
Zeb Bangash, Shamali Afghan are sending 'Love Letters to Kabul' through music

Singers highlight the musical connection between Pakistan, Afghanistan and India with their collaborative effort.


Three bridal looks: traditional, contemporary or minimalist, there's a look for everyone

From Iqra to Alia, brides are switching it up when it comes to their wedding day looks


Female suicide bomber arrested in Quetta 'supported' BLF

Mahal's husband belonged to militant wing of the terror group


Malala Yousafzai to support Pakistani film industry in future projects

The Nobel laureate emphasised the importance of supporting Pakistani films and dramas to encourage the industry.


Malaika Arora shares emotional tribute to father following his death

The actress asks for respect and privacy as her family navigates this difficult period.


Shortage of veterinary medicines leaves animals at risk



Get yourself a Gucci babe pouch for a male

Associated with the type labels, Gucci fashion accessories need consistently appreciated from OL, products show have a relatively healthier repute as opposed to outfits, along the lines of her replica Gucci baby bags. Besides, vulnerable charms, typically the brand's smallish leatherette purses need a lot of recognition, boasting spar strap diamond necklace, that may be graceful not to mention glamorous, and then the tote need further all the way up numerous extremely cute parts and that has...


Maleeha Lodhi: Spilling tea with the architect of Pakistan’s diplomatic coup at the UN

Maleeha Lodhi discusses the future of IoK at the UNSC, Pakistan's role at the UN and the personal attacks against...


eclat "Force Male" Brakepads

The eclat "Force Male" Brakepads are made of soft rubber with a 6061-T6 alloy core and come with very solid brake force.

  • Material: Soft rubber with 6061-T6 alloy core

from 11.72 EUR


India, China pledge to intensify efforts for full disengagement on Himalayan border

Separately, Indian FM said India's economic relationship with China has been very "unfair" and "imbalanced"


Priyanka Chopra, daughter Malti pose with 'Citadel' season 2 crew

Priyanka Chopra introduces daughter Malti to 'Citadel' world

Priyanka Chopra is keeping a smooth balance between work and life as shooting for the second season of Citadel begins.

The actress, 42, just announced the return via an Instagram post where the crew for...


Malaysian PM Anwar Ibrahim likely to visit Pakistan next month

This would be the first visit by a Malaysian prime minister to Pakistan in five years


Oprah Winfrey says she wasn't paid for her work on events for Kamala Harris

Media magnate Oprah Winfrey insists she was not paid for her work on behalf of Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign, saying she personally didn't accept a dime.


Crowds flock to small Massachusetts town to send off New York's Rockefeller Christmas tree

This year's Rockefeller Center Christmas tree comes with a strong New England accent, and locals could not be more excited.


Biden administration's 'dismal' China policy faulted on Capitol Hill

The Biden administration has failed to win the strategic competition with China through ineffective policies toward Beijing, the senior Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said this week.


How Democrats lost the male vote

While researching "The Boy Crisis," I interviewed a young man from Mill Valley, California, a city with deep Democratic ties. As the interview concluded, he said, "I wish I hadn't been born male."


Thank you Donald Trump for the Kamala Harris shellacking

The biggest difference between Donald Trump's victory in 2016 and 2024 is Sherlock Holmes' "dog that didn't bark."


Kamala Harris' foreign collusion

Britain's Labor Party is quartering political foot soldiers in American homes, and former President Donald Trump is not happy about it.


Letter to the editor: Thanks for nothing, Joe and Kamala

As you pack up your things, Joe and Kamala, I just wanted to take the time to thank you for taking such good care of middle- and lower-middle-class Americans these past four years.


