
Evaluation of a Clinical Dehydration Scale in Children Requiring Intravenous Rehydration

Evaluating dehydration severity is a challenging task. Clinical dehydration scores that combine multiple clinical findings are promising. One clinical dehydration scale score has been developed and subsequently evaluated; however, few participants in the derivation and validation studies were significantly dehydrated.

In children requiring intravenous rehydration, the dehydration scale displayed moderate reliability and weak associations with objective measures. Thus, although the scale can assist in assessing dehydration, it should not be used in isolation to dictate interventions (eg, intravenous rehydration, hospitalization). (Read the full article)


Oral Dimenhydrinate Versus Placebo in Children With Gastroenteritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Dimenhydrinate, an antihistaminic agent, is a widely used drug in Canada and Europe. It limits stimulation of the vomiting center via the vestibular system. Multiple studies have shown its effectiveness in the treatment of vertigo and postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Dimenhydrinate, when given orally, did not significantly decrease the frequency of vomiting in children with acute gastroenteritis compared with placebo. The reported adverse effect proportions were similar for the dimenhydrinate and placebo groups. (Read the full article)


A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Tourette's Disorder

Omega-3 fatty acids (O3FA) are commonly used as complementary treatments in pediatric psychiatric disorders, including Tourette’s disorder (TD), and are well known to have anti-inflammatory properties. However, no studies to date have examined the effects of O3FA on pediatric TD.

This is the first double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of O3FA in pediatric TD. The results indicate that O3FA supplementation may be beneficial in the reduction of tic-related impairment for some children and adolescents with TD, but not tics per se. (Read the full article)


Trends in Candida Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections Among NICUs, 1999-2009

Emphasis on preventing central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) in US health care facilities and prophylactic antifungal medication use in neonates may impact incidence of Candida spp. CLABSIs. However, data on trends in incidence of neonatal Candida spp. CLABSIs are lacking.

Data from a large sample of US NICUs was analyzed to assess trends in incidence over time. This analysis provides a description of the epidemiology of Candida spp. CLABSIs in a national health care-associated infections surveillance system. (Read the full article)


Vitamin B6 Vitamer Concentrations in Cerebrospinal Fluid Differ Between Preterm and Term Newborn Infants

There is no literature on the concentrations of vitamin B6 vitamers in cerebrospinal fluid of preterm and term newborn infants. This knowledge, however, is highly important, because vitamin B6 plays a pivotal role in brain development and functioning.

In cerebrospinal fluid of newborn infants, B6 vitamer concentrations are strongly dependent on postmenstrual age, indicating that vitamin B6 homeostasis in brain differs between preterm and term newborns. This has implications for the evaluation of epilepsy and vitamin B6 deficiency. (Read the full article)


Two-Year Follow-Up of an Adolescent Behavioral Weight Control Intervention

Comprehensive lifestyle interventions for adolescent weight management, including diet, physical activity, and behavioral intervention, have been found to demonstrate modest, short-term success. However, very little is known about the long-term effectiveness of adolescent behavioral weight management trials.

This randomized controlled trial demonstrates that two 16-week group-based behavioral weight loss programs, when combined with either aerobic exercise or peer-based adventure therapy, produced sustained improvements in BMI among overweight/obese adolescents through 24 months. (Read the full article)


Vaccine-Type Human Papillomavirus and Evidence of Herd Protection After Vaccine Introduction

Clinical trials have demonstrated that prophylactic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines are highly effective in preventing HPV infection, but the impact of vaccination on HPV prevalence rates in real-world, community settings is uncertain.

This study provides evidence of a substantial decrease in the prevalence of vaccine-type HPV among young women and evidence of herd protection in a community only 4 years after the quadrivalent HPV vaccine was licensed. (Read the full article)


Montelukast for Children With Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

Children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are usually treated by surgical removal of their upper airway lymphadenoid tissue. Recently, medications were offered to patients with nonsevere OSA. Montelukast, for this indication, had never been studied in a randomized controlled manner.

