and coarse-grained theories. High-energy X-ray scattering (HEXS) combined with pair distribution function analysis presents the opportunity to probe these structures directly and to develop quantitative, atomistic models of molecular systems in situ in the solution phase. However, at concentrations relevant to solution-phase chemistry, the total scattering signal is dominated by the bulk solvent, prompting researchers to adopt a differential approach to eliminate this unwanted background. Though similar approaches are well established in quantitative structural studies of macromolecules in solution by small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS), analogous studies in the HEXS regime—where sub-ångström spatial resolution is achieved—remain underdeveloped, in part due to the lack of a rigorous theoretical description of the experiment. To address this, herein we develop a framework for differential solution scattering experiments conducted at high energies, which includes concepts of the solvent-excluded volume introduced to describe SAXS/WAXS data, as well as concepts from the time-resolved X-ray scattering community. Our theory is supported by numerical simulations and experiment and paves the way for establishing quantitative methods to determine the atomic structures of small molecules in solution with resolution approaching that of crystallography. Full Article text
tia Synthesis, structural and spectroscopic characterization of defect-rich forsterite as a representative phase of Martian regolith By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-10-28 Regolith draws intensive research attention because of its importance as the basis for fabricating materials for future human space exploration. Martian regolith is predicted to consist of defect-rich crystal structures due to long-term space weathering. The present report focuses on the structural differences between defect-rich and defect-poor forsterite (Mg2SiO4) – one of the major phases in Martian regolith. In this work, forsterites were synthesized using reverse strike co-precipitation and high-energy ball milling (BM). Subsequent post-processing was also carried out using BM to enhance the defects. The crystal structures of the samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction and total scattering using Cu and synchrotron radiation followed by Rietveld refinement and pair distribution function (PDF) analysis, respectively. The structural models were deduced by density functional theory assisted PDF refinements, describing both long-range and short-range order caused by defects. The Raman spectral features of the synthetic forsterites complement the ab initio simulation for an in-depth understanding of the associated structural defects. Full Article text
tia The unanticipated oxidation of a tertiary amine in a tetracyclic glyoxal-cyclam condensate yielding zinc(II) coordinated to a sterically hindered amine oxide By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-03-06 The complex, trichlorido(1,4,11-triaza-8-azoniatetracyclo[,16.011,15]hexadecane 1-oxide-κO)zinc(II) monohydrate, [ZnCl3(C12H23N4O)]·H2O, (I), has monoclinic symmetry (space group P21/n) at 120 K. The zinc(II) center adopts a slightly distorted tetrahedral coordination geometry and is coordinated by three chlorine atoms and the oxygen atom of the oxidized tertiary amine of the tetracycle. The amine nitrogen atom, inside the ligand cleft, is protonated and forms a hydrogen bond to the oxygen of the amine oxide. Additional hydrogen-bonding interactions involve the protonated amine, the water solvate oxygen atom, and one of the chloro ligands. Full Article text
tia Crystal structure of Staudtienic acid, a diterpenoid from Staudtia kamerunensis Warb. (Myristicaceae) By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-07-19 This title compound, C20H26O2, was isolated from the benzene fraction of the stem bark of Staudtia kamerunensis Warb. (Myristicaceae) using column chromatography techniques over silica gel. The compound was fully characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, one and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, IR and MS spectrometry. The compound has two fused cyclohexane rings attached to a benzene ring, with a carboxylic acid on C-4. This cyclohexene ring has a chair conformation while the other adopts a half-chair conformation. The benzene ring is substituted with a propenyl moiety. The structure is characterized by intermolecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, two C—H⋯O intramolecular hydrogen bonds and two C—H⋯π interactions. The molecular structure confirms previous studies carried out by spectroscopic techniques. Full Article text
tia Synchrotron CT dosimetry for wiggler operation at reduced magnetic field and spatial modulation with bow tie filters By journals.iucr.org Published On :: 2024-10-22 The Australian Synchrotron Imaging and Medical Beamline (IMBL) uses a superconducting multipole wiggler (SCMPW) source, dual crystal Laue monochromator and 135 m propagation distance to enable imaging and computed tomography (CT) studies of large samples with mono-energetic radiation. This study aimed to quantify two methods for CT dose reduction: wiggler source operation at reduced magnetic field strength, and beam modulation with spatial filters placed upstream from the sample. Transmission measurements with copper were used to indirectly quantify the influence of third harmonic radiation. Operation at lower wiggler magnetic field strength reduces dose rates by an order of magnitude, and suppresses the influence of harmonic radiation, which is of significance near 30 keV. Beam shaping filters modulate the incident beam profile for near constant transmitted signal, and offer protection to radio-sensitive surface organs: the eye lens, thyroid and female breast. Their effect is to reduce the peripheral dose and the dose to the scanned volume by about 10% for biological samples of 35–50 mm diameter and by 20–30% for samples of up to 160 mm diameter. CT dosimetry results are presented as in-air measurements that are specific to the IMBL, and as ratios to in-air measurements that may be applied to other beamlines. As CT dose calculators for small animals are yet to be developed, results presented here and in a previous study may be used to estimate absorbed dose to organs near the surface and the isocentre. Full Article text