La Catalogna protesta nel cuore dell’Europa, che soffre delle sue stesse malattie

Giurista intennazionale
La questione catalana presenta un forte interesse scientifico dal punto di vista del diritto internazionale, innescandosi nel solco formato da recenti manifestazioni di prassi internazionale, quali quelle per l’indipendenza del Quebec o del Kosovo. Preciso che non sono un sostenitore dell’indipendenza catalana a ogni costo e che ciò non avrebbe comunque molto senso, dato che non sono né cittadino spagnolo né tantomeno catalano. Sono però cittadino europeo, oltre che italiano, e in quanto tale interessato al rispetto della democrazia e dei diritti politici su tutto il nostro continente e oltre. Per tale motivo sono rimasto negativamente impressionato dalla selvaggia repressione scatenata dal governo Rajoy contro milioni di cittadini spagnoli e catalani che stavano semplicemente esercitando in modo pacifico un proprio elementare diritto democratico e cioè dichiarare o meno la loro preferenza per l’instaurazione di una Repubblica catalana indipendente.
Si può in altri termini discettare riguardo alle conseguenze giuridiche di tali atti, che taluni ritengono di nessun rilievo da tale punto di vista. Non si può invece negarne il valore politico né si può accettare la repressione avvenuta quel giorno né la conseguente criminalizzazione del movimento indipendentista, culminata con il mandato d’arresto internazionale, successivamente ritirato, dell’ex presidente catalano con i suoi quattro ministri. Mandando contro una buona parte del popolo catalano che voleva solo votare democraticamente truppe armate di manganelli e pallottole di gomma, il governo spagnolo ha senza dubbio violato la Convenzione europea dei diritti umani, dando un ulteriore pessimo segnale in un’Europa nella quale si moltiplicano inquietanti fenomeni di esaltazione del passato fascista che si sperava e pensava superato per sempre. Un passato fascista che in Spagna ha un solo nome: franchismo.
Tali fenomeni inquietanti hanno peraltro la loro radice nella crescente disaffezione della gente nei confronti della politica e della sua ispirazione generalmente antipopolare in Europa. Peraltro, la stessa consultazione referendaria del primo ottobre ha evidenziato l’esistenza di un malcontento estremamente diffuso, in Catalogna ma probabilmente anche altrove, che parte da un inevitabile giudizio negativo sul governo spagnolo per la corruzione in cui sta affogando e le sue spietate politiche neoliberali, ma esprime anche insoddisfazione e disagio a fronte di un quadro costituzionale che si è rivelato del tutto asfittico e inadeguato. Situazione di grave inadeguatezza, ulteriormente aggravata e evidenziata dall’improvvida decisione della Corte costituzionale sullo statuto catalano, decisione fortemente voluta e ispirata da quello stesso Rajoy.
Significativa appare del resto la circostanza che le organizzazioni colpite dalla repressione abbiano deciso di portare la propria protesta proprio a Bruxelles e cioè nel cuore dell’Europa. Se è vero che proprio l’Europa soffre le stesse malattie dello Stato spagnolo e di altri stati, quali soggezione alle politiche neoliberali e alle lobby che le predicano, corruzione, insufficiente funzionamento dei meccanismi democratici che provoca disaffezione crescente dalla politica e anche rigurgiti di fascismo e di razzismo, è pure vero che essa dovrebbe giocare un ruolo di mediazione politica in situazioni come quella catalana impedendo lo slittamento verso conflitti sempre più aspri e incontenibili. Occorre quindi auspicare che le istituzioni europee, dando senso alla loro stessa esistenza, vogliano accettare un ruolo di promozione del necessario dialogo politico tra il popolo catalano e il governo spagnolo, nel nome dei principi democratici iscritti nei propri trattati istitutivi oltre che, beninteso, del buon senso più elementare.