Montelukast effectively reduced polysomnographic findings, symptoms, and the size of the adenoidal tissue in children with nonsevere OSA. The findings support the potential of a leukotriene modifier as a novel, safe, noninvasive alternative for children with mild to moderate OSA. (Read the full article)


Effect of Honey on Nocturnal Cough and Sleep Quality: A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study

Honey is recommended as a cough medication by the World Health Organization. To date, the efficacy of this treatment has been shown in 2 studies: one tested only buckwheat honey and the other study was not blinded.

In a randomized controlled trial, we compared 3 types of honey versus placebo as a treatment of upper respiratory tract infection–associated cough. These types of honey were superior to placebo in alleviating cough. (Read the full article)


Randomized Controlled Trial of an Immunization Recall Intervention for Adolescents

Immunization recall systems have been found effective in increasing immunization rates in younger children and adults; however, there have been only a few studies in adolescents and they have produced mixed results.

In this randomized controlled trial, immunization rates were significantly higher 4 weeks after a recall intervention in which both the adolescent’s parents and the adolescent were contacted, but this effect did not persist 1 year after the intervention. (Read the full article)


Postnatal Fish Oil Supplementation in High-Risk Infants to Prevent Allergy: Randomized Controlled Trial

Declining dietary omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids has been associated with rising allergy prevalence and fish oil is therefore of interest in allergy prevention. Supplementation during pregnancy, but not after the age of 6 months, has achieved some allergy reductions.

We assessed the effect of fish oil supplementation from birth to 6 months, which has not been investigated previously. Our results, together with previous findings, will likely help define a "window of opportunity" for allergy intervention using fish oil supplements. (Read the full article)


Efficacy of Family-Based Weight Control Program for Preschool Children in Primary Care

Overweight children are at risk for becoming obese adults, especially if they have an obese parent. Family-based behavioral interventions, largely implemented in specialized settings, have shown efficacy in weight control in youth aged ≥8 years.

This study demonstrates the efficacy of a family-based behavioral weight control program translated to be implemented in the primary care setting. The work underscores the importance of pediatricians intervening early and shifting their focus from the child to the family. (Read the full article)


Growth and Fat-Free Mass Gain in Preterm Infants After Discharge: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Postnatal growth restriction of preterm infants is a universal problem. Early "catch-up growth" has been associated with development of metabolic syndrome. In addition, preterm infants appear to be at major risk for developing increased adiposity and insulin resistance.

The consumption of a nutrient-enriched formula after hospital discharge may be beneficial in adequate for gestational age infants both in terms of head circumference growth and fat-free mass gain. (Read the full article)


Office-Based Randomized Controlled Trial to Reduce Screen Time in Preschool Children

Interventions to reduce screen time in preschool-aged children are promising.

A screen time intervention in 3-year-old children implemented in the primary care setting did not reduce screen time or BMI. (Read the full article)


A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial of Massage Therapy on the Immune System of Preterm Infants

Stressful events adversely affect the immune system, particularly the natural killer (NK) cells. Infants in the NICUs are exposed to stressful stimuli. The effect of massage therapy on the immune system of preterm infants has not been investigated.

This randomized placebo-controlled study found daily massage performed in stable preterm infants for a minimum of 5 days was associated with an increase in NK cell cytotoxicity despite lower absolute NK cell numbers compared with controls. (Read the full article)


Timing of the Introduction of Complementary Foods in Infancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial

In a previous randomized trial, infants from a low-resource country exclusively breastfed for 6 months had lower iron stores at 6 months compared with breastfeeding infants receiving solid foods. Randomized trials of exclusive breastfeeding in high-income countries are lacking.

In a high-income country, infants who receive complementary foods in addition to breast milk from 4 months of age had higher iron stores at 6 months compared with those exclusively breastfed for 6 months. (Read the full article)


Neurodevelopmental Burden at Age 5 Years in Patients With Univentricular Heart

With increasing survival rates, there is growing interest in long-term quality of life among patients with univentricular heart defects, and neurodevelopmental deficits play a major role in adverse outcome.