tia Unlocking the Potential of A2A Payments Report 2024 By thepaypers.com Published On :: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 14:44:00 +0100 The first edition of the Unlocking the Potential of A2A Payments Report 2024 provides the latest insights into the A2A space. Full Article
tia High-Grade Uranium Discovery Confirms Potential at Northern Saskatchewan Projects By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Streetwise Reports 10/18/2024 Aero Energy Ltd. (AERO:TSXV; AAUGF:OTC; UU3:FRA) has announced significant advancements at its Murmac and Sun Dog uranium projects in Northern Saskatchewan. Read how this and a CA$2.5-million non-brokered private placement aim the company towards further exploration. Aero Energy Ltd. (AERO:TSXV; AAUGF:OTC; UU3:FRA) has announced significant advancements at its Murmac and Sun Dog uranium projects in Northern Saskatchewan, with the first drill program revealing high-grade uranium potential. Situated near Uranium City on the Athabasca Basin's northern margin, the projects aim to capitalize on basement-hosted uranium deposits similar to high-grade discoveries in the region. The initial drill campaign completed 16 holes, targeting 12 key areas, with 12 holes yielding anomalous radioactivity. A major highlight is the new high-grade uranium discovery in drill hole M24-017, which intersected 8.4 meters of mineralization at 0.3% U3O8, including assays peaking at 13.8% U3O8 at just 64 meters below surface. The results confirm Aero's exploration model, which focuses on basement-hosted deposits within graphitic structures, a common feature in Athabasca Basin uranium deposits like Arrow and Triple R. "From the launch of the company in January, we took a very diligent yet aggressive approach to discovery," stated Galen McNamara, CEO of Aero Energy. "The combination of historical data and the results from the first drill program serve as evidence that basement-hosted mineralization akin to the large deposits beneath and adjacent to the Athabasca Basin is present in the area." The Murmac project spans 25,607 acres and holds a production legacy of approximately 70 million pounds of U3O8. Similarly, the 48,443-acre Sun Dog property hosts the historic Gunnar uranium mine, which once held the title of the world's largest uranium producer. Past exploration focused on fault-hosted mineralization, missing the basement-hosted uranium potential that Aero's recent findings have validated. Recent exploration efforts included a VTEM Plus survey, flown over 3,350 kilometers, identifying graphite-rich rocks that support Aero's exploration thesis. Additionally, two new occurrences of strong radioactivity were identified at surface-level scout locations: Target A15 showed 60,793 counts per second, and Target P4 displayed 13,533 counts per second. Summer 2024 drilling included 1,550 meters at Murmac and 1,600 meters at Sun Dog, highlighting shallow, high-grade potential in both areas. In parallel, Aero Energy has announced a CA$2.5 million non-brokered private placement to support further exploration. The proceeds from flow-through units will fund work programs across Murmac, Sun Dog, and the Strike property, with the remaining funds allocated to general working capital. Why Uranium? The uranium sector has recently experienced strong growth, largely driven by increasing global demand and efforts to diversify from Russian supply chains. On September 30, The New York Times discussed the resurgence in Western uranium production, highlighting that "uranium mines are ramping up across the West, spurred by rising demand for electricity and federal efforts to cut Russia out of the supply chain." Aero Energy's recent discoveries and forthcoming winter drilling plans at Murmac and Sun Dog reflect this trend, with CEO Galen McNamara remarking, "The combination of historical data and the results from the first drill program serve as evidence that basement-hosted mineralization . . . is present in the area," suggesting strong potential for the Canadian uranium market to contribute to non-Russian nuclear fuel supplies. Jeff Clark of The Gold Advisor highlighted his continued confidence in the company by stating, "I remain overweight the stock." On October 9, Reuters reported that demand from U.S. buyers has been on the rise, as "a strong rise in demand from its U.S. customers" pushed Orano's recent plans to expand uranium enrichment in the United States and France. This shift underscores Aero Energy's recent investments in Northern Saskatchewan, where the company has identified high-grade uranium mineralization in both the Murmac and Sun Dog projects, aiming to meet future supply demands with a focus on basement-hosted deposits. As Forbes reported on October 11, the uranium market experienced renewed momentum after Russian President Vladimir Putin hinted at the possibility of a ban on uranium exports to Western nations. This suggestion "jolted the uranium market," which had been declining after peaking earlier in the year. The price of uranium rebounded to US$83.50 per pound, reflecting rising concerns about potential supply disruptions. Citi analysts noted that “Russia supplies close to 12% of U3O8, 25% of UF6, and 35% of EUP to international markets,” underscoring the challenges that Western nations, particularly the U.S. and Europe, could face in replacing these critical materials. This market dynamic positions uranium companies operating outside of Russia, like those in the Athabasca Basin, to benefit from supply gaps and heightened demand. MSN reported on October 13 that the UK's nuclear power capacity is set to decrease dramatically in the coming years, with