
Daily Digest: Zoox ditches the driver's seat; 'Doctor in a box' startup shuts down

Good morning, Bay Area. Prepare for more rain Wednesday as a cold front pushes across California's north coast. And if you are flying, expect more confusion over the name of the airport that resides in Oakland. A federal judge granted an injunction to stop Oakland's airport from calling itself the San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport, a move that rankled San Francisco International airport, who sued claiming the name change would cause confusion. Mark Calvey has more. In stock news, Instacart…


Kanguva Box Office Prediction: வேட்டையன் முதல் நாள் வசூலை முந்துமா கங்குவா?.. வசூல் கணிப்பு இதோ!

சென்னை: சூர்யா நடிப்பில் பிரம்மாண்ட படமாக 300 கோடிக்கும் அதிகமான பட்ஜெட்டில் உருவாகியுள்ள கங்குவா படத்தின் டிக்கெட் புக்கிங் தொடங்கி சூடுபிடிக்கத் தொடங்கியுள்ளது. தமிழ்நாட்டில் பல்வேறு தியேட்டர்களில் அதிக எண்ணிக்கையிலான டிக்கெட் புக்கிங் நடைபெற்று வருகிறது. ஆந்திராவிலும் கங்குவா படத்துக்கு நல்ல வரவேற்பு டிக்கெட் புக்கிங்கில் தெரிகிறது. ஸ்டூடியோ க்ரீன் தயாரிப்பில் உருவாகியுள்ள இந்த படத்தை சிறுத்தை


This actor was offered Rs 20000000000 for a role in blockbuster that earned Rs 250000000000 at box office; here's why

This actor rejected a role worth Rs 2000 crore in the world's highest-grossing film ever.


Napkins and geometry boxes distributed to sanitary workers


Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Threatened by Apple and Google?

Since the announcement of the next generation gaming consoles from Microsoft and Sony that we have been watching a massive fight between the companies on who is the best, which one does this and that, trying to mold the general public opinion. So far, it seems that Playstation 4 is gaining ground over Xbox One among the public, in an attempt to control the game console market. But are these two t...


FTS Box 4.0

FTS (From the Shadows) recently released their newest episode, Box 4.0. Man, these guys keep getting better and better. Yoshi and Robert are on this one.

Topics Covered in Box 4.0
ATSAC - LA Traffic Control
Make virtual drives to run your PC games directly from a hard drive (Robert)
Remove scratches from iPods and PSP screens ;-) (Yoshi)
Use a traffic pre-emption device to force traffic lights to change from red to green

Box 4.0 is one of the best episodes of FTS. Can't wait for 5.0.


eM Client Acquires Postbox Inc., Expanding Its Reach to a Broader User Base


Podatności w otwartoźródłowym projekcie Phoniebox

W ramach badań własnych CERT Polska znalazł 2 podatności (CVE-2024-3798 oraz CVE-2024-3799) w otwartoźródłowym projekcie Phoniebox.


6 Ways to Think Outside the Box When Marketing Your Small Business

Sometimes budget limits small businesses from executing their marketing ideas, but not every successful strategy requires a lot of money. Here are six outside the box ways to market your small business that are both inexpensive and effective.

1. Get personal.

complete article


Unboxing the most expensive book I have ever paid for...

I just filmed a little unboxing-and-enthusing video. It's for the 25th Anniversary editions of Little, Big or, The Fairies' Parliament, by John Crowley. Illustrated (or rather, with Art by) Peter Milton. 

Most of the edition was pre-sold long ago, but a few hundred remain. You can buy them at and they will go too fast. It was, I would hazard, worth waiting the extra 15 years for. 

My essay is on the dust-jacket of the Green edition. Lots more information about all of this to be found at

(And to clarify, it's the most expensive book I've ever paid for, because of the reasons explained in Ron Drummond's blog at, and not because you have to pay that price to get it. For you, it's $135 until there aren't any left and then watch rare book dealers make a killing on the copies they bought...)

And no, the actual copies HAVE NOT YET SHIPPED. This is an advance copy for me to inspect.