Although median cognitive performance was within normal limits, major neurodevelopmental impairment was found in one-fourth, and minor neurologic dysfunction in almost half of patients. Brain MRI showed mostly ischemic findings of different degrees in the majority of patients. (Read the full article)


Health Care Provider and Caregiver Preferences Regarding Nasogastric and Intravenous Rehydration

Some children with gastroenteritis fail to respond to oral rehydration. Subsequent interventions are dictated by regional preference. In North America, nasogastric rehydration is rarely administered. Caregiver and health care providers’ perspectives regarding its use have not been described previously.

Both caregivers and health care providers would select intravenous rehydration instead of nasogastric rehydration when oral rehydration fails. Greater knowledge mobilization efforts will be required for nasogastric rehydration to be adopted into clinical practice. (Read the full article)


The Effect of an Osmotic Contrast Agent on Complete Meconium Evacuation in Preterm Infants

Delayed meconium passage impairs gastrointestinal function in premature infants. No intervention has been identified that accelerates meconium passage sufficiently. Gastrografin is an osmotic contrast agent used for radiologic examination of the bowel or for conservative treatment of uncomplicated meconium ileus.

Gastrografin did not accelerate complete meconium evacuation but stimulated gastrointestinal motility in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial in premature infants. Application shortened the time to full enteral feedings and hospital stay but was associated with necrotizing enterocolitis as a possible adverse event. (Read the full article)


Trends and Socioeconomic Correlates of Adolescent Physical Fighting in 30 Countries

Adolescent physical fighting is an important public health concern with known social origins. However, existing international studies of adolescent fighting provide little evidence about its prevalence, trends over time, or possible socioeconomic determinants.

We studied frequent physical fighting among 494 874 adolescents in 30 countries over an 8-year period. Physical fighting declined in most countries. National measures of absolute wealth but not socioeconomic inequalities related to risk of frequent physical fighting. (Read the full article)


Near-Infrared Imaging in Intravenous Cannulation in Children: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial

Gaining intravenous access in children can be difficult. Recently, several near-infrared devices have been introduced attempting to support intravenous cannulation by visualizing veins underneath skin. Only one of those devices has been evaluated systemically thus far and results are inconclusive.

Although it was possible to visualize veins with near-infrared in most patients, the VascuLuminator did not improve the success of cannulation. An explanation is that the main problem is probably not localization of the vein but insertion of the cannula. (Read the full article)


Growth of Extremely Preterm Survivors From Birth to 18 Years of Age Compared With Term Controls

Children born at very low birth weights have significant catch-up weight gain but differences in height remain. Their BMI, however, tends not to be higher than expected. Data are lacking regarding representative cohorts, defined by gestation and compared with contemporaneous controls.

In a geographic cohort of extremely preterm participants followed until age 18, compared with term controls, weight differences diminish over time, and height differences persist. BMI at age 18 is similar. Height at age 2 is a better predictor of final height than midparental height. (Read the full article)


Surfactant Administration via Thin Catheter During Spontaneous Breathing: Randomized Controlled Trial

A policy of intubation, mechanical ventilation, and surfactant administration is commonly used for the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome worldwide; however subsequent development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia remains as risk with this standard approach.

Noninvasive surfactant administration technique during spontaneous breathing (Take Care) along with nasal continuous positive airway pressure support successfully reduces the need for further respiratory support and bronchopulmonary dysplasia rate in very low birth weight infants. (Read the full article)


Modifying Media Content for Preschool Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Children have been shown to imitate behaviors they see on screen.

Modifying what children watch can improve their observed behavior. (Read the full article)


Time and Risk Preferences and the Use of Asthma Controller Medication

College students with asthma tend to have worse health outcomes than their peers without asthma. Consistent use of controller medication could improve outcomes for these students, but a predictive model of appropriate use of controller medication is needed.

This study adds risk tolerance and time preference to previously studied factors of nonadherence with control medication. These preferences have substantial impacts on use of controller medication and the potential success of asthma education programs. (Read the full article)


Heliox Therapy in Bronchiolitis: Phase III Multicenter Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial

Bronchiolitis, a leading cause of infant hospitalization, has few proven treatments. A few small studies have reported the beneficial effects of a mixture of 21% oxygen + 79% helium (Heliox). The 2010 Cochrane Review concluded that additional large randomized controlled trials were needed to determine the therapeutic role of Heliox in bronchiolitis.

