
Pathways to Enhance Environmental Assessment Information Systems


Use-Cases and Personas: A Case Study in Light-Weight User Interaction Design for Small Development Projects


Developing a Framework for Assessing Information Quality on the World Wide Web


MECCA: Hypermedia Capturing of Collaborative Scientific Discourses about Movies


Are We Really Having an Impact? A Comprehensive Approach to Assessing Improvements in Critical Thinking in an MBA Program


Decision Processes in Introducing Hybrid Agricultural Plants: ECOM Coffee Group Case Study


Student Interaction with Content in Online and Hybrid Courses: Leading Horses to the Proverbial Water


Predicting the Use of Twitter in Developing Countries: Integrating Innovation Attributes, Uses and Gratifications, and Trust Approaches

Based on the diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory (Rogers, 2003), the uses and gratifications (U&G) theory, and trust theory, this study investigated the factors that influence the use of Twitter among the Kuwaiti community. The study surveyed Twitter users in Kuwait. A structured online questionnaire was used to collect data, and 463 respondents who provided complete answers participated. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the effect of three theoretical perspectives on Twitter usage. The result of the analysis showed that Twitter usage is better explained by DOI constructs than by U&G constructs. The findings indicated that the perceived relative advantage from DOI, and the need for information, need to pass time, and need for interpersonal utility from the U&G approach, have a direct positive significant effect on the use of Twitter. None of the trust theory constructs was found to be significant in predicting the general use of Twitter. The study results help Twitter providers and users in individual or organizational contexts to understand what factors generally affect the usage of the Twitter service.


Assessment of Project Website Sustainability: Case of the Arctic EIA Project

In many cases, temporary websites may be simple, accessible solutions for knowledge management and dissemination of information. However, such sites may become outdated as the funding ends, but yet in many cases, still publicly available through the Internet. The issue of website sustainability is a relevant topic for all organizations that have websites. Website lifecycle, knowledge management, and website sustainability issues are discussed through a theoretical-based literature review. These issues are then summarized and used as lessons learned for the case study approach of this paper. The aim is to identify a solution to address a website’s life and longevity, post project. A practical case study assessment of the issue of project website sustainability is needed to address the website’s longevity—post project—as creation is often made through temporary endeavors. Recommendations for future project websites are made as the outcomes and results of this study and are expressed in the form of suggested practices for project website sustainability in future projects.


Genetic-linked Inattentiveness Protects Individuals from Internet Overuse: A Genetic Study of Internet Overuse Evaluating Hypotheses Based on Addiction, Inattention, Novelty-seeking and Harm-avoidance

The all-pervasive Internet has created serious problems, such as Internet overuse, which has triggered considerable debate over its relationship with addiction. To further explore its genetic susceptibilities and alternative explanations for Internet overuse, we proposed and evaluated four hypotheses, each based on existing knowledge of the biological bases of addiction, inattention, novelty-seeking, and harm-avoidance. Four genetic loci including DRD4 VNTR, DRD2 Taq1A, COMT Val158Met and 5-HTTLPR length polymorphisms were screened from seventy-three individuals. Our results showed that the DRD4 4R/4R individuals scored significantly higher than the 2R or 7R carriers in Internet Addiction Test (IAT). The 5-HTTLPR short/short males scored significantly higher in IAT than the long variant carriers. Bayesian analysis showed the most compatible hypothesis with the observed genetic results was based on attention (69.8%), whereas hypotheses based harm-avoidance (21.6%), novelty-seeking (7.8%) and addiction (0.9%) received little support. Our study suggests that carriers of alleles (DRD4 2R and 7R, 5-HTTLPR long) associated with inattentiveness are more likely to experience disrupted patterns and reduced durations of Internet use, protecting them from Internet overuse. Furthermore, our study suggests that Internet overuse should be categorized differently from addiction due to the lack of shared genetic contributions.


Alternatives for Pragmatic Responses to Group Work Problems

Group work can provide a valuable learning experience, one that is especially relevant for those preparing to enter the information system workforce. While much has been discussed about effective means of delivering the benefits of collaborative learning in groups, there are some problems that arise due to pragmatic environmental factors such as the part time work commitments of students. This study has identified a range of problems and reports on a longitudinal Action Research study in two universities (in Australia and the USA). Over three semesters problems were identified and methods trialed using collaborative tools. Several promising solutions are presented to the identified problems. These include the use of Google documents and color to ensure team contributions are more even.