Also, I'm now on Mastodon. Follow me at -- and there's an invitation waiting for you at My first ever Mastodon post has a Good Omens photo from yesterday. Expect more mysterious backstage photos there -- and here -- for a while...


And Prospero broke his soap box

I may have bored everyone to death about this topic, but I have my last exam tomorrow, so here is my final thought about what distinguishes science. Most of the descriptions of science that I know of don’t really explain how science progresses without falling into a quaint mythology about approaching some metaphysical truth. Kuhn doesn’t, Popper doesn’t, Pierre Duhem doesn’t, and I myself have neglected to account for it to some extent.

I think the key is that science, at least experimental science, is essentially concerned with predicting the future. Every hypothesis, in essence, is a prediction about the future. What distinguishes science from other forms of prediction is the emphasis on verification, the insistence on framing predictions in such a way that when they are tested they can be decisively answered positively or negatively. In other, the goal is not to not be wrong but to achieve a definitive positive answer. Even a definite negative answer is preferable to none at all.

Some philosophers, like Duhem, claim that individual hypotheses can neither be verified nor falsified, because a whole body of theories and assumptions lies behind, and is implicated in, every hypothesis, and thus one can never be sure just what has been validated or failed. While that’s true, it is also nonetheless true that when the result of an experiment does not match a hypothetical prediction the hypothesis has been proven invalid as it stands. In other words, no matter what went wrong, the body of theories and assumptions that led to the hypothesis do not work as they now stand. Thus, things will have to be changed until they produce accurate predictions. Conversely, if a hypotheis is corroborated with a positive answer, the theories behind it stand validated until a hypothesis receives a negative answer.

In other words, experimentation does not serve to lead by induction to new theories, but rather theories serve to make possible specific predictions about the future which can be verified decisively. This at least is the goal. The goal is not a description which is true or corresponds to the truth, or at least that is not the immediate goal. When the facts or events are given, anyone can interpret them, and the fact that these events are known can mask the relative merits of the theory which interprets them. The idea that theories are validated by their correspondence to experimental results is tautological: the first condition of any theory is that it accounts for the experimental results that gave rise to it. But the only way to determine whether it is simply a theory to fit the facts or whether it is truly generalizable is to test it against unknown facts via prediction. Of course, predictions are almost always only approximately true, so the specific point of acceptability is not provided for by the general concept, but, at least in theory, decisive verification of predictions provides a simple, clear, and immensely useful criterion by which to evaluate theories. In my opinion, this explains much of the evolutionary capacity of science (I mean evolution in the more contemporary sense of diversification and selection rather than the old idea of teleological perfectibility).

If experimental prediction is the mark of science, this leaves the question of whether purely descriptive disciplines like zoology and areas like quantum theory where predictions are inherently statistical and ambiguous are scientific. Zoology and the like I think are, because hypothetical prediction inherently implies classification. In other words, by saying “under these conditions, such an event will happen,” one classifies, in other words sets parameters. The goal of zoology seems to be not simply to describe members of a group but to describe all the characteristics which define the group, set the parameters of the group, which is the first step towards making predictions about the group. So it is an element of science, but incomplete. As for quantum, I avow my profound ignorance of it, so let my opinion be taken in that light. As far as I understand, the stastical laws in that realm allow predictions in aggregate, so I am inclined to view it as still within the domain of science, at least in spirit, but of course the lack of decisiveness of statistical predictions gravely weakens the predictive power of science in this area, and I have already suggested that the rise of relativity and quantum in my view are intimately tied to the waning of the scientific age. Finally, it should be noted that while making correct predictions is the goal of science, that should be qualified by saying that the predictions are intended to answer general questions concerning the nature of things and establish specific knowledge. Optics or engineering, for example, are not science, although they once were, because all the major questions have been answered, and they no longer concern gaining further knowledge of the future and the universe, but rather in applying that knowledge to constructing specific objects.