The Bronchiolitis Randomized Controlled Trial Emergency-Assisted Therapy with Heliox—An Evaluation (BREATHE) trial is the largest multicenter randomized controlled trial to date to investigate the efficacy of Heliox in acute bronchiolitis. The delivery method for Heliox therapy was found to be crucial to its efficacy. (Read the full article)


Prevalence and Reasons for Introducing Infants Early to Solid Foods: Variations by Milk Feeding Type

Adherence to infant feeding recommendations in the United States is low. The prevalence of early introduction of solid foods (<4 months of age) in the United States has been estimated to range from 19% to 29%.

Mothers’ most commonly cited reasons for early solid food introduction include perception of readiness, hunger, wanting to feed something in addition to breast milk or formula, perception of interest in solids, advice from a clinician, and to improve infant’s sleep. (Read the full article)


Sexual Initiation, Contraceptive Use, and Pregnancy Among Young Adolescents

Among adolescents younger than 15, 18% have had sex and 16 000 pregnancies occur annually; among those aged 15 to 17, 30% have had sex and 252 000 get pregnant. Information on the youngest adolescents has not been previously published.

Sexual activity and pregnancy are rare among 10-, 11-, and 12-year-olds, and sex is more likely to be nonconsensual. This arguably represents a different public health issue than sex among older teens, who have a greater need for contraception. (Read the full article)


Timing of Solid Food Introduction and Obesity: Hong Kong's "Children of 1997" Birth Cohort

Some Western studies show early introduction of solid food is associated with subsequent obesity. However, introduction of solid food and obesity share social patterning, making these observations vulnerable to residual confounding.

In a non-Western developed setting, there was no clear association of the early introduction of solid food with childhood obesity. Studies in populations with a different confounding structure may be valuable in clarifying and reconciling potentially confounded epidemiologic associations. (Read the full article)


A Cough Algorithm for Chronic Cough in Children: A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Study

Parents of children with chronic cough have poor quality of life and often seek multiple consultations. There are few randomized controlled trials on the management of cough or on the efficacy of management algorithms outside of inpatient settings.

In a multicenter, trial, we found that the management of children with chronic cough, in accordance with a standardized algorithm, improves clinical outcomes. Earlier application of the algorithm leads to earlier cough resolution and improved parental quality of life. (Read the full article)


Obesity in Men With Childhood ADHD: A 33-Year Controlled, Prospective, Follow-up Study

Cross-sectional studies in children and adults have reported a significant positive association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obesity.

This controlled, prospective, follow-up study of boys with ADHD found significantly higher BMI and obesity rates in adulthood, compared with men without childhood ADHD, regardless of socioeconomic status and other lifetime mental disorders. (Read the full article)


Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Infants Younger Than 90 Days Before and After Introduction of PCV7

Introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine was associated with decreased invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) in children. Few data exist on the impact in infants aged 1 to 90 days, who are too young to be fully immunized.

The incidence and proportion of IPD in Utah infants aged 1–90 days remained stable after vaccine introduction. IPD caused by PCV7 serotypes decreased significantly in the post-vaccine period. Serotype 7F emerged as the predominant serotype and commonly resulted in meningitis. (Read the full article)


Risk Factors for Urolithiasis in Gastrostomy Tube Fed Children: A Case-Control Study

Patients who are fed via gastrostomy tube represent a heterogeneous, complex group of patients who may be at increased risk for kidney stones. To date, no previous studies have examined risk factors for kidney stone development in this population.

This case-control study of risk factors for urolithiasis in patients fed via gastrostomy suggests that topiramate use, urinary infections, and shorter length of time with a gastrostomy tube (possibly a marker for dehydration) are all associated with stone development. (Read the full article)


A Randomized, Masked, Placebo-Controlled Study of Darbepoetin Alfa in Preterm Infants

Preterm infants in the NICU receive the greatest number of transfusions of any patient population. The administration of the long-acting erythropoiesis stimulating agent (ESA) darbepoetin to reduce or eliminate transfusions in preterm infants has not been evaluated.