the planned closure of four out of five remaining nuclear plants by 2028. This reduction in capacity is expected to increase pressure on global uranium supplies as demand for nuclear energy continues to rise amid efforts to meet climate goals. The ongoing shift toward low-carbon energy sources, coupled with the planned closures, could create further supply constraints and drive demand for uranium from alternative sources. Aero's Catalysts According to the company's October 2024 investor presentation, the ongoing development at Murmac and Sun Dog highlights Aero Energy's strategy to enhance shareholder value by targeting high-grade uranium deposits in underexplored regions. Aero has leveraged recent technology investments, including VTEM Plus aerial surveys, which identified graphite-rich formations favorable for uranium. The exploration efforts build on the CA$7.6 million previously invested by project partners Fortune Bay and Standard Uranium, which has contributed to refining the drill targets. As Aero works with its partners to maximize the impact of this winter's drilling program, the company's strategic location on the north rim of the Athabasca Basin positions it well to expand these discoveries and attract continued investor interest. The recently announced CA$2.5 million private placement will further strengthen Aero's financial capacity to carry out its targeted drill campaigns and exploration work. Analyzing Aero Jeff Clark of The Gold Advisor, in his October 17 update, noted that Aero Energy has "identified more than 70 kilometers of strike to test for high-grade basement-hosted uranium," emphasizing the company's significant exploration potential in a region known for some of the world's richest uranium deposits. Clark further commented on Aero Energy's recent results, underscoring the importance of drill hole M24-017, which intersected 8.4 meters of uranium mineralization, grading 0.3% U3O8, with assays reaching as high as 13.8% U3O8. He stated, "While not a discovery hole, per se, this hole underscores the company's thesis that these two projects are prospective for the same type of uranium mineralization as Arrow and Triple R." This observation reinforces Aero Energy's exploration model, which targets basement-hosted uranium deposits similar to those found at other significant Athabasca Basin discoveries. [OWNERSHIP_CHART-11173] Additionally, Clark expressed optimism regarding Aero Energy's current valuation and future prospects, recommending it as a strong buy at current levels. He highlighted his continued confidence in the company by stating, "I remain overweight the stock," suggesting that Aero Energy presents a compelling opportunity for speculative investors in the uranium exploration space. The recently announced CA$2.5 million private placement was also acknowledged by Clark as a necessary step to fund further exploration activities. While he expressed some caution about potential dilution, he affirmed his overall support for the financing, noting that "its projects are very much worthy of follow-up." Ownership and Share Structure According to Refinitiv, management and insiders own 3.11% of Aero Energy. Of those, CEO Galen McNamara has the most at 2.97%. Institutions owns 4.79% with MMCAP Asset Management holding 3.89%. The rest is retail. Aero has 92.3 million free float shares and a market cap of CA$4.5 million. The 52 week range is CA$0.040–$0.26. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures:1) James Guttman wrote this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee. 2) This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. For additional disclosures, please click here. ( Companies Mentioned: AERO:TSXV;AAUGF:OTC;UU3:FRA, ) Full Article
tia USGS Releases New Topographic Maps for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands - Updated Maps for Essential Needs By www.usgs.gov Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 16:53:06 EDT The USGS is pleased to announce the release of new US Topo maps for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These updated topographic maps offer valuable, current geographic information for residents, visitors, and professionals, providing essential resources for communities in these areas. Full Article
tia Exploration Expansion Targets High-Grade Copper Potential in Nevada By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Giant Mining Corp. (CSE: BFG; OTC:BFGFF; FWB:YW5) announced the expansion of its surface exploration program at the Majuba Hill copper-silver deposit in Pershing County, Nevada. Read more to learn about the promising high-grade copper findings and the project's potential impact on the EV and renewable energy sectors. Full Article CSE: BFG;OTC:BFGFF;FWB:YW5
tia DALMATIAN DOG - A171459 By esweb.catawbacountync.gov Published On :: Tue, 20 May 2014 16:02:37 EST Catawba County Animal Services has a DALMATIAN DOG ready for you to adopt! He is approximately 4 month(s) old. Full Article Animal Adoption
tia Pharma Stock Has Significant Upside Potential, Analyst Says By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Mon, 04 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Source: Dr. Joseph Pantginis 11/04/2024 "We believe significant upside potential exists," H.C. Wainwright & Co. analysts wrote about Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc. (LXRX:NASDAQ) in an updated research note.H.C. Wainwright & Co. analysts Dr. Joseph Pantginis, Dr. Lander Egaña Gorroño, Dr. Joshua Korsen, Dr. Matthew Keller, and Dr. Sara Nik, in a research report published on November 4, 2024, maintained their Buy rating on Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc. (LXRX:NASDAQ) with a price target of US$6.00. The report follows Lexicon's presentation of preclinical data for LX9851, its ACSL5 inhibitor for obesity, at ObesityWeek 2024. The analysts highlighted key findings from the presentations, stating, "LX9851 promotes reduction of fat mass without affecting lean body mass" and "LX9851 improves and sustains GLP-1 RA-mediated