Catalogna, la cura Rajoy minaccia di uccidere il malato

(Giurista internazionale)
Il primo ministro spagnolo Rajoy ha inventato un nuovo sistema per ottenere la maggioranza in assemblee rappresentative che si mostrino troppo refrattarie ad accettare il verbo governativo. E’ un metodo semplice ed efficace e consiste nell’arrestare o mandare in esilio un numero di deputati della parte avversa sufficiente a farla scendere al di sotto del cinquanta per cento. Il geniale politico in questione sta applicando il metodo in Catalogna, dove il fronte indipendentista, formato da Junts per Catalunya, Esquerra Republicana e CUP ha ottenuto 70 deputati su 135 alle recenti elezioni regionali, ma per effetto della repressione in atto deve al momento rinunciare a otto seggi dato che tre deputati si trovano in galera e cinque all’estero in esilio. Risultato, un abbassamento del numero dei deputati indipendentisti da 70 a 62, al di sotto della maggioranza richiesta di 68 su 135.
La democrazia rappresentativa, autentico feticcio del mondo occidentale in questa fase storica, si trova quindi fortemente falsata e impossibilitata a funzionare e c’è il rischio che, grazie all’iperattivismo di una magistratura che sente ancora il richiamo del franchismo, il governo della Catalogna vada a finire in mano alla leader della formazione destroide neoliberista ed autoritaria Ciudadanos, che esprime la volontà di una netta minoranza della società catalana. Eppure nessuno dice niente. L’Unione europea, nonostante la massiccia manifestazione svoltasi a Bruxelles il 7 dicembre, la più grande mai tenutasi in Belgio, cui ho avuto l’onore di partecipare e di prendere la parola, continua nel suo atteggiamento omertoso. I governi degli Stati che ne fanno parte, pronti a ululare come lupi ogni volta che sotto altri cieli vengono adottate misure secondo loro liberticide, pure. Un autentico capolavoro di ipocrisia è costituito, tanto per fare un esempio, dalla dichiarazione adottata da Alfano due giorni dopo il referendum dell’8 ottobre, che si conclude riaffermando un’aprioristica quanto ingiustificata fiducia nei confronti del governo spagnolo.
Vero è infatti che quest’ultimo si è reso colpevole di gravi violazioni di fondamentali norme europee, a partire da quelle contenute nella Convenzione europea dei diritti umani e delle libertà fondamentali del 1950, perseguendo con il manganello e con la galera un movimento di massa, ben radicato all’interno della società catalana, che voleva esprimere pacificamente il proprio sacrosanto diritto all’autodeterminazione. Il comportamento tenuto dalla polizia spagnola e dai giudici che si sono prestati ad assecondare il disegno neofranchista di Rajoy ha infatti violato vari diritti fondamentali tra i quali quelli alla libertà di espressione del pensiero e di riunione e alla stessa integrità fisica (almeno ottocento feriti) delle persone aggredite come documentato in una denuncia internazionale firmata da oltre cinquecento giuristi. La magistratura continua a prestarsi al disegno repressivo negando da ultimo la libertà provvisoria al deputato Oriol Junqueras che potrebbe candidarsi a presidente della Catalogna.

La realtà è sotto gli occhi di tutti. I partiti indipendentisti chiedono al governo spagnolo un dialogo che quest’ultimo rifiuta. Eppure il quadro costituzionale uscito dagli Accordi della Moncada del 1978 si rivela ogni giorno più ammuffito e inadeguato. Se si vuole salvaguardare l’unità nazionale della Spagna l’unica strada è quella di un autentico processo costituente che vada della ridefinizione in modo adeguato delle garanzie necessarie alla convivenza. Altrimenti non ci sarà alternativa alla secessione della Catalogna e di altre regioni, a cominciare dai Paesi Baschi. Il gioco d’azzardo cui si sta dedicando Rajoy per salvaguardare le proprie poltrone e allontanare l’attenzione dalle accuse di corruzione e dai manifesti fallimenti delle sue politiche di stampo neoliberista produrrà con ogni probabilità un tale esito, non senza rischi gravissimi per la pace e la democrazia in un Paese vitale per l’Europa.
Con ogni evidenza, quindi, la cura Rajoy minaccia di uccidere il malato. E la malattia potrebbe estendersi dalla Catalogna e dalla Spagna all’insieme dell’Europa. Tutti motivi per chiedere con forza la liberazione immediata dei prigionieri politici catalani per permettere un funzionamento adeguato delle istituzioni democratiche sotto attacco.


