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Borrowing a cup of sugar from a neighbor benefits everyone

It fosters connection and community, boosts happiness... and results in delicious baked goods.

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Cambodia's First Ethanol Plant Will Use One-Fifth of Nation's Cassava Crop

Just a quick one on ethanol and Southeast Asia: Chinaview.cn is reporting that Cambodia has opened the nation’s first ethanol production facility. Using cassava as a feedstock, at least initially all of the

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Studio 804 creates smaller houses for a changing market

Dan Rockhill and his students keep pushing the building envelope.

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BMW's New Car Share Lends You a Car Where You Find One, Lets You Leave It Where You Want

At TreeHugger, we've been big fans of car-sharing services for a long time. ZipCar has long dominated the field, pushing the envelope recently by adding hybrid vehicles and expanding into new

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Why Birth Control is as Important as a Climate Treaty or Food Aid

Excessive population growth presents an immediate environmental danger greater than climate change.

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Do we have a population crisis or a consumption crisis?

Population growth is in fact slowing down but everyone is using more of everything.

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French solar roadway declared "a complete flop"

Sometimes we should just let a bad idea die.

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Why can't a house be built as well as a car?

It can; but until Americans are willing to trade quantity for quality, nobody will bother doing it.

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Can a computer train your dog?

Researchers are experimenting with software and a smart harness for carrying out basic dog training.

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Yikes! California's extreme drought could last "a decade or more", 2014 driest year in a century

California has been going through a drought for about 3 years now, with 2013 being the driest year on record.

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A canoe trip is the epitome of slow travel

"There is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." (Kenneth Grahame)

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How to design a compact kitchen

You really don't need all those big appliances.

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Could Annoying Your Little Brother Be a Catalyst for Solar?

Not long ago, my parents installed a sizable solar array on their home in England. Now my brother has just emailed with photos of his own installation. What's going on? Besides providing more evidence that solar feed-in

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Building an up-cycled, open source cargo bike for a city of hills

The Bristol Cargo Bike project is creating a "light weight mega geared micro logistics vehicle of choice for a city of hills."

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The Hub, a Shared Work Space for People Who Care. In a City near You!

Working in shared office spaces is an attractive solution for creative start-ups, and has become more and more sought-after in many of the bigger cities. Green Spaces in Manhattan has turned into a well-working

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Are sidewalks a civic responsibility? Not in Atlanta

One might think that promoting walking as an alternative to driving might be good for cities clogged with cars full of overweight people.

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We've got twins! Extremely rare panda cub twins born in Atlanta zoo

Pandas, which are one of the better known endangered species out there, just aren't very good at breeding, making their survival more problematic than if, say, they had cubs by the bucketload every year.

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The whole city of Florence can fit in one Atlanta cloverleaf

Steve Mouzon looks at the true cost of sprawl.

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Sidewalks are critical infrastructure and should be a civic responsibility

It is appalling that in much of America, they are considered a frill.

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A safer alternative to BPA could come from paper-making waste

Researchers have found that lignin, a compound found in wood, could replace BPA in plastics.

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BPA could be affecting desire to exercise

Study assessed the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on mice's desire to exercise and found that it makes them lazier.

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eBay's Desert Data Center Gets Into Hot Water

Cooling a data center in one of the hottest parts of the USA can be done by using hot water, as eBay's Phoenix facility finds.

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Here's a modernist desk that grows with a child into adulthood (Video)

Hand-made with high quality, sustainably harvested woods, this is one desk meant for both kids and grown-ups.

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First wolf in a century spotted in the Czech Republic

These apex predators play a much bigger role in ecosystems than most people suspect, and their absence causes all kinds of problems that we aren't always able to solve.

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How to start a circular economy in your hometown

Fed up with the disposable culture we all live in, two women from Portland, Oregon, founded a low-waste company to help the entire city cut back on plastic.

