
Demonstration of full polarization control of soft X-ray pulses with Apple X undulators at SwissFEL using recoil ion momentum spectroscopy

The ability to freely control the polarization of X-rays enables measurement techniques relying on circular or linear dichroism, which have become indispensable tools for characterizing the properties of chiral molecules or magnetic structures. Therefore, the demand for polarization control in X-ray free-electron lasers is increasing to enable polarization-sensitive dynamical studies on ultrafast time scales. The soft X-ray branch Athos of SwissFEL was designed with the aim of providing freely adjustable and arbitrary polarization by building its undulator solely from modules of the novel Apple X type. In this paper, the magnetic model of the linear inclined and circular Apple X polarization schemes are studied. The polarization is characterized by measuring the angular electron emission distributions of helium for various polarizations using cold target recoil ion momentum spectroscopy. The generation of fully linear polarized light of arbitrary angle, as well as elliptical polarizations of varying degree, are demonstrated.


Investigating the missing-wedge problem in small-angle X-ray scattering tensor tomography across real and reciprocal space

Small-angle-scattering tensor tomography is a technique for studying anisotropic nanostructures of millimetre-sized samples in a volume-resolved manner. It requires the acquisition of data through repeated tomographic rotations about an axis which is subjected to a series of tilts. The tilt that can be achieved with a typical setup is geometrically constrained, which leads to limits in the set of directions from which the different parts of the reciprocal space map can be probed. Here, we characterize the impact of this limitation on reconstructions in terms of the missing wedge problem of tomography, by treating the problem of tensor tomography as the reconstruction of a three-dimensional field of functions on the unit sphere, represented by a grid of Gaussian radial basis functions. We then devise an acquisition scheme to obtain complete data by remounting the sample, which we apply to a sample of human trabecular bone. Performing tensor tomographic reconstructions of limited data sets as well as the complete data set, we further investigate and validate the missing wedge problem by investigating reconstruction errors due to data incompleteness across both real and reciprocal space. Finally, we carry out an analysis of orientations and derived scalar quantities, to quantify the impact of this missing wedge problem on a typical tensor tomographic analysis. We conclude that the effects of data incompleteness are consistent with the predicted impact of the missing wedge problem, and that the impact on tensor tomographic analysis is appreciable but limited, especially if precautions are taken. In particular, there is only limited impact on the means and relative anisotropies of the reconstructed reciprocal space maps.


Indirect detector for ultra-high-speed X-ray micro-imaging with increased sensitivity to near-ultraviolet scintillator emission

Ultra-high-speed synchrotron-based hard X-ray (i.e. above 10 keV) imaging is gaining a growing interest in a number of scientific domains for tracking non-repeatable dynamic phenomena at spatio-temporal microscales. This work describes an optimized indirect X-ray imaging microscope designed to achieve high performance at micrometre pixel size and megahertz acquisition speed. The entire detector optical arrangement has an improved sensitivity within the near-ultraviolet (NUV) part of the emitted spectrum (i.e. 310–430 nm wavelength). When combined with a single-crystal fast-decay scintillator, such as LYSO:Ce (Lu2−xYxSiO5:Ce), it exploits the potential of the NUV light-emitting scintillators. The indirect arrangement of the detector makes it suitable for high-dose applications that require high-energy illumination. This allows for synchrotron single-bunch hard X-ray imaging to be performed with improved true spatial resolution, as herein exemplified through pulsed wire explosion and superheated near-nozzle gasoline injection experiments at a pixel size of 3.2 µm, acquisition rates up to 1.4 MHz and effective exposure time down to 60 ps.


Structural dissection of two redox proteins from the shipworm symbiont Teredinibacter turnerae

The discovery of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs), a family of copper-dependent enzymes that play a major role in polysaccharide degradation, has revealed the importance of oxidoreductases in the biological utilization of biomass. In fungi, a range of redox proteins have been implicated as working in harness with LPMOs to bring about polysaccharide oxidation. In bacteria, less is known about the interplay between redox proteins and LPMOs, or how the interaction between the two contributes to polysaccharide degradation. We therefore set out to characterize two previously unstudied proteins from the shipworm symbiont Teredinibacter turnerae that were initially identified by the presence of carbohydrate binding domains appended to uncharacterized domains with probable redox functions. Here, X-ray crystal structures of several domains from these proteins are presented together with initial efforts to characterize their functions. The analysis suggests that the target proteins are unlikely to function as LPMO electron donors, raising new questions as to the potential redox functions that these large extracellular multi-haem-containing c-type cytochromes may perform in these bacteria.


Search for missing symmetry in the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD)

An exhaustive search for missing symmetry was performed for 223 076 entries in the ICSD (2023-2 release). Approximately 0.65% of them can be described with higher symmetry than reported. Out of the identified noncentrosymmetric entries, ∼74% can be described by centrosymmetric space groups; this has implications for compatible physical properties. It is proposed that the information on the correct space group is included in the ICSD.


The use of ethanol as contrast enhancer in Synchrotron X-ray phase-contrast imaging leads to heterogeneous myocardial tissue shrinkage: a case report

In this work, we showed that the use of ethanol to increase image contrast when imaging cardiac tissue with synchrotron X-ray phase-contrast imaging (X-PCI) leads to heterogeneous tissue shrinkage, which has an impact on the 3D organization of the myocardium.


Deconstructing 3D growth rates from transmission microscopy images of facetted crystals as captured in situ within supersaturated aqueous solutions

Here, a morphologically based approach is used for the in situ characterization of 3D growth rates of facetted crystals from the solution phase. Crystal images of single crystals of the β-form of l-glutamic acid are captured in situ during their growth at a relative supersaturation of 1.05 using transmission optical microscopy. The crystal growth rates estimated for both the {101} capping and {021} prismatic faces through image processing are consistent with those determined using reflection light mode [Jiang, Ma, Hazlehurst, Ilett, Jackson, Hogg & Roberts (2024). Cryst. Growth Des. 24, 3277–3288]. The growth rate in the {010} face is, for the first time, estimated from the shadow widths of the {021} prismatic faces and found to be typically about half that of the {021} prismatic faces. Analysis of the 3D shape during growth reveals that the initial needle-like crystal morphology develops during the growth process to become more tabular, associated with the Zingg factor evolving from 2.9 to 1.7 (>1). The change in relative solution supersaturation during the growth process is estimated from calculations of the crystal volume, offering an alternative approach to determine this dynamically from visual observations.