So the goal and value of science is in predicting, and thus establishing knowledge of, the future, and the scientific method is the means of arriving at correct predictions. This is not to discard my earlier contention about the ideological basis of science, because the efficacy of prediction is based on the relative value of induction, and successful induction relies on the essential regularity and stability of the universe. In other words, in order to draw a general theory from a specific experimental result and vice versa, the universe must be considered as basically the same everywhere and at every time, which in turn implies that it be material, matter being defined as that which cannot change itself and is therefore static. It seems to me that if in quantum theory, for example, phenomena become genuinely dependent on the observeer in ways that are neither generalizable nor predicatable, it cannot continue to remain truly a science. It would seem to me that the branches of physics which are entirely theoretical are for practical purposes basically metaphysics.

This model depends on a linear notion of time. It might seem the opposite, that if the physical laws are eternal and universal time is actually opposed to this insofar as it represents dynamism, change. But in reality the sameness of the universe upon which science is predicated is not a a sameness at any particular moment, but rather a sameness of behavior. In other words, a view of the universe from a materialist perspective at any given moment shows that everything in the univese is different in the sense of being distinct. However, the idea is that under the same conditions all matter (or whatever you call the fundamental substances) will act in the same way. Without the steady march of time, this unity of behavior disappears, and there are simply a million disparate entities. Thus, space (and time) as properties of the universe are essential to science.

As for what the value of science is, I’m afraid I can’t generalize about that. From reading my recent posts one can most likely guess at my views, but I will simply say that one’s view of the efficacy of science in making the universe understandable will probably depend on entirely on whether one a) believes that linear time is a real property of the universe and b) if so, whether true induction is possible.

p.s. I should note that Henri Poincaré anticipates me in seeing the epistemological value of science as consisting mainly of its ability to make predictions rather than its descriptive correspondence to reality. However, he also thinks that theories are conventions and definitions of concepts, not true descriptions of physical phenomena based necessarily on experimental results. He thinks the conjunction of these two make theories relatively independent of their experimental bases, which he regards as a good thing because it creates a body of stable principles in which we can trust. I think that that is neither true nor a good value. The emphasis is on predicting correctly, not creating stable beliefs (if you want unchanging beliefs, what not join the Church?), and if generating true predictions is the goal, theories should be more rather than less sensitive to their experimental roots.

p.p.s. Since my exam was about scientific laws and causality, I should add that while scientific activity depends on a belief in time, not all scientific theories do: the law of conservation of energy, for example, I believe is essentially atemporal.


The Man With The Magic Box

Rent It

In 10 Words or Less

A beautiful, complicated sci-fi political statement

The Movie

It's not necessary to have a working knowledge of Poland's recent political history to get the point of The Man with the Magic...Read the entire review


viskoffer engelse continental box

engelse continental box. oersterk en gebruikt maar nog wel goed.compleet met aasbak hengelsteun (links en rechts te plaatsen) en draagriem en paraplu steun aan achterzijde bovenkant bestaat uit 3 laden twee aan de voorkant en een aan de zijkant en onder het kussen is ruimte voor bv tuigen.onderbak kan worden gebruikt als koelboxalu poten zijn in hoogte verstelbaarbox blijft zelfs drijvenbovenkant is afneembaar en te gebruiken op een techniworks feederplateaui.v.m. de omvang alleen ophalen


Coon-Sanders in the National Jukebox

In 1929, the Coon-Sanders Nighthawk Orchestra did "Alone in the Rain", the first section of which became part of Mazeppa's opening theme. Hear their 1924 recording of "Night hawk blues" in GroupBlog 326. It's from "The National Jukebox", the Library of Congress' new, free audio archive online.


British Maltese Biker Cross Tile Box

British Union Jack Flag Maltese Biker Cross Tile Box for those that are into British motorcycles and choppers like Triumph, Norton and BSA - British Union Jack Maltese Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross t-shirts, sweatshirts and other cool stuff for British bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists and fans of British motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for fans or riders of Triumph, Norton and BSA or custom built choppers and motorcycles.