Acceptance of ERP Systems: The Uses and Gratifications Theory Perspective

Aim/Purpose: This study aims to provide a better understanding of individual acceptance of enterprise resource (ERP) systems. Based on the uses and gratifications theory (UGT) and informing science theory, the study developed and empirically tested a research model to explain the effects of ERP characteristics (specifically, informativeness and enjoyment) on ERP acceptance and use. Background: Individual acceptance of ERP systems is crucial for achieving the benefits associated with ERP systems. Unfortunately, little research has focused on acceptance of ERP systems at the individual level. This study attempts to fill this void. Methodology: A survey questionnaire was distributed to ERP users to collect data to empiri-cally test the research model developed in this study. In addition to demographic and background information question, the survey contained instruments to measure the study variables. Contribution: The empirical results show that UGT provides a sound theoretical framework for explaining users’ gratifications, attitudes, and behavioral intentions toward adopting and using an ERP. These results support the view that subsumes information systems and other fields that endeavor to inform their audience. Findings: Individuals’ perceptions of the informativeness and entertainment of ERP systems demonstrated strong direct effects on attitude toward using and satisfaction with ERP systems. In turn, satisfaction with ERP systems showed a direct significant impact on intention to use an ERP system. Recommendations for Practitioners: Maintaining a favorable environment and designing training workshops that highlight the information and enjoyment aspects of an ERP can boost users’ perceptions of ERP informativeness and enjoyment and, eventually, improve their attitude and satisfaction with an ERP. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers should test the proposed research model with other types of ERP systems and in different environments to enhance the generalizability of the results to other systems and settings. Impact on Society: The results of is study can be used as a foundation on which to develop plans and design strategies to enhance individual acceptance of ERP systems and realize the benefits associated with these systems. Future Research: Future research should extend the research model by integrating other personal and technology variables to provide further insights into what influences individuals to accept or reject an ERP system.


Dialogue and the Creation of Transformative Social Change: The Case of Social Enterprises

Aim/Purpose: To understand the process of social change creation in social entrepreneurial ventures (SEVs), specifically emphasizing the role and nature of the communicative process in social change creation. Background: Drawing on data from seven SEVs from India and the US and employing a grounded theory methodology, this research scrutinizes the social change process and uncovers the role and characteristics of dialogue in this process. Methodology: Qualitative data was collected from seven social entrepreneurial organizations over a period of eight months from July 2011 to February 2012. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a wide range of members within these social entrepreneurial organizations (n=27) with additional informal interviews with field workers and volunteers. Data from the semi-structured interviews and notes from observations were integrated with analyses of archival resources. Contribution: There is little scholarship about the process of social change creation and the necessary conditions to promote social change over time. Understanding the process of social change creation and the individual, interpersonal, and organizational conditions that facilitate the process is central to design of effective trans-sector TD problem solving ventures. This paper focuses on the process of social change creation in social entrepreneurial settings, specifically emphasizing the role and nature of the communicative process in social change creation. Findings: The reflections and experiences of the members of SEVs revealed that social entrepreneurship is a collective endeavor and this collective character is essential to its success. Collective organization and synergy, deep intra-organizational communication, and a conducive organizational context are critical for the creation of collective wisdom and knowledge networks for long-term collaborative community capacity building. Dialogue emerged as a central category linking the other categories to explain the process of social change creation. Organic organizational structure enables knowledge creation and integration through the process of organizational learning through deep and continuous social interaction, or dialogue. Recommendations for Practitioners: This research elucidated the key characteristics of the organizational context required to support the creation of social change. It also identified the critical role and characteristics of the communicative process required to generate structural knowledge and collective wisdom at the organizational level. Recommendation for Researchers: For individual and organizational learning, trans-sector transdisciplinary organizations require an appropriate organizational context. Key elements of such an organizational context include (1) understanding the ecology of the social problem; (2) organic organizational structure; (3) continuous and deep social interaction among all levels of the organization; (4) employee and community autonomy and empowerment; and (5) attention to subtle environmental changes in the system. These elements in combination lead to the creation of collective wisdom. Collective wisdom then feeds back into the conception, planning, and action stages of the iterative cycle of organizational knowledge creation to create positive social change. Impact on Society: Same as above Future Research: Future research model theoretically and study empirically the ecology of social entrepreneurship and trans-sector TD problem solving more broadly. For example, the ways in the personal attributes of social entrepreneurs (e.g., their leadership style, networking abilities) combine with circumstances at organizational, institutional, and international levels to influence the effectiveness of their efforts to promote positive social change within local and global communities. Second, the grounded theoretical framework developed here should be further refined and elaborated through the identification of additional key contextual factors that affect SEVs’ capacity to promote positive social change and to achieve sustainability in different socio-environmental contexts. There is also a need to translate the findings from this research to facilitate the creation of more inclusive problem solving contexts and practices.