Characterization of sub-micrometre-sized voids in fixed human brain tissue using scanning X-ray microdiffraction

Using a 5 µm-diameter X-ray beam, we collected scanning X-ray microdiffraction in both the small-angle (SAXS) and the wide-angle (WAXS) regimes from thin sections of fixed human brain tissue from Alzheimer's subjects. The intensity of scattering in the SAXS regime of these patterns exhibits essentially no correlation with the observed intensity in the WAXS regime, indicating that the structures responsible for these two portions of the diffraction patterns, which reflect different length scales, are distinct. SAXS scattering exhibits a power-law behavior in which the log of intensity decreases linearly with the log of the scattering angle. The slope of the log–log curve is roughly proportional to the intensity in the SAXS regime and, surprisingly, inversely proportional to the intensity in the WAXS regime. We interpret these observations as being due to the presence of sub-micrometre-sized voids formed during dehydration of the fixed tissue. The SAXS intensity is due largely to scattering from these voids, while the WAXS intensity derives from the secondary structures of macromolecular material surrounding the voids. The ability to detect and map the presence of voids within thin sections of fixed tissue has the potential to provide novel information on the degradation of human brain tissue in neurodegenerative diseases.


High-transmission spectrometer for rapid resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering (rRIXS) maps

The design and first results of a high-transmission soft X-ray spectrometer operated at the X-SPEC double-undulator beamline of the KIT Light Source are presented. As a unique feature, particular emphasis was placed on optimizing the spectrometer transmission by maximizing the solid angle and the efficiencies of spectrometer gratings and detector. A CMOS detector, optimized for soft X-rays, allows for quantum efficiencies of 90% or above over the full energy range of the spectrometer, while simultaneously offering short readout times. Combining an optimized control system at the X-SPEC beamline with continuous energy scans (as opposed to step scans), the high transmission of the spectrometer, and the fast readout of the CMOS camera, enable the collection of entire rapid resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering maps in less than 1 min. Series of spectra at a fixed energy can be taken with a frequency of up to 5 Hz. Furthermore, the use of higher-order reflections allows a very wide energy range (45 to 2000 eV) to be covered with only two blazed gratings, while keeping the efficiency high and the resolving power E/ΔE above 1500 and 3000 with low- and high-energy gratings, respectively.


Foreword to the special virtual issue on X-ray spectroscopy to understand functional materials: instrumentation, applications, data analysis


Foreword to the special virtual issue dedicated to the proceedings of the PhotonMEADOW2023 Joint Workshop


Federal Trade Commission introduces final click-to-cancel rule

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has...


Investing to Take Advantage of the Uranium and Nuclear Renaissance

Source: Streetwise Reports 10/22/2024

The growth of artificial intelligence, the need for more computer data centers, the eventual adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), and the need for more net-zero power means nuclear power, and the uranium needed to fuel it, is seeing a resurgence. Here are some options to make the situation work for your portfolio.

The growth of artificial intelligence, the need for more computer data centers, the eventual adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), and the need for more net-zero power means a renaissance in nuclear power is underway.

Just last month, Microsoft Corp. (MSFT:NASDAQ) announced a deal with Constellation Energy Group (CEG:NYSE) to restart and buy all of the power from one of the shut-down reactors at its infamous Three Mile Island plant in Pennsylvania and the Biden administration also announced a plan to restart the Palisades plant in Michigan.

"Biden has called for a tripling of U.S. nuclear power capacity to fuel energy demand that is accelerating in part due to expansion of power-hungry technologies like artificial intelligence and cloud computing," Valerie Volcovici wrote for Reuters on Oct. 8.

The administration also wants to develop small nuclear reactors (SMRs) for certain applications.

All of this is putting the metal needed to power nuclear energy, uranium, front and center. Prices for the element have started rising, with nuclear fuel trading at US$83.30 per pound last Thursday, a level not seen since 2007, according to a report by Daily Finland on Friday.

Uranium prices are expected to move higher by the end of this quarter, when Trading Economics' global macro models and analyses forecast uranium to trade at US$84.15 per pound, Nuclear Newswire reported on Oct. 3. In another year, the site estimates that the metal will trade at US$91.80 per pound.

The Catalyst: Surging Demand

The engine driving the prices is a "fundamental global shortage" of uranium driven by surging demand, said Andre Leibenberg, chief executive officer of Yellow Cake, which is focused on providing exposure to uranium's spot price.

The demand is stemming not only from a growing recognition of nuclear power's role in the future energy mix, but also from its critical importance in supporting the AI boom and the development of data centers, he wrote in a company update last week, according to Mining Weekly.

According to the report, Liebenberg noted that the primary mine supply of 140 million pounds was significantly trailing behind global demand of more than 180 million pounds a year.

In the European Union, a "lack of clarity" about Russian uranium imports is holding back investment in new enrichment plants, according to Reuters.

Russia supplied more than 25% of European and American enriched uranium before the start of the Ukraine war in February 2022, the report said.

Since then, "the U.S. implemented a ban on imports of enriched uranium from Russia in August, with some exemptions, but in Europe, different countries have taken different approaches," muddying the waters.

Complicating matters is a hint in September that Russian President Vladimir Putin might embargo exports of the vital element to the west.

Citi, in a note to clients, said utilities have been stockpiling Russian uranium, but an embargo would make it "hard to replace" supplies of the metal in the next two years.

"Russia supplies close to 12% of U3O8 (known as yellow cake), 25% of UF6 (uranium hexafluoride) and 35% of EUP (enriched uranium product) to international markets," the bank said, according to Forbes. "While the largest share of these supplies goes to China and in supplying nuclear reactors that were built by Russia's Rosatom, we believe that at-risk supplies are exports to the U.S. or Western Europe."