Jesus Is My Happiness Tile Box

This Tile Box can help you share the message of peace, love, hope, and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior - Is Jesus your happiness? Does Jesus make you smile? Does Jesus fill you with happiness? Does having Jesus within you and Jesus' arms around you bring you peace and security? Does the knowledge of Christ in your heart and life bring you joy? Whatever the reason is that Jesus Christ's salvation, love, peace, grace and mercy does for you, you know it is great, warm, wonderful, full of His love and makes you smile. The fish with a smiley face in the middle can mean several things to different people. It can mean "Jesus is my happiness", it can mean "Jesus the hope of glory" or "There is true happiness only through Jesus", "With Jesus, don't worry only be happy". Whatever it is to you, you can help share the message of peace, love and happiness that can only be found in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior with the Christian fish symbol and the classic smiley face in the middle.


Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Tile Box

The Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross Tile Box is for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings - The Playing Card Ace Biker Iron Maltese Cross for bikers, chopper riders, custom bike builders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and anyone else who enjoys the freedom that motorcycling brings


3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Tile Box

3D Biohazard Warning Symbol Tile Box - The Industrial 3D Biohazard Warning Symbol is for you if you are potentialy bio-hazzardous to others or a great gift for those that could be potentially bio-dangerous. After all this is the symbol for a biohazard, or a material which represents a threat to cellular materials or living organisms.


Smiley Face Tile Box

Share the warmth and happiness of a friendly smile with all those around you with this Smiley Face Tile Box - It's back! The ever popular, the ever lovable, the ever friendly the totally universal smiley face is back once again. Only this time it's in the new and improved wonderful and modern 3d design. Maybe your face isn't always shining with a smile, even if you are smiling inside, but this design will help you share your internal or external smile. People around you and those that see you will more than likely grin and smile back at you as they see the smile that you are sporting on your shirt, coffee cup or other 3d smiley face designed accessory. Share the warmth and happiness of a friendly smile with all those around you directly and indirectly.


For Amusement Only Tile Box

With this Tile Box you can proudly announce that you are to be used for amusement purposes only - Are you not to be taken seriously? Are you only to be used for amusement purposes only? Do you know someone that is to be used only for your or someone else's amusement? Then these are for you!


Bikers Have More Fun Than People Do Tile Box

Bikers Have More Fun Than People Do Tile Box - Bikers Have More Fun Than People Do Mega Cool Shirts, Sweatshirts, Clocks, Stickers, Mugs And More. Excellent gifts for all bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists, motorcycle enthusiasts and fans of all motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings.


Bowling Therapy Tile Box

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Bowling Tile Box - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's bowling. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about life is to head to the bowling alley and knockdown some pins. There's just something about rolling a bowling ball down the lane, hearing the crash of the pins as they plow into each other to release tension and stress.


Caffeine Molecule Tile Box

This Tile Box shows that you are proud to be powered by the caffeine molecule trimethylxanthine also known by its chemical formula of C8H10N4O2. - Yes, it's true; caffeine makes the world go around. Whether it’s in coffee, soda, energy drink or whatever, it seems that caffeine keeps everything going. If you are one of those people (or knows someone that is) that gets their energy and staying power from the caffeine molecule trimethylxanthine also known by its chemical formula of C8H10N4O2 then you need this 3d design of the caffeine molecule structure.


Canadian Biker Cross Tile Box

Tile Box Featuring the Canadian Flag Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross - A maltese biker cross made from the Canadian flag for those bikers, chopper riders and motorcylists that are proud to be from Canada as they ride their motorcycles, scooters, choppers and bikes not only in Canada, but around the world. Makes an excellent gift for anyone that is from Canada, is Canadian and loves the freedom that can only be found on two wheels.


Chocolate Therapy Tile Box

This Tile Box will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Christian Maltese Biker Cross Tile Box

Tile Box with the Christian biker maltese iron cross shows your faith in Christianity while showing your love of motorcycles and the freedom that both Jesus and motorcycling brings - The Christian biker maltese iron cross style cross will help you show the world your faith and belief in Christianity and at the same time show your love for motorcycles and the freedom that both Jesus Christ and motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for Christian motorcyclists, bikers, motorcyclists, motorcycle riders, and anyone else that believes in Christianity and likes Harley Davidsons, Triumphs or any other motorcycle, choppers.



