tent 190946: Interior Secretary provides terms of A.Q. Khan's modified detention By www.thehindu.com Published On :: Wed, 25 May 2011 06:03:39 +0530 S.M. Zafar, Khan's prominent and highly respected lawyer, had pledged to the government that the meeting with the press would be Khan's "first and last" such encounter. Full Article The Cables
tent 150415: Pakistani leaders deny intent to release A.Q. Khan By www.thehindu.com Published On :: Wed, 25 May 2011 06:03:49 +0530 Benazir Bhutto's public comments that she would grant the IAEA access to Khan were highly controversial in Pakistan. Zardari's options for delivering on Benazir's promise is limited. Full Article The Cables
tent Potential Fruits of the Biden-Putin Summit By www.belfercenter.org Published On :: Jun 4, 2021 Jun 4, 2021 The last time Joe Biden met Vladimir Putin, the two did not exactly hit it off. During the March 2011 meeting the-then vice president of the United States urged the then-prime minister of Russia not to return to the Kremlin, and then claimed to have reached unflattering conclusions about his Russian counterpart’s soul after the meeting was over. Putin too seems to have no love lost for Biden, even if he has been less blunt in showing it. Full Article
tent US-Russian Contention in Cyberspace By www.belfercenter.org Published On :: Jun 10, 2021 Jun 10, 2021 The overarching question imparting urgency to this exploration is: Can U.S.-Russian contention in cyberspace cause the two nuclear superpowers to stumble into war? In considering this question we were constantly reminded of recent comments by a prominent U.S. arms control expert: At least as dangerous as the risk of an actual cyberattack, he observed, is cyber operations’ “blurring of the line between peace and war.” Or, as Nye wrote, “in the cyber realm, the difference between a weapon and a non-weapon may come down to a single line of code, or simply the intent of a computer program’s user.” Full Article
tent NEW DATA EVALUATING THE BOSTON SCIENTIFIC ELUVIA� DRUG-ELUTING VASCULAR STENT SYSTEM DEMONSTRATE 94.4 PERCENT PRIMARY PATENCY RATE AT NINE MONTHS - Hear from Professor Stefan M�ller-H�lsbeck, M.D., PhD, M By www.multivu.com Published On :: 28 Apr 2015 12:47:00 EDT Hear from Professor Stefan M�ller-H�lsbeck, M.D., PhD, MAJESTIC trial principal investigator Full Article Healthcare Hospitals Medical Pharmaceuticals Medical Equipment Broadcast Feed Announcements Clinical Trials Medical Discoveries MultiVu Video
tent Lund University Research Shows a Patented Spinach Extract is Tied To Weight Loss - Spinach extract for losing weight? By www.multivu.com Published On :: 28 Apr 2015 16:25:00 EDT Spinach extract for losing weight? Full Article Food Beverages Healthcare Hospitals Supplementary Medicine Broadcast Feed Announcements Survey Polls & Research MultiVu Video
tent Attention Shoppers! Get Your Vitamin C at the Cash Register - Get Your Vitamin C at the Register By www.multivu.com Published On :: 11 Jun 2015 13:55:00 EDT Whole Foods Market partners with Appvion to offer vitamin C-based receipts Full Article Chemical Environmental Services Healthcare Hospitals Paper Forest Products Containers Contracts New Products Services Broadcast Feed Announcements MultiVu Video
tent Boston Scientific Receives FDA Approval For SYNERGY Bioabsorbable Polymer Drug-Eluting Stent System - A Technology Development Story: meet the SYNERGY� Stent System engineers By www.multivu.com Published On :: 05 Oct 2015 11:10:00 EDT A Technology Development Story: meet the SYNERGY� Stent System engineers Full Article Healthcare Hospitals Medical Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals Broadcast Feed Announcements FDA Approval MultiVu Video
tent I got a book idea... and this time I paid attention to how it happened so I could answer the FAQ, "Where do you get your ideas?" By kristincashore.blogspot.com Published On :: Tue, 25 May 2021 16:56:00 +0000 Hi everybody.The question I get most is: "Where do you get your ideas?"Generally, when I'm asked this question, it's at a book event where it's difficult to answer, because… Well, the answer is long, and complicated, and hard to pin down, and most of the time, I don't really remember how it happened. When an idea starts to arrive, I get to work. I'm not paying attention to how it's happening, or how it would look to an outsider. But — a few weeks ago, a new book idea started knocking on the door of my mind. And this time, I decided to pay attention!What follows is probably the most detailed explanation I'll ever give of where my ideas come from. More specifically, where this particular idea came from, because it's not always the same. But my experience of the past few weeks has been fairly typical for me, and I'll add that there are a few