weight loss, even after semaglutide discontinuation." They added that "Mechanistic studies suggest that LX9851-mediated ACSL5 inhibition activates the ileal brake." Regarding the drug's potential, they noted, "LX9851 is a first-in-class, oral small molecule ACSL5 inhibitor designed to enhance and maintain weight loss promoted by incretin mimetics (GLP-1 receptor agonists), and offer improved treatment alternatives for obesity and related metabolic disorders." The report also addressed recent developments with sotagliflozin, detailing the AdCom voting results and potential scenarios for FDA action. The analysts stated, "Although we anticipate favorable feedback from the agency regarding eGFR ≥60 to <90 range, our bet is that a confirmatory trial may be required to validate sota's efficacy in this subpopulation and obtain approval." H.C. Wainwright & Co.'s valuation methodology is based on a clinical net present value (NPV) model. The analysts explained, "Our valuation is based on our clinical net present value (NPV) model, which allows us to flex multiple assumptions affecting a drug's profile. We currently value Lexicon solely on sotagliflozin sales in the U.S. for HF (INPEFA), HCM, and LX9211 for DPNP." They added, "We believe significant upside potential exists, based on: (1) attaining higher market penetration for HF, and HCM; and (2) adding the earlier stage assets." In conclusion, H.C. Wainwright & Co.'s maintenance of their Buy rating and US$6 price target reflects confidence in Lexicon's pipeline potential, particularly with LX9851 and sotagliflozin. The share price at the time of the report of US$1.22 represents a potential return of approximately 392% to the analysts' target price, highlighting the significant upside potential if the company's development programs prove successful. Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-newsImportant Disclosures: This article does not constitute investment advice and is not a solicitation for any investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her personal financial adviser and perform their own comprehensive investment research. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company. This article does not constitute medical advice. Officers, employees and contributors to Streetwise Reports are not licensed medical professionals. Readers should always contact their healthcare professionals for medical advice. For additional disclosures, please click here. Disclosures for H.C. Wainwright & Co., Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc., November 4, 2024 This material is confidential and intended for use by Institutional Accounts as defined in FINRA Rule 4512(c). It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received it by mistake, please let us know by e-mail reply to unsubscribe@hcwresearch.com and delete it from your system; you may not copy this message or disclose its contents to anyone. The integrity and security of this message cannot be guaranteed on the Internet. H.C. WAINWRIGHT & CO, LLC RATING SYSTEM: H.C. Wainwright employs a three tier rating system for evaluating both the potential return and risk associated with owning common equity shares of rated firms. The expected return of any given equity is measured on a RELATIVE basis of other companies in the same sector. The price objective is calculated to estimate the potential movements in price that a given equity could reach provided certain targets are met over a defined time horizon. Price objectives are subject to external factors including industry events and market volatility. H.C. Wainwright & Co, LLC (the “Firm”) is a member of FINRA and SIPC and a registered U.S. Broker-Dealer. I, Joseph Pantginis, Ph.D., Lander Egaña Gorroño, Ph.D., Joshua Korsen, Ph.D., Matthew Keller, Ph.D. and Sara Nik, Ph.D. , certify that 1) all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about any and all subject securities or issuers discussed; and 2) no part of my compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation or views expressed in this research report; and 3) neither myself nor any members of my household is an officer, director or advisory board member of these companies. None of the research analysts or the research analyst’s household has a financial interest in the securities of Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (including, without limitation, any option, right, warrant, future, long or short position). As of September 30, 2024 neither the Firm nor its affiliates beneficially own 1% or more of any class of common equity securities of Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.. Neither the research analyst nor the Firm knows or has reason to know of any other material conflict of interest at the time of publication of this research report. The research analyst principally responsible for preparation of the report does not receive compensation that is based upon any specific investment banking services or transaction but is compensated based on factors including total revenue and profitability of the Firm, a substantial portion of which is derived from investment banking services. The firm or its affiliates received compensation from Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for non-investment banking services in the previous 12 months. The Firm or its affiliates did not receive compensation from Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for investment banking services within twelve months before, but will seek compensation from the companies mentioned in this report for investment banking services within three months following publication of the research report. The Firm does not make a market in Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. as of the date of this research report. The securities of the company discussed in this report may be unsuitable for investors depending on their specific investment objectives and financial position. