
ChronIC RF Hacking Tool

ChronIC is the Chronos Integrated Commander, a wearable Sub-GHz RF hacking tool. Written in python.


The Future of Security Threats: New Risks, and an Old Threat Resurfaces

Computer and network security is an ever-evolving field. As technology advances, cybercriminals find new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in order to get at your personal, financial, or organizational data. We recently spoke with Symantec's Director of Security Response Kevin Haley to get an idea of what threats you'll face in the next year or two.

In short, expect a continuation of common threats like ransomware, as well as the emergence of new threats from connected devices and the so-called Internet of Things. Plus, keep an eye out for the resurgence of an old threat made new.

Ransomware with a Twist

Ransomware — malicious software that locks your data or otherwise compromises your computer in an attempt to extort money — is not a new threat. It's been around for a number of years in various forms. But according to Haley, a new form of ransomware doesn't just lock your files; instead, it threatens to publicly release your data unless you pay up.

For many individuals, this may simply mean an embarrassing leakage of personal data — browser history, emails, photos, and so on. For a nonprofit, especially one that deals with sensitive sociopolitical issues, the possibility of data leakage can have more serious ramifications. It could pose a threat to the community you serve.

Email That Looks Like It Came from a Co-worker

In traditional phishing attempts, scammers create an email that appears to be from a legitimate source — say, Google, Amazon, or Apple. Then they attempt to steal account information, such as usernames and passwords. But in an emerging form of phishing, hackers may use emails purportedly from co-workers or business associates to try to steal information from your organization.

For example, Haley says, you may receive an email from a vendor or a colleague asking for specific pieces of information (such as tax forms) or for money outright. The only problem is that these emails originate from scammers, not your colleagues. And once you email an important piece of information to these impersonators, there's no way to get it back.

With proper data handling, though, you can avoid these sorts of nightmares. See our recent post, 5 Data Security Risks for Nonprofits (and How to Fix Them), to learn more.

The Internet of Things Can Make People Vulnerable

From smart locks to Internet-connected appliances, the Internet of Things promises to change the way we interact with all sorts of items within our homes and offices. But with this comes the potential for security headaches.

According to Haley, these "smart" devices are rarely protected properly, and are easy to infect with malware. And this isn't just an issue that may cause problems some years down the line. Last year, as CNET reported, a network of malware-infected DVRs and webcams overloaded a number of popular websites and online services, temporarily knocking them offline.

Word Macro Viruses Make a Comeback

Perhaps the most surprising threat Haley warned about was the revival of Word macro viruses.

Macro viruses use Microsoft Word's macro programming feature — typically used to automate certain tasks within Word — to infect your computer. Macro viruses have been around for many, many years. And Word disables macros by default: If you open a Word document with a macro, you'll have to click a button to tell Word to turn on any macros within that document.

With this new wave of macro viruses, however, criminals employ social engineering trickery to goad you into turning on macros, allowing the macro virus to do its thing.

Fortunately, you can easily protect yourself from getting infected. First, don't open file attachments from people you don't know. If you receive a Word document with macros from someone you do know, confirm with that person to make sure that they intended to send the macros and that they are safe to run.

As Always, Vigilance Is Key

Although specific threats may evolve over time, good security practices never go out of style. Use a security software package and keep it updated. Enforce good account security practices within your organization.

Don't open file attachments from people you don't know, and don't open unexpected file downloads. Secure all your devices as best you can. And if something seems fishy — perhaps that email from your boss doesn't seem quite right — don't be afraid to question it.

By taking small steps like these, you might save yourself — and your organization — some serious pain.


fDi Index: investors carried weak sentiment into January as coronavirus threat emerged

Announced greenfield projects into China plummeted in early 2020 with the US and Europe taking the lion's share of global foreign investment. 


Chile returns to FDI growth after three years

Data from fDi Markets shows that after a lean few years Chile's FDI landscape is recovering in impressive fashion.


