
~$CPIL$368467$title$textbox$Immunovaccine Announces Achievement of Milestones in Collaboration with Zoetis to Develop Veterinary Vaccines$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$372147$title$textbox$Conversations with Veterinarians in Florida and Texas: During Irma and Post Harvey$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$372149$title$textbox$American Humane announces 2017 Hero Veterinarian, Veterinary Technician Award winners$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$372154$title$textbox$Zoetis PRRS Vaccine Gains Approval in Europe$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$372153$title$textbox$American Humane Names Hero Veterinarian, Technician and Working Dogs$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$372152$title$textbox$Attention, Working Moms: These are the 100 Best Companies to Work For$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$372151$title$textbox$Top 10 Best Companies for Working Mothers$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$372150$title$textbox$Wicklow Site Acquisition Part of Wider Irish Expansion Plan - Zoetis$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$372156$title$textbox$Beyond Blue and Zoetis: Rural Mental Health Support$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$372155$title$textbox$Ag's Mission to Feed the World Wouldn't be Possible Without Modern Technology Says Gary Sides$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$372157$title$textbox$Three-pronged E. coli Strategy to Help Cut Losses, Improve Profitability$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$376508$title$textbox$Treatment for Dogs Alleviates Fear of Noisy Fireworks$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$376507$title$textbox$Drug that Calms Dogs for Bonfire Night Noise Now on Prescription from Vets $/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$376510$title$textbox$For Aspiring Vets, Jobs are Aplenty - Demand Set to Rise 18% in 10 Years$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$376509$title$textbox$Video: Where the Jobs Are$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$378388$title$textbox$Zoetis accepting research grant proposals on controlling parasitic disease$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$382068$title$textbox$Zoetis colleagues give back during the holidays$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$382066$title$textbox$Dogs bring 'a little light' into 'nightmare' of childhood cancer$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$384904$title$textbox$Vanguard Rapid Resp: First Vaccines to Provide 1-Year Immunity from 3 CIRDs$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$384903$title$textbox$Zoetis launches new vaccine for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$386344$title$textbox$Q&A with an inspiring woman: Betty Mason$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$387499$title$textbox$Simparica now licensed for more mites$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$387498$title$textbox$U.S. Agriculture Secretary praises animal health work in Kalamazoo$/CPIL$~


~$CPIL$387500$title$textbox$Therapy Dogs Reduce Stress in Families of Pediatric Patients$/CPIL$~


Merge BBOX in hierarchical layout

Hi Team,

Problem Statement:In hierarchical layout, I want to get BBOX of particular layer without actually flattening the layout.

Description:The layer can be at any hierarchical depth i.e both from PCELL or shapes but at top level if they are overlapping then I want the merged BBOX.

Now, I am able to get BBOX of all the shapes present at different hierarchy.But i finding issue in merging BBOX.

Please can help me on the same issue as I require efficient way to merge the BBOX because list containing the BBOX is huge.

Thanks in advance.




Displaying contents of a modeless dialog box during execution of a SKILL script

I have a modeless informational dialog box defined at the beginning of a SKILL script, but its contents don't display until the script finishes.

How do you get a modeless dialog box contents to display while a SKILL script is running?



     hiDisplayAppDBox()    ; opens blank dialog box - no dboxText contents show until script completes! of SKILL code in script...launches child processes




Tango DropBox 3.1.5 Active-X Heap Spray

Tango DropBox active-x heap spray exploit that leverages a vulnerability in the COM component used eSellerateControl350.dll ( method of the GetWebStoreURL member. Affects versions 3.1.5 and PRO.


Hack In The Box Heading To Holland


Dynamic MessageBoxA||W PEB And Import Table Method Shellcode

232 bytes small Dynamic MessageBoxA||W PEB and Import Table Method shellcode.


velBox 1.2 Insecure Cookie Handling

velBox version 1.2 suffers from an insecure cookie handling vulnerability.


TrixBox CE Command Execution

This Metasploit module exploits an authenticated OS command injection vulnerability found in Trixbox CE versions 1.2.0 through inclusive in the network POST parameter of the /maint/modules/endpointcfg/endpoint_devicemap.php page. Successful exploitation allows for arbitrary command execution on the underlying operating system as the asterisk user. Users can easily elevate their privileges to the root user however by executing sudo nmap --interactive followed by !sh from within nmap.


Microsoft Windows .Reg File / Dialog Box Message Spoofing

The Windows registry editor allows specially crafted .reg filenames to spoof the default registry dialog warning box presented to an end user. This can potentially trick unsavvy users into choosing the wrong selection shown on the dialog box. Furthermore, we can deny the registry editor its ability to show the default secondary status dialog box (Win 10), thereby hiding the fact that our attack was successful.


Cisco Device Hardcoded Credentials / GNU glibc / BusyBox

Many Cisco devices such as Cisco RV340, Cisco RV340W, Cisco RV345, Cisco RV345P, Cisco RV260, Cisco RV260P, Cisco RV260W, Cisco 160, and Cisco 160W suffer from having hard-coded credentials, known GNU glibc, known BusyBox, and IoT Inspector identified vulnerabilities.


Box Adds Automated Malware Detection To Box Shield


Amiga Launches A $2,500 Quad-Core Lunchbox PC


Windows Mobile 6.5 MessageBox Shellcode

Windows Mobile version 6.5 TR (WinCE 5.2) MessageBox shellcode for ARM.


XBOX 360 Aurora 0.6b Default Credentials / FTP Bruteforcer

XBOX 360 Aurora version 0.6b default credential FTP bruteforcing script.


W Motors lends help in Genius Garage's Porsche Boxster Lykan Hypersport conversion

A build team in Ohio is in the process of turning an old Porsche Boxster into a supercar that was limited to just seven units worldwide and originally priced at $3.4 million. The car we're talking about is the W Motors Lykan Hypersport that bowed in 2013, and a replica was recently acquired by a workshop in Bowling Green, Ohio. The replica was...


Article: Pre-ticked boxes aren’t “consent” for cookie placement

CJEU Ruling on Cookies On 1 October 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) gave a preliminary ruling1  on questions referred from the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice in Germany) that:   Consent is not validly ...


Global Automated Blood Tube Labeler & Specimen Transport Box Industry

(MENAFN - GlobeNewsWire - Nasdaq) New York, May 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Global Automated Bl... ......


Microsoft Just Showed An Uncomfortable Truth About The Xbox Series X And PS5

Diminishing returns mean that Xbox Series X and PS5 just won't be able to wow us with visuals the way previous generations had. ......


Russell Crowe reveals his Hollywood friend told him 'Gladiator' was going to fail at box office

Russell Crowe reveals his Hollywood friend told him 'Gladiator' was going to fail at box office


Covid-19 challenges: Imran stresses out-of-box solutions

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday said out-of-box solutions were needed to meet the present day economic challenges in the wake of COVID-19 situation.He was chairing a meeting to review the economic situation and future outlook of economy in the wake of COVID-19 situation. A detailed...


COVID-19 challenges: Imran stresses out-of-box solutions

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday said out-of-box solutions were needed to meet the present day economic challenges in the wake of COVID-19 situation.He was chairing a meeting to review the economic situation and future outlook of economy in the wake of COVID-19 situation.A detailed...


COVID-19 challenges: PM Imran Khan stresses out-of-box solutions

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday said out-of-box solutions were needed to meet the present day economic challenges in the wake of COVID-19 situation.He was chairing a meeting to review the economic situation and future outlook of economy in the wake of COVID-19 situation.A detailed...