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. This report is offered for informational purposes only, and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities discussed herein in any jurisdiction where such would be prohibited. This research report is not intended to provide tax advice or to be used to provide tax advice to any person. Electronic versions of H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC research reports are made available to all clients simultaneously. No part of this report may be reproduced in any form without the expressed permission of H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC. Additional information available upon request. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC does not provide individually tailored investment advice in research reports. This research report is not intended to provide personal investment advice and it does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person. Investors should seek financial advice regarding the appropriateness of investing in financial instruments and implementing investment strategies discussed or recommended in this research report. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC’s and its affiliates’ salespeople, traders, and other professionals may provide oral or written market commentary or trading strategies that reflect opinions that are contrary to the opinions expressed in this research report. H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC and its affiliates, officers, directors, and employees, excluding its analysts, will from time to time have long or short positions in, act as principal in, and buy or sell, the securities or derivatives (including options and warrants) thereof of covered companies referred to in this research report. The information contained herein is based on sources which we believe to be reliable but is not guaranteed by us as being accurate and does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of the available data on the company, industry or security discussed in the report. All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute the analyst’s judgment as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice. Securities and other financial instruments discussed in this research report: may lose value; are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. ( Companies Mentioned: LXRX:NASDAQ, ) Full Article
tia High-Grade Uranium Discovery Confirms Potential at Northern Saskatchewan Projects By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 00:00:00 PST Aero Energy Ltd. (AERO:TSXV; AAUGF:OTC; UU3:FRA) has announced significant advancements at its Murmac and Sun Dog uranium projects in Northern Saskatchewan. Read how this and a CA$2.5-million non-brokered private placement aim the company towards further exploration. Full Article
tia High-Grade Gold Strikes in Brazil as New Drilling Results Reveal Untapped Potential By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST GoldMining Inc. (GOLD:TSX; GLDG:NYSE.American) released results from its ongoing 2024 auger drilling program at the Sao Jorge Project in the Tapajos gold district, Para State, Brazil. Read more about high-grade gold intercepts and new exploration targets at So Jorge as GoldMining extends its search in Tapajs. Full Article
tia Gold Co. Says Assays Point to Resource Expansion Potential in Nevada By www.streetwisereports.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 00:00:00 PST Western Exploration Inc. (WEX:TSX.V; WEXPF:OTC) announces more high-grade results from its drilling program at its fully owned Aura gold-silver project in Nevada. Find out why one analyst thinks the company is aligned for M&A attention. Full Article WEX:TSX.V;WEXPF:OTC
tia John Kerry Says Climate Change Is An 'Existential' Crisis By www.scpr.org Published On :: Fri, 23 Apr 2021 17:20:13 -0700 Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry tells NPR that the U.S., China and other major emitters aren't doing enough to stem climate change.; Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images Ari Shapiro | NPRPresident Biden is pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52% from 2005 levels by 2030. It's an ambitious goal that requires transforming much of the economy. Renewable energy would need to make up half of the U.S. power supply from roughly 21% currently. Electric cars make up about 2% of sales now — by 2030, at least half, potentially all, new car sales would need to be electric, according to estimates. Many industrial manufacturing facilities would need to use technologies that haven't been developed. It's part of Biden's effort to get the U.S. on track to reach the goals of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement to keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. Former President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the agreement but Biden has formally rejoined. John Kerry is Biden's special envoy for climate, a position that involves meeting with countries around the world about efforts to stem emissions. He calls the threat of climate change "existential." "That means life and death. And the question is, are we behaving as if it is? And the answer is no," Kerry said in an interview on NPR's All Things Considered. This interview has been edited for length and clarity and includes extended Web-only answers. Interview Highlights Is this more a matter of shoot for the moon and if you miss, at least you'll land among the stars? No, I think it's achievable. And I think that people who've really studied this, analyzed it and thought about it for a long period of time believe it is achievable. Already the [car] marketplace is moving towards electric. I mean, you know, Joe Biden didn't create the value of Tesla as the most valuable automobile company in the world. The market did that. And the market did it because that's where people are moving. The scale of change that you're talking about in the timeframe that is required is something we've never seen in human history. Let me put it to you this way. How many politicians, how many scientists, how