Sweden's EV boom under threat as electricity demand outstrips capacity

Sweden’s ambitious plan to drastically cut emissions from transport by bringing millions of electric cars onto the road could be derailed by a lack of power capacity for new charging stations in major cities.


Massachusetts approves contracts for hydroelectricity through NECEC project

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities has issued an order approving long-term contracts for 9,554,940 MWh annually of hydropower between H.Q. Energy Services (U.S.) Inc. and the Commonwealth’s electric distribution companies through the New England Clean Energy Connect 100% Hydro project (NECEC Hydro).


Air conditioning is the world's next big threat

The vast majority of Americans have air conditioning but in Germany almost nobody does. At least not yet.


FERC revises three-year forecast to reflect rapid growth of renewable energy

According to a review by the SUN DAY Campaign of data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), within the past month, the agency has dramatically revised its three-year forecast for changes in the U.S. electrical generating capacity mix. Sharp declines are foreseen for fossil fuels and nuclear power while accompanied by even stronger growth in renewable energy (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) than earlier projected.


Bringing reliable power to the people of Supai through solar PV and a microgrid

Reaching the remote Havasupai community of Supai, Arizona is not a journey for the faint of heart. Surrounded entirely by the Grand Canyon, this remote Native American reservation is either an eight-mile hike or mule trek from the closest road, or a helicopter ride to the bottom.


Three ways utilities can partner with smart renewable cities to deliver on their objectives

Cities and renewable electricity have, respectively, become the habitat and energy of choice globally. The two are increasingly inseparable. Urbanization and electrification trends have turned cities and the grid into leading platforms for human activity, presenting unique opportunities for today’s utilities to partner with municipalities to achieve their smart city goals.


Three strategies for building solar and wind energy systems on potentially contaminated lands

Building solar and wind energy projects on potentially contaminated lands can be a golden opportunity, both effective and cost-effective, for developers. The 120-acre Reilly Tar & Chemical Corporation Superfund site was recently redeveloped with a utility-scale solar farm and is a prime example of the reuse potential inherent in thousands of Superfund sites, brownfields, retired power plants, and landfills.


Doing business better: Empowering women through solar energy

Incredibly, 1.1 billion people – 14% of the world’s population – still live without access to electricity. In rural, remote communities, many people simply have no light after sunset. That makes being productive at night—such as working and learning--extremely difficult. Limiting useful hours of the day by access to daylight holds back personal and economic development and wastes human potential.


Air conditioning is the world's next big threat

The vast majority of Americans have air conditioning but in Germany almost nobody does. At least not yet.


FERC revises three-year forecast to reflect rapid growth of renewable energy

According to a review by the SUN DAY Campaign of data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), within the past month, the agency has dramatically revised its three-year forecast for changes in the U.S. electrical generating capacity mix. Sharp declines are foreseen for fossil fuels and nuclear power while accompanied by even stronger growth in renewable energy (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) than earlier projected.


California municipal utility will phase out three natural gas power plants in favor of renewables

This week, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that rather than investing in the Haynes, Harbor and Scattergood natural gas power plants to meet the requirements of a 2010 law related to a practice known as once through cooling, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) will phase them out in favor of renewable energy.


Why not a global green new deal through a federation of microgrids?

Among my circle of friends and colleagues, everyone is aware of the impact of human activities on climate change - the melting of arctic ice, the destruction of species - and the major causes of it, namely, coal burning for electricity and fossil fuels burning for transport. What nearly everyone is unclear about is what specifically to do about it and how fast.


Sweden's EV boom under threat as electricity demand outstrips capacity

Sweden’s ambitious plan to drastically cut emissions from transport by bringing millions of electric cars onto the road could be derailed by a lack of power capacity for new charging stations in major cities.


Air conditioning is the world's next big threat

The vast majority of Americans have air conditioning but in Germany almost nobody does. At least not yet.