Handling "big data" is no small feat

Policy-makers and science and industry representatives are discussing how to make large amounts of Earth observation data accessible to a wider user community. To explore this idea, some 250 science, industry and policy-making representatives and national delegates from Europe, the US, Australia, China and Africa met at ESA’s ESRIN centre in Frascati, Italy last week for ESA’s first ‘Big Data from Space’ event.

Representatives from ESA and NASA opened the event together with the European Commission. European Commission Directorates-General for Enterprise and Industry, Research and Innovation and Communications Networks, Content and Technology, along with representatives from the European Environment Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Open Geospatial Consortium acted as session chairs. 

Javier de la Torre, representing the EU BON partner Vizzuality gave a presentation 'Global Deforestation through Timeme: Big Data Meets Scalable Visualizations,' which included some of the work Vizzuality is doing toward the EUBON project.

The event concluded with a strong call by all parties for the ability to handle and use big Earth observing data. This could potentially open new opportunities for research and international cooperation schemes such as programmatic and industrial coordination.




EU BON comes to a formal end, but continues to live through its results

Coming to an end, after 4.5 years of hard work and dedicated research, the FP7-funded project EU BON leaves behind a basket of results to support the Group of Earth Observations (GEO) and assist researchers in their future studies.

The EU BON website will continue to exist and host relevant information for at least the next 5 years to ensure project results are easy to access and reuse, not only by EU BON researchers, but for anyone interested in the project or working in the field.

Among the major outcomes of the project, the biodiversity portal is now complete and will be hosted for the next years by CSIC. All EU BON’s tools, products, services and the Citizen Science gateway can be found there.

Additionally, about 15 of our tools will soon be included in the GEO BON’s BON-in-a-Box to ensure sustainability and exploitation of results.

All EU BON related publications are available via the project’s website. Moreover,  important documents are also in a dedicated piloting RIO Open Science collection, demonstrating how next-generation publishing can ensure sustainability of results coming from along the research cycle, including data, guidelines, infographics and more.

EU BON’s success could not be possible without the professional and friendly team of consortium partners and 33 associated partners, who’ve worked hard together and have contributed in various ways and with different efforts.

Credit: Dirk Schmeller


An Automatic Weighting System for Wild Animals Based in an Artificial Neural Network: How to Weigh Wild Animals without Causing Stress


EltonTraits 1.0: Species-level foraging attributes of the world's birds and mammals


Establishing macroecological trait datasets: digitalization, extrapolation, and validation of diet preferences in terrestrial mammals worldwide


Conservation planning to zone protected areas under optimal landscape management for bird conservation


Fauna Europaea – all European animal species on the web


Putting susceptibility on the map to improve conservation planning, an example with terrestrial mammals


The New Normal

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, scores of colleges and universities in Puerto Rico had to close because of all the damage. Schools on the US mainland, from New York to Florida, wanted to do something to help. So they opened their doors and offered free or discounted tuition to those students from Puerto Rico whose home institutions were closed. One of the first students to take them up on that offer was Rosamari Palerm. She enrolled at St. Thomas University in Miami in late September 2017. But even after a comfortable year in Miami, Rosamari felt homesick and was ready to go back to Puerto Rico.

Also: A study from George Washington University reveals new death toll numbers from Hurricane Maria; A year after Hurricane Harvey, some families in Houston, Texas are still recovering; After Hurricane Maria swept through their hometown, a group of women started cooking meals together for people who didn’t have access to food.