Challenges in Designing Curriculum for Trans-Disciplinary Education: On Cases of Designing Concentration on Informing Science and Master Program on Data Science

Aim/Purpose: The growing complexity of the business environment and business processes as well as the Big Data phenomenon has an impact on every area of human activity nowadays. This new reality challenges the effectiveness of traditional narrowly oriented professional education. New areas of competences emerged as a synergy of multiple knowledge areas – transdisciplines. Informing Science and Data Science are just the first two such new areas we may identify as transdisciplines. Universities are facing the challenge to educate students for those new realities. Background: The purpose of the paper is to share the authors’ experience in designing curriculum for training bachelor students in Informing Science as a concentration within an Information Brokerage major, and a master program on Data Science. Methodology: Designing curriculum for transdisciplines requires diverse expertise obtained by both academia and industries and passed through several stages - identifying objectives, conceptualizing curriculum models, identifying content, and development pedagogical priorities. Contribution: Sharing our experience acquired in designing transdiscipline programs will contribute to a transition from a narrow professional education towards addressing 21st-century challenges. Findings: Analytical skills, combined with training in all categories of so-called “soft skills”, are essential in preparing students for a successful career in a transdiciplinary area of activities. Recommendations for Practitioners: Establishing a working environment encouraging not only sharing but close cooperation is essential nowadays. Recommendations for Researchers: There are two aspects of training professionals capable of succeeding in a transdisciplinary environment: encouraging mutual respect and developing out-of-box thinking. Impact on Society: The transition of higher education in a way to meet current challenges. Future Research The next steps in this research are to collect feedback regarding the professional careers of students graduating in these two programs and to adjust the curriculum accordingly.


The Effect of Team Communication Behaviors and Processes on Interdisciplinary Teams’ Research Productivity and Team Satisfaction

Aim/Purpose: There is ample evidence that team processes matter more than the characteristics of individual team members; unfortunately, very few empirical studies have examined communication process variables closely or tied them to team outcomes. Background: The University of Miami Laboratory for Integrated Knowledge (U-LINK) is a pilot funding mechanism that was developed and implemented based on empirically-established best practices established in the literature on the Science of Team Science (SciTS). In addition to addressing grand societal challenges, teams engaged in processes designed to enhance the process of “teaming”. This study uses the Inputs-Mediator-Outputs-Inputs (IMOI) model as a blueprint for an investigation into how team communication processes (shared communication, shared leadership, formal meetings, informal meetings) influence intermediary team processes (goal clarity, role ambiguity, process clarity, trust) and team outcomes (team satisfaction, team productivity). Methodology: Monte Carlo methodologies were used to explore both longitudinal self-report (survey of communication and team outcome variables) data and objective data on scholarly productivity, collected from seventy-eight members of eleven real-world intact interdisciplinary teams to explore how team communication processes affect team outcomes. Contribution: This study is among the few that centers communication practice and processes in the operationalization and measurement of its constructs and which provides a test of hypotheses centered on key questions identified in the literature. Findings: Communication practices are important to team processes and outcomes. Shared communication and informal meetings were associated with increased team satisfaction and increased research productivity. Shared leadership was associated with increased research productivity, as well as improved process and goal clarity. Formal meetings were associated with increased goal clarity and decreased role ambiguity. Recommendation for Researchers: Studying intact interdisciplinary research teams requires innovative methods and clear specification of variables. Challenges associated with access to limited numbers of teams should not preclude engaging in research as each study contributes to our larger body of knowledge of the factors that influence the success of interdisciplinary research teams. Future Research: Future research should examine different team formation and funding mechanisms and extend observation and data collection for longer periods of time.