The consequences of what could happen without more nuclear power can be seen in the U.K., where the number of reactors is shrinking. Four of five of them are expected to close in the next couple of years, which could "stretch the grid to the limit."

"As Britain's reactor fleet shrivels, the amount of nuclear capacity will fall from six gigawatts (GW) today to just 1.2 GW by 2028 or soon after," Jonathan Leake and Matt Oliver wrote for The Telegraph last week. "Along with rising demand from power-hungry data centers and technologies of the future, it will make it even harder to keep the lights on when wind and solar generation is low."

Small Nuclear Reactors (SMRs)

SMRs are another possible solution for some medium-sized energy needs. They have been operational for dozens of years in submarines and other long-distance ocean-going craft.

"They can be manufactured in factories and then rapidly erected on-site," Dominic Frisby wrote for his newsletter, The Flying Frisby, on Oct. 13. They are scalable, and that flexibility "aids manufacture, transportation, and installation while reducing construction time and costs."

A 440-megawatt (MW) SMR would produce about 3.5 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity per year, enough for 1.2 million homes, Frisby noted.

SMRs produce electricity that can easily be adjusted to meet the constant, everyday needs of the grid (baseload), and they can also ramp up or down to follow changes in demand throughout the day, the author wrote. They spin in sync with the grid, so they help keep everything stable.

"When they're running, they act like a steady hand, providing momentum that makes it easier to manage sudden changes in electricity supply or demand," he wrote.

'Bucket Loads of Power' Needed

All of this equates for a bright future for the metal, he said.

"Guess what? AI requires bucket loads of power," Frisby wrote. "That's why Microsoft recently agreed to pay Constellation Energy, the new owner of America's infamous nuclear power station, Three Mile Island, a sizeable premium for its energy. There is cheaper wind and solar power to be had in Pennsylvania, but it isn't as reliable as nuclear 24 hours a day. It's not just AI. The widespread political desire to rid ourselves of fossil fuels means the world needs electricity, and fast."

Chris Temple, publisher of The National Investor, recently noted that with the Three Mile Island deal, "uranium/nuclear power is BACK!"

"I've watched as the news has continued to point to uranium being in the early innings of this new bull market," Temple wrote. "Yet the markets have been yawning . . . until now."

What follows are several uranium explorers and producers that could benefit from this upswing for investors looking to take advantage.

Baselode Energy Corp.

Baselode Energy Corp. (FIND:TSX.V; BSENF:OTCQB) controls 100% of about 273,000 hectares for exploration in the Athabasca Basin area in northern Saskatchewan, Canada.[OWNERSHIP_CHART-10321]

The company said it discovered the ACKIO near-surface, high-grade uranium deposit in September 2021. ACKIO measures greater than 375 meters along strike, greater than 150 meters wide, and is comprised of at least 11 separate zones. Mineralization starts as shallow as 28 meters beneath the surface and continues down to about 300 meters depth beneath the surface, with the bulk of mineralization occurring in the upper 120 meters, Baselode said. ACKIO remains open to the west and south and along the Athabasca sandstone unconformity to the east and south.

Earlier this month, the company reported positive uranium assay results from three drill holes of its 2024 drill program at ACKIO.

Notably, drill hole AK24-119 intersected 0.28% U3O8 over 21.0 meters, including a high-grade section of 1.55% U3O8 over 1.5 meters at a depth of 141 meters. While drill hole AK24-118 returned 0.59% U3O8 over 8.5 meters, including 1.25% U3O8 over 1.5 meters at a depth of 153 meters.

"These results strengthen our confidence in ACKIO," Chief Executive Officer James Sykes said in a release. "It's remarkable that, just over three years after discovering ACKIO, we're still achieving better-than-expected grades and widths."

Baselode expects further assay results from the remaining 40 drill holes to be released after quality review and approval.

David Talbot, Managing Director at Red Cloud Securities, noted in a September 17 report that drilling at ACKIO "continued to expand the mineralized footprint at Pods 1, 6, and 7," highlighting that "thirteen holes reported composite intervals of anomalous radioactivity between 11m and 42m in thickness."

In his report, Talbot rated the stock as a Buy and further projected the potential for "8-10-12 million pounds of U3O8 at a grade of ~0.3% U3O8," which aligns with typical grades found in the southeastern part of the Athabasca Basin.

According to Refinitiv, Baselode has institutions holding 23.26% with Alps Advisors holding the bulk of it with 17.94%, followed by Vident Investment Advisory LLC at 2.97%. Management and Insiders hold 1.59%. The rest is retail.

The company has a market cap of CA$20.05 million, with 131.51 free float shares. It trades in the 52-week range between CA$0.10 and CA$0.61.

Uranium Energy Corp.

According to its website, Uranium Energy Corp. (UEC:NYSE AMERICAN) is America's "largest and fastest growing supplier of uranium."[OWNERSHIP_CHART-402]

The company said it is advancing the next generation of low-cost, environmentally friendly in-situ recovery (ISR) mining uranium projects in the United States and high-grade conventional projects in Canada. It has two production-ready ISR hub and spoke platforms in South Texas and Wyoming.

Additionally, Uranium Energy Corp. said it has diversified uranium holdings with one of the largest physical uranium portfolios of U.S. warehoused U3O8; a major equity stake in Uranium Royalty Corp., the only royalty company in the sector; and a Western Hemisphere pipeline of resource stage uranium projects.

Most recently, the company announced it was expanding its U.S. uranium production capacity by acquiring Rio Tinto Plc.'s Sweetwater Plant and a portfolio of Wyoming uranium assets.

On September 25, Temple of The National Investor noted that UEC was "upgraded back to Buy" following recent uranium market news. He pointed to UEC's acquisition of the Wyoming uranium assets as a catalyst, emphasizing that uranium is "in the early innings of this new bull market."

Jeff Clark of The Gold Advisor, in his September 26 update, called the acquisition a "significant move," noting that it consolidated a large portfolio of uranium assets under UEC's control, positioning the company for rapid growth. He also highlighted the company's strategic advantage with "53,000 additional acres for exploration," reinforcing UEC's potential to ramp up production.