Label yourself or someone you know with the DANGER: HOT 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Tile Box to alert others to how hot you are or they are - Are you hot? Are you so hot, that you are dangerously hot? Maybe you are so dangerously hot that you deserve your own warning sign to alert others to how hot you are. On the other hand... Do you know someone that is hot? Do you know someone that is so extremely hot that they are dangerously hot? Maybe you know that they are so hot that you would like to give them their own danger warning sign to show them how hot you think they are.


Danger: Flammable Gas Tile Box

This DANGER: Flammable Gas Tile Box will help give a clear warning to all and get some laughs in return - Give everyone a clear warning of impending the impending possible danger of flammable gas and get many laughs in return with these "DANGER: Flammable Gas" Industrial 3D Metal Style Danger Sign items. They also make an excellent gag gift!


For Rent Sign Tile Box

Announce that either you, your tile box or both are now available for rent, hire or to be used temporarily (for a fee of course). - Are you available for rent, hire, to be used temporarily (for a fee of course) for whatever occasion or event? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it’s your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for rent.


For Sale Sign Tile Box

Announce that either you, your tile box or both are now available for for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently. - Are you available for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently (for a fee of course)? Or, maybe you are just after making a couple extra bucks and it really isn’t you for rent, but it's your shirt, coffee cup or mouse pad that is for sale, to be had, owned or used permanently.


I Feel Much Better Tile Box

Proudly announce to the world, "I Feel Much Better, Since I Gave Up Hope" with this Tile Box - Are you tired of looking forward to things only to have plans fall apart? Do you try to see the bright side of life, only to see even darker clouds? As you attempt to get closer to your dreams and desires, do they seem to get farther away? Whenever you anticipate something good to happen, do you get crushed in the end? Then maybe you will feel better if you just gave up hope and be able to proudly announce to the world, "I Feel Much Better, Since I Gave Up Hope". Think about it, it may be the only way to go, without hope, there is no more let downs or disappointments. After giving up hope you will feel better, because there will no longer be any expectations for anything good to happen, so everything will be either good or business as usual.


Golf Therapy Tile Box

This Tile Box proclaims that for you, playing golf is so much better and heathier than visiting with any kind of therapist - It's very true; sometimes the best way to work things out mentally is to get out on the golf course for a few hours and wack that little white ball for a few hours. There is just something about getting out in the open, breathing in the fresh air and going for a walk along the 18 holes of a beautiful golf course focusing your mind and energy on hitting that great next shot to clear your mind of other distractions and problems of life. It is amazing how solutions to some of life's problems can just appear to you when you get your mind off of them when you can step away from them and concentrate in a relaxing way to other things, like playing a round of golf. No matter how well you play, "For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's golf".


Handle With Care Warning Tile Box

WARNING: Handle With Care Tile Box - WARNING: Handle With Care 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Coffee Cups, T-Shirts, SweatShirts, Mousepads and MORE!


I'm Not Old, I'm Retro Tile Box

With this Tile Box, you can declare to your self that you are stylish, hip, cool, youthful and comfortable with whom you are by saying, "I am Not Old... I'm... Retro". - I am not old! I am Retro! Do you think you are old? Have you ever felt old? Just remember, you are only as old as you feel, you are only old if you let yourself feel old. Nowadays, with retro styles, retro attitudes and all things of the past being very hip, cool and popular, it is even easier not to feel old and not be old. Now is your chance to declare to yourself and to the world that you are not old. Declare to your self that you are stylish, hip, cool and comfortable with whom you are by saying, "I am Not Old... I'm... Retro". After all, you are not old, you are retro!