activities I need to engage in every single time, if I want an idea to take root. Namely: PATIENCE. LISTENING. And, LABOR. Book ideas require a certain honed receptiveness, and they require a LOT OF WORK. I'm yelling because I'm trying to push back against the idea that ideas simply come to writers. Yes, some parts of ideas come to writers. But when I first get a book idea, what "comes to me" probably comprises about 0.1% of what could properly be called a book idea. Often, it's little more than an inchoate feeling. With patience, listening, and labor, I transform the idea into something I can grasp, and work with.I'll add that yes, we do hear sometimes of writers whose ideas "simply came to them," fully formed. I'm going to take a guess that (1) this doesn't happen very often, if ever, with books that have complicated structures or plots, and (2) writers who are blessed by ideas in this way probably have a long-honed practice of receptiveness.Anyway. Warning upfront that this may be a little unstructured, because the process is a little unstructured. It's challenging to describe, and I'm still in the middle of it. But here's what my last few weeks have been like.A few weeks ago, while watching a TV show that had a certain mood/aura that'd really sucked me in, I found myself drawn to the idea of a story involving three characters. I'm not going to tell you what TV show I was watching, and I'm not going to tell you anything about my three characters, because story ideas are intensely, intensely private. The first time I say anything publicly about it will probably be years from now, if and when this book is ever scheduled for release. But let me try to explain a bit about that moment when the first glimmering of the idea appeared. Like I said, I'd been watching a TV show when it happened. But my three characters weren't characters in that TV show. Nor did anyone in that TV show relate to each other the way my three characters seemed to want to relate. Nor did my three characters seem to live in a world like the world of the TV show. The TV show helped to launch the idea at me because of the show's mood and its feeling, and how much I cared about the people in it. But my idea? As is often the case, my idea came from something I saw missing in the TV show. Not missing because there was a flaw in the TV writers' story; I loved their story! But missing (for me and possibly only me) because their story was not the story I would have told.I think that a lot of my idea seeds come from my adoration of other people's stories, but also from my noticing what's missing in those stories, for me. What story I would've like to have seen told; what characters the story lacked.Anyway. So this idea of these three characters came to me. But when I say "idea of these three characters," already that sounds more substantial than it was. I knew they were three humans (or humanoids; I didn't know what genre the story was, so they could've been aliens on another planet, for all I knew. In fact, I actively considered whether they might have different biology than ours). I knew they cared about each other, but I didn't know in what way. I knew they were facing a challenge that would strain all of their relationships. I thought they might be grown-ups, but I wasn't sure. I thought I knew at least two of their genders, but I wasn't sure. I knew they lived in a world with magic, but I didn't know what "magic" meant in the context of their world. I didn't know where they lived, or when they lived (past? future? futuristic past? postindustrial future? any of about a hundred other possibilities). I knew a whole lot of things that the characters weren't, and that the world wasn't — which is another way of saying that my sense of what this story was was actually more defined by all the things I knew it wasn't. (Apologies if this is vague. I'm not being intentionally vague! I'll try for some concrete examples: I knew I didn't want to write a story where partway through, someone suddenly discovers they have an inborn power they didn't know they had. I knew I didn't want to write a love triangle. There's a certain kind of high-handed fantasy tone that I knew wasn't right for this story. But I didn't know what I did want yet at this point.)Really, all I knew was that I seemed to be having an idea.So, like a writer, I did what I needed to do: I made space in my mind for receptiveness. (I scheduled uninterruptable alone time. I stopped listening to podcasts while I was out walking, and instead, just walked, so my mind could wander. I put aside non-urgent tasks for a while so that I didn't have the feeling of a to-do list hanging over my head. I gave myself permission to wool-gather, to become vague and absent-minded. I set three timers