The Impact of Middle and Senior Leadership Styles on Employee Performance -- Evidence From Chinese Enterprises

Aim/Purpose: This paper examines the impact of the transformational, servant, and paternalistic leadership styles on employee performance at the middle and senior levels. Background: Transdisciplinary research promotes the integration and development of various sciences. It provides more choices for leaders to adopt ways and practical activities to promote enterprise development. Complexity leadership theory emphasizes that effectively functioning organizations need distinct forms of leadership to work together. Leaders rely on different leadership practices in an emergent collaborative context, and finding an optimal balance is challenging. Many scholars have attempted to explore which leadership styles have a more significant impact on employees by distinguishing and defining types of leadership styles and explaining the process by which they influence employee behavior and performance. Various scholars have further explored and empirically demonstrated the impact of these three types of leadership styles (transformational, servant, paternalistic)on employee performance. While transformational and servant leadership have their roots in the West, paternalistic leadership has roots in China. Few scholars have conducted comparative studies on their positive impact on employee performance. How do these three leadership styles affect employee performance at the middle and senior levels in the Chinese context? Which combination of middle and senior leadership styles performs best? These are the second area that this paper will attempt to explore. Methodology: This study constructs a three-tier model at the senior, middle, and grassroots levels. A questionnaire survey was used to collect data. SPSS 22.0 and Amos were used for data analysis. Contribution: Through its construction of a three-tier model (senior, middle, and grassroots levels), the paper explores the combined effect of three leadership styles (transformational, servant, and paternalistic) on grassroots employees. It explores the impact of senior leaders across levels on grassroots employee performance, which is expected to provide a valuable addition to theories on leadership styles. It is also instructive to examine which leadership style performs better and what middle and senior leadership configurations are more conducive to driving beneficial employee behavior and, ultimately, corporate growth. Findings: The transformational, servant, and paternalistic leadership styles, both at the top and middle levels, have a significant positive relationship with employee performance; the middle leadership style plays a positive mediating role between the top leadership style and employee performance. In terms of impact on employee performance, transformational leadership shows the best results at both the top and middle levels, with paternalistic leadership second and servant leadership at the same level. Regarding which middle and senior leadership style pairing is the best, the sample is relatively small, and the gap between various pairing combinations is not evident from the data. If the sample size is enlarged, the coefficient will likely expand year-on-year. Therefore, we can assume that the pairing effect of top servant leadership and middle transformational leadership is the best, top paternalistic leadership and middle transformational leadership is the second-best, and the combination of top paternalistic leadership and middle-level servant leadership leaders is the weakest. Recommendation for Researchers: This paper extends the study of top and middle leadership’s combined effect on employee performance as a positive response to the call for multi-layer or cross-layer analysis in leadership research. The findings further enrich the literature on leadership style-related theories. The middle leadership style plays a positive mediating role between the top leadership style and employee performance. The trickle-down effect is further verified, i.e., the top leadership will have a permeating influence on employees through the middle leadership, and the top’s influence on the middle is generally more significant than the influence on grassroots employees. However, the difference between the influence of the middle leadership on the grassroots and that of the top on the grassroots is not apparent, which is inconsistent with the trickle-down effect that the middle leadership communicates more with the grassroots and has more influence on the grassroots, and further verification is needed. All three types of leaders positively affected employee performance, with the best being transformational leadership, paternalistic leadership, and servant leadership. This finding is consistent with some scholars and inconsistent with some scholars. The interested scholars can do further research. The better performance of diverse pairings in middle and senior leadership combinations is consistent with previous research suggesting that leadership styles have their own strengths and can be complementary. This paper further provides a comparative study of multiple leadership styles to validate the recognition and adaptability of leadership styles and further explain the complex relationship between leadership styles and employee job performance. Scholars can conduct comparative research on other leadership styles, and there may be different results. Future Research: Because of the cross-sectional data taken, the findings’ generalizability still needs further validation. There are many types of leadership styles, and there are other types of leadership styles that can be explored comparatively, perhaps leading to different findings. From another point of view, various leaders have their strengths, and they are not mutually hindering. More research is needed on team formation in a variety of contexts. Organic organizational structure enables knowledge creation and integration through the process of organizational learning through deep and continuous social interaction or dialogue. So we can further examine the influence process of leaders on employees from how to give full play to their advantages, such as improving shared leadership and shared communication.