(A man bicycles in an area without grid power or running water about two weeks after Hurricane Maria swept through the island. Credit: Mario Tama/Getty Images)


The Worship Podcast (Episode 9): The Last 50 Years of Worship - Malcolm du Plessis

Malcolm du Plessis has quite an incredible resumé when it comes to worship.  He talks about his background in this episode of The Worship Podcast.  However, he also talks about something - we believe - that is critical for every worship pastor, leader and song writer to understand.

And that is the evolution of worship over the past few decades.  Malcolm has experience and studied knowledge in this area, like few others do.  Listen in today with a close ear, and you may just find some answers to the question, "Why do we do things that way?", you've been asking.


The Worship Podcast is powered by All About Worship (Dustin Smith & James Galbraith) and WeAreWorship (Wisdom Moon & Morgan Shirey).

Subscribe to the podcast and find the show notes: 

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Small Things Vs. Big Things

I heard a sermon the other day that was challenging. You know the ones that speak right to you? Ugh, I hate when they do that. The pastor started saying (paraphrased), “Trying to change the big things in your life ultimately fails. It’s very hard to do and it doesn’t work as well as changing the small or insignificant things. You see, small things/ideas/habits that you can effectively change will build up overtime to become one big massive change. We don’t usually see it until we look back throughout our lives and see how much has altered. So today, based on that, I decided to give some practical small things we can alter today that hopefully over time will become life changing.

1. Prayer.

Ooooh... this is a goody. Naturally, every pastor/leader/teacher/parent/theologian wants you to pray more. But when talking with friends and peers, it actually seems everyone does! So why don’t we? Well, to some, prayer can be daunting. What do I say? Is God really listening? All this takes is a small change. For example, commit to praying for 5 mins alone everyday. Doesn’t matter when, just that you can commit to the 5 minutes. Then after a while, go for 10 minutes. Then go from there. If you want to cultivate that prayer life, start small.

2. Reading

The Bible, John Grisham, or Marie Kondo, I don’t care (well the Bible is something you should read, just sayin’). Start small. Maybe a few verses a day, or a chapter. Build that up over time and don’t allow the excuse of “I have no time” to rule you! I did this many years ago. I committed to read my bible daily, which at that point was a miracle. After one month I was hooked. God began speaking clearly through his word and honestly, life got better. Try it. But start small.

3. Food.

Well, here I go hitting a nerve. Mainly in my right heart valve. Losing weight is hard to do. Working out? Hard to do. Unless.... you start…. small. You’re getting it. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Find a buddy to walk with, or when you go out, only order from the kids meal. Having a community that has your best interests at heart makes this easier, so take the small step and get people together to be active, and stay accountable. Start small and grow from there. I mean, not grow as in waistline... you know what I mean.


I recently started posting random out of context bible verses on my Instagram (@njgalbraith) just as a way to have fun and let others enjoy the process. I’ve received many messages saying this is the highlight of their day! It didn’t take much for me to put it out there (or for you to go watch them) but the small step I took to try and give people some laughs is paying off. Who knows where it will end up, but I started small and am letting God grow it with me. You may have something just like that. That thing that makes people laugh or have fun. Do something small (like send a mass meme text to friends?) and see where the fun takes you!

So start putting these into practice today. Like, right now. NOW. And apply this to anything you have in your life that you want to succeed in. Businesses, relationships, church, anything! Start small, and see where God leads you.


The Watchman: Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin and Kamal Saleem Discuss "The Coalition"

On this week's edition of The Watchman, we're joined by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin of the Family Research Council and Kamal Saleem of Koome Ministries to discuss their thrilling new novel about radical Islam, "The Coalition." Click on the ... ...


How You Can Thrive as a Teen in a Small Church

I’m a small church pastor. That’s where my calling is. I belong in churches where I’ve been to everyone’s house and know their dog’s name. What about my teenaged kids? What’s in it for them? If you are a teenager, is there a small church blessing for you? I talked to my teens, did a little research, gave it some thought and prayer, and here’s what I came up with: four big benefits to “teening” in a small church (a phrase which my 14-year-old said was “corny, but fun”). If you’re a small...