Infants receiving ESAs received half the number of transfusions and were exposed to approximately half the donors compared with the placebo group. More than half of the ESA recipients (59% darbepoetin recipients, 52% erythropoietin recipients) remained untransfused during their hospitalization. (Read the full article)


Implementation of a Parental Tobacco Control Intervention in Pediatric Practice

Young adult smokers frequently encounter the health care system as parents coming in for their child’s medical visit. Child health care clinicians, however, do not typically provide smoking cessation assistance to parents.

This national cluster-randomized trial demonstrates that a tobacco dependence intervention for parents can be effectively implemented in routine pediatric outpatient practice. (Read the full article)


Randomized Controlled Trial of a Car Safety Seat Insert to Reduce Hypoxia in Term Infants

Brief periods of low oxygen saturation are common in infants while restrained in car safety seats. There is some evidence that an insert that allows the infant head to rest in a neutral position in sleep may reduce hypoxic episodes.

This randomized controlled study shows that the insert reduced numbers of obstructive apneas and the severity of desaturation events but did not significantly reduce the overall rate of moderate desaturations. (Read the full article)


Patterns of Retinal Hemorrhage Associated With Increased Intracranial Pressure in Children

Retinal hemorrhage (RH) is an important sign of pediatric abusive head trauma. Raised intracranial pressure (ICP) is sometimes proposed as an alternate cause of RH in children being evaluated for possible child abuse.

Nontraumatic, markedly elevated ICP rarely causes RH in children. When it does, RH are superficial intraretinal and located adjacent to a swollen optic nerve head. This pattern does not match the widespread pattern seen in abusive head trauma. (Read the full article)


Mask Versus Nasal Tube for Stabilization of Preterm Infants at Birth: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Effective ventilation is fundamental to successful resuscitation of newborns, but face mask leak and airway obstruction are common during manual positive-pressure ventilation in the delivery room, which may compromise resuscitation.

Compared with a soft, round silicone face mask, using a nasal tube to provide respiratory support in the delivery room does not reduce the rate of intubation but may be a suitable alternative with equivocal efficacy. (Read the full article)


Two-Year Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Premature Infants

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is associated with increased long-term neurodevelopmental and respiratory morbidity. Inhaled nitric oxide given to reduce morbidity in very preterm infants does not reduce the prevalence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and has uncertain effects on long-term outcome.

Inhaled nitric oxide (5 ppm) given early in the course of respiratory illness in infants born before 29 weeks of gestation is not associated with changes in developmental or respiratory outcomes at 2 years of age corrected for prematurity. (Read the full article)


Unexpected Relationship Between Tympanometry and Mortality in Children With Nontraumatic Coma

Tympanometry provides a measure of middle ear function. There has been no description of the relationship between measurements of middle ear function in the absence of gross anatomic defects and clinical outcome among children with acute nontraumatic coma.

This study reveals an unexpected association between abnormal middle ear function and death in childhood acute coma. These findings call for more investigations on the relationship between middle and inner ear anatomy and function and intracranial dynamics and clinical outcomes. (Read the full article)


Use of a Computerized Decision Aid for ADHD Diagnosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Despite the existence of authoritative guidelines to assist primary care physicians in identifying and managing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), ample evidence demonstrates that they continue to diagnose and treat this disorder suboptimally.

The introduction of a clinical decision support module resulted in higher quality of care with respect to ADHD diagnosis including a prospect for higher quality of ADHD management in children. (Read the full article)


Screening Strategies for Hip Dysplasia: Long-term Outcome of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Only 2 randomized controlled trials have addressed effects of ultrasound screening for developmental hip dysplasia. Both concluded that adding universal or selective ultrasound to routine clinical examination gave a nonsignificant reduction in rates of late presenting cases, but higher treatment rates.