According to Reuters, Uranium Energy has a market cap of US$3.48 billion and 411.41 million shares outstanding. It trades in a 52-week range of US$4.06 and US$8.66.

About 2% of UE is help by management and insiders, Reuters noted. The largest portion, 77.58%, is held by institutional investors. The rest is in retail.

Terra Clean Energy Corp.

Formerly Tisdale Clean Energy Corp., Terra Clean Energy Corp. (TCEC:CSE; TCEFF:OTC; T1KC:FSE), a Canadian-based uranium exploration and development company, is currently developing the South Falcon East uranium project, which holds a 6.96-million-pound inferred uranium resource within the Fraser Lakes Zone B uranium/thorium deposit, located in the Athabasca Basin region of Saskatchewan.[OWNERSHIP_CHART-10935]

Representing a portion of Skyharbour Resources Ltd.'s existing South Falcon Project, Terra Clean Energy's project covers approximately 12,464 hectares and lies 18 kilometers outside the Athabasca Basin, approximately 50 kilometers east of the Key Lake Mine.

Recently, the company announced a comprehensive exploration program set for Winter 2025 at its South Falcon East Uranium Project. The work will focus on extending the mineralized footprint at the Fraser Lakes B Uranium Deposit and includes about 2,000 meters of infill and step-out drilling designed to verify existing mineralized zones and identify additional targets.

In a release, Chief Executive Officer Alex Klenman described the initiative as "a unique setup for a Canadian microcap, offering multiple paths to significant value creation." This US$1.5 million project will involve TerraLogic Exploration Inc., operating out of SkyHarbour's McGowan Lake Camp with helicopter support.

According to Reuters, management and insiders hold 4.62% of Terra Clean Energy. Of those, Alex Klenman holds the most, with 4.37%.

Strategic Investors hold 12.03%, with Planet Ventures Inc holding the most at 7.40%. The rest is retail.

Terra Clean Energy has a market cap of CA$2.98 million and a 52-week range of CA$0.05 to CA$0.22.

North Shore Uranium Ltd.

North Shore Uranium Ltd. (NSU:TSX) said it is working to become a major force in exploration for economic uranium deposits at the eastern margin of the Athabasca Basin.[OWNERSHIP_CHART-10945]

The company said it is running exploration programs at its Falcon and West Bear properties and evaluating opportunities to complement its portfolio of uranium properties.

Falcon consists of 15 mineral claims, the company said. Four of them comprise 12,791 hectares and are 100%-owned by the company. The remaining 11 claims totaling 2,908 hectares are subject to an option agreement with Skyharbour Resources Ltd. Under the terms of the option agreement, North Shore has the option to earn up to 100% interest in the 11 claims by completing certain payments.

Earlier this month, the company announced details of its target generation efforts at its Falcon uranium project at the eastern margin of Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin. The company said it has identified 36 uranium targets across three zones.

"We have a great pipeline of targets to choose from for our next drill program at Falcon," said President and Chief Executive Officer Brooke Clements. "Our Zone 2 has attracted the interest of uranium explorers in the past, and we believe there is potential to make a significant uranium discovery using new data and interpretation."

Earlier this month, North Shore announced it had received a Crown Land Work permit for the full 55,700-hectare Falcon project. Issued by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, it authorizes the company to conduct mineral exploration activities, including prospecting and ground geophysics, trail and drill site clearing, line cutting, the drilling of up to 75 exploration drill holes, and the storage of drill core. The permit expires in July 2027.

Insiders and founding investors own approximately 45% of the issued and outstanding shares. Clements himself owns 3.6% or 1.33M shares, Director Doris Meyer has 2.11% or 0.78M shares, and Director James Arthur holds 1.58% or 0.58M shares. According to North Shore, 14.92M shares (40.5%) held by six founding investors are subject to a voluntary pooling agreement that restricts the disposition of these shares before October 19, 2026.

Most of the rest is with retail, as the institutional holdings are minor.

North Shore has 36.84M outstanding shares and currently has a market cap of CA$1.47 million. It has traded in the past 52 weeks between CA$0.04 and CA$0.30 per share.

Skyharbour Resources Ltd.

Skyharbour Resources Ltd. (SYH:TSX.V; SYHBF:OTCQX; SC1P:FSE) has an extensive portfolio of uranium exploration projects in Canada's Athabasca Basin, with 29 projects, 10 of which are drill-ready, covering over 1.4 million acres of mineral claims. In addition to being a high-grade uranium exploration company, Skyharbour utilizes a prospect generator strategy by bringing in partner companies to advance its secondary assets.[OWNERSHIP_CHART-6026]

In an updated research note on July 24, Analyst Sid Rajeev of Fundamental Research Corp. wrote that Skyharbour "owns one of the largest portfolios among uranium juniors in the Athabasca Basin."

"Given the highly vulnerable uranium supply chain, we anticipate continued consolidation within the sector," wrote Rajeev, who reiterated the firm's Buy rating and adjusted its fair value estimate from CA$1.16 to CA$1.21 per share. "Additionally, the rapidly growing demand for energy from the AI industry is likely to accelerate the adoption of nuclear power, which should, in turn, spotlight uranium juniors in the coming months."

Skyharbour acquired from Denison Mines, a large strategic shareholder of the company, a 100% interest in the Moore Uranium Project, which is located 15 kilometers east of Denison's Wheeler River project and 39 kilometers south of Cameco's McArthur River uranium mine. Moore is an advanced-stage uranium exploration property with high-grade uranium mineralization at the Maverick Zone, including highlight drill results of 6.0% U3O8 over 5.9 meters, including 20.8% U3O8 over 1.5 meters at a vertical depth of 265 meters.

Adjacent to the Moore Uranium Project is Skyharbour's Russell Lake Uranium Project optioned from Rio Tinto, which hosts historical high-grade drill intercepts over a large property area with robust exploration upside potential. The 73,294-ha Russell Lake Uranium Property is strategically located in the central core of the Eastern Athabasca Basin of northern Saskatchewan. Skyharbour has recently discovered high-grade uranium mineralization in a new zone at Russell and is carrying out an additional 7-8,000-meter drill campaign across both Russell and Moore.