Studying the potential to improve performance of the Brazeau plant through turbine upgrades

One or two new runners for the units at the 355-MW Brazeau Power Station in Alberta, Canada, would allow owner TransAlta Corp. to better optimize revenue and provide valuable ancillary services. Modeling of the various upgrade options allowed the utility to arrive at the most valuable solution.


Geocaching challenge takes participants to three Pacific Northwest hydro facilities

Visitor centers at large hydro projects in the U.S. nearly became an endangered species after 9/11. Fears about additional attacks on critical infrastructure led to restricting public access to many hydro projects, putting visitor centers in jeopardy.


Gilkes begins construction of three small hydroelectric plants in Scotland

Hydroelectric power developer Gilkes Energy has begun construction on a trio of small hydro projects, all of which are to be located on the Attadale Estate near Loch Carron, Scotland.


NEC helps develop three energy storage sites in China

Through its exclusive distributor in China, Puxing Energy, NEC developed two 9-MW battery facilities providing frequency regulation for the Hang-Jin and Feng-Run power plants located in Ordos City, Neimongol Province and Tanshan City.


Three ways utilities can partner with smart renewable cities to deliver on their objectives

Cities and renewable electricity have, respectively, become the habitat and energy of choice globally. The two are increasingly inseparable. Urbanization and electrification trends have turned cities and the grid into leading platforms for human activity, presenting unique opportunities for today’s utilities to partner with municipalities to achieve their smart city goals.


Doing business better: Empowering women through solar energy

Incredibly, 1.1 billion people – 14% of the world’s population – still live without access to electricity. In rural, remote communities, many people simply have no light after sunset. That makes being productive at night—such as working and learning--extremely difficult. Limiting useful hours of the day by access to daylight holds back personal and economic development and wastes human potential.


Why not a global green new deal through a federation of microgrids?

Among my circle of friends and colleagues, everyone is aware of the impact of human activities on climate change - the melting of arctic ice, the destruction of species - and the major causes of it, namely, coal burning for electricity and fossil fuels burning for transport. What nearly everyone is unclear about is what specifically to do about it and how fast.


Sweden's EV boom under threat as electricity demand outstrips capacity

Sweden’s ambitious plan to drastically cut emissions from transport by bringing millions of electric cars onto the road could be derailed by a lack of power capacity for new charging stations in major cities.


FERC revises three-year forecast to reflect rapid growth of renewable energy

According to a review by the SUN DAY Campaign of data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), within the past month, the agency has dramatically revised its three-year forecast for changes in the U.S. electrical generating capacity mix. Sharp declines are foreseen for fossil fuels and nuclear power while accompanied by even stronger growth in renewable energy (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) than earlier projected.


Telecommunications Case Studies Address Head-in-Pillow (HnP) Defects and Mitigation through Assembly Process Modification and Control

Presentation by Russell Nowland of CommScope


Northrop Grumman 与 IPC 携手合作 50 年

Northrop Grumman 和 IPC 已经合作半个世纪,乐此不疲。


Northrop Grumman Corp.'s 的 Karen McConnell 赢得 IPC 总裁奖

多年来 Karen McConnell 一直在多个 IPC 委员会中任职,这为她赢得了让人梦寐以求的 IPC 总裁奖。 她把 IPOC 会议看作是学习和扩展个人网络的地方。


Germany’s $2.8 Billion Power Link With Norway Threatened

Talks between Germany and Norway about how to boost the trading of electricity from renewable sources are being held up by concerns that the power cable running under the North Sea won’t ever make money.


UK Retains Target to Cut Carbon Emissions by Half Through 2025

The U.K. will keep a target to cut greenhouse gases by half through 2025, Energy Secretary Ed Davey said, foiling the Treasury’s effort to weaken the target.