Eye-To-Eye Animal Encounters

There's a certain a kind of visual encounter that can be life changing: A cross-species gaze. The experience of looking directly into the eyes of an animal in the wild, and seeing it look back. It happens more often than you’d think and it can be so profound, there’s a name for it: eye-to-eye epiphany. So what happens when someone with feathers or fur and claws looks back? How does it change people, and what can it teach us?

Human identity cannot be separated from our nonhuman kin. From forest ecology to the human microbiome, emerging research suggests that being human is a complicated journey made possible only by the good graces of our many companions. In partnership with the Center for Humans and Nature and with support from the Kalliopeia Foundation, To The Best Of Our Knowledge is exploring this theme of "kinship" in a special radio series.

Original Air Date: February 08, 2020


Gavin Van Horn — Jenny Kendler — Ivan Schwab — Jane Goodall — Alan Lightman

Interviews In This Hour:

In The Eye Of The Osprey: A Physicist's Wild Epiphany — 100 Bird Eyes Are Watching You — The Look That Changed Primatology — Watching the Fierce Green Fire Die: Animal Gazes That Shaped Conservation Movements — The 600 Million Year History Of The Eye — 'We Are The Feast' — A Feminist Philosopher's Life-Changing Encounter With A Crocodile — How Do You Practice Kinship? A Brief Meditation — Sharing Eye-To-Eye Epiphanies With The Animal World

Further Reading:

"The Disruptive Eye" by Gavin Van Horn"6 a.m. on LaSalle Street" by Katherine Cummings"Salmon Speak ~ Why Not Earth?" by Bron Taylor"The Eyes of an Owl" by Greg Ripley"From Bestiary" by Elise Paschen


Thermal Mass

Canopy walkway connections with structural thermal breaks support LEED Certification and contribute to an estimated annual energy cost savings of $300,000.


Three R’s and a Small Bite

It’s No Secret That Global Temperature Has Been Increasing And Increasing, And Eifs And Stucco Claddings Are Inherent To Solving This Problem. 


Female charity chiefs hitting ‘concrete ceiling’ as gender pay gap at 10-year high

The gap reached 14 per cent last year, research from the charity leaders body Acevo shows


Third Sector Awards 2019: Small Charity, Big Achiever - The Children's Sleep Charity

Awarded to an organisation with an income of less than £500,000 a year that has made a significant impact with its work


Manufactured Structural Thermal Break Element

Isokorb is an off-the-shelf solution to thermal bridging in the building envelope.


Taking a Small Leap into Construction Automation

For some in the construction industry, automation has become synonymous with job-killing robots.


For Greener Communities, Local Leaders Should Think Big — and Small

In towns and smaller cities nationwide, local governments are looking for ways to implement greener operations and promote sustainability initiatives that will benefit their communities in a changing climate. But faced with finite resources and an urgent need to act, where should these municipal leaders start?


Ware Malcomb Names Nick Watkins Director of Workplace Strategy

Ware Malcomb announced Oct. 1 that Nick Watkins has joined the firm as director of workplace strategy. In this role, Watkins will lead Ware Malcomb’s strategy and change management services for clients in multiple practice areas across the firm.


Fundraiser of the Week: Emma Malcolm of the Macular Society

The director of fundraising and marketing on the challenges of raising money for a condition few know much about


Small businesses underrepresented in rulemaking process, report says

Washington – Health and safety standards could be weakened in certain cases because small businesses have been left out of the federal rulemaking process, according to a report from the Center for Effective Government.


OSHA seeks volunteers to assist small business panel on emergency response

Washington — OSHA is planning to convene a small business panel on Oct. 4 to discuss a potential standard on emergency response, the Small Business Administration has announced.


TSA delays lift on small-knife ban

Washington – The Transportation Security Administration has delayed changes to its aircraft prohibited items list that would have allowed certain small knives in carry-on luggage beginning April 25.