any time I cooked anything so I could feel free to forget I was cooking, but also not burn the house down. I remembered to thank my husband frequently for being willing to live with a space cadet.)I thought about what fertilizer might help the idea to grow, especially fertilizer in the form of books, TV, and movies. I put all other books, TV, and movies aside. (I kept watching that same TV show, and I also began reading almost exclusively one writer who had a narrative tone — and also subject matter — that helped me sustain a mood that felt concurrent with the mood of my own idea. Why does this kind of intake help? It keeps my mind in a story space, while also giving me something to bounce my own ideas off of. It's a kind of reading, or watching, that involves a state of constant interactivity and reactivity. Everything I'm consuming becomes about something else that I'm looking for. It's difficult to explain, maybe because it gets back to that inexplicable moment when new ideas form.)I made sure that every single time I had any new thoughts relating to my idea, I wrote them down. (This meant making reminders on my phone; sending strings of emails to myself; choosing a notebook where I began to jot things down; sending texts to myself on my husband's phone, if his phone was closer to hand than mine.)I looked at my schedule to give myself a sense of if and when I might have a few days soon to put my current writing project aside and give some true, devoted time to this new idea. (I was, and still am, in the middle of revisions of the next Graceling Realm book when this happened, and that was, and still is, my absolute first priority. As exciting and intense as a new idea can be, it can't unseat me from my current object of devotion.)By chance, last week, I did in fact have some time away from my revision while it was briefly with my editor. I was able to devote an entire week to the new book idea. So, next, I'll try to describe what a week of intense idea-gathering looks like for me! (Though I should say that this will differ from book to book. It's been pretty clear to me from the beginning that this new idea is going to be slow to grow — planning this book will take way more than a week. In contrast, last fall, I found myself with a new and sudden book idea that coincided with the end of another project, so I had some free time and was able to sit down and hammer out the entire book plan, which took only a few days. I think this is because that book was shorter and less emotionally complicated than this new book will be, and was set in a less complex world. Also, at the time, I was absolutely thrumming with the adrenaline and momentum of having just finished a writing project, so book-planning became a way to channel that energy. Often these processes are subject to whatever else is going on in my life.)So. My week of intense idea-gathering looked a lot like what I've already described — reading, watching TV, but now also with long hours of sitting staring at a blank page and/or lying on my back staring at the ceiling — but with a more specific goal. Namely, I was trying to figure out what my main questions were. For me, every book starts (and continues, as I write) with an extremely long list of questions that I'm trying to find the answers to, but it takes work to figure out what the questions are. The questions can be very different from book to book. And it's essential, at the beginning, to identify what the main questions are.When I'm first idea-gathering, I use very short notebooks in which I scribble down all my random thoughts as they come (I like using these twenty-page notebooks from Laughing Elephant, because they're short enough not to feel intimidatingly important). Then I have one longer, thicker notebook which is for my more coherent thoughts — my more serious book planning. During my week of active idea-gathering, I came up with the following list of major questions, worthy of being written down in my thick, "serious" planning notebook:MAJOR QUESTIONS. What is magic?How does bad human behavior manifest in this world? (for real *)Where/what culture does each of them come from? What family?How is society governed?Who is each of them — as a person and as a power manifestation?How is the narrative positioned?What is the plot?How do humans relate to the rest of the natural world?What is gender? (for real *)* and by societal definitionSo. I'm not sure how closely you looked at those questions — but they are pretty gigantic questions! It took me a week to identify all of them. It's going to take me much, much longer to answer them. Which goes back to my point that ideas don't just "come to me." The merest seed of an idea might come to me, and after that, I make the space, and do the