Jesus Therapy Tile Box

With this Tile Box you can share with the world that Jesus Christ is your therapist, He is better than any therapy that has ever existed, He is your healer, your counselor, and your guide. - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's Jesus. Trusting, believing and following Jesus Christ is better than anything that any therapist can do. When we allow Jesus to be our guide, our counselor, and friend we know that all things through Him will be full of peace, love, happiness and genuine satisfaction because it will be right. The personal pressure it takes off our shoulders is awesome when we trust in Jesus, because we no longer have to worry about doing anything, except believe in Him and His promises and allow Him to work out everything else. It is an awesome and wonderful feeling to allow Christ to be our therapist, counselor and guide by just asking Him how we should be and seeking His advice in the Bible. Everything else is up to Him to do, it doesn't get much better than that! And to think that His love, His advice, His salvation, His healing is all completely free, all we need to do is ask for it and believe in Him.


No Evil, No Fun Tile Box

This Tile Box announces that there just isn't any fun in not seeing any evil, hearing any evil or speaking any evil. - See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil? Where is the fun in that? Evil or not, you have got to have some kind of fun sometime. Ok, maybe fun doesn't have to be evil, but sometimes being a little bit evil or sarcastic can be fun.


American Maltese Cross Tile Box

Old Glory Maltese Biker Chopper Cross Tile Box for American bikers, chopper riders and motorcylists - American Old Glory Maltese Biker Maltese Iron Chopper Cross t-shirts, sweatshirts and other mega cool stuff for American bikers, chopper riders, motorcyclists and fans of American motorcycles and the freedom motorcycling brings. Excellent gift for fans or riders of Harley-Davidson, Indian, Buell, Boss Hoss, Victory, American Ironhorse, Big Dog, Titan or custom built choppers and motorcycles.


No, Nein, Non, Nyet, Nope Tile Box

Just like the Tile Box says, "No!". I said no and that's all there is to it. End of discussion, No, and that's final. - No! Whatever it is, no. No, as in no way, forget about it, not going to happen. I said, no. No, and that’s final. It doesn’t matter what it is you want, no. When I say no, I mean no! I don’t care what you think you need, no. Don’t even bother to ask, because the answer is no. I don’t even care what the question is, the answer is no. No, Nadda, Nein, Non, Nyet, No Way, Not a chance, Forget about it, Don’t even think about it, Never, Not now, Not ever. No means no. And, not only no, but heck no!


Contents Under Pressure Tile Box

WARNING: Contents Under Pressure Tile Box - Maybe either you or someone you know is under constant stress, pressure or suffers form anxiety attacks and needs to let everyone else around know that they could be approaching a bit of a dangerous situation if messed with too much. The "WARNING: Contents Under Pressure" 3d industrial metal style caution danger sign could be the notice that either you or that someone else in your life needs.


Do Not Operate Warning Tile Box

WARNING: Do Not Operate Without Proper Protection Tile Box - "WARNING: Do Not Operate Without Proper Protection" 3D Industrial Metal Style Caution Danger Sign Shirts, T-Shirts, Coffee Cups and More!


Read Instructions First Tile Box

WARNING: Read Instructions Before Operating Tile Box - WARNING: Read Instructions Before Operating 3D Industrial Metal Style Sign Shirts, Sweatshirts, Coffee Cups, Mousepads and MORE!


Shopping Therapy Tile Box

This Tile Box will help you tell the world that shopping is much better than therapy. Nothing may be more satisfying for the mind and soul than a few hours or an entire day shopping. - Are you a shop-aholic? Is shopping one of your favorite things to do? Is hopping a hobby for you? Maybe you are the kind of person that shopping helps sooth your mind and soul. Maybe you feel so much better after a day or even a couple hours of shopping whether it is visiting your favorite store, going to the mall or even shopping online. If any of these statements ring true for you then you need to get a “For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Shopping” shirt, mousepad or coffee cup. Spread the word that shopping is much better than therapy.


No Longer A Danger To Society Tile Box

The No Longer A Danger To Society Tile Box will help you reassure the world that you are No Longer A Danger To Society - Are you reformed? Are you no longer a threat or danger to society? Are you now a person that is safe for society, maybe an asset to society? Whatever the case may be, make sure the entire world knows that you are "No Longer A Danger To Society".