Carbon Breakthrough: US, China Make Milestone Agreement to Fight Climate Change

President Barack Obama pledged deeper U.S. cuts in greenhouse-gas emissions and China will for the first time set a target for capping carbon emissions under an agreement between the world’s two biggest economies.


South Australia builds links with China through Landing Pad program

South Australia Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, David Ridgway, recently hosted a roundtable in Guangzhou to promote the state’s newly launched Landing Pad program.

  • 2019 Latest from Austrade


Threat to PG&E Renewable PPAs Affects US DOE Loans

The fallout from California power giant PG&E Corp.’s looming bankruptcy has been both sudden and widespread: Its electricity suppliers have seen their debt cut to junk. Banks are facing liabilities as buyers of last resort for more than $760 million of bonds the utility issued through California. And the rest of the state’s utilities have tumbled.


California municipal utility will phase out three natural gas power plants in favor of renewables

This week, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that rather than investing in the Haynes, Harbor and Scattergood natural gas power plants to meet the requirements of a 2010 law related to a practice known as once through cooling, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) will phase them out in favor of renewable energy.


NEC helps develop three energy storage sites in China

Through its exclusive distributor in China, Puxing Energy, NEC developed two 9-MW battery facilities providing frequency regulation for the Hang-Jin and Feng-Run power plants located in Ordos City, Neimongol Province and Tanshan City.


Three ways utilities can partner with smart renewable cities to deliver on their objectives

Cities and renewable electricity have, respectively, become the habitat and energy of choice globally. The two are increasingly inseparable. Urbanization and electrification trends have turned cities and the grid into leading platforms for human activity, presenting unique opportunities for today’s utilities to partner with municipalities to achieve their smart city goals.


Three strategies for building solar and wind energy systems on potentially contaminated lands

Building solar and wind energy projects on potentially contaminated lands can be a golden opportunity, both effective and cost-effective, for developers. The 120-acre Reilly Tar & Chemical Corporation Superfund site was recently redeveloped with a utility-scale solar farm and is a prime example of the reuse potential inherent in thousands of Superfund sites, brownfields, retired power plants, and landfills.


FERC revises three-year forecast to reflect rapid growth of renewable energy

According to a review by the SUN DAY Campaign of data just released by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), within the past month, the agency has dramatically revised its three-year forecast for changes in the U.S. electrical generating capacity mix. Sharp declines are foreseen for fossil fuels and nuclear power while accompanied by even stronger growth in renewable energy (i.e., biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) than earlier projected.


2. März 2020 - Die Elektronik-Branche steigert ihre Leistungsfähigkeit auf der IPC APEX EXPO 2020


Live Webinar | The Fast Lane to Smart Content Governance: How Data-Centric Security Can Help You Survive (and thrive) in a Remote Work World


Live Webinar | The Fast Lane to Smart Content Governance: How Data-Centric Security Can Help You Survive (and thrive) in a Remote Work World


HITECH Act Stage 2 EHR Incentive Program Meaningful Use Final Rule

This rule establishes criteria that hospitals and physicians must meet to qualify as "meaningful users" of electronic health records and receive further financial incentives in Stage 2 of the HITECH Act Electronic Health Record Incentive Program. The program, part of the economic stimulus package, is providing billions of dollars in Medicare and Medicaid incentives to spur widespread adoption of EHRs.


HITECH Act Stage 2 EHR Incentive Program Software Certification Final Rule

This rule establishes criteria for electronic health records software that qualifies for Stage 2 of the HITECH Act Electronic Health Record Incentive Program. The program, part of the economic stimulus package, is providing billions of dollars in Medicare and Medicaid incentives to hospitals and physicians to spur widespread adoption of EHRs.


Live Webinar | The Fast Lane to Smart Content Governance: How Data-Centric Security Can Help You Survive (and thrive) in a Remote Work World


Renewables To Account for All New Power in Australia through 2020, Says AEMO

A new report from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasts 100 percent of new power in Australia will be generated from renewable energy sources through 2020.