work.As I began to hammer out my questions, I continued to read, watch things, and wool-gather, but with more intense focus. Because now I was also trying to answer these questions as they came. It was interesting to observe the order in which I began to find the answers. Not surprisingly, probably since my novels tend to be character-based, it was the character-based questions that drew me in first. “What is gender" in particular, because I have a sense that in this story, my characters' relationships to gender are absolutely integral to who they are, and I can’t get very far with a book plan if I don’t know who my characters are. I also started to gather some clues about their personalities and their strengths. Enough that after a couple of days, I got to the point where I suddenly knew I needed their names. Names ground everything, and they can also change some things; at a certain point, I can't make any further progress without names. I spent one entire day last week mostly just trying to figure out three people's names. Once I had the names, I was able to return to my questions.Then, not too long after that, a moment arose where I knew, again quite suddenly, that what I needed next was at least the broad strokes of a plot. If I’m a little scornful about the concept of inspiration — because it’s a concept that dismisses how hard I work! — I do believe in intuition, and also in experience. Intuition and experience told me that I'd reached the point in my planning where the needs of my plot would hold the answer to a lot of my other questions. Like, how this place is governed; what constitutes bad behavior; and even some character things, like what culture each of my characters is from. Sometimes, once you know what needs to happen in a story, it becomes easier to picture the structure of your world. Because a plot comes with needs; once a plot exists, it limits some of your other options. For example, let's say your plot involves a particular kind of government-based corruption. Well, thinking about that corruption will probably start to show you some of your options for the structure of the government. Once you know the structure of the government, you might begin to understand who holds governmental power — which can lead to answers about how families are structured. Which can lead to answers about culture, which can lead to answers about the societal definition of bad behavior, etc. So. I reached the point where I needed at least a sense of my plot. But: plotting is a HUGE job. I knew it wasn't something I could do in just a few days, and at this point I also knew that I was going to need to return to my revision soon. So, intuition told me that it was time to stop. Not stop being receptive; not necessarily stop reading or watching the helpful things; not stop sending myself emails, texts, and reminders; but stop trying to make any real, meaty, major progress on this book idea. I needed to save the job of plotting for when I next had a stretch of uninterrupted worktime. Maybe another free week or two somewhere, between other projects.So, I did some final organizing of my notebook. I transferred things into it from other notebooks and I designating a huge number of empty pages in it for future plot thoughts and future character thoughts. I did this even though in this book, as in most of my books, I sense that character and plot will ultimately end up being the same thing, so it's not going to matter much which thoughts I file where. (In other words, most of my plot is going to spring from who my characters are, and many of my characters will spring from the needs of the plot.) But at this messy stage in planning, it's important to me to feel organized. The illusion of organization stops me from feeling as overwhelmed as I probably should be feeling. So I label things, and delude myself that I can contain this messy process inside a nice neat notebook ????. I organized my notebook, and then I put it aside. Today I'm still open to thoughts about my new book idea, but it's not my entire worklife anymore... it's more of a promise for the future. It'll probably be good to have it simmering on the back burner for a while. I'll be able to approach it with a new freshness when I sit down with it again one day.So. I'm not sure how satisfyingly I've answered the question "Where do you get your ideas?" After all, this idea is still very much in progress. I figured out a lot of stuff last week, but mostly what I figured out is a long list of all the things I don't know yet. There will be many, many more workweeks to go before I'll be able to claim that I truly have an idea for a book. But this is my best shot at an answer to the question of where my ideas come from! I guess the point I want to convey is