Evil Genius Tile Box

With the Evil Genius Tile Box you will be letting everyone know that not only are you super intelligent, but you have a brain, and you're not afraid to use it! - Are you smart? Are you a genius? Have you made plans to try to take over the world? Would you like to try to rule the universe? Is global domination your goal? Do you long for evil minions? Do you have a brain, and you're not afraid to use it? If you answered yes (or even maybe) to any of the above questions, then the Evil Genius design is for you. It also makes an excellent gift for anyone else you may know that is ingenious with a slight hint of crafty mischievousness or arrogance about them.


The Flying Monkeys Made Me Do It Tile Box

This Tile Box lets everyone know whose fault it really was, the flying monkeys made you do it - It's absolutely true. It's not really your fault. In fact, even though you were the one that actually did do it, it still isn't your fault at all. Of course you shouldn't take responsibility for what happened, you just couldn't help yourself. But, first and foremost when you do get blamed, make sure you point the blame in the right direction. It's not the dog's fault nor is it the fault of the voices in your head that you have been listening too, nor was it the ghost of Elvis, and the devil definitely didn't make you do it either. Certainly, that can only leave one option left, the ones that are truly behind it all, the flying monkeys. That's absolutely right. It was the flying monkeys that made you do it. Now is your chance to fianlly reveal the truth of who's really behind it all.


Motorcycle Therapy Tile Box

For Some There's Therapy, For The Rest Of Us There's Motorcycles Tile Box - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's motorcycles. Sometimes the best way escape reality a little bit to relax, unwind, think about and make sense of life is to hop on our motorcycle and head for the open road whether it's through the twisties of a canyon or mountain or the open desert highway. The freedom and peace of being at one with a machine and the open road is therapy that is almost unequalled by anything else. So, forget the shrink. Forget the counselors. Forget the psychiatrists. Forget the therapists. Relieve the stress, makes some sense out of life, grin from ear to ear. Just get on your bike and ride.


Legalize Freedom Tile Box

Show your support for freedom of thoughts and actions with the Tile Box - Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, it just doesn't seem to matter much any more. They all are trying to pass more laws one way or another to dictate how we think, how we live, restricting how they think we should think and how they think we should live. It doesn't matter anymore if you agree with conservative or liberal ideals. Having different ideas, thoughts and attitudes is what use to make the United States terrific. We didn't use to have the politicians shoving their personal beliefs down our throats. We use to be able think and act for ourselves. We use to be able to be responsible for our own lives and our own decisions. Freedom use to be legal. Freedom of choice use to mean something. The freedom to choose anything is almost non-existent anymore. Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Liberal, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, it just doesn't matter any more, all of their beliefs that they try passing laws on telling us how to think, breath and live will only lead to one thing eventually... socialism and communism... UNLESS it is stopped before it is too late. Legalize Freedom! Enough is enough already!! Stop restricting us! Stop telling us how you say we should think! Stop telling us how we should live! Stop trying to protect us from us! Let us think for ourselves! Let us act for ourselves! Let us be responsible for our own lives! Let us be responsible for our own decisions! LEGALIZE FREEDOM!!


Martial Arts Therapy Tile Box

This Tile Box will help you show your passion and dedication to your martial arts discipline and that it truly is better than therapy - For some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's martial arts. Who needs therapy; when the martial arts are your outlet? There can be several reasons of why you do not need therapy when you use martial arts as therapy. In martial arts, whether it is taekwondo, karate, kung fu or jujutsu, there is a physical and mental level of discipline that is achieved that overflows into every area of your life, helping you to be able to have respect for others, maintain focus to achieve other goals and also to help overcome problems and situations. Then there is the physical release that martial arts bring whether it is working on your forms, during sparing or breaking boards. Another way that martial arts helps bring tension release and peace top the mind and body is the mental preparation and focus bring a single mind to the task at hand creating self-control, self-restraint and a mental readiness to handle potentially stressful situations and diffuse them easily.