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Board game introduces pathways to a competitive bioeconomy using hemp & bamboo

This Monopoly alternative is designed to act as a walkthrough of the concepts of a new economically and ecologically viable "Industrial Evolution" based on a renewable bioeconomy.

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8 Enchanting Sea Creatures You Can Crochet

Save the sea creatures! Handcraft your own natural specimens using these these simple patterns, yarn and a crochet hook.

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Couple's extra-wide tiny home has a climbing wall (Video)

This couple swapped a ladder for a climbing wall up to their loft.

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Will Alberta's tar sands create a Canadian "cancer alley"? Study finds high levels of carcinogens in air.

A new study has found that the air pollution from Alberta's massive tar sands operations is putting the health of downwind residents at risk by releasing unsafe levels of carcinogenic and toxic chemicals into the air.

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Obama Calls for Cap-and-Trade

Senator Barack Obama proposed on Monday a plan to decrease the United States' dependence on foreign oil―while fighting climate change―by creating an auction system that will require power companies and other polluting industries to pay for their

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Bio-solar wallpaper made with cyanobacteria can be printed with an inkjet

When printed in a precise pattern onto carbon nanotubes on paper, these photosynthetic bacteria can produce electricity from sunlight, which could power biodegradable environmental and medical sensors.

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Breakdown of Solyndra Media Coverage Shows Everyone Ignored More Important Stories

Since its eruption in late August, the Solyndra scandal has been a lightning rod for political and ideological debates over everything from the role of government in business to the debate on global

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How Yoga Can Harmonize the Body & Planet

While the NYT article offers an exaggerated cautionary tale, its alarm-ism can lead many to throw the beautiful practice of yoga asanas (postures) out with the bathwater.

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Slow Biking is actually a competitive sport

In the Netherlands it is actually a thing, to ride your bike as slowly as possible without falling over.

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A mountain range is a concert hall for this musical duo

The Musical Mountaineers carry a violin and piano up trails to perform in secret wilderness locations.

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Park a house in a parking spot instead of a car

Or, for that matter, park both a house and a car like Bill Dunster's ZEDpod.

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Nolla cabin offers a low-impact, urban camping experience

Urban dwellers can get a taste of camping out in nature with this temporary island cabin just outside of Helsinki.

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Tiny Philippine Island is Center of a Crazy-But-True Natural Wonder (Slideshow)

This tiny verdant island, called Vulcan Point or sometimes Vulcan Island, lies at the center of a strange-but-entirely-true natural wonder. It's known for being the world's largest volcanic island that's on a lake, on a

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A Christian Perspective on Organic Dairy Farming and Positive Child Labor (Video)

From retiring dairy cows to asking whether

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Midwest Coal Plants to Shut Down Sooner Than Expected: One Step Closer to a Clean Energy Future?

10 coal plants in Chicago, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey will be shut down sooner than expected.

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The Porch: Philadelphia Creates a New Public Space

A new public space in Philadelphia helps make the city more human-scale and increase quality of life for people who work or pass through the area.

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Happy Simcoe Day: How good planning changed a country (and made room for a lot of Americans)

220 years ago a lot of people wanted to move to Canada. Here is how they were welcomed.

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Berta Cáceres, winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize, was murdered in Honduras

The world mourns the loss of Berta Cáceres, an Indigenous woman who peacefully yet persistently resisted the destruction of waterways in Honduras for mining projects.

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Make a shake flashlight out of a cardboard tube

This quick project makes a useful emergency flashlight while recycling your leftover cardboard.

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Teen inventor creates a coffee mug to power your gadgets

The same inventor who brought us the body heat-powered flashlight is at it again.

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In Kenya, dried poop briquettes are serving as a clean cooking fuel

This waste-to-resource project not only produces a less smoky and long-burning fire, but could also help improve health and sanitation outcomes.

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Hōkūle’a, a traditional Hawaiian deep-sea canoe, has completed round-the-world trip

It took three years, but Hōkūle’a made the impressive journey using only ancient Polynesian navigational methods.

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Twin modern cabins help nurture a close relationship with nature

Simple, no frills cabin living at its best, right by the ocean.