Management, insiders, and close business associates own approximately 5% of Skyharbour.

According to Reuters, President and CEO Trimble owns 1.6%, and Director David Cates owns 0.70%.

Institutional, corporate, and strategic investors own approximately 55% of the company. Denison Mines owns 6.3%, Rio Tinto owns 2.0%, Extract Advisors LLC owns 9%, Alps Advisors Inc. owns 9.91%, Mirae Asset Global Investments (U.S.A) L.L.C. owns 6.29%, Sprott Asset Management L.P. owns 1.5%, and Incrementum AG owns 1.18%, Reuters reported.

There are 182.53 million shares outstanding with 178 million free float traded shares, while the company has a market cap of CA$89.44 million and trades in a 52-week range of CA$0.31 and CA$0.64.

ATHA Energy Corp.

Atha Energy Corp. (SASK:TSX.V; SASKF:OTCMKTS) is a Canadian mineral company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of uranium assets with a portfolio including three 100%-owned post-discovery uranium projects (the Angilak Project located in Nunavut, and CMB Discoveries in Labrador hosting historical resource estimates of 43.3 million pounds and 14.5 million pounds U3O8 respectively, and the newly discovered basement-hosted GMZ high-grade uranium discovery located in the Athabasca Basin).[OWNERSHIP_CHART-11007]

In addition, the company said it holds the largest cumulative prospective exploration land package (more than 8.5 million acres) in two of the world's most prominent basins for uranium discoveries. ATHA also holds a 10% carried interest in key Athabasca Basin exploration projects operated by NexGen Energy Ltd. and IsoEnergy Ltd.

Technical Analyst Maund considers Atha Energy to be "THE top play in the uranium sector" and has an Immediate Strong Buy rating on it, he wrote in the previously mentioned Oct. 17 report.

The company's 3-, 13- and 26-month charts indicate its stock price had been in a bear market since trading began until September, when it had an upwave or preliminary breakout. This, along with other indicators, including positive accumulation-distribution convergence and high volume, suggest another upleg is expected soon, he said.

"Given the outlook for the uranium price and what Atha Energy has going for it, its stock is astoundingly cheap after its persistent downtrend this year," Maund wrote.

According to Refinitiv, 10 management and insiders own 16.44% of Atha Energy. The Top 5 are Timothy Young with 6.32%, Matthew Mason with 5.8%, Atha Chairman Michael Castanho with 1.16%, and Atha Director Sean Kallir with 0.9%.

Seven institutional investors together hold 9.38%. The Top 3 are Alps Advisors Inc. with 6.26%, Sprott Asset Management LP with 1.3%, and Vident Investment Advisory LLC with 0.8%.

The remaining 74.18% of Atha is in retail.

According to the company, it has 277.9M shares outstanding, 14M options, 4M restricted stock units/performance rights, and 10.2M warrants.

Reuters reports Atha's market cap is CA$208.42 million, and its 52-week range is CA$0.46−$1.42 per share.

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Important Disclosures:

  1. Skyharbour Resources Ltd. and Terra Clean Energy Corp. are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports and pay SWR a monthly sponsorship fee between US$4,000 and US$5,000. In addition, Terra Clean Energy has a consulting relationship with Street Smart an affiliate of Streetwise Reports. Street Smart Clients pay a monthly consulting fee between US$8,000 and US$20,000.
  2. As of the date of this article, officers and/or employees of Streetwise Reports LLC (including members of their household) own securities of North Shore Uranium Ltd., Uranium Energy Corp., and Terra Clean Energy.
  3. Steve Sobek wrote this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee.
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Congratulations to Genevieve Kent for Winning this Issue's Photo Contest!

USGS Western Fisheries Research Center (WFRC) biological science technician, Genevieve Kent, is the winner of this issue’s photo contest. 


Trump's Family Business, CFO Weisselberg Are Charged With Tax Crimes

Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization's longtime chief financial officer, watches as then-U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses a 2016 news conference at Trump Tower in New York City.; Credit: Carlo Allegri/Reuters

Andrea Bernstein, Ilya Marritz, and Brian Naylor | NPR

Updated July 1, 2021 at 3:14 PM ET

Former President Donald Trump's family business and its longtime chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, have been charged by the Manhattan district attorney's office in a case involving alleged tax-related crimes.

Before the indictment was released Thursday, Weisselberg's personal attorneys, Mary Mulligan and Bryan Skarlatos, said in a statement that the CFO "intends to plead not guilty and he will fight these charges in court."

Trump has long denied any wrongdoing.

In a statement Thursday afternoon, the former president said:

"The political Witch Hunt by the Radical Left Democrats, with New York now taking over the assignment, continues. It is dividing our Country like never before!"

The investigation by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. began in 2018 around the time Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to campaign finance charges related to payments of hush money. These were made in the final months of the 2016 presidential campaign, as Cohen put it in court, "in coordination with, and at the direction of, a candidate for federal office." The goal was to block two women who claimed they had extramarital affairs with Trump — former Playboy model Karen McDougal and adult film star Stephanie Clifford, whose stage name is Stormy Daniels — from telling their stories publicly.

New York state Attorney General Letitia James' office launched its own probe in 2019 after Cohen testified in a congressional hearing that Trump manipulated property values to lower his tax obligations and to obtain bank loans. James' investigation was initially focused on potential civil charges, but it recently expanded to include a criminal probe in partnership with Vance.

This year, the investigators have homed in on noncash payments made to top officials in Trump's companies, including Weisselberg.

The U.S. Supreme Court paved the way for the charges, declining in February to block a subpoena from Vance's office seeking Trump's financial records. Vance first requested tax filings and other financial records from Trump's accounting firm, Mazars USA, in 2019.

In a statement released in May, Trump said the New York-based investigations were part of a "Witch Hunt," adding, with a reference to how his presidential campaign started in 2015: "It began the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, and it's never stopped."

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Regenerative Med Co. Granted Second Tissue License

Source: Dr. Jonathan Aschoff 11/07/2024

With these expanded capabilities, the biotech may increase revenue generation and continue its clinical trial, noted a Roth MKM report.