this: I don’t necessarily believe in inspiration. But I believe that sometimes a writer will start to get the merest sense of a story that's missing from the world, and find herself wanting to write that story. At that point, if circumstance allows her the time and space to enter a state that is extremely internally-focused and possibly involves a lot of intake (reading, watching other stories), or if not that, at least an extreme level of sensitivity and receptiveness, of seeing, of listening... And if she puts in the work… her idea-seed will start to take root, and grow into a real, workable idea that might one day be the beginnings of a book! And of course, every writer does this differently. Many writers don't plan or plot ahead of time. They figure out the idea as they write. So there's no right or wrong way to do it. But this is my best explanation of how I do it.Godspeed to all writers. Full Article craft of writing
tent The Tentacled Monster Here is Racism: Lovecraft Country Episode 1 By tobiasbuckell.com Published On :: Sun, 16 Aug 2020 16:41:54 +0000 HBO PR reached out to me about seeing Lovecraft Country, first episode dropping tonight. As a mixed race SF author I have a complicated relationship with Lovecraft, but the trailers intrigued. Mostly Black cast? Black writer-producer? Yes please! Check Lovecraft Country out not just because HBO gave me a goody bag and a free view, […] Full Article Life Log media
tent "Genocide as Colonial Erasure": U.N. Expert Francesca Albanese on Israel's "Intent to Destroy" Gaza By www.democracynow.org Published On :: Thu, 31 Oct 2024 08:15:29 -0400 We are joined by U.N. special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory, Francesca Albanese, who says Israel is committing genocide on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Facing accusations of antisemitism from Israeli and U.S. officials, Albanese is in New York to present her report, titled “Genocide as colonial erasure,” which finds that Israel’s genocide is founded on “ideological hatred” and “dehumanization” and “enabled through the various organs of the state,” and recommends that Israel be unseated from the United Nations over its conduct. She argues that Israel’s attacks on U.N. employees, including the killings of at least 230 U.N. staff in Gaza, its flagrant violations of U.N. resolutions and international law and the unique status of “the first settler-colonial genocide to be ever litigated before [an international] court” justify this unprecedented measure. Israel’s continued impunity, Albanese warns, “is the nail in the coffin of the U.N. Charter.” Full Article
tent "Hatemonger": Stephen Miller to Hold Key Post as Trump Pushes Mass Detention & Deportation By www.democracynow.org Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 08:15:40 -0500 President-elect Donald Trump reportedly plans to appoint his former senior adviser Stephen Miller as his deputy chief of staff for policy. Miller will play a key role along with Trump’s border czar Tom Homan and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, who will reportedly be the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Miller is the architect of Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda, an avowed white nationalist and a man who is spurred by his “animus to the notion of the United States as a multicultural and multiethnic democracy,” says author Jean Guerrero, author of Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, and the White Nationalist Agenda. Guerrero says the Trump administration’s “obsessive deportation” attempt to “radically reengineer the racial demographics of the United States” will “backfire” on the U.S. economy and destroy “the United States’ global reputation as a safe haven for the persecuted.” Full Article
tent West Tenth St., New York By www.thesartorialist.com Published On :: Sat, 25 Apr 2020 14:00:56 +0000 Full Article Women Androgyny White
tent Voice Actor David Wald Leaves Role as Gajeel in Fairy Tail, Will Not Return to Crunchyroll Following Claims Company Opened His Mail, Gave Away Contents By www.animenewsnetwork.com Published On :: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 13:16:23 -0500 David Wald claims Crunchyroll opened his private mail, threw away letters, gave away contents to staff Full Article People
tent Cover Snark: Reptiles are an Unintentional Theme By smartbitchestrashybooks.com Published On :: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 07:00:35 +0000 Welcome back to Cover Snark! From Rachael: I have so many questions: Does she not want him to save her from what looks to be an alligator? Is that alligator okay? His hips seem off. Should his gun be that close to the water? Why are they casually having a moment in this clearly dangerous water??!! Did they keep their shoes on? Sarah: She’s a shifter. So is the gator. That’s her brother and she … Continue reading Cover Snark: Reptiles are an Unintentional Theme → Full Article Covers Gone Wild! (Non-Snoop Dogg Edition) cover snark