many people have stood up and said, "This is existential for us on this planet"? Existential. That means life and death. And the question is, are we behaving as if it is? And the answer is no. So why are younger generation folks so angry? Why are they standing up and demonstrating and asking adults to accept adult responsibility to move our nations in the right direction? Because the scientists are telling them that. They learn about this in high school and college. They read. They know what's happening. They know we're experiencing the hottest day in human history, the hottest week, the hottest month, the hottest year. And we see the results. Fires, floods, mudslides, drought, crop disruption, ice melting in the Arctic, run the list. Climate change is still seen as a partisan issue in the U.S., and Republicans could take over Congress next year. A Republican could win the White House in three years. So why should global leaders view this as a reliable commitment from the United States when GOP leaders have not bought in? For two reasons. No. 1, when Donald Trump was president of the United States and he pulled out of the agreement, 37 governors in the United States, Republican and Democrats alike, stood up and said, "We're still in." And states, those 37 states, have passed renewable portfolio laws. So at the state level, people are moving because they know it's better for their state. It's a safer, better delivery of power to their state, and it's the way it's going to move. The second part of the answer: Masses of capital, trillions of dollars, are going to move into the energy market, which is the largest market the world has ever seen and going to grow now. Multiple double-digit trillions of dollars of market. And no politician can come along and tell those banks, or those asset managers or those investors or those venture capitalists or the companies, the corporations that are doing this, they know this is where the market's going to be in the future. If the $2 trillion infrastructure and jobs plan that the president has put forth does not pass the Senate, does this goal to cut emissions in half by 2030 effectively die with the bill? Well, it doesn't die, but it certainly takes a blow, a serious one. But the companies I've talked about are going to move in this direction no matter what. I mean, if you look at the biggest companies in America, these folks are all pushing to get this done because they know that the world is going to be better off and that their businesses are going to be better off if we do that. This is a real challenge for all of us, and I think people are waking up to it all around the world. Let me ask you a question. Why do you think 40 heads of state, including President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia, Prime Minister Modi of India, huge populations come together and say, "We have to do this"? Do they know something that some of these opponents of it don't know or aren't willing to admit? I mean, the only leader in the entire world that saw fit to pull out of the Paris agreement was Donald Trump. But it's so easy to make commitments and we haven't seen countries follow through on those commitments. This is accurate. They're doing things; they're not doing enough. There are very few countries that are doing enough. Most countries are not. And of the 20 countries that equal 81% of all the emissions, they are the critical ones that have to do more. And we're among them. We are 15% of all the world's emissions. China is 30%. Does China need to do more? Absolutely. All of the 20 need to do more. Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
tia I-95 Partially Closed For Hours After Police Standoff With Armed Men By www.scpr.org Published On :: Sat, 03 Jul 2021 21:00:08 -0700 Traffic on Interstate 95 was diverted for hours after a group of armed men fled from police near Wakefield, Mass. on Saturday. Massachusetts state police say 11 suspects have been taken into custody.; Credit: Michael Dwyer/AP Matthew S. Schwartz | NPREleven people were taken into custody Saturday after an hours-long standoff with police early Saturday outside Boston. While police engaged in negotiation, members of the group engaged the public on social media, saying their group was called "Rise of the Moors." The heavily armed men were said to be driving from Rhode Island to Maine for "training." The incident started around 1:30 a.m., when state police noticed two cars stopped at the side of I-95 near Wakefield, Mass., apparently out of fuel. As troopers stopped to assist, they noticed that some individuals near the cars had "military-style" gear, and were carrying long guns and pistols, Massachusetts State Police Col. Christopher Mason told reporters. "You can imagine 11 armed individuals standing with long guns slung on an interstate highway at 2 in the morning certainly raises concerns and is not consistent with the firearms laws that we have in Massachusetts," Mason said. Police requested backup, and thus began a standoff that lasted several hours. The men refused to lower their weapons, saying that they "don't recognize our laws," police said. Some of the armed men fled into a nearby wooded area, police said, and a portion of I-95 was closed for several hours. The standoff was broadcast on social media Around 4 a.m., a man whom the Boston Globe identified as Jamhal Talib Abdullah Bey said he was broadcasting live from I-95 and said that he told police they had nothing to fear. "I reassured them that we are not sovereign citizens," a man who appeared to be Bey said in a live-streamed video. "I reassured them that we are not Black identity extremists. I reassured them that we are not anti-police. I reassured them that we are not anti-government. I reassured them that these men here will not be pointing guns at them. I reassured them that we are trying to come to a peaceful resolution." "We're going to our private land to train, which is our Second Amendment right," he said, showing a vehicle he said contained camping equipment. As police tactical teams brought in armored vehicles to surround the area, and negotiators interacted with the men, they ultimately surrendered. Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan told reporters the suspects were expected to appear in court on Tuesday morning. State police "don't have any knowledge about this particular specific group" but as state police "it is not unusual for us to encounter people that have sovereign citizen ideologies — I'm not saying that this group does — but we have had those encounters before in the past," Mason said at a Saturday morning press briefing. "We train to those encounters," Mason continued. "We very much understand the philosophy that underlies that mindset. And we train our officers, actually, at the academy, on these interactions and how to de-escalate those situations, and how to engage with people that have that philosophy and mindset and resolve those situations in a peaceful manner." The group calls itself "Rise of the Moors" The same man appearing to be Bey said in a later video: "They keep portraying us as being anti-government, but we're not anti-government at all." The group's website lists Bey as a leader of the "Rhode Island State Republic and Providence Plantations." According to the site, Bey served in the military for four years, some or all of that time in the Marines, after which he began studying "Moorish Science." That website, "Rise of the Moors," explains that Moors are not "sovereign citizens" because "sovereignty does not stand alone," but can rather be considered synonymous with "nationality." "The record show that the Moors are the organic or original sovereigns of this land — America," the FAQ says. "When we declare our nationality as Moorish Americans we are taking back the position as the aboriginal people of the land, to which the sovereign power is vested in." Bey's group may be associated with the Moorish sovereign citizen movement, which the Southern Poverty Law Center characterizes as an offshoot of the antigovernment sovereign citizens movement. Moorish sovereigns "have come into conflict with federal and state authorities over their refusal to obey laws and government regulations," SPLC writes. "The Moorish Sovereign movement is a rapidly growing group of people who believe that they belong to a sovereign nation that has a treaty with the US but otherwise operates outside of the federal and state laws," JJ MacNab, a fellow at George Washington University's Program on Extremism, explained on Twitter. "They rely on an alternative history that borrows from Moorish Science Temple, Black Hebrew Israelism, Nation of Islam, UFO theories, phony Native American tribes, and the pseudo-legal arguments crafted by white supremacist 'patriot' groups in the 1970s," MacNab said. Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at SCPR.org. Full Article
tia New North Carolina Residential Building Code went into effect on March 1, 2012. By www.catawbacountync.gov Published On :: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 16:28:00 EST The Catawba County Building Services Division has built a web page with links to the new code. Full Article News Release FYI Please Choose
tia Community leaders learn about new child safety initiatives. By www.catawbacountync.gov Published On :: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 13:50:00 EST Approximately 100 community leaders learned about two programs designed to protect area children at the Children's Advocacy and Protection Center's second annual Children's Breakfast. Full Article News Release FYI Please Choose
tia Assistant County Manager Dewey Harris earns international Credentialed Manager distinction. By www.catawbacountync.gov Published On :: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 16:00:00 EST Catawba County Assistant County Manager Dewey Harris has earned the International City/County Management Association's (ICMA) Credentialed Manager designation. Established in 2002, the ICMA Credentialed Manager program recognizes professional government managers whom the ICMA certifies as having a "commitment to continuous learning and professional development". Full Article News Release FYI Please Choose
tia Marijuanas Components Have Potential as Medicine - Clinical Trials, Drug Development Should Proceed By Published On :: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 06:00:00 GMT Marijuanas active components are potentially effective in treating pain, nausea, the anorexia of AIDS wasting, and other symptoms, and should be tested rigorously in clinical trials. Full Article
tia Events Preceding Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Oil Spill Point to Failure to Account for Safety Risks and Potential Dangers By Published On :: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 06:00:00 GMT The numerous technical and operational breakdowns that contributed to the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion and spill from the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico suggest the lack of a suitable approach for managing the inherent risks. Full Article
tia National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine Announce Initiative on Human Gene Editing By Published On :: Mon, 18 May 2015 04:00:00 GMT The National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine are launching a major initiative to guide decision making about controversial new research involving human gene editing. Full Article
tia Evidence Supporting Three Interventions That Might Slow Cognitive Decline and the Onset of Dementia Is Encouraging but Insufficient to Justify a Public Health Campaign Focused on Their Adoption By Published On :: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 05:00:00 GMT Cognitive training, blood pressure management for people with hypertension, and increased physical activity all show modest but inconclusive evidence that they can help prevent cognitive decline and dementia, but there is insufficient evidence to support a public health campaign encouraging their adoption, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Full Article