BioRestorative Therapies Inc. (BRTX:OTCBB) received a provisional license from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) to process allogeneic donor tissue for various cells, like stem, to be isolated, expanded, and cryopreserved for medical research, reported MKM analyst Dr. Jonathan Aschoff in a Nov. 5 research note.

The biotech develops therapeutic products using cell and tissue protocols, primarily involving adult stem cells.

1,100% Upside Implied

Aschoff reiterated Roth's US$18 per share target price on the biotech, trading at the time of the report at about US$1.50 per share, the analyst noted. These figures reflect a potential return for investors of 1,100%.

BioRestorative Therapeutics remains a Buy.

Sources of Revenue

Aschoff discussed how BioRestorative can generate revenue. This new license is the second from NYSDOH that the biotech holds. The previous one allows it to process autologous mesenchymal stem cells, in other words, act as a tissue bank.

The U.S.-based biotech now may capitalize on its Current Good Manufacturing Practices capabilities and process, bank and distribute clinical-grade allogeneic biologics. This revenue generation would better position the biotech financially, "allowing it to reduce cash burn and dependence on equity markets," wrote Aschoff.

Another source of revenue for BioTherapeutics is from its supply agreement with Cartessa Aesthetics LLC signed earlier in 2024. Per the five-year agreement, BioTherapeutics will supply Cartessa with a preset minimum quantity of finished vials of the aesthetic company's initial cell-based biologic commercial product each year. This product, intended to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, will be sold under the Chronos ExoCR mark. Cartessa, on the other hand, will give BioTherapeutics access to its marketing and distribution capabilities to get its technologies to aesthetic providers.

The biotech may expand the Cartessa agreement into a broader offering of biocosmeceuticals and therapeutics if future clinical trials support their approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This expansion would transform the partnership into "a vertically integrated biocosmeceutical platform," Aschoff wrote.

Clinical Trial Catalyst

Meanwhile, Aschoff reported, BioRestorative will continue its Phase 2 clinical evaluation of its novel back pain treatment, BRTX-100, in patients with chronic lumbar disc degeneration.

Preliminary results from this clinical trial are expected in late Q4/24 or early Q1/25.

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  1. Doresa Banning wrote this article for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an independent contractor.
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Disclosures for Roth MKM, BioRestorative Therapies Inc., November 5, 2024

Regulation Analyst Certification ("Reg AC"): The research analyst primarily responsible for the content of this report certifies the following under Reg AC: I hereby certify that all views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject company or companies and its or their securities. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report.

Disclosures: Within the last twelve months, ROTH Capital Partners, or an affiliate to ROTH Capital Partners, has received compensation for investment banking services from BioRestorative Therapies, Inc.. ROTH makes a market in shares of BioRestorative Therapies, Inc. and as such, buys and sells from customers on a principal basis. Shares of BioRestorative Therapies, Inc. may be subject to the Securities and Exchange Commission's Penny Stock Rules, which may set forth sales practice requirements for certain low-priced securities.

ROTH Capital Partners, LLC expects to receive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking or other business relationships with the covered companies mentioned in this report in the next three months. The material, information and facts discussed in this report other than the information regarding ROTH Capital Partners, LLC and its affiliates, are from sources believed to be reliable, but are in no way guaranteed to be complete or accurate. This report should not be used as a complete analysis of the company, industry or security discussed in the report. Additional information is available upon request. This is not, however, an offer or solicitation of the securities discussed. Any opinions or estimates in this report are subject to change without notice. An investment in the stock may involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. Additionally, an investment in the stock may involve a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. No part of this report may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of ROTH. Copyright 2024. Member: FINRA/SIPC.

( Companies Mentioned: BRTX:OTCBB, )


Investing to Take Advantage of the Uranium and Nuclear Renaissance

The growth of artificial intelligence, the need for more computer data centers, the eventual adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), and the need for more net-zero power means nuclear power, and the uranium needed to fuel it, is seeing a resurgence. Here are some options to make the situation work for your portfolio.



Hundreds Of Companies Call For U.S. To Slash Carbon Emissions

Tim Cook, chief executive officer of Apple Inc., speaks during an event in 2018. Apple is one of 310 companies calling on the Biden administration to slash carbon emissions.; Credit: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Eric McDaniel | NPR

More than 300 businesses have signed an open letter calling on the Biden administration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States to at least half of 2005 levels by 2030. That would nearly double a previous target set by former President Barack Obama in 2015, who pledged a 25 to 28% reduction by 2025.

The United States is not currently on track to meet either goal.

The signatories include some of largest companies in the United States, including Walmart, Apple, McDonald's and Starbucks. "A bold 2030 target is needed to catalyze a zero-emissions future, spur a robust economic recovery, create millions of well-paying jobs, and allow the U.S. to 'build back better' from the pandemic," the letter said, echoing the president's economic recovery slogan.

A 50% reduction target would put the Biden administration in line with what groups such as the United Nations and National Academies of Science say is necessary to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change.

In a March statement calling for the same reductions target, the environmental advocacy group Natural Resources Defense Council said such a plan would "help pull the country out of the pandemic-induced recession by putting millions of Americans to work" and inspire more ambitious international climate action ahead of a major United Nations climate conference this November.

Like President Joe Biden's campaign promise to guide the United States to carbon-neutrality by the middle of the century, a 50% emissions reduction target would require steeper emissions cuts than the country has ever achieved.

In 2019, greenhouse gas emissions were approximately 13% below 2005 levels, a decrease of just 1.8% from the previous year.

The Biden administration has identified climate action as one of its top four priorities and has named prominent, experienced Washington insiders, including former Secretary of State John Kerry and former EPA administrator Gina McCarthy, to oversee climate policy efforts at the White House.

As NPR's Danielle Kurtzleben has previously reported, activists on the left are cautiously optimistic about the administration's climate plan after expressing doubts about Biden's climate record during the Democratic primary.