Spilling Outside the Box: The Effects of Individuals' Creative Behaviors at Work on Time Spent with their Spouses at Home

Most research on creativity describes it as a net positive: producing new products for the organization and satisfaction and positive affect for creative workers. However, a host of anecdotal and historical evidence suggests that creative work can have deleterious consequences for relationships. This raises the question: how does creativity at work impact relationships at home? Relying on work-family conflict and resource allocation theory as conceptual frameworks, we test a model of creative behaviors during the day at work and the extent to which employees spend time with their spouses at home in the evening, using 685 daily matched responses from 108 worker-spouse pairings. Our results reveal that variance-focused creative behaviors (problem identification, information searching, idea generation) lead to a decline in time spent with spouse at home. In contrast, selection-focused creative behaviors (idea validation) lead to an increase in time spent with spouse. Further, openness to experience moderates these relationships. Overall, the results raise questions about the possible relational costs of creative behaviors at work on life at home.



Identification is integral to mentoring relationships, yet we know relatively little about the process through which mentors and protégés identify with each other, how this mutual identification shifts through the phases of the mentoring relationship, and how identification impacts the quality of the relationship over time. In this paper, we integrate theories of the self, relationships, and relational mentoring to consider the role of identification in informal mentoring. Specifically, we theorize how the process of personal identification occurs in mentoring from the perspective of both the mentor and protégé and offer a model that demonstrates how shifts in identification relate to the quality of the relationship that develops over time. We conclude with a discussion of implications for research and theory in mentoring.


Review: Applied Crisis Communication and Crisis Management: Cases and Exercises

Over the past decade, the terms "crisis" and "crisis management" have become increasingly popular topics of interest for business professionals and management academics alike. According to the Institute for Crisis Management (2013), "Newsworthy business crises have been on a steady upward trend since 2009.


Creative, Rare, Entitled, and Dishonest: How Commonality of Creativity in One's Group Decreases an Individual's Entitlement and Dishonesty

We examine when and why creative role identity causes entitlement and unethical behaviors and how this relationship can be reduced. We found that the relationships among the creative identity, entitlement, and dishonesty are contingent on the perception of creativity being rare. Four experiments showed that individuals with a creative identity reported higher psychological entitlement and engaged in more unethical behaviors. Additionally, when participants believed that their creativity was rare compared to common, they were more likely to lie for money. Moreover, manipulation of rarity of creative identity, but not practical identity, increased psychological entitlement and unethical acts. We tested for the mediating effect of psychological entitlement on dishonesty using both measurement of mediation and experimental causal chain approaches. We further provide evidence from organizations. Responses from a sample of supervisor-subordinate dyads demonstrated that employees reporting strong creative identities who perceived creativity as rare in their work-group rather than common were rated as engaging in more unethical behaviors by their supervisors. This paper extends prior theory on negative moral consequences of creativity by shedding new light on assumption regarding the prevalence of creativity and the role psychological entitlement plays.


President-Elect Trump Promises National Concealed Carry Reciprocity in His Next Term

President-Elect Donald Trump reaffirmed his commitment to protecting the Second Amendment by announcing his push for national concealed carry reciprocity.

  • Gun Rights News
  • Donald Trump
  • National Concealed Carry Reciprocity


Nosler Releases Limited Edition M21 Carbon Rifle

Imagine a rifle that doesn't just shoot; it speaks to the soul of the hunter, the adventurer, the collector. Enter the Nosler Limited Edition M21 Carbon Rifle.


Assessing economic impact of Trump’s victory

DONALD Trump’s victory in the 2024 US presidential election has raised global concerns about how his economic policies may impact countries like Malaysia.

With an “America First” approach focused on protecting domestic interests, the Trump administration is expected to reshape international trade, shift investment flows and influence geopolitical relationships.

For Malaysia, this outcome presents not only challenges but also opportunities in key economic sectors, including trade, foreign investment and commodities.

Trump is anticipated to continue protectionist policies that prioritise US jobs and domestic production. His proposal to impose a 10% import tariff on all goods entering the US aims to reduce reliance on foreign products and bolster domestic manufacturing.

Additionally, Trump’s plan to impose tariffs as high as 60% on Chinese products could have significant implications for Malaysia, one of the major exporters of electronic products and components to the US. If high tariffs are applied to Chinese goods, Malaysian products incorporating Chinese components could also be impacted, potentially diminishing US demand for Malaysian exports.

While this situation presents risks, it also provides opportunities as companies diversify supply chains away from China. Malaysia benefitted from the “China+1” strategy during Trump’s first term, as exports to the US increased amid US-China trade tensions.

Malaysia’s semiconductor industry, a focus of large investments from multinational companies such as Intel and Infineon, may continue to attract interest as a stable manufacturing base.

Currently, Malaysia holds around 13% of the global market in chip packaging and testing, making it a favourable location for companies seeking to expand operations outside of China. These conditions indicate Malaysia’s potential to further establish itself as a manufacturing hub if it can maintain political stability and investor-friendly economic policies.