tia Statement Regarding National Academies Study on Potential Health Risks of Living in Proximity to Surface Coal Mining Sites in Central Appalachia By Published On :: Mon, 21 Aug 2017 05:00:00 GMT In an August 18 letter, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement informed the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that it should cease all work on a study of the potential health risks for people living near surface coal mine sites in Central Appalachia. Full Article
tia Substantial Gap Exists Between Demand for Organ Transplants in U.S. and Number of Transplants Performed - New Report Offers Ethical, Regulatory, and Policy Framework for Research to Increase Quantity & Quality of Organs For Transplantation, Save Lives By Published On :: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 05:00:00 GMT The number of patients in the U.S. awaiting organ transplantation outpaces the amount of transplants performed in the U.S., and many donated organs are not transplanted each year due to several factors, such as poor organ function, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Full Article
tia Consumer Access to Affordable Medicines Is a Public Health Imperative, Says New Report - Government Negotiation of Drug Prices, Prevention of ‘Pay-for-Delay’ Agreements, and Increased Financial Transparency Among Recommendations By Published On :: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 06:00:00 GMT Consumer access to effective and affordable medicines is an imperative for public health, social equity, and economic development, but this need is not being served adequately by the biopharmaceutical sector, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Full Article
tia National Academies Announce Initiative on Climate Communication - Appoints Advisory Committee By Published On :: Tue, 09 Jan 2018 06:00:00 GMT The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are launching a major initiative to more effectively enable their extensive body of work on climate science, impacts, and response options to inform the public and decision makers. Full Article
tia VA Provides Mental Health Care to Veterans of Recent Iraq and Afghanistan Wars of Comparable or Superior Quality to Other Providers, Yet Substantial Unmet Need Remains By Published On :: Wed, 31 Jan 2018 06:00:00 GMT While the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides mental health care of comparable or superior quality to care provided in private and non-VA public sectors, accessibility and quality of services vary across the VA health system, leaving a substantial unmet need for mental health services among veterans of the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Full Article
tia National Academies Announce Initiative on Environmental Health - Appoint Advisory Committee By Published On :: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 06:00:00 GMT The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine are launching an Academies-wide initiative to transform how the nation addresses the complex issues associated with environmental health—a field that examines how the environment affects human health. Full Article
tia EPA’s IRIS Program Has Made Substantial Progress, Says New Report By Published On :: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 05:00:00 GMT The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) program has made “substantial progress” in implementing recommendations outlined in past reports by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, improving the program’s overall scientific and technical performance, says a new Academies report. Full Article
tia Permanent Supportive Housing Holds Potential for Improving Health of People Experiencing Homelessness, but Further Research on Effectiveness Is Needed, Including Studies On ‘Housing Sensitive’ Health Conditions By Published On :: Wed, 11 Jul 2018 05:00:00 GMT A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine examines evidence on whether providing permanent supportive housing (PSH) – a combination of stable housing and supportive services -- to individuals who are experiencing homelessness improves their health. Full Article
tia National Academy of Medicine Launches Action Collaborative to Counter Opioid Epidemic -- Public-Private Partnership Will Coordinate Initiatives Across Sectors to Drive Collective Solutions By Published On :: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 05:00:00 GMT In recognition of the need for a national coordinated and collective response to the epidemic of opioid addiction in the U.S., the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), in partnership with the Aspen Institute, launched a public-private partnership made up of more than 35 organizations representing federal, state, and local governments, health systems, associations and provider groups, health education and accrediting institutions, pharmacies, payers, industry, nonprofits, and academia. Full Article
tia National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Announces Winners of the NAKFI Challenge By Published On :: Tue, 04 Sep 2018 05:00:00 GMT The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI) is pleased to announce the recipients of three $500,000 NAKFI Challenge awards. A 15-year, $40 million dollar program funded by the W.M. Keck Foundation, NAKFI was initiated in 2003 to break down barriers between fields and to promote interdisciplinary research. Full Article
tia National Academies Keck Futures Initiative Publishes Program Summary Sharing Lessons from 15 Years of Igniting Innovation at the Intersections of Disciplines By Published On :: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 06:00:00 GMT The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative (NAKFI) is pleased to announce the publication of Collaborations of Consequence - NAKFI’s 15 Years of Igniting Innovation at the Intersections of Disciplines. Full Article