Sunrise Movement, a youth-led climate group that champions the Green New Deal, gave candidate Biden's initial climate plan an "F" grade. Now, the group's executive director Varshini Prakash is publicly celebrating his administration's latest climate-focused $2 trillion infrastructure bill — including its commitment to spend 40% of the infrastructure plan's money on disadvantaged communities and launch a jobs program called the Civilian Climate Corps.

New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told NPR earlier this month that she feels that Biden has ultimately come around to the side of progressives on climate issues. She said: "As much as I think some parts of the party try to avoid saying 'Green New Deal' and really dance around and try to not use that term, ultimately, the framework I think has been adopted."

The emphasis on climate comes as a sharp departure from the Trump administration, which withdrew the United States from the Paris Agreement and set no emissions reductions targets.

Signatories to the Paris deal, which Biden rejoined on the day he was sworn into office, are all required to set these targets — formally known as nationally determined contributions, or NDCs.

The agreement also encourages nations to revise their goals every five years, in hopes that the proposals become more ambitious as the cost of environmental reform goes down.

Since the Paris agreement was first agreed to in 2015, though, just fifty of the deal's nearly 200 signatories have submitted revised targets. A recent U.N. analysis of international climate action found that many countries were doing far too little to reduce emissions for the world to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

So far, the White House has not indicated exactly how ambitious their plan will be. An announcement is expected in the coming days as the White House prepares for its Earth Day climate summit with world leaders, scheduled for Thursday, April 22.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


There's Been A Big Drop In the Number Of Missing From The Surfside Condo Collapse

Sharon Pruitt-Young | NPR

As search and rescue efforts at the site of the Surfside, Fla., condo collapse stretch into day nine, officials have said that the number of confirmed fatalities has risen to 20, while the number of people unaccounted for has dropped from 145 to 128.

Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava told reporters Friday that one of the two fatalities recovered overnight was the 7-year-old daughter of a firefighter for the city of Miami.

"It goes without saying that every night since this last Wednesday has been immensely difficult for everybody, particularly the families that have been impacted," Levine Cava said. "But last night was truly different and more difficult for our first responders. These men and women are paying an enormous human toll each every day, and I ask that all of you please keep all of them in your thoughts and prayers."

"They truly represent the very best in all of us, and we need to be there for them as they are here for us," she said.

The number of people who have been accounted for has grown to 188, officials also confirmed Friday. In many cases, detectives followed leads regarding individuals who were unaccounted for but then reached them and discovered they were safe.

They even discovered additional family members who were safe and who could have been in the building, and added them to the tally of accounted for individuals.

Officials have not yet released the names of all of the dead and missing people, and asked Friday that the privacy of the families be respected.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


2021 Miss Nevada Will Be The First Openly Transgender Miss USA Contestant

Josie Fischels and Sarah McCammon | NPR

Wearing a rainbow sequin gown she designed herself in honor of Pride Month, Kataluna Enriquez made history last weekend when she was crowned Miss Nevada USA — the win will make her the first openly transgender contestant to compete in the upcoming Miss USA pageant this fall.

"My win is our win," she posted afterward on her Instagram in a message to the LGBTQ community. "We just made history. Happy pride."

Enriquez, who was also Miss Nevada USA's first trans contestant, beat out 21 other women for the top spot. She will represent the Silver State at the 2021 Miss USA pageant that will be held on Nov. 29 in Tulsa, Okla., where she will have a chance to be crowned Miss USA and advance to the Miss Universe pageant.

If crowned Miss USA, Enriquez will become the second trans contestant to compete for Miss Universe, after Angela Ponce, who represented Spain in the 2018 Miss Universe pageant. The pageant began allowing transgender contestants in 2012.

Enriquez began competing in pageants in 2015. Unable to afford custom designer gowns that fit her body at the time, she began designing her own to wear for competitions and eventually started her own line, Kataluna Kouture (@katalunakouture). In March, Enriquez became the first trans woman to win Miss Nevada's preliminary pageant, Miss Silver State USA.

The journey has not been easy, and Enriquez has faced discrimination. While competing in a pageant outside of Nevada, she had not been given a roommate when pageant organizers learned she was trans. A doctor had also been sent to certify that she was a woman before she could continue.

But Enriquez told NPR's Weekend All Things Considered that her determination to make history was what motivated her to keep competing.

"I had a purpose and I had a dream," she said. "I wanted to compete on the Miss USA stage. When I was young, I always wanted to see someone on the Miss USA stage — someone like me. And it just happened to be that I was the person that I needed to make history."

As she prepares for the Miss USA pageant, Enriquez said she plans to advocate for equality and mental health.

"My win is not just a win for the trans community," she said. "It's a win for all women to be represented."

Kalyani Saxena and Tinbete Ermyas produced and edited the audio version of this story. Josie Fischels produced for the web. Josie Fischels is an intern on NPR's News Desk.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Florida Condo Deaths Climb To 32 As Officials Try To Pinpoint The Number Of Missing

Joe Hernandez | NPR

Crews searching the building collapse site in Surfside, Fla., have discovered four more victims since Monday, bringing the death toll to 32. Authorities have identified 26 of the bodies.

Another 113 people were unaccounted for, though local officials said they had only been able to confirm that about 70 of those people were in the building at the time of the collapse nearly two weeks ago.

Detectives are continuing to follow up on reports submitted about possible victims in the partial collapse, but in some cases they have been unable to reach those who submitted the tips in the first place.

"People call anonymously. People call and don't leave return phone numbers. People call with partial information, not enough to really secure whether that person may or may not have been in the building," Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava told reporters on Tuesday.

Some of the reports of possible victims are also incomplete, she said, including a name but no apartment number or no date of birth.

Levine Cava urged people who are missing loved ones to communicate with local authorities. She said there may also be victims of the collapse who have not been reported missing.

The rescue effort stopped briefly overnight due to lightning from a passing storm. Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett said high winds were hampering the cranes moving heavy debris from the collapse site.

Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez said Florida has declared a state of emergency ahead of Tropical Storm Elsa, which is expected to reach hurricane strength before making landfall Wednesday morning on the state's west coast.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Catawba Co. joins other area counties & cities to approve settlement of Catawba River Basin Inter Basin Transfer issue

The Catawba County Board of Commissioners, at its January 19, 2010 meeting, joined with other local governments across the region in approving the agreement. The main points of the agreement hinged on Concord and Kannapolis modifying their ability, contained in their IBT certificate, to withdraw 10 million gallons of water per day (MGD) from the Catawba River at all times, by significantly limiting withdrawals during times of drought. The agreement limits withdrawals to 6 MGD during times of most severe drought, or �exceptional� drought; 7 MGD during �extreme� drought; 8.5 MGD during �severe� drought; and 9 MGD during �moderate� drought. Further, the agreement restricts Concord and Kannapolis from withdrawing more than 3 MGD from the Catawba until July 1, 2015, and after they first are withdrawing 5 MGD from the Yadkin River.


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Catawba County Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda for 9:30 a.m., Monday, April 4, 2011

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Synopsis of Board of Commissioners meeting of December 16, 2013.

Synopsis of Catawba County Board of Commissioners meeting of December 16, 2013.


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Catawba County Board of Commissioners adopts resolution supporting citizen participation in government through elections in Catawba County.


How The Pandemic Changed The College Admissions Selection Process This Year

Lisa Przekop, director of admissions at University of California, Santa Barbara, says that many high schoolers this year wrote their application essays about depression and anxiety during the pandemic.; Credit: Patricia Marroquin/Moment Editorial/Getty Images

Mary Louise Kelly | NPR

College-bound high schoolers are making their final deliberations ahead of May 1, the national deadline to pick a school. That day will mark the end of a hectic admissions season drastically shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many colleges dropped standardized testing requirements, and because some high schools gave pass/fail grades and canceled extracurriculars and sports, admissions counselors had to change how they read and evaluate applications.

"[It was] definitely the craziest of all my 36 years, without a doubt," says Lisa Przekop, director of admissions at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

The UC school system received the most applications in the United States.

Like many others, Przekop says all of her staff has been working remotely throughout the pandemic. But if pivoting to working from home wasn't a challenge enough, Przekop says the school saw an increase in applications of 16%.

"On top of all that, we had to devise a way of doing our admissions selection process without the use of SAT or ACT scores," she says. "So any one of those things would have been a major change, but to have all of them at the same time was beyond anything really that I could've imagined."

Przekop spoke with All Things Considered about how what counselors looked for in applications this year changed, what topics they saw in admissions essays and how the process might have actually improved in spite of the pandemic.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Interview Highlights

Has it all added up to more time spent on every individual application?

Quick answer, yes. Things are much more nuanced now. And although a student may have, for instance, planned to do certain activities, well many of those activities were canceled. The other big difference was students were a lot more depressed this year, obviously. Everybody's more anxious, including students. They're applying for college which is stressful in and of itself. And so what we found is a lot of students used their essays to talk about depression, anxiety, things like this. To read essay after essay after essay about depression, anxiety, stress — is taxing. And so we really had to encourage staff to take more breaks as they were reviewing. So it definitely slowed the whole process down at a time when we had more applications to review.

Can you give any insight into what you are basing your decisions on this year?

Absolutely. Maybe in the past I would've focused on that GPA right away. Now when I'm looking at that academic picture, I have to look at the fact that did the student challenge themselves as much as they could have? Were the courses even available? Do I see any trends in their academic performance? If their spring term of last year, their junior year, was all pass/no pass, can I safely assume that they did well in those courses? And that's where you really had to rely on what the students shared in their essays to try to piece that together.

Are you noticing greater diversity in the students applying to UC?

In terms of ethnic diversity, yes, we are seeing that. In terms of diversity of experience — for instance, first generation students and students with lots of different socioeconomic backgrounds — we're definitely seeing that. I'm seeing students who are very committed to the environment more so than i've seen before. I'm seeing students who are more politically aware and active than I've seen before. So I'm definitely seeing a pattern of behaviors that look a little bit different than students in the past.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


Colorado Becomes First State To Ban Legacy College Admissions

; Credit: /Rob Dobi for NPR

Elissa Nadworny | NPR

When someone applies to college, there's often a box or a section on the application that asks if they have any relatives who attended the university —perhaps a parent or a cousin. This is called "legacy," and for decades it's given U.S. college applicants a leg up in admissions. But no longer in Colorado's public colleges.

On Tuesday, Colorado became the first state to do away with that admissions boost, when Democratic Gov. Jared Polis signed a ban on the practice into law. The governor also signed a bill that removes a requirement that public colleges consider SAT or ACT scores for freshmen, though the new law still allows students to submit test scores if they wish.

Both moves are aimed at making higher education access more equitable. According to the legislation, 67% of middle- to high-income students in Colorado enroll in bachelor's degree programs straight from high school, while only 47% of low-incomes students do. There are also major differences when it comes to race, with white students far more likely to enroll in college.

Legacy admissions have long been a target for reform. In a 2018 survey of admissions directors by Inside Higher Ed, 42% of private institutions and 6% of public institutions said they consider legacy status as a factor in admissions. Some of the nation's largest public universities do not consider legacy, including both the University of California and the California State University systems. However, private colleges in California have reported using legacy as a way to encourage philanthropic giving and donations.

During the pandemic, many colleges backed off on using SAT and ACT scores in admissions. Research has shownand lawsuits have argued -- that the tests, long used to measure aptitude for college, are far more connected to family income and don't provide meaningful information about a student's ability to succeed in college. Wealthier families are also more likely to pay for test prep courses, or attend schools with curriculums that focus on the exams.

As pandemic restrictions loosen up, and in-person testing resumes, some universities have begun to re-incorporate the SAT and ACT into their admissions. But others have made the temporary changes permanent. This spring, the University of California system agreed to continue a test-free admissions policy through 2025. California sends the largest number of high school students to U.S. colleges, and if the UC system no longer uses the tests, its unclear whether those students will be interested in applying to other schools that do require them.

Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit

This content is from Southern California Public Radio. View the original story at


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NASA Should Lead a Large Direct Imaging Mission to Study Earth-Like Exoplanets, Says New Report

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