
Ice HRM 26.2.0 Cross Site Request Forgery

Ice HRM version 26.2.0 suffers from a cross site request forgery vulnerability.


HRSALE 1.1.8 Cross Site Request Forgery

HRSALE version 1.1.8 suffers from a cross site request forgery vulnerability.


FreeBSD Security Advisory - FreeBSD-SA-20:03.thrmisc

FreeBSD Security Advisory - The kernel can create a core dump file when a process crashes that contains process state, for debugging. Due to incorrect initialization of a stack data structure, up to 20 bytes of kernel data stored previously stored on the stack will be exposed to a crashing user process. Sensitive kernel data may be disclosed.


Phrack - Attacking JavaScript Engines

Phrack: Attacking JavaScript Engines: A case study of JavaScriptCore and CVE-2016-4622.


Phrack - Viewer Discretion Advised - (De)coding An iOS Kernel Vulnerability

Phrack Viewer Discretion Advised write up called (De)coding an iOS Kernel Vulnerability.


Dr. Anthony Fauci Forced To Beef Up Security As Death Threats Increase


Blind CreateRemoteThread Privilege Escalation

Whitepaper called Blind CreateRemoteThread Privilege Escalation.


NoScript Extension Officially Released For Google Chrome


Google Chrome To Block Heavy Ads That Use Too Many Resources



Phrack Magazine Issue 63 - The last issue of Phrack! In this issue: Phrack Prophile on Tiago, OSX heap exploitation techniques, Hacking Windows CE, Games with kernel Memory...FreeBSD Style, Raising The Bar For Windows Rootkit Detection, Embedded ELF Debugging, Hacking Grub for Fun and Profit, Advanced antiforensics : SELF, Process Dump and Binary Reconstruction, Next-Gen. Runtime Binary Encryption, Shifting the Stack Pointer, NT Shellcode Prevention Demystified, PowerPC Cracking on OSX with GDB, Hacking with Embedded Systems, Process Hiding and The Linux Scheduler, Breaking Through a Firewall, Phrack World News.


MS14-064 Microsoft Windows OLE Package Manager Code Execution Through Python

This Metasploit module exploits a vulnerability found in Windows Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) allowing arbitrary code execution, bypassing the patch MS14-060, for the vulnerability publicly known as "Sandworm", on systems with Python for Windows installed. Windows Vista SP2 all the way to Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 and 2012 are known to be vulnerable. However, based on our testing, the most reliable setup is on Windows platforms running Office 2013 and Office 2010 SP2. Please keep in mind that some other setups such as those using Office 2010 SP1 may be less stable, and may end up with a crash due to a failure in the CPackage::CreateTempFileName function.


DNS Resolver Will Check Requests Against IBM Threat Database


SSH/SSL RSA Private Key Passphrase Dictionary Enumerator

This is a script to perform SSH/SSL RSA private key passphrase enumeration with a dictionary attack.


Apple iPhone 4 Passphrase Disclosure

Apple iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3 (8F190) suffers from a passphrase disclosure vulnerability that allows all local processes access to it.