The energy sector is also likely to be affected. Trump’s pro-oil stance could lead to increased US production and exports of fossil fuels. Should global oil prices rise, Malaysia, as an oil exporter, stands to benefit from higher national revenue.

However, rising oil prices also carry inflationary risks, as increased energy costs could drive up production costs and consumer prices domestically. While the energy sector may gain, higher energy costs could pressure consumer purchasing power and escalate operational costs for local industries.

To maximise these potential gains, Malaysia will need to balance these impacts on the consumer sector and ensure monetary policies support price stability.

The Malaysian commodity sector, particularly palm oil, faces potential challenges as well. During Trump’s first term, the US imposed import restrictions on Malaysian palm oil companies such as FGV Holdings and Sime Darby Plantation over allegations of forced labour. These restrictions affected Malaysian palm oil exports to the US, reducing revenue and harming the country’s image as a responsible producer.

Should similar policies persist, Malaysia will need to strengthen sustainable labour practices and meet international standards to retain access to global markets and protect its reputation as an ethical producer.

Trump’s policies could bring added uncertainty to Malaysia’s capital markets and the ringgit’s value. With US interest rates currently at 4.75%-5.00%, any influence Trump may exert on the Federal Reserve to raise rates could lead global investors to favour US assets, potentially causing capital outflows from Malaysia.

In 2023, Malaysia saw a 6.8% decline in foreign equity inflows, and the ringgit depreciated by around 8% against the US dollar. This shift reduces liquidity in local capital markets, and foreign investors may approach Malaysian equities with greater caution, especially if Trump’s policies introduce additional tariffs or trade restrictions.

As demand for the US dollar rises, the ringgit may face continued downward pressure. A weaker ringgit could increase import costs, particularly in vital sectors like food and technology, compounding domestic inflationary pressures, which currently stand at 2.8%.

To address these challenges, Malaysia needs a strong risk management strategy to maintain market stability and support the ringgit amid growing uncertainties.

In addition, Trump’s protectionist stance may directly impact Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Malaysia. As a manufacturing hub in Southeast Asia, Malaysia could see reduced FDI if the US pursues an aggressive stance on countries with significant trade surpluses.

Trump’s emphasis on protecting US jobs and domestic economic interests may lead to decreased investment from US companies in Malaysia.

Concurrently, prolonged US-China trade tensions could make investors more cautious about Malaysia, which may be perceived as politically and economically vulnerable. Any decline in FDI could affect job creation, technology growth and Malaysia’s long-term economic stability.

Furthermore, Trump’s victory raises concerns about the future of the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (Ipef). Trump has previously expressed a desire to withdraw from trade agreements like Ipef, which he sees as “another TPP”. If this happens, Malaysia may face challenges in maintaining market access and regional economic integration.

To prepare, Malaysia must diversify its trade partnerships, strengthen local industries and foster growth in resilient sectors. Malaysia’s involvement in Ipef reflects its commitment to regional economic integration, which could help mitigate the negative effects of US protectionist policies.

In summary, Trump’s victory could have significant implications for Malaysia’s economy. Protectionist policies and prolonged trade tensions could disrupt global supply chains, increase market uncertainty and challenge Malaysia’s economic growth.

Malaysia must be prepared with sustainable and adaptable strategies to tackle these challenges while capitalising on emerging opportunities to maintain economic resilience amid an increasingly complex global landscape.

The writer is a researcher and Islamic Finance consultant.

  • Dr Shahrul Azman Abd Razak


Selangor police record 387 child abuse cases

SHAH ALAM: A total of 387 cases of child abuse were recorded by the Selangor police from January to October, said state police chief Datuk Hussein Omar Khan.

He said that of the total, 139 victims were aged between 0 and 1 year, 96 were between two and five years old, while the and remaining victims were aged up to 18 years.

“Childcare providers were the main perpetrators of these crimes, followed by biological parents, teachers and stepparents,“ he said.

He made these comments to the press after officiating the second Child Interview Centre (CIC) under the Sexual, Abuse and Child Investigation Division (D11) of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at the Selangor police headquarters in Seksyen 11 police station today.

Hussein said police investigations found that most child abuse cases were caused by negligence, such as leaving babies or young children alone, which posed risks to the victims and led to neglect.