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Radical Product Transparency Via Carbon Mapping- Highlight from Opportunity Green

This past Thursday, at the business conference Opportunity Green, one panel entitled Next Generation Carbon Mapping: Radical Transparency and Truth in Advertising captured the attention of the standing room only audience at

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Sierra Club Announces the Nation's "Coolest" Schools

School is a testing ground for the way we perform later in life. It can mold us into fine upstanding members of society, or not. While environmental responsibility isn't something we have to learn early in life, it certainly makes

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World's first carbon-negative data center coming to Sweden

The makers of the EcoDataCenter prefer the term "climate-positive."

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Is outdoor play a child's want or right?

A debate between a child and teacher reveals all that's wrong with our education system today.

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Even in a crisis, children's screen time needs to be controlled

Excessive screen time is known to be harmful, and tough times don't justify letting those concerns slip.

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Here's a clever triple bunk bed for three kids in Brooklyn

A cluttered apartment room becomes a modern place to sleep and play for three siblings.

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The Case For A Carbon Tax (Book Review)

Hsu's case for the superiority of a carbon tax over other methods of pricing carbon is throughly and eloquently made. But will it actually help us get past our collective aversion to the word 'tax'? That's frankly the bigger question.

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Is Buying Local Food the Best Way to Go on a Carbon Diet?

In this excerpt from the latest book by the Union of Concerned Scientists, the authors look at the realities of local food.

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Nature Anatomy is a charming guide for the urban naturalist

A pull between city life and the slower pace of nature inspired author and illustrator Julia Rothmans to create “Nature Anatomy.”

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'The Sun is a Compass: A 4,000-mile Journey into the Alaskan Wilds' (book review)

An ambitious couple set out to travel from Washington to the Alaskan Arctic, off the beaten track and under their own power.

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The hard tiny hooks of a cat’s tongue are just one of its many wonders

Among other remarkable features, a cat’s tongue is covered in little spines, turning it into the world’s most magical hairbrush.

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Casa Cúbica turns shipping container into vacation villa

This little unit has sleeping for four in not much space at all.

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Going to the office? Be Careful, It Is A Chemical Soup

Not much point in having a healthy house if you spend all day in an unhealthy office.

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It's World Water Day, and the Great Lakes are at risk thanks to proposed EPA cutbacks

And it's not just lefty TreeHuggers who are outraged; Everybody is in on this war of words

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New solar technology promises safe drinking water in a compact off-grid footprint

When the oft-predicted water wars start, we're going to want this technology on our side. Let's hope it survives the budget wars.

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A closer look at Telus Sky: Can an all-glass tower really be considered green?

The building is handsome and sexy, just like Bjarke. But this is Calgary, and you need a warm jacket in winter.

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Meet 'Steve,' a new kind of northern lights discovered by aurora chasers (Video)

This green and purple mystery finally gets its own name and some attention from aurora enthusiasts and researchers alike.

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Not-So-Lonely Wanderer is a charming 202 sq. ft. tiny house (Video)

Featuring a tall living room and a big kitchen, this tiny dwelling from Canada packs a big personality.

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Does hydrogen have a role to play in a clean-energy future?

New technology might actually pull hydrogen out of the Alberta tar sands and leave the carbon behind.

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Is Canada's Justin Trudeau a climate hypocrite?

Or is it all a big political show?

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Why we need a Carbon-cle Cup Award for Unsustainable Design

RIBA has announced that all its prizes will now be sustainable. We are going to need a counterpoint.

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Brazil's Natura Cosmetics may be the world's biggest B Corp -- but here's what they're not telling you

Despite Natura's seemingly excellent and forward-thinking business model, their list of ingredients is surprisingly awful and toxic, which calls into question the B Corp certification standards.

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Here's one way to get a car out of the bike lane: Pick it up and move it.

Bravo to this Brazilian guy for showing how it's done.

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Why you should roast vegetables in a cast iron pan

You'll get a perfectly crispy, golden exterior.

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Canada celebrates 10 years making garbage great with TerraCycle

In Canada, we’ve collected over 150 million units of waste and engaged two million people to recycle.