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Massive Norwegian data center will be fully powered by renewable energy

The data center will be the largest in the world.

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The NestPod is a comfortable, four-bed tiny home on wheels

This versatile small dwelling can be customized as a mobile office, guesthouse or "living wagon."

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Solros delivers sunlight in a cable from dish to table

A new way to deliver natural light to rooms without windows.

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Create a cozy escape (and save on heating) with a grown-up blanket fort

Everything you need to know about building a proper blanket fort.

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Why you should sleep in a cool bedroom

Turn down the thermostat, crack a window, and ditch the blankets for some science-backed health benefits.

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7 tactics for staying warm in a cool house

Do the green thing and resist reaching for the thermostat.

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World's biggest tuna company promises to clean up its act

It's good news... but we shouldn't be eating tuna at all.

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A communal bar of soap will not make you sick

Science has shown over and over again that bar soap does not transmit infection. It is a powerful, plastic-free, and cheap disease-fighting tool.

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A Note to Mayor de Blasio: Don’t forget the environment as a cause of inequality

Environmental initiatives are integral to addressing the "tale of two cities" that Mayor de Blasio campaigned on.

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Photo: The knowing gaze of a clearwing moth

Our photo of the day comes from the rainforest of Ecuador.

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On Canada's Birthday, a call for a Union of Climate Action

Those crazy radicals at 475 demand High Performance Building across the Dominion.

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Government says every car in India could be electric by 2030

If this plan even halfway succeeds, oil companies will be in serious trouble.

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Recycle a Christmas Tree; Make a Stool

The big day is over and it's time to think about getting rid of the tree. If you've got a sturdy one and want a piece of furniture, here's an idea.

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Sierra Club and Aspiration launch new platform for sustainable investing

Putting your money to work for sustainability is probably one of the most important things you can do. It just got easier.

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Facebook launches live data center efficiency dashboard

You can now view the energy and water efficiency performance of the company's North Carolina and Oregon data centers in real-time.

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Facebook now lets you donate to charities with just a couple clicks

Non-profit organizations can now use the site to run fundraising campaigns and the simplicity could make a big impact.

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Pope Benedict quits; Was advocate of a cleaner, greener lifestyle

When Copenhagen failed in 2010, he denounced the failure.

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Why you should host a Christmas cookie exchange

It's the fastest (and most fun) way to fill your house with a variety of delicious baked goods.

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Hertz introduces "Cinema Cars" which are what we will all be driving in soon

Self-driving cars will likely be big autonomous mobile home theaters.

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First Iowa Cellulosic Ethanol Plant Gets $105m Loan Guarantee From DoE

If it seems like you've read a variation of the above headline before you're not wrong, and as much as anything it's a sign of the rock road cellulosic ethanol and biofuels in general have had in the past few years. The details: The Department of

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Tool libraries are making a comeback

Some are even containerized and self-service, and have a lot more than just tools.

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Why old-school cell phones are making a comeback

The smartphone market isn't slowing down any time soon, but many people are returning to simpler, older phone models for a host of reasons.

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How a cheap plywood temporary building became the inspiration for Google's new headquarters

It may well be more Jane Jacobs and Stewart Brand than it is Bjarke Ingells.

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Google to transform carcass of Alabama coal power plant into clean-powered datacenter

Using the bones of old-world infrastructure to build new-world infrastructure.

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Dying for a Cookie: Seemingly Harmless Foods That Aren't

Michael Pollan's first food rule is simple: Eat Food, which he considers to be a different thing than what he calls edible foodlike substances, or "highly processed concoctions designed by food scientists, consisting mostly of ingredients derived from

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Energy Star Moving Beyond Data Servers, Certifying Entire Data Centers

"For the US in 2006, online data centres accounted for 1.5 percent of the entire country's electricity use - equating to more than the entire state of Massachusetts. " View the chart up close...Really interesting facts/stats! Image via GDS Digital via

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Save a Cyclist...Stop Distracted Driving

I can't stop thinking about Natasha Pettigrew. She was 30 years old, a Green Party candidate for Senator in Maryland, and killed this month in the early morning hours by being struck from behind by a woman in an SUV. The driver did not stop, dragged