He also noted that there had been a trend of increasing reports of child abuse cases, partly due to growing awareness of violence against children among the public and various organisations.

“Some people are now coming forward and bravely making reports, thanks to numerous awareness programmes and initiatives by the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) in the community to provide information,“ he said.

Regarding the second CIC, Hussein said that RM180,000 had been allocated to refurbish an existing premises at the Seksyen 11 Police Station for this purpose.

He said the establishment of the second CIC, which has been operational since March 5, was in response to the increasing number of child-related cases that require interviews each year, with an average of 400 to 500 cases annually.

“The establishment of this CIC takes into account the rising number of cases, with 875 children already interviewed this year alone, involving various cases such as abuse, neglect and sexual offences.

“Given current needs, we are also planning to expand this service. Both CIC facilities are currently located in Shah Alam, so there is a need to extend them to Kuala Selangor, Sabak Bernam, Hulu Selangor or the southern part of the state,“ he said.

Hussein also said that the first CIC, established in 2014 and located in Seksyen 7, serves the police districts (IPD) of South Klang, North Klang, Gombak, Shah Alam, Hulu Selangor, Kuala Selangor, Kajang and KLIA.

“The second CIC caters to the IPDs of Petaling Jaya, Subang Jaya, Sabak Bernam, Kuala Langat, Sungai Buloh, Sepang, Serdang and Ampang Jaya,“ he added, noting that the centre conducts interviews with children under the age of 16, as referred by investigating officers from the 16 IPDs.


Elderly man loses RM136,000 in online business transaction scam

SIBU: An elderly man lost RM136,000 after being duped in an online business transaction scam, said Sibu District police chief ACP Zulkipli Suhaili.

He said the victim, in his 60s and unemployed, fell victim when he clicked on a link on Facebook on Oct 9 and was taken to an e-commerce platform which used the WhatsApp application.

“The victim was offered a business opportunity selling branded cosmetics items online exclusively, on the condition that he provides the capital first to enjoy the profits.

“The victim agreed and was then told to download the ‘ask-oshop’ application for confirmation of sales and to increase the capital for the stock of sales items,“ he said in a statement today.

He said that from Oct 13 till Nov 7, the victim made 32 cash transactions into 11 bank accounts on the instruction of the suspect, purportedly to increase the stock of sales items in the app.

On Sunday (Nov 10), the suspect was told that the ‘ask-oshop’ app had been frozen and was instructed to make an additional payment of RM70,000.

“Realising that he has been cheated, the victim lodged a police report at the Commercial Crime Investigation Division of the Sibu District Police Headquarters here yesterday,” he said, adding that the case is being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating.


KPDN increases PriceCatcher functionality through collaboration with Mydin, Redtick

KUALA LUMPUR: The PriceCatcher app will continue to be improved with data-sharing on prices through the collaboration between the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) and two supermarket chains, Mydin and Redtick, said Minister, Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali.

He said that this commitment is an initiative that reflects transparency in transactions and business ethics to avoid price manipulation or profiteering at the expense of consumers.

“Previously, the price data displayed in the PriceCatcher app was entirely sourced from field price monitoring officers, which limited the coverage area and the number of premises uploaded to the app.

“...the signing of this MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) marks a pioneering effort to improve the app by enabling automated data sharing from the involved supermarkets to be displayed in the ‘Supermarket Price Sharing’ section,“ he told reporters after the MoU signing ceremony on price data sharing in Subang Jaya today.

Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd, managing director Datuk Dr Ameer Ali Mydin, and KPDN secretary-general Datuk Seri Mohd Sayuthi Bakar were also present.

Armizan said that this collaboration will serve as a benchmark for expanding the data-sharing initiative to other supermarkets and premises.

According to Armizan, the PriceCatcher app previously displayed price information for 480 consumer goods, with daily updates for 186 items, weekly updates for 220 items, and monthly updates for 74 items.

“Up until Nov 7, 459,998 users nationwide uploaded the app, however, the active usage rate is 10,00 per week.

“We are taking an additional approach to add more information in the app without adding more price monitoring officers by adopting a self-reporting system or data sharing from retail sector players,“ he said, adding that the app serves as a reference for users and fosters the habit of checking prices of items before buying.


Volkswagen Proposes 10% Wage Cut to Union Amid Financial Struggles

Volkswagen Group is seeking significant cost reductions as it faces declining demand, rising expenses, and mounting competition. The automaker has proposed a 10 per cent wage reduction for its union employees after IG Metall, the union representing Volkswagen’s workforce, requested a seven per cent raise. This wage cut comes as part of broader measures Volkswagen is considering to address financial difficulties, which include restructuring bonuses and possibly eliminating anniversary and monthly bonuses.