tent Optional Content By questionablecontent.net Published On :: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 05:24:48 -0300 the quest reward isn't even that good Full Article
tent Content of an average public swimming pool. By cheezburger.com Published On :: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 04:13:51 -0700 Full Article contents pee Pie Chart public urine water
tent Pandemic Spurs Nurse Intentions to Quit Despite Resilience By www.medindia.net Published On :: medlinkNurses/medlink in outpatient clinics and similar departments demonstrated greater resilience compared to their counterparts working in urgent Full Article
tent Combating Nurse Burnout: Scientists Unveil Potential Interventions By www.medindia.net Published On :: The nursing profession has long faced a crisis of burnout and staffing shortages, intensified by the demands of the medlinkCOVID-19 pandemic/medlink. Full Article
tent HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Therapies Show Potential in Bile Duct Cancer Trials By www.medindia.net Published On :: Drugs aimed at HER2-positive breast cancer may also help certain patients with bile duct cancer, as indicated by findings from a patient trial that will Full Article
tent Boost for Indian Pharma Sector- Consistent Growth in Exports Continues By www.medindia.net Published On :: The exports of drugs and pharmaceuticals from India are experiencing consistent growth, reflecting an increase of 8.36 percent to reach (Dollor) 2.31 billion in July of this year. Full Article
tent Hope for Anxiety Sufferers: Scientists Identify Potential Target By www.medindia.net Published On :: Mental health conditions, including anxiety disorders, autism, and schizophrenia, are significant global health concerns. Researchers at Universite de Full Article
tent Employers May View Vegan Men as Less Competent, Study Finds By www.medindia.net Published On :: A study found that men who said they follow a medlinkvegan diet/medlink when applying for a job were seen as less manly, and as a result, they were less likely to be chosen for the position. Full Article
tent Hope on the Horizon: 3 Vaccine Signals Potential End to Malaria By www.medindia.net Published On :: A groundbreaking 3 medlinkmalaria vaccine/medlink (!--ref1--) is set to be administered to African babies, potentially paving the way for eradicating the disease within a decade. Full Article
tent Exploring the Consistent Outcomes of an Antiviral Drug By www.medindia.net Published On :: Regardless of HIV status, medlinktecovirimat/medlink, an medlinkantiviral drug/medlink that has been extensively employed to treat medlinksmallpox/medlink Full Article
tent Latent HIV Found Seeking Refuge in the Brain By www.medindia.net Published On :: A recent discovery found that medlinkHIV/medlink may lay latent in the brain and that stopping therapy can restart the development of infection to AIDS. Full Article
tent New Protection Device Exceeds Expectations in Carotid Stenting By www.medindia.com Published On :: New Protection Device Exceeds Expectations in Carotid Stenting Full Article
tent MediciGlobal Continues to Add Depth of Experience to Its Strategic Patient Recruitment-Retention Team By www.medindia.com Published On :: MediciGlobal Continues to Add Depth of Experience to Its Strategic Patient Recruitment-Retention Team Full Article
tent Cellular Dynamics Partners with iPS Academia Japan, Inc. to In-License Seminal iPS Cell Patent Portfolio By www.medindia.com Published On :: Cellular Dynamics Partners with iPS Academia Japan, Inc. to In-License Seminal iPS Cell Patent Portfolio Full Article
tent DUSA Pharmaceuticals Reports Notice of Allowance for Key PDT Device Patent By www.medindia.com Published On :: DUSA Pharmaceuticals Reports Notice of Allowance for Key PDT Device Patent Full Article
tent Mutational Changes in Bird Flu Virus Signal Potential Pandemic By www.medindia.net Published On :: A variant of avian flu virus, commonly found in Chinese poultry farms, is undergoing mutations that raise concerns about potential human transmission, Full Article
tent Severity of Autism: Brain Overgrowth in Fetus Determines Its Extent! By www.medindia.net Published On :: The extent of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) varies across children. Certain children diagnosed with ASD, also known as medlinkautism/medlink, may Full Article