This maturity review assesses long-term outcome of one of these trials. Rates of radiographic findings indicating acetabular dysplasia and degenerative change were similar across the 3 screening groups in young adulthood. Increased treatment rates were not associated with avascular necrosis. (Read the full article)


Prevention of Traumatic Stress in Mothers With Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Parents of premature infants are susceptible to developing trauma symptoms related to their NICU experience. There are no current well-established interventions that simultaneously address both parental trauma as well as redefinition of the parenting experience.

A brief, cost-effective, and feasible manualized intervention for NICU parents was effective in reducing both parental trauma and depression. Implementation of this intervention in the NICU setting has the potential to improve maternal well-being and infant outcomes. (Read the full article)


Antepartum and Intrapartum Factors Preceding Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy

Etiology and timing of onset of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy continue to be controversial. Previous studies suggest antepartum events are the main contributing factors, but have used a broad definition of encephalopathy and included infants with genetic, congenital, and developmental abnormalities.

Our study suggests that when strict criteria defining hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy are applied with supporting neuroimaging evidence of an acute hypoxic-ischemic insult, intrapartum events are the final and necessary pathway leading to this condition. (Read the full article)


Vitamin D3 Supplementation and Childhood Diarrhea: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Hypovitaminosis D is common among children. Although there is prolific biochemical literature linking vitamin D to enteric immunologic function, there is a paucity of prospective data exploring the role of supplementation in prevention of diarrheal illnesses.

In a high-risk population, quarterly supplementation with 100 000 IU of vitamin D3 did not reduce the risk for first or recurrent diarrheal illnesses in a population of children aged 1 to 29 months in a low-income inner city setting. (Read the full article)


Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Pediatric Functional Abdominal Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Pediatric functional abdominal pain is common and costly. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a promising treatment for these complaints, but solid evidence for its effectiveness is lacking.

This randomized controlled trial shows that CBT reduces abdominal pain in 60% of children 1 year after treatment. Six sessions of CBT delivered by trained master’s students in psychology were equally effective as 6 visits to an experienced pediatrician. (Read the full article)


Neonatal ECMO Study of Temperature (NEST): A Randomized Controlled Trial

Although providing improved survival for infants with very severe cardiorespiratory problems, the use of neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation has high rates of disability in survivors. Mild hypothermia has been shown to limit brain injury in a range of patient groups, including newborns.

Infants who received extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and mild hypothermia did not show an improved neurodevelopmental outcome, and nonsignificant trends in the data suggested a small adverse effect. Use of hypothermia in other potential patient groups should be thoroughly tested. (Read the full article)


Probiotic Effects on Late-onset Sepsis in Very Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Late-onset sepsis is a frequent complication of prematurity, contributing to morbidity and mortality. Although evidence is accumulating that administration of probiotics to very preterm infants reduces necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and all-cause mortality, the effect on late-onset sepsis is less clear.

The probiotic combination Bifidobacterium infantis, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Bifidobacterium lactis reduced NEC in very preterm infants, but not mortality or late-onset sepsis. Probiotics may be of greatest global value in neonatal settings with high rates of NEC. (Read the full article)


Introduction of Complementary Foods and the Relationship to Food Allergy

Breast milk is protective against many conditions, but its role in allergy has not been established. Infant-feeding recommendations support exclusive breastfeeding for 26 weeks, whereas allergy prevention recommendations advise exclusive breastfeeding for 4 to 6 months with continued breastfeeding thereafter.

Evidence that continued breastfeeding while solids are introduced into the diet and delaying the introduction of solids until at least 17 weeks of age are associated with fewer food allergies. (Read the full article)


Intravenous Magnesium Sulfate for Vaso-occlusive Episodes in Sickle Cell Disease

Vaso-occlusive episodes (VOEs) are a common complication of sickle cell disease, resulting in morbidity. Magnesium is a vasodilator and has been shown to improve red blood cell hydration. Previous small studies have suggested that treatment with magnesium may decrease VOEs.

Intravenous magnesium sulfate is well tolerated in relatively high doses but had no effect on the length of stay in hospital, pain scores, or cumulative analgesia used in children admitted with painful VOEs in sickle cell disease. (Read the full article)