Despite these proposed changes, Volkswagen’s CEO Thomas Schafer has not ruled out more drastic options, such as plant closures, if cost-cutting goals are not met through negotiations. “Successful operations are a prerequisite for job security,” said Arne Meiswinkel, VW’s lead negotiator, highlighting the necessity for lower labour costs to stabilise the company.

Volkswagen reported a steep 42 per cent drop in third-quarter operating profits, and its core brand posted only a two per cent operating margin through September. According to CFO and COO Arno Antlitz, this underscores the need for “significant cost reductions and efficiency gains” to sustain the company’s operations.

Rumours of potential plant closures in Germany have circulated as the company confronts inefficiencies across several domestic sites. Schafer remarked that the issues cannot be resolved by “simple cost-cutting measures,” indicating deeper structural challenges within the automaker’s German manufacturing operations.

Volkswagen and IG Metall will resume negotiations on November 21.


NSA Advises Andriod and iPhone User to Restart Thier Phones

In its recently released mobile device best practices guide, the National Security Agency (NSA) goes old-school geek and advises people to turn their phones off and on again....


Where To Take Free Online Courses

If you’re interested in learning a new skill, hoping to get a raise at work or considering a career change, taking a free online course could help you get closer to your goal.  In this article, we’re going to take a look at 23 online resources where you can find educational videos and university-level courses […]

The post Where To Take Free Online Courses appeared first on Clark Howard.


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Di-O-Matic releases Morph ToolKit


Sindh Assembly passes resolution against Gandapur

Demands ECP action against K-P CM for using 'indecent language' about women


UNICEF raises red flag on Sindh education

Country head says monsoon floods damaged schools, disrupted learning process


G-B CM Khalid Khurshid proves his mettle, closes door on unelected ‘power houses’

In the initial six months, Khurshid’s relatively inexperienced government faced some tough challenges.


Road trip through G-B: Treat for the senses

A road trip through Gilgit-Baltistan is an adventure an experience for all senses


Toxic letter probe focuses on source of arsenic

Investigators collect data on off-counter sale of chemical powder


Oil rebounds as hurricane threat stabilises markets

Oil futures rose slightly due to potential US Gulf Coast hurricane and Libyan supply disruptions after recent losses


US inflation holds steady: CPI rises 0.2% in August 2024

The annual rate, the slowest since February 2021, falls short of economists' 2.6% projection.


Misha Lakhani Couture collection for Autumn Winter 2024 showcases effortless glamour

Resplendent with handcrafted heritage, each piece is garbed with an ethereal blend of rich and meticulous detail


Blue eyeshadow across time: How the iconic makeup look refuses to fade

From Twiggy to Paris Hilton, this hue has proven it's got more lives than a cat with a good contour


Mishi Khan criticises Arshad Nadeem over viral video, calls out ‘arrogance’

Former actress accuses Olympian of letting fame get to his head after a video shows him ignoring a reporter

  • Life & Style


Staying up late raises risk of type 2 diabetes by 50%: study

Night owls have a 50% higher chance of developing type 2 diabetes, new research warns of health risks.


How Wattpad shaped an entire generation of fanfiction obsessed teens

If you ever had the app, odds are you were reading some barely coherent narrative about One Direction or Harry Potter


Finding the Best Sunglasses for Every Face Shape

With the perfect pair of sunglasses, you'll be ready to face the sun in style—no matter your face shape.


Bulbulay actress Shagufta Ijaz’s husband, Yahya Siddiqui, passes away after battle with cancer

The actress shared the news of her husband’s passing on Instagram.


Elon Musk accuses Zuckerberg of shielding Meta from accountability in child exploitation scandal

Alleged failures to address key issues lead to growing tensions between high-profile industry leaders in tech world


Research highlights top exercises for diabetes control

The findings suggest that men benefit most from tailored interval exercises based on their initial blood sugar levels


Apple loses $14.4 billion tax battle in EU court

European Commission initially accused Apple of receiving "illegal" tax benefits from Ireland over two decades


Samsung releases One UI 6.1.1 update for 2023's flagship phones

AI-heavy update, of more than 2GB download size, coming to the Galaxy S23 series, Galaxy Z Fold 5, and Galaxy Z Flip 5


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