tent The Sleep Crisis in Childcare: A Call for Consistent Regulations By www.medindia.net Published On :: Numerous licensed childcare centers throughout Canada might not be providing children with sufficient, healthy sleep due to inconsistent sleep regulations (!--ref1--). Full Article
tent Childhood Attention Issues Linked to Psychosis Risk By www.medindia.net Published On :: Children genetically predisposed to neuropsychiatric and cognitive disorders are more likely to experience severe psychotic symptoms and attention problems, stated new study. Full Article
tent Natural Products Hold Potential to Kill Lethal Viruses By www.medindia.net Published On :: Natural products or the compounds produced in nature have potential to disrupt the spread of viruses responsible for endemics and global pandemics. Researchers Full Article
tent Nature's Healing Touch: Harnessing Aloe Vera's Potential By www.medindia.net Published On :: medlinkAloe vera/medlink, the unassuming houseplant that often goes unnoticed, is a remarkable and centuries-old medicinal plant, packed with nutrients Full Article
tent Unlocking Yoga's Potential Through Consistent Practice By www.medindia.net Published On :: The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasized that consistency is crucial when practicing yoga's versatile aspects (!--ref1--), whether for medlinkfitness/medlink, Full Article
tent Soligenix's Drug Shows Potential to Treat Oral Mucositis in Phase 2 Trial By www.medindia.net Published On :: New Jersey-based biopharmaceutical company, Soligenix has revealed that its developing drug has showed positive results against oral mucositis in Phase 2 clinical trial. Full Article
tent Indian Drug Maker Procures Two Patents for Neurodegenerative Drug By www.medindia.net Published On :: Indian biopharmaceutical company, Suven Life Sciences has secured two patents from two different countries on its new chemical entities (NCE's) for the treatment of several neurodegenerative diseases. Full Article
tent India Grants Patent for Gilead's Hepatitis C Drug By www.medindia.net Published On :: US pharmaceutical giant Gilead has obtained a patent for its Hepatitis C drug from India. This patent could potentially stop affordable copies reaching millions of people in other countries. Full Article
tent Coverage for Carotid Artery Stenting By www.medindia.net Published On :: New research is likely to impact expanded insurance coverage for carotid artery stenting. When it comes to options for cardiac patients, carotid artery Full Article
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tent The attention matters of drinking green tea By blogs.siliconindia.com Published On :: Although there are many drinking green tea benefits. But not a kind of health care products can be suitable for... Full Article
tent AI and AEM: Revolutionizing Content Strategies By www.ibtimes.co.in Published On :: Fri, 08 Nov 2024 16:41:43 +0530 Bhanu Phanindra Babu Gogula highlights that as AI technology advances, early adopters of AI-driven strategies will be well-positioned to boost engagement, efficiency, and growth Full Article
tent 'Mirzya': Pretentious And Uninspiring By www.siliconindia.com Published On :: Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra's "Mirzya", loosely inspired by the eternal love story of Mirza-Sahiban of Punjab, is about childhood lovers Monish (Harshvardhan Kapoor) and Suchitra (Saiyami Kher). Full Article
tent 'Saat Uchakkey': Pretentious Yet Entertaining By www.siliconindia.com Published On :: A cop and robbers story, "Saat Uchakkey" is a pretentiously creative film that offers lessons of life regarding hope, desire and fate. Full Article
tent Married or single, hotty Namitha knows how to steal attention with glamorous looks By www.ibtimes.co.in Published On :: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 15:49:09 +0530 Namitha, who once dominated the mass movies with her hot looks, has retained her glamarous side even today. Even after marriage, the actress creates a lot of noise on social media sites with her colourful oufits. Check out some of her recent pictures. Full Article
tent Best Recommendations on Selecting Ideal Camping Tent By blogs.siliconindia.com Published On :: Inside our contemporary moments, outside camping turns into a growing number of popular, especially amid the young folks. Journey slumber sack, tenting tent coupled with various... Full Article
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tent India breaks into world's top 6 ranks as patent filings double in last 5 years By www.ibtimes.co.in Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 16:14:41 +0530 India's patents and industrial design filings for Intellectual Property rights doubled between 2018 and 2023, taking the country to the sixth rank, according to the latest World Intellectual Property Organisation